Housing Situation to Remain
Tight forTen Years--Hyde
Schedule Problems Keep
Part Time Jobs Unfilled
It appears that living with in-laws
and sleeping in double-decker beds
will be the fate of the American pub-
lic for some time to come.
Prof. John Hyde of the architec-
Aviation Career
Will Be Lecture,
Subject Today
Tentative plans for University
courses in airline operation may re-
ceive a shot in the arm tomorrow at
a discussion of the present status and
future possibilities of air transporta-
tion to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
Robert J. Wilson, vice-president of
Capital Airlines-PCA, will speak at
the meeting, designed to acquaint
students interested in aviation as a
career with various phases of com-
mercial aviation.
The meeting will be sponsored by
the student chapters of the Institute
of the Aeronautical Sciences, the
American Society of Civil Engineers,
and the Society of Automotive Engi-
neers. Alpha Kappa Psi and Delta
Sigma Pi, business administration
school fraternities, will also sponsor
the talk.
Wilson, who is expected to take his
audience "behind the scenes" in com-
mercial aviation, received his A.B.
degree at the University in 1925 and
was graduated from the law school
in 1929.
Courses in air transportation have
been considered by the University
for some time. At the present time,
both the engineering college and the
business administration school- are
reported to be working on plans for a
course in airline operation.
One of the main difficulties en-
countered in planning such a course
is expected to be securing the teach-
ing personnel. Technical courses on
aviation are now offered by the civil
and aeronautical engineering depart-
ture school, who has just returned
from a convention of the National
Association of Housing Officials, es-
timates that it will take ten to fif-
teen years before housing is com-
pletely back to normal.
No Immediate Improvement
Pointing out that there was a
shortage of housing even before the
war, Prof. Hyde said that it will be
two to three years before any great
improvement in the situation can be
Representatives of NHA, veterans
housing agency, revealed that the
veteran housing program will ap-
proach expectations for this year.
Wilson Wyatt, NHA administrator,
told the convention that setbacks
have been encountered, particularly
in the prefabrication of houses
where production difficulties have
curtailed the quota that was to be
completed this year.
To Remove Temporary Homes
Because of the possibility of slum
areas arising from many of the
homes now being supplied in quan-
tity, Prof. Hyde said the housing ad-
ministration plans to remove tem-
porary houses which tend to blight
neighborhoods and injure land val-
"Clearing of these areas might not
be as easy as expected. Due to the
lack of living quarters, many families
have doubled up. The increase in
building is not proportional to the
increase in population, and many
families and newlywed couples are
not likely to find their dream home
for quite some time," Prof. Hyde
Govrnment Aid Needed
Despite the public's distrust of the
government's interference, housing
officials pointed out that govern-
ment aid in building would be need-
ed if the goal set for the next ten
years is to be reached.
Discussing the matter of com-
munity planning, Prof. Hyde claimed
that we shall see a trend toward de-
velopment of integratd neighbor-
hoods. Cities will be laid out in
neighboring groups, each being
semi-independent of the other.
While numerous local and Univer-
sity non-academic jobs remain un-
filled, many students who desire
part-time employment are out of
Inquiries at the Men Students'
Employment Bureau of the Office of
the Dean of Students and the Non-
Academic Personnel Office showed
that, with enrollment at a record
high at the University, the demand
for part-time student workers has
not been satisfied because of sched-
uling problems.
Schedules Present Difficulty
"Our greatest difficulty is to find
students with schedules to fit job re-
quirements," Alfred B. Ueker, Uni-
versity personnel officer, explained.
His office has already placed approxi-
mately 300 students, more than one-
third of whom are veterans, in part-
time jobs on campus, but many open-
ings for positions in the buildings
and grounds department have not
been filled. These positions require
three to four hours of work daily
and pay 85 cents per hour. Similar
jobs are also open for night main-
tenance work at University Hospi-
Ueker said that his office's lists for
proctors have not been completed.
