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February 19, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-19

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Will Meet

, esponsibilities of All


(I Be Explained

To Interested Coeds

Calens To Hold
Caduceus Ball
Friday in Unior
Patrons, physicians, and medical
students will dance to the music of
Frank Tinker and his orchestra at
the annual Caduceus Ball, to be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight Fri-
day in the Union Ballroom.
The dance is presented by Gal-
ens, honorary medical society, and
all committee heads and their as-
sistants are members of Galens.
Tickets for the medical ball may
be purchased from members of
Galens or from the Galens news-
stand in University Hospital.


mass orientation meeting of
vomen wishing to work as vol-
der hospital aides will be held
Sp.m. tomorrow-at the Uni-
ity Hospital, according to Olive
rnow, chairman of the Hospi-
Service Committee.
udent aides are required to
k four hours each week, . but.
divide the time into two two-
r shifts. They may work when-
they have any spare time.
es To. Be Explained
-e various duties of the volun-
aides will be explained at
meeting as well as the respon-
ities connected with this serv-
At this time each student may
up for the particular type of
k sne would like to do.
Le volunteers work in the
ds directly with the patients.
e of their tasks include run-
errands for the nurses as
as the patients, feeding those
are unable to eat by them-
s, arranging flowers, and as-
ng the doctors and nurses in a
et~y of tasks.
nteers Work in Wards
children's wards the volun-
sdress, feed and amusemthe
ens In men's a.nd women's

yards the work includes reading,
alking to and cheering those who
ire bedridden.
Any chemistry or physics major
who wishes, may accept special as-
signments in the Hospital labora-
tories. There they will learn to
take blood counts, stain and label.
slides. Such work is arranged after
an interview with the lab director.
Aides Wear Special Uniforms
All volunteer aides wear a spe-
:ial uniform which consists of a
blue jacket provided by the Hos-
pital, white blouse, dark skirt, low-
heeled shoes and silk stockings.
Each woman has her own jacket
which must be left at the Hospital
at all times to be cleaned. I
Anyone interested in this type
of work but unable to attend the
meeting, is asked to call Miss
Chernow at 2-3225.
There will be a meeting of
the ticket committee for As-
sembly Ball at 3 p.m. today in
the League. The room will be
posted, and members must
bring their eligibility cards
with them.


For Summer, FT ell Rrnounced
The procedure of applying for4

! """ m

Announcing the Opening
A'ary Ann Howard

Caduceus Ball is named after
the symbol of the medical pro-
fession, the serpent-entwined
and winged staff of Mercury.
To make the doctors feel at
home at the dance, the rooms ad-
joining the Union Ballroom will
be transferred into departments
of a hospital, complete with equip-
ment which includes many novel
"improvements." In addition, pro-
fessors will see themselves as cari-
catured by students.
A program of intenission en-
tertainment has been planned to
highlight the evening. John
Shaw and "Buzz" Galloway will
be featured in a take-off on a
neuro-psychiatric interview. The
programewill include a vocal by
the "Three Andrews sisters," the
awarding of a door prize, and
the selection of a coed to pre-
side over the intermission enter-
Caduceus Ball is semi-formal,
and programs will be given to all
women guests. Chaperones for the
evening will be Dr. and Mrs. James
L. Wilson and Dr. and Mrs. Lyn-
don Lee. The patrons will include
all of the professors of the medi-
cal faculty and their guests.
WAA Notices]
will hold its organizational meet-
ing at 5 prm. today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
Those who were members last
term .must register again. Any
coed interested in bowling this
term should attend the. meeting
or call Gwen Sperlich, 213494.
Bowling will be done in teams,
from 3 to 5 p.m., Mondays, Tues-
days and Wednesdays, beginning
Feb. 24, at a Liberty Street bowling
alley. Dues will be approximately
$3 for the term.
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Dance Room of Barbour Gym.
Joanne Bromm, manager, re-
quested that those attending mem-
bers wear white shorts and shirts,
as the Ensian picture will be tak-
en at the meeting. All coeds in-
terested in ballet work may at-
tend, whether or not they are
former members.

BASEBALL, SCOUT-FEdith Naughton, jiust -out of the WAVES,
has been signed as a baseball scout for the Philadelphia Phillies.
Merit-Tutor ial Grou ans
Mass Meeting Tomorrow


