e fir.. y _T w . ._ ' ... . .. ..
Present Treatment of Water
May Not Assure Polio Defense
Protection from such virus dis-
eases as poliomyelitis is not as-
sured bf present water treatment
processes, Dr. Gerald M. Ridenour,
prfessor of public health engi-
Vet Pilots Fly
In Air Guard
Airmen Get Ground
School Instruction
(Continued frorn Page 1)
mer B-17 pilot with the 8th Air
Force, John Moore, B-24 pilot in
Italy and Urban Drew, P-51 pilot
with the 8th, hold the Distin-
g isbed Flying Cross. Drew flew
50 missions in the Pacific Theatre
after his European tour.
Unit Commander
Unit commander is Col. Freder-
ick Andeson, former Chief of Op-
erations of the 9th Air Force.
Included are students from
Wayne and the University of De-
Although the flyers are mostly
e'-army men, former marine,
,Avy, coast guard and even RCAF
men enrolled,
Sometimes they argue about the
merits of the planes they flew, ex-
plaining "it's all part of the
Several of the fliers are married,
three of them, George Ally, John
C rt and Warner Jennins, to ex-
women pilots (WASPS).
In a few embarrassing cases, the
women have more hours flying
time than the men. But the men
are happy. "We're still flying and
they aren't," they say.
Post Office Holds
More Vets' Checks
Checks are being held at the
4l Arbor Main Post Office for
the following veterans:
Atkins, Edward H.; Burch, Har-
old K. Jr; Clark, Robert E.; Fields,
Donald E.; Ford, William A.
Heidtke, Raymond F.; Kubiniec,
Tad M.; Pasciak, Leonard J.;
'pmering, Don A.; Robinson, Don
These checks will be returned to
Columbus May 13.
sU' Faculty To Attend
Philosophy Conference
Professors William Frankena,
Roy W. Sellars and Charles L.
Stevenson, of the philosophy de-
p rtment, are leaving today for
Iowa City, Ia. to attend a meeting
of the Western Division of the
American Philospohical Associa-
Prof. Sellars will participate in a
panel discussion on "The Present
Status of Naturalism" and Prof.
Frankena will attend a meeting of
the Committee on Philosophy in
Higher Education, of which he is
a member.
neering in the public health school,
declared yesterday.
Concluding a short public health
school course for waterworks per-
sonnel, Dr. Ridenour said that the
possibility of transmission of polio-
myelitis by water is now being in-
vestigated. He added, however,
that no proof that the disease can
be infectiously transmitted by
water has as yet been found in this
Effect Unknown
Because of the great technical
difficulties involved in isolating
and identifying virus, very little is
known as to the effect that most
of the physical, chemical and bio-
chemical treatments to which
water and sewage are now sub-
jected have on virus transmission.
Insofar as bacteria are con-
cerned, the "free residual chlorine"
method of water disinfection is
the most effective, R. J. Faust,
chief of the Division of Water Sup-
ply of the Michigan Department of
Health, told the group.
Chlorine Method Described
In this method, the water is
treated with sufficient chlorine so
that an excess of "free chlorine"
gas remains, Faust said. Improved
water taste and odor as well as
highly effective disinfection are
attained by this method, he de-
Use of Funds
To Be Debated
All-Vet Participation
In Trust Is Proposed
LANSING, May 6 -(A')- 'The
question of whether ex-servicemen
of all wars will share Michigan's
$50,000,000 veterans trust fund,
which was set aside for veterans
of World War II, will be debated
in the Senate Thursday.
This shift in policy was un-
opposed Monday night as the Sen-
ate added half a dozen amend-
ments that were attached by the
chamber's veterans committee to
a bill "coordinating" the trust
fund advisory board and state of-
flee of veterans affairs into a new
state veterans commission.
County soldiers' and sailors' re-
lief commissions would be merged
with the two state offices on the
local level.
To effect all-veteran participa-
tion in the trust fund, the Senate
committee a dde d amendments
that would:
1-Divert $285,000 of the trust
fund income to the five major
veterans organizations for "wel-
fare and service" benefits for vet-
erans of all wars.
