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February 16, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-16

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Lit/1i1% Z3LI'



on in China


roportions has added new peril in
he already critical political situa-
s have soared from 80 to 200 per
several day period. Citizens are
rushing to convert their savings
from merchants who are with-
eir stocks rather than sell for the
Chinese dollar whose rate to the
ates dollar is now somewhere
00 to 1.
ave blamed this economic crisis
hinese Government's efforts to
exports with 100 per cent sub-
.hers claim that it is a result
austed supply of gold. But this
.s more likely a culmination of
ents. China has been carrying
'am of vast war expenditures for
us length of time with no in-
xes to finance it all. Again, ex-
s have run precariously high on
ports while almost nothing has
rted. No nation in this dilemma
fly hope to avoid disastrous in-
servers have quite positively laid
for this inflation at the door of
States for abandoning its peace
hina. It seems quite improbable
published in The Michigan Daily
n by members of The Daily staff
ent the views of the writers only.

that this could have been an actual cause
but what is significant is that it could have
precipitated what was likely to happen any-
way. When General Marshall withdrew
from China he issued sharp censure of both
the Kuomintang and the Communists for
their failure to cooperate toward an equit-
able solution. But the Kuomintang is the
party in control of the government and it
is they who will feel the slap hardest. Now
*to them alone falls the responsibility for
China's survival.
The withdrawal of United States partici-
pation in China was outright ackngwledg-
ment of a hopeless political situation and
for the first time everyone in China and
eleswhere was struck with the realization
of its economic implications. Business groups
in China are bringing pressure to bear on
the government and, are demanding that
something be done quickly. The Kuomin-
tang and the Communists may not find it
imperative to settle their differences im-
mediately but remedial action to inflation
can not be postponed. It is very probable
that the Chinese Government will once,
again experience a. reorganization within
the next few months in a last ditch stand
to stop inflation. But the question still re-
mains whether even then the Kuomintang
would be effective until Communist inter-
ference subsides.
Although China has weathered calamity
before, the implications of this inflation are
grave and foreboding. This is a late stage
of the game, if China is to save itself it
must take positive action at once.
-Bruce Schwartz

Turkey Jittery

DITOR'S NOTE: This is the first dispatch
tewart Asop w~o is 'touring the Medi-
nean area to wp1t4 about turbulent con-
as there. Joseph Asop continues to cover
nation from washington.
ARA, Feb. 15--Virtually every politi-
event in Turkey can be explained
in terms of a fear or of a memory. The
;, of course, the fear of the Soviet Un-
'o Turk and indeed no foreign obsrver
rkey has the faintest doubt as to the
'oviet ambitions.
e Russians want a friendly Turkey,
rkey on the Balkan model, with a
e ipsed and controlled by the
Olin. The Turks believe that the de-
I for joint control of the Dardanelles
the earlier demand for two northern
Ish- provinces are but a means to
is, no informed Turk-and in Ankara
the lowliest Anatolian peasant is re-
Lbly informed-can go to bed at night
it wondering when the masters in the
in will decide to reach out for what
want. It is hard to exaggerate the
of this feeling. It is not generally
i that the maneuvers (a politer word
general mobilization) which took place
n September and October, was the re-
f a firm conviction held by the Turk-
eneral Staff that a Russian attack was
ent. The Turkish generals were wrong.
n the distance of America, their fears
eem to have smacked of hysteria, but
in the shadow of the Soviet Union,
possible to sense something of the
rg of the heavy psychological pres-
o which the Turks are being subject-
is true that the Turks are breathing
le more easily than they did a few
ti ago, yet the pressure continues. It
a number of forms. One is the Soviet
which daily in Turkish broadcasts ac-
the Turkish government of everything
(oddly enough) being anti-religious
Jazz is very interesting and clever.
all for it. But there are times when I
hat I may go mad if I hear another
of frantic be-bop gymnastics, or
or blast from Stan Kenton's brass
a\ or another screech from. Illinois Jac-
I was just about at this stage yes-
when I happened to hear some re-
ig music by Bernie Leighton, a pianist
mnagination, delicacy, and a wonderful
nic sense. His ivprovisations are "hip"
h for jazz lovers and pretty enough to'
Then your family is around. Leighton
corded six sides in an album entitled
Contrasts) (Keynote Alb. 133). Un-
any pianists, Leighton does not play
>rked standards like "Body and Soul"
veet Lorraine," but instead has selected
1 heard numbers including "Beyond
oon," "I See Your Face Before Me,"
Wotei Swing." Dave Tough on drums,
r Alpert on bass, and Hy White on
back Leighton with a rock-like beat.
act that Tough appears on these
s is alone worth their price, for both
and modernists agree that little
Tough has the greatest beat in the
iorld. The sixth side, "Waitin' for
on," adds Peanuts Hucko on clarinet,
g a quartet that approaches the old
lan Trio in precision and clarity. It
I to say just what "style" Leighton

