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October 31, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-31

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Latest Deadline in the State





Ford Local Will
File Strike Notice
Chrysler Officials Conferring with
UAW-CIO on Proposed Wage Boost
By Th'Ie Associated Pres
DETROIT, Oct. 30-(/P))-Ford local 600, representing 70,000 CIO United
Auto Workers at the Ford Rouge plant, announced late Wednesday that it
would file a 30-day strike notice against the company, while at the same
time other UAW leaders conferred with Chrysler Corporation officials on
proposed wage boosts.
Simultaneously, top officials of General Motors Corporation in a re-
port to stockholders said that if new wage demands (on GM) bring another

U.S .Backs ussia on Disarmament;

round of price interruptions with in-'
creased wages and prices "the diffi
culty of readjusting thetpresent un
balanced condition of the economy
would be magnified"
Urge Removal of Controls
Alfred P Sloan, Jr.' chairman and
Charles E. Wilson, president, of GM,
joined in urging prompt removal of
"all wages, price and other controls
that retard production."
Announcement of the proposed
strike action against Ford culminated
a long dispute over working condi-
tions in the company's open hearth
department at the Rouge Plant.
Union claims that the conditions
were unhealthy have been denied by
company spokesmen.
UAW spokesmen emphasized that
the Rouge Plant was the only one in-
volved in the possible strike. Com-
pany officials declined comment on
the projected strike which was ap-
proved by the membership and exec-
utive board of Local 600.
Strike Notice To Be Filed
A spokesman for the local said the
strike notice would be filed with the
National Labor Relations Board "late
this week or early next week." He said
it first had to receive approval of the
UAW's international executive board,
but added this would be just a for-
The Chrysler negotiations are to be
resumed Saturday after a four hour
session Friday. Neither company nor
union sources made any comment re-
garding the exact terms of the UAW's
demands for a second postwar wage
Controls Taken
Off Hides, Skins,
Shoes, Leather
4 WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 - (P) -
Price ceilings came off shoes, hides,
skins and leather tonight, and the
order requiing production of certain
minimum amounts of essential cot-
ton textile goods was revoked.
The two actions, taken in swift
succession late in the day, put the
government back on the decontrol
track which it had left temporarily
earlier in the day with an order ex-
tending rent controls to additional
areas with a population of 3,500,000.
OPA explained that move by saying
that the housing shortage is growing
"more acute."
Removal of ceilings from hides
and their products was ordered by
John R. Steelman, reconversion di-
rector, and OPA quickly made it ef-
fective at 12:01 a.m., October 31.
OPA officials predicted that shoe
prices may rise 20 to 30 per cent.
Others, however, said the rise might
be only temporary.
The removal of the requirement for
production of specified textiles was
done by the Civilian Production Ad-
ministration, by revocation of its
loom freeze order, effective Nov. 1.
CPA said that production of the
goods regarded as essential in indus-
try and agriculture, and for apparel,
would be assured by a five per cent
incentive price increase which OPA
will grant on these goods.

Voted Down
The presidents of all women's
houses yesterday voted down the
week-day late permission propo-
"Over-crowded conditions" was
the reason given for the action.
The proposal was turned down
even by the Association of House
Presidents, originators of the
plan. "After further considera-
tion," Audrey Weston, Assembly
vice-president in charge of dormi-
tories, said last night, "we de-
cided that the plan was unfeas-
ible at this time."
The proposal, as drawn up by
the dormitory officers, would have
given senior women 11:30 permis-
sion during the week and on Sun-
days. Juniors would have received
one 11:30 permission a week.
The Daily larned Tuesday
that League lioge mothers were
seriously obpsed to the proposal.
Decline in rie
Forces Closing
Of Cotton Marts
Federal Action Asked
To Stabilize Big Crop
NEW YORK, Oct. 30-(P)-Plum-
meting cotton prices today forced a
sudden and unexpected 24 hour clos-
ing of the nation's major cotton ex-
changes and raised cries for quick
federal action to stabilize the mar-
ket in the South's biggest crop.
Out of a hurried round of confer-
ences in Washington came answering
reports that officials were consider-
ing suggestions that ranged from de-
controlling cotton textile prices to
large government purchases of raw
From the South, simultaneously,
came a flurry of protests against ex-
cessive speculation. One authority
placed the blame for the market col-
lapse directly on speculation by
"farmers, merchants, doctors, and
everybody else in the South."
The boards of managers of the
New York, New Orleans and Chicago
exchanges finally announced late to-
day, after consultations over the pos-
sible effect, that they would reopen
for business tomorrow.
US Protests Anglo-
Argentiie Treaty
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 - () --
The United States has objected to
Britain over sections of the British-
Argentine economic agreement
which, in the view of officials here,
appear to violate promises Britain
made in obtaining a $3,750,000,000
American loan.
The objections have already been
expressed orally, officials said, and
Secretary of the Treasury John W.
Snyder plans to follow up with a let-
ter to London asking for an explana-
tion of one of the financial provisions
in the accord.

