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February 26, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




LVII, No. 99




PHA Makes
billow Run

Vets' Committee Opens
Cost-of-Living Survey
Merged Results of Subsistence Questionnaires
Will Be Presented to House Investigators

Safety Cheek
Probes Residents
Use o Eleetricity
A rigid inspection of uses to
which electricity is being put by
Willow Village residents is now
being conducted by Federal Pub-
lic Housing Authority officials,
with assurances of the University
that students found guilty of vio-
lating FPHA safety regulations
will be disciplined.
Charles H. Annala, Willow Vil-
lage FPHA director, said yester-
day that tighter controls over use
of electric appliances at the hous-
ing project are necessary because
"a number of fires have been
caused in the last three weeks
by amateur wiring and excess
loading of electrical circuits."
Routine Inspection
Annala said an inspector is now
making "a routine an ual fire and
safety inspection" and has been
requested to enforce compliance
with "the existing policy," which
states that electricity shall not
be usd for heating water, cook-
ing or space heating.
He added that in cases of "fla.-
grant violation" of regulations
governing use of electricity, ten-
ants will be evicted.
A University -law student was
disciplined last week by the Law
School's Administrative Commit-
tee for tampering with a fuse box
at his Willow Village residence.
University authorities said com-
parable action would be taken
against students guilty of serious
violations of village regulations in
the future.
Fuse Alteration
The action followed an incident
in which a fire was caused at the
village by the alteration of a fuse
bay a tenant.
Asserting that inspection of
village fire hazards "keeps going
on all the time," Annala said
FPHA is now "putting teeth into
"The reason is that inspections
have begun to show a larger num-
ber of fire hazards, and for the
protection of tenants' property
and lives we have to put teeth in-
to them," he said.
No Rewiring
He declared the village could
not be rewired to carry an extra
load, because "a directive from
Washington on. temporary hous-
ing projects such as this one
states that no capital improve-
ments shall be made. This rules
out the possibility of rewiring, and
the units are overloaded now."
He added that the Detroit Edi-
son Co., responsible for primary
distribution at the village, inform-
ed FPHA that village wiring is
iet heavy enough to carry' the
p resent load.
Rus hing nds
Fraternities, Rushees
- Enter Silence Period
Fraternity rushing will close at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
From that time until 12 noon
Monday, a period of strict silence
must be maintained between fra-
ternities and rushees, according to
Harry Jackson, president of IFC.
No contact of any kind is to take
place during that period.
Before 9 a.m. Friday, fraterni-
ties are expected to present to the
Office of Student Affairs a list of
rushees they are willing to pledge.
Between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. the
same day, rushees will present to
thi Office their registration re-

ceipts and will receive in return,
blank preference lists on which
they are to indicate their choice of
Rushees who are bid by frater-
nities will receive invitations, is-
sued by the Office of Student Af-
fairs, to pledge dinners which will
be held at 6 p.m. March 4.
Await Olivet
College Ruling
LANSING, Feb. 25-( ')-A de-
cision by trustees of Olivet College
was awaited today on recommen-
dations by an alumni group that
four faculty members be dismissed
for alleged Communistic activities.

