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May 22, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-22

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Latest Deadline in the State

741 tiig


VOL. LVII, No. 164


Phonesiinole Survey Gives Reasons
In Michigan Why Teachers Quit Jobs
Iomries O In Ilomiemakiiig, I nadequate Salaries, Over
Homs Aga*n I
4rowdiiig of crises Cause Resignations
18,000 Workers Why dot eachers quit thei may have influenced them.
ack on the Job jbIaequaeslr ecie h
Bac Ol te ob Marriage and homemaking are largest number of first place
DETROIT, May 21-The 44 the first reason, inadequate sal- choices and was listed by 43
k ic deary the second, and overcrowded questionees as one of their first
day strike of iga classes the third according to the three choices.
phone Company workers passed most complete survey of the prob-
intohist f oryrsaph odayserand lemn ever made in the country, "<quitting school," a desire to de-
withisry a fw s phone service which was conducted by the Bur-
thkou ot the state was reported eau of Appointments and Occupa- vote full time to housekeeping
back to normal. tional Information during the last choicaedby53mofg thefttea hre en
Operators, plant workers and year.choices by 5 vne the teachers, and
others of Michigan Bell's 18,000 Responses were receivedfrom, stedas a very importat factor
striking workers streamed back to 1,169 of the 2,253 former Michi- Ovte s errdigorcassesfasor
their jobs on the early shift and a gan grade school and high school Over crowding of classes was
short time later emergency regu- teachers to whom questionnaires contoibutin causthe ttheresig
lations an phone calls, which were were sent. This return of 52 per natino_24_of _heeacers
in force during the strike, were ent is far above the average of
lifted. ~~10 to 20 per cent on mail surveys L e1 a
and indicates primarily thatform-
Boards Lit Up er educators are still interested in a
telephone company spokes- their profession and its possible Re a in Valid
men said the switchboards in some improvement, the Bureau feels.
areas "looked just like Christmas Some of the other reasons which u r Sta mps
trees" as they were lit up by the appeared of outstanding signifi- ar Sa 3-s
tiny lights, each reflecting the cance in appraising the problem of '
signal of a subscriber who wanted a shrinking supply of teachers New Interpretation of
to phone. were: too much discipline respon-
For the first few minutes after sibility (receiving 162 comments) Regulations Revealed
6 a.m., long distance service in too long hours (159), and leaving
some manual exchanges was lim- the profession to enter other work It now appears that University
ited to the emergency type calls, (144). residence hall officials had been
but normal service was restored Only 146 of the 1,169 teachers led astray by federal regulations
within the next hour. reporting were men. This may in- demanding that dormitory occu-
dicate either that there are very pants turn in sugar stamp No. 11
Recorders which for 44 days told few men left in the profession or Under a new interpretation of
Michigan residents "we are sorry that the percentage of men who the federal regulations it has been
we are unable to have an opera- leave the profession, once they revealed that the sugar stamp may
tor answer your signal because of have entered it, is smaller than be returned to residents unless it
the strike" were removed in short the percentage of women. becomes invalid before the end of
order and familiar feminine voices In answering the questionnaire, the term. This new interpreta-
came over the wires again. the former teachers were asked to tion was received by Francis Shiel
Coin Boxes rank the items of most distaste business manager of the resdence
Company officials listed pay by marking them "1", "2" and "3" halls.
telephone boxes as their No. 1 and to check other items which Earlier, students had been
problem of the moment. Crews of asked to turn in the disputed
collectors were assigned the task /Qstamp. Threats of eviction from
of emptying the coin boxes as soon St 55ssen Asks the dormitories had been leveled
as possible so the telephones can against delinquent students.
be restored to service. Production fThe new interpretation states
Reports from various sections of that the University may retain
the state indicated that both the F1 sugar stamps only if the stamps
strikers and company were happy P7 orld PeaCe, expire while the student is in resi-
over the end of the long walkout dence. Should stamp No. 11 still
which the company estimated cost JEFFERSON, Ia., May 21-(P)- be valid when the spring semester
the strikers $5,500,000 in wages. A ten-year program of "production ends, arrangements will be made
* * *for peace" was advocated tonight to return the stamps. The stamps
by former Governor Harold E: will be attached to a mimeo-
iNorm al Phone Stassen of Minnesota, avowed as- graphed card signed by the busi-
pirant for the 1948 G.O.P. presi- ness manager certifying that the
S o"dential nomination, coupons were removed in error,
Service So In his first major address since Shiel declared.
returning from a European tour,
With 90%n of the workers on the Stassen urged that the United phi D et m
job yesterday, local telephone serv- States give 10 per cent ofhits goods PhJelts Win
ices requiring an operator should and food the next ten years to ,
be back to normal within a day or countries which give "unwavering Inter raternity
two, according to W. K. Pryor, dis- support to the United Nations." n
tict commercial supervisor of The United States, Stassen said, e
Michigan Bell Telephone Co. should control the distribution Songfest T itle
The first day's business following program and although it should
termination of the nation-wide not ask reimbursement in money Phi Delta Theta sang its way
strike was not marked by any sud- or manufactured goods it should into first place in the annual Inter-
den flood of calls through Ann Ar- require: Fraternity Sing last night before
bor, Pryor said. Radio requests 1. Long-term agreements for an enthusiastic crowd of approxi-
that people postpone all but emer- fair access to raw materials. mately 1,000 gathered at the li-
gency calls until operators report- 2. Agreements that other gov- brary
ed for work, "apparently had some ernments "will not move farther Sponsored by Gamma Phi Beta,
effect," he added. away from individual economic the fraternity sang "Phi Delt
Repair and installation services freedom" toward increasing na- Drums."
are several weeks behind, however, tionalization. Singing "O Who Will O're the
because only emergency repairs 3. Free access by American Downs So Free," Kappa Sigma,
were taken care of during the government representatives, pri- encouraged by Alpha Phi, was
strike. "We have many un-filled vate citizens, press and radio- awarded the second place cup.
orders for installation and removal without censorship-to areas join- The third place award went to
of telephones," Pryor said. ing in the "productions for peace" Beta Theta Pi, cheered on by Delta
Emergency iepair services and program. Gamma, for their rendition of
Eegencepairsrvice andr- 4. Fair treatmeht of U. S. citi- "Beta Loving Cup."
telephone calls involving an oper- zens and capital in the countries Alpha Chi Omega, winners of
ator were handled by a skeleton sharing the results of our produc- lantern night, presented an inter-
staff during the 44-day strike. tion and fair treatment of depen- mission selection, "Serenade."
dent peoples by those countries. Malcolm Barnum was master of
o cStassen called for an American ceremonies for the event, and
I ce it th world policy in between what he community singing was led by

