I on
cal Trade Program
N, Feb. 15-(.)-
-led Congress has
s to open Feb. 24
tration's recipro-
t debate revolves around
that would hit the front
U. S. tariff reduction of
bere, 30 cents there on
reign nations would like
ere, such as paper, beef,
oves, whatnot.
of Peace
hind the debate, in the
>f some State Department
t of Five
'*n Recitals,
ilyn Mason, teaching fellow
an in the music school, will
r in recital at 4:15 p.m. to-
1 Hill Auditorium as part of
equirements for the degree
ster of Music.
s is the first in a series of
gan recitals to be presented
cceeding weeks by present
>rmer students of Dr. Palmer
.ian, professor of organ in
ausic school. Other artists
e Dr. William Doty, dean of
its at the University of Tex-
harles Edward Vogan, in-
or in organ in the music
, and Lynda Page Peltz and
-yn Karch., advanced stu
in organ.
s Mason, a student of Dr.
ian for the past four years,
raduated with the Bachelor
sic degree from the Univer-
z 1946, and last spring was
ecipient of the Albert AI.
y Medal awarded for out-
ng musical proficiency.
program comprises com-
>ns by Bach, Ducasse, Mal-
au and Haines. The per-
nce is open to the public.
oculars Reported
ng by NROTC
air of binoculars valued at
y-five dollars has been ; re-
to Ann Arbor police by Un-
y authorities as missing from
ROTC storehouse.
loss was discovered during
entory which has just been
eted. Just when the binoc-
disappeared is not known.
chiefs, lies the entire question of
peace, of the survival of democ-
racy and the United Nations--to
say nothing of the spread of com-
Republicans counter that be-
hind the debate also lies the much
more immediate worry over a
flood of cheap foreign goods Into
U. S. markets, which they say
would cut down American sales
ard throw Americans out of jobs.
The immediate log-jam is this:
The State Department has in-
vited 18 other nations to an April
conference at Geneva, Switzer-
land, for a horse-trading session in
which they all expect to cut down
trade barriers.
World Trade
The State Department's object
is to needle world trade into brisk
business that will keep workmen
on jobs everywhere and hence, it
hopes, lay a secure foundation for
peace. Further, it wants to open
more markets for American goods
by reducing the trade barriers oth-
er governments have set up, such
as import and export quotas, im-
port duties, blocked currencies.
To get such concessions at Gen-
eva the U. S. must be ready to
cut its tariffs somewhat.
But in Congress there is a
movement, in the form of two res-
olutions, to "request" the gov-
ernment to "postpone further tar-
iff reductions" until the tariff
commission can make a study of
the whole subject and to postpone
the Geneva conference.
Should the resolutions pass both
Senate and House before April,
the State Department would not
have to call off the Geneva con-
ference, but it would appear wise
to do so.
Should a Republican majority
successfully oppose further tariff
reductions, State Department men
say they fear much of the world's
drive to rebuild would be blocked.
The U. S. right now is the ma-
jor source of machines. But for-
eigners can only buy here if they
have American dollars to pay.
They can get dollars in two ways--
sell'here, or get a loan. Even with
a loan, they would .have to sell
here to repay.
Buy and Sell at the
Student Book Exchange
Musical Films ...
The Bureau of Visual Education
will sponsor the showing of three
musical films at 4:10 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham Amphi-
The March of Time movie, "Mu-
sic in America," features numbers
by Marian Anderson, George Ger-
shwin, Benny Goodman and
others. It traces the development
of American music from its
sources up to the present.
"That Man Sampson" is a film
on the Negro spiritual and how
the type of music evolved.
The third selection, "String
Choir," is based on the explan-
ation of the string section of the
symphony orchestra to students.
Delta Sigma Pi...
Delta Sigma Pi, business ad-
ministration fraternity, will
hold a dinner for new members
at 6:30 p.m. today at the Al-
lenel Hotel,
Historical Film . ..
"America, Land of Liberty," a
film composed of selections from
outstanding historical movies, fea-
turing Clark Gable and Raymond
Massey, will be presented at 8 p.m.
today in Rm. 316 of the Union un-
der the auspices of the Interna-
tional Center.
Supper will be served to foreign
students and friends at 6:30 p.m.
in the International Center under
the sponsorship of the Interna-
tional Students Committee.
The film is open to the public.
* * **
Military Society .. .
Scabbard and Blade, national
honorary military society, will
climax a week of informal haz-
ing of pledges with formal ini-
tiation ceremonies at 2 p.m. to-
day in the ROTC' Rifle Range.
The first such ceremony in
post-war years, the event will
see twenty-one pledges (known
as "squires") admitted to the
society as members.
French Lecture ...
Prof. Paul M. Spurlin, of the
romance languages department,
will lecture in French on "Une af-
faire de coeur amusante: Benja-
min Franklin et Madame Brillon,"
at 4:10 p.m. Tuesday in Rm. D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.,
The talk, sponsored by Le Cercle
Francais, will be concerned with
Professors Contribute
To Literary Dictionary
Four members of the University
faculty have contributed to the
Columbia Dictionary of Modern
European Literature, which will be
published Feb. 24 by Columbia
University press.