.Subsistence questionnaires will be passed out on campus today
and tomforrow by the continuations committee of Student Veterans
Conference as a part of a state-wide drive to collect information about
student veterans' current expenses, VO president Bill Haydon, commit-
tee chairman, said yesterday.
A sample questionnaire blank, which may be filled out and given
to the continuations committee, appears on page six of today's Daily.
The results of the campus survey, combined with those of other
campuses in the state, will be given to Rep. Edith Rogers of Massa-
chusetts on March 8, along with the results of last November's AVC
- cost-of-living survey. Rep. Rogers
is the sponsor of H.R. 870 a bill
TakesStOolt proposing to increase subsistence
allowances, and a member of the
House Veterans Affairs Commit-
tee. Five members of the local
AVC-VO Student Veterans Plan-
In FieldHouse ning Conference will be in Wash-
ington March 8 for a hearing in
front of the House committee.
Purdue Accident The continuations committee
Leads to Survey needs approximately 2,000 com-
pleted questionnaires from campus
By DICK KRAUS veterans, according to Haydon.
As Purdue University began an Booths will be set up on the Diag,
investigation to learn the cause of in the Engine Arch, Union and the
the collapse nthat tumbled 3,500 League from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and
basketball fans into a tangled from 3-6 p.m. today and tomor-
heap from which two persons were row. Collection boxes for com-
taken out dead and 250 injured, pleted questionnaires will be main-
Michigan took stock of its own tained at the booth sites all day
temporary seating facilities, today and tomorrow. There will
"With all our available tempo- also be a distribution of question-
rary bleachers up," Henry W. naires at Willow Run on the same
Hatch, athletic equipment man- days.
ager, declared yesterday, "Yost The questionnaires cover such
Field House has about 2,600 extra items as rent, food, clothing, trans-
seats. We have 26 sections of 13 portation, insurance, recreation,
rows each and none of them are and haircuts. In addition, an
new, itemization of each veteran's
eachers Used Since 1928 sources of income is requested for
.e Uthe purpose of the survey.
"Some of the bleachers were
here when the building opened in
1924 and the rest have been in Lotte Lehman


use since 1928. They are nspect-
ed constantly. Loose or broken
bolts and weakened timber are al-
ways being replaced."
Hatch recalled that there had
been a bleacher collapse at Michi-
gan in 1904, when a portion of the
stands at "Old Regents Field" gave
Similar Collapse
ies Etter, Michigan Athletic
Publicity Director, said that there
had been a similar, though less
serious bleacher collapse at Frank-
lin Field, Philadelphia, Pa., some
years ago.
Etter, yesterday, talked to Wil-
liam Reed, of the Western Con-
ference Publicity Department, who
had been a spectator at the Pur-
due-Wisconsin game.
Crowd'Behavior Good
"Reed," Etter said, "was greatly
impressed with the behaviour of
the crowd after the stands col-
lapsed. There was no panic at all.
No one screamed or groaned. The
people who were uninjured drew
back to give the rescue workers
more room in which to operate."
The bleachers fell last night at
the half-time intermission of the
Purdue-Wisconsin basketball game
as the fans rose to cheer the home
team, which held a one-point lead
over the Badgers, leaders in the
Big Nine race.
Critical Condition.
Of the injured 142 remained in
two hospitals and the University
Infirmary. At least seven were re-
ported in critical condition.
Dr. Frederick 'L. Hovde, 39-year-
old president of Purdue who head-
ed the government's rocket de-
velopment program during the
war, took the lead in ascertaining
the cause of the accident. In a
preliminary report to Gov. Ralph
F. Gates he attributed it to "struc-
tural failure of materials."
Dr. Hovde informed the gover-
nor that the wooden bleachers,
100 feet long and arranged in a
tier of 42 rows, was "bought from
a " reputable company" and had
been used during the football sea-
son last fall.

Will .Present
Co~ncert Today
Program To Feature
German Composers
Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms,
Wolf and Strauss compositions will
be sung by Lotte Lehmann, lead-
ing soprano of the Metropolitan.
Opera Company in the ninth
Choral Union Concert at 8:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Noted as a Lieder singer, Miss
Lehmann will present a program
composed principally of German
Now an American citizen, Miss
Lehmann made her first operatic