termed "extremes" represented by Buzz Durant.
Sm ile Returns former Vice President Wallace on Judges were Prof. Marguerite
the one hand and Robert McCor- Hood, of the music school; Lester
The voice with the smile was mick, publisher of The Chicago McCoy, of the University Musical
back yesterday as dial phone serv- Tribune, on the other. Society and Mrs. Ruth Ann Oakes.
ice returned to pre-strike obscur-
At'4 p.m. the total volume of W oaldat
calls involving an operator Wce
amounted to a normal 4,310, but
none of the girls minded it a bit.
"It's the pleasantest day we've By The Associated Press
ha~d in a long time," one happy op- DFTROIT, May 21-Some 3,800 unionized foremen, spurning an
erator reported. "Everybody's very unusual last-minute personal appeal from Henry Ford II, today walked
polite and lots of people even con- ov c of three Detroit plants of the Ford Motor Co.
gratulate us." Operations continued uninterrupted as 85,000 production workers
The girls, who are not allowed stayed at their machines, but the Foreman's Association predicted that
to release their names, were al- assembly lines would be halted "in a day and a half to two days."
most unanimously agreed that "it's* * * *
nice to be back." WASHINGTON, May 21--An approximate 10 percent increase
Even the supervisors had an easy in basic passenger fares on Eastern railroads was authorized by
time. the interstate commerce commission today to compensate for in-
"It's just perfect," one of them creased operating costs.
sighed. "The operators are nice, The decision applies to 60 railroads operating east of the
the customers are nice--I wish Mississippi and north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers.
every day was like this." * * * *
The customers? Not a complaint CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 21-The bodies of two top Army flying
officers and five other soldiers were found today in the wreckage of
VibbertTN amedas their B-25 bomber which crashed in a cornfield during a violent
Vibbert Named asm