2-Permit proposed county vet-
erans committees to use trust
fund allocations for benefit of
veterans of previous wars if funds
for their care on the county
level are exhausted.
(Continued from Page 1)
the committee will assist in de-
termining the experimental pro-
cedures to be followed by the var-
ious research workers.
Although it will attempt to in-
terfere as little as possible in the
planning and execution of the re-
search projects, the committee
must reserve the right to control
the conditions under which ex-
periments are to be performed be-
cause of the health hazards in-
volved in the handling of radio-
active materials, Dr. Hodges de-
The committee will be in com-
plete charge of obtaining the ne-
cess'ary radioactive materials and
also in their manufacture into
chemical compounds to be used in
the experiments.
Members of the committee are:
Dr. Hodges; Dr. Isadore Lampe
of the roentgenology department;
Dr. W. J. Nungester of the bac-
teriology department and Dr.
William D. Robinson of the Arth-
ritis unit, all of University Hospi-
Death Penalty'
Bill Passes by
Slim Margin,
LANSING, May 6 - (/P) - One
vote, which wavered momentarily
from "yes" to "no" and back again,
today proved the shaky margin by
which the House of Representa-
tives passed and sent to the Sen-
ate, 51 to 44, a measure providing
the death penalty for first-degree
Rep. Arthur Kurtz, Detroit Re-
publican, first voted favorably but
demanded the right to explain his
Speaker Victor A. Knox told him
the rules did not give him that
right for a "yes" vote. Kurtz said,
"Then I vote 'No'."
Vote Switch
Rep. G. Kirk Haley, Bad Axe
Republican, sprang to his feet to
point out that Kurtz could make
a statement for the Journal. Kurtz
changed his vote back to "yes,"
and the bill passed.
Doubt was cast over the final
vote a few minutes later when Rep.
James Goulette, Iron Mountain
Republican, led a finally unsuc-
cessful fight to reconsider the vote.
A record roll call on the motion
provided 42 favorable votes to 53
Reject Referendum
Preceding the vote the House
turned down a proposal to submit
the bill to a popular vote as well as
a proposal to strike out the op-
tional life imprisonment penalty.
Rep. Chester A. Ferris, Detroit
Republican, proposed striking a life
imprisonment provision. He said
there were enough safeguards in
the bill without leaving final pun-
ishment up to "one possibly fallible
Provisions of Bill
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Eu-
gent C. Betz, Monroe Republican,
provides for death by electrocution
or life imprisonment at the discre-
tion of the court after a first de-
gree murder conviction.
Persons under 17 would be ex-
empted from the death penalty,
testimony would be required even
in guilty pleas and the testimony
would be subject to Supreme Court
review before the death penalty
could be imposed.
RECEIVE APPOINTMENTS-Positions on The Michigan Daily
sports staff have heen received by firom1 lt to right) Dick Kraus,
sports editor; Bob Lent, associate sports editor.
Communist Positions i- Italy
Franef feeHous Bill
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
The House of Representatives,
debating the bill for aid to Greece
and Turkey, already has before it
two important manifestations of
the Truman doctrine's effect on
world politics.
Through a chain of events ob-
viously leading back to that policy,
Communists are on the defensive
in two countries-Italy and France
-which must be held for Western
democracy if all of Europe is not
to follow its Eastern areas into
the Communist field.
French Premier Ramadier's de-
cision to oust the Communist
members of his cabinet apparently
was forced by the De Gaullist ef-
fort to establish an anti-Commu-
nist cutting across all party lines.
The De Gaullists in turn were em-
boldened by the hmplied American
promise to help those who will op-
pose the spread of Communism.
Only the hope of such help if he
could avail himself of it, and what
it promised to do for De Gaulle if
he didn't, could have encouraged
Ramadier to move in the face of
the Communist electoral plurality
and their control of the French la-
bor unions.