On Palestine
'Spoiled' by U.S.
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 25 - Foreign
Secretary Ernest Bevin declared!
today that President Truman had
"spoiled" Britain's negotiations
on Palestine by insisting on issu-
ing a statement during the United
States Congressional election cam-
paign last fall calling for the ad-
mission of 100,000 Jews to the
Holy Land.
Bevin told the House of Com-
mons that he had "begged" James
F. Byrnes, then U. S. Secretary
of State, "that the statement
should not be issued, but I was
told that if it was not issued by
Mr. Truman a competitive state-
ment would be issued by Mr. Dew-
ey." (Governor Thomas E. Dewey
of New York).
Britain Willing
"I really must point out that in
international affairs I cannot set-
tle things if my problem is to be
made the subject of local elec-
tions," he said.
The foreign minister said Brit-
ain was still willing to make one
more try to settle the Palestine
problem before referring it to the
United Nations. He also asserted
that Arabs could be persuaded to
allow 100,000 Jews to enter the
Holy Land if future immigration
"was to be determined by the
elected representatives of the peo-
ple of Palestine."
Chance of Settlement
"There is still a chance of set-
tlement yet, if people will come
off their arbitrary position, with-
out going to the United Nations,"
he said.
"I am still open to a try. If
it was only a question of alleviat-
ing Europe of 100,000 Jews, I be-
lieve a settlement could be found.
Unfortunately that is not the po-
sition. From the Zionist point of
view, 100,000 is only the begin-
ning. The Jewish agency talks in
terms of millions."
Alternatives for UN
Bevin apparently ruled out the
possibility of dividing Palestine
into separate Arab and Jewish
states. He said that as he saw
it, there were three alternatives
for the UN to consider.
"1. Shall the claim of the Jews
be admitted that Palestine is to
be a Jewis hstate; or
"2. Shall the claim of the Arabs
be admitted that it is to be an
Arab state with safeguards for
the Jew, under the decision for
a national home; or
"3. Shall it be a Palestinian
state in which the interests of
both communities are as carefully
balanced and protected as pos-
Zionist Appeal
Set for Today
The Zionist appeal for a new
policy in the Holy Land will be
discussed from 3:15 to 5 p.m.to-
day at a mass meeting to be held
in the Union Ballroom.
Dr. Franklin Littell, guest speak-
er and director of the Student Re-
ligious' Association, will address
the all-campus group on "A Chris-
tian View of Zionism." William

Resnick, president of the Inter-
collegiate Zionist Federation at
Michigan will preside over the
meeting which will include an in-
vocation by Rabbi Herschel Ly-
mon, and an appeal by Judith
Laiken, member of IZFA.
Student groups on seventy-five
other campuses are staging simi-
lar meetings to protest British ac-
tion in Palestine.
'U' Structure
In New Stage

2 IRussians 0

Missing from the above group is Al Sandmann, ticket chairman.
* * * * * *
Sophomore .Proam Is .revived
With New Gold Rush Theme

The sophomore class will present
the semi-formal "Forty - Niner
Ball" from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday,
March 14, in the Union Ballroom.
The dance is a revival of the
Soph Prom which was held annu-
ally before the war and discontin-
ued in 1942. Women students will
have 1:30 a.m. permission for the
affair. The orchestra which will
play has not yet been announced,
Leave Ruling
Passed VA
Vets Denied Payment
For Unused Time Off
Student veterans' leave which
has been accrued at the comple-
tion of their education under the
GI Bill is cancelled and cannot
be used to extend their subsistence
allowance, the branch office of
the Veterans Administration in
Columbus announced yesterday.
The University has received no
official confirmation of this re-
port, Robert S. Waldrop, direc-
tor of the Veterans Service Bu-
reau, said.
Educational provisions of the
GI Bill provide that a veteran may
be granted leave of absence only
while enrolled in a course of edu-
Unused leave cannot be granted
after a veteran has completed a
course, even though he has not ex-
hausted his period of entitlement,
according to the VA. However, un-
used leave to a veteran's credit
upon completion of his course is
continued to his credit upon his
subsequent enrollment in another
Party .issue To
Be Discussed
The Student Legislature will
face the controversial election
party question again today as it
renews its discussion of election
rules at the second meeting of the
A motion for the regulation of
campus parties was tabled at the
last meeting when Legislators
could notiagree whether such
groups should be allowed to take
part in campus elections.
The Legislature, which will meet
at 7:30 p.m. in the League, will
also continue its discussion on the
Men's Judiciary Council.
The Cabinet will meet at 7:10
p.m. in the League to outline the
Legislature's agenda.
Vets' Checks Are
feld at Post Office

