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April 29, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-29

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____mmmm_______________m THE MICHLG AN MAI~Y

Tr- "rr

tED CONFUSION CLOUDS, blowing hith-
er and yon about the state, have gather-
over this campus. Some students and
1culty members are fogged as to why the
lministration has withdrawn campus rec-
nition from Michigan Youth for Demo-
atic Action, and wonder whether actions
ainst other campus groups are in the
Association with the administration has
nvinced me that MYDA has been refused
cognition because of its part in a Corn-
lunist youth master plan. The withdrawal,
believe, was effected independent of any
olitical press-ore." I doubt that other.
,mpus groups will be eliminated unless it
proved that they are masquerading here
itler false colors.
MYDA not only contains communists; '
is parent organization, American Youth
or Democracy, is listed in a Communist
arty memorandum as "the most import- '
nt and effective channel for organizing
ntl promoting effective action of the ad-
ajied anti-fascist youth."
That statement is reported in a memor-
idum on youth work and policy, adopted
J the national board of the Communist
arty on Nov. 29, 1945.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

THE MEMORANDU M reve Lt main :ek:
of the party to be:
1. "Aid in establishing .Oint action and
unity of the broadest sections of yout In (
specific issues and a broad minimum ant -
fascist democratic program.
2. "Support and .build flim organization
and activity of the most advanced anti
fascist youth - the American YouI Ii!ifor
3. "Develop systemati Commnunisi. Party
work and Marxist education among ie
youth, and give party guidance and diree-
tion to young Coinmuniqts active amronig the
It includes the Sovie. Union as a "demo
cratic force" and says L that Y1) stands
for a 'New World' i wich "iecity, pov
erty, want and oppreision iiVe been abo
ished." It considers this 'a generaly ade-
quate programmatic basis for \ide'preCd
discussion and consideration of the iItLire
in the light of the demociatitiC ahd sociaist
forces at work in the workl today."
AYD in other words has beei et up by
the Communists "to recruit young people
to the party on a mass scale and to train
personnel of Comnunists working among
the youth, both in the mass movement
and the party itsel"l-
This report proves at least that MYDA
is not just a liberal organization, but a re-
cruiting center for the Communist Party.
The administration thought this over. Final
action, I believe was based on l discrep-
ancy between the MYDA pIatforn on this
campus, and portions of the master plan
quoted here,
--Paud Iarshla

Bi-i~artsan Poiv y
!ASH7NGTON, Api i 27 -The counli y
shonli welcome orge C. Mlarshlal
ICme fii ? romi Moscow w itli g -ntili eiot ion,.
I It has not broiigl t back pea( e in our ti ne
i his pocket ;thai wxas imposible. uIn al
a miin~ig wxhichi threatenied to destroy tue
W!iste L x11.011( unity ie ftc 01 So et
piess', he mnraged iiut ead to achieve
c1 i ;l it c oler tio),', I4J u i be t r u I
(:I-stiiiding, aoig the reprewntaies of
Vran'ci, Britain and the hnted St ates.
He JhaS hoW to ltaI-e i> a heavy task at
bomne, f rom which the Moscow pr'epariat ioi s
aut ( rt'co-T it kish ri sis diVert ((1 1is at -
, tuoi in Jts firtst wvek as 8.j:et.aty of
State. 'T ie Anziileiity of that. las.k muiv
be ne 05 r Om~ a 5ingle tiiious fael
'Ti,.('e i "at" +u bu i ity t hat f- na IA I, Aru I ii
11 Van ber ot Micl iig a ieec tr
lI. ifAU i n iii v ' iti 1a l riu ' :tullre OR hif pa iisal
I lor'ejgn policy, hruay resign ro it the Aine i I
can delegation to the United Nations Gen
eial A55fl ly. adbrg' rciat io i
being urged by sonic of I li bindec mebes
of his own pau'ty, wiid preler naiona Si
Cidti to any 5us1Xins]On 01 the rpleasures 01
partisanship, Tih(y hat le iir argine t
oU the provisi(Ii 01 the United Nations par-
ticipation act of 1945, that the delegates
shall vote "under the instruction of the
President" They say that while Vs nden-
berg could serve when the RePublicans were
still in the minority, it is now improper for
the leader of the R-f pubhcan ( ongressional
Iajority to "take order ron i Democralu
Pr'esiden .
TIha' plain tiruth ii; Cihat Ma rshlalt's task
at I uomxie falls i'to three parts. What must
be done ur;'-st is to strengthen the whole
.tructun' of the hi-part isn foreignu policy,
so that the kind ol dangerous effort to un-
dermine it which is now on foot can never
again be made with hope of succs What
must also be done is to convey to the whole
ono'ss iad also the whoecountry,
the gravity of the present situation abroad
and the dreadful danger of measures either
too little or too late.
The White House meeting between the'
President, Marsalull anid the Congressional
leaders is a sign that the 'impor'tance of this
job has been recognized, i reasons for its
importance are waitid they abound every-
hre, The Ane rican responsibility in the
situation is a load that cannot be borne
much more easily than hysterical persons
suppose. But if any two men can induce
the Anmerican Congress and American peo-
ple to realize the greatness and seriousness
of the American responsibility, these tw'i
men are George C. Marshall and Arthur
H. Vandenberg.
(CopyrhiIt 394'i, New York Hera l Tribune)

