See Page 6
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Latest Deadline in the State
Varsity Night
Features Don
Large Chorus
Derderian,. White
Perform Tonight
The Don Large Chorus, Rose De-
derian and Andrew White will top
the list of outstanding student, fac-
ulty and professional acts which will
make up the University Concert
Band's traditional Varsity Night
show at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Hill
Appearing through the courtesy of
station WJR in Detroit, the Don
Large Chorus will present old fa-
vorite swing tunes, barbershop har-
monies, and novel swing treatments.
Included in their program for to-
night are a novel treatment of "I
Want To Go Back to Michigan," the
arrangement of "Stardust" which
they recorded on Vogue discs re-
cently, "Night and Day," featuring
their 15-year-old soloist, Danny Ma-.
kin and two barbershop quartets,
"The Adenoid Four" and "The Mud-
Pack Four."
Nationally Known
The group of 10 men and six
women, organized in 1937, has be-
come nationally known for appear-
ances on CBS network programs,
"Anything Goes," "Motor City Mel-
odies," "F.O.B. Detroit," and "F.O.B.
Ron Gamble, emcee for "Anything
Goes" will be the announcer for the
group's part in the show tonight.
A Varsity Night appearance will be a
return trip for Rose Dederian, sen-
ior in the School of Music, who has
been recognized for years as one of
the "outstanding "voices" on cam-
pus. One of her numbers tonight will
be the aria with which she recently
won the Philadelphia La Scala
Opera Award for study in New York.
Campus Musician
Andrew White, baritone soloist, is
another popular campus musician
who will appear tonight. White was
formerly with Fred Waring's orches-
tra and is now on the School of
Music faculty.
Another act returning by popular
demand from last year's show is
"The Three Trumpeters, Mary Kel-
ley and Dorothy and Margaret Boss-
University Alumnus
Steve Filipiak, emcee for Varsity
Pep Rally Will
Launch 1946
The giant pep rally to be held just
before the Varsity Night show to-
night will launch the Michigan cam-
pus into its 1946 Homecoming Week-
end, centered around the Wolver-
ine-Illini clash tomorrow.
The rally will be organized on the
steps of the union at 7:30 p.m. and
will proceed from there to Ferry
Field in a torchlight parade led by
the University cheerleaders.
The biggest and best bonfire
Michigan has ever seen is promised
for burning effigies which each
house on campus has been asked
to carry in the parade along with
Highlight of the rally will be the
presentation of prizes to the winner
of the Michigan Yell Contest, which
has been in progress for the past
Bob Grandy, emcee of the Campus
Casbah, will also take the emcee spot
in tonight's rally. Grandy is a stu-
dent veteran, who before entering
service was well known for his work
in campus rallies.
Churchill Still
Wary of Reds
LONDON, Oct. 24--()-Winston
Churchill said tonight that he had
"facts" and "evidence" to support
his suggestion that the Soviet Union
had 200 divisions--more than 2,000,-
000 men-on a war footing in Soviet-
occupied Europe.
Addressing his constituents in
suburban Loughton, Churchill de-
scribed his speech in the House of
Commons yesterday as "a serious
warning," and added dramatically:
"I did not ask the question (re-
garding Russian forces) without
weighing very carefully the whole
matter and without consulting others,
my friends and colleagues, and lay-
ing before them the evidence on
which I proceeded."
OP emoval of Price Controls
In- onFodF ield ExpectedSoon;
Cons ideratlir)n
0f India-Africa
Clash Favored
Prej udice
Steering Group
After 21 /2 Hour
VISITS HERE-Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz lights a cigarette
and thinks things over. The Chief of Naval Operations is in town with
Mrs. Nirnitz visiting friends, Dr. and Mrs. Esson M. Gale of the Univer-
sity International Center.
* * *
Nimitz Endorses Disarmament
Proposals; Urges Support of UN
Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz
endorsed world-wide disarmament
proposals in an interview here yes-
The Chief of Naval Operations,
who will address the student body at
11 a.m. today from, the steps of the
General Library, said that he did
not think disarmament proposals
were "unfeasible at present."
Admiral Nimitz stressedthe fact
that it "must be an honest effort
on the part of all nations con-
"Right now the best thing we can
all do is to support the United Na-
tions organization and become less
suspicious of one another," he said.
"There is a better chance for this
sort of thing to succeed than there
was after the last war. Our aloof at-
titude to the League of Nations made
it less possible to insure any effec-
tive disarmament. Under the old
5-5-3 ratio, Britain built her 5, Ja-
pan built her 3 and we were the
only nation that did any real dis-
armament," he declared.
