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October 22, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-22

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-TUEgDAY, OCTOBER-22. ' 1940


%d' k~ilA .Y V(Hi Lfl'RI n.N, 1YVA

Liberats and Communism, I

A BNER BERRY, Communist candidate for
secretary of state of Michigan, recently stat-
ed that he had hopes of a "liberal coalition"
gaining national office. He added that if Com-
munists were in key positions in that coalition,
they would be able to further their program.
Coupled with this frank statement of Communist
strategy is the undeniable fact that Communists
are today joining the ranks of many liberal or-
This leaves the average liberal in one nice
The liberal cannot keep Communists from
joining his organization since it is against lib-
eral principles to bar anyone because of his
political beliefs. The liberal not only believes
in but practices free speech, even to the extent
of insisting that Communists be heard.
However, as soon as the word gets around
that one or two Communist Party members
belong to an organization, the whole organi-
zation is labeled "red". As a result the whole
liberal program suffers, for once an organi-
zation is widely accepted as being "communis-
tic" it loses whatever influence it might have
The liberal's predicament is this: Can he

stick by his principles and let Communists into
his organization without receiving the "red"
label and thereby losing his effectiveness?
I believe he can . . . but only by clarifying
the whole liberal position in relation to com-
So far, the liberal has rightly refrained from
the muddy business of "red baiting," but he has,
instead, tended to ignore the communist tag,
hastening only to point out that the name is
the result of confused and ignorant thinking.
If he is to rid himself of the label and retain
his effectiveness, he must make clear the dif-
ferences between the liberal and the Communist
programs. The confusion, which has led people
to group the two together, is increased by the
fact that liberals and Communists often support
the same things: FEPC, an anti-poll tax law,
a strong OPA, anti-trust enforcement, and bet-
ter working conditions for labor. But, although
the immediate objectives are sometimes similar,
the ultimate aims of the two groups are vastly
In a subsequent editorial I will attempt to
point out the basic differences beiween the lib-
eral and Communist programs, hoping there-
by to clear away at least some of the confusion.
-Walt Hoffmann

.41/ ." 7kthin9
CHIANG KAI-SHEK's pending offer of a ten-
day truce is no more than a palliative meas-
ure, done more for world consumption (especial-
ly American) than for finding a final solution
to the civil war. The people of North China
know too well the:meaning of an offer by Chiang
Kai-Shek. They remember his feeble efforts to
democratize his government during the early
part of the year, and his duplicity in refusing
to carry out in full the Marshall proposals.
And our State Department's intervention.
in China today is no less than parallel to
the Hitler-M1ussolini intervention into Spain
during the Franco counter-revolution. As the
German and Italian fascists sent arms and
divisions of soldiers to put Franco in power
and thus entrench their position in the war
which they were to perpetrate upon humanity,
our own State Department, in everything but
the mass employment of troops on the offen-
sive, is using its power to bolster the corrupt
and anti-democratic Chiang Kai-Shek regime.
That this regime cannot exist without mass
suppression of the Chinese people is well known
by the officials of our State Department. That
it used American lend-lease supplies during the
war to fight the northern armies rather than
the Japanese has been brought to light time and
time again. It was for just that reason thati
General Stillwell was removed from that theater
at Chiang Kai-Shek's insistence - because he
refused to sanction the use of American arms
against the Chinese people when the whole of
the country was struggling for its life against
the Japanse.
Here are powerful monopoly groups withirl
this country who are in complete accord with
this policy. They are of the same men who
sold steel to the Japanese until but a few months
before Pearl Harbor. They are of the same men
who sold oil to Franco and cheered his every
victory. -- And they are of the same ilk as
those who gave Hitler the financial backing
without which he could not have waged his war
of aggression. - Now, they are using all of their
financial strength to retain in power the re-
actionary Chiang Kai-Shek regime. They know
only too well that a really free China would
preclude any possibility of riches at the ex-
pense of the broad masses of the Chinese people.


Viec(ory at Nurem berg

"Go home!"