_ air JI
:-j -
LJ.29'V O' r .

Letters to the Editor..

FDITOR's NOT]': Because The Daily
prints IV letter to the editor
(which is signed 300 words or less
In length, and in good taste) we re-
iioilad lilt'r'riiztl'"=that t he views ex-
4 1 se il l+tirs '.are 1 hoseo flit Oe
wtrltter-s only, n1,t:ers o 1 more than
?110 wasli~i 'c shmlotened, prinlted or
ofli r1 d 'L t.ht dki'rt r n tIIhe et-
Tl'o the Editor:
ET'S return to our example of
eds We are considerinig the case
o a partiicular group of voters,
uinber 1.00., Iii a previous let-
te', I shov.wed why this group's
representation udter any "scre''
ten fluctuate widely; but I
assrtd hat under the Hare plan
he rop on11 ertainly elc
cly at (nic to I le chairmnan of
1'Cl'et):lnn iii Ic','
-Bennett eaver, Chairman

Seminar on 'omiplexC
Wed., April 30, 3 p.m.,
Angell Hall. Mr. Wend
on Fuchsian groups.

Rm. 3011,
will speak

"s'\54 ti.

! .p, 19+7 G7 t! tad reatu :y++
Iu,, A, U. S. Pa,. qJ4.^-Al e;gfi*> 1-110

"My pop says I shouldn't worry if other ,ids is smarter than me, e.
says I got race superiority,"

Housing Program

APPROVAL BY THE Senate Banking
Committee of the Wagner-Taft-Ellender
bill is an encouraging sign to those millions
of homeless veterans who have heard much
talk about housing and housing problems
but have seen little direct action by the gov-
ernment or industry to improve their situa-
For months leaders in the construction
field vigorously asserted that priority con-
rls on building materials and ceiling prices
o'i new homes were "curbing free enter-
prise" and slowing down the national hous-
ing program. When Congress finally yield-
ed to the pressure of the housing lobby in
Washington, Wilson Wyatt resigned as
housing administrator because he saw in the
drastic curtailment of controls, the collapse
of all effective attempts for more housing at
lower prices.
The W-T-E bill serves to replace the pro-
gram as it stood before, with a government
housing program and a system of subsidies
to builders of low cost houses. The bill sets
up' a National Housing Commission with a
single administrator at the head of it to
supervise government activity in the hous-
ing field.
The main features of the bill as it now
stands will institute a program of home
ownership and rental housing for lower in-
conie families, clearance of slum and blight-
ed areas, a farm housing program under the
direction of the agriculture department, and
a research program by the national housing
agency to provide technical advice and guid-
ance to communities for local housing stud-
ies, surveys, and regional planning.
Backers of the legislation which has the
support of AVC and other veterans' organi-
zations, feel that only. an overall plan like
this can give us anywhere near the number
Wages and Prices
THE DEBATE on prices and wages con-
tinues to bring out touches of whimsy
from a good many of the debaters. There
is something about this subject which caus-
es realism to fly out of the window; the
result is a curiously bootless discussion, Sen-
ator Taft, forexample, says that if the prob-
lem is to protect the purchasing power of
the people, it would be a better approach to
reduce taxes than to grant even modest
wage increases. But the tax saving offered
to the average workman by the G.O.P. re-
duction plan amounts to about a hot $59
a year, whereas even the moderate wage in-
creases recently agreed upon by the steel
industry come to five times that.
An economic plan is almost certain to be
wrong when it is based on the unspoken as-
sumption that $59 is quite as good as $250;
and there is revealed a kind of insensitivity
to the anguished mental arithmetic that is
going on today in most of the kitchens of
the land.
The price-wage discussion is rich in this
sort of angle-shooting. There is the Hon.
Alf M. Landon, for example, who suggests
that one of the ways in which to bring pric-
es down is to pass legislation ending the
"monopoly aspects" of trade unionism. The
rather uninteresting point Mr. Landon
makes is that if we were to give up indus-
try-wide pay increases, and industry-wide
pricing, and get back to a local or plant, bas-
is on these matters, prices would go down.
But one wonders why it is necessary to
take these subtle, roundabout approaches
to the price problem, and why we can't cook
on th efront burners instead.
bn dinn't oiite se why it is ncessary

