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November 07, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-07

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See Wage 4

YI e

Latest Deadline in the State





Europe Fears
U.S. Foreign
Policy Shift
Election Results
Stir Comments
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 6-European reac-
tion to the American election result
centered tonight on the fear that it
would , sharpen differences between
the United States and Russia.
On the continent most editorial
comment on the Republican sweep
was concerned with its effect on in-
ternational politics, but in Britain
the press fretted over what the land-
slide might mean in terms of tariffs
and economics. Two British evening
papers called the election "a swing
to the right" and a "triumph of re-
In general, most commentators
agreed the American trend was in
the opposite direction from that in
European countries, many of which
have swung to the left in recent
post-war elections.
In the four-power capital of Ber-
lin, diplomatic sources expressed the
belief 'that Russia would find the
Republican victory another evidence
that the United States was evenless
likely to compromise than before.
"The election sharpens the differ-
ences that already have become ap-
parent in recent months between the
East and West," said one diplomat in
the German capital who preferred
to remain anonymous. "It will not
make the coming peace conference
on Germany any easier."
Dispatches from Moscow, where
Soviet commentators often have
spoken sharply against Senator Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg, Michigan Re-
publican who may now have a lead-
ing role in influencing American
foreign policy, said the Russians were
not greatly surprised by the election
returns. The one or two recent com-
ments printed in the Russian press
before the election had indicated the
possibilities of a Republican victory.
Annual Press
Club Meeting
Starts Today
Editors Will Discuss
Journalistic Trends
Over 300 editors and publishers
from daily and weekly newspapers
throughout the state will meet here
today to begin the twenty-ninth an-
nual convention of the University
Press Club of Michigan.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will welcome the newspapermen to-
day at 4:30 p.m. at an informal tea
in his home.
"The Future of the University" is
the subject of President Ruthven's
address to the group after a dinner
in the League. Shirley W. Smith,
University vice-president emeritus,
will act as toastmaster.
Louis B. Seltzer, editor of the Cleve-
land Press, will speak on "Where Are
We Going in American Journalism?"
Friday at 9:30 a.m., in the Rackham
Following this address Prof. James
K. Pollock, political science depart-
ment and former Civilian Advisor in
Germany to Lieutenant-General Lu-
cius D. Clary, will lead a discussion
of "Occupation Problems in Ger-

Conrad N. Church, Pontiac Presi-
dent of the club, will preside when
news handling of Heiren's con-
pacification of the world will come to
fession in the Heirens Case is dis-
cussed by Stanley Armstrong and
Mims Thomason of Chicago. Arm-
strong is day city editor of The Chi-
cago Tribune and a University grad-
uate. Thomason is central division
manager of The United Press in Chi-
Prof. John B. Waite of the Law
School will deal with the legal as-
pects of the ways in which the press
handled the Heirens Case.
"Atom Bomb Limits an dDefenses"
is the topic of Howard Blakeslee, sci-
ence editor of The Associated Press.
A discussion will follow this led by
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the Grad-
uate School, who was technical direc-
tor for the Bikini atom bomb tests.
Labor Stoppage Hits
Free Press Again

GOP Victory Upholds
Washtenaw Tradition
Previous Records for Off-Year Voting Broken
As More Than 30,000 Ballots Are Cast
The onl-y important election in which Washtenaw County ever has
deviated from its traditional Republican balloting was in 1864 when Abra-
ham Lincoln was running for re-election as president.
Tuesday's election upheld the tradition
All Republican candidates were swept into office by heavy majorities
in a record off-year balloting for the county. Almost 30,300 ballots were cast
as voters crowded the polls until 11 p.m. Tuesday. The previous record for
a non-presidential election in the county totalled 17,250 votes in 1942.
The non-partisan race for circuit judge was the only close contest.
- Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,





As Republicans Sweep Congress;