The men are: Prof. F. Sanchez
y Escribano and Alphonse R.
Favreau of the romance language
department, and Prof. H. W. Nord-
meyer and Prof. Walter A. Reich-
art, of the German department.
The "Dictionary" will include
articles covering the literary activ-
ities of 41 continental countries
from 1870 to the present. The
University contributors wrote ar-
ticles on Spanish, French and
German literature.
the amusing romance between
Franklin and Madame Brillon de
Jouy when the former was in
France as a United States agent.
* * *
BrumpI To Speak ...
Prof. John L. Brumm, chair-
man of the University journal-
ism department, will speak Tues-
day at a convocation of students
at Michigan State Normal
Schcol, Ypsilanti, on the sub-
ject: "Thinking Toward the
Future," at the invitation of
President Munson of that insti-
* * *
Mexican Movie*...
A Mexican film entitled "Un
Dia Con El Diablo" will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and
Wednesday at Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, under the auspices of La
Sociedad Hispanica and the ro-
mance languages department.
Starring Cantinflas, one of Mex-
ico's best known comedians, the
film will be presented in Spanish
with no English titles.
Tickets will go on sale at 2 p.m.
Monday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office.
, * *
'Design for Living' ,. ,
Mrs. George True, of Grosse
Pointe, will lecture on "Design
for, Living" at 8 p.m. Tuesday
in the Kalamazoo Room of the
League, under the sponsorship
of Ann Arbor Baha'i Assembly.
Mrs. True, a graduate of Cor-
nell University, has spoken at
several southern colleges on ra-
cial questions.
Her lecture here will be based
on the Baha'i faith, which is a
composite of the great religions
of the world. She-will discuss=
the application of the Baha'ists'
beliefs of free trade, equal rights
for women and one world gov-
ernment and religion.
* * *
Comic Opera. ..
Collaborating with the music
school and the University Orches-
tra, the students in Play Produc-
tion will present Mozart's comic
opera "The Marriage of Figaro"
March 11-15, at Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Prof. Valentine Windt, of the
speech department, will direct the
production with Prof. Wayne Dun-
lap as musical director and con-
Tickets will be placed on sale
March 7 at the theatre box office.
Mail orders are now being accept-
Two Killed in Plane
Crash Near Plainwell
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Feb. 15
-(IP)-Two young men were killed
this afternoon when their plane
crashed on a farm in the Plain-
well vicinity, near here.
State police identified one of
the dead as Lawren Heaton, 17, of
Grand Rapids. The other victim
was not identified immediately.!
Special Class
For Teachers
Offered By U
The School of Education in co-
operation with the University Ex-
tension Service is offering special
classes for teachers in lower penin-
sula schools during the spring.
This field course, entitled "The
Improvement of Teaching," is
scheduled weekly from February
24 through May 16, in Port Huron,
Elkton, Bay City, Traverse City,.
Petoskey, and Alpena.
Members of the education school
faculty will conduct the course,
with a different instructor each
week meeting the classes in all
six cities. The lecturers will be
Dean James B. Edmondson, Prof.
John Trytten, Prof. O. W. Step-
henson, Prof. Walcott, Ford L.
Lemler, supervisor of the Bureau
of Visual Education, Prof. G. Max.
Wingo, Prof. Harlan.C. Koch, Clif-
ford Woody, director of the Bur-
eau of Educational Reference and
Research, and Prof. H. H. McClus-
Engineer Speech Group
Invites New Members
The Stump Speaker's Society,
Sigma Rho Tau, will hold a meet-
ing for all newcomers at 7:15 p.m.,
Tuesday, in the Union.
All engineering students are in-
vited to attend the meeting and to
become acquainted with the so-
ciety. Refreshments will be served.
Read and Use
TheDaily Classifieds!
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15-(/P)-
The Army Air Forces are engaged
in intensive aerial map-making of
Alaska. They hope to complete
the mosaic next summer.
The map, which is about three-
fourths complete, is being made
by the 46th Reconnaissance
Squadron, using F-13's, a B-29
modified for photographic work.
Maj. Maynard E. White de-
scribed the squadron's work to a
group of newsmen who visited
Alaska recently. He said that this
winter the work . had been fre-
quently impeded by ice fog and
unusually low temperatures but
that great progress is expected
during the long summer days.
When temperatures are very low,
fog or cloud condenses and freezes
on camera lenses. The shutters
sometimes freeze, although all
lubrication is removed to prevent
Army Hopes To Finish
Mapping from Air by 5
ad ....o+
this from happening
injuring the emulsi
that practically al]
graphic work is su
the weather is cold
low zero.