of houses that we need in the next ten years
to take the infamous one-third of our nation
out of the class of the "ill-housed."
Final action and the hopes of millions are
now in the hands of the Congress.
-Walter Dean
Ford 1Memorial
Henry Fords death has worn of, the
best thing that can be said about him is that
he was a kindly old man who participated
in a good many charities that did a lot of
people a lot of good.
However, so that we won't forget him,
some of the citizens of Detroit have begun
to agitate for a Henry Ford Memorial-not
just a statue, they say, but a recreational
school or a university in his memory. It's
a good idea (founding universities is always
desirable) but not for the reasons advanced,
People would have us believe that we are
somehow indebted to some contribution Mr.
Ford made to civilization.
Here are Ford's accomplishments briefly,
as we see them:
1. He helped put the world on wheels.
2. He made the Ford Motor Car Co.
the biggest and best of its kind through
application of the motto "work, industry,
3. He outwitted the financiers of Wall
Street, and the (30-UAW for years.
4. He gave the world lessons in paci-
5. lie paid his workers more than his
competitors paid their workers.
Although Mr. Ford was a respectable man
in every way almost always, lie had his bad
moments, all of which are pretty well known.
Still his reputation is so good on the whole
that we overlook them.
So what is thee that is articutai'ly in-
spiring about Mr. Ford's life? If the citi-
zens of Detroit feel tha tthey need another
university devoted to the teaching of mod-
ern industrial techniques, or that they need
parks and playgrounds, by all means they
should go ahead and start building and
call the project a "Henry Ford Memorial."
The citizens will benefit. But a more fit-
ting tribute to a man of Ford's stature, we
think, would be a statue, prominently dis-
played on the banks of the River Rouge.
--Fred Schott
Sov*t Al fairS
nounced that a program of graduate
studies to train specialists in affairs of the
Soviet Union will be offered beginning next
The program will be designed especially
for students planning to enter public serv-
ice, journalism or business. Covering the
contemporary Russian scene and its essential
background, the courses will include Rus-
sian history, economics, government, an-
thropology, social institutions, foreign pol-
icy and literature. In addition, students
enrolled in the program will acquire a work-
ing knowledge of the Russian language.
Harvard, in making this move, is recog-
nizing an urgent need in this country for
thorough understanding of the Russians and
of the Russian -mind, both on the part of
government diplomats and private citizens.
It is to be hoped that other Universities will
speedily follow Harvard in the cause of in-.
ternational enlightenment.
-John F. Nehn s'Jr.
ment for a British policy less attached
to American policy is growing in Great Brit-