but a name band traditionally
plays for the Soph Prom.
Following a gold rush theme,
decorations will feature covered
wagons and nuggets. Gold pro-
grams, covered in celluloid and
displaying a covered wagon design,
will be distributed to all women at
the ball. No corsages will be worn
at the dance except by central
committee members and their
Sophomores may buy tickets be-
ginning March 5, and sale of any
remaining tickets will be opened to
members of all classes March 10.
Tickets will be sold from 1 to 5
p.m. every day at the Union,
League, and in University Hall,
and sales will be limited to com-
fortable dancing capacity. Pur-
chasers must present their ID
cards when buying tickets.
Duke Dosier has been chosen
general chairman for the "Forty-
Niner Ball." Central committee
heads are Polly Hanson, finance;
Al Sandman, tickets; Bob Bauer,
patrons and programs; Bobbie Jo
Ream and Karl Heimbach, decora-
tions; Ann Schoonmaker and Jack
Passfield, publicity.
Few Tickets
Left for Jazz
Only a limited number of tic-
kets are left for Norman Granz'
"Jazz at the Philharmonic", to be
presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Auditorium, it was announc-
ed yesterday.
The unusual concert program
will present every phase of true
American jazz from its street-
corner beginnings in the deep
South to present day boogie
woogie, blues and popular dance
Remaining tickets are on sale
at the League and the Union, in
University Hall and in local rec-
ord shops. The ticket price, $1.20,
is the lowest for which Granz'
group has ever appeared.

Reuther Ur'es
More Controls
For Industry
Court Upholds Free
Competition Policy
Planning and democratic con-
trols of industry to gain a stab-
ilized economy and full employ-
ment were advocated last night
by Victor Reuther, educational di-
rector of the UAW-CIO.
He maintained that centralized
direction by the government dur-
ing the war and integrated our in-
dustry for maximum production.
Economic Security
Reuther, speaking at the first
Student Town Hall meeting of the
semester, declared t h a t t h e
achievement of economic security
depended upon translating .the
democratic philosophy into the
economic field by giving each in-
dividual a personal stake in our
Andrew T. Court of the Labor-
Economics Section of the Gen-
eral Motors Corporation, who
quoted Karl Marx and Robert Na-
than (author of the Nathan re-
port) to prove that raising wag-
es without raising prices will on-
ly result in unemployment, said
that the encouragement of free
competition had given this coun-
try the highest standard of liv-
ing in the world" even though
China and Russia both have
greater natural resources.
Proposal Opposed
He opposed Reuther's proposal
asserting that wherever unions
had received a voice in industry
they had conspired with the man-
agement to raise prices and re-
strict production and he cited the
wool and cotton industries as
typical examples.
Reuther contended that no sec-
tion of the economy should have
the right to determine such a
broad matter as production which
affects labor, management and
the consumer alike.
Management No Dicerent
Charging that management's
program today is no different than
in 1932, .Reuther said that if new
See DEBATE, page 6

PLAN PROM REVIVAL-Members of the committee for Forty-Niner Ball, to be held March 14, are,
seated (left to right) Ann Schoonmaker, publicity; Bobby Jo Ream, building and decorations; Duke
Dosier, general chairman; Polly Hanson, financial chairman. Standing (left to right) are Bob
Bauer, patrons and programs; Jack Passfield, publicity; Karl Heimbach, building and decorations.