to harboring a large contingent of American
troops for war-like purposes.
The Soviet press, both in the Soviet Un-
ion and the Balkan puppet states, echoes
the Radio by heaping torrents of abuse on
the regime. Again, there is the pressure
organized from within.
Turkish estimates of the Soviet invest-
ment, both in subsidizing pro-Soviet news-
papers and in influencing Turkish politics
vary from half a million lira to five or six
times' that amount. These figures should
no doubt be taken with a large grain of salt,
(grains of salt are evidently items of equip-
ment as essential to the political reporter in
the Near East as aspirin tablets.) Even so,
among competent observers there is no
doubt that an attempt said to be directed
from Sofia, to capitalize on the prevailing
discontent and to organize a pro-Soviet un-
derground, is being made.
A peculiar form of pressure to which the
Turks consider themselves subjected is the
continuing Soviet importation of thousands
of Armenians from the Middle East. Turks
of all parties seem unanimosly convinced
that the objective of this Soviet-sponsored
hegira is to build up a huge block of Ar-
menians on the borders of Kars and Ar-
dahan, the northern Turkish provinces, to
which the Soviet press has already laid
The idea is that when enough Armenians
have been imported, the Soviet Union will
point out officially, as its press has already
pointed out unofficially, that the Armen-
ians need more living space. The demand
for Kars and Ardahan will be renewed. This
kind of oriental triple play may seem plain-
ly incredible to westerners. That the sus-
picion exists widely in Turkey, neverthe-
less, indicates the extent to which Turkish
fears of Russian intentions, nourished by an
ancient tradition, have been aroused.
FEAR OF RUSSIA is a central factor in
Turkish political life. Only less central
than this fear is a memory, the memory of
their astonishing Renaissance figure, Kemal
Ataturk, drunkard, lecher and great politi-
cal leader.
In the main dining room of the hotel in
which this is being written a tea dance is
currently in progress. It is wholly indisting-
uishable from a tea dance in Dubuque, Iowa,
or Alburquerque, N.M. The orchestra is play-
ing the same American jazz tunes (perhaps
a trifle older). The men and women are
dressed in the same way (perhaps a trifle
more conservatively) and in Turkish the
same conversational inanities are doubtless-
ly being exchanged.
Yet the older men and women knew the
Turkey of the veil and the fez, the Sultan
and the harem. If they knew Ankara at all,
they did not know it as it is now, a city
of some 250,000 plumped down in the mid-
dle of the bleak Anatolian plain, filled with
gas stations and dubious modern archi-
tecture. They knew it rather as Angora,'
an unsanitary hill town of less than 25,000
resting on the immeasurably ancient lines of
Hittite, Egyptian, Greek and Roman cul-
No country, not even the Soviet Union,
has undergone such vast changes in its
whole way of life as has Turkey in one gen-
eration, for all these changes Ataturk was
alone responsible. Ataturk has been dead
more than eight years, but his memory lives
on together with the revolution which he
created single-handed from the inexhaust-
ible reserves of his energy.
A new revolution in Turkish politics, a

