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May 07, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-05-07

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Latest Deadline in the State


House Sends
Greek Aid
Bill to Floor
Marshall Urges
Passage of Plan
By The Associated Press
$400,000,000 Greek-Turkish aid
program got over its first hump
in the House today, even some of
its foes voting to send it to the
floor for debate.
A standing vote of 168 to 22 ac-
cepted a procedure calling for nine
hours of debate and unlimited at-
tempts at amendments. This was
no test of the bill's ultimate fate,
but if it had been the other way
around the effect would have been
to bar the bill from immediate
'Greatest Urgency'
In a letter, Secretary of State
Marshall advised the House that
the "greatest urgency" for aiding
Greece and Turkey had been made
"even more positive" by the recent
Moscow conference of foreign
His opinion was read to the
House by Chairman Eaton (Rep.,
N.J.), of the foreign affairs com-
mittee as debate opened turbulent-
ly on the bill to bulwark the two
southeastern European countries
against Communism.
Eaton himself referred to the
bill as the most important piece of
legislation to reach the floor in
100 years. He called on his col-
leagues to accept resolutely the
"great risks" of protecting Greece
and Turkey from Red totalitarians.
Positive Policy
Marshall wrote that the bill
"would enable the United States,
in this crisis, to support the Unit-
ed Nations by pursuing a positive
policy in behalf of Greece and
Turkey. I am convinced that it
will be in our own interest and in
the interest of world peace."
,He told the House that he had
helped formulate the program be-
fore leaving for Moscow, that he
approved of amendments inserted
by the Senate, that he and Under-
secretary of State Acheson "were
in constant touch" during his ab-
sence and all moves were "fully co-
Spposition Strategy
Foes of the bill early served no-
tice of their strategy-based pri-
marily upon an attempt to substi-
tute a resolution to send the
Greek-Turkish issue to the Unit-
ed Nations.
Not until tomorrow, at the earli-
est, will a decision come--first on
a series of amendments and sub-
stitute proposals, then on the bill
itself. House Republicans obvi-
ously were split wide open.
On the Democratic side of the
aisle, there appeared less opposi-
Trunman Will
W thhold View
On Labor Bills
President Truman has decided
against stating his position orr any
particular labor legislation before
it reaches his desk, it was report-
ed today as the Senate Republi-
can leadership pressed for a
tougher bill and a quick final vote.
The Republicans, with consider-
able Deocratic help, swamped a
move to delay further considera-
tion of the pending measure for

10 days, and Senator Wherry
(Neb.), the Republican whip, told
a reporter sponsors would try for
a decision by Thursday.
The report on Mr. Truman's si-
lence plan came from a spokesman
for the Democratic National Com-
He said Cyril Bevan and Carl
V. Rice. national committeemen
respectively for Michigan and
Kansas, brought the matter up at
a conference with the President.
The President declared, t h e
spokesman said, that he will have
nothing to say until a bill is on
his desk for signature or veto.
Several politicians, including
Harold E. Stassen, GOP presiden-
tial aspirant, have suggested that
the President and Republican
leaders get together to see whe-
ther a bill acceptable to both par-
ties could be agreed upon before
Congress finally acts.
Bevan told a reporter he in-
formed the President that the
democrats of Michigan are oppos-
ed to "bitterly restrictive anti-la-
h~nr lartic.Inf".nr "

Hope Abandoned for National

Settlement of Phone

Truman Acts

To Save

AIR GUARD-Eight of the twelve University students who are members of the Michigan National
Air Guard pose in front of one of their A-26 attack bombers. Standing, left to right, James 0.
Murcklen, William E. McCappin, James B. Moore, Carl J. Ally, George K. Anderson. In front, W.
C. Jennings, Don A. Michela, John L. Clark.

