i. A N'4*uA A -4
e n t e n devotions, including
ediction and a sermon by Rev.+
Lms will be held at 7:30 p.m.
y t St. Mary's Chapel.
ollowing the devotions, there
be a discussion of Catholic;
iven Spanier
dwin H. Spanier, graduate
dent in mathematics has been
aled the recipient of a Frank
Jewett fellowship for research
the physical sciences by the
erican Telephone and Tele
ph. Company.
panier is a Rackham Predoc-
il Fellow. He received his
telor's degree from the Uni-
ity of Minnesota in 1941, and
master's degree from the Uni-'
ity in 1945. He will engage
research in the homotopy
;iflcation of continuous map-
he award carries an annual
end of $3000 to the holder and
)O to the institution at which1
recipient elects to do research.'
rvice Fraternity
01 rir 1- 1 -
L i J \V Vlt...V v fj /
doctrine in the club rooms of the Publication in The Daily Official
chapel. Bulletin is constructive notice to all.
* * *members of the University. Notices
The Zion Lutheran Church and for the Bulletin should be sent in
the Trinity Lutheran Church will typewritten form to the office of the
hold Lenten services at 7:30 p.m. Assistant to the President. Room 1021
today. Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
* * * preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat*
The Roger Williams Guildwill days.>
have a mid-week chat and re WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26,1947
freshient hour from. 4 to 5:30
p.m. today at the Guild House. VOL. LVII, No. 99
An informal tea and coffee hour N
will be given from 4 to 5:30 p.m.Not'es
today at the Lutheran Student
Center. Mm.r o h.Unvr.t Sn
ate:, Meeting, 4:10 p.m., Mon.,
Rev. Raymond Clancy, the Car- March 10, Rackham Ampitheater.
dinal's representative of t h e The agenda for the meeting will
Archdiocese of Detroit for the be .published later.
Catholic Trade Unionists, will
be the first speaker in a.series of All NACP students who did not
talkts on subjects relating to the report to the Professor of Naval'
Catholic faith. Science on Monday will do so im-
The subject of Rev. Clancy's mediately.
tall, which .is sponsored by the
Newman Club, will be "The Cath- Engineering Open House will be
olic Church and Labor" and will held Friday, April 18. There are
be given at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in committee positions open for those
the clubrooms of St. Mary's Cha desiring appointment. Persons in-
pel. All Catholic students and terested please call John Morrison,
others interested are invit.ed to8612.
attend. Immediately following ____._
the speech, there will be a social H
hour. "onor Societies: A Directory
hour,__Card for each Honor Society,
should be filed with the Office of
Hill Group WillS atrident Affairs at the beginning
of each school year, listing offi-
ip et T~ior~ty cers for the current year. Any
group. which is not so registered
A meeting for all students in- for 1946-47 should register before
terested in workingo n commit- March 1. A form for this purpose
tees for 'Hillelzapoppin' will be! may be secured in Rm 2, Univer-"
held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the city Hall.
Hillel Foundation.
'The conmittees are arrange- Football Tickets: A trial was
ments, publicity, finance an; tic- held last December 2 for those
kets, program, lights, makeup, students accused of falsifying
ushering, . stage-managing a n d their number of semesters in res-
music. idence at the University in order
Anyone interested who cannot to obtain upperclass seats at the
attend the meeting should call home football games. The fol-
Blanche Berger, chairman, at lowing students were asked, by
6922. mail to appear at this trial but
were not in attendance: Herbert
Faculty-Student Tea, R. Buckner, Lillian K. Cohn, Gor-
A faculty-student tea, honor- don K. Craig, Ralph E. DeVore,
Anna Mae M. Felts, Lee K. Fish-
er, Daniel H. Gilbert, Morton M.
Harty, Orlin C. Heller, Joseph
Hooper, Burton Hunter, John S.
King, Maurice T. Merlau, Fred-
erick E. Meyer, Paul E. Morgan,
Charles J. Moss, Marjorie P. Mul-
lin, Donald L. Otto, Robert J. 01-
shefsky, Sydney M. Rogers, Rob-
ert A. Schnaars, LeRoy F. Scott,
Leon Schulman, Sam Stedman,
Clarence P. Stemmer, Edmund N.
Walsh and Catherine B. Wren.
Mei's Judiciary Council shall
hold office hours from 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. on Tues., March 4 and
Thurs., March 6, in Rm. 308, Un-
ion, in order that these students
may appear to admit their guilt
or establish that they were cred-
ited with 60 hours before the end
of last semester. If any of these
does not appear, he will suffer
the maximum penalty approved
by the University Comiittee on
Discipline for this offense.