dormitory and supplementary
housing for the summer and fall
of 1947 was recently announced byl
the Office of the Dean of Women.'
During the week of March 3, a
canvass will be made of all dormi-
tories, at which time residents will
fill out cancellation or renewal1
slips for the dormitory. No re-
newals will be accepted after
March 10. Based on the number
Casbah Plans
Novel Theme
'Weird' and 'mysterious' will be
the key notes of this week's Cam-
pus Casbah dance which will be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight Fri-
day and Saturday in the League
New decorations are being
planned for this occasion which
include novel, colorful wall panels
in surrealistic designs.
Entertainment provided by stu-
dent talent will consist of South
American specialty dances by
Chico Kennedy and his partner,
Nancy Lewis. Also on the pro-
gram will be Sheldon Rose, a
Allen Townsend and his orches-
tra will feature Cliff Hoff, on the
tenor sax and vocalist Lois Rob-
Refreshments will be served and
tickets for the affair may be se-
cured at the main desk in. the
Students, Faculty
Invited to Joint
Tea in League
The first student-faculty tea
of the semester will be held from
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Russian Tea Room of the League.
All students and members of
the faculty are urged to attend.
The tea this week will honor mem-
bers of the sociology department.
Assembly and Panhellenic Asso-
ciations jointly sponsor these teas
which have been scheduled for
every Thursday throughout the
The student-faculty teas present
an opportunity for students and
professors to establish out-of-class
relationships. Each week a special
department will be honored and
everyone on campus is invited to
attend every week.
Co-chairman for the affairs are
Regine Gruen for Assembly, and
Sally Pearson for Panhellenic.
Other chairmen include Judy
Diggs, refreshments; Doris John-
son, publicity; Pat Geer, posters;
and Nancy Helmick, invitations.

oQur straplee lt1hes need it
your 0i ure will weieom~e is

A mass meeting for all women
interested in working on the Mer-
it-Tutorial Committee will be held
at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the League.
There are many openings for
coeds to work in the Information
Booth and to help with personnel
and tutoring files, publicity, inter-
viewing and other aspects of thei
Booth Gives Information
The Information Booth is open
from 1 to 5 p.m. Mondays through
Fridays, in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League. The booth fur-
nishes information' on questions
concerning Union and League ac-
tivities, meetings, sororities, fra-
ternities, dances, concerts, schol-
arships, train and bus schedules
and anything else about campus
and Ann Arbor activities of inter-
est to students.
The Merit section of the com-
mittee keeps a file of every woman
on campus with a record of the ex-
tra-curricular activities in which
she has participated. This file is
used by the Office of the Dean of
Women, the Social Director of the
League, Judiciary Council and
League committee and honor so-
The Tutorial half of the com-
mittee is in charge of the League
Tutorial Service. A file is kept
of tutors available to, students.
Typists and coeds to make pos-

of cancellations received, the Of-
fice will estimate the number of
probable dormitory vacancies for
members of each class for next fall.
Women students who do not
now live in dormitories may apply
for dormitory housing for the fall
term beginningat 7:30 a.. April
1 at the Office of the Dean of
Women. The Office will accept.
applications from only as many
women as it expects to be able to
accommodate in the residence
halls, and when this quota is
reached applications will be closed.
Applications will be opened at
7:30 to give all women students in-
cluding those who have 8 a.m.
classes an equal opportunity to
apply. Dormitory accommodations
will be assigned only to women
now on campus and to women who
will be first semester freshmen
next fall. Transfer students will
be taken care of in supplementary
Applications Begin April 1
Women students tentatively ad-
mitted to the University as first-
semester freshmen for the fall
may apply for dormitory housing.
A certain number of dormitory
rooms are reserved for incoming
ireshmen each semester.

Women students now on c
who do not apply for dor
accommodations, and thos
have been tentatively admit
the University with ad'
standing for the fall term m
ply for supplementary 1
April 1 at the Dean of W
Office. Women now on c
have referral priority over
fer, since new students w
be referred for definite
mentary housing reservatior
after April 15.
Applications are now beii
cepted at the Office of the I
Women for summer housing
dents may apply for accon
tion's in dormitories, league;.
cooperative houses, and
homes. The type of housil
ferred should be indicated
time of application.
Women students who
have singing, dancing or
ing parts in this year's J
Girls' Play wilt be annot
Friday in The Daily.
will be a meeting at 5 p.m
day in the League whe
who have parts will mee
central committee for JG

ters for publicity are also needed.
A great deal of help is needed and
this is a good way for coeds to get
a start in League activities, ac-
cording to Judy Rado, chairman
of the committee.
The junior assistants of the
committee are Irma Eichhorn, in
charge of the Information Booth;
Judy Diggs, who handles tutoring;
and Betty Etter, in charge of per-
sonal sheets.
Those unable to attend the
meeting should call Miss Rado at
AVC Record Hop
Te Be Held Today
The American Veteran Commit-
tee is sponsoring another one of
their weekly record hops from 2
to 5 p.m. today in the League Ball-
These affairs which are held
every Wednesday afternoon pro-
vide an informal atmosphere
where all students may meet to
dance and become acquainted with
others on campus.
According to Bob Schneider-
man, publicity chairman, "This is
an excellent time and place for
everyone to meet between and
after classes for an afternoon of
fun and relaxation."

This new genuine hand-laced mocasin with$ .
an Indian styled vamp and lock-titchd.
molded rubber sole, makes this the moccat.
sin of tomorrow.
in colors for every occasion. Sun-Tan, Charcoal Black, Snow-White, Chocol
Brown, Lipstick Red and a smart two-tone combination of Brown and Wh
Sizes 4 to 9.
COLLEGE-DEBS, Box 60, Portsmouth, N. H. Pairs Siz o
College-Debs. Enclosed find money order for $3,8
..per pair.
ADDRESS........... ...........SAE................



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of wool flannels, quiltedc
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Originally to 25.00





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