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October 25, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-25

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Candidates' Statements

Sen. Pepper Supports FEPC
Enforced by Federal Courts

Six Union vice-presidents, one
each from the literary and engineer-
ing colleges, the dental, medical and
law schools, and from all other
schools, will be electedTuesday.
The six chosen will act as student
representatives on the Union Board
of Directors.
Qualification statements of the
candidates for these positions follow:
* * *
Literary College
Ken Bissell ..-.
I believe that the Union vice-presi-
dents should be men whose interest
lies in the Union, not in personal.
prestige and glory. I was a member
of the Union staff for three terms
and a senior staff member for two.
I have served on the Administration,
Social, Publicity, House and Orienta-
tion Committees of the Union Ekecu-
tive Council. The Union needs men
on its Board of Directors who are in-
formed, ,interested and willing to
work. The Board should not be a
Supper Club. Therefore I submit my
petition in the belief that I am quali-
fied to serve.
Thomas Heaton ,..
Having served as vice-president
from literary school on the Board of
Directors of the Michigan Union
once'before I feel that I am able to
understand the function and purpose
of the Board. Therefore I believe
that I am qualified to serve the men
of the Union in the Literary School.
Talbot Honey...
I feel I am qualified to be Union
vice-president because I am:.
1. Well acquainted with the func-
tions of the Michigan Union and of
the Union Student Offices.
2. Accustomed ' to responsibility
through experiences as an Army non-
commissioned officer and as a con-
tributor to collegiate affairs.
3. A member of various campus
groups, including the VO, the Un-
ion and the Varsity Glee Club.
4. Willing and ready to promote
the interests of Michigan students in
the Union.
William Lambert...
I, William Lambert, am anxious to
secure the position of Union vice-
Today and Saturday --
Zachary Scott Janis Paige
with Red Ryder

Union serve its members in all phases
of campus life even more. After hav-
ing been associated with The Daily,
J-Hop Committee, Inter-Fraternity
Council and Sphinx, I feel capable
of helping the Student Officers of
the Union make our Union the cen-
ter of activity.
Sam Massie ...
I am greatly familiar with the past
traditions of the Union and its pres-
ent importance. My integrity, con-
scientiousness and hard work have
been proven throughout comparable
offices and in the service. I am defi-
nitely representive of the average
student, consequently, the majority;
and feel they should be represented
in Union management.
Tom Walsh.
I believe that the students should
have an active voice in the governing
of the Union. For six months I have
urged the Student Legislature to in-
vestigate the financial, administra-
tive and organizational set-up of the
Union. If elected I will work to have
such a report made available to the
student body.
Kenneth Tapp, who is also a can-
didate from the literary college, did
not submit a statement.
* * *
Law School
Dick Ford*.. .
I feel that I am best qualified to
represent the student on the Union
Board, since I worked four years as
a waiter in the cafeteria, on the Ex-
ecutive Council and finally as presi-
dent. This experience gives me a
thorough knowledge of the organiza-
tion of the Union and how it can best
serve you.
Statements were not submitted by
Mickey Jacobson, James O'Conner
and John Olsen, candidates from the
law school.
Orville Barton ...
A senior of the, forestry and con-
servatioi school, graduate of the

University NROTC, member of AVC,
I believe in making the Union a bet-
ter place to carry on the Michigan
traditions and meet the increased
needs and demands of the returning
Donald MacKinnon ...
I feel that I am qualified to be a
vice-president of the Union by virtue
of my close association with mem-
bers of the Executive Council over a
three year period, during which time
I have been able to fully appreciate
their problems. I have been active
in campus activities (Vulcans, IFC,
etc.) and feel that I know and share
the students' dissatisfactions.
Normand Ruth, a candidate from
the combined schools, and Ross
Hume, medical school candidate, did
not submit statements.
* * *
Collegre i
Ralph Kenyon . .
Having held administrative posi-
tions in the service, I feel qualified
for the duties of Union vice-president.
With time in a college training pro-
gram this is my eighth semester in
the engineering college. I am inter-
ested in student activities and par-
ticipate in wrestling.
James Martin . .
I feel myself qualified to fulfill the
duties of vice-president of the Union
because'of my experience and famil-
iarity with the functionings of that
organization. I was affiliated with it
serving as chairman of the Campus
Student Executive Council two years,
Affairs and Publicity Committees.
This experience, coupled with service
as member of the Engineering Coun-
cil and four campus-wide dance com-
mittees, gives me, I feel, the round-
ed knowledge of campus affairs de-
manded for the successful fulfill-
ment of the office I seek.
George Spau*lding..
I feel qualified for this position
because of my knowledge of the
Union. I was employed there for