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear, will
please call for their courtesy passI
tickets to the Lotte Lehmann con-
cert on the day of the perform-
ance, Wednesday, Feb. 26, be-
tween9:30 and 11:30 a.m., and 1
and 4 p.m. at the offices of the
University Musical Society. After
4 p.m., no passes will be issued.
The Emma M. and Florence L.
Abbott Scholarships and the Eu-
gene G. Fassett Scholarships. Eli-
gibility for these scholarships is
not restricted to those enrolled
in any particular school or college
of the University. For thecterms
on which they are awarded, refer
to the bulletin on Scholarships,
Fellowships, Prizes and Loan
Funds. Candidates should make
application through the Dean (in
the Literary College, the Assist-
ant Dean, and in the Engineering
College Prof. H. W. Miller) of the
unit in which they are enrolled.
Applications for these scholar-
ships for the year 1947-48 must
be made by Saturday, March 15.
To All Undergraduates of the Uni-
Eligibility Certificates for the
second semester may be secured in
the Office of Student Affairs, Rm.
2, University Hall, upon presenta-
tion of the last report of grades.
Rules governing participation in
Public Activities are as follows:
Participation in Public Activi-
ties. Participation in a public ac-
tivity is defined as service of any
kind on a committee or a publica-
tion, in a public performance or a
rehearsal, or in holding office or
being a- candidate for office in a
class or other student organiza-
tion. This list is not intended to be
exhaustive, but merely is indica-
tive of the character and scope of
the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the
beginning of each semester and
summer session every student
shall be conclusively presumed to
be ineligible for any public activity
until his eligibility is affirmative-
ly established by obtaining from
the Chairman of the Committee on
Student Affairs, in the Office of
Student Affairs, a Certificate of
Eligibility. Participation before the
opening of the first semester must
be approved as at any other time.
Before permitting any students
to participate in a public activity
(see definition of Participation
above), the chairman or manager
of such activity shall (a) require
each applicant to present a certifi-
cate of eligibility, (b) sign his ini-
tials on the back of such certifi-
cate and (c) file with the Chair-
man of the Committee on Student
Affairs the names of all those who
have presented certificates of eli-
gibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participa-
tion. Blanks for the chairmen's
lists may be obtained in the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective
until March 1.
Il. 1
Probation and Warning. Stu-
dents on probation or the warned
list are forbidden to participate in
any public activity.
Eligibility, First Year. No fresh-
man in his first semester of resi-
dence may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility.
A freshman during his second
semester of residence, may be
granted a Certificate of Eligibility
provided he has completed 15
hours or more of work with (1) at
least one mark of A or B and with
no mark of less than C, or (2) at
least 21/2 times as many honor
points as hours and with no mark
of E. (A-4 points, B-3, C-2, D-1,
Any student in his first semes-
ter of residence holding rank
above that of freshman may be
granted a Certificate of Eligibil-
ity if he was admitted to the Uni-
versity in good standing.
Eligibility, General. In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility
a student must have earned at
least 11 hours of academic credit
in the preceding semester, or 6
hours of academic credit in the
preceding summer session, with
an average of at least C, and have
at least a C average for his entire
academic career.
Unreported grades and grades
of X and I are to be interpreted as
E until removed in accordance
with University regulations. If in
the opinion of the Committee on
Student Affairs the X or I cannot
be removed promptly, the paren-
thetically reported grade may be
used in place of the X or I in com-
puting the average.
Students who are ineligible un-
der Rule V may participate only
after having received special per-
mission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Special Students. Special stu-
dents are prohibited from partici-
pating iii any public activity ex-
cept .by special permission of the
Committee on Student Affairs.
Extramural Activities. Students
who are ineligible to participate
in public activities within the
University are prohibited from
taking part in other activities of
a similar nature, except by special
permission of the Committee on
Student Affairs.
Physical Disability. Students
excused from gymnasium work on
account of physical incapacity are
forbidden to take part in any pub-
lic activity, except by special per-
mission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs. In order to obtain
such permission, a student may in
any case be required to present a
written recommendation from the
University Health Service.
General. Whenever in the opin-
ion of the Committee on Student
Affairs,. or in the opinion of the
Dean of the School 'or College in
which the student is enrolled, par-
ticipation in a public activity may
be detrimental to his college work
the committee may decline tr
grant a student the privilege o
participation in such activity.
Special Perimission. Special per
nission to participate in -1pubi
activities in exception of Rules IV
V, VI, VII, VIII may be grante
by the Contittee on Student Af
fairs only upon the positive rec
ommendation of the Dean of th
School or College to which th
student belongs.
