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October 19, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-19

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tr igan
Latest Deadline in the State





U.S. Charge
Uses Slave

s Tito

' Meets Unbeaten Wildcats Today











State Department Claims Yugoslavs
Hold American Citizens in Camps

Byrnes BelesFear of Another War

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 - The
United States charged wrathfully to-
night that Soviet-dominated Yugo-
slavia has made "slave laborers" of
at least 165American citizens and
that a number of them, possibly 10,
have died in horror camps.
In a blistering note expressing "ab-
horrence and condemnation," the
State Department accused the Tito
regime of herding persons with a
valid claim to American citizenship
into concentration camps, of ma-
treating them so cruelly that some
died, and of hiring the survivors out
to private individuals to work long
hours without pay.
Many Young Americans
Asked how many had died, an of-
ficial said that he knew of two for
certain and that an "outside esti-
mate" might be 10. Many of the
"slaves" are persons of German an-
cestry who either were naturalized
in the United States, were born in
this country, or were born abroad
of parents who are American citi-
Soviet Embassy
Blames U.S.
For Dissension

Protested by


WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-(P)-The
Soviet Embassy blamed the United
States government today for in-
creasing misunderstanding between
the people of this country and Rus-
Michail S. Vavilov, the embassy's
first secretary, told a news confer-
ence-the third the Russians have
called since Pearl Harbor- that a
Department of Justice order for re-
gistration of delegates to the All-Slav
Congress was a blow to mutual un-
derstanding. This international
meeting was held last month in New
York. The Department order directed
registration of the delegates as
agents of a foreign power.
Vavilov said th Russian and So-
viet-Ukrainian delegates had re-
turned home rather than heed the
order because they felt that it was
"compatible neither with their per-
sonal dignity" nor with the, "self
respect" of their country.
Vavilov was asked whether visitors
to Russia were not "closely watched,"
and replied that there were many
"conflicting reports" on that question
among "some newsmen and some
Goering Letter
Reveals -Plan
Former Nazi's Note
Boasts of Suicide Plot
NUERNBERG, Oct. 18-(A)-Her-
mann Goering, in a final boastful
gesture, disclosed in a letter to Col.
B. O. Andrus how he planned to evade
the gallows by taking his life, an au-
thoritative informant said today.
The letter does not incriminate any
individual, and even goes out of the
way to exonerate various persons,
the informant added.
But that was as far as the infor-
mant would or could go. The letter,
with two others found in Goering's
cell after he swallowed poison Tues-
day night, will be turned over to the
Allied Control Council in Berlin by
the official investigators of Goer-
ing's suicide.
70% of 'U' Students
jre of Voting Age
At least 13,000 students on this
campus are of voting age, it was re-
vealed yesterday by the statistical di-
vision of the registrar's office.
Of this number 9,667 are veterans.
Not 'included in the estimate are
489 students enrolled in the off-cam-
pus divisions of the University.
About 500 students did not indi-
cate their age at registration.