Communist strength raises doubt
that a Socialist government can
last without them. However it
turns out, Ramadier at least
showed the people how France
might align herself with the Unit-
ed States without accepting the
extreme rightest program in toto,
might remove from the cabinet a
group which made French policy-
making an open book for Moscow,
and might get rid of a defense
minister whose party was actively
opposing the very -policy he was
charged with enforcing in France's
Ramadier's move was follewed
immediately by a serious weaken-
ing of the Communist position in
Italy. Threatened with a cabinet
overthrow which might cost them
their three portfolios, the Italian
Communists called off a projected
strike of government workers and
made conciliatory moves toward
Premier De Gasperi.
House Passes
Bill RequirTiiig
Employe Vora
LANSING, May 6.-4'--Batting
down an onslaught of crippling
amendments, the House today ap-
proved 67 to 26 a bill which would
require secret majority votes of
cmployes before acts accompany-
ng strikes would be legal.
Proposed by Rep. Albert W.
Dimmers, Hillsdale Republican.
the bill would prohibit picketing
boycotts and strike agitation mtil
the ballot had been taken by the
State Labor Mediation Board.
Among the amendnmenis voted
down was one that called for elim-
ination of the majority member-
ship provision, which would hlave
been supplanted by a majority of
those voting.
This was proposed by Rep.
James Goulette, Iron Mountain
Rep. Patrick J. Doyle, Dearborn
Democrat, sought unsuccessfully
to require a secret vote of com-
pany stockholders on union de-
Debate was punctuated by num-
rous motions for an immediate
vote which, however, were gen-
erally unsuccessful.
Mixer To Be
Held Friday
late Problem Tests
'T' Mathematicians
Professors, scholars and assort-
ed students are breaking out their
slide rules, comptometers, balance
sheets, and logarithm tables in
order to determine just how many
dates are involved in that mixer
AVC is throwing Friday night.
AVC promises ten dates for every
fellow. But they told the women
that they, too, will each have ten
"Now," say the professors et al
in unison, "there are bound to be
some duplications. It's our mis-
sion to determine just what the
overall totals are qualitatively and
quantitatively, that is. It's all
part of the quest for truth, you
At any rate, there are dance
tickets available today and today
only at the Engine Arch, Univer-
sity Hall or wherever you happen
to corner a Willow Run AVC mem-
New License
Syst emTold
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the university.eNotices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell hall, by 3:04) p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
V0L. I I, N. 151
Student Tea: President and
Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to
students on Wednesday afternoon,
May 7 from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Seniors, College of Engineering:
Deadline for payment of class dues
in order to get your reduced rate
on cap and gown is Thurs., May 8.
Collection booths in East and West
Engineering buildings open from
9-12 a.m., Tues., Wed., and Thurs.
Party Approvals: All student
groups planning social events at
which both men and women are to
be present must secure approval
from the Office of Student Af-
fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, no
ater than 12 noon of the Monday
before the event. The deadline
for filing these events has been
advanced in order to permit week-
ly publication of the list of ap-
proved parties in the D.OB.
Approved parties for the com-
ing week-end: May 9--AVC, Wil-
low Run; Chi Omega; Phi Gamma
Delta; Sigma Nu; Victor Vaughan.
May 10--Alpha Eta; Alpha Delta
Phi; Alpha Kappa Psi; Alpha Om-
icron Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi; Delta
Sigma Delta; Delta Sigma Pi; Del-
ta Upsilon, Graduate Student
Council; Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi
Chi; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Sigma
Kappa, Theta Delta Chi.
