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Resigning Industry Members
Urge Wage Control Release
Campus Highlights
_ _ ___
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22-Resign-
ing industry members of the wage
stabilization board urged tonight that
the administration abandon all con-
trols over wage cuts as well as wage
Earl N. Cannon and A. Colman
Barrett said in a letter to Reconver-
sion Director John R. Steelman that
"it seems to have been pretty well
agreed that increases of wage rates
will shortly be freed from control."
"There is, however, some specula-
tion that controls may still be exer-
cised over decreases in wage rates,"
the industry members said.
They submitted their resignations
from the board to be effective Oc-
tober 10. Although President Tru-
man thus far has failed to act on
their desire to quit the board, the ac-
tion precipitated a crisis over the
board's future.
This uncertainty was aggravated
by the President's declaration that
elimination of wage controls would
be accelerated henceforth.
(Continued from Page 1)
of U.S. Secretary of State James F.
Byrnes, which favored a self-support-
ing Germany.
"We wish to see established politi-
cal conditions which will secure the
world against any German reversion
to dictatorship or any revival of Ger-
man aggressive policy."
Greece-"We will not desert
Greece," but British troops will be
withdrawnfrom that country as
"early as possible." Agitation origi-
nating outside of Greece has hin-
dered British efforts to rebuild the
Turkey-Russian demands on the
Dardanelles, if granted, would con-
stitute "unwarranted interference
with the sovereignty of Turkey."
Indonesia-British troops will be
withdrawn from the islands by Nov.
30 and "I have every hope that by
that date a settlement will have been
Japan-Britain is anxious to con-
clude an enduring peace with Japan
and, at the same time, insure against
future Japanese aggression. Gen.
Douglas MacArthur has done an ex-
cellent job.
Egypt-"We were handicapped in
bringing our negotiations with Egypt
to a conclusion by internal political
difficulties in Egypt itself."
Iran-"We wish to see Persia free
from foreign interference."
China-The United States "took a
great step" in sending Gen. George
C. Marshall to try to halt the fight-
ing in China,. So far, "this step has
lot been successful, but it is certain-
ly not the fault of General Mar-
Bevin stoutly defended the British
Empire against what he termed prop-
aganda attacks "in the west and in
the east." He declared Britain's sac-
rifices "in blood and money do not
call for a justification of our exis-
tence every five minutes."
The Foreign Secretary said that
the recent Paris Peace Conference
presented a trend toward an east-
West division of the world which
"must-and I am sure can be-pre,
Now Playing -
with Joel McCrea-Brian Donlevy
Sonny Tufts - Barbara Britton
in Technicolor
-and --
with Kent Taylor
Virginia Grey
North Main Opposite Court House -
Ends Tonight -
Starting Wednesday -
"We cannot see how decrease con-
trols can be exercised when increases
are freed," the industry members
wrote, "in view of the fact that the
law was directed mainly against in-
creases without approval and the con-
trols over decreases were only infer-
entially achieved by reason of the
provision in the statute that wage
rates be stablized as of the period be-
tween January 1 and September 15,
"We therefore urge you," Cannon
and Barrett told Steelman, "to give
serious consideration to the problem
so that when controls of wages are
released there will be a complete re-
lease and not only a partial release."
Study hours and mid-week re-
freshers will be given by the student
religious organizations today.
A Study Hall will be held by the
bers and their friends from 7 to 10
p.m. in the church house.
Record music will also be available
to members.
* * *
GAMMA DELTA, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, will present a Bible study
hour at 7:30 p.m. at the Student Cen-
ter, 1511 Washtenaw.
An informal tea and coffee hour
will be given by the LUTHERAN
5 p.m. at the Center.
* :k :
will hold its Mid-Week Chat from
4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Guild House.
Reservations for supper at the
en at 6 p.m. today, will be taken at.
the Student Office.
A refresher will be given by the
Foundation from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today.
From 7 to 8 p.m. Cell Groups will
meet at the Foundation to partici-
pate in activities including music,
dramatics, Christian action and po-
litical action. Vesper services will be
held at 8 p.m.
Andrei Grnamyko (center) greets Russian Foreign Min ister V. M. Molotov (left) and Andrei Y. Vishinsky,
vice foreign minister (right), on latters' arrival in New York aboard the British luxury liner Queen Eliza-
beth, to attend the General Assembly of the United Nations.
'U' Scientists To Meet.. .
The Association of University of
Michigan Scientists will hold their
first meeting of the year at 8 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Dr. Paul K. Stumpf, instructor in
the epidemiology department of the
School of Public Health, will be the
speaker of the evening. Dr. Stumpf
came to Ann Arbor in July of this
year after serving on the faculty of
Columbia University. He was active
there with the New York Association
of Scientists and will present his
views on the work that can be done
and possible goals of groups inter-
ested in the political implications of
science and current scientific legis-
VO Meeting Postponed . .
The meeting of the Veterans'
Organization scheduled for tonight
has been postponed until 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow, in the Union.
The business of the meeting will
include nomination of officers, a
report on the medical committee,
and discussion of plans for a dance
to be held Nov. 1.
Violin Recital Planned..
Opening this year's series of Stu-
dent Concerts, Miss Audrey Unger,
graduate music student, will present
a violin recital at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Miss Unger will become a member
of the Indianapolis Symphony Or-
chestra pending her receipt of a mas-
ters degree in music. Thisrecital
fulfills the requirements for that
A Handel Sonata and a Brahms
Concerto will highlight the program
which will also include selections by
Debussy, Bloch and De Falla.
Miss Unger will be accompanied on
the piano by Miss Dorothy Ornest
Willow Village .AVC ..
An election of officers will be
held at the Willow Village AVC
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at West
Stockwell Coeds Are First
To Receive Influenza Shots
Those nominated for chapter of-
fices are: Allen Weaver and Walt
Hoffman for chairman; Jerry
McCroskey and Martin Tucker for
vice-chairman; Gayle Thompson
for secretary; and Carroll Barber
and Ed Shaffer for treasurer. Oth-
er nominations can be made at the
The chapter will also hear re-
ports on the state FEPC petition
drive and on the Independent Citi-
zens Committee.
Rubber Specialist .
Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the
botany department will speak on the
subject "Jungle Episodes" at 8 p.m.
today at West Count Community
Building in Willow Village.
Prof. Bartlett, a specialist in rub-
ber, spent two years in the southwest
Pacific studying the sources; of rub-
Tryouts for 'Mikado' .
Tryouts for all singing parts in
the "The Mikado," the first pro-
duction of the Gilbert and Sullivan
Club, will be held at 7:80 p.m. to-
morrow in the League, Gloria Kat-
lan, president, announced today.
Prof. Wayne Dunlap, director of
the University Orchestra and the
Opera Workshop will conduct the
Any eligible students who are in-
terested will be welcome, Miss Kat-
Ian said.
Deutscher Verein . . .
The Deutscher Verein will meet at
7:30 p.m. today in the Henderson
Room of the League.
A short business meeting will open
the program during which semester
dues will be collected. Afterwards,
Dr. J. W. Thomas, member of the
German faculty, will discuss "Influ-
ences of German Culture in New
England." In connection with this
topic, arrangements are being made
for a movie to be shown on German
culture. The meeting will conclude
with group singing.
With her head turned away and her
eyes closed tight crying "do it quick,
the quicker the better," one of the
Stockwell coeds heroically got one of
the first several hundred "needles"
in the Health Service's influenza im-
munization program last night.
The coeds ably proved their forti-
tude at the inoculating tables grim-
acing only a little at their injections.
The fainting rate was remarkably
low, with only one girl taking the
floor out of the first 250 who went
through' the process. The first aid
station will undoubtedly have more
business when the men go through
next week, proving the old adage,
"the bigger they are, the harder they
fall," according to Dr. Margaret
Bell, acting director of health service.
Credit for the remark of the eve-
ning goes to the coeds who saw two
doctors, one with his sleeve rolled up,
standing together before the innocu-
lations began. Squealing "did you see
what he did to him" and accepting
each other's advice not to watch, the
coeds looke'd, at that minute, ready
to forget their plans to be inoculated
immediately. Investigation revealed
that the doctors were testing the
alcohol used to sterilize the injection
site, in some way.
The efficiency of the set-up was
proved by the figures which showed
that 155 girls had been inoculated
by four nurses in thi first half hour.
Mosher-Jordan residents will be
immunized in a similar program to-
night and the regular drive for 100
per cent immunization of University
students, faculty and personnel will
begin on Monday in Waterman Gym-
Past Errors
£ Others Guide
Indian Leaders
India's new government, by In-
dians and for Indians, can avoid the
mistakes made by the established
governments in the past 150 years
by profiting from the lessons taught
by the history of those countries,
Kanji Dwarkadas, a Bombay labor
and welfare officer said yesterday.
Dwarkadas, touring the country
as a guest of the State Department
to observe labor conditions, is visit-
ing the University to learn how
American universities are studying
labor problems.
Dwarkadas' tour has included vis-
its to the textile mills of the south,
factories in Detroit and New York,
an interviews with President Tru-
man and Henry Wallace.