Of Mandate
Jap Island Not
Surprises Capil
By The Associated Press
surprise move, Rusia has stan
its cordial approval on a plan
American control of the 623
cific islands wrested from Ji
nese mandate, Secretary of E
Marshall disclosed today.
A Moscow note took the p
tion 'that United States co
would be entirely fair because
blood shed in evicting the J
nese was largely American.
Capital Surprised
The note, contrasting so shaa
with Russia's frequent disag
ments with this country, set
capital buzzing with specula
about possible motives. Mar
was asked at a news confer
whether he thought Moscow
trying to set a precedent to Vi
fy the Soviets' own postwar
acquisitions. He declined C
Russia had been generally
pected to side with the British
Australian contention that
United Nations should postj
the whole question of a futur
the strategic Marshall, Maria
and Caroline groups until a p
treaty is written with Japan.
News Conference
Marshall gave a news confer
a paraphrase of the Russian
which made no mention of d
The communication arrived
Russian-American affairs or
eve of next month's Moscow' p
conference of the Big Four
eign ministers dominated a
ies of announcements and ci
ments by Marshall, which in
1. There has been no ch
whatever in general policies o
United States on terms of a E
pean postwar settlement fron
pronouncements of former S
tary James F. Byrnes last fa
Stuttgart and the American V
tions at the 1945 Potsdam C
American Delegation
2. An American delegation
has been selected for the Mo
Conference and will leave by
probably March 5.
3. Marshall considers as c
the diplomatic quarrel resu
from Undersecretary Dean A
son's comment that Soviet fo
policy was "aggressive and
4. The United States "profo
ly hopes," Marshall said in a
mal statement, that India wil
cept the "challenge" of the Bi
offer of self-government by
and proceed to break the im
between the Congress and
Moslem League.
Back Llinth
Telegrams urging the app
ment of David Lilienthal as c
man of the atomic energy
mission were sent to Mih
Senators Arthur H. Vander
and Homer Ferguson yesterd
the Association of Universil
Michigan Scientists.
In a discussion preceding
vote which unanimously end
Lilienthal, menibers of the
ciation declared Lilienthal I
the "best qualified and most
petent" candidate.
Buffalo Unal

To End Strik
BUFFALO, N. Y., Feb. 25-
The city of Buffalo declared-
helpless tonight to grant imr
ate teachers' raises and turn
the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey's
administration for a solutic
the city's two-day-old strike
2,400 public school instructor
Republican Mayor Bernai
Dowd said the city was anxio
grant all deserved salary inc
es, but that "we cannot grant
raises without an increase in
aid or permissive (state) leg
tion granting additional loca
Fisher, Soop Wi
lnoIr t A A ITP

U.S. Con

debut in a provincial house in Ger-
many, the country of her birth.
After her first success as Elsa in
Wagner's "Lohengrin," she sang
regularly in leading European mu-
sical centers.
Special honors awarded to her
during this period include the
Medal of Art from Sweden, the
See CONCERT, Page 6


Michigan's Large Enrollment
Sets No Records in Country

By The Associated Press
The House Veterans Committee
voted yesterday to raise the ceiling
on allowances and subsistences
combined for veterans receiving
on-the-job training.
The proposed liberalized sub-
sistence allowance raises the for-
mer ceilings of $175 for single vet-
erans and $200 for veterans with
dependents to $250 and $350 re-
* * *

" minimum wages, and tax poli-
* * *
A Senate subcommittee voted to-
day to raise rents 10 per cent, while
soaring commodity prices brought
talk of "dollar bacon" in Chicago
and scared the New York stock
market into a decline.
* * *
Prospects for any immediate

Steel Work
On Service


The first steel column in the
new General Service Building was
set in place shortly before noon
yesterday in the northeast sec-
tion of the building.
Plant Superintendent Walter
Roth said the steel work is ex-
pected to be completed in six

Although the doubled-up living
quarters and the restaurant lines
might indicate that Michigan's
enrollment would shatter all oth-
er records, our Buckeye competi-
tors and a few other universities
have even more students than the
18,593 registered here this semes-
Ohio State University reports
that their enrollment has hit
24,273 of which 14,223 are veter-
ans. The University's veteran en-
rollment is 11,300, although nei-
th. nf ofhe fair,. o nMirhiran'.

Michigan Ahead
The University outranks the
Badgers from the University of
Wisconsin in enrollment. Their
total is 17,828, of which 10,900 are
veterans. The University of Illi-
nois also trails Michigan with a
veteran enrollment of 10,501 and
a total enrollment of 17,487.
The Spartans at Michigan State
College report a total enrollment
of 13,427' with 8,424 veterans. In-
diana University boasts 13,145
students of which 8.766 are vet-

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