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November 02, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-02

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In a Convenient Arena

]PERE IS a great and subtle danger wrapped
up in the current sessions of the General
Assembly; and that is that these sittings give
us the feeling that world diplomacy is at work
to produce world peace, when, as a matter of
fact, world diplomacy is not at work. To whom
did Molotov address himself in his Wednesday
speech? To the government of the United States?
To the other delegates? Hardly. It was a speech
addressed to the ear of the world, and it might
just as well have been delivered from Moscow.
It happens that all the delegates of the Unit-
ed Nations are in the same place, a hall in
Flushing, but they are not together, in the sense
that diplomats are together when they meet in
a room to bargain. The General Assembly is
not a meeting place, in the latter sense, but only
a convenient arena for a struggle which might
be carried on almost as well by press and radio.
This kind of organized contention is no
substitute for diplomacy, whether it takes
place at the Conference of Paris, or at the
General Assembly. Almost it might have been
better if the sittings of the General Assembly
had been postponed for a year or two, for
during that period, the world public, refusing
to accept a vacuum, would have demanded
that the heads of the great powers use diplom-
acy to compromise their differences and solve
their problems. The General Assembly is be-
ing used, by statesmen who have not found
the answers to our problems, as a kind of
"busy work," to show that their hands are
not idle. But their hands are idle, for little
or no actual work is going forward in the field
of making peace.
This substitutive function which has been
imposed on the General Assembly is dangerous,
and highly derogatory to the dignity and use-
fulness of the United Nations. What the Gen-
eral Assembly needs to make it come alive is
a meeting of Messrs. Truman, Atlee and Stalin.
In the absence of that, the General Assembly
becomes merely a speeded-up version of our by
now customary international struggling, the
chief differences being that all the nations use

the same rostrum, and that the speeches follow
each other by minutes, instead of by weeks or
For the General Assembly is doomed, like a
mirror, to reflect the state of the world, what-
ever it is. If there is agreement, the Assembly
will become a place for exhibiting that agree-
ment, and for refining and improving on it;
while if there is disagreement, the Assembly
merely becomes a place for exhibiting that dis-
agreement, perhaps -for exacerbating it. The
Assembly cannot rise above its sources, so to
speak. We shall always be able to tell what the
state of the world is by watching the General
Assembly, but the General Assembly cannot
change the basic state of the world.
To believe otherwise is to become the vic-
tim of what might be called a parliamentary
illusion, one to which Americans are especially'
subject, because we are so used to doing work
by parliamentary methods. But the Assembly
with its instructed, messenger-type delega-,
tions, and limited powers, is not a parliament;
and, even if it were, the world is not yet ready
to trust its fate to the semi-automatic par-
liamentary process. There are pretenses with-.
in pretenses involved here; one, that the As-
sembly can do the job, which it can't; and
second, that the people of this planet are
ready to accept as valid any result reached
by a certain legalistic methodology, which
they aren't.
The Assembly is an organ which holds the
highest promise for the future, but it has not
yet found itself, or created its style of work,
or settled on its customs, high or low. To thrust
upon it an overloading task only threatens to
capsize it. As we see the world irritations focus-
ing in one white-hot, dangerously glowing spot
in Flushing, we must realize that while the As-
sembly cannot make the peace, a failure to make
the peace may destroy the Assembly. We are
entitled to turn to our leaders and ask that they
make the peace, and save the Assembly, and
the other world dreams of only a year ago.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Alaska-A 49th State?

y MAJORITY vote the people of Alaska have
shown their desire to take their place along-
side these forty-eight United States. A glance
at the economic suppression thrust upon this
territory shows their hope for equality to be
an idle dream for some time to come.
Alaska struggles under the dual burden
of absentee ownership of resources and long-
range control of government. Together they '
have kept in primitive conditions one of the
richest lands on earth.
Present ownership of 98 per cent of the land
by the Federal Government makes it virtually
impossible for the homesteader to acquire out-
right access to the fertile coastal areas, and
greatly discourages risk-taking by American cap-
ital. This fact alone has done much to restrict
the development of coal resources estimated to
exceed the original deposits of the entire State
of Pennsylvania.
Alaska's multi-milion dollar salmon fishing
industry shows almost complete exploitation
by non-resident American interests. Federal
licenses to operate the salmon fish traps have
been given to, the extent of only 8 per cent
to Alaskan residents. Control of this vital in-
dustry rests wiht 'the AFL and CIO fishermen's
unions and the west-coast packers. The re-
moval of this source of income has been so
complete that all labor is recruited from Pa-