The Admiral pointed out that our
present position of leadership in the
United Nations makes it more pos-
sible to carry out effective disar-
He expressed satisfaction with the
Navy's present complement of per-
sonnel and ships saying that "we
anticipate no need for peacetime
naval conscription."
Estimating the present comple-
ment of active, reserve and inactive
Naval ships at approximately 1,000,
Admiral Niiritz said that the Navy's
leaves it in a much better state of
readiness than it was prior to the
"As the size of the Navy and its
expenditures shrink with a peace-
time budget, the importance of the
reserve officers and men becomes
more obvious," he said.
"Nobody appreciates more than I
do the important role the reserves
played during the war. 11 out of 12
of our officers in the Pacific were
reserve officers; most of our hand-
ing craft were commanded by ae-
serve officers. It was truly a civilian,
citizen's Navy."
Admiral Nimitz is in town with
Mrs. Nimitz visiting Dr. and Mrs.
Esson M. Gale of the University In-
ternational Center. The Nimitzes'
and Gales' friendship dates back to
1928 when the Admiral. then Cap-
tain Nimitz, was professor of naval
tactics and Dr. Gale was head of the
Oriental Languages department of
the University of California.
First Human
Eye Shipped
By U' Hospital
The first human eye to be shipped
from University Hospital to the "Eye
Bank for Sight Restoration" was
rushed in a refrigerated pac1pge by
plane to New York yesterday.
Dr. F. Bruce Fralick, chairman of
the Department of Ophthalmology in
the hospital, said that the eye was
voluntarily donated by an unidenti-
fied woman patient who was suffering
from a lesion.
According to hospital officials, the
ideal method of performing the cor-
neal transplanting operation for re-
storing sight to blind persons, is to
make the transfer immediately from
one patient to another. However,
they said, under ideal conditions of
refrigeration, the eye can be used
after as long as a four day period.
Hospital officials said that ship-
ment of eyes to the Eye Bank was
not unusual nationally but that it
was the first time ene had been sent
from University Hospital.
Following removal of the eye, it was
rushed from the hospital to Willow
Village airport and carried from there
by plane to New York City.
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct 24 - Warned
that it was in danger of becoming a
"conplete laughing stock" by its
legalistic wrangles, the powerful
Steering Committee of the United
Nations Assembly decided tonight to
recommend that the assembly con-
sider India's charges that South
Africa is discriminating against its
Indian .citizens.
In effect, the result of the 21
hour argument which involved
Russia, the United States and the
United Kingdom was that the
Committe put the question up to
the Assembly and let that body de-
cide what to do with it.
The issue arose when South Africa
demanded -that the Steering Com-
mittee block India's charges from go-
ing before the Assembly. South Afri-
can Delegate Jan Christian Smuts
withdrew this demand but continued
to insist that the welfare of the In-
dians living in his country is a strict-
ly domestic issue. He agreed, how-'
ever, that the assembly itself would
have to rule on whether he was
Earlier the Spanish question and
-the battle of the veto arose in Gen-
eral Assembly discussion.
Two formal votes were taken.
Former Senator Warren R. Austin,
of thesUnited States, proposed that
the Assembly be advised that the
question should. go to its political
committee and its legal committee
simultaneously. On that question
the United States, United King-
dom, New Zealand, Venezuela and
South Africa voted affirmatively
while Russia, China and France
veted against, with the Ukraine
and Belgium abstaining.
Then Andrei A. Vishimsky, Soviet
Delegate, pressed a motion that the
question be referred to a joint meet-
ing of the political and legal commit-
tees. The Ukraine and France joined
him in favor of that; the United
States, the United Kingdom, New
Zealand and South Africa opposed
VA To Build
Hospital Here
University officials said yesterday
that the announcement by the Vet-
erans Administration of a 500-bed
general medical and surgical hospital
to be constructed here for veterans
was a "complete surprise" to them.
The Veterans Administration also
said that the 500-bed tuberculosis
hospital, originally authorized for
Ann Arbor, would be transferred to
Detroit. The proposed site of the tu-
berculosis hospital was outside the
city limits and across the river from
the University Hospital, but there is
no indication that the same site will
be selected for the new hospital.
General structural recommend-
tions for the new hospital include
many modern features, such as the
use of structural glass, which devi-
ates from the traditional structure
for hospitals, auditoriums, radio out-
lets in each room, and specially oper-
ated oxygen units.
