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October 12, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-12

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Petitions Due
For Positions
n Assembly
Interviewees Must Present
Eligibility, Membership Cards
At Consultations Next Week
Petitions for Assembly positions for
the coming year will be due at noon
today in the Undergraduate Office
of the League, according to Jeanne
Clare, president of Assembly Asso-
Eligible independent residents of
league houses may apply for the fol-
lowing posts on the central commit-
tee for League House Dances, to be
held in the form of open houses on
Saturday afternoons in the League
Ballroom: general chairman; assist-
ant chairman, who will be in charge
of tickets and finance; publicity; dec-
orations; and entertainment which
includes program and hostess ar-
There are also several important
positions open to all eligible inde-
pendent women. They are: chair-
man of teas, who will work with
Panhellenic Association in the
sponsorship of faculty and other
teas; assistant chairman of the so-
cial committee, who will aid Sue
Smith, general chairman, with
plans for forthcoming Assembly
affairs; and assistant project
chairman, who will serve under
Phyllis Petit, general chairman, in
arranging for project activies,:
such as Tag Day.
Miss Clare particularly stressed the
importance of the Coke Bar Chair-
man, who will have charge of conces-
sions at campus dances. Coke Bar is
the chief source of revenue to the
Association, so that its chairmanship
is a key position.
A detailed list of the duties
which these various posts will en-
tail is posted in the Undergraduate
Office. Petitions may be obtained
in the Office of the Social Director,
and coeds must sign for interviews
at the time petitions are turned in.
Interviews will be held next week,
and petitioners will be required to
bring their eligibility cards, signed by
the Merit-Tutorial Committee, and
Assembly Membership cards, which
may be procured in Room D on the
third floor of the League.
Miss Clare urges all interested in-
dependent women to apply for these
posts, since it is an opportunity for
them to become an integral part of
their organization.

GIRL SNIPER NOW STUDENT - The caption accompanying these pictures from Sovfoto, Russian photo
agency, says they show Nina Lohkovskaya, who commanded girl snipers during ths war, as a student (left)
and (right) wearing her decorations for bravery.

Sophs To Try
For Positions
In Floorshow
Final tryouts for the Soph Cabaret
floorshow will be held today in the
The rooms where the tryouts will
be held will be posted on the bulletin
board at the League Main Desk. Betty
Estes. will hold singing tryouts from
10 a.m. to noon today. There will be
a chorus of about thirty coeds and
solo and trio numbers also.
Joanne Bromm, dance chairman,
will direct the dancing tryouts from
9 to 10 a.m. today. Specialty act try-
outs, which include skits, acting roles,
monologues and musical talent will
be from 10 to 11 a.m. today. These
tryouts are under the direction of
Mary Stierer, floorshow chairman.
All coeds trying out for the Cabaret
floorshow must turn in their eligi-
bility cards tomorrow. These cards
should be put in Polly Hanson's box
in the Undergraduate Office of the
Members of the Cabaret finance
committee will begin the collection of
sophomore class dues Tuesday. They
will visit all dormitories, sorority
houses and private homes where
sophomore coeds are living.
Affiliated Coeds
To Sign for Posts
All affiliated coeds who are eligi-
ble and wish to work on a committee
for the Panhellenic Ball may sign
up Monday and Tuesday on the Pan-
hel bulletin board in the Undergrad-
uate Office of the League.
Volunteers are needed for publicity,
programs, refreshments and patrons
committees. The central committee
also urges coeds to sign up to work on
the decorations committee as many
will be needed.
Panhel Ball is an annual event giv-
en for and by sorority women on

Dance Classes
Will Be Held
For Students
A meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m.
Monday in the League for coeds wish-
ing to serve as assistant instructors
for the Dancing classes sponsored by
the League Council.
Miss Ethel A. McCormick and John
Gwin, former Arthur Murray teacher,
will speak at the meeting. Mr. Gwin
will teach the class which consists of
a course of eight lessons. The class
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and
Wednesdays in the League Ballroom,
beginning this week.
At least 150 will be needed to help
instruct. Eligibility cards must be
presented at Monday's meeting. Ar-
rangements have been made for those
who would like to stay and use the
Ballroom for dancing practice after
the classes.
Coeds serving as assistant teachers
will not only be part of an important
League activity, but they will also
profit from an unusual opportunity
to receive free professional instruc-
tion in dancing.

