, APRIL 30, 19417
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Installation Night To Be Held Monday
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League Posts
To Be Filled
Program in Rackham Hall
Will Feature Betty Brown
Installation Night, annual pro-
gram to install new League offi-
cers, will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Monday in the Rackham Lecture
Miss Betty Brown, College Edi-
tor of Junior Harper's Bazaar is
to be the guest speaker at the
event, which is open to all wom-
en on campus. Miss Brown, a
graduate of U. C.L.A., will speak
on "Job Opportunities in Mer-
Officers To Be Announced
Following a short talk by Dean
Alice C. Lloyd, announcement will
be made of the holders of the top
positions in women's activities for
1947-48. Included in these posi-
tions are the officers of the
League Council, Judiciary chair-
man and committee, Interview-
ing chairman and committee, cen-
tral committee of Junior Girls
Play, and League junior assistants.
Also to be announced are the
sophomore positions including the
Soph Cabaret central committee,
orientation advisors, Women's
Athletic Association president and
board, Assembly president and
board and Panhellenic president
and board.
The winners of the Mortar
Council To Hold
Annual Formal
"A Night with the Greeks" will
be the theme of the sixteenth an-
nual Inter-Fraternity Council
Ball, to be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a. m. Friday in the Intramural
Feature of the decorations will
be- a Greek arch in the center of
the dance floor and a Greek god-
dess at one end of the floor hold-
ing the Inter-Fraternity Council
key. The color scheme for the af-
fair will be black and silver, and
novel programs designed in the
shape of the IFC key will be dis-
tributed to women guests.
Each fraternity will have a
booth at the dance, similar to
those at the 1947 J-Hop. Dec-
orations will include a 14-foot
high Greek warrior in each booth,
bearing the initials of the fra-
ternity, Furniture for the booths
will be supplied by the individual
houses and may be set up Friday.
The dance will be formal, and
women students will have 1:30
a.m. permission for the evening.
No corsages will be worn except
by guests of the central commit-
tee members. Tickets will be sold
tomorrow and Friday in Room 306
of the Union.
The Inter-Fraternity Council
Office will be open from 3 to 5
p.m. Monday and Tuesday, and all
afternoon Wednesday so that fra-
ternities may turn in money from
the sale of IFC Ball tickets. Wed-
nesday is the deadline for turning
in ticket money.
Camp Counselors
Will Hold Meeting
The WAA Camp Counselors will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the
The meeting will be open to all
students who are interested in
camp counselor work. The meet-
ing will include a song fest. Learn-
ing new songs and singing old
songs will make up the program.
This is the second in a series
of programs designed for students
who will be counselors for the
first time this year. Those at-
tending Ur(' akOd to bring pencil
and paper so that they imay write
new words.
All rnembcrs of Senior So-
ciety are to attend a meeting
at 5 p.m. today in the Presi-
dent's Office of the League, ac-
cording to President Shirley
i)C ;>0<:X_- 0c 0<;-.07
I'Ycu's/ coiIjire rage . . . the
Iflat-top bob! S~Ob, shtimu
nat ral . . . sty l by r y (no,
l i k '1: sta i o 4 aden II,,
Board and Ethel A. McCormick
scholarships will also be an-
nounced. These scholarships are
awarded on the basis of service,
participation in extra-curricularf
activities and scholarship.I
Scroll, senior honor society for
affiliated women, and Senior so-
Scroll To Hold Annual Dinner Today
Scroll will honor members of
Mortar Board, Senior Society, and
the Board of Directors of the
Alumnae Council at their annual
ciety, independent women's hon- UUH
or society, .will tap new members Mich
at Installation Night. Member- Me
ship in these societies is based on:ubj
scholarship, activities and service. Heat
Reception Will Be Held Leagi
An informal reception at which
coeds can meet the newly install-
ed officers, will be held in the en-
trance lobby of the Rackham
Building ,following the. installa-
tion ceremony.
Houses will sit together in blocs
in the lecture hall, and signs will
be posted in alphabetical order
for all houses on campus.
at 6 p.m.utoday in the
iigan League.
onna Heath will speak on the
ect "On Your Own." MissC
th was president of the
ue in 1943-44 and is at pre-f
sent affiliated with the Girl
Scouts of America.
Ann Lippincott, president of
Scroll, will welcome members and
guests. Mrs. Lucille Conger.