Relly Forecasts Junior
College ExpansionPlan
Expansion of the State's junior load in a conference with Presi-
colleges to meet emergency needs in dent Ruthven, President Han -
education was forecast yesterday by nah of Michigan State College, and
Governor Harry F. Kelly. . the presidents of several other state
Governor Kelly told The Daily that colleges. A special appropriation of
the expansion may take the form of $16,557,000 to provide additional fa-
an extension of the high school in cilities was asked by the governor.
terms of the thirteenth and four-
teenth grades,
Two Junior Colleges
Two new junior colleges have been
opened since the war in Dearborn
and Benton Harbor, according to the
Governor, to supplemeit the work
)f eight already in Existence.
He said a current study of all col-
lege facilities in the State by the leg-"
islature already has led to the appro-
oriation of additional funds for the"
expansion on the basis of the cost of
educating veterans.
The Governor expects present col-
ege overcrowding to be eased within
t, year. He predicted that "condi-
ions will be very much better when
the colleges open next fall."
"The State is highly concerned
about the serious overcrowding in
,he colleges and universities," he said,
"and in spite of almost impossible
building conditions, the work is going
Governor Kelly repeated the state- . . Speaks at rally
ment of State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, Eugene B. El-
liott, that the State does not intend P
to meet the emergency by creating Sato 1100
colleges in former Army camps. He
educational institutions have re - A
revealed that established Michigan ~ P a l
ceived more than $1,000,000 worth of
surplus property and are currently
receiving aid through the Federal Over 1,100 people crowded into the
Works Agency to assist with the hous- Masonic Temple and stood in the
ing problems. balconies to hear Senator Claude
The State planned more than three Pepper (Dem., Fla.) declare yester-
years ago to meet the new student day that he favored a Fair Employ-
ment Practices law making discrimi-
nation because of race or creed a
riminal offense enforceable by the
CampusCoeds federal courts.
Senator Pepper, who began his
Se k A p o a speech by stumping for the Demo-
cratic candidates, was interrupted by
For Late H ours AVC representative Arthur J. Rubi-
ner who handed him a note which
Sorority and League House presi- explained that the meeting had been
. sponsored as a non-partisan rally
dents will be asked to place their for the FEPC by AVC, IRA, MYDA,
stamp of approval on the week-day and the Independent Citizens Com-
late permission proposal Tuesday. mittee.
The plan, which would grant spe- A single piece of legislation which
cial privileges to junior and senior would guarantee that all of the con-
women, will be submitted to the Of- See PEPPER, Page 2
fice of the Dean of Women after ac-
tion by these groups. Homecoming
"If all goes well," Audrey Weston,
Assembly vice-president in charge Calendar
of dormitories, said last night, "we
will call a mass meeting of all house FRIDAY:
presidents to discuss methods of op- 7:30 p.m.-Pep rally organized
eration with the Dean of Women Nov. on steps of Union
5. >8:30 p.m.-Varsity Night, Hill
Miss Weston explained that the Auditorium
Association of House Presidents will SATURDAY:
not ask for 1:30 permission on week- a.Jo
end nights because of "numerous and 9 a.m. to noon-Judgig of house
serious objections." . displays
Pointing out that the large num- 11 a.m.-WJRmterviews of All-
ber of Saturday classes now being American men from
held would make Friday late permis- Uion tnsed in
sions unfeasible, she said that local Uniongell Halltradibe -in
and state ordinances close beer es- dio
tablishments and dances at mid- 11:30 a..-WPAG broadcast of
night Saturdays, interviews with Michi-
"There would be very few places gan sportsmen a n d
in Ann Arbor for a co-ed to go that prominent alumni
late," she said, "and late permissions 2 p.m.-Illinois-Michigan game
for special events in Detroit can be Halftime of the game-Announce-
obtained under present regulations." ment of winners of
The plan tentatively drawn up house display contest;
would give seniors 11:30 permissions University of Michigan
during the week and on Sunday Marching Band in
nights, while juniors and receive one "Boy Meets Girl"
11:30 permission a week. 4:45 p.m.- Transcribed broad-
_ _.cast over WJR of
morning interviews
Bradley Ma 8:30 p.m.-Homecoming Dance
featuring Elliot Lawr-
Succeed "Ikence, Intramural Bldg.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24-0P)- Furstenberg's Home
- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who has a y Fr
been mentioned as a possible new Damaged iy F e
Ambassador to London, today dis-
Anticipate Plan
Before Election
Official Says
Decontrol Is Attempt
To Retain Partial OPA
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 - An-
other major amputation of price
controls-this time in the non-food
field-was under way today within
the OPA.