THE NUREMBERG trials have scared and up-
set a number of Americans; they have pro-
duced a strange little flutter of fear on this side
of the water, which must be brought out into
the light at once, and discussed, before it fes-
ters. Most of those who disapprove of the trials
or the sentences are (like Senator Taft, Miss
Dorothy Thompson, Barron's financial weekly,
etc.) not very fond of Russia, and they seem in
most cases to have a feeling that the Nuremberg
proceedings are in some way linked to dark
doctrines of class justice and vengeance, Bolshe-
vik style. Miss Thompson goes so far as to smear
the proceedings with the word "lynching".
Fear of Russia is certainly capable of pro-
ducing some odd effects. The first point to
be made is that it is kind of scandalous to
have to defend the Nuremberg trials. For not
even the critics claim that any innocent man
was done to death at Nuremberg. The real-
ity of guilt is admitted on all sides, and is not
a question. It is important to establish the
point that the critics of Nuremberg base their
roaring moral fervor on technicalities alone;
and on the basis of technicalities, one of them,
at least, is willing to use the word "lynching"
in describing a stately ten-month proceeding
participated in by Lord Justice Sir Geoffrey
Lawrence of Britain, Attorney General Sir
Hartley W. Shaweross of the same country,
and Associate Justice Robert H. Jackson of
the Supreme Court of the United States.
But let us look into the matter of techni-
calities, for technicalities are important. The
chief of these technical arguments is that the
international law which Nuremberg has defined,
and under which the defendants were punished,
did not exist at the time they committed their
offenses. If the charge were true, it would, under
Anglo-Saxon conceptions, be serious. But is it
true? Have the critics read the indictment?
Was it legal to conspire to violate the Treaty
of Versailles? Was it legal to violate the laws
and customs of war? It is true that such viola-
tions have not been punished before; but the

most the critics can say is, not that the law
did not exist, but that the court did not exist,
which is quite a different matter.
.But here we come to a more decisive point.
This was not an Anglo-Saxon war. The Rus-
sians were in it, as were organized and unor-
ganized resisters throughout Europe. The really
important point about Nuremiberg is to what
degree an Anglo-Saxon stamp has been set up-
on the punitive procedure which followed the
war, in spite of the diversity of legal systems
among the allies who fought it.
In their anxiety to prove that Lord Justice
Sir Geoffrey Lawrence has behaved like a
member of the Paris Commune, the critics
overlook the fact that Russian justices were
induced to sit for ten months, weighing mil-
lions of words of testimony, at a trial held
largely in accord with Western conceptions of
procedure. Exactly the opposite of what the
critics fear, took place; but in their fear they
cannot see what actually took place. It is a
sad thing when our tremulous defenders of the
Western way of life become so trembly that
they mistake victories for defeats.
In doing so, they show how completely they
have given up the idea of one world, and of
working with other nations. They reject Nur-
emberg because it was not entirely Anglo-Saxon,
throwing away a measurable gain because it
was not what they really want, a total victory.
But, at this point, the critics of Nuremberg
mutter sadly that if Nuremberg law is really
law, it must apply to Russians, and to all others.
Yes, of course it must. But if there had been
no Nuremberg, there would have been nothing
to apply in the future. Without Nuremberg, the
Nazis would have gone unpunished, and there
would have been no precedent; with Nuremberg,
the Nazis have been punished and there is
a precedent. When we see men and women re-
jecting the latter setup for the former, we real-
ize into what a quagmire of helplessness one can
be led by making total opposition to Russia too
much the basis and cornerstone of one's think-
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)


(Continued from Page 2)

SOME OF the imperialist sympathizers let
dribble to the people below the flimsy pre-
text for American Intervention that we must
remain there, otherwise the Russians will move
in. The insidiousness of such loose talk is very
obvious. The Russians remained true to their
commitments and withdrew as agreed from
And Mr. Byrnes' statements to the American
people that our policy is to fight for demo-
cratic governments throughout the world are
directly belied by our imperialist intervention
into China. His pleadings that American for-
eign policy includes no intention of creating
buffer states around Russia have a futile
ring when an attempt is being made to foist
an undemocratic and corrupt regime upon
four hundred million people at the very 'un-
derbelly' of the Soviet Union.
There is but one final solution to the conflict
within China: the immediate withdrawal of
American arms and support from the Chiang
Kai-Shek regime. Only then can the Chinese
people rid themselves of their corrupt govern-
ment and build a democratic nation.
-E. E. Ellis