Many of them are in their teens
or early 20's, having been taken
abroad as small children by their
parents, who were naturalized Amer-
The United States note demanded
prompt remedial measures in behalf
of the victims who, it said, "are be-
ing deprived of their natural rights
as human beings."
Charges Denied
A statement from the Yugoslav
Embassy tonight denied the Ameri-
can charges. Issued by Sergeije Ma-
kiedo, charge d'affaires, it said:
"The Yugoslav government has al-
ways scrupulously respected the
rights and privileges of all American
citizens. I most emphatically deny
that any Americans are being sub-
jected to slave labor in Yugoslavia,
or that slave labor conditions exist
in my country.
"My country is detaining approxi-
mately 110,000 people of the German
minority in Yugoslavia, among whom
are included those to whom the State
Department referred in its press re-
"Pending a decision concerning
them by competent Allied authorities,
my country has repeatedly asked
that, as provided for in the Potsdam
Agreement, they be resettled in Ger-
"Under Yugoslav law, which is the
only relevant law in this matter,
those persons of whom the State De-
partment speaks, never obtained the
necessary release of their Yugoslav
citizenship. Most -of those claiming
to be Americans were, as far as in-
vestigation has ascertained, born in
Yugoslavia, came to America, and
obtained American citizenship with-
out releasing their Yugoslav citizen-
ship, and returned to Yugoslavia
during the depression when they were
unable to find work in America."
World News
By The Associated Press
CALCUTTA, Oct. 18 - An Indian
relief official declared tonight that
Hindu-Moslem rioting had spread
over 300 square miles of dominantly
Moslem districts in Eastern Bengal,
affecting "not less than 100,000" peo-
ple and that refugees were fleeing
from the trouble zone.
* * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 - The
State Department reported tonight
that the Albanian government is
"consistently refusing to issue exit
permits" to persons desiring to
come to the United States.
LONDON, Oct. 18-The Turkish
ambassador to London, Cevat Achi-
kalni, said tonight that Turkey,
"strong and united," could not ac-
cept Russian demands for a share in
the defense of the Dardanelles.
* * *
NANKING, Oct. 18-The Chi-
nese Communists today rejected
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's
latest truce terms and made coun-
ter-proposals as the government
launched a general offensive aimed
at clearing the Peiping-Hankow
railway and relieving Communist-
besieged Paoting.
* * *
LONDON, Oct. 18 - The best
sleuths of Scotland Yard and the
French Surete Generale concentrat-
ed their famed deductive powers to-
night on a continent-wide manhunt
for the craft burglar and presumed
accomplices who stole $80,000 of the
Duchess of Windsor's brightest jewels.
Police authorities of North and
South America as well as the dia-
mond center of Europe were asked to
be on the alert for any part of the

U.S. Denies
Hard' Policy
Secretary of State
Reiterates Stand
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-Secre-
tary of State Byrnes called on Russia
and the world tonight to rid them-
selves of any fear that war is inevi-
table-a fear which he said is "throt-
tling the economic recovery of Eu-
rope" and delaying true peace.
In a major radio speech reporting
on the Paris Peace Conference,
Byrnes also replied to former Secre-
tary of Commerce Wallace's protest
that the United States is pursuing a
"get tough with Russia" policy.
Neither the word "tough" nor
"soft," he said, accurately describes
"our earnest efforts to be patient but
War Believed Inevitable
Talking of the slow progress to-.
ward peace, he said "the very root
of our difficulties "may be a belief by
Soviet leaders that another war is
inevitable. His thesis was thatsuch
a fear, not only in Russia but else-
where, increases tension and brings
about conditions which prevent world
He thus almost directly challenged
assertians by Prime Minister Stalin
that he does not fear another con-
Arbitrary Veto Power
Without specifically naming Rus-
sia, he declared that the way to inter-
national amity is through reconcilia-
tion of differences and that no states
should "arbitrarily exercise their
power of veto, preventing a return
to conditions of peace and delaying
economic reconstruction."
Possibly having in mind Soviet
Foreign Minister Molotov's declara-
tion that he would continue to fight
some of the majority decisions of the
Paris Peace Conference-such as that
on Trieste-Byrnes declared "no state
should assume that it has a monopoly
of virtue, or of wisdom. No state
should ignore or veto the aggregate
sentiments of mankind.
"States must not unilaterally by
threats, by pressures or by force dis-
turb the established rights of other
nations," he said.
* * *
Byrnes' Talk
Well Received
In Washington
By The Associated Press
Congressional comment on the
foreign policy talk last night by Sec-
retary of State Byrnes included:
Sen. Lafollette (Prog., Wis.):
"An excellent, frank report to the
people in the best democratic tradi-
Sen. Gurney (Rep., S.D.) - "A
mighty good talk and one that out-
lines the feelings of our country."
Sen. 'George (Dem., Ga.) -
"Secretary Byrnes is correct in saying
we shouldn't follow a 'tough' or
'soft' policy with anyone. We should
follow a deliberate American policy,
founded on sound American princi-
Rep. Sol Bloom (Dem., N.Y.) said
he considered the Byrnes speech a
"full and fair explanation of the ob-
stacles" that confronted the Peace
Conference delegates in Paris and
that the people will "be satisfied to
know of their difficult task."

TROUBLE FOR NORTHWESTERN - Bob Wiese (38) finds tremendous hole at right tackle and moves10
yards to Army's 41 during Michigan's third period touchdown drive. Wiese and Dworsky are expected
to share the brunt of the tailback duties today since Weisenburger will be out of action with a broken jaw.