Alumnae Council Secretary, will
bring greetings. Group singing
will be led by Barbara Everett,
president of the University Wom-
en's Glee Club.
-- - - --
'Dance Tickets
To Go on, Sale
Ticket sales for Olympic Ball,
all-campus semi-formal. will be-
gin today on the diagonal and to-
morrow in the League and Union.
The annual event sponsored by;
the men's and women's physical
education clubs will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, May 9, in
the League Ballroom. Al Town-
send and his band will provide the
music for the dance.
The decorations will center
around a theme of ancient Olym-
pia, and dancers will dance amid
the clouds of Mt. Olympus. The
stairway will represent the climb
to the summit of the mountain.
Pictures will be taken before the
flag of Olympus.
A huge figure of Oenomaus,
King of Olympia will dominate
the dance floor from his throne at
one end of the room. The char-
iot race in which Pelops, founder
of the Olympic games, escaped
with the princess, Hippodamia,
will be portrayed oil the walls of
the ballroom.
Door prizes will be awarded dur-
ing the intermission entertain-
ment. The committee has asked
that no corsages be woTn. Late
permission has been granted to
all women attending.
Traditional Dance
To. Be Presented
By Lawyers Club
Crease Ball, traditional event
sponsored by Barristers,.will be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday
in the League Ballroom.
Teddy Phillips and his 18-piece
band will provide the music: Bea
Herold and Bill Howard will pre-
sent vocal selections with The
Four Mountaineers assisting with
comedy numbers. Phillips was a
prodigy of the late Bel Bernie
and built up his band after the
death of his sponsor.
The dance is open to law stu-
dents, faculty, and alumni. Tick-
ets may be purchased at the club
desk or store. Late permission
until 1:30 a.m. has been granted
to all women attending.
The newest raincoats feature
hoods lined in every color to
frame and complement the face
and also to detract from wet eye-
lashes and a shiny no. e. There
are loose flowing hoods for lon,
coiffures and the novel helnet for
short curls.
"Tip-Tap" Automatic Perfuumue Dispenser
Just a simple tap with the tip of a finger and the
compelling aroma of your favorite perfume traps
you in an era of loveliness. Just right for purse
in shining gold or silver finish.
No Fed. Tax
The right note for Mother's Day
s nte S n a lil 1. 00
'm Send t of you
ft\ 1some\o Cmn3 m
t o \ 3 \ ax e
r eS are a s..._:s'a"l ways
Here's her billfold rn the smartest of spring shades~reBu lvrydsge owr ai G -dnZ
Registrar photo card case for cards and photos. $5.00
O/her colors . . . fne leathers 3.50 to 5.00 plius tax
J acbton
LOOK I NG PITCH ER OVER--Comedian Bob Hope,
(left) part owner of the Cleveland Indians, tests the biceps of his
high-priced hurler, Be-b Feller, on the latter's Hollywood visit.'
T 0 O T H P I C K T 0 W E R--Bruno Juodagalvis and Bar-
bara Mudie admire a model of the Eiffel tower. built out of tooth-
picks, which was entered in the annual hobby show of Tilden
High School, Chicago.
spectator at S ?tAranwa
dance sae frT ri. oal
arrives suitably garbed for the
A I R - G R 0 U N D M A N E U V E R S -- Planes fly low over ground personnel during joint
mzneuvers of U. S. Marine reserve units based in the San francisco Bay area.
for work
or play -
B O W L S FROM C H A I R--Although he has lost both
legs, Arthur Pierson, World War I veteran from Jamestown, N. Y.,
is able to bowl at Batavia veterans' hospital. A member of the
hospital staff devised the chair platform.
R ! N C O F F I R E-A ring of flame blazes in the General
Electric locomotive shop at Erie, Pa., as a workman tests a gas
ring used for heating wheels of locomotives before steel tires
(foreground) are put on.
"' ,
"Clarn Diggers"/
Rugged o utdoorables in
"Topsoil," a comfortable-to-
wear, wonderfully sturdy
cotton fabric by Wellington.
Double-stitched seams,
streamlined fit. Red . .
gold . . . sailing blue .
dark blue.
.: _a5 d ... .?"> ,.:=.. ,K' . . : i. .. ::: 2: . ' a4a 1 :..... .. - . > . ; '{ :.' ......,J ... .....: ..%s .., ' 3. i. r . 4 $+3 ,.r
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