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October 20, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-20

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its in
Latest Deadline in the State

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Wilcats Surprise




* * *

* * *

Vandenberg Supports
Present Foreign Policy
Michigan Senator Claims American Attitude
Toward Russia Is "Friendly Firmness"

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19-Senator
Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) tonight
described "America's bipartisan for-
eign policy" as one of peace, not war,
and predicted it will succeed "unless
it is scuttled here at home."
Asked the flat question whether
war with Russia some day is inevit-
able, Vandenberg replied that "it
must not be allowed to become in-
evitable." He described "American
groups which over-zealously seek to
make their own peace ideas impres-
Full Week-end
Organized for
Bands Will Present
Varsity Night Show
Invaded by the alumni and the I1-
lini, the Michigan campus will reach
the high spot of its 1946 football sea-
son campus activities in Homecoming
Weekend,the first all-weekend event
of the year, on Friday and Saturday.
Taking the spotlight of the week-
end, the University Bands will pre-
sent Varsity Night, traditional home-
coming show, which will feature
Steve Filipiak as emcee, the Don
Large choir and Rose Derderian as
co-stars with the Concert Band.
Other cast members of Varsity
Night announced yesterday include
Andrew White, baritone, Chico
Kennedy, one of the University
cheerleaders who will present a
Russian dance, Earl Gotberg, ven-
triloquist, a girls' trumpet trio
which appeared in last year's show,
and Newton Lahen and Glen Raff,
instructors in the physical educa-
tion department, in a hand bal-
ancing act.
The Don Large Choir, heard every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday on
"Anything Goes," are appearing
through the courtesy of radio sta-
tion WJR in Detroit. Composed of
10 men and six women, the group is
well known for its original arrange-
ments and for its former appearances
on the Ford Hour. Ron Gamble, an-
nouncer for "Anything Goes," will
emcee the choir's part in the pro-
Varsity Night will be presented
in Hill Auditorium immediately
following the Homecoming pep
rally at Ferry Field. The Student
Legislature Varsity Committee,
sponsors of the entire weekend,
have requested each house on cam-
pus to carry an effigy to be burned
and a banner in the parade to Fer-
ry Field, which will leave the steps
of the Union at 7:30 p.m.
Highlight of the rally will be the
presentation of the winning yell in
the Michigan Yell Contest, which was
extended until tomorrow to allow
time for more contributions and re-
vision of some turned in previously.
Promising more torches and the
biggest bonfire Michigan has ever
seen, plans for the program at Ferry
Field include singing, cheers and
speeches by prominent Michigan
One of the highlights of the gala
weekend, running from 7:30 p.m.
on Friday to midnight on Saturday,
will be the traditional house dis-
play competition. Basements of
sorority and fraternity houses and
dormitories have seen frantic, se-
cret struggles this week to con-
struct the biggest and best display
on campus.
Sarah Stephenson, chairman of the
display committee, has announced
that the judges, who will be consider-
ing displays from 9 a.m. until noon
on Saturday will be looking particu-
larly for animation. She has re-
quested that all names and address of
houses entering the competition be
turned in to her at 1205 Hill by to-

morrow. Winners will be announced
at half-time of the game Saturday
All organized hofse presidents have
See DISPLAY, Page 2

sive by using war as the frighten-
ing alternative.
"I wish we could quit talking about
'war'," he said.
Follows Byrnes' Views
Vandenberg expressed his views in
an interview here with George Cush-
ing of Radio Station WJR, Detroit,
for a Columbia broadcast.
They followed closely those deliv-
ered in a broadcast last night by
Secretary of State Byrnes, with
whom Vandenberg and Senator Con-
nally (Dem.-Tex.) worked at the
Paris Peace Conference.
Like the Secretary, Vandenberg re-
ported that some progress was made
at Paris, and that the policy toward
Russia is one of firmness, not tough-
"Is it a fair description," Cushing
asked, "to call this new bipartisan
American foreign policy a 'get tough
wth Russia' policy?" Those were the
words used by Henry A. Wallace in
the critical New York speech which
led to his ouster from the cabinet.
Friendly Firmness
"It is not accurate," Vandenberg
replied. "'Friendly firmness' is the
correct phrase."
"Russia does not want war," the
Senator said. "America does not want
war. We both are in the United Na-
tions to prevent war. I hear much
more war-talk here than I did in
There were indications that Presi-
dent Truman might speak up along
these sames lines next week.
Berlin Voters
To Decide ont
East vs. West