Prof. Haber Predicts Price
Rise Means Labor Disputes

The decontrol of prices, leading asI
it will to higher prices, will inevi-
tably result in an increasing num-
ber of labor disputes, Prof. William
Haber, of the economics department,
declared yesterday.
The race between wages and
prices, always a sure cause of strikes,
Prof. Haber warned, is bound to be
speeded up.
"Despite President Truman's pro-
posal to eliminate wage control and
the return of free collective bar-
gaining," Prof. Haber predicted,
"wage advances will lag behind'
Living Standards Cited
"Workers' living standards, al-
ready reduced by a rise of 11% in
the prices of consumers' goods, which
forced real wages back to the lowest
point since the early war years, will
lead to more wage controversies.''
Whether these result in more
strikes will, in the opinon of Prof.
'Haber, depend on the ecectiveness
of collective bargaining machinery."
Strikes Not Inevitable
"Industry will have considerable
incentive," Prof. Taber said, "to
avoid strikes and make wage con-
cessions. In an inflationary period
such as we are now in, there is also
immense oportunity for profit. This
Senator Pepper
To Speak Here N -
Senator Claude Pepper, outspoken
Florida Democrat and one of the
leaders of liberal thought in America,
will speak in Ann Arbor next week.
Brought here under the joint spon-
sorship of the campus chapter of the
American Veterans Committee, The
Independent Citizens Committee of
Ann Arbor, IRA and MYDA, Senator
Pepper will present an address on na-
tional and international affairs at 9
p.m. Thursday in the Masonic Tem-
Senator Pepper, who is a potential
Vice-Presidential nominee for 1948,
will give a non-political address, ac-
cording to an AVC spokesman. "He
is coming here," said the spokesman,
"to fight apathy, not Republicans."

is a tremendous motivation to settle
industrial disputes," he pointed out.
Pressure from the rank and file
may disregard, Prof. Haber stated,
expiration dates in collective bar-
gaining contracts and the strike no-
tice provision of the Smith-Con-
nally Act. He added that union lea-
ders will be put to a severe test, in
insisting on the observance of con-
tract obligations.
"There is a very real danger,"
Prof. Haber declared, "that wage de-
mands, if they become general, will
feed the inflationary fires and boost
prices to the point where many in-
dustries would price themselves out
of the market."
College Deans
Lengthen Final
Exam Periods
Changes in this year's examination
schedules to allow for longer exam-
ination periods were authorized this
week at a meeting of the deans of
the University.
Registration dates for the spring
semester were also revised.
The final examination period for
the fall semester will extend from
Monday, Jan. 20, through Friday,
Jan. 31, instead of from Jan. 25
through Feb. 4, as previously an-
An extra day has been added to
the registration period, extending it
from Feb. 5 through Feb. 8.
Final examinations for the spring
semester will extend from Saturday,
May 31, through Thursday, June 5,
instead of ending on Tuesday, June
Among the reasons which neces-
sitated the changes were the return
to three-hour instead of two-hour
examinations, the addition of extra
class periods (noon, late afternoon
and evening), for which extra
examination periods had to be
scheduled and a needed extension of
time between the examination per-
iod and registration in which aca-
demic records can be completed.

More Ceilings
Raised; Rent
Controls Stay
Most OPA Restrictions
To Be Lifted By Nov. 1
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-(P)-The
fast-weakening OPA calculated to-
night that more than one-third of
the average family's food budget has
gone out of control within a week.
And, as a White House Cabinet;
meeting discussed the shucking off
of wage controls, the OPA wiped
out price ceilings on a few more
items and raised them on others.
It is aiming at a November 1 dead-
line for lifting controls from most
items still under ceilings-but not
rents, automobiles or building mate-
Buyers Only Control
OPA said buyer resistance remains
as the only control over prices for
items which a week ago were taking
about 34.5 per cent of the average
family spending for food.
It figures that Mr. and Mrs. Amer-
ican consumer had been spending
about 30.5 per cent of their eating
money on meat, 2 per cent plus on
fats and oils and 2 per cent on coffee.
All are now totally free of price con-
A downward trend in prices was
reported continuing, meanwhile, in
most food and commodity markets.
These hadaspurted promptly after
President Truman's Monday night
speech announcing meat decontrol
and an accelerated program for drop-
ping other price and wage controls.
Ceilings Set on Jams
OPA provided a $6,000,000 boost in
the nation's food bill by setting high-
er ceilings today on jams, jellies,
-fruit preserves and apple butter.
Processors of these sweets were al-
lowed an immediate increase. When
their product reaches retail counters,
apple butter will go up a penny a
pound and the others will advance
two cents.
Meat Packers
Rush Livestock
To Consumers
CHICAGO, Oct. 18 - (AP) - The
packing industry assembled work
crews at top speed today to convert
a sustained gush of cattle, hogs and
sheep receipts into meat for consum-
ers' dinner tables.
Receipts at the major markets fell
below yesterday's levels, which set a
10 months high in some markets, but
still were three times as heavy as
offerings a year ago. Cattle and sheep
prices fell today but hogs reversed
the price decline which the avalanche
of offerings caused yesterday.