three years and I served on the Exec-
utive Council for three semesters. I
am well acquainted with the present
officers of the Union and since I am
president of the Engineering Coun-
cil, I feel I can represent the Engi-
neering School.
Donald Granger and Charles Ker-
ner, candidates from the engineering
college, did not submit statements.
Qualification statements of the
nominees for the chairmanships of
J-Hop, Frosh Frolic and Soph Prom
will be published tomorrow. Candi-
dates must turn in statements before
3 p.m. today in the Union Student

(Continued from Page 1)
stitutional rights of the individual,
including the anti-poll tax and anti-
lynching proposals as well as the
FEPC was advocated by Senator Pep-
per. He said that such legislation
would be brought before the next
Congress. He strongly favors en-
forcement by the courts but declared
afterwards that if it proved to be
the only alternative, he would sup-
port the commission plan.
The Senator pointed out that he
had voted for closure during the fili-
buster against the FEPC bill last
spring and would work to change
the Senate rules to outlaw filibuster-
ing. He also spoke in favor of the
Murray-Wagner-Dingell Bill, the
minimum wage law, and the federal
old age pension law which he has
supported in the Senate.
In discussing foreign policy, the
Senator declared that there are two
types of isolationism; the negative
kind which advocates staying at home
and the overzealous kind which he
called imperialism. He pointed out
that the policy of "going anywhere
we damned please" gave all other
nations the right to do the same



By Televi
First Bro4
Television, the devi
consider will revoluti
industry, was intro
people of Detroit W
troit's first television
owned by the Detroit
its inauguration with
continuous televising
The faces of man
ables, as well as the
a trick bear, and ot
flickered across teh
erected before sev
people in Conventi
across the screens o
thirty privately owne
The studios of s
located on the top fl
obscott Building, we
Detroit's first day o
large television cam(
in each of its two sn
into one also was sqt
tain of necessary c
isms. The floors wer
rubber extension co
the end of one room
draped to serve as a
Hold Your

ce which many
onize the radio
duced to the
Vednesday. De-
station, WWDT
t News, marked
eleven hours of
y Detroit not-.

Committee, explained the objectives
of that group. Ralph McPhee, editor
of the Washtenaw Post Tribune,
spoke, and Bob Slafi' of the campus
AVC chapter described the functions
and aims of the three student groups
which co-sponsored the rally.
* 4
State FEPC
Petition Drive
To Be Initiated
An intensive campus-wide petition
campaign for state FEPC legislation
will open Nov. 6, spokesmen for a
combined executive council repre-
senting AVC, IRA, MYDA and the
Lawyers Guild announced yester-
In addition to conducting the cam-
pus 'drive, the four student organi-
zations will work in close coopera-
tion with the Willow Village AVC
and the Independent Citizens Com-
mittee of the Arts, Sciences, and
Professions, headed by Prof. Theo-
dore Newcomb of the sociology de-
Beginning immediately following
the state and Congressional elec-
tion, Nov. 5, the six groups will, with
numerous other organizations, seek
to secure the 150,000 signatures of
registered voters necessary to com-
pel the State Legislature to act on
the measure to establish a FEPC in
Michigan. In order to receive legis-
lative consideration, the required
number of signatures must be at-
tained by Dec. 1.
During their 24 day campaign, the
six organizations plan to extend their
activities to Willow Village and the
entire City of Ann Arbor. Mem-
bers of each group will thoroughly
canvas each one of the six districts
into which Ann Arbor will be divid-
ed, while the Willow Village AVC
will be responsible for the drive
To'coordinate the" local campaign
with the efforts of organizations
throughout the State the combined
executive council will send Ellen Vin-
acke as its representative to the
FEPC Initiative Petition Conference
being sponsored by the Civil Rights
Congress of Michigan tomorrow in