IN OUR EPOCH everyone feels tht his own
institution or city or environment is "pe-
culiar." "You see, Son," said a father at the
station recently, "this town is not so good
for you. When you get there, this odd re-
action of our little burg to world war will be
missing." We quizzed that father to discover
that he thought his own spiritual hunger
was unique. He failed to realize that our
post-war hunger is universal. It had to
supplement my reading by classes off cam-
pus and journeys east and west to be con-
vinced of this. SomeĀ°of the elements are
(1) In the conflict objectives were unduly
definite. When the fighting stopped the
objectives became unduly vague.. (2) In
conflict the unity was so tight that we could
rejoice in a victory by the remote Soviets,
but after, in peace, the unity is so loose that
we both desire evil for them and automa-
tically invent news against them. (3) In
conflict we were so specifically dependent on
power, speed, and mechanized life that we
are lost when we dare not use them. Being
called upon to learn human relations, we
stutter, hesitate, and are ineffective. (4) In
conflict the communique each morning an-
nounced a remote island or tribe, and all the
world was part of our immediate engage-
ment. But, in peace those same peoples or
nations become competitors for the leader-
ship which belongs to us. (5) In conflict to
be the creditor nation gave us prestige,
patronage, the sense of having helped, and
the cooperation of all other nations. In
peace, being the creditor places us in the
center in a very vortex of distrust and fear.
(6) In short, we were all trained as were
the boys in the barracks. "Hell," said the
top sergeant, "you. can't think. Do what
you are told." Totalitarian discipline is
what won the conflict. But now there is no
sergeant and thinking is hard work. We
are a democracy now. The thing we fought
for we cannot quite receive. Here is the
supreme pathos of a war for humanity.
Controlling the emotions is harder work
than fighting. Getting rid of the surplus
energy which a free press, free pulpit, and
free education supplies is still harder. Next
harder is the task of finding spiritual satis-
faction in the various disciplines.
Therefore, the spiritual hunger we find
at home is found as soon as one goes away
or meets other situations. It is a malady
eating at the souls of families, schools,
parties, corporations, and cities or counties
everywhere. It is easy to oversimplify the
social problem and expect the preacher
to cure it, expect the next play to give the
key to the lock, and be disappointed when
love, work, worship, or study stop short.
Such a solution will not be immediate.
Slowly we must wander about this hide-
out into which the war has thrust us while
we learn how not to hate that enemy,
how not to fight concertedly, and how to
expect precise victories. How to be human,
take the long road of person-to-person
skills is a major for all of us. How to wait
with patience while we relearn group-to-
group relations at the level of men de-
pendent on their own slender resources in
an international, inter-racial, inter-faith,
inter-societal, inter-cultural world which
has been thrust on us before we learned
to live in it is our assignment.
The problems we are dealing with are
God's problems as well as mine and yours-
God's as well as the culture's task in our
tragic era. It should steady our nerves to
know how God works. Religion, so con-
sidered, is expounded by Alfred N. White-
head as "Immanent God" Says he: "God is:
That function in the world by reason of
which our purposes are directed to ends,
That element 'in life by virtue of which
judgment stretches beyond fact to existence
to values of existence,
That element in virtue of which our pur-
poses extend beyond values for ourselves to
values for others,

That element in virtue of which the at-
tainment of such a value for others trans-
forms itself into values for ourselves,
That binding element in the world. That
consciousness which is individual in us is
universal in Him,
That element because of which love in us
is partial-but is all-embracing in Him."
(Religion in the Making, page 158).
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
down into three questions:
1. Should payment be made for "pre-
work" and "post-work" activities? Labor and
employer must agree on beginning and end-
ing time limits of a fair day's work. Employer
should then pay for mutually agreed-upon
time period.
2. If such payment is made, should it be
retroactive? No, employer . should not be
responsible for a cost he did not know he was
incurring. Labor should not be paid for work
it did not know it was performing.
3. Should Congress make the decision
through legislation? No, keep Congress out
of it. Each industry and each company
problem differs. Industrial-relations prob-
lems of this type cannot be satisfactorily set-
tled by legislation. Employer and labor must,
work out their own problems on the "home
plant" level.
-Lowell W. Herron in United States News