Are Picked To
Halt NU Skein
'Cats Have Flashy
Back in Sehwall
There'll be claws in the air and
maybe a Conference championship
at stake when the Wildcats of North-
western invade Michigan to tangle
with the Wolverines at 2 p.m. today
in Michigan Stadium.
It's an unbeaten outfit that Coach
Lynn Waldorf will send against the
Maize and Blue, but second-guessers
have nevertheless established the
once-beaten Wolverines in the favor-
ite's role.
With a possible Conference title
resting on the outcome, most paper
figures can be taken with a grain of
salt. A Northwestern-Michigan bat-
tle always provides plenty of fire-
works and the 1946 revival should
be no exception. Both teams are
unbeaten in Big Nine play.
Northwestern Undefeated
Spearheaded byea trio of flashy
backs, Frank Aschenbrenner, Art
Murakowski and Vic Schwall, the
Wildcats have galloped to triumphs
over Iowa State, 41-9, Wisconsin,
28-0, and Minesota, 14-7. Today's
clash looks like another test for
Michigan's line. On 143 jaunts with
the ball Wildcat backs have reeled
off 786 yards or about 5.5 yards per
Against Minnesota last week, Asch-
enbrenner raced, 67 yards for a
touchdown on the first play from
scrimmage while M u r a k o w s k i
chipped in with a 58-yard dash to
set up the Purple's winning score.
Schwall, not to be outdone, peeled
off 20 and 30 yards on two other
Murakowski Leads Backs
Murakowski, who operates from
the fullback slot, is the leading
ground gainer for Waldorf's crew. On
27 runs the 210-pound freshman has
ground out 213 yards for a fat 7.8-
yard average per trip. Schwall is
next with 170 yards on 31 carries
for a 5.7 mark with Aschenbrenner
close behind with 137 yards on 26
carries for 5.2.
Aschenbrenner and Schwall will
start for the Purple at left and right
half respectively with Murakowski
slated to hold forth at fullback. For
his quarterback Waldorf will have to
rely on Don Burson, another fresh-
man, who has seen some action.
Jerry Carle, the Wildcats' regular
See 'MICHIGAN', Page 3
Hopes Raised
For Settlement
Of Two Strikes
By The Associated Press
Two unexpected developments
raised hopes Friday for an early
break in stalemates blocking settle-
ment of the 18-day old nationwide
maritime strike and the 25-day old
Pittsburgh power strike.
The CIO Marine Engineers an-
nounced they would'resume negotia-
tions with Atlantic and Gulf coast
ship owners in New York Saturday
in the first efforts at settling their
strike in a week. The union had
announced yesterday its represen-
tatives were scattering from Wash-
ington to home ports because the
Labor Department was unable to get
all parties to the Capital for a con-

ference. Negotiations have been un-
derway in New York between the At-
lantic and Gulf operators and the
AFL masters, mates and pilots,
which also is on strike.
Sorosis Girls Find
Football Rough
It's not yet a woman's world and

I.S. Termed Weak. in Mediterranean

If the United States wishes to sup-
port Turkey's stand against Russia,'
her demonstration of power in the

Prof. Meisel cited Norway as an
example to show that the time to
strengthen military position in an
are i hona .ho n n4na n ffflll pSrf rtTrl

there into voluntary allies. One
group, however, favors withdrawal of
British forces to East African bases,
he said, while opponents of this plan

land is developing these alternatives
to test American opinion and force
the hand of American official policy
concerning this area."

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