Jews, Arabs
Will Receive
Equal Hearing
Resolution Passed
Over Boycott Treat
-(P)-The- political committee of
the United Nations assembly vot-
ed 40 to 0 tonight to hear the
Jewish agency for Palestine and
the Arab higher committee on
equal terms despite an Arab threat
to boycott the Assembly's deliber-
ations on the Holy Land issue.
The Five Arab states, plus
France and India, abstained on
the committee vote.
Invited to Give Views,
The resolution permitting the
Jews and the Arabs to be heard
specifically stated that they were
being invited to give their views
on "constituting and instructing"
the inquiry body which is to be
Delegates said there was noth-
ing in the resolution to say that
the Arabs and Jews were being in,
vited to discuss the merits of the
Holy Land issue.
American Plan Rejected
However, some delegates believ-
ed that even though the political
committee rejected an American
proposal to state specifically that
the Arabs and Jews could not dis-
cuss the substance of the issue,
the door was left open for these
two groups to discuss the heart of
the problem.
The political committee then
adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow,
when it will begin work on the
actual framing of a committee
which will investigate Palestine
and report back to the General
Assembly next fall.
Argentina and t h e United
States sponsored the conciliatory
move which gives the Jewish agen-
cy for Palestine and the Arab
higher committee for Palestine
equal opportunity to appear before
the Assembly's 55-nation political
committee here.
J ohison, Steward
Get Daily Posts
Joyce Johnson has been named
woman's editor and Betty Stewart.
associate women's editor of The
Daily for the fall semester by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
Newly-appointed women's staff
night editors are Mildred Rans-
dorf, Margaret Frostic, Mary Alice
Cheney and Shirley Meyer.

1U' Students, Former Army
Aviators, Fly In Air Guard
Twelve University students, former Army combat flyers, are soar-
ing through the wild blue yonder these days as members of the air
component of the Michigan National Guard-the 127th Fighter Group
and the 107th Bomb Squadron.
It's strictly a spare time occupation.
The flyers in most cases hold the same rank as they did in the
Air Force, but they insist "It isn't the Army."
Weekly Meeting
"All we care about is flying," they said. "We've forgotten all about
- -- - - - 4the Army stuff."

Bill Introduced
To Aid Cultural
Relations Plans
Legislation to pave the way for
financing the State Department's
cultural relations program includ-
ing the "Voice of America" broad-
cast to Russia and elsewhere was
introduced today by Rep. Mundt
(Rep., S. D.)
Under Mundt's bill, Congress
would give legal status to these
The House appropriations com-
mittee yesterday rejected the de-
partment's request for $31,381,220
to operate the program during the
fiscal year starting July 1. It gave
as it main reason that the pro-
gram has not been sanctioned by
Hearings Scheduled
Indications that steps would be
taken to save at least part of the
program came from members of
the appropriations and foreign af-
fairs committees.
Mundt, a member of the foreign
group, said hearings on his bill
may be started next week. Chair-
man Taber (Rep., N. Y.) of the
appropriations committee told re-
porters he would not object to
"reasonable financing" of "a rea-
sonable program."
While Taber indicated no spe-
cific fund, other committee mem-
bers said they understand $10,000,-
000 would be alloted if the Mundt,
bill becomes law.-
No Competition
Mundt's bill calls for a screen-
ing of all personnel by the feder-
al bureau of investigation. o
It provides also that all inform-
ation sent abroad by the state de-
partment for the education of for-
eigners must be labeled as having
emanated from the government,
and that the program not competej
with private agencies operating
the same field.