cific ports in this country, and wages are not
paid until their return to the United States.
The inflated prices charged on commodities
bought in Alaska can be traced in part to the
world's highest freight rates imposed there by
the government-operated railroad. The ton-mile
rate is eight times that in the United States,
and prevents the shipment outside of the terri-
tory's natural wealth. Efforts to halve the ex-
herbitant shipping costs by the use of the Cana-
dian port, Prince Rupert, resulted in the Jones
Act which specifies the exclusive use of Ameri-
can coastal facilities.
The real ruler of Alaska is the Secretary of
the Interior, whose department administrates
Alaskan affairs. Under its former secretary,
Harold Ickes, the present restrictions were rig-
idly enforced. A new measure of hope has come
from present Secretary Krug's promise to give
Alaska increased self-government, to free 18
million acres to Alaskans, and to give even-
tual statehood.
So far Alaska has been considered a colonial
empire to be looted rather than a sovereign part
of the American union. Secretary Krug's pro-
gram warrents - and must have - complete
public support if Alaska is to take its rightful
place beside 'the forty-eight'.
-Ken Herring

Alsop Columnists'
A STIMULATING, though pessimistic, view of
Sovit FoeignMinister Molotov's recent
speech was taken yesterday by Joseph and Stew-
art Alsop, New York Herald Tribune columnists.
Terming the Molotov speech "a culminating
episode in new Soviet policy," the Alsop brothers
claim to see in it evidence of a desire on the
part of the Soviet government to de-emphasize
expansion, militarism and international turmoil.
Two main aspects of the Soviet foreign
policy are brought forth by these writers.
They say, first, that "American firmness a-
broad and Soviet weakness at home have
caused the Russian leaders to limit, for the
present, their expansion plans." .
The Soviet leaders, according to the Alsops,
hope to take advantage of a resulting lull in
international turmoil by inducing this country
to dismantle its national defense in a mood of
"deluded optimism." The Alsops assert that
Byrnes's policy of "patience and firmness" will
then become meaningless in the future. To
achieve these ends, the Soviet leaders, according
to the two writers, began a campaign several
months ago, through the organs of the Com-
munist party, charging domination of American
and British foreign policy by the militaristic
general staffs" and attacking "militaristic" de-
fense expenditures, concentrating on the Lillien-
thal-Oppenheimer plan for control of atomic
That the Soviet Union has distorted the
facts in its purpose to regain military strength,
is next decried by the columnists. They point
out that in his recent reply to Hugh Baillie's
questionnaire, Stalin "admitted to the presence
of sixty Soviet 'rifle and armored' divisions in
Eastern Europe excluding Romania, which was
for some odd reason omitted from the list." The
Alsops wish to remind their readers that "in
Romania alone, there were at least 300,000 So-
viet troops by the most recent count, or a num-
ber equal to the whole, rapidly diminishing
American force in all Europe."
The Alsops find the organization, training
and equipping of powerful armies in most of
the Soviet Union's satellite states as "sur-
prising doings for pacifists." They point out
that the Yugoslav force alone is estimated at
600,000 men, and that in Albania the Soviets
"have also set up a secret base on the Island
of Saseon, maintaining there, in violation
of all agreements among the Allies, a purely
Soviet force."
Although noting that the Soviets view peace
as only temporary, the Alsop brothers regard
the Molotov speech as a "generally encouraging
symptom." They conclude that "if American
nerves remain steady and American policy does
not weaken, there is now hope that it may
eventually become possible to go to work on a
real world settlement."
For another view on the same situation, see
Samuel Grafton's column elsewhere on this page.
-Natalie Bagrow
No Cooperation
LAST WEEK a "representative student com-
mittee" of the Student Legislature refused
to consider the suggestion that students be asked
to participate actively in the University drive
for the Ann Arbor Community Chest on the
grounds that the campus "has been more than
saturated recently by charity drives."
It is true that many students' families will
be contributing to the Chest drives in their own
home towns; however, the needy are in want
in Ann Arbor as well as in every community.
Everyone realizes that the veterans have to live
on the government's allotted shoestring; still,
there are those in this town even more unfor-
tunately situated financially than the student-
veteran. The purpose of this drive was not to
high-pressure the student out of his life savings
or send his family to the poorhouse.
The campus has hardly been "saturated"
with charity drives so far this semester. The
Assembly Dance, scheduled for next weekend,
will not only benefit the young boys at the
Fresh Air Camp, but will afford the student-
contributors enjoyment for 'their money as