L6p to the £kLLt0N

Current Movies

AVC Survey
To the Editor:
AS EVIDENCED by a recent letter to the edi-
tor, there seems to be some misunderstand-
ing of the purposes behind the cost-of-living
survey currently being conducted by the campus
chapter of the American Veterans Committee.
The purpose is not, as was inferred, to form
a basis for a request for additional subsidies.
Nor is there any presumption that PL 346 was
intended to meet the entire costs of going to
school. On the contrary, the chapter recognizes
that the allowance is simply a financial aid.
The question is simply one of the degree of aid.
The survey is for the purpose of gathering fac-
tual data from which a more intelligent de-
cision can be made. The survey is not being
conducted in the spirit of gathering evidence
to support a preconceived judgment. Rather, it
has been designed to be as impartial as possible
-aid of faculty statisticians was used to achieve
this end. The analysis of the results will be
carried on in the same spirit.
There is ageneral feeling that the original
G. I. Bill was intended to provide a degree of
aid - as measured by the price level at that
time - and that increases consistent with the
increase in prices would merely implement the
intent of the bill. Such a request would not in
any sense fall in the same category as a bonus.
The logic of such a position is obvious. It
would be very easy simply to look at the re-
duced purchasing power of the dollar and to
come out for increased allowances. The chap-
ter was not satisfied with this. It demanded
facts. We see no merit in rationalizing about
the degree of aid. The results of the survey
will be made public. Our membership and
the general public will then be able to act
more intelligently on this question.
AVC offers this survey in the sense of a ser-
vice and not in the sense of making it a political

Wise To Speak
To the Editor:
R. STEPHEN S. WISE, founder of the Amer-
ican Zionist Movement, will speak at 3 p.m.
Tuesday afternoon at the Hillel Foundation.
His message will be one of extreme importance
to every student on campus, especially to those
interested in foreign affairs and current prob-
Interest in -Dr. Wise's address will be height-
ened by the recent developments in the Near
East and elsewhere which have brought Pales-
tine and Zionism into the foreground of public
Dr. Wise, who recently returned from the
Paris Peace Conference, has been the American
Zionists' spokesman to Great Britain and the
United States for many years. His contact with
Attlee, Truman and other world leaders insures
a most informative and profitable "afternoon
for all who attend.
-Judith Laikin
* -,
'It's a .ay Life'
To the Editor:
W OULD YOU PLEASE publish the picture and
address of candid Lois Kelso which we will
submit to our board of strategy so that they
may draw up plans for - OPERATION: "LONG
-Standing by,
Leo P. Cunningham
William F. Culman

At the State.-.. -
Hope, Joan Caulfield, Joseph Schildkraut.
BOB HOPE, who is always Bob Hope, is even
more so in this picture. The disguise of knee
britches and powdered wig does not reduce the
effect; it merely heightens the hilarity. If you
are the least bit sensitive to redundancy, you
may find the hilarity a little wearing. It is of
the same sort Mr. Hope has done in his other
screen work. The only difference is that instead
of being aided and abetted in his comedy by
the ambling Mr. Crosby, he is helped along by
the cunning Mr. Schildkraut. There are times,
as always, when the Pepsodent Kid seems to
be trying too hard. But there are other moments
that are close to priceless. Hope with rapier
and Hope with lorgnette number among them.
A t* * * *n
At the Michigw