WAA Will Hold
Swim Contest
WAA will hold its Intramural
Swimming Meet at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the Union Pool.
Included in the meet will be 25 and
50-yard free style, back stroke, and
breast stroke events, a free style re-
lay and diving events. Those enter-
ing the diving must perform a run-
ning front dive, back dive, and one
dive of their own choice.
A special feature of the evening's
activities will be a challenge relay
between members of the WAA board
and League Council. Details of the
race will be kept 'secret until the
meet. Last year a nightshirt relay
was held.
First, second and third place
awards will be given to the winners
of each event. Physical education
majors and instructors will act as
judges. 184 women living in dormi-
tories, league houses, sororities and
private homes have registered for the
meet, which is under the direction
of Louise Markhas.

House Events
Will Highlight
Army Weekend
Keeping up with high pitched tone
of the Army-Michigan game, sorori-
ties, fraternities and residence halls
will honor West Point cadets in addi-
tion to today's open houses and
Srorities holding open house after
the game are Alpha Chi Omega, Al-
pha Gamma Delta, Alpha Epsilon
Phi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Zi Delta, Chi
Omega and Delta Gamma.
The list continues with Delta Delta
Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Del-
ta Tau and Zeta Tau Alpha. Martha
Cook, Helen Newberry, Betsy Bar-
bour and Mosher Hall will also have
open houses.
Evening dances will be held at
Acacia, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi
Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sig-
ma Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sig-
ma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Chi, Phi
Delta Theta and Phi Rho Sigma.
Completing the list are Phi Sigma
Kappa, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon, Sigma Alpha Nu, Sigma Chi,
Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Theta Delta
Chi, Theta Xi and Phi Kappa Psi.

Occupational Therapy Livens


Routine of HospitalPatients
By SHIRLEE RICH looms, pottery ovens, art boards
MAN, ACCORDING TO THE MAX- stenciling machines.
IM, is happiest when he is kept Lining the walls, are showcas
busy. It follows, then, that when he brightly colored samples of c
is ill, it is especially important to which may inspire the indiv
keep him occupied so that he may with new ideas for crafts. Raw
develop and maintain a healthier terials to be used are displayed,a
mental and physical condition. That with illustrated booklets ont
is the corner stone on which occu- history and .uses. Exhibits or bi
pational therapy, now being used in tins give specific information on
University Hospital, is built. to do the crafts. Other sections
Occupational therapy is physical set aside for printing presses,
or mental activity developed and su- hand and bicycle saws to be use
pervised by the therapist on request woodworking. For those who ca
of the physician, in order to hasten be moved, special tools are brc
recovery from disease or injury. The to their bedside.
activities that the patient may en- ALTHOUGH THE PATIENT'Sx
gage in are varied and interesting erences for skills are consid
such as weaving, printing, ceramics, is is important that the therapist1
basketry, metal work, stenciling and the treatment according to
painting. knowledge of the patient's disabil
Work in the manual arts answers so that she can judge the degre
the patient's question, "What can I activity that will aid and not h
do now that I am ill?" The patient is him. Sometimes the physician
seeking a tool of self% expression, quests the use of tools to streng
which may be provided in work. Work the injured parts. However, the
is the basic interest of the adult, not tient is seldom aware that theN
only as a means of constructive ac- he is doing is designed for that,
tivity, but for support of himself and pose. Often, he becomes so inter
his family. Therefore, since his ill- in his job that he spends long h
ness may demand change of, or with- exercising his stiff arm or limbM
drawal from his old job, it is neces- out even realizing it.
sary that the patient learn to live Since the responsibility for a
and work within medical limitations tient's welfare rests, to a certain
and requirements. tent on the therapist, it is n
sary that she complete an inte
rHE ENTIRE NINTH FLOOR of training course before she is q
University Hospital is devoted to fied for the position. Many Un
the equipment used for arts and sities offer a five year course in
crafts. The work rooms are well cupational therapy, at the compl
lighted, cheerful and large enough to of which, the student receives
give ample space to modern weaving and O.T. degrees.

es of
s are
d for
ee of
e pa-
n ex-
n oc-


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