By the use of pledge cards, members of a
University Community Chest Drive committee
have personally asked all University employes
to give to the local Chest. As a' result of this
voluntary and organized effort, $17,000 has been
donated to the University Drive by maids, cooks
and janitors, as well as deans, professors and
Still, University donations total only 80%
of the expected quota. Students cannot be
blamed for this failure since no direct cam-
paign has been conducted to solicit their aid.
If every student were to give as little as $20c
to the Red Feather Drive, the $4,000 short
of the goal could be made up.
Evidently students of the Law School did not
consider that a donation to the University cam-
paign would make an irreplaceable dent in their
pocketbooks. Their Student Council, voluntarily
and without outside pressure, voted to give 100%
to the drive. Every law student contributed to
the group donation.
The University Community Chest Committee
has decided to extend the drive, which was to
have ended Oct. 30, to Thursday. Even though
the Legislature banned an organized drive, it
is not too late for students to help make the
drive successful. Those students who wish to
do so can contribute at Rm. 204, South Wing,
University Hall.
-Jerry James

Off the Subject
To the Editor:
SENATOR PEPPER did manage to
to speak a few brief moments on
the announced subject of FEPC. Yet
he did so only after he was handed a
note telling him not to speak on par-
tisan matters. Upon receiving this
note of correction he seemed a bit
surprised that he was stopped to talk
on the matter of FEPC. So in true
political generalities the senator
said little besides the fact that he
voted for the bill when it was before
the Senate. No more was said on the
subject for the senator departed from
such fields.
Now my objection is not in regard
to the policies of Senator Pepper
but to the irresponsibility of the AVC
organization which sponsored such
a meeting under th banners of non-
partisan. To me this is a case of
hypocrisy or double talk on the part
of AVC. So to insure the AVC's con-
tinual growth in vets affairs it better
make sure who it sponsors the next
time under the banners of non-parti-
-A. D. McGregor
A Long Time...
To the Editor:
HOW long must we wait? It was
over a year ago that the Fact was
thrust upon us at Hiroshima, and we
are no nearer a way out now than we
were then. A year ago there was hope
that the peoples of the world would
forget their petty quarrels in the
face of the awful threat, but now we
are becoming resigned to an inter-
national bickering that can only end
in destruction.
International control of atomic
energy has been stymied in the Unit-
ed Nations-Russia is standing pat
on her position, and so is the United
States. The game of power politics
is an old one-one that has been
played before so often with such dis-
astrous results that we must know

'etbriCO e 6ILO

instinctly that it leads only to war.
Yet after a year of deferred action,
our leaders tell us that our safety
lies in keeping stronger than our op-
ponents and in scrambling for every
advantage that we can gain.
The idea of forming a world gov-
ernment has been aired to some ex-
tent during the past year, and has
been rejected by those in power for
no other reason than to call it "vision-
ary." Can this be any more visionary
than to hope that the same methods
that have failed so often in the past
will work this time? Can we afford
to pin our hopes of our continued
exiistence onanything less than an
idealistic scheme?
If we do not obtain a world-wide
form of living in the next few years.
we are lost. We had better face this
idea now, than at a time when it will
be too late to save ourselves. If we
can see this now, and act upon it,
we may have some chance of success.
but if we wait and do nothing for a
few more years we will.be forced to
retire in utter despair.
--David B. Wehmeyer
Is He Kidding? .
To the Editor:
I would like to know just who this
E. E. Ellis thinks he is kidding? Does
he think that the American people
are so blind that they can't see what
Russia is doing?
It has always been .an easy way
out to talk high principles, and at
the same time to be doing just
the opposite, as Russia has been
doing all along. This we can prove
by her actions in the Balkans. Or
maybe Mr. Ellis didn't hear Mr.
Markham's speech on -"The Truth
About the Balkans?"
He says that the "war mongers of
our country . . . are the men who
fear the truth; they, want no frank
discussion of it if it means hurting
special interests." When Mr. Elllis is
speaking of "our" country, does he