Bureau of Appointments & Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall, Office Hours: 9-12, 2-4: Civ-
il Service: Civil Service Commis-
sion of Baltimore announces open
competitive examinations for Case
Worker, Junior Case Worker. Sen-
ior Recreation Worker, Junior
Recreation Leader, and Director
of Community Center-Dept. of
Civil Service Commission of De-
troit announces examinations for
Senior Health Inspector (Milk),
Junior Clerk (Male or Female),
and Intermediate Clerk (Male or
New York State Department of
Civil Service announces examin-
ations for Stenographer, Senior
Stenographer, Typist, and Clerks'
(Clerk, Senior, File, Senior File,
Account, Senior Account, Statis-
tics, Senior Statistics, and Senior
Mail and Supply). For further in-
formation, call at the Bureau of
representatives will be at our office
on Thursday, May 8, to interview
chemical, petroleum, electrical,
mechanical, and civil engineers,
also physics and math majors and
geologists and paleontologists. P-
sitions for chemical engineers are
mainly research jobs. Jobs in the
other fields are for production or
The Zurich General Accident &
Liability Insurance Company, Ltd.
representatives will be at our of-
fice on Thursday, May 8, to inter-
view men interested in employ-
ment with this company.
Crowley - Milner's Department
Store, Detroit. A representative
will be here on Friday, May 9, to
interview men and women inter-
ested in a department store career.
Phone extension 371 for ap-
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Wed., May 7, 8 p.m., Wallace A.
Bacon, "Current Plays on Broad-
Thurs., May 8, 8 p.m., Extesion
Class in' Psychology; 8 p.m., The
New Art Group.
Fri., May 9, 8 p.m., Duplicate
Sat., May 10, 6 p.m., Pot Luck
University Lecture. Prof. Edgar
B. Wesley, University of Minne-
sota, will lecture on the subject,
"Shifting Centers of Educational
Faith," at 4:15 p.m., Fri., May 9,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the History Department and
the School of Education.
University Lecture: Dr. H. P.
Himsworth, professor of medicine,
University College, London, will
lecture on the subject, "Nutrition-
al'Factors in Liver Injury," at 8
p.m., Mon., May 12, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the Medi-
cal School and the Alfred Duns-
ton, Jr., Fund.
University Lecture: Professor
Max Fisch, Department of Philos-
ophy, University of Illinois, will
lecture on the subject, "Evolution
in American Philosophy from
1860-1917,", at 4:15 p.m., Tue.,
May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Philosophy. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
Nu Sigma Nu Lecture: Dr. James
Barrett Brown, Professor of Max-
illo-facial Surgery, Washington
University, St. Louis, Missouri,
will lecture on the subject, "Possi-
bilities and Limitations in Plastic
Surgery"(illus.), at 8 p.m., Wed.,
May 7, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lecture. Prof. L. A. White of
the Department of Anthropology
will lecture on "Current Trends
in Social Evolution," 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., May 7, Rackham Amphithe-
atre; auspices of the Graduate
Student Council. The public is
(Continued on Page 4)
BABY SITTER--M.W.F. mornings. Stu-
dent or student's wife. Tewes, 720 S.
State. 2-2035. )20
airline experience required. Phone
Ypsi. 3220 or contact airport mana-
ger's office at Willow Run. )113
time. Top wages. Excellent hours.
Two good campus locations. Apply in
person to fountain manager, Wit-
ham Drug Co., Cor. S. University and
Forrest Ave. )30
FIRST trumpet and lead alto man Fri-
day, Saturday and Sundays. Must
have good strong lead tone and be
able to read and cut shows. Contact
Karl Kalson, Villa Bee Night Club,
Jaclson, Michigan. )62
WANTED-One or two May Festival
Tickets for Saturday evening. Bring
them to 611 E. University. )6
TICKETS-Wanted, 2 tickets for May
Festival Sunday night concert. Call
Lew Williams, 2-4591. )2
evening, Sunday afternoon or evening
Festival concerts. Judy Daiken, 2527
Stockwell. )70
WANTED - Four tickets May Festival
Saturday evening, two pairs or all
together. Main floor or first balcony.
Phone 8472 evenings. )61
WANTED-Two tickets for Sunday af-
teriuoon May Festival. Call R. McGu-
gan, 292 Couzens. )35
855 Tappan Ave. Phone 2-7412 ) 10
TYPEWRITERS now available for rent.
standards or portables. Office Equip-
ment Service Co., 111 S. Fourth Ave.