Publication In The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to al
members of the University, Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewriltsti form to the office of the
As'stant to the President, Room 10 21
Asig':1 flalt, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
prt cdig publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL IN , No. 144
Notice of Regents' Meeting, 2
p.m., Fri., May 30. Communica-
tions for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than May 22.
--lerbert G. Watkins, Secy.
All L.S.A. Students-Enrollment
questionnaires for the summer ses-
sion and fall semester are now
available in Room 4, University
:hall, and should be completed by
all students now enrolled in the
College-( of jitem-a;ture, Science ,and
i~h ei Ats as s .oon as possible this
June Graduates, L.S.&A. Please
send your senior class dues, to
cover the classgift and provide
a basis for the class of 1947 Alum-
ni Fund, to Barbara Raymer, 407
N. Ingalls, at once.
Choral Union Members. The re-
hearsal this evening at 7 o'clock
w ill be held in Hill Auditorium.
Enter 'ear doors.
Choral Union Ushers: Pick upl
your new usher cards for May Fes-'
tival at Hill Auditorium box office
today, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Aeronautical, Mechanical, Me-
chanical-Industrial, Electrical En-
gineers. A irepresentative of the
Navy Department, Washington,
D.C., will be on campus to inter-
view students on May 5 and 6, In-
terested students may sign sei ed-
lE on Aero. Bulletin Board.

s mnier attractions, on Thursday,
May 1, at 4:00 P.M., National Sci-
en Auditorium. Various aspects
of tee tourist, and resort business
6 ill be discussed, followed by a
(a'stioii pe-ijod, and particularily
information conerning opportun-
ities for students who want to
work in the summer. Any who
iave not registered for summer
1)hAcemlent may obtain rcgistr-atioi I
I 11'1 at 11hlis time
'ih City of )etroit Civil Ser'v-
ice (:ommjssion announces eXami-
nation for Clinic Assistants; Jun-
ioi', Assistant, and Senior Assistant
Architetural, Civil, Mechanical,
rid Structural Engineers; Asso-
ciate Architectural Engineer; Jun-
ior, and Assistant Electrical Engi-
neers; Junior Public Health Nur-
ses; Calculating, gnd Posting Ma-
('line Operators; Junior Typists,
Stenogrgphers, and Intermediate
Typists; and Senior Purchases
For infoimation call at the Bu-
ia o Apointm nis, 201 Mason
CENTER,1045 Midway Boulevard,
Wvillow Rtun Village,
Tfues., April 29, 12 noon, Garden
Club will pick up perennials at
home of Mrs. Robert Nordstrom,.
1411 Oakham (daily through Fri-
day) 8 p.m., General Meeting,
Cooperative Nursery Mothers; 8
p.m., Writers' Meeting.
Wed., April 30, 8 p.m., Concert,
String Ensemble with Vocal Solo-
ist from U. of M. School of Music.
' thunrs., Mm y 1, 8 p.m., University
Exten.ion Class in Psychology;
8 p.m., Art Craft Work Shop.
ri. M' m2, 8 p.m., Duplicate
Br1idg<e Tour'naminent,
!i., Ma 2, 8:30-11:30 p.m,
Square Dance, David Palmer,

AtThe licIigan . ..
S'T'RANGE WOMAN (United Artists), Hedy
Laxat'r, George Sanders
STRANGE WOMAN has had her face
washed (since Ben Ames Williams first
w'ot hIer up, which isn't surpiising, con-
vention and the profitable length for a pic-
ture being what they are. Cutting dowrm
Jenny l agar's exploits so they could be
more easily followed -and digested has re-
.ited in a pretty good film. The part of
the lustful Jenny seems to be just Miss
1.amarr's neat and slt; t us in one of the
mor' interesting perormances of her car-
(1', She lots a nice job bringing out the
contrast of good and evil in her character.
Gene Lockha is outstanding as her first
ushano I
At The Site - .
SONG OF I'lHE SOUTh i(RKO), by Walt
stories will appreciate this. Anyone who
doesn't should go, just to get educated. As
usual Disney's animation is tops. So are
his animated characters. As far as the,
"live charactered" portion of the picture
goes, every theatrical tear-jerking trick
known to the business is pulled, with em-
phasis heavy on sobbing little boys and
softly singing field hands. Possibly these
painful touches were calculated to fit in
with the overall phanitasy theme of the
picture. Br'ers Rabbit, Fox, and Bear ex-
cuse all however.
-Joan Fiske
r ODAY by any ma n's honest judgement
our procedures for tie democratic re-
view and execution of iternational en-
gagements are-whateve the reason and
legal a'rgum(nts-in an unholy mess. The
true conflict is not between the Executive
and the Senate, nor is the primary issue
the undemocratic nature of the two-thirds
rule. The rieal conflict is between our pro-
cedures andi our policies; the issue is wheth-
er proceu l detint e 01' i'V0orr 'our
-Foreign Affairs