mean the country he. is living in, the
U. S., or does he mean the country
he is most loyal to, Russia? It is nice
to read words, Mr. Ellis, but why not
read between the lines and see the
real facts?
-John I. Quimby
Union for Students? . ..
To The Editor:
IS THE Union run for students or
the benefit of the managers ap-
pointed by the Board of Governors?
Who, in turn, appoints this board?
Where does the profit go? There
must be. a profit with all the five dol-
lar sums from tuition, and seventy
cent meals and those two-twenty
prices for the cheapest rooms! In
short, just what is the economic
status of the "Student (?)" Union?
I realize that the Union, espe-
cially the cafeteria, and Union
desk, tolerates the students, but
the condescending air which ac-
companies this toleration on the
part of the managers is, to say the
least, quite disturbing.
The importance of the Union to
all of us, undergraduates and gradu-
ates, cannot be overestimated. Why
not really make it a Union for the
students and run by the students who
need not get the permission of a Mr.
Kuenzel before putting legislation
into effect? I would at least like to
know how it is being run without
being told "sh-h-h, sonny, the powers
that be may not like to hear ques-
tioning of their actions."
The Union manager seems to use
his prerogative to our disadvantage.
I call upon all Michigan students
;o join me in protest in order to bring
about an investigation of the entire
situation existing in the Union. I am
curious to see if the people who told
me they didn't bother to vote because
the Student Legislature was just a
rubber stamp were right. I hope
--Tomn Caley


War Admiral

Sired by War Admiral
N0 ONE LAUGHED when we told this one
at dinner the other day, but we still like
it. It seems that our favorite philosophy pro-
fessor was introducing Bertrand Russell to
a class this week. Russell, he said, was al-
most named Gallahad, was a very ugly child,
and was born at 5:45 p.m. on a clear day.
Continuing with a straight face he ex-
plained, you'll appreciate this more when you'-
have children. If you tell someone about a
new child, and you don't give its weight,
height, and the hour it was born, it's not
worth a cent.
He went on to point out that Russell's
first book was on German social democracy.
* * * *
Our Own Lunatic Fringe
TE FOLLOWING, which undoubtedly scut-
tled up the stairs in the ragged claws of a
Gargoyle worker, is undoubtedly a satire of some
"To the Editor:
"I quote from The Daily, Oct. 29. 'Men will
not be required to dress in formal attire, and
out of town women guests will be permitted to
wear short dresses.' I wonder if assembly board
or the Daily would send someone over to help
me pick out a necktie for the occasion. Or
Round and Round
0NE OF the shops out beyond the Engine
I Arch (a region we hesitate to frequent) has
done its bit to make the Science Age diffi-

could I have a copy of 'Knotty Points on Dres-
sing for Semi-Formal Dances.'
"On what basis is such information printed,
or for that matter, even thought about. On
whose authority are such thin line rules made?
This is a University, not a grade school. This is
a democracy, not a totalitarian state.
"Let's give our people a chance to freely use
their discretion. We've studied long to get it,
and fought hard for the right to use it."
The letter was signed with the name of one
of those who recently had a letter on this page,
but we doubt that he wrote it.
We've got a freshman looking for our copy
of "Knotty Points" this minute.
Shoot If You Must*...
A perennial problem on football week-ends
to Ann Arbor citizens is the host of game-goers
who cut across their well-kept front lawns. One
pert little old home-owner found an answer to
the problem last Saturday. The crowd herded
obediently past her house on the sidewalk.
Dressed in rubbers and raincape, she inflex-
ibly played a stream of water from a hose square
across her front yard.
Contributions to this column .are by all members
of The Daily staff, and are the responsibility of
the editorial director.

(Continued from Page 2)
Science and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after today by students oth-
er than freshmen will be recorded
with the grade of "E".
Baccaloni and "Messiah" tickets:
Tickets for the second extra concert
to be given by Salvatore Baccaloni,
Thurs., Dec. 5, as well as tickets for
the "Messiah" performances (Sat-
urday evening, Dec. 14, and Sunday
afternoon, Dec. 15) are on sale at
the offices of the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower. A
limited number of tickets for several
of the individual concerts in the
Choral Union Series are also avail-
Girls' Cooperative Houses: There
will be five openings in girls' cooper-
ative houses next term. Anyone in-
terested should call Freda Perez, 5974.
West Lodge:
Sun., Nov. 3, 6:45 p. m., Official
Football Pictures, Michigan vs. Illi-
University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pan-
ofsky, Professor of history of art in
the Institute of Advanced Studies,
Princeton, N.J., will lecture on Wed.,
Nov. 6, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham
Amphitheatre under the auspices of
the Department of Fine Arts. His
subject will be "Et in Arcadia Ego."
The public is cordially invited.
The Mayo Lecture: Dr. John M.
Waugh of the Mayo Clinic will give
the annual Mayo Lecture Nov. 13, in
the main amphitheater of University
Hospital at 8:00 p.m. His subject
is "Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid
with Special Reference to Resection
with -Preservation of the Sphinc-
ters." Medical students, faculty, and
anyone interested may attend.
Academic Notices
English 31, Section 10. This section
will not meet today. The Blue Book
will be given on Tuesday.
Mathematics 300: The Orientation
seminar will meet Mon., Nov .4, at
7:00 p.m. in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall.
Another Paradox on the Decompo-
sition of a Sphere will be presented.
Mathematics Seminar on Dynam-
ical Systems will meet Mon., Nov. 4,
at 3:00 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Prof.