Staff members may have a copy of
the directory for use at home by ap-
plying at the Information Desk in
the Business Office, Room 1, Uni-
versity Hall.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Student identification cards will
be distributed from the booths out-
side Room 2, University Hall in ac-
cordance with the following schedule:
A-L Wed., Oct. 23, 8:30 a.m. to
12:00 Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
M-Z Thurs., Oct. 2, same hours as
Students are requested to observe
this arrangement by calling on the
days when their individual cards
will be given out. After receiving
identification cards, students must
sign them promptly in order to make
them official.
Dean of Students Office
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The freshman
five-week progress reports will be
due Sat., Oct. 26, in the office of the
Academic Counselors, 198 Mason
Concert Tickets. Tickets for the
Dorothy Maynor concert Oct. 28, the
two performances of Handel's "Mes-
siah," Dec. 14 and 15, the Chamber
Music Festival Jan. 24 and 25, and a
very limited number for several of
the Choral Union concerts, are on
sale at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Michigan State Civil Service An-
nouncement have been received in
this office 'for:
Public Health Laboratory Scien-
tist III, $300-$360; Unemployment
Compensation Hearing Referee IV,
$380-$440; Prison Academic Schools
Supervisor I, $200-$240; Public
Health Physician IV and VI, $380-
$60; Nurses Training Supervisor III,
$300-$360; Sanatorium Thoracic
Consulting Surgeon VI, $620-$720;
Nutritionist I, II, and III, $200-$360;
Library Assistant B and A, $145-$190;
Bridge Engineer II, III, and VI, $250-
$690; Game Research Ecologist A,
$170-$190; Airport Mechanic A2, II,
and IV, $160-$440; Electrician Help-
er B, $155-$175; Electrician A, I,
and II, $205-$290; Nurses Training
Supervisor III, $300-$360.
Closing date is Nov. 6.
For further information, call at the
Buireau of Appointments, 201 Mason
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of 'Education
Forestry, Music and Public Health
Students who received marks of I,
X or 'no report' at the close of their
last semester or summer session of
attendance will receive a grade of E
in the course or courses unless this
work is made up by Oct. 23. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition addressed
to the appropriate official in their
school with Rm. 4 U. H. where it will
be transmitted.

8:30-11:30 p.m., Fri., Oct. 25, Stu-
dent Dance, Jerry Edwards' Orches-
8:00 p.m., Tues., Oct. 22, Regular
meeting, Wives of Student Veterans
8:00 p. m. University of Michigan
Extension Class in Elementary
Spanish, Mr. Donald Macqueen, In-
8:00 p.m., Wed., Oct. 23, Wednes-
day Night Lecture Series, Harley H.
Bartlett, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Botany, "Jungle Episodes"
Univ. of Wisconsin Alumnae, Hos-
2:00 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 24. Open
class in Child Care, sponsored by
the Washtenaw County Health De-
8:00 p.m. University of Michigan
Extension Class in Elementary Psy-
chology, Mr. Herbert Meyer, Instruc-

Botanical Journal Club will meet
on the second and fourth Wednesdays
of each month from t:30 to 9:00 p.m.
in Rm. 1139 Natural Science. Stu-
dents and faculty are requested to
consult the schedule posted in the
Natural Science Bldg. for their as-
signments. The first meeting will be
on Nov. 6.
Phi Delta Kappa organizational
coffee hour-Thurs., 4:00 p.m., W.
Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg.
Der deutsche Verein will hold its
second meeting of the semester at
7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 23, in the Hen-
derson Room on the third -floor of
the Michigan League. Dr. Thomas of
the German Department will pre-
sent a talk entitled "German Influ-
ence in New England." Other attrac-
tions are also planned in addition to
group singing.
All students interested in the so-
cial and cultural activities of the
Verein will be most cordially wel-
come to this meeting. All interested
faculty members and visitors are also
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
meeting of the social committee orig-
inally scheduled for today has been
postponed until Tues., Oct. 29, at
4:00 at the Foundation.
Student Recital: Audrey Unger,
violinist, will present a program in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music, at 8:30 Thursday evening,
Oct. 24, in the Assembly Hall of the
Rackham Bldg. Her program will
include Handel's Sonata in D Major,
Brahms' Concerto in D major, De-
Bussy's La plus que .lente, Nigun by
Bloch and Danse Espagnole by de-
Falla. Miss Unger is a pupil of Gil-
bert Ross. The public is invited.
Events Today
The English Journal Club will
meet tonight at 7:45 in the E. Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Rowe will speak on contem-
porary playwriting. Refreshments
and discussion will follow.
Dancing Classes: The schedule for
the Dancing Classes is now 7:30 to
8:30 on Tuesday for Beginners, 7:00
to 8:00 on Wednesday for the first
Intermediate Class, and 8:00 to 9:00
:n Wednesday for the new Interme-
diate Class. The Classes are held in
the League Ballroom. More co-ed
assistant teachers are needed and
urged to report for both nights.
The Christian Science Organiza-
tion at the University will meet at
8:15 tonight in the Chapel of the
Michigan League. Students, faculty,
and friends are cordially invited.
The U. of M. chapter of the Inter-
collegiate Zionist Federation of
America will hold a meeting of its
study group tonight at 7:45 at the
B'nai B'rithiHillel Foundation. Topic
will be "History of the Jews until
Advent of Zionism." All interested
m'embers and non-members arecor-
dially invited to attend.
Coming Events
Association of University of Mich-
igan Scientists will meet Wed., Oct.
23, at 8:00 p. m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. Dr. P. K. Stumpf, of
the New York Association of Scien-
tists, will speak on a program of ac-
tivities for an association of scien-
tists. The public is invited.
The Student Branch of the Am-
erican Pharmaceutical Association
will hold its regular meeting Wed.,
Oct. 23, at 7:30 p. m. in the E. Con