Krug 3
Officials Shy
Any Specific
Reported Willing
To Talk on Wages
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct.e30-W)-Sec-
retary of Interior J. A. Krug and Coal
Mines Administrator N. H. Collisson
will listen to any demands John L.
Lewis may present Friday, including
higher pay for 400,000 soft coal min-
ers, Capt. Collisson said tonight.
But the naval officer and Krug,
who is in California and unable to
return for the start of the all-im-
portant coal negotiations Friday,
were not making any specific com-
mitment in advance to reopen the
Krug-Lewis contract which ended
the strike last spring,
Will Hear All Grievances
"We will listen to anything Mr.
Lewis has to say," Capt. Collisson
told a reporter. "We have an agree-
ment to meet Mr. Lewis. If there is
anything he doesn't like, any griev-
ances the miners have or any injus-
tices they feel exist, we will be glad
to listen to them. Further than that
we can not go in advance of the ne-
gotiations themselves."
Despite an industry warning that
fresh concessions to Lewis may pro-
long government control of the
mines, a high official told a reporter
the administration is willing to talk
wages and other working terms when
UMW representatives meet Friday
with the coal mines administration.
Legal Question on Contract
Lewis had demanded reopening of
the contract, under an implied
threat of a pre-election strike. Krug
and Collisson have taken the posi-
tion that the existing contract must
stand for the duration of govern-
ment operation, but other officials
were reported bent on getting Krug
and Collisson to change their minds.
This is a legal question Attorney
General Tom Clark has been study-
ing. The Justice Department said he
had not yet presented an opinion
and the White House refused to
comment on a report that one had
been written overruling K'ug and
siding with Lewis.
But with present bituminous coal
supplies short, officials were striving
to avoid a walkout that would curb
next winter's fuel supply.
Slosson Hits
Party isolation
Advocates Voting by
Individuals' Records
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, speak-
ing at the West Court Community
Building in Willow Village last night,
emphasized the dangers of party
isolationism within the government.
The wisdom of voting by indi-
vidual records rather than following
a straight party ticket was advocat-
ed by Prof. Slosson as the best way
to prevent the creation of an iso-
lationist bloc within the govern-
"We must watch out lest isolation
emerge in some-new form. Only by
the ,utmost cooperation can a third
war be averted," Prof. Slosson de-
"Since differences run across party

lines, the way to vote wisely is to
select individual men on their rec-
ord," he said.

earA yier Demands
Warns UN This Nation
Will Not Disarm Alone
Senator Austin Demands Ample Safeguards
Against Violators; Hits Soviet 'Recriminations'
} By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 30-The United States supported to the fullest to-
night Russia's call for world-wide arms limitation but simultaneously served
Snotice on the world that this country would not repeat its old mistake of
v disarming alone.
It also insisted sharply on effective inspections and other safe-
guards against states which might try to arm secretly.
Loud applause rang through the hall of the United Nations Assembly
as Warren R. Austin, Vermont-born chief of the United States delegation
said with great emphasis that "after the last war we made the mistake
of disarming unilaterally. We shall not repeat that mistake."
Then, looking directly at Vyaches- - -