Seminar in Engineering Mch-
anies: The Engineering Mechan-
ics Department is sponsoring a
series of discussions on the Plas-E
ticity of Enginering Materials.,
The discussions of this series will
be at 7:30 p.m., Tues., April 29,E
"am. 402, W. Engineering Bldg.
Inorganic - Physical Chemistry
Seminar, Tues. ,April 29, 4:15 p.m.,
Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Prof.
L. 0. Brockway will speak on "In-
teratomi' Distances in Metals."
Special Functions Seminar. 1
p.m., Wed., April 30, Rm. 3003,
Angell Hall. Mr. Sangren willE
continue his talk on Rice's gen-
erahized hypergeometric poly-1
Student Recital: Robert Hol-
land, Tenor, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
April 30, Rackham, Assembly Hall.
A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Mr.
Holland will sing compositions by
Mozart, 'Schumann's Dichterliebe
song cycle, and a group of English
songs. The program will be open
to the general public.
Student Recital: Earl Owen
Bates, clarinetist, assisted by Mil-
dred Minneman Andrews, pianist,
and William Klenz, cellist, will be
heard in a recital at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 1, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. Given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music, the
program will be open to the gener-
al public. Mr. Bates, a pupil of
Albert Luconi, will play composi-
tions by Mendelssohn, Barat, 'Pier-
ne, Delmas, Debussy, and Brahms.
eventis Today
University Radio Program: 5:45
p.m. Station WPAG, 1050 Kc. Ed-
ucation for Unity-"International
Exchange of Students and Teach-
ers," Dean Hayward Keniston.
5:55 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Ke. Asia Supplement, Mr. John
Muehl, teaching fellow, Einglish.
Michigan Dames Drama Group
meet at the home of Mrs. Bill
May, 333 Packard, at 8 p.m. Dra-
matic Recordings will be played.
La P'tite Causette. 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Christian Science Organization
7:30 p.m. Upper Room, Lane Hall.
University of Michigan Chapter
of the Intercollegiate Zionist Fed-
eration of America: Business
meeting and discussion.,of current
session of U.N., 8 p.m. at the Hill-
el Foundation,
Coming Events
Association of U. of M. Scien-
tists' discussion group on atomic
energy. 7:30 p.m., Wed., April 30,
East Council Room, Rackham
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Student Chapter. Open
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., April 30,
Rm. 229, W. Engineering Bldg.
Speaker: Mr. L. J. Bishop, Chief
Engineer, Mechanical Handling
Systems, Inc. Two sound motion
pictures will be shown.
Quadrangle. 7:45 p.m., Wed.,
April 30, Union. A. D. Moore and
Dean Christian Gauss, of Prince-
ton, will talk about Quadrangle
history. About 9:30 the meeting
will be transferred to the Allenel
Hotel for refreshments.
(Contilued on Page' 3)