Extra Train Cr
Demand Will
Be Sampled Acheson AsI
IegAss"ahtire Sets
Canmpus SurveyMurray For
A committee to survey campus
demands for a series of special nP
nih at thn e semester' u Unmon Pledges
_post-finals trains was set up las
meeting of the Student Legisla- Labor Peae
s The committee, headed by Chuck C ( Two e r
Lewis. was formed at the sugges-O Years
tion of Walter B. Rea, associate
director of theOfficetof Student Contracts Are Calledy
Affairs, to attempt to alleviate
the usual end-of-the-term travel Notable Achievement
Sign Up Sheets ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., May 21
-(P-CIO President Philip Mur- ^
Tentative plans have been ray today issued an order to the
formed by the New York Central 3,000 locals of the CIO united
Railroad to provide Eastbound steelworkers forbidding strikes forn
trains leaving at 6 p.m. and West- the next two years.
bound trains leaving at 1:15 p.m. Murray, also - president of the
on as many days as there is ade- steelworkers, said in a letter to
quate demand for them, Lewis local union leaders that recently-
said. signed, two-year contracts "for
Sign up sheets will be posted by most of the members of our union
Saturday at the Union travel desk, in basic steel and fabricating
the League, outside of Rm. 2 Uni- plants" constitute "one of the
versity Hall and on dormitory bul- most notable achievements in the
letin boards. Interested students annals of our nation's collective
who sign must indicate what day bargaining history."..
f they plan to leave Ann Arbor, Murray said in the letter it is
iLewis emphasized. "imperative we understand thor-
Lwse haie.oughly that: '.
A final draft of the Fund Drives 1 We must meticulously re-
Calendar for next year will be spect provisions of the collective
drawn up at a meeting of the Leg- bargaining contract.
islature's Fund Drives Commit- "2. That under no circumstanc-
tee at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 308 es must there be work stoppages
of the Union, Jean Gringle, chair- during the life of the agreement.
man of the committee, announced. "3. We must resort to the or-
Official Calendar derly methods of adjudicating our
The Legislature will submit the differences by taking recourse to
calendar to Harvey Weisberg, the grievance procedure of the
Legislature president and to the wage agreement up to and includ-
Student Affairs Committee for ap- ing arbitration."k
Sproval. The letter was approved by the
p .steelworkers' 41-man board of di- TWO TRUMANS-
Groups who are not scheduled on rectors at their biennial meeting. ness this week bes
the official calendar will not be He said the wage agreements, yesterday took a t
entitled to solicit funds on campus, which called for a 15-cent-an hour * *
Miss Gringle emphasized. All or- package pay increase, guaranteed MECHANICAL
ganizations who plan to conduct continued production in the steelM
any such drives must send repre- industry and thereby provided an
sentatives to the meeting tomor- "opportunity for stabilizing our Whte H
row, she said. country's internal economic af-
In a group of internal elections, fairs." r nhe fdcr
Harvey Weisberg, Jim Reise and "To retain the confidences of M ~rs. Ti
Tom Walsh were chosen to repre- the public, the union and man-
sent the Legislature at the Na- agement must display that spirit
tional Student Organization's of labor-management cooperation GRANDVIEW, Mo
Constitutional Convention, so essential to the welfare of this -President Truman
Alternate delegates chosen were great nation," Murray said. mother began passiv
Dave Dutcher, Warren Bovee and Ale new mechanical bed
Ruth Klausner. AU Defendants the White House p
SAC Representative her a "chance" for
Warren Bovee, vice-president of Are AcquittedMrs. Martha E.
the Legislature was selected as moved into the new
delegate-at-large to the Student T T ' a few hours after Br
Affairs Committee. In LVncn Case lace H. Graham tol
Three volunteers, Miriam Levy, her gradual improv
Carol Leiberman and Barbara GREENVILLE, S. C., May 21- General GrahamQ
Newman will represent the Legis- (IP-A Greenville county jury freed in his elderly patien
lature at the state-wide Academic 28 white men tonight of charges based on a continua
Freedom conference to be held that they lynched a South Caro- to live and the en
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at lina Negro, returning straight ac- tired heart and a "
the Union. quittals in 98 separate verdicts on in which "every cell'
Plans were formulated to ap- a four-court murder and conspir- ated.
point Legislature members on acy indictment. His optimistic o
campus this summer to a special The crushing rejection of prose- first formal talk w
cabinet which will act for the Leg- cution allegations, which had in- since President Tru
islature during the summer ses- cluded unsworn statements by 26 Saturday to see h
sion. self-acknowledged members of the mother was borne u
-- mob, closed an historic case which afternoon when Pres
began here nine days ago. Secretary Charles G
Center to Stucd y The men were accused of tak-
~/ ing Willie Earle, 23-year-old H
@ C" Negro, from Pickens, S. C., jail last . "OPWOO
Social ste s Feb. 17, and butchering him on a
lonely roadside for the alleged To Op~en '
Survey Organization stabbing of a white taxi-driver. ToO r
Solicitor Robert Ashmore de-
Plans 10 Year Project clined comment on the acquittals. The opening perfo