Reece Dewe


GOP Victory

... will speak today1
Louis Lochner
To Talk on War
Trials Tonight
The third Oratorical Association
lecture of the 1945-46 season will be
given at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
torium by Louis P. Lochner, foreign
Lochner, Who will be introduced
by Prof. Everett Brown of the politi-
cal science department, will speak on;
"The Nuremberg Trial." He has just
returned from Germany, where he re-
ported on conditions after the sur-
render, and also covered the trials at
For 15 years chief of the Berlin
Bureau of the Associated Press, Loch-
ner was the last American corres-
pondent to leave Germany in 1942
and the first to return. In the years
before the war, some of his major
assignments were the Pilsudski coup
in Poland in 1926, the Olympic
Games, and diplomatic, conferences
in London, Geneva, Paris and Rome.
Lochner accompanied Hitler on his
visit to Mussolini in 1938, and was the
first correspondent to be allowed to
follow the German army into Poland
in 1939, Holland, Belgium and France
the next year, and Yugoslavia and
Greece in 1941.,
World News
=WASHINGTON, Nov. 6- (') -
President Truman decisively settled
an intra-governmental squabble to-
day by announcing that the United
States will place former Japanese
islands under United Nations trus-
teeships which this country will ad-
* * *
LONDON, Nov. 6 - P) - The
leader of Russia's Parliament ac-
cused the United States and Bri-
tain today of "organized obstruc-
tion" to the Soviet program, and
told a cheering Moscow meeting
that Russian peace aims would
prevail despite "atom blackmail-
* * *
NEW YORK, Nov. 6-M)-Both
Yugoslavia and Italy today attacked
a proposed Big Four -settlement of
the deadlocked East-West dispute
over strategic Trieste. Represen-
tatives of the two involved countries
told a session of the Council of For-
eign Ministers that proposed controls
for the new international territory
would be dictatorial and undemo-
STUTTGART, Nov. 6-(P)-Two
of Germany's top cabinet officials
in the American zone, the denazi-

Jr., defeated Municipal Judge Jay
H. Payne by 3,500 votes after a see-
saw battle in which the lead
changed hands three times after
Judge Payne took an early lead
with a 534 vote majority in Ann
Arbor. Judge Breakey overcame
this lead by carrying 32 of the
county's 44 precincts. Final re-
sults gave Judge Breakey 15,993
votes to 12,504 for Judge Payne.
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg and
Rep. Earl C. Michener won easily in
the only two federal contests. Sen.
Vandenberg polled 24,137 votes to
6,022 for Democratic nominee James
H. Lee in the race for U. S. senator
while Rep. Michener received 21,495
and William R. Kelley got 8,325 in
the Congressional balloting.
The GOP won handily in the
election of state officials as Kim
Sigler tallied 18,439 votes to de-
feat Murray D. Van Wagoner who
received 7,063.
Despite the passage of all three
state constitutional amendments in
the state balloting, Washtenaw dis-
approved of the sales tax amendment
and the soldiers' bonus proposal while
approving the airport aid amend-
ment. County returns gave the sales
tax proposal 11,637 Yes votes and
15,116 No votes. The soldiers' bonus
amendment was downed by a vote of
12,578 to 13,732. The airport aid
proposal carried with 16,813 to 9,044.
Ann Arbor's city charter amend-
ment granting a pension plan to
city employes was approved by a
wide margin, 6,862 to 2,342.
The Republican slate for county
offices won with overwhelming leads.
Douglas K. Reading won his first
term as prosecuting attorney while
Sheriff John Osborn, County Clerk
Luella Smith, Treasurer Clyde D.
Fleming and Register of Deeds Allan
Seymour were victorious in their bids
for re-election.
FEPC Petition
Drive Launched
With Motorcade
Ann Arbor was flooded with pam-
phlets and leaflets yesterday as the
local petition campaign for state
legislation swung into action.
At 1:30 p.m. a motorcade assem-
bled before the Union doorstep, in-
dividual cars decorated with red
and yellow balloons on which were
painted "FEPC" and "All Men Are
Created Equal." Banners were also
flown from the roofs of thecars as
the motorcade circled the campus
and moved into the downtown dis-
trict of Ann Arbor.
The FEPC Coordinating Commit-
tee is now at work collecting the
names and address of all1registered
voters in Washtenaw County in an
effort to reach every eligible person
for his signature on the petitions to
establish a Fair Employment Prac-
tices Commission in the state of
The Committee, comprising AVC,
MYDA, IRA and the Lawyers Guild
is working in conjunction with the
FEPO Council of Ann Arbor which
is supported by the Independent Citi-
zens Committee of Arts, Sciences and
Professions and the League of Wo-
men Voters.
Volunteers are needed to complete
the distribution of literature, An-
tonotsky said. Anyone interested is
asked to come to Rm. 306 of the
Union this afternoon.