The vets are required to attend
one official meeting a week at the
former Army Air Field at Romulus,
where they receive one day's pay
plus "all the flying we can get.,
On week-ends when there are
spare planes, they take off for al
brief vacation-sometimes to soak
up the sunshine down South or
just to practice cross-country fly-
ing techniques.
Air Guard History
The new version of the Air
Guard has a short history.
It was reorganized Sept. 29, 1946,
and provided with A-26's AT-6's,
AT 11's and C-47's. Eight P-51
fighter planes are expected to be
put into use at Romulus by sum-
mer when the Guard will go on ac-
tive duty status for two weeks.
Two of the A-26's (two-engined
attack bombers) are equipped with
dual controls for instructional
The A-26 is the same type of
plane used by round-the-world
record breaker Reynolds last
Ground School
It isn't all loop-the-loop with
the flyers. Ground school sub-
jects on weather, navigation and
operation of the new A-26's oc-
cupy part of their time each week.
Occasionally they have old-fash-
ioned foot drills.
A spot check of records shows
that the 12 flyers are a well-dec-
orated lot. George Anderson, for-
See VET, Page 2
Le risi aureToMeet
Ot MDA Ban
Follow-up action on the camp-
us-wide referendum opposing
President Ruthven's ban of MYDA
on the grounds that it by-passed
the Student Affairs Committee
will be considered by the Student
Legislature at 7:30 p.m. today in
the League.
The Legislators will also discuss
the election of delegates to the Na-
tional Student Organization's con-
stitutional convention, which will
be held next fall at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin.

Says Rejection
Will Be BlowI
Claims Pact Is Not
Too Harsh with Italy
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, May 6-Presi-
dent Truman, stepping in to save
the Italian peace treaty, declared
today that Senate rejection of the
pact would be "a heavy blow to
our country's leadership in world
The President, Secretary of
State George C. Marshall, former'
secretary James F. Byrnes and
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.)
teamed up against critics who have
been saying the treaty is too harsh
and would open up a weakened
Italy to the threat of Communism.
Mr. Truman wrote Marshall
that he does not share the view
that the treaty's disarmament of
Italy conflicts with his policy of
bolstering Greece and Turkey
against Communism.
Marshall read the letter before
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee at a hearing in which
Byrnes testified that rejection of
the treaty would bring in Italy
"uncertainty which causes dis-
content, and discontent beeds
Mr. Truman and his bipartisan
foreign policy backers likewise
urged early Senate ratification of
peace treaties with Bulgaria, Hun-
gary and Romania.
Marshall said "the world
would lose all confidence in our
proposals and our leadership" if
the necessary two-thirds ap-
proval of the treaties by the Sen-
ate is not forthcoming promptly.
Marx System
Is Evaluated-
Socialism Curtails
f redo --Griffin
Although socialism can success-
fully fulfill the requirements of an
economic system, it would result
in a loss of individual freedom of
choice and civil rights, Prof. Clare
E. Griffin of the business admini-
stration school said yesterday.
Addressing the Karl Marx Study
Club on "Karl Marx on the De-
velopment of Capitalism," Prof.
Griffin said that socialism would
bring the advantages of better
discipline of the working classes
and would make the importance
of production become perfectly
clear. However, socialism also
brings the "deadening effect" of
bureaucracy on progress, he add-
Marx expected the destruction
of capitalism to come with econ-
omic inevitability, and thought so-
cialism would evolve naturally
when the state had become static,
Prof. Griffin said. Marx never
answered the question of what
was to happen after the revolution
and this proved a highly embar-
rassing point in Russia, he ex-
plained, asserting that as a pro-
phet, Marx' does not have a very
good record.
Psvehology Field
To'Be es'Lebed

The psychology department will
sponsor a concentration advise-
ment meeting at 4:15 p.m. today
in Rm. 231, Angell Hall.
The conference is the fourth in
a two-week series of meetings de-
signed to assist sophomores and
freshmen in the literary college in
choosing a field of concentration.
Speakers at the psychology con-
ference will include Prof. Martha
Colby, who will discuss psychology