Discipline. Cases of violation c
these rules will be reported to th
proper disciplinary authority fo
Officers, Chairmen and Man
agers. Officers, chairmen Any
managers of committees andpr f
ects who violate the Rtules Gov
Activies may be directed to appea
before the Committee on Studen
Affairs to explain their negligenti
E. A. Walter
Director, Office of StudentAffai
All women student
campus who are empl
time are instructed to r
fact immediately at th
the Dean of Women. '
(Continued on mPa
now n mo~er
lpha Phi Omega, admitted by
' this semester as an honor-:
service fraternity, will hold a
ker at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at
Union to acquaint all inter-
d men on campus with its
pith affiliated and indepen-
b nen are welcome. The slo-
adopted by the fraternity is
s Start Making Friends To-
or, more tersely, LSMFT.
nguht, Sold, Rented Repaired
14 8. State St. Phone 7177
JAZZ at the
ing iembers of the Engl ix Di-
partment, will be held from 3:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Russian Tea
Room, of the League.
Weekdays until 5 !.M., 25c
Evenings and Sundays, 30c
North Main Opposite Court House
Now Playing Starts Today
in Technicolor with ANDTHE LAW"
Walter Pidgeon-Ilona Massey - Plus -
Jose Iturbi-Xavier Cugat Johnny Mack Brown in
SHADOWED - Added -
"Who's Who in the Jungle"
Anita Louise-Robert Scott Terrytoon Cartoon
English Titles: French Dialogue
Also: LAUREL AND HARDY in "Dirty Work"
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 1 - 8:30 P.M.
Box Office Opens 2 P.M. Daily
Admnission 42c (Tax inc.) Reservations, Phone 6300
"The most earthy, huiman, funny and realistic French
movie seen here in years."-THE NEW YORKER
Last Continuous
Times Doily
Today! from 1 P.M.
$.the's a ,Fun theRuI
FOR SALE: 1946 Mercury town sedan.
All extras. Best offer today. Call
4121, Ext. 568 )53
SIZE 37 OR 38 Long midnight blue
Tuxedo. Single-breasted. $30. Call
Ypsilanti 9380. ) 7
TUXEDO size 38 long. Prewar mater-
Tal DWorn only twice. Excellant con-
dition. Phone Wayne 3307. )8
therinostatlc control. griulbroiler,
baking dishes. Argus slide projector
(2x2)-carrying case, built-in tray.
Phone 6883. )50
BUICK-Black. '41-118 in. W. B., 4
door good condition. Cash only.
Write box 6. Give phone No. )32
1 PR. MEN'S dark brown riding boots,
size 9}- -straps and hooks, 1 pr.
men's dark brown riding breeches,
size 36-zippers throughout. This
gear worn twice. Box 35, Mich. Dai-
ly. )44
NEED A PLACE to live? A House
Trailer is your answer. 23 ft. all
steel Vagabond. for sale by former
student. Electric Refrigerator. Bot-
tle gas stove. Heated floors. Excell-
ent condition througho~ut. Ready to
occupy. D. Smith,' lot D-4, Sunny-
side Park, 2740 Packard Rd. Ann Ar-
bor. Ph. 9393. )46
1 PREWAR English° rolls r azor, life-
time blade, built inrhoned stropper.
Box 35, Mich. ')aily. )43
35 MM CAMERA and enlarger. Good
condition. 1373 Hanover Ct., Wil-
low Village. )14
1 COMPLETE set Navy sea packC lug-
gage. 4 pcs.-4.0 condition. Contact
Mich. Daily, box 35. )42
1939 CHEVROLET town sedan. Call
after 3 p.m., 406 Greene House, East
Quad. ) 49
DIAMOND engagement ring. % carat.
Box 43, Mich. Daily. )61
you have an excess of ties that are
misfits in your wardrobe? Would
you exchange them for other ties?
If so, here is a chance to rid your
tie-rack of it's "misfits" and obtain
an equal number of different ties at
a very small cost. Send us as many
ties as you wish, just enclose 75c
with each group of six .ties, and we
will send you an equal number of
good ties by return mall. Obviously,
we cannot accept damaged ties or
military ties. Your request for spe-
cific colors, styles and patterns fo1-
lowed within our .linitations. E. L.
Voss, Variety Exchange, 1214 Knox-
ville, Peoria 4, Illinois.
ONE TICKET Lotte Lehmann concert,
good seat, main floor. Phone 5519.
LOST: Ladies Tiffany watch. Yellow
Gold with two diamonds. Lost be-
:TOMORROW -89:30 P.M.
University of Michigan Oratorical Association-
Noted FBI agent who broke up the Dellinger gang.
Author of "AmericanAgent" and "Under Secret Orders"
Tickets: $1.20 - 90c - 60c (tax inel.)
Box Office open today 10-1, 2-5; Thurs., 10.1, 2-8:30
tween State and Packard and Haven
Hall Tuesday night. Reward. Call
4521. Stockwell Hall. )52
LOST:. A blue and silver Parker "51"
pen somewhere between Haven Hall
and Angell last Thursday 9:00 A. M.