At present the sq
experimenting witl
Art Cineim
Will Be Pro
"The Skeleton o
pre-Munich Czecho
will be presented b
ema League at 8:3
day, Friday and Sz
Lydia Mendelssohn
Tickets will be s
office from 2 to 8
nesday through Sal
The so
with a new and it
p p - p p p p - a p -
- - - - - - - ~ w W ~
gertip T
Dainty I
For the
Prizes for February Parties
owels Tea Napkins Cocktail Napkins
Hostess Aprons Bright Guest Towels
Gift-Boxed Place Mat Sets
scnably Priced! Il1NICKELs ARCADE
(Continued from Page 2)
Householders wishing to em-
ploy women students to do house
work by the hour in their homes
are requested to notify the Office
of the Dean of Women.
Aeronautical, Mechanical, Civil
and Electrical Seniors and Grad-
uatie Students: Representatives
of Boeing Aircraft Corporation
will interview students February
24, 25, Rm. 3205 Engineering.
Sign interview schedule on Aero-
nautical Bulletin Board.
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Sun., Feb. 16, 10:45 a.m., In-
terdenominational Church Serv-
ice: Rev. J. Edgar Edwards (Nur-
sery provided); 4 p.m. Christian
Fellowship Group.
Tues., Feb. 18, 8 p.m., Wives of
Student Veterans Club: Business
Meeting and Social Hour.
Wed., Feb. 19, 8 p.m. Ash Wed-
nesday Church Service, Rev. J.
Edgar Edwards.
Thurs., Feb. 20, 1:30-5 p.m.,
Artists will hang their own art
works for the Willow Run Vil-
lage Art Exhibit; 8 p.m., Exten-
sion Class in Psychology; 8 pan.
Art-Craft Workshop.
Fri., Feb. 21, 8 p.m., Organiza-
tion meeting for all new Univer-
sity Extension Classes-Spanish,
French, American Literature, Ger-
man conversation, Psychology (In-
terpersonal Relations); 8:30 p.m.
Contract bridge. Duplicate bridge.
Music for dancing.
University Lecture: Mr. Charles
Sterling, Research Fellow in the
Department of Painting of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York and Visiting Professor,
at Columbia University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "French
Portraiture from Fouquet to
C6zanne," (illus.), at 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. The public is
cordially invited.
French Lecture: Prof. Paul M.
Spurlin, of the Romance Language
Department, will lecture on the
subject "Une affaire de coeur
amusante: Benjamin Franklin et
Madame Brillon," at 4:10. p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rm. D, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, under the auspices of
Le Cercle Francais.
Academic Notices.
Aero 112 will meet Tues., Feb.
18, 11 a.m., Rm. 2300 E. Engineer-
ing Bldg.
Anthropolgy 152, The Mind of
Primitive Man, will meet in 1025
Angell Hall instead of 231,
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: The Engineering Me-
chanics Department is sponsor-
ing a series of discussions on the
Plasticity of Engineering Mater-
ials. The discussion of this ser-
ies will be at 7:30 p.m., Tues.,
Feb. 18, Rm. 402, W. Engineering,
Political Science 2, Sec. 14:
Hereafter this class will meet in.
Rm. 2039 NS. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 10 a.m., and 3017
A.H. on Saturdays.
Clark F. Norton
Schedule of Tutorial Sections
for Veterans for the Spring Term,
1946-47. (To begin the week of
Monday, Feb. 17).
CHEMISTRY: (3) Mon: 7-8
'p.m., Wed.-Fri. 5-6 p.m., 122
Chem., S. Levin.
(4), Mon; 7-8 pm, Wed.-Fri.,
5 m 151 Che. R. Keller
(21) Wed. 4-5 p.m., 122 Chem.,
R. Hahn.
ENGLISH: (1) Tues.-Thurs.-
Fri. 5-6. p.m, 2203 AH, D. Martin.
(2) Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 5-6 p.m.,
3209 AH. ,D. Stocking.
FRENCH: (1) Mon;-Thurs. 4-5
p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau.
(2) Tues -Thurs. 4-6 p.m., 205.
RL, F.. Gravit.
(31) Mon.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 203'
RL, J O'Neill.
(32) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 108
RL, A. Pavreau.
SPANISH: (1) Mon.-Wed. 4-5
p.m., 205 RL, F. Thompson.
(2). Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.., 207
RL, H. Hootkins.
(2) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 207
RIL, H. Hootkins.
(1) Tues.-Thurs. 4-5 p.m., 210
RL, C. Staubach.
GERMAN: Mon. - Wed. 7:30-
8:30 p.m., Sat. 11-12 am., 2O16AH,
F. Reiss.
MATHEMATICS: Wed.-Fri. 5-6
p..m, Sat. 11-12 a.m., 3010 A, G.
Costello. (6 through 15).
(52, 53, 54) Wed.-Fri. 5-6 p.m.,
Sat. 11-12 aim, 3011 AH, E. Span-
PHYSICS: (25, 45) Mon.-Tues.-
Thurs. 5-6. p.m., 202 W. Physics,
R. Hartman.
(26, 46) Mon.-Tues.-Thurs. 5-6
pim., 1036 Randall, D. Falkoff.
The Detroit Symphony Qrejes.
(Continued on Page 4)
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