Buyers Rebel
As Markets
Reach Highs
Butter Available
At Dollar a Pound
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Oct. 19-With the re-
moval of OPA controls sending the
price pattern for most major items
in the American food budget into a
dizzy whirl, there were indications
today of growing consumer resist-
ance to those products which turn
up with a higher sales tag.
The impact of sudden decontrols
hit the markets an erratic blow and
it was too early to tell how the food
dollar of the near future would com-
pare with its buying power of last
Meat Relatively Plentiful
The major staple decontrolled -
meat-promises to be relatively plen-
tiful in butcher shops across the na-
tion in a few days but at prices above
old OPA ceilings. Dealers, consum-
ers and trade associations have
joined hands in efforts to keep prices
The prices of all livestock shot up,
despite an avalanche of receipts, and
record highs were established in
some markets. Both cattle and hog
prices, however, experienced down-
ward trends when offerings were the
In the commodity markets, the
price of soybeans, lard and flax also
went up.
Buyers' Resistance
Reports of buyers resistance to
higher meat prices came from many
cities. In some instances, resistance
was building up against higher prices
for dairy products.
In Helena, Mont., housewives start-
ed a chain telephone call movement
advocating buyers strikes against
butter prices of 89 cents to $1.00 a
pound. A similar campaign among
women's group was started against a
two cents milk price boost to 18 cents
a quart in Portland, Ore.
Book Exchange
To Stay Open
Will Return Unsold
Volumes to ()wners
The Student Book Exchange will
be open from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow
through Friday in Rm. 302 of the
Union to return unsold' books to
their owners and issue checks for
books sold.
Students who turned in books for
sale at the Union last spring must
present their receipts and claim them
this week or the books will become
the property of the Student Book
Exchange, according to Cashier Ken
Bissell. This procedure is necessary,
Bissell said, because many of the
owners are no longer on campus and
the Student Legislature cannot as-
sume responsibility for paying for
sales next spring unless the owners
contact the Exchange, authorizing it
to do so.
Students who turned books in to
the Student Book Exchange this fall,
however, need not contact the E-
change. Their books will automatic-
ally be held over for sale in the
spring unless they prefer to collect
them this week.

Intercepted Pass
Deadlocks Contest
Wolverines Score Tying Touchdown
On Lateral from Weise to Bump Elliot
Michigan won a 14-14 tie with Northwestern but it was a trio of hard-
running Wildcat backs and a fighting Purple line that stole the show before
74,500 stunned fans yesterday at Michigan Stadium.
Operating from a T-formation, halfbacks Vic Schwall and Frank
Aschenbrenner and fullback Art Murakowski ripped through the Michigan
lines for huge gains while the Purple forwards headed by Bill Sawle, Ed
(Buckets) Hirsch, Stan Gorski and Alex Sarkisian broke through to nail
Wolverine runners and continually rush Maize and Blue passers.
Northwestern was "up" for the Wolverines and Coach Lynn Wal-

BOB WEISE-Michigan's offensive howitzer of yesterday's explosive
battle with the surprising Northwestern Wildcats, pounded out 72 of
Michigan's total of 80 yards gained. He also intercepted the pass which
led to the vital run of the game, the Wiese, Elliott combination that
produced the tying touchdown.
600 Influenza Shots Per Hour
Planned for Mass Inoculation


BERLIN, Oct. 19 - (/P) -


voters will choose tomorrow between
the Eastern and Western concepts
of democracy in an election which
one high American military govern-
ment official said will have "great
influence" on the ultimate political
destiny of Europe.
For the first time in 14 years 2,-
300,000 registered Berlin voters will
have the opportunity to cast a free
ballot when they pick a municipal
government to supplant the one set
up by the Russians after they won
the epic battle for the heart of Hit-
ler's Reich.
The Berlin election overshadows
district, state and diet balloting,
which will also take place throughout
the Soviet-occupied zone.
Lt. Col. Louis Glaser, chief of the
Political Affairs Branch of the Amer-
ican Military Government's Berlin
district, viewed the election issue as
clearly drawn between the political
philosophies of the East and West.
In Berlin the voting will be for
party and not for individuals. The
voter cannot split his ticket. These
are the parties:
The Socialist Unity Party (SED);
an amalgamation of Communists
and Social Democrats; the Social
Democrats; and the two conesrvative
parties, Christian Democrats (CDU)
and the Liberal Democrats. In this
lineup the SED clearly carries the
banner of the Eastern concept of