Reward. Call. 2-4561, 591. )35
LOST: Bick and gold Parker pencil.
Near E. Engineering Bldg. Ken Ran-
dle, 6882. Reward. )30
LOST: Two weeks ago, a diamond ring
set in onyx. Finder call 6711. Re-
ward. )22
LOST: Collegiate Sorosis pin. K. Rem-
ington engraved on back. Reward.
Please call Betsey Moore 4879. )41
FIELD JACKET, gloves, scarf and ur-
gently needed keys mistakenly tak-
en from second floor of Union Feb.
21st. Reward. Write Box 778, West
Lodge, Ypsilanti, Mich. )24
LOST-Black Leather key ca e con-
tains driver's license of Harriet
Feldman. Call 20835. )15
A PIANO for a few hours weekly.
Please call Newton Ressler, 7695. )49
LAW STUDENT Veteran and wife de-
sire apartment for next fall. One
small child. Excellent references.
Contact Mollie Anderson, 1330 Hill
Street 8983. )20
LOST: Green and gold Parker 51 pen.
Initials R.J.V. on cap. Reward. ph.
9785. )1
LOST: Brown zipper purse, vicinity
Holmes Rd. or Ann Arbor Greyhound
bus. Mary Venton, 736 S. State. Tel.
2-6295 or 8646. Reward. )9
LOST: Pair of shell-rimmed glasses in
leather case with blue pen attached,
Call Becky 2-1146. )31
WANTED: Girl to work for room. Call
mornings. Ph. 4770. )2
THERE'S A FUTURE for women in the
telephone business. If you're look-
ing for an interesting, well-paying
job that has a future, come to see
us now. We will welcome you and
will answer all your questions
cheerfully. Apply 323 E. Washing-
ton. )5
enings for men who are interested
in making a connection now for a
sales position with a future. The
product is sterling silver. Qualified
men interested in sales and sales
personnel work now and earn from
$100 to $200 per month while carry-
ing a regular course of study. Upon
graduation these men will be con-
sidered for key positions in our Na-
tional Sales Organization. Under
graduates can qualify for lucrative
summer work in their home areas.
Write the Easterling Co., 1210A Me-
tropolitan Bldg., Detroit, Michigan.
TWO STUDENTS living at Pittsfield
Village to deliver the Michigan Dai-
ly. Good pay. Apply Student Pub-
lications Bldg. Phone 2-3241. )11
DRESSMAKING and alterations, also
teacher of sewing. Miss Livingston
315 S. Division, second floor front)
TYPEWRITERS now available for rent,
standards or portablese - Office
Equipment Service Co., 11 S. Fourth
Ave. )36
DOUBLE GAR.AGE. Will rent singly or
together. Inquire 915 Green Street.
Ending Wednesday
Fellowships in Business and Economics
With-Stipends Up to $2,200
A ,limited number of teaching fellowships in Economics, Statistics, and Accounting for
1947-48, in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Business Administra-
tion, are available to Seniors who will be grad uated this une. Fellows appointed will devote
part of their time to teaching elementary courses and part of their time to graduate Work.
The amount of work that the Fellow or Instructor will be permitted to take in pursuance
of his own studies toward a higher degree will depend upon the background and capacity
of the candidate, as well as upon his teaching schedule. Only graduates who have out-
standing college records, with majors in Economics, Statistics, Accounting or other business
fields, should apply.
A few junior ihstrictorships, at somewhat higher stipends, are available for persons
who have already had one or more years of graduate work. In addition to the stipend, tii-
tion is given for any graduate work taken.
Persons interested should immediately write a letter of 300 words to the Chairman,
Committee on Fellowships in Economics and Business, University of Buffalo, Buffalo 14, New
York. This letter should contain a retuest for an application blank, the writer's residence
address and telephone number and the names of three persons with whom he has been
associated in academic work.
Ui f ited Sta tee
Michigan. Two openings for women
counselors. Specialized craft or dance
instruction. Jewish clientele. Write
J. Carron, 924 Oakland. )10
SIZE 12 or 13 evening gown. Call
26076 evenings. )47
HURRY GANG this is your last cance
to fly to Boston for spring vacation
in a chartered major airlines plane.
For the quickest, cheapest, most
convenient way home. Write Ray
Newhall, Box 722, West Lodge, Ypsi-
lanti, and I'll send you complete in-
formation. Time is SHORT. )56
are eligible
for membership in the
The only re ognized national organization
exclusively for Marines
Phone 2-0040 or 2-0293
Ann Arbor Detachment
You and your date are invite1 to visit our Club Rooms
anT Wednesday, Friday or Saturday evening
to the Best Bands
in the Nation!
'r JIC ArCTt: KIC'~f'1Kt ') tl' , f1~I I
i { ' . . ..1
El I