(Continued from Page 3)
tra, Karl Krueger, Conductor, will
give the eighth concert in the
Choral Union Series on Monday,
Feb. 17, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Overture "Prometheus," Op. 43,
(Beethoven); Symphony No. 4 in
B-flat major (Beethoven); and
the Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 6
in B minor.
Faculty Recital: Joseph Brink-
man, pianist, will present the sec-
ond in a series of faculty recitals,
at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Feb. 16, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Program:
compositions by Beethoven, Bach,
Mozart, Brahms and Chopin. Open
to the public.
Organ Recital: Marilyn Mason,
a graduate student, will present the
first of a series of five organ pro-
grams at 4:15 p.m., Feb. 16, Hill
Auditorium. Program: composi-
tions by Bach, Ducasse, Malein-
greau and Haines.
Other programs in the series will
be heard on February 23, March 2,
6, and 9. All are open to the pub-
Wind Instrument Program by
Russell Howland, Haskell Sexton
and William Stubbins, of the
School of Music faculty, Tues.,
Feb. 18, 8:30 p.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Grace Sexton and
Mary McCall Stubbins, pianists.
Program: Music for cornet, clari-
net, flute, saxophone and piano.
The public is cordially invited.
The Museum of Art presents
Forty Modern Prints from the De-
troit Institute of Arts, February
10 through March 2. Weekdays,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Wednesday evenings, 7-9; Sundays
2-5. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
Men's Varsity Club: The special
Sunday rehearsal for the men list-
ed below will be held at the Un-
ion at 3:30 p.m. instead of 4:30,
Sunday, Feb. 15.
McLaughlin, Henry, Converso,
Beam, Stevenson, Cott, Phebus,
Anderson, Fischer, Van Husen, Mc-
Gowan, R. De Merritt, Tattelsall,
Westphal, Miller, Jensen, Sand-
weiss, Malitz, Quetsch, Hammel,
Rieckhoff, Blair, Harmon, Mor-
rison, Sorenson, Holmes, David
Loughrin, Howard, Morris, Crys-
tal, Lindquist, Carpenter, Som-
merfeld, Bickham, Campbell, Ross,
Foster, Brockhaus, Stirgwolt, Wil-
helm, Cleveland, Garchow, Mur-
ray, Hall, Laity, Compton.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration frater-
nity. Formal initiation ceremon-
ies, 2 p.m., Rms. 321-5, Union.
Banquet, honoring new members,
6:30 p.m., Allenel Hotel.
U. of M. Hot Record Society: 8
p.m., Hussey Room, League. A talk
will be given on Louis Armstrong.
U. of M. Chapter of the Inter-
collegiate Zionist Federation of
America: Business meeting, 8 p.m.,
Hillel Foundation.
Coming Events
Research Club: 8 p.m., Wed.,
Feb. 19, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Papers: Prof. Clark Hopkins,
'Early Christian Art in the Near
East." Prof. A. A. Christman, "The
Metabolism of Caffeine and re-
lated Methylxanthines."
A.S.C.E. The Student Chapter
of the American Society of Civil
Engineers will meet at 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Michigan Union
Mr. S. M. Cardone, of the Michi-

gan State Highway Dept., will
speak on the subject, "Engineer-
Soldier Road to Rome."
Business: Future field trips with
all student chapters in Michigan
Last date to make reservations
for Annual dinner meeting with
Michigan Section, A.S.C.E.-Feb.
Mrs. Raymond Clapper, author
and radio commentator, will be
presented at 8:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Feb. 20, Hill Auditorium, as the
sixth number on the Oratorical
Association Lecture Course. Social
as well as political life in Wash-
ington will be discussed in her
lecture, "Behind the Scenes in
Washington." Tickets on sale at
Auditorium box office Wednes-
day and Thursday.
La Sociedad Hispanica presents
"Cantinflas," Mexican comic act-
or, in "Un Dia con el Diablo," a
film comedy in Spanish. Tues. and
Wed., Feb. 18 and 19, 8:30 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All
seats are reserved and tickets