One informed official who would
not permit use of his name said it
is expected to match the action of
last midnight which yanked price
lids from all foods and drinks ex-
cept sugar, syrups and rice.
Big Job
"We are trying to round out all
these actions for announcement by
Nov. 1 or before but it's a big job
and we may not hit that deadline,"
he said.
The announcement is expected be-
fore the Nov. 5 elections. It will be
another step in the decontrol pro-
cess President Truman speeded up
when he removed price ceilings from
meats and livestock.
Reduce Controls
The general aim is to reduce con-
trols to the minimum before the new
Congress convenes in January.
Some Congressmen and candi-
dates of both parties have threatened
to kill off OPA. Administration lead-
ers hopeto maintainuceilingsmon
rents, automobiles,0' building ma-
terial, some basic low-cost clothing,
many durable goods, and scarce
items such as sugar and soap.
Salvage Program
In an effort to salvage this much
of the control program from a pos-
sibly hostile Congress, orders have
gone out to cut away every price
ceiling that is unimportant to busi-
ness or living costs or where supplies
are near balance with demand.
"We had hoped to hold all these
decontrols for one big announce-
ment but some must be released
from time to time," the official ex-
plained. "Once a decision is made
within the OPA staff here, trade
leaks often develop that force quick
City Council tsAo t
otes Adoption
Of U' Offer
$97,000 Designated
For Local Facilities
Ann Arbor Common Council voted
to accept a University offer of $97,600
for the purpose of expanding local
water and sewage facilities in a spe-
cial meeting last night.
Also embodied in the University
offer was an amount of $20,000 year-
ly to be paid to the city over a ten
year period for the services of seven
policemen to serve the campus area.
Approved too was a University pay-
ment of $7,500 which will release
them from the free bed obligation to
the city at University Hospital.
In explaining terms of the agree-
ment to the council, Mayor William
E. Brown Jr. pointed out that the Re-
gents have also promised to ask the
State Legislature for a $200,000 ap-
propriation for the construction of
an additional fire station in Ann Ar-
Terming the offer a preliminary
agreement which heralds a period of
new relations between the city and
the University, the mayor said that
no other city in the country has made
an agreement of this kind with an
educational institution.
Explaining thai the University will
pay the city an additional $5,000 for
each new building constructed,
Mayor Brown estimated that the en-
tire agreement should net the city
$1,000,000 over the next ten years.
This will amount to about 14 per cent
of the city's annual budget.
In outlining plans for immediate
expansion of the city's overloaded
sewage disposal plant, the mayor
said that the University offer will be
system of
reserve ships and men
Two Concerts
Will Be Given
Dorothy : ay nor Offers
First Special Recital
The University Musical Society will
present two concert artists next week:
Dorothy Maynor, soprano, Monday
and Eugene Itomin, pianist, Wed-
Miss Maynor will give the first of
several specia concerts planned by
the Society because of the large stu-
dent enrollment. Istomrin's concert
will be the second in the current
Choral Union Series. A limited num-
ber of tickets are vailable for both
concerts at the Society's offices in
Burton Memorial Tower.
Miss Maynor, a graduate of Hamp-
ton Institute, is known as one of the
leading concert sopranos of her time.
She had planned to be a teacher un-
til friends, convinced of the greatness
of her voice, persuaded her to con-
tinue her musical studies. It was
while she was a student at the West-
minister Choir School that she was
discovered by Serge Koussevitzky,
who aided her in a rapid rise to fame.
Now in his early twenties, Istomin
has been in the eyes of the musical
world since his winning of the Phila-
delphia Youth Award and the Leven-
tritt Prize four years ago. He has ap-
Willow Run, Home of 9,000,
Is Site of Racial Experiment
Willow Run Village, home of more
than 3,000 married and single Uni-
versity students, is in the site of a
signal experiment in race relations.
In the development of the former
bomber plant community since the
end of the war, Federal Public Hous-
ing Authorities are carrying through
the federal policy of non-discrimi-
cancies as their turn comes on the
waiting list for homes in the Village,
according to Alan Jackson, FPHA
project service adviser.
Rev. Blake considers the federal
policy as "a great challenge in build-
ing a community." He commended
the local American Veterans Com-
mittee for seeing the challenge. "We
are all doing the utmost in the Vil-