Leaders Ask
Party To Face
Wallace, Vandenberg
Give Varied Reactions
By The Asociated Press
Republican National Chairman
Carroll Reece asserted today that the
outcome of the election constituted
"more than a party victory," and
Democratic National Committee
Chairman Robert E. Hannegan said
that "the Republican party is faced
with a great responsibility."
In a statement released at Repub-
lican headquarters, Reece hailed Re-
publican gains as a "definite man-
date by the American people."
Henry A. Wallace, former vice
president and secretary of commerce
who campaigned widely for Demo-
cratic candidates, said in Washing-
ton "the Democratic party will ei-
ther become more progressive or it
will die" and added "I do not ex-
pect it to die "
Gov. Dewey
Gov. Thomas E Dewey, whose near
700,000-vote plurality in New York
pushed him to the fore inN1948 Re-
publican presidential speculation,
keynoted GOP statements with a call
to "put aside partisanship and re-
solve to work together."
Statements from other Republican
leaders regarded as possibilities in
the 1948 presidential scramble in-
Sen. Taft
Sen. Robert A. "Taft of Ohio-un-
der Republican leadership we can sit
down calmly and work out the con-
structive measures necessary for
peace, for full employment under
private enterprise and for social wel-
fare, while leaving the people free to
run their own affairs."
Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, reelected
to the Senate from Michigan by a
one-sided marginr-"Republicans
confront a great responsibility, but
I feel confident we are prepared to
meet it." Vandenberg also viewed the
returns as an "unmistakable en-
dorsement" of the bi-partisan for-
eign policy.
The CIO Political Action Commit-
tee, which spearheaded the fight for
Democratic congressional candidates
in many districts, declared its ac-
tivity would be intensified and ex-
panded. Jack Kroll, PAC director.
said "there will be no halt in our
work. There will be no retrenchment.
We will go on fighting for Franklin
D. Roosevelt's program."
Sprig Won't
Be The Same'
The coeds at Betsy Barbour wil
no longer be coming out of the
Much to the distress of its inhabi-
tants, Betsy Barbour House was
shorn yesterday of the hawthorn and
lilac bushes which lined its State St.
entrance walk. The girls, however
are more disgruntled over the need
for revising one of their favorite
house songs, which makes reference
to the shrubs, than at the prospect
of a "lilacless" spring.
Rumors circulating through the
dormtory had it that the "workers
started to prune the trees and just
forgot to stop!" Better-founded was
the housemother's explanation that
it was merely part of a Building and
Grounds program, for improving the
exterior of Betsy Barbour.

REPUBLICAN LEADER-Governor 'Thomas E. Dewey of New York,
shown above voting with his wife, stepped to the front as a possible
Presidential candidate in 1948 after being reelected by the largest mar-
gin ever polled by a GOP gubernatorial candidate.
Book Theft Increase Reported
By U' Library Director Rice

Chicago Sun,
Fulbright Ask
For Resignation
Political Jack-Pot Hit
By GOP After 15 Years
By The Associated Press
A revived GOP snatched control of
Congress from the Democrats yester-
day and suggestions arose immedi-
ately that President Truman resign
to solidify the nation's leadership
within a single party.
Back in Washington after voting
in Missouri, Pres. Truman had
nothing to say on that or on the
damage the Democrats suffered.
Republicans elected at least 23
senators, 246 representatives and 20
governors. That gave them three
more than a majority in the Sen-
ate, ' 28 beyond a majority in the
House, and a man in 25 of the 48
Senator J. William Fulbright of
Arkansas, a Democratic holdover,
suggested that the Chief Executive
appoint a Republican 'Secretary of
State and let him accede to the
Presidency. He said it would be
"the wisest thing" for the President
to do and "the best thing for the
country," since "only one party
should control the government."
The Chicago Sun urged editorially
that Pres. Truman step down. It said
this would be a "patriotic and cour-
ageous step." The Sun, which sup-
ported the Roosevelt-Truman ticket
in 1944 and Democratic candidates
generally in 1946, recently has criti-
cized the Truman administration. It
said that with Republicans running
Congress and Pres. Truman in the
White House, "our foreign policy will
be vacillating and our part in the
pacification of the world will come to
a stalemate."
Republican National Chairman
Carroll Reece said in a statement
that whether Pres. Truman resigns
or stays on "is a matter between
the President and his conscience."
'If this off-year election means as
much as those of the past, the Re-
publicans would take over the White
House anyway in 1948,
Republicans hit the political jack-
Pot for the first time in 15 years.
With their winnings, they prom-
ised to cut individual income taxes
20 per cent in 1947, lop perhaps
$10,000,000,000 of f government
spending, balance the budget, re-
voke the Presidential war powers
and undertake a number of investi-
Millions of people, obviously fed
up with conts ols, strikes and short-
iges, gave them an irresistible "yes"
to their "had enough?" campaign
logan. A landslide votethat toppled
D)mocratic strong men from Massa-
!husetts to California and even
runched into the edge of the still
Solid South."
This is what it means:
The widest possible split between
the White House and Congress.
A Democratic President remains
in office. But Republicans will be
See GOP, Page 6