Although upperclassmen are .pre-
ferred for such work, the only re-
quirement for obtaining proctoring
positions is that students be able to
fit into their schedules the occasional
openings for the work. The standard
pay rate for proctoring at University
examinations is 70 cents per hour.
'U' Well Staffed
With about 2,300 non-academic
employees, including part-time stu-
dent help, the University is better
staffed than at any time during the
past five years, Ueker said. His of-
fice is currently conducting a survey
of personnel needs; results of which
will be reported early in December.
Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, assistant
in charge of student employment at
the Men Students' Employment Bu-
reau, said that her office has not
been able to fill many calls for pin-
setters, soda fountain and store
clerks, and yard and garden workers.
Many Applications
Meanwhile, many students are
registered at her office as desiring
part-time positions. Many of these,
she said, 'are Willow Run residents
who have, in addition to the class
schedule problem, commuting diffi-
culties which make it impossible for
them to accept night work.
FIRST GROUP OF ESTONIANS ORDERED TO LEAVE-The first group of Estonians to arrive in the U.S.
headed by Captain Felix Tanore were ordered to leave this country. Border patrolmen rope off the dock area
where the Estonian boats are moored. U.S. warship is in background.
-- - - - " - - -- -S--- ------U-
Key To Speak.. .
"Christian Science, How It Can Be
Applied" is the title of the lecture
to be given by Lt. Col. Robert Ellis
Key, of London, England, at 3:30
p.m,. today in Lydia Mendelssohn
Colonel Key, who will speak under
the sponsorship of the First Church
of Christ, Scientist, of Ann Arbor,
is a member of the Board of Lec-
tureship of the Mother Church, the
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Mass.
i* * *
'Aunt Ruth' Buchanan*...
"Aunt Ruth" Buchanan and her
veteran pen pals will meet at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 302 of the
Union to plan activities for a re-
union in the Rackham Lecture
Mrs. Buchanan, who endeared
herself to service men and-women
by writing thousands of letters-
from-home during the war, plans
a get-together Nov. 1 and 2.
," J..*
Le Cercle Francais . .
Le Cercle Francais will meet at 8
p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 305 of the
Prof. Rene Talamon of the Ro-
mance Languages Department will
offer a dramatic reading of several
masterpieces of French literature at
the meeting.
There will also be group singing
and a social hour.
like a
Telehone 3906
for YOU?
15U Hours: 9:00 to 5:00
Varsity Committee . .
The Student Legislature Varsity
Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 306 of the.Union.
The meeting is for the entire
committee, but it is imperative
that all committee chairmen for
Homecoming Weekend attend,'
Lynne Ford, chairman, said.
Graduate Council.
The Graduate Student Council
will hold a meeting of all old and
newly elected members to discuss
policy formation at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the East Alcove of the
Rackham Building.
Nominations for officers will be
Speech Graduate Club ...
The first meeting of the Grad-
uate Study Club of the Department
of Speech will be held at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
The meeting will be largely so-
cial in nature so that students
can become.better acquainted with
one another and meet members of
the speech staff personally.
All meetings of the club have
been scheduled for evening hours
due to crowded schedules this
* * *
Russky Kruzhok ...
The ,Russian Circle, Russky Kru-
zhok, will meet at the International
Center at 8 p.m. tomorrow to elect
officers, followed by a social hour.
A program of songs by the Rus-
sian singing classes, Russian records,
and group singing will be presented.
Tea from the samovar and refresh-
Sunday, October 20th, to
Wednesday, October 23rd
9:15 A.M. WJR: Universal Hymns
Program under the direction of
Dr. D. E. Hargis
2:30 P.M. WKAR: The Dental Ser-
ies. Bacteriology of the Mouth
-Mary Crowley
2:45 P.M. WKAR: My Native Land,
3:30 P.M. WPAG: The William L.
Clements Library, Robert Brown
and Colton Storm
3:30 P.M. WPAG: Tuesday Matinee
"A Bilious Attack"
,, - WEAR4
ments will be served. All language,
literature and history students and
any others interested may attend the
" \
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