) 36
"If your radio's bad,
You can heartallsthe plugs,
Just bring it to us,
We'll take out the bugs."
For expert radio service call 9241 or
bring your set to the Tavern Cafe-
teria. )3
Buy and Save !
Those War Bonds!!
DOUBLE, near campus, immediately
and for summer school. Phone 2-2362.
Pick-up, delivery, anywhere in Ann
Arbor. New racquets, balls in stock
Call Fred ZIEMANN 2-1088 after 5.
JOE-Will return your ring in exchange
for Newman Club Spring Formal
ticket as compensation for my heart-
break. -Maggie )31
REDUCE! Lose pounds and inches
where you want them off. Come in
from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for an intro-
ductory treatment and be convinced.
Baskin 8 N. Normal St., Ypsilanti. )7
HANDSOME ex-Air Corps officer de-
sires date for chaperoned picnic May
24. Swimming, boating, canoeing,
dancing. Dial 2-4401, ask for 307
Lloyd. )76
FOR SALE-Tuv, Size 36 or 37. Room
205 Prescott House, East Quad. Ask
for Carey. )28
RADIO--Six-tube table model. Excel-
lent condition. Need cash. Phone Har-
old, 9092, 7:30 to 9:30 evenings. )5
MAY FESTIVAL Series ticket. Second
balcony. See George Towe, Room 309
Chemistry Bldg. University Extension
681. ) 33
UTAH AMATEUR Transmitter, Sky
Buddy and extras. Operates through
20 meters. E. Hannah, 425 Vaughan.
FOR SALE-Full dress suit (tails). Size
38. Worn twice. Phone Leo, 2-0509
after six. )40
KODOK BANTAM f 4.5, case, flash-gun,
filters, lens shade, bulbs, film, perfect
condition. Stu Varner, 1530 Washte-
naw, Phone 4295. ' )65
GOLFERS-Spalding Jones irons, Ha-
gen, Wilson, MacGregor pro. golfi
equipment. Golf bags, paxs and balls.
Phone 22058-4044. Johnny Malloy
Professional. )691
SUN GLASSES $3.50. U.S. Surplus-Air
Force-4-base lens with pearloid
sweat bar. Sam's store, 122 E. Wash-
ington. )14
FOR SALE - Diamond Solitaire, 1/3
Karat. Priced to sell. Write Box 3,
Michigan Daily. )17
jregistered. Peppy, well marked, 8j
weeks. 1456 Sudbury, Village, after 4
P.m. )251
WANTED-Rider to Seattle Washington.
Leaving June 10th. Share expense.
See Rehm at 1550 Washtenaw. )43
SEWING-Campus Alteration Shop. 508
Monroe St. Apt. 1. Tel. 9841. )22
ALTERA TIONS on Ladies' Garments.
Prompt, efficient service. 2-2678.
Alta Graves - near Stockwell Hall.)42
SINGLE, young male faculty member
wants room for at least 12 months
near State and North University. Call
4121, Ext. 2109, between 7:30 and 9:30
evenings. )57
STUDENT DESIRES apartment start-
ing Sept. One or two room equival-
ent. Willing to pay now for year
in advance. References. Box 50. )23
VETERAN-Graduate student and wife
to sublet apartment for 8-week sum-
mer session. No children. References.
Call 2-0119. )22
SUBLET for summer term of apartment
jor small house or permanent apart-
ment wanted by Michigan graduate
veteran working in Ann Arbor and
wife. By June 15th. Any location.
References. Call Mr. Boltwood, 8-5,
2-4483. )14
LOST - Black patent bag containing
Parker 51, house key, possibly glasses.