The theft of books from University
libraries has become a matter of great
concern, director Warner G. Rice de-
clared yesterday.
Prof. Rice attributed this rise to
the heavy demands which many
classes place on books available in
limited numbers only through the li-
brary. This situation has apparently
orompted individuals to deprive all
other students of the badly needed
books merely for the sake of personal
convenience, he said.
Primary Concern
Neither the cost of the losses nor
"he possible punishment of guilty per-
sons is of primary concern to the li-
brary, Prof. Rice stated. Instead, he
cointed out, the theft of scarce books,
many of which are irreplaceable, is
working such a severe hardship on
Leaching programs that further theft
must be prevented.
Thefts, which have been attributed
to no single group of students, have
)een limited to locations where books
are kept on open shelves. Disappear-
ances have been noted especially in
the General Library's basement study
ball, in the main reading room and in
the graduate reading rooms. It may
become necessary, Prof. Rice said, to
"charge" books ouc in such locations
as is done in the study halls.
Constant Demand
Missing books, which are in con-
stant demand, include such works as
Van Wyck Brooks' "The Flowering of
New England," Brebner's "Explorers
of North America," Nathon's "The
Nazi Economic System," Curti's "The
Growth of American Thought" and
a Smithsonian Institute War Back-
ground Study, "People of India."
In spite of the fact that some of the
missing books may eventually be re-

placed, library policy provides that
only 'rush" volumes may be reor-
dered as soon as the loss is discov-
ered. In addition, costs of essential
changes in library catalogs andrec-
ords, of "searchers," and similar ex-
penses often amount to more than
the value of the book itself.
Party Slates
Are Approved
By Legislature
A motion to strike party designa-
tions from the Student Legislature
ballots on the grouncis that the part-
ies have inadvertantly been drawn
up on fraternity-independent line;,
was voted down last night by the
In a special session called after
the adjournment of the regular
meeting to insure a majority vote of
Nominees for Student Legisla
ture positions will begin campaign
speeches at 7:50 a.m. today over
station WPAG.
all members, the Legislature decided
that it would not withdraw permis-
sion for party slates.
Discussion centered around the
question of party versus independent
voting. Those favoring the motion
declared that the ballots, as now
drawn up, would facilitate "blind
4oting" between affiliated and non-
affiliated students. Members against
the proposal countered that the
'large number of candidates (74)
makes parties necessary for adequate
There are two parties running for
the election. The All-Campus Party,
running on an "action slate" is
largely composed of independents.
The University Committee, drawn up
Tuesday in opposition to the other
party's platform, is predominantly
made up of members of Greek letter
After the Legislature's action on
the propsal, Tom Walsh, head of the
All-Campus party, asked for per-
mission to conduct a rally Monday.
Permission was granted on the con-
ditions that the rally be Legislature-
sponsored and that all candidates
be permitted to speak. This was a
waiver of the election rule that no


Harmony-Truman Should Resign Now


Szell To Conduct
Concert Sunday
Cleveland Orchestra Is
Third in Music Series
The Cleveland Orchestra will pre-
sent the third concert in the Choral
Union series at 7 p.m. Sunday in Hill
The performance will mark the
Orchestra's first appearance here
under its new conductor, George
Szell. Szell, the fourth conductor to
lead the Orchestra in its 29 year
history, began his musical career in
He was chief conductor of the
Berlin State Opera and of the Sym-
phony Orchestra of the Berlin
Broadcasting Company until 1929,
when he became General Musical
Director of the German Opera House

"A plan whereby President Tru-
man would resign and turn the re-
mainder of his term over to the Re-
publicans" was suggested yesterday
by Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of the
political science department.
"If this were done," Prof. Kallen-

of both houses of
day's election.

Congress in Tues-

He pointed out that the rejection
of the Democrats in the national
government is 'the result of a long
accumulation of resentment and
dissatisfaction dating back prior to
the war."

fixed in Congress for what that body
does or does not do.
Prof. John W. Lederle, also of
the political science department,
pointed out that, on the basis of in-
complete returns, it was significant
to note that the Democratic party
lost many of its "liberal" members
such as Emily Taft Douglas (Dem.,

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