French Cabinet
Receives Vote
Of Confidence
PAIS, Wednesday, May 7-(P)
-The National Council of the
French Socialist Party decided to-
day by a 2,529 to 2,125 vote that
Premier . Paul Ramadier's coali-
tion cabinet, from which the Com-
munists have been ousted, should
remain in office.
The vote followed a seven-hour
discussion climaxed by speeches
by Ramadier and former Premier
Leon Blum. Both Socialist leaders
asked that the present govern-
ment be maintained in power.
Ramadier said:
"If the National Council de-
manded I resign, I would sign to-
morrow my letter of resignation
and submit it to Vincent Auriol
(President of the Republic) but
in doing so-1 would feel as if I
were signing the abdication of the
It was expected that the Social-
ists' decision might have far-
reaching influence on the policti-
cal future not only of France but
also of Western Europe.
The National Council's vote rat-
ified the week-end decision of So-
cialist chiefs to drop communists
from the cabinet.
Many Frenchmen saw the situ-
ation much the same as the con-
servative newspaper Le Monde,
which commented that if the So-
cialists "capitulate before the
Communists it will be their own
end, and we will have in France
two opposing blocs like those al-
ready opposed to one another in
the world."
Wallace to Speak
Henry A. Wallace will speak
at noon May 15 in Hill Audi-
torium under sponsorship of a
group of campus organizations.

>Instead of a cruising ship, a fast
raiding ship firing a barrage of big
rockets in bombardment of shore
Intercepter Ship
Instead of the carrier, a fast in-
tercepter ship with pilotless air-
craft to destroy enemy missiles
aimed at America. Carriers as
known today may be employed as
a "coastal defense" several hun-
dred miles off home shores.
Instead of the destroyer, "an at-
tack-killer" ' class which would
have high-speed, automatic-firing
guns, and plenty of anti-submarine
Submarines may become special-
ized for cargo carrying, scouting
attack, ice patrol, and atom-
weapon launching. (The Navy last
week announced proposed conver-
sion of existing submarines to car-
go and troop carriers and to Arctic
The Senate today completed
congressional action to permit th(
Navy to spend $30,000,000 of it,
funds on two experimental sub-
Radical Changes
Also today, W. John Kenney, as.
sistant secretary of the Navy, re-
ported the planning of radical
changes in warship design ant
said: "The future ship may hav(
few exposed personnel and in-
struments. It is quite possible that
no man will be in sight at battl(
stations underway."
It was further disclosed by nava,
officers today that development is
underway of a 45-foot shipborn(
Navy thinking for 25 years wal
directed at fighting the Japanes
fleet. The present U. S. fleet, val-
ued at $18,000,000,000, was largel3
built with that purpose in mind
But the Japanese fleet is gone. Ses
battles in the old classical sens(
are gone too.
Russian Plans
The American fleet, still a
powerful force, is inadequate foi
future wars, its leaders believe.

U.S. Navy Department
Blueprints New Fleet
Future Ships to Be Capable of Attacking
Targets Hundreds of Miles from Coast
WASHINGTON, May 6-(P)-The Navy Department is slowly un-
folding the blueprint for a radically new fleet, designed for attacking
cities and land bases rather than fighting other ships.
What the fleet will look like some years from now remains to be
seen. The best information points to an eventual lineup something
like the following:
Instead of the battleship, a heavily armoured guided missile ship
that can take a pounding to get home powerful attacks on cities and
industrial centers hundreds of miles from the coast (the Navy is cur-
rently converting two big ships to fire guided missiles.).