Liquor Statute
To Be Tested
By Case Club
Lawyers Will Question
Legality in Mock Case
The constitutionality of the Liquor
Identification Card Law will be in-
vestigated by the LawbSchool Case
Club, Howard Jacobs, presiding
judge, announced yesterday.
Following the pro and con views
presented in The Daily story Thurs-
day, the Junior members of the club
will prepare arguments upon a ficti-
tious case prepared by the faculty in
an effort to clear up the questions
about this law's constitutionality.
The law has been declared uncor4-
stitutional in Wayne and Macomb
countiesnand county clerks in Oak-
land and several other counties have
stopped issuing the required cards.
Prof. Paul G. Kauper, professor of
constitutional law here, commented
in interview that the legality of this
provision hangs upon the question of
the rights of tavern owners.
If the law does not infringe upon
the rights of the tavern owners by
acting as a restraint on their trade,
the law should be valid, Kauper
But if the tavern owner is held re-
sponsible for those individuals who
have proven their age to his satisfac-
tion with some other means of iden-
tification, then the law is unconsti-
tutional, he added.
Alumni Board To Meet
The Board of Directors of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Alumni Associa*~
tion will hold their second semi-
annual meeting in Ann Arbor this
afternoon and evening, according to
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumxni Association.

antics of Rosie, In an interview after the speech,
her variety acts Senator Pepper explained that inter-
evision screens national cooperation in American
eral thousand foreign policy has been severely ham-
on Hall, and pered by the necessity of having to
f an estimated appease the large Republican mi-
d sets. nority in Congress which is con-
tation WWDT, trolled by Big Business. Commenting
oor of the Pen- on the extensive influence that Sena-
re crowded on tor Arthur Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.)
of television. A has exerted in foreign affairs, Pepper
era was set up said, "I fail to see how Senator Van-
mall rooms, and denberg, who failed his country be-
ueezed a moun- fore the war, can claim to be a be-
ontrol mechan- liever in international cooperation of
re littered with the Roosevelt school and at the same
rds, and across time play ball with Big Business."
1 was a curtain In reply to a question, Pepper said
stage. that he would accept the Democratic
nomination for President or Vice-
President in 1948.
Bonds The Senator was introduced by
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the so-
ciology department who, as chair-
man of the Independent Citizens'


302 South State Street
Permanently Removed!
Short wave method-Faster, Painless
Phone 6373
First National Bldg.

North Main Opposite Court House
Ends Tonight --
- Starting Saturday
Wm. Boyd in





Short: ".Bayaderka Ballet'"-Russian Dialogue, English Subtitles
Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30 P.M. Admission 42c tax incl.
Box Office opens 2 P.M. Daily Phone 6300 for Reservations
SATURDAY - 1:50 P.M.
Listen to
Bob Ufer's Sports Review
Daily- 12:30 P.M.
Saturday-1:35 P.M.
TOM HARMON brings you his forecast about
games throughout the country and interviews
with sports celebrities immediately preceding

FOR SALE: Juke box from private home.
Good condition $90.00. Daybed $5.00. Ph.
5651 evenings. )16
FOR SALE: Man's Brown Flannel Suit,
size 42. Like new. Phone 2-3653 between
7-10 P.M. )3
FOR SALE-Small steel bed: Reasonably
priced. W. M. Kincaid, 512 W. Liberty
St. Phone 2-0173 or Univ. Ex. 449. )38
FOR SALE: Antiques. Tables, chairs, clock,
bed couch, bed and table linen, spinet
desk, gas range, vacuum sweeper, rugs,
curtains, health vibrator, washing ma-
chine, dishes, etc. Everything from a 6-
room apartment, 530 Forest Ave. So., Ann
Arbor Mon. 28, Tues. 29, Wed. 30, October
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. )19
ROOM: For male. Kimberly Road, on bus
line. Call Howard Wolfsohn, 5572 after
7:00 P.M. )49
FOR RENT: Cottage, completely furnished,
4 Nov. to 1 Mar., $50.00 a month, oil heat,
electric utilities, modern, plumbing. Mrs.
C. R. Pettierew, 709 Highland, Horseshoe
Lake. )17
GIRL or young lady to work at Soda
Fountain. Full or part time. Swift's Drug
Store, 340 South State Street, Phone
3534. )51
WANTED: Student from 7:00 to 11:00 P.M.
Mon. through Friday, calling fouls at
bowling alley. 75c per hour. Ann Arbor
Recreation, Phone 2-0103. )50
MUSICIANS: Tenor sax, trumpet for es-
tablished and working dance band. Call
Phil Savage, 25-8084, after 6 p.m. )24
COSMETIC SALESLADY-with experience
selling perfumes and treatment lines.
Position open for full time or part time
work. Good pay-Phone 9216 for ap-
pointment. ) 27
LOST: Wallet containing $9.00 and identi-
fication Thurs. noon in or around Ann
Arbor Bank on State Street. Finder hold
on to "loot" therein and please return
wallet to Box 75, Mich. Daily, George
Hoppin. )2