ference Room of the Rackham Bldg.
There will be a diseussion on the
merits of an independent Pharmacy,
is opposed to Chain Pharmacy Af-
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman.........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenhelim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush.............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..................Sports Editor
Joan Wilk................Women's Editor
ynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E.- Potter ........ Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business anager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.

8:00 p. m. Little Theatre
8:00 p.m., Fri., Oct. 25,
Recordings, Mr. Weldon


Dr. Erwin Panof sky, Professor of
history of art in the Institute for Ad-
vanced Studies, Princton, N.J., will
lecture on Wed., Nov. 6, at 4:15 p.m..
in the Rackham Amphitheater under
the auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. His subject will be "Et in
Arcadia Ego." The public is cordially
Academic Notices
Education B291: Members of the
University staff and graduate stu-
dents who are interested in college
teaching are welcome to visit the
class Education B291, Problems in
Higher Education, which meets to-
night in Rm. 110, University Library,
from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The topic, "The
College Teacher as a Member of a
Department and a Faculty," will be
discussed by a panel consisting of
Prof. Harold M. Dorr, Chairman,
Prof. Norman E. Nelson and Prof.
Clifford Woody.
The preliminary doctoral examina-
tion in chemistry will be held at the
following times: Analytical Chemis-
try, Oct. 25; Organic Chemistry, Oct.
29; Physical Chemistry, Nov. 1.
Anyone wishing to take one or more
of these examinations should consult
with a member of the Graduate
Committee in Chemistry.
The Graduate Record Examina-
tion for graduate students willbegin
promptly at 6:30 p.m. today, Oct. 22,
and Oct. 24, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Please bring your fee coupon
to the examination.
Veterans' Tutorial Program: The
following change has been made in
the schedule: Chemistry 4-The Sat-
urday section will now meet from
10:00-11:00 a. m. (Rm. 165 Chem.).
Special Functions Seminar Wed.,
Oct. 23, at 10 a.m., in Rm. 340, W.
Eng. Bldg. Prof. Rainville will talk
on Hypergeometric functions.
Physical Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Oct. 24 at 4:15 p.m. in Rm.
151 Chemistry Bldg. Prof. L. O.
Brockway will speak on "Molecular
Arrangement in Adsorbed Films." All
interested are invited.
A.S.M.E. The second meeting of
the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers will be held Wed., Oct. 23,

Abbott and Costello.


MY ROOM-MATE, a veteran of one seance
and a semi-ectoplasmic manifestation,
claims she enjoyed this. Outside of the fact
that Lou Costello appears as a period piece
ghost, her reason was that this time the little
fat man has the upper hand over Bud Abbott.
The kid is a fiend for justice and this reversa
of the usual roles had her caroling for joy. I
found myself chortling occasionally, too, but
this was chiefly due to the interesting questions
the very-small child behind me was asking his
mother. Go armed to this one or the younger
generation will' trample you underfoot.
-Joan Fiske


I T=== , I


Waif, m'boy ... We've been hasty.
Retrieve your father's notes from j
the waste paper basket. He may be
proud of his recommendations to

1 t. uspr«ors
On the other hand, we don't
want him to be a laughing
stock- We must protect him

I'll place my report on the
desk. Next to his ... He'll
take the hint- Discarding
his findings for mine,..

I won't bother reading over
these notes. I'll have them
typed at the office.. ..And
distributed- As they are.




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