Labor Leaders
Will Return To
Local Unions
Bargaining, Strikes
Will be Intensified
By The Associated Press
Telephone strikers gave up form-
ally tonight their effort to achieve
a national agreement, going back
to local negotiations with a declar-
ation that wage differences are
narrowing and prospects for "a
fair and reasonable settlement are
much brighter."
Conferees in the long lines ne-
gotiations closed out a long ses-
sion near midnight without a set-
tlement, but government concilla-
tors called on them to meet again
at 11 a.m. and stay at it until
agreement is reached in the 30-
day-old walkout.
Company wage increase and
fringe pay adjustments offered
as a possible settlement totaled
$4.36 a week or 10.9 cents per
hour for the 20,00 long lines '
employes; consilators said.
The conciliators said an end of
the long lines strike could come
"at any hour." George S. Ding,
Assistant Vice President of the
long lines department, said the
2ompany and union were less than
80 cents a week apart in their con-
tract terms.
Tonight's change was an-
nounced following a ten hour
meeting of the strike-guiding
committee, by NFTW President
Joseph A. Reiue
Beirne said the policy commit-
tee members, most of them heads
f their local unions, will return
immediately t their -horme cities
to "intensify the strike" and take
;art personally in local bargain-
ing .
The committee, composed of
representatives of 49 telephone un-
ons affiliated with the NFTW,
vill hold no further meetings.
The announcement represent-
ed a sudden reversal from op-
timism over a quick settlement
indicated earlier in the evening
by government conciliators.
These officials said at a din-
ner-time break in negotiations
on the long distance phase of
the walkout that "only an eye-
lash" separated the bargainers.
Beirne said that the NFT'W had
abandoned weeks ago "our at-
tempt to get the American Tele-
)hone and Telegraph Company to
At down and bargain nationally."
Beirne said local unions always
have the right to enter into agree-
'nents with companies of the Bell
;ystem but that they still are ex-
wected to continue submitting
such agreeents to the national fed-
eration for "counsel and guid-
AJ iWagnerian
Op)era Festival
Helen Traubel, soprano, and the
?hiladelphia Symphony Orches-
ra, under Eugene Ormndy, will
pen the May Festival with' an
1l-Wagner program at 8:30 p.m.

'omorrow in Hill .Auditorium.
The overture to "Die Meister-
inger" and the prelude and Lie-
>estod from "Tristan and Isolde"
vill be presented by the grchestra.
Viss Traubel will sing the aria
'War as so schmalich" from "Die
vWalkure" and excerpts from"Got-
The Philadelphia Symphony
will make its 12th consecutive ap-
earance in May Festivals when
t performs this season. Eugene
3rmandy, conductor, has been
with the orchestra since the be-
;inning of the 1938-1939 season.
Associate Conductor Alexander
Hillsberg will direct the orchestra
at other performances during the
Miss Traubel, who also has ip-
neared previously before Ann Ar-
e bor audiences, is one of the few
American-born and trained Met-

Thne former vice-president Although the high brass scrupu-
said that he plans to discuss his lously avoids mentioning it, Rus-
program for world peace and to sia is know to be building verb
report on his recent overseas fast submarines, using German
journey. plans and scientists.
The speech here will be plAadscet.
sandwiched between appear- The Amrerican fleet would be ir
ances in Detroit, as a part of rea rou were a
Wallace's coast to coast speak- super-subs, credited with sub-
ing tour. merger speeds higher than the bes
U. S. anti-sub boats.
World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
VENICE, May 6-Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, who master-
minded the stubborn German retreat up the Italian peninsula in
1944, was sentenced by a five-man British military court today to
die before a firing squad for war crimes against the Italian people.
* * *
TOKYO, Wednesday, May 7-Authoritative Japanese sources
said today General MacArthur assured Emperor Hirohito the
United States would guarantee the defense of Japan.
LANSING, Mich., May 6-Legislative leaders tonight, in their first
agreement on u ethods of solving the state's impending $83,000,000
deficit, came up with proposals only $20,000,000 short of balancing the
* * *
LONDON, May 6-Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
declared tonight that the vast debts Britain owes her allies "must
be very substantially scaled down."
LONDON, May 6-The National Coal Board created by act of the
Labor government recruited strike-breakers today to end an unau-

Atom Research Aids Medical Work

By JOAN KATZ Under a grant from the Com-
University scientists are now mittee on Growth of the Ameri-
tackling medical problems with can Cancer Society, an isotope re-
techniques developed in wartime 1 search laboratory is being estab-
research on atomic energy, Dr. lished here to provide facilities for
Fred J. Hodges, chairman of the the use of stable and radioactive

can be handled, Dr. Hodges said.
The assaying and preparation of
samples for research work will al-
so be carried out at this labora-
tory. Ample preparative equip-
ment and radioactivity counters

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