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April 29, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LVII, No. 144



Arabs Begin
Drive in UN
On Palestine
Syrian Delegate
Asks Free Debate
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 28 - The
Arabs opened a power drive to-
night for full debate on the whole
Palestine question in the first spe-
cial session of the United Nations
Syria's Faris El Khoury de-
clared after the Assembly had
completed its organization and se-
lection of leaders that the 55 na-
tions must hear everything about
the Palestine issue before they
can et up an inquiry group as
aske by Britain.
Debate Necessary
He said most of the delegates
were not fully informed on the is-
sue and that it was necessary to
have a free and complete debate.
This demand almost certainly
will be opposed by the United
States and Great Britain. Both
have insisted this session must be
confined to the mechanics of set-
ting up an inquiry committee.
I) Steering Committee Meeting
The fireworks will pop at the
initial meeting of the General
(Steering) Committee scheduled
for 10 a.m. tomorrow at the As-
sembly's headquarters in Flush-
g Meadows.
The Steering Committee's ses-
sion was postponed for today at
the suggestion of Andrei A. Gro-
myka, Soviet delegate, who felt
that two plenary meetings and the
elections were enough business for
one day.
Other Developments
Other UN developments'
1. The Military Staff Commit-
tee completed its report to the Se-
curity Council with the members
reported still in disagreement on
major sections of that long-
awaited document.
2. The Security Council ar-
ranged to meet Wednesday at
4:30 p.m. at Flushing Meadows
with the topic likely to be Hun-
gary's letter asking admission to
the United Nations.
Vets To Visit
W olcott Home
Will Urge Expedition-
Of New Housing Law
A proposed "Veterans' Encamp-
ment" at Port Huron, home of
Rep. Jesse Wolcott (Rep., Mich.),
to urge him to expedite veterans'
housing legislation has been sup-
ported by the Student Veterans'
Planning Conference of Michigan,
according to George Antonofsky,
delegate of the University AVC
Advanced by tle Detroit AVC,
the proposal singled out Wolcott
because of his position as chair-
man of the House Banking and
Currency Committee, which is re-
sponsible for drawing up all hous-
ing legislation.
Support for the proposal was
voted by the continuations com-
mittee of the veterans' conference
at a meeting Saturday at Alma
Delegates to the meeting repre-
sented veterans' groups at the
University, Michigan State Col-
lege, Michigan State Normal Col-
lege, Central State College, West-
ern State College, Kalamazoo Col-
lege and Alma College.

Tw Will Talk
Before Senate
George Antonofsky, Grad., will
testify at Senate hearings on bills
proposing increased subsistence
allowances for student veterans at
Washington next week.
With Morris DeSummy, of Cen-
tral Michigan College, he will be
representing the continuations
committee of the Michigan Vