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October 23, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-23

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See Page 4


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Latest Deadline in the State


Lucking Claims


By Court

Judge Toms Waives Show Cause
Order AgainstLocal Government

Circuit Judge Robert M. Toms
yesterday dismissed a taxpayer's
suit containing an order to show
cause why the city of Ann Arbor
should not be restrained from enter-
ing into an agreement with the Uni-
versity regarding expansion of the
local water and sewage plants.
Byrnes Defends
Limitations Set
On Loan Policy
Resentment Expressed
To 'Economic Slavery'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22-In a
sarcastic dig at Russia and Czecho-
slovakia, Secretary of *State Byrnes
laid down the policy today that the
United States will not grant loans
to nations which fear the money will
make them slaves of dollar imper-
The United States recently sus-
pended $90,000,000 loans and credits
to Czechoslovakia after that nation's
delegation at the Faris Peace Con-
ference applauded Russian charges
that American dollars were being
used to reduce Europeans to "econo-
mic slavery."
Byrnes denied at a news confer-
ence that a general policy of re-
fusing loans to Russia and her
neighbors has been adopted.
But he said at a news conference
that a general policy of refusing
loans to Russia and her neighbors
has not been adopted. t
But he said the determining fac-
tors in future loans would be need
and friendship.
After all, he said, it was only hu-
mtan to resent charges of economic
slavery-and the State Department
is run by human beings. This coun-
try, he said, would want to be very
certain that a borrower doesn't feel
we are trying to enslave him.
The money available for foreign
loans is not limitless, he emphasized,
adding that this country has no
funds to lend except those provided
by American taxpayers.
Drily, Byrnes observed that if
Czechoslovakia -was in a position to
make loans, then it wasn't as bad off
as had been believed.
Part of the credit to Czechoslo-
vakia was to finance purchase of
American surplus property. Byrnes
said he concluded it was necessary
because Czechoslovakia had entered
into an agreement to extend a $10,-
000,000 credit to Rumania to buy
surplus property on the oasis of sev-
en per cent handling charge and six
per cent interest.
Bradley Warns
ending Vets
Attacks Reckless
Benefits Expenditures
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 - (P) -
Veterans Administrator Omar Brad-
ley warned today there is tough
sledding ahead for ex-servicemen
who are exhausting unemployment.
benefits recklessly.
"I am greatly concerned over the
rate at which many veterans are ex-
pending their readjustment allow-
ances," General Bradley said in an
" terview.
"A veteran who lies idle for a year,
living on unemployment checks in a
period when jobs are more plentiful
than they may be later, might find it
hard to get work and to get to work
when his readjustment allowance
ends," Bradley warned.

"That veteran is losing seniority
and experience leading to a better
Unemployed veterans are allowed
$20 a week for a maximum of 52
weeks, or $100 a month for 10 2/5
months if they are self-employed
but without income.
In Michigan 1,315 claims have
been exhausted and $1,292,611 was
paid during the last period to 12,377

Brought by William A. Lucking,
local attorney, the suit had sought
to have agreements between the city
and the University disapproved by
the court. In dismissing the suit,
Judge Toms said that the court had
no authority to act upon contracts
which are merely contemplated.
This court action is expected to
bring speedy approval by Ann Ar-
bor Conmon Council on the pro-
posed agreement with the Univer
sity. The proposed agreement offers
$97,600 to the city for the expan-
sion of water and sewage disposal
plants. Under terms of the agree-
menit, the 'University will continue
to pay the same sewage and water
rates as charged taxpayers.
Also included in the proposal, is
an amount, estimated at $20,000
yearly, to be paid by the University
over a ten year period for the sal-
aries of seven policemen who will
serve the campus area.
Another provision of the agree-
ment provided that the University
shall be exempted from the obliga-
tion of furnishing free beds at the
U. Hospital, upon payment of $7,500
to the city.
It is expected that Council Presi-
dent Cecil Creal will call a special
meeting of the Common Council
early this week for the purpose of
acting on the offer.
College 'Dumps'
Poor Substitute
Says Supt Elliot
Finds Michigan Vets
Prefer Major Schools
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state super-
intendent of Public Instruction, told
The Daily yesterday that emergency
education camps are no desirable
substitute for existing colleges with
strong and varied programs.
He declared that the State of
Michigan would bend its efforts to
educate veterans to improving pre-
sent colleges "where we will have
a lasting and permanent invest-
Dr. Elliott said that his depart-
ment had considered the action of
New York State in creating three
emergency junior colleges to accom-
modate the overflow of veteran
students under the GI Bill.
But he has found that Michigan
veterans want to go to our major
In spite of delays caused by labor
and material shortages, he believes
that the present policy "better
serves the veteran than to attempt
to create colleges around a barracks
situation which offers no hope of
better conditions and which would
lack utterly the collegiate atmos-
phere of our college campuses."
The State is using one converted
military camp at present. About 300
veterans are enrolled in the school
at Fort Brady, Sault Ste. Marie. The
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology is sponsoring the in-.

Foreig See y.
Cites Nedfo
New Spirit 4
Reiterates Satic]l
LONDON, Oct. 2 -IUP) - Forin
Secretary Ernest Bev i), caling earn
estly for a new give-and-take spirit
of inter'nationialismn among the great
powers, declared today he was "not
unhopeful" of an under standing on
the problems of peace.
But he warned that Britain wold
insist that the Potsdamn agreement
on Germany either be observed ii it
entirety or~ completel y rewritte n, that
"outside interference wihii Greec'
must stop," aid that a cease-fire' or-
der' in the "war of nerves" is neces-
sary for international n eg otiation
on the Dardanelles.
In an hour and 50 rninute review of
world affairs that seemed to skim
rather than probe many of the is-
sues he had been expected to discuss,
Bevin told a ljam -packed House of
"If we are to achieve lasting peace
and economic recovery, all at the
forthcoming meetings at New York
must show a readiness to recognize
the legitimate interests of others and
to subordinate national interest to
the common good."
Bevin's speech opened a two-day
debate on the Labor Government's
foreign policy. Prime Minister Attlee
and his predecessor, Winston Church-
ill, opposition leader, are scheduled to
speak tomorrow.
In an around -the -world review,
Bevin touched brief ly on the following
Germany-Bri tain agrees "almost"
completely with the Ituttgart speechI
See BEV'+IN, lPage2
Britisher Asks
Scientists rj()
Prevent War
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 22-.( )._
Sir Henry Dale, noted British scin-
tist, proposed tonight that the
world's universities and professors
might prevent secret plans for ev~ci
by a worldwide agreeneit decli-
ing to carry on :rese:.archl under mili-
tary secrecy.
In an address prepred for de-
livery before a distinguisid group
of scientists froni 25 nations a a
meeting of the National Academy of
Sciences, lie said, "nrow that the war
has ended, that scientists "look for
the freedom (of research withut
secrecy) that victory was to insure.''
But, he added, scientists may b
told by their national leaders that
"abandonment of national secrecy
in science would nake the retention
of any kind of military secrecy im-
possible, and t ha this would com-
promrise righits of na~ional :,aver

r ie _- f ,n





P1LOTS PICKET TWA SHOPS-Six pilots of Trans- World Airlines march, minus the usual placecards.
The picket line was set up in Kansas City, Mo., before the airline's big maintenance shops. The strike, which
began at 3:59 a.m. (CST), followed a 30-hour ultimatum by the Airline Pilots Association (AFL) demanding
prompt action on wage increases, company officials s aid.
4 ,* * *

" 7

VW T " "Y Ir W-1 W"S rW'Y, 4"% ft T W'7 $ I


Fa ulty Members Enthused
Over Caliber of Student Vets
< 1

'Teaching at the University of
Michigan is undergoing a virtual re-
naissance--and it's largely due to
the 11,000 veterans enrolled here.
"There can be no doubt of it," re-
cently-appointed Literary College as-
sistant dean, Dr. Charles H. Peake
declared. "Veterans attending the
University are providing a real chal-
lenge to professors."
"The higher tone of the class-
room has been acknowledged by
numerous faculty members," he
said. "Veterans want to know the
'why' of things, in comparing
classroom work with their real
1 life experiences."
He maintained that "veterans are
making a significant contribution to
American education today in. that
they apply themselves more con-
scientiously and are more discern-
ing than most students."
Prof. John W. Lederle, of the poli-
tical science department asserted,
"This is the high water mark for
the University in the matter of stu-
"We'll probably never have a stu-
dent body like this again," he stated.
Another faculty member pointed
Be~trlin 11Elections
Held, Favorable
Prof. Wheeler Calls
Democrats Best Hope
The Social Democratic Party of-
fers the best hope for democracy in
Germany in the opinion of Prof. Ben-
jamin W. Wheeler, of the history de-
Al though Prof. Wheeler believes
that the party's victory in the recent
Berlin elections will serve to encour-
age Social Democrats throughout
Germany, he warned that it must
completely overcome the stigma of
being a wage earners' party in order
to win the German-wide elections
which presumably will be held when
the country is finally united.
Commenting on the severe setback
suffered by the Communist-domi-
nated, Russian-supported Socialist
Unity Party, Prof. Wheeler said that
the results of the Berlin election
would seem to suggest the German
people were unprepared to accept a
radical social revolution.
The failure of the Socialist Unity
Party to effect a strong combination

out that professors are now forced
to "dig down into their bag of
tricks" to find answers for re-
quested information.
"It's phenomenal," he said, "all
my associates are having a .better
time teaching now than ever be-
As tangible evidence of intensi-
fied student effort being put forth,
another member of the faculty
pointed to what he termed "a run on
library material unparalleled in the
institution's history."
Maynor Gives
Fourth Concert
Here Monday
Presenting her fourth Ann Ar-
bor concert, Dorothy Maynor, so-
prano, will be heard in a special pro-
gram Monday in Hill Auditorium.
The concert will be the first of
several special programs planned by
the University Musical Society be-
cause of the large student enroll-
ment. Tickets for the performance
are on sale in the Society's offices,
Burton Memorial Tower.
Since her discovery by Serge Kous-
sevitszky, conductor of the Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Miss Maynor
has been known as one of the coun-
try's leading sopranos. This reputa-
tion has been earned through her re-
cordings of spirituals as well as
through the numerous coast-to-,
coast concert tours she has made.

airline Strikes
To Face Action
By Government
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22-(P)-The
government, preparing tonight to in-
tervene in the farflung strike of
Transworld Airlines Pilots, turned its
attention meanwhile to another hot
wage dispute, involving American
Airlines, Inc., the nation's'largest
domestic operator.
With Transworld's 28,000-mile op-
erations still shut down, the White
House revealed that the Mediation
Board was considering taking action
to end the walkout.
The board already was seeking to
settle the American Airlines case in
which, a company spokesman said,
pilots are asking a 30 per cent in-
crease in pay which now averages
$9,477 a year.
Representatives of the Air Line
Pilots Association (AFL) and the
company met separately with Frank
Douglass of the National Mediation
Board. The union requested media-
tion after negotiations, which began
in July, collapsed a month later.
Senator Pepper
To Speak Here
Senator Claude Pepper (Dem.,
Fla.) will be the principal speaker .at
a rally at 9 p.m. tomorrow in the Ma-
sonic Temple.
Sen. Pepper will speak here under'
the joint auspices of the campus
chapter of the American Veterans
Committee, t h e newly-organized
chapter of the Independent Citizens'
Committee of the Arts, Sciences and
Professions, IRA and MYDA.

Asks Prompt
Of Demands
Efforts To Reopen
Contract Refused
By The Associated Press
John L. Lewis told the government
in effect Tuesday night that his
400,000 AFL soft coal miners would
quit work Nov. 1 unless Interior Sec-
retary Krug takes up promptly his
new demands on wages, hours and
other issues.
Lewis' notice highlighted labor de-
velopments including a break in the
stalemate barring settlement of the
nationwide shipping strike, and the
possibility of government interven-
tion in the farflung strike of Trans-
world Airline pilots.
The government questioned the le-
gality of Lewis' efforts to reopen the
contract it signed after seizing the
mines last May, and the United Mine
Workers' chief replied with an ulti-
matum that the present agreement
will be void unless negotiations are
started by Nov. 1.
Voting of the contract presumably
would be the signal for a new mine
tieup. The union traditionally has
refused to work without a contract.
Lewis asked Monday that a wage
conference be called by Nov. 1. Sec-
retary Krug, government mine boss
now traveling in the Southwest, mes-
saged Lewis Tuesday he couldn't be
in Washington Nov. 1. He said he
would meet Lewis on that date at
Tule Lake, Calif., where he will be on
government business, or in Washing-
ton on Nov. 6.
Lewis replied that the present
agreement "expressly provides that
both parties to the agreement are
bound to meet within a 10-day period
upon formal request of either party.
"Such formal request was filed yes-
terday by the United Mine Workers
of America. Failure on your part to
honor this meeting will constitute
another breach of the contract and
will void the Krug-Lewis agreement."
Truman Will
Open Meeting
Of UN Today
NEW YORK, Oct. 22-(P)-Key
diplomats of 51 nations chartered
policies tonight in last-minute cau-
cuses before the first session in the
new world of the Nnited Nations
General Assembly, which will begin
tomorrow in an elaborate setting with
an address by President Truman.
The throng of notables crowding
this temporary diplomatic capital of
the world virtually to the limit of its
capacity waited with keen anticipa-
tion the 20 to 25-minute speech on
which the President has devoted con-
iderable time. Wide speculation
among the delegates indicated that
the speech would be an important
indication of American policy during
the Assembly.

Planes, trains and ships still were
bringing delegates and their attaches
to New York for the historic session.
But the most important groups-the
members of the five Great Powers-
were practically complete and al-
readynwere busy on plans for the
A simple but impressive ceremony
has been arranged for the first day,
before the delegates get down to the
vital issues facing them in the six-
week session.
U.S. Troopers
Continue Raids
STUTTGART, Oct. 22-(P)-U. S.
contabulary troopers and German
police supported by tanks swept
through Stuttgart's ruined under-
world in a second series of raids to-
night against terrorists who bombed

Removal of Fabric Restrnetwns
To Cause Little Change in Style


By M. J. TUTTLE and
Fathers of college coeds can stop
holding their breaths because the re-
vocation of L-85, the fabric-conser-
vation law, will not mean an imme-
diate flood of clothes bills and whole
new wardrobes, according to local
store managers.
L-85 originally banned three-piece
ensembles sold as a unit, restrained
the lenth and fullness of skirts, and
limited the amount of material that
could be used for sleeves, cuffs, pock-
ets, and trimmings. This order served
a useful purpose during the war as a
fabric-conservation measure, but
since supplies of materials are now
close to demand, it was outlived its
No Substantial Changes

tures for materials. Manufacturers
have already invested a great deal
in their fall and win ter lines and
cannot afford to throw these out in
order to initiate drastic style changes.
Clothing Held Back
Violations of order L-85 have been
fairly general in fall merchandise,
and the revocation of the order will
only mean that clothing which has
been held back until the restrictions
were lifted may now be sold freely.
Clothing manufacturers feel that
style changes will be gradual and the
fashions will emerge through evolu-
For PICTURES, See Page 5
tion. The fact that there can be

Jewish Leader Condemns
British Policies in Palestine

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, president
of the World Jewish Congress and
founder of the American Zionist
Movement, in an address yesterday
at the B'nai B'rith Foundation, as-
serted that the Arab League is a
British-devised and manufactured
organization to prevent the Jews
from establishing a national home-
land in Palestine.
Dr. Wise described Prime Minister
Atlee as being not only apathetic, but
antipathetic, about the Jewish prob-
lem, and called the British labor
government "one of the biggest dis-
appointments of Jewish history." He
stated that the Jews are caught be-

organizations are determined to send
5,000 to 10,000 more persons to Pal-
estine by "stealth or any other means
In answer to those who might be-
lieve this procedure illegal, Dr. Wise
said, "The only legal immigrant in
Palestine is Field Marshall Cunning-
"The lawlessness of Britain has
made every act of mandatory power
illegal," Dr. Wise continued and af-
firmed that Jews will continue to go
into Palestine, despite British oppo-
Discussing the problem of Jewish



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