Human Heredity: Museum.
da. Through November, 8:00
5:00 p.m. week days; 2:00
p.m. Sundays.

Events Today
Students, faculty, and members of
the Michigan Academy of Science
are cordially invited to the educa-
tional portion of the Convention of
the Michigan Junior' Academy of
of Science, at 2:00 p.m. today, Nat-
ural Science Auditorium. Technicol-
or movies and a liquid air demon-
stration will be presented. The busi-
ness meeting will convene at 1:00
p.m. for members.
Gilbert and Sullivan Rehearsal at
2:00 today at the League. It is in-
portant that all attend.- Music scores
will be distributed.
The Presbyterian Westminster
Guild will celebrate Halloween with
the Bat's Brawl at 8:00 this evening
in the social hall of the church. En-
tertainment will include square dan-
cing, magician show, and appropri-
ate games.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The buses going to the Inter-Varsity
fall conference at Waldenwoods at
1:00 p.m. today will leave from the
east side of Hill Auditorium instead
of from Lane Hall as was previously
Student Seligious Association: Sat-
urday Luncheon-Discussion will be
held at 12:15 in Lane Hall. Reser-
vations may be made by calling 4121
Ext. 2148 before 10:00 today.
Coming Events
Science Research Club: The No-
vember meeting of the Science Re-
search Club will be held on Tues.,
Nox. 5, in the Amphitheatre of the
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies at 7:30 p.m. Program:
'Antithyroid Drugs," William H. Bei-
erwaltes, Department of Medicine;
'Recent Developments in Soil Me-
chanics," W. S. Housel, Department
of Civil Engineering. Election of new
The Graduate Education Club will
hold its first regular meeting of the

Salvatore Baccaloni, Basso Buffo
of the Metropolitan Opera Associa-
tion, will present the second extra
concert program at 8:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Dec. 5, in Hill Auditorium. Tickets
may be procured at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.

Kaplan will speak on "The Founda- Barbara A. Hermann. All members
tions of Mechanics." and former members are invited.

a.m. to
to 5:00

The Acolytes will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Mon., Nov. 4, in the W. Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg., to elect of-
ficers. Prof. Stevenson will discuss
"Aesthetic Interpretation." All in-
terested are cordially invited.
All Vulcans now on campus will
meet at 6:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 3,in
the Vulcan Room of the Union.
The Sociedad Hispanica invites
you to a coke hour for informal
Spanish conversation on Mon., Nov.
4, in the League Grill Room at 3:30,
(4:00 if you have a class).
Delta Sigma Phi will meet at 7:30
p.m., Mon., Nov. 4, at the Union. All
alumni are invited to attend.
Chi Omega: Any new alumnae in
town should contact Mrs. Wallace
Seiler (ph. 5119) before the first
meeting at 8:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 6,
at the chapter house.
Insight Reading Group will meet
at 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 4, in Lane
AYH Bike Hike: The American
Youth Hostels will leave from Lane
Hall Sunday morning at 10:30 for
a bike hike to the Ann Arbor Hostel
and other points.Bring your own
lunches. For reservations call Ellen
Stringer, 2-2218.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Stafff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz........ .......Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker ...............Sports Editor
Des Howarth. .Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ........Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk................Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as .second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.

I don't want you to get a wrong impression.
I'm happy for your father's success. In his
recent tiff with the School Board- But for
mannrt I eshe the limelinht. Preferrina


Gosh, Mr. O'Malley! Did you WISH
for Pop's success? Did you wave
your magic cigar ...? Is that why
Pon's name is in the newnaer?

Er- In an absent-minded moment, m'boy,
I may have made a small arc. Like this.
But don't breathe a word to him. Let him
go on believing that he fought the good

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