"I never comment on a case," he
The University Survey Research said. "I'm going to work in my gar- Spite of Heaven" wi
Center will undertake a ten-year den and go fishing." The jury ac- 8:30 p.m. today in th
project in an attempt to discover quitted 21 defendants on all four delssohn Theatre.
the best methods of achieving an counts of murder, conspiracy to "In Spite of Heav
effective social organization, Dr. commit murder, and of being ac- drafted by Robert
Rensis Likert, director, announced cessory both before and after the summer of 1945 w
yesterday. fact. fornia following his d
The long-range project will Prosecutor Sam Watt, designat- the army.
study present social organization, ed to act for Attorney General The play was revis
with an eye toward discovering John Daniel, had asked the jury ative writing course
the principles behind the problem to represent the public conscience lish department in t1
of organizing and managing hu- of South Carolina in dealing with 1945 and again rew
man activity. These principles will the lynching. advanced playwritin
then be used in training persons in
methods social organization. THEY'RE NEW AMERICANS:
Researchers will take sample in- m R 2)I1 A~
terviews of industrial government,
professional and special interest
made in the industrial field, study-Ub
ing production, distribution andv
office management."
Stressing the importance of this "It's wonderful," was the general light and satisfacti
survey, Dr. Likert explained that opinion expressed by five new "I'm going to havez
the capacity of a nation to sur- American citizens shortly after to do with that mess
vive depends in no small part upon their naturalization in Washtenaw Basu Kumar Bagc
its skill in organizing industrial, County Circuit Court yesterday. in psychology, left I
government and military activity. Included in the group of 36 and joined the fac




s Policy Retention;



-President Harry Truman is conducting busi-
ide the sick bed of his 94-year-old mother, who
urn for the better.
* * * *
louse Physician Gives
eman Chance To Ldive