at least 7 and not more than 9.
Why is this?
First of all, the Hare quota is
(letemrmined by only two things:
1) the total strength of the vote;
2) the number of posts to be, filled.
The number of candidates run-
ning and the evenness of uneven-
ness of the voting have not the
slightest effect. This is certainly
the ideal situation, because the
number of votes required to get
elected should depend on the num-
ber of posts available and the
number of votes cast in all. Thus
one-half of the votes should be
able to filled one-half of the posts,
It is true that if the voters do
not indicate enough choices, some
ballots will have to be discarded
because of exhausted preference.
This simply means that the total
strength of the vote is somewhat
less than 3,000. An analogous thing
happens in a "score" system when
many voters fail to use their full
scores. In the Hare system as used
on this campus, when the total
strength of the vote is lowered be-
cause of discards, we lower the
quota accordingly. If the voters in
one group tend to mark fewer
choices than in other groups, the
effective strength of that one
group will be diminished; just as
in a "score" system the strength
of a group is diminished if its
voters do not use their full score.
If the recent election was typi-
cal, about 390 ballots will be dis-
carded during our hypothetical
example. If we assume that Group
A actually does represent one-
third of the voting strength, its
proper share of the discard will be
130. Hence Group A will have 870
active ballots. With this many
discards, the quota will be 106.
As our poorer candidates are
eliminated, their ballots are trans-
fered to their teammates, whose
piles therefore get bigger and big-
ger. As soon as our leading candi-
date passes the 106 mark, he is
elected. Exactly 106 of his ballots
are removed from circulation; any
excess are passed back to hs
teammates who are still in the
swim. We now have 764 ballots
circulating in our group. One by
one our strongest candidates are
elected in this manner, and each
one withdraws 106 ballots from ci-
culation. After eight of them have
been elected, we have 22 ballots
left. Since this is not enough to
elect another candidate, they're
left over.
Of course, the first distribution
may not be an accurate indication
of our total strength, which de-
pends also on our showing in later
preferences. But the only way
the true strength of a group can
fail to be reflected exactly in the
representation it receives is
through rare accidents in which
more ballots are "exhausted" in a
particular group than should be.
If the contest for the 24th position
is very close, an error of a few
ballots may throw one position the
wrong way This is why I said, that
one-third of the voters can be sure
of getting one-third of the posts,
plus or minus one. The possibility
of such accidents is remote in-
deed in comparison to the acci-
dental factors which determine
the quota itself under "simple"
score" schemes.
-Bob TaAor
Re: Editorial
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH yesterday's edito-
rials strongly indicted Presi-
dent Ruthven for his AYD action,
I am of the firm belief that a poll
of student opinion would support
his action by a large majority.
-Sampson P. Holland, Jr.

iri t n l tit











Eureau of Appointments and University Lecture: Mr. Karl
Occupational Information, 201 Shapiro, the American poet, will
Mason Hall, Application forms are give a lecture on Meter and Mean-
now available for summer work ing on Wed., April 30, 4:15 p.m.,
for men, with the Kellogg Com- Kellogg Auditorium under the
pany of Battle Creek, Michigan. auspices of the Department of
Mr. Ricketts of the Texas Coin- English Language and Literature.
pany of Detroit, will be here on The public is invited.
Thurs, May 1, from 1:30 to 4:30 --
p.m., to interview for positions in University Lecture: Mr. John I.
sales and operations. Call ext. 371 H. Baur, Curator of Paintings
for appointments, and Sculpture at the Brook-
Current Federal Civil Service lyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York,
Examination Announcements: will lecture on the subject, "The
Highway Engineer (P1). Positions Emergence of American Impres-
are in the Public Roads Adminis- sionism" (illus.), at 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
tration, Federal Works Agency, lo- May 2, Rackham. Amphitheatre;
cated in Washington, D.C., and auspices of the Department of
throughout the United States. Re- Fine Arts. The public is cordially
quirements: Written test, plus ap- invited.
propriate education or 4 years' ex-A td ii No ce
perience or time-equivalent coml-
bination. Closing date: May 13, Honors in English, Courses 197,
1947. 198. ,Applicants for admission to
Archivist: Positions are in the courses 197, 198 will meet with the
National Archives and other agen- committee in charge of Honors in
cies in Washington, D.C., and English, on Saturday, May 17, in
throughout the United States. Re- Rm. 2218 Angell Hall. In order
quirements: Appropriate college. that the committee may secure
study or experience or time-equiv- transcripts of student records, will
alent combination, plus profes- all applicants kindly leave their
siona archival experience. No names on file in the English Of-
written test. Closing date: May fice, on or before May 14? Stu-
20, 1947, dents will be informed of the time
Summer Resort Applicants: The of their appointments with the
Michigan Tourist Council will pre- committee. Since conferences must
sent a program featuring colored be kept to schedule, will any stu-
motion pictures of Michigan, and dent whose assigned time is im-
depicting scenes of Michigan's possible kindly report the diffi-



Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by studenta of
the University of Michigan under tho
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenhelm..Editorial Director
Mary Brush.......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor
Jack Martin............. Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal... Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager

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