LOST: $18.00 Reward for return of wide.
gold bracelet. Emma Heck engraved in-
side. Heirloom. Call 2-4471. Rm. 5023. )2£
LOST: Tan Wallet. Finder may keer:
money, discharge papers, marriage li-
cense, and wallet, but please return
liquor card. Phil Meader. 4707. ) 43
LOST: Black crepe purse containing valu-
able papers of Mary Ellen Wilson. North-
western University. Reward. Contact
Box 93. ) 44
MAN'S Wedding RPxg! Found Saturday at
Northwestern game, a man's, wedding
ring in Section 27, engraved: M.E.W. to
W.G.M. Contact Howard Fitzgerald, 520
Thompson after 8:00 P.M., Phone 7758. )4
LOST: New plaid shirt in Room 229 Angell
Hall. Call 2-4401, Melvin Gilbert. )6
LOST-Student football ticket. Section 30,
Row 37, Seat 15. Contact Dick Bray, 411
E. Washington. Phone 2-0995. )35
WILL PERSON who took gray gabardine
raincoat, raglan shoulders, leather gloves
in pocket, from Schwaben's Sat. nite, re-
turn same to Robert A. Brown, 819 E.
University. Reward. Phone 2-1147 )32
LOST: Thurs. between Madison and Good-
year's on State. A brown wallet with im-
portant identification. Reward. Please
return to Dawn Coghlan, 406 Packard or
call 9413. )15
SPOOKS' STUFF: No book stuff. Friday
Nov. 1 at Union. )53
HAVE 4 good tickets to Minnesota game.
Call 2-4591, Room 204, Prsecott, after
7 P.M. ) 42
MIDWAY Bicycle shop, 322 E. Liberty. We
have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your
bike can be expertly repaired also. )56
THE. Rosicrucian Fellowship, Mt. Ecclesia,
Oceanside, California suggest the follow-
ing books for Christmas Gifts to your
friends or to yourself : "Mystery of the
Great Opera," "Ancient and Modern In-
itiation," "Free Masonry and Catholi-
cism," 'In the Land of the Living Dead,"
"The Mystical Interpretation of Christ-
mas." ) 52
WANTED: Ride for 2; Grand Rapids. Any-
time after 12 noon Sat. Share expenses.
Call Mrs. Van Husen 4121, Ext. 308. )18

WANTED: One to four tickets for the Ohio
State-Mich. game. Call 2-3815. Ask for
Bob. ) 20
WANTED: Three tickets for "Homecom-
ing" Dance at I-M Bldg., Sat. 26 Oct.
Call Roy, 2-2726. )40
MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better
price paid. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
Sales - John Jadwin - Service
855 Tappan Phone 2-7412 or 2-2683
BOOKKEEPING AID for Fraternities, Sor-
orities, other institutions. Nominal mon-
thly charge. Telephone Charles Koethen,
2-4925 between 9 and 11 a.m. )1
TYPEWRITERS, office machines cleaned,
repaired. Work guaranteed. Three-day
service. Calculators sold and rented.
Pick-up and delivery. Office Equipment
Service Co., 111 S. 4th Ave., 2-1213. )26
PERSONAL! F.A.S.D. & C.C.: Regret un-
able to attend due to exam. Congrats on
this Founders Day. Ave & Pete. )21
PERSONAL: F.A.S.D. & C. C. will meet
Friday, 3:45 to celebrate Founders Day,
Pay homage to our first president. )48
IF you will be twenty on November 23
and have kept a personal scrapbook for
the last ten years, and if you are in-
terested in the possibility of selling the
magazine rights to such a scrapbook,
please get in touch with Box 89, Michi-
gan Daily, not later than October 25. )39
modeling-Alterations. "Bring your sew-
ing problems to us." Hildegarde Shop,
116 E. Huron, 24669. )45

... the lovely waltzes are enough to send the audiences swaying
up the theater aisles . . . -CHICAGO TIMES
... has the fairy tale quality of Victor Herbert romances ...
. Charming film entertainment ... -HERALD AMERICAN
The storyo f Old Vienna>r
when the waltz wits. immorall


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Regular $3.98 Value . . . . . 2.9 8
The first shipment we've received in any
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On Sale Monday Night 6:30 to 8:00


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