University students, faculty and
personnel will be inoculated at the
rate of almost 600 an hour in the
mass influenza immunization pro-
gram to be carried out on campus
during the week of Oct. 28.
The program, which is designed to
avoid the havoc which could be cre-
atted by an influenza epidemic hit-
ting the overcrowded 1946 campus,
will be carried out by more than 75
registered nurses, Grey Ladiessand.
nurses aides in addition to the super-
visory staff.
Campaigns in Other Schools
The vaccination program to be
carried out here is similar to cam-
paigns on the Michigan State Col-
lege, Yale and Chicago University
campuses which have reported as
high as 90 to 95 per cent coopera-
tion. Northwestern is also consider-
ing plans for mass inoculation, of its
Students will be inoculated Oct. 28
through Oct. 37 and faculty and per-
sonnel will receive their vaccinations
on Nov. 1 and 2. The faculty and
personnel schedule has not been
completed and will be announced as
soon as it is ready.
Student Schedule
The student vaccination schedule
is as follows: Monday, Oct. 28: 8 a.m.
to 12 noon - A through Bz, and 1
to 6 p.m. - C through Er; Tuesday,
Oct. 29, 8 a.m. to 12 noon - Es
through Haz and 1 to 6 p.m. - He
through Lap; Wednesday, Oct. 30,
8 a.m. to 12 noon - Lar through
Mun and 1 to 6 p.m. -Mur through
Roz; Thursday, Oct. 31, 8 a.m. to
12 noon - Ru through To and 1 to
6 p.m. - Tr through Z.

To avoid confusion, students are
asked to appear at Waterman Gym-
nasium during the hours scheduled
for their group, but in case they are
unable to go through at their ap-
pointed time, they may be vaccin-
ated during the regular hours on Fri-
day, Nov. 1 or at any time when the
lines are not crowded.
Bicyclists Must
Obtain Licenses
Applications Available
In 'U' Hall Thursday
At least 8,000 bicycle owners will
find themselves deprived of their
mode of transportation unless they
comply with license regulations
which will be strictly enforced after
this week.
The estimated number of unli-
censed bicycles was made by the City
Clerk's Office, which also disclosed
that there are now only 2,661 li-
censed bicycles in Ann Arbor.
In conjunction with the drive by
the Student Legislature to license
every student-owned bicycle, the of-
fice of the city clerk has made ar-
rangements for a deputy to receive
applications for licenses, for which
a fee of 25 cents is charged, on
Thursday and Friday of this week in
the Dean of Students' Office in Uni-
versity Hall.

dorf's boys showed it by taking al-
most complete comand of the play
after the first Michigan touch-
down in the opening stanza. But
for five ill-directed passes, one of
which went for a Maize and Blue
score, Northwestern would have
gone home with their initial tri-
umph over the Maize and Blue
since 1937.
Michigan's line, sharp last week
against Army, seemed powerless to
cope with the Wildcats' quick-open-
ing plays. Schwall, Aschenbrenner
and Murakowski together doubled
Michigan's yardage on the ground
The Cats' trio ran and ploughed for
166 of Northwestern's total of 202
yards rushing. The Wolverines
moved only 80 yards via ground
Only via the air lanes could the
Maize and Blue outclass their foes.
And then the margin of superior-
ity was small. Michigan completed
seven of 15 tosses for 149 yards
while Northwestern hit on seven
of 17 attempts for 110 yards.
Waldorf's outfit expected a shower
of aerials after their poor showing
on pass defense last week against
Minnesota. They were right but
many intended passes never came off
as alert Wildcat defenders checked
would-be pass receivers before they
could get away from the line of
scrimage. Time and again Bob Chap-
puis and Gene Derricotte were
thrown for losses trying to find oper
Michigan's offensive fireworks
were provided by Bumps Elliott, Bob
Wiese and Bob Chappuis. Elliott
scored both Michigan touchdwns
Wiese gained 72 of Michigan's 8C
yards rushing and Chappuis con-
nected with five of his seven passer
to ad d107 yards to the Wolverine
aerial total. One of Chappuis' tosser
went to Elliott for the first Wol-
verine score.
For the fourth straight game
the Wolverines scored first. Don
Birsons first period pass was in-
tercepted by Gene Derricotte on
the Michigan 32 and returned to
the 43. Hirsch stopped Derricotte
for a two-yard loss but Paul White
circled left end on the next play
for six yards.
Chappuis then tossed a beautiful
14-yard jump pass to Bumps Elliott
who was stopped on the Northwest-
* * *
Fans Apathetic
Over Grid Fight
After last week's grid thriller
which brought fans to their feet on
every play, yesterday's Northwest-
ern-Michigan clash proved an anti-
climax to the estimated 74,000 who
witnessed the game.
Aroused from their lethargy on-
ly briefly by last period fireworks,
spectators were content mainly to
witness the clash from the comfort
of their seats. Efforts of Michigan's
hard working cheerleaders proved
futile on the apathetic throng which
had evidently given its all the pre-
vious week.
Northwestern rooters did all right
for themselves in the noise depart-
ment, being led by a Wildcat group
which included one of the few wo-
men cheerleaders in the Western
Conference. At home on the dance
floor as well as the gridiron, the
attractive young lady was observed
at one of the campus open houses af-
ter the game.
Rabbi To Speak
On Jewish Horizons