may be purchased at the Box
Office in theLeagueeanyafter-
noon from 2-5 p.m. Members of
the Sociedad Hispanica pay only
the federal tax.
Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Feb. 17, Rm. 319,
Michigan Union.
Gilbert & Sullivan Club: 7 p.m.,
Mon., Feb. 17, Rm. 305 Union.
Polonia Club: Electoral meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Feb. 18, In-
ternational Center. Members be
present. Future members cordial-
ly invited. Entertainment and re-
La Sociedad Hispanica Conver-
sation Group: 3:30-5 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 17, International Center.
Russian Conversation Group:
2-3:30 p.m., Mon., Tues., Thurs.,
and Fri., International Center. All
students invited.
Russian Circle, Russky Kruz-
hok, 8 p.m., Mon., International
Center. The business meeting will
end in time for students to attend
the concert. All members and
those interested are urged to at-
Interested in meeting other Li-
thuanians? Come to Michigan
League 7:30 p.m., Mon., Feb. 17.
Inquire at desk.
The U. of M. Chapter of the In-
tercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America will present the March of
Time movie "Palestine Problem"
and a United Palestine Appeal re-
lease at 8 p.m., Tues., Feb. 18, Hil-
lel Foundation, 730 Haven.
The public is cordially invited.
B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation:
Social committee, 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
Feb. '18, at the Foundation. Bring
eligibility cards.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship service 10:45
a.m. Dr. Lemon's sermon topic
will be "Nurture Plus."
Westminister Guild, 5 p.m. Dr.
Lemon will speak on "Prayer."
Supper will follow.
First Congregational Church:
Service of worship, 10:45 a.m.,
Dr. Parr will speak on "Finally."
Interguild, 5 p.m., meet in the
Church for Student World Day of
Prayer and Service.
Guild Supper, 6 p.m. Sound
World Student Day of Prayer
will be observed by all Protestant
student groups on campus in a
worship service at the Congrega-
tional Church today at 5 p.m.
The Congregational Disciples
Guild: Supper at 6 p.m. at the
Congregational Church. A sound
movie on "All Peoples Church,"
Los Angeles, will be shown. Mrs.
Rosa Page Welch, Chicago con-
tralto, will lead singing.
Memorial Christian Church ,Dis-
ciples of Christ, Hill and Tappan.
Morning worship, 10:50 a.m.,
Rev. F. E. Zendt preaching. Nur-
sery for children during the ser-
Lutheran Student Association
will join with other Protestant
groups in a Student World Day of
Prayer at the Congregational
Church at 5 p.m..
Sunday evening supper, 6 p.m.,
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Mr.
Wilbur Maki will speak. Bible
Study Hour, 9:15 a.m. a4 the
Center, 1304 Hill Street.
University Lutheran Chapel,

1511 Washtenaw. Services 9:45
and 11:00. The Rev. Alfred
Scheips' subject: 'Whence the
Power of the Cross?"
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: eSupper meeting, 5:15
p.m., Student Center.
The First Unitarian Churdh,.
Edward H. Redman, Minister.
11:00 a.m., Service of Worship,
Edward H. Redman preaching on
"The Rights of Man."
5:30 p.m., Vesper Service, Ed-
ward H. Redman, preaching on
"Democracy is Imperilled When."
6:30 p.m., Unitarian Student
Group Supper and Discussion
Meeting. Topic: "Do We Want a
Department of Religion at Michi-
gan?" Consultants: Dr. E. W.
Blakeman and Rev. John Craig.
First Church of Christ, Scient-
ist: 409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at
10:30. Subject. "Soul."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Wednesday evening service at
8 p.m.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed -in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
Open Letter to Governor Sigler:
My Dear Governor Sigler:
YOU WILL be doing your state
a great injustice if you oppress
such minority groups on its cam-
puses as the AYD at Michigan
State. Not only that, you will be
insulting the' entire student body
of voting age; such actions as red-
baiting are denials on your part
that the thinking student is cap-
able of choosing his own ideas
and ideologies.
You will be imposing the same
type of undemocratic and inhu-
man tyranny on campus activities
in your state as was thrust upon
the Japanese by the "thought po-
lice," upon the German people by
the gestapo, and upon the Rus-
sian citizens by the OGPU. Fur-
ther, you will be launching a di-
rect refutation of Jefferson's pol-
icies that the people should be
trusted to govern themselves.
We, the people of Michigan,
elected you, Governor Sigler. By
limiting our activities and group
actions, you will be telling us that
we are incapable of selecting
proper thought. You are saying
that we should not be allowed
freedom at the polls 'when you
imply that we should not be per-
mitted to exercise our campus
Many of us agree with you that
Communism is impractical and
harmful to good government.
Others of us must be shown first
hand what is wrong with it by
experimentation on small scales.
As sentient and (presumably) in-
telligent human beings, we will
discover for ourselves the flaws
and shortcomings of systems in-
ferior to Democracy . . . but you
must 'let us discover this for our-
The empirical method is the
best way to learn, Governor Sig-
ler. You of all people should re-
alize this. Your experience as
Governor of Michigan has given
you more insight into the duties
of a governor than 'any studies
of consultations prior to your elec-
tion could possibly have afforded
You must not forbid the cam-
pus-citizens of Michigan (in any
institution) to look around them
by means of such groups as AYD.
If there are uninhibited Com-
munists in such groups, they are
at least visible for. all to see and
judge. By suppressing such
groups, you will merely drive the
Communists underground, causing
them to pop up in other, stronger,
groups ; unlabeled, subversive
and more dangerous to conserva-
tive thought than ever before.
You must permit the collegiate
voters of 'your state to deal with
campus issues in their own man-
ner, Governor Sigler, if you ever
expect them to mature into intelli-
gent voters .capable of making up
their own minds at the polls in the
accredited American mannner.
As a student veteran, I submit
this humble suggestion.
-Bill Hyde
* * *
Vet :Bonus
To The Editor:
THE ILLIBERAL Liberals, up to
their old tricks of gazing at
the stars but not watching what
goes on under their noses, have
apparently decided that it is "uni-
democratic" to give a bonus to
Several states have passed bon-