Last seen at Haven Hall on Friday,
May 2. Reward. Contact Box 4, Mich-
igan Daily. ) 74
WILL PERSON who took man's grey
gabardine trenchcoat from P-Bell
April 25 please return to Bell and
claim yours. )21
REWARD-For return of gold Eversharp
pen. Finder please return - gift of
deceased father. Jack J. Garris, Phone
2-4591. )3
LOST-Monday, near campus, "Chris-
tian Brothers College" ring, Contact
J. Jourdan, West Lodge, or Box 3,
Daily. )73
LOST-White plastic rimmed glasses in
case. Please call Bruce Witherspoon,
522 Williams House, West Quad. )16
LOST-Man's watch, Election. $5.00 Re-
ward. Please contact Wendell Jackson,
1605 Monson Ct.. W. R.
FOUND: Wood oboe-For information
leave word in box 15, Michigan Daily.
retary of State Fred M. Alger, Jr,
today outlined a modernized, sim-
plified automobile registration sys-
tem that he hopes will put an end
to long queques of car owners at
branch offices when license plates
are on sale.
Instead of making out new reg-
istration blanks each year, car
owners who have not changed au-
tomobiles or addresses will be
mailed completely filled blanks by
the title and registration division.
The owner simply takes the
blank to a branch office, signs it
and picks up his license plates.
Light Earthquake
Hits Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE, May 6.-(iP)-An
earthquake which jarred Milwau-
kee and southern Wisconsin today
"might have been due to the tilt-
ing of the Lake Michigan shore-
line," the Rev. Joseph Carroll, seis-
mologist at Marquette University,
Although the fraction-of-a-sec-
ond quake caused much excite-
ment and resulted in inquiries
from as far as Kenosha, 35 miles
south of Milwaukee, no damage
was reported.
Prof. Landes To Talk
"Pegmatite Minerals" will be
discussed by Dr. Kenneth K.
Landes, of the geology depart-
ment. in an address before the
Michigan Mineralogical Society,
Monday at the Cranbrook Insti-
tute of Science.
Bureau of
Mason Hall.
Office hours:
General Placement:
The Atlantic Refining Company
Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177
115 W. Liberty
LANSING, May 6-(/P)-
-,jr l v w (4 I v-
f.:" ,:
.; ..,
L ,.
d/1 mwf w c en'ice
Hamnburgers ... Milk ... Soft Drinks
Phone 2-6606 - - - 9 P.M. to 1 A.M.
Ending Wednesday'
Il AShows 2-4-7-9:10 P.M.
(- i
- Features Daily - Also
2:15-4:20-7:25-9:35 .*; DONALD DUCK
See it from the Start! Cartoon
V lendly
"Saddle-Boys" take the
style of his shoes to put
himatyourfeet. Of course
they're by Friendly!
Courses to
Summer Term
opens June 30.
LOST - At Illinois baseball game, a
green spiral notebook for History 147.
Call 9882. )72
LOST-White kerchief, orchid and word
"Aloha" in corner, near North Uni-
versity and State Streets Thursday.
Call Elaan RfSt. 2_ R 22
No wonder Duotone's "Star'
Sapphire leads the parade!
Its highly polished genuine
sapphire tip lengthens record
life, eliminates distortion and
DIPLOMATIC Preparation for diplo-
SCHOOL: matic service, interna-
tional administration.
and diplomatic secre-
tarial work.
PUBLIC Complete program in
RELATIONS the field of public re-
SCHOOL: lations and publicity.
BUSINESS Complete business, see-
SCHOOL: r e t a r i a l, stenographic
training in English,
North Main Opposite Court Rouse
- Starting Today -
Jack Haley in
-- Co-Feature
Barbara Reed in
added Cartoon
FOR SALE-Two May Festival series ! U)LtewaiLU,)4
tickets, Main floor left center. Row LOST - Elbon wristwatch with brown
K. Call 7571 or University 581. )34 jstrap between campus town and Cou-
ONE COMPLETE May Festival Series zens Hall. Call Elaine, 9231.)9
Ticket. Top balcony. Call Fred FAVORITE wide red belt lost Monday
Marks, 2-8300. )28 21st. Between Stockwell and Ro-
SOLVE your housing problem with this mance Languages. Call 5531 Stock-
10 room, 2 bath brick and frame well, please! )1l
Continuous from 1 P.M.
If W
III 4(-YAMMMk APP""- a d 6