.-. _
FOR SALE: Man's Brown Flannel Suit,
size 42. Like new. Phone 2-3653 between
7-10 P.M. )3
FOR SALE-Small steel bed. Reasonably
priced. W. M. Kincaid, .512 W. Liberty
St. Phone 2-0173 or Univ. Ex. 449. )38
FLEET of Cadillacs have arrived-Sacrific-
ing Jeeps $1100 up. Low mileage. Pro-
travco, 207 Winchell House. )12
FOR SALE: 1 set matched and registered
golf irons and bag. Excellept' condition.
Call 5622 after 6:00 P.M.)5
FOR SALE: Two men's worsted suits with
two pairs of trousers, size 38-short. Qual-
ity excellent, practically new. Price, $45
each. Phone 2-5262. )30
MAN'S Alpaca lined coat, size 42, used-
$15.00. Girls' Alpaca lined coat, size 18,
new-$20.00. Phone 2-2776 noon-evening.
FOR SALE: King trombone and case, ex-
cellent condition. Phone 2-4279, Jacob
Trustman. )33
for board. Western saddle. Until June 15.
Phone 7265. )23
LARGE NEW TRUCK for hauling parties
or materials. Phone 7265. )2a
STUDENT'S WIFE, living West Court,
Willow Run Housing Project, experi-
enced in nursery work, will care for girl
age 3 or 4 yrs., days, Monday through
Saturday, $30 month plus food cost.
Box 24, Michigan Daily. )17
HELP WANTED: Part-time girl for mark-
ing clothes. Phoile 9035. )36
MUSICIANS: Tenor sax, trumpet for es-
tablished and working dance band. Call
Phil Savage, 25-8084, after 6 p.m. )24
Bought, Sold, 1{ented, Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177
- - -- - - - --
COSMETIC SALESLADY-with experience
selling perfumes and treatment lines.
Position open for full time or part time
work. Good pay--Phone 9216 for ap-
pointment. )27
STRAYED Sunday at 915 Oakland. Witty
Brothers covert topcoat. Have other coat.
John Woog, West Quad. 2-4401. )37
MAN'S Wedding Ring! Found Saturday at
Northwestern game, a man's wedding
ring in Section 27, engraved: M.E.W. to
W.G.M. Contact Howard Fitzgerald, 520
Thompson after 8:00 P.M., Phone 7758. )4
LOST: New ulaid shirt in Room 229 Angell
Hall. Call 2-4401, Melvin Gilbert. )6
LOST-Student football ticket. Section 30,
Row 37, Seat 15. Contact Dick Bray, 411
E. Washington. Phone 2-0995. )35
LOST: on diag, black purse containing
black gloves, cat's head change purse,
keys, and medal with name on back.
Reward. Contact Irene Assik, 388 Jordan
Hall, 2-4561. )311
LOST: Light tan wallet; identification,
football tickets. large siaiofk money.
Call C. Dewey, 2-4471, Stockwell. )
WILL PERSON who took gray gabardine
raincoat, raglan shoulders, leather gloves
in pocket, from Schwaben's Sat. nite, re-
turn same to Robert A. Brown, 819 E.
University. Rev:ard. )32
GOLD BRIDGE WORK containing four
teeth at corner of Hill and Tappan, Sat-
urday, Oct. 19. Claim through Box 51,
Daily Business Office. )18
PLEASE RETURN to P.-Bell trench coat
taken there last Friday. Key in left
pocket needed badly. Altese. )19
LOST: Rhinestone bracelet Oct. 5. Senti-
mental value. Reward.i Call Ruth Mc-
Morris, 2-2547. )20
LOST: Wide gold bracelet, on campus.
Name engraved inside: Emma Heck.
Heirloom. Reward $18.00. Call Edith Dob-
bins, Phone 2-4471. )29
LOST: Tan leather wallet with ane Wil-
liam N. Fleshcr. Write 1155 Arlington, or
call 4753. Reward. )16
LOST: Fountain pen, .blue Parker with
name: G. J. Maxwehl. Reward. Call 24561.
" ) 15
LOST: Oct. 12, pink rimmed, modified
Harlequin glasses in blue leather case
with red lacing. Florence Goldfinger,
9158. )11
FOOTBALL TICKET: Junior will trade
Sec. 26 for Sec. 34 near Row 42. Call
Bill McAnincb, 2-6500. )21!
MIDWAY Bicycle shop, 322 E. Liberty. We
have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your
bike can be- expertly repaired also. )56
MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better
price paid. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
LOST: October 18, wrist watch with brown
band, make "Rima"-possibly in League
or Stockwell. Dot Fishman - 9158. )10
LOST: Ladies Elgin Deluxe wrist watch
lost between Jordon Hall and Tyler
House. Dorothy D. Hill Phone 24561. )9
Sales - John Jadwin -- Service
855 Tappan FhoAe 2-7412 or 2-2683
TYPEWRITERS, office machines cleaned,
repaired. Work guaranteed. Three-day
service. Calculators sold and rented.