LONGSHOREMEN BACK TO WORK-Longshoremen ready a sling of
newsprint for shipment to Shanghai, China, on the steamship De-
fender at New York as return of ships' officers started movement of
more than 400 vessels strikebound for 28 days in New York harbor.
WCTU Head Says City Has
"TendenC To Be a Little Wet"

crusaders against the evils of al-
coholism in Ann Arbor don't get
much encouragement,b Mrs.Ella B.
Rea, president of the local WCTIJ,
reported yesterday,
The city has "a tendency to be
just a little wet," she declared.
Unlike some cities in Michigan
which "are on the march toward
Over 6,000
Are I oculated
In Three Days
Well over 6,000 students were in-
oculated during the first three days
of the influenza immunization pro-
gram, Dr. Margaret Bell announced
Today is the last day scheduled for
student inoculations, but, she
stressed, students who have been un-
able to report to Waterman Gymna-
sium at their scheduled times may be
vaccinated from 8 a.m. to noon and 1
to 6 p.m. tomorrow and from 8 a.m.
to noon on Saturday.
University faculty and personnel
will be inoculated during these hours
tomorrow and Saturday. Faculty
members may report at any time
convenient to them and personnel
will report according to schedules set
up in their individual offices.
Send-Off Rally Today
There will be a special student
pep rally at 4:45 p.m. today in
front of the Michigan Union. Bill
Courtright, president of the "I'
Club, urges all students to at-
tend in order to give the Wolver-
ine football squad a send-off on
their trip to Minnesota. For de-
tails see the Sports Page.

prohibition," Ann Arbor witl .its
18,000 student population, contin-
ues to turn a deaf ear to WCTU
Few city officials have espoused
the prohibitionist cause, according
to Mrs. Rea, and not even church
workers have given hearty support.
"But we're starting to wake them
up," she thinks, "and maybe in ano-
ther six months we'll be able to re-
port better success."
She bases her optimism on the
belief that people are beginning to
see the ill effects of excessive drink-
"People are getting disgusted at so
much drunkeness, crime and acci-
dents resulting from drink-even in
Ann Arbor," she said. Meanwhile, the
chapter will continue to, work for
'prevention rather thantcure' as the
best solution to alcoholism.
A VC 4,Opposes
State Vet Bonus
D~etroitVA Asked
To Rush Payments
The University chapter of the
American Veterans Committee last
night went on record as opposing the
proposed Michigan veterans' bonus,
at its regular meeting in the Union.
The chapter also wrote to the De-
troit office of the Veterans Admin-
istration asking that subsistence
payments for veterans be expedited.
Gladys Hammond was elected re-
cording secretary and George An-j
tonevsky was appointed chairman of
the new Legislative Action Commit-
Membership drive chairman Phil
Licht reported that the University
chapter has gained more than 100
new members since the beginning of
the present semester.

lav Molotov, Russian Foreign Minis-
ter, who sprang a proposal for world
arms limitation on the Assembly late
yesterday, Austin said slowly and
"The United States is prepared to
cooperate fully with all other
members of the United Nations on
disarmament. It advocates effec-
tive safeguards by way of inspec-
tion and other means to protect
complying states against the haz-
ards of violation and evasion."
Austin, deploring Molotov's "re-
criminations" against the United1
States and other UN members as a
"sad chapter in the peace organi-
zation's history" welcomed Russian
initiative in the arms move, saying
it was appropriate because of Rus-
sia's "mighty armies."
At the same time he declared the
United States' willingness to meet1
Russia's demands for information on
its troops in China and elsewhere. He
went one better to demand that Rus-
sia and all other countries disclose
the total strength of their armed
forces, both at home and abroad.
In a 6,500-word speech, the first
thousand words of which were re'
written after Molotov addressed
the assembly last night, Austin de-
clared that Molotov's speech indi-
cated "distrust and misunder-
standing" of American and other
United Nations motives, but that
Austin himself did not believe in
recriminations and hoped the
struggle for peace from now on
could be conducted without re-
Yugoslavia's Foreign Minister
Stanoje Simich in a long statement
accused the United States and Great
Britain of repeated violations of the
United Nations charter and said that
"certain circles" were attempting to
use the atomic bomb as "a means
for intimidating the world." He also
called for retention of the veto;
urged immediate approval of the
Russian disarmament proposals; de-
clared Generalissimo Francisco
Franco must be ousted from power
in Spain; and called for the return of
Yugoslav vessels held by the United
States on the Danube.
* * *
D iplomats Hail
Policy Speech
NEW YORK, Oct. 30-()-Many
of the world's diplomats, particularly
representatives of the small nations,
described Warren R. Austin's Ameri-
can policy speech to the United Na-
tions Assembly tonight as the best
expression toward world peace that
has been made in the new inter-
national forum.
Austin was applauded for declining
to lay stress on accusations made by
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molo-
tov against the United States yester-
Nasrullah Entezam, chief of the
Iranian delegation, declared that
Austin's speech "is one that the peo-
ple of the world have been waiting
for." Describing it as "tremendous,"
the Iranian said it was "definitely in
the interest of world peace and should
do much to put into proper perspec-
tive everything before us."
The only member of the Slavic
countries who could be reached for
quotation was Leo I. Medved of the
Soviet Ukraine who described the
speech as "good, good."
Thanassis Aghnides, Greek am-