Johnson Hits
U.N. Security
Council 'Misuse'
Calls for Cooperation
Among Great Powers
NEW YORK, Oct. 19-(I)-In a
new bid for cooperation among the
major powers in the United Nations
Security Council, U. S. delegate
Herschel V. Johnson today called for
an end of "wild and unsubstantiated
charges, harsh accusations and
counter- charges within the coun-
Speaking before the Foreign Policy
Association as delegates from 51 na-
tions gathered for Wednesday's
opening of the U. N. General As-
,embly, Johnson criticized what he
-alled "misuse of the Council for
propaganda purposes" and too fre-
quent use of the veto.
'Deep Misgivings'
He declared that people through-
out the world "react with deep mis-
livings" to the way the security
^ouncil has operated so far and
"All of us, I think, feel the need of
substituting a spirit of cooperation
or one of recrimination. We can, if
we will, change the climate of inter-
n~ational intercourse by trying harder
o win the peace than to win a point
n debate."
Johnson declared that the big
)owers had special responsibilities as
vell as special powers and warned
hat the "great hope of the charter
becomes dim" if the powers ever use
their position "tocompromise the
principles in the charter itself for
their own advantage at the expense
of others."
Obligation of Members
John Foster Dulles, alternate U. S.
delegate to the General Assembly, de-
clared in a speech at the same meet-
ing that the United States must con-
tinue its bi-par-tisan foreign policy
and must make it clear to the world
that "Americans today stand where
their forebears stood, believing that
men are endowed by their creator
with certain inalienable rights, and
seeking the recognition of those
rights everywhere."
Dulles, a leading Republican au-
thority on foreign affairs, declared
that the U. S. foreign policy should be
based on this moral principle and
that the United States should "peace-
fully use our influence everywhere in
support of any who seek a society
predicated on what the United Na-
tions charter calls 'the dignity and
worth of the human person'."
Council Permit
Will Be Sought
Ann Arbor Common Council will
be asked to approve plans for the
proposed 500 unit housing project to
be located one mile north of the city
on the former Dhu Varren Farms, it
was revealed yesterday.
Council approval is necessary in
order that sewage and drainage out-
lets on the site may be connected to
city facilities. It is expected that the
matter will be presented before
council this Monday at the regular
Work on the project, estimated to

World estGlance

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. i9-Esti-
mating the present shoe shortage
at 550,000,000 pairs, officials em-
phasized today that price ceilings
will be held on leather and footwear
as long as possible despite the de-
control of livestock.
"If we pulled off controls now, lea-
ther and shoe prices would sky-
rocket," an OPA authority told a re-
He explained that the controls on
hides can be retained even though
the cattle from which they come
are decontrolled under President

stated "This is no on and off pro-
position. The chief purpose in re-
moving livestock and meat ceilings
was to promote the earliest prac-
ticable balance between supply and
* * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 - In-
formed diplomatic officials tonight
disclosed the United States has ex-
tended credits of $25,000,000 to $50,-
000,000 to Turkey, currently resisting
Russian demands for a share in con-
trol of the Dardanelles.
* ** * e
~HNfHAT Aof iQ.___.Tha ohipf

free that city and reopen the vital
north-south Peiping-Hankow Rail-

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19-The ad-
ministration tonight junked Presi-
dent Truman's $900,000,000 limit on
federal works projects with an or-
der allowing 14 agencies to spend an
extra $600,000,000 on construction in
the year ending June 30.
This will let these agencies alone
spend a total of $1,200,000,000. And
more increases are on the way for
additional agencies.
* * *

country not "to become dejected
under the weight of the decisions
at Paris."
JERUSALEM, Oct. 18-The Bri-
tish slapped a house curfew on the
Jewish quarter of Jerusalem today,
and one Jewish underground group
served notice that the reported Bri-
tish refusal to increase the imni-
gration quota for Palestine would
engender only greater opposition
from resistance forces.
Military officials said the curfew
was imposed because of "serious re-
currence of Jewish terroristic acti-
vtv in th .Trualem area ririnr

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