Pick-up and delivery. Office Equipment
Service Co., 111 S. 4th Ave., 2-1213. )26
BOOKKEEPING AID for Fraternities, Sor-
orities, other institutions. Nominal mon-
thly charge. Telephone Charles Koethen,
2-4925 between 9 and 11 a.m. )1
PERSONAL--Hell's Fraternity invites all
BLACK CATS to initiation Friday, Nov.
1. New members wanted! )13
IF you will be twenty on November 23
and have kept a personal scrapbook for
the last ten years, and if you are in-
terested in the possibility of selling the
magazine rights to such a scrapbook,
please get in tcuch with Box 89, Michi-
gan Daily, not later than October 25. )39
modeling--Alterations. "Bring your sew-
ing problems to us." Hildegarde Shop,
116 E. Huron, 24669. )45
The Student Legislature Book Ex-
change has assumed responsibility for
all books and payments of Mich. Union
Book Exchange. The Legislature will re-
turn or effect settlement for both Un-
ion and Student Legislature books.
Monday through Friday, Oct. 21 to 25,
3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Room 302 Michigan
Union. All Union books not called
for by Friday, Oct. 25, will become the
property of Student Legislature. Your
receipts must be presented. No settle-
ment will be made without the surren-
der of your receipt. )34
Publication xn The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVII, No. 26
Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz,
Chief of Naval Operations, United
States Navy, Commander of the Pa-
cific Fleet during the World War, has
consented to address the student
body briefly at 11:00 a.m., Friday,
October 25. H6 will speak from the
General Library steps if the weather
permits, otherwise in Hill Audito-
rium. To permit students and facul-
ty members to hear Admiral Nimitz's
address, instructors are authorized
to dismiss 10 o'clock classes at 10:50
a.m. and to delay the convening of
11 o'clock classes until 11:15 a.m.
Members of the University Band
may be excused from 10 o'clock
classes in order to participate in the
The President
Student identification cards will
be distributed from the booths out-
side Room 2, University Hall in ac-
cordance with the following schedule:
A-L Wed., Oct. 23, 8:30 a.m. to
12:00 Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
M--Z Thurs., Oct. 24, same hours as
Students are requested to observe
this arrangement by calling on the
days when their individual cards
will be given out. After receiving
identification cards, students must
sign them promptly in order to make
them official.
Dean of Students Office
Varsity Glee Club: Both sections
will meet on their respective nights
at 7:15 p.m. in Rm. 305 of the Union.
On Thursday night after rehersal, we
will start the serenade.
Approved Organizations: The fol-
lowing organizations have submitted
to the Office of the Dean of Students
a list of their officers for the aca-
demic year 1946-47 and have been
approved for that period. Those
which have not registered with that
office are presumed to be inactive
for the year. Fraternities and soror-
ities maintaining houses on the cam-
pus, or those operating temporarily
without houses are not included in
this list.
Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Phi
Omega, American Institute of Chem-
ical Engineers, American Institute of
Electric Engineers, American Society
of Civil Engineers, American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, American
Veterans Committee, Assembly As-
sociation, Ball and Chain Club, Chi-
nese Students Club, Congregational
Disciples Guild, Delta Epsilon Pi.
Delta Pi Epsilon, Deutscher Verein,
now opens seven days a week.
A special businessman's lunch,
from 70c on up, is being served
between 11:30 and 1:30.
Econcentrics, F. F. Fraternity, Gam-
ma Delta, Graduate Outing Club,
Hillel Foundation, Hindustan Assoc-
iation, Intercollegiate Zionist Feder-
ation of America, Inter-Guild, Inter-
Racial Association, International Re-
lations Club, Kappa Phi Club, Le
Cercle Francais, Lutheran Student
Association, Methodist Wesley Foun-
Michigan Christian Fellowship,
Michigan Sailing Club, Mortar
(Continued on Page 4)
302 South State Street
I Diamonds
717 North University Ave.
Ending Wednesday -
£ecre tavia/
MON., NOV. 4
from 1 PM.
ir/'N OBOA3NFtvEfl' tJt fMll
30c to 5 P.M.
Last Times Today
Na >Meet the
Haunted Ghost!
to everyone who is
considering college.
tical courses only -
students are advanc-
ed as rapidly as as-
signments are com-
Shorter time cuts
training cost, brings
o~ri rr V i - rav r(h rkc:7
t .,
A limited number of new students can
still be accepted on November 4.
High school graduates who are inter-
ested in business careers - veterans who
are entitled to tuition and subsistence
allowance - can qualify quickly here for
office positions. Our Employment De-
partment is receiving many- times more
calls than we can fill. Courses may be
;, .:
. pn tQU
Q )r
.., .
M "' r
-.Y .. s ' [ 1..
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