Youngblood Is
Elected J-Hop
Committee Head
Sislin, Shockley, Ginger
Are Named to Board
Final election results last night
listed Dennis Youngblood as head of
the J-Hop committee and Paul Sislin,
John Shockley and Ray Ginger as
the three student members of the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
Because of the -close voting for
J-Hop committee chairmen the elec-
tion committee decided to certify ten
instead of eight members, Bob Tay-
lor, vice-president , of the Student
Legislature, said. The .other chair-
merf elected were Nancy Neumann,
Chuck Lewis, Nancy Holt, Camille
Ayo, Pat Chaffee, Art DerDerian,
Jane Quail, Preston Tisch and Sarah
The Student Legislature amend-
ment was approved by a vote of 2,230
'to 366. The amendment provides
that one legislator shall be elected
for every 800 students, plus one for
every vacancy that has occurred since
the preceding election.
Taylor said that approximately
2,950 -"large ballots" were cast. These
ballots, listing the proposed amend-
ment and the Board in Control of
Student Publications candidates,
were the only ones not limited to
voters from particular classes or
Campaign Libel,
Slander Banned
By Legislature
The Student Legislature last night
went on record against candidates
who use "libelous and slanderous"
campaign material in campus elec-
Acting on "irregularities" in the
campaign preceding Tuesday's elec-
tions, the Legislature decided that
candidates guilty of slander and libel
in the Legislature election Nov. 12
and 13 will be subject to disqualifi-
cation by the Judiciary Committee.
Discussion centered aroumd the
posters and published statements of
John Shockley, who campaigned for
the Board in Control of Student
Publications on a "Purge the Reds
from The Daily" platform.
Candidates who distribute cam-
paign material on the campus, de-
fined as the area bounded by N.
University, S. University, E. Univer-
sity and S. State streets will also be
subject to disqualification.
Campaign expenditures will be
subject to a five-dollar limit.
Arrangements have been made for
Legislature candidates to deliver cam-
paign speeches over WPAG from 7:30
to 8 a.m. Nov. 4 to 8, 11 and 12.
Petitions for Legislature member-
ship will be due Saturday. One hun-
dred and fifty signatures are re-
quired for each petition.
Gargoyle A cclaimed
By Local Cattlemes
Oivngth r~mnm ts irt.ha.t




Down Peace Plan
Union leaders rejected today a sec-
ond peace proposal in the strike of
1,400 pilots against Trans World
Airline as Jack Frye, company presi-
dent, said that "somehow pretty
soon we are going to make up our
minds to operate this airline."
Chairman Frank P. Douglass of
the National Mediation Board told
reporters he had proposed unsuc-
cessfully that the pilots, idle along
with 15,000 employes laid off with-
out pay since Oct. 21, return to work,
negotiate their differences for a
week, and then submit any un-
catlar nnit -r -ri- Q-n-


Eldersveld Unsure of GOP Majority in House

Although the Republicans are
"quite certain" that they will pick up
a few additional seats in the next
House of Representatives, Republican
dominance of this body is not at all
assured. according to Dr. Samuel J.

identify an international policy
with their party," he said.
In regard to the Senate, Dr. El-
dersveld stated, even the Republicans
admit that the possibility of gaining
nine additional seats in this year's
election is "remote."
"''T nro imnn,,.~,.'rnnt - 4I, ni-the- P xan

urban and rural voting trends is less
sharply defined than formerly. For
instance, in 1944 Michigan elected
a Republican governor for the first
time in a presidential election year
since 1928. An analysis of the urban
vote shows that of 43 major cities in
Thfiohi a-n 0n 9 p-P T)Prirn raf-r. in

been "no similar decrease in urban
Democratic strength" in national
According to a study made by Dr.
Eldersveld of urban and metropoli-
tan voting trends, in 13 large cities
throughout the country there has

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