., May 21-(-P)
's 94-year-old
e exercise in a
tonight after
hysician gave
Truman was
oscillating bed
rig. Gen. Wal-
d reporters of
said his belief
t's recovery is
nce of her will
durance of a
wornout" body
has deterior-
utlook at his
with newsmen
man flew here
is gravely ill
up during the
sidential Press
. Ross report-

ed the physician' was "still en-
The President, General Graham
and Miss Mary Jane Truman, the
president's sister, helped Mother
Truman into her favorite chair,
an old rocker with a cane bottom
and a cushion and while she
rocked cheerfully, the mechanical
bed was substituted for her old
one. She accepted the change
Abroad Passed.
By Committee
WASHINGTON, May 21-( P)--
The House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee unanimously endorsed to-
day a measure paving the way for
State Department operation of an
information and educational pro-
gram in foreign countries.
The action came just six days
after the House denied funds for
operation of the program after
June 30 on the grounds that it
never has been formally author-
ized by Congress.4
Rep. Mundt (Rep., S.D.), au-
thor of the new bill, said he will go
before the Rules Committee Fri-
day or Monday to ask its clearance
to the floor. He expressed doubt,
however, that action can be ob-
tained before the first week in
The bill would give birth to a
new member of the government's
alphabetical family - OIEE - the
Office of Information and Edu-
cational Exchange in the State

Bill Approved
Despite Efforts
To Set Ceiling
Aims To Help Needy
Peoples, Not Regimes
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 21--Con-
gress gave final approval today to
the $350,000,000 foreign relief pro-
gram, and Undersecretary of State
Dean Acheson called for contin-
ued emergency loans and grants
to foreign nations in 1948 and
The approved relief program,
designed to feed the hungry rath-
er than to finance their govern-
ments, survived a determined,
eleventh hour attempt to clamp
a $200,000;000 ceiling on it.
Benign Work
Acheson, in a radio speech over
CBS, saw future needs from the
standpoint of "commercial and
financial policies that are neces-
sary to keep trade unleased, free
to carry on its benign work among
all peoples."
He said "economic collapse, po-
litical extremism and world pov-
erty and insecurity" will sieze
upon war-torn countries if the
United States doesn't help with'
emergency loans and grants.
It was in the House that the
unsuccessful attempt was made
to trim, the $350,000,000 relief
Red Cross Man
The end of its long legislative
trial was reached in the Senate,
where approval was routine after
Chairman Vandenberg (Rep.-
Mich.) of the Foreign Relations
Committee told his colleagues that
President Truman is considering
a man "of wide Red Cross exper-
ience" to administer the program.
Richard F. Allen, Red Cross
vice president, is slated to get the
The final House action came on
a roll call vote of 288 to 6, in
accepting the measure as redraft-
ed by a House-Senate conference
committee. This committee mod-
ified several stringent restrictions
on the program and recommended
the full amount sought by Presi-
dent Truman,
Conference Rejected
Much more close, however, was
the 205 to 170 roll call tally by
which the House beat back an
attempt to return the bill to the
conference committee with In-
structions to, its representatives
to insist upon a $200,000,000 ceil-
ing. The House, in originally pass-
ing the bill, had voted for such
a limit.
In its final form, the bill per-
mits expenditures of relief funds
in Italy, Greece, Hungary, Aus-
tria, Poland, China and Trieste.
Hoover To Go
To New Post
To Work as Specialist
For Economic Council
Prof. Edgar M. Hoover of the
economics department announced
yesterday that he had submitted
his resignation to the Board of Re-
gents to accept a position as Sen-
ior Specialist studying productive
capacity and investment for the
Council of Economic Advisors in

The Council as set up by the
Full Employment Act of 1946,
works through the Executive Of-
fice of the President. At the pres-
ent time, its staff consists of a
board of three.
By September the Council will
have been expanded to include ten
or twelve Senior Specialists. Each
specialist will focus his attention
on a portion of the national econ-
Prof. Hoover who will report to
Washington Sept. 1, came here in
the fall of 1936. He spent four
years in the Army, serving three
of them with the OSS.

rmance of the
ard play "In
ill be given at
Ae Lydia Men-
en" was first
True in the
chile in Cali-
ischarge from
ed in the cre-
in the Eng-
he summer of
ritten in the,
g course. 7


mue U.S. Citizens

on," he said,
nothing more
in Europe."
hi, instructor
India in 1922
ulty in 1942

United States from Canada. She
said she had "always felt like an
American citizen" and she is now
looking forward to voting for the
first time.
David G. Brodman, '48, came to

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