us bills, and on January 23 the
Illinois Supreme Court declared
that the Illinois bonus bill was
entirely constitutional.
Several Bonus Bills are now up
before Congress.
The idea of the overall Federal
bonus is to correct the inequality
of current bonus legislation,, viz.,
First, the GI Bill of Rights aids
only those relatively few veterans
who want to go to college, or trade
school, the great mass of veterans
being left out in the monetary
Second, the state bonus bills
seem illogical, since it was a
United States war, not an individ-
ual states war. Also, many states
are too. stingy to pay a bonus, es-
pecially those that have Tal-
madges, Crumps, and penny-
pinchers for governors. Veterans
in those states are also left out
in the cold.
AVC, however, is not worried
about mere unfairness to Veter-
ans. It wants no unfairness to
war bond purchasers and war-
workers; "How unfair to war-
workers and farmers who make
only $3,000-to-$10,000 per year!


Letters to the Eitoi

Only Veterans will getabpi
Since AVC will likely be ce
paigning next to help the :
penguins at the South Pole w-
that notorious Fascist Adn
Byrd is displacing, it seems r
essary to tell AVC the why
Bonus; any Bonus that is, si
AVC calls 'em all "unliberal.
War service, often amouni
to 5 or 6 years, cost the vetei
First, Direct loss of time speni
the war. Second, The differe
between his service pay and w
he would have earned in civil:
Third, and most serious, the
of possible promotions and
vancements in civil life, if he;
been there to take advantage
them;. Fourth, wounds and
sease, like malaria.
A bonus to veterans, hence,
a definite theory: To recope
in so far as money is able t
so, the damages which vete
have suffered by being deprive
the money, the employment
the education which would no
ally have come their way, if t
were not obliged to go to war
A bonus aims to put vetex
in their original position, the s
us quo ante bellum, by mc
compensation, as near as pos
-AVC not withstanding.
The people of Michigan an
linois likewise admit it is fair
cause they voted for it.
The Illinois Supreme Co
thinks it is constitutional.
VFW and likely the Ameri
Legion favored not only thep
bonuses, but are now working
a Federal Bonus to treat all
erans equally.
And I have yet to meet aVe
an who is meeting expenses
mere necessities ( what. with
friendly merchants of Ann A
charging 15 cents for soap) o
$65 per month, or even $90.
If AVC wants to preserve
bloated war-profits of every sc
profiteer and every hami-hoa:
they should change their nam
American War-Worker Commi
If AVC wants to tax those
fits to provide a democratic I
eral Bonus for all veterans, I
should say so, and stop collec
books fpr young Communist!
Poland, and whatnots for ev
body in every nation of the w
-except America.
The AVC should stop tryini
be more democratic than the e
tion results.
-Emmet J. Donnel
State Service
To The Editor:
ANY STUDENT who is acti
trying to destroy the e
omic institutions which are pa
for his education should be
vestigated by the governor
Governor Sigler will do the s
a great service if he carries.
his proposed investigation of c
munist activities at state-supp
ed colleges.
-Miner S. Keel
PALESTINE is harvesting
bitter fruit of a policy of
decision and cowardice the bl
for which, if resting primarily
the British government, mus
shared by the government of
United States. The order to ev
ate British civilians from P
tine occasioned by the recent
nappings can only be interpr
as a signal to convert that tri
land into an active theatei
war. The military will now
tempt to repair the failure of
diplomats of London and W
ington and their efforts
doomed from the start.
-The Nati

,Lck jigau Bat

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by stude
the University of Michigan und
authority of the Board in Coni
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Clayton. Dickey...........City
Milton Freudenhei .Editorial D'
Mary Brush...........Associate
Ann Kutz.............Associate
Clyde Recht........Associate
Jack Martin...........Sports
Archie Parsons Associate Sports
Joan Wilk ...........Women's
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General M
Janet Cork.......Business M
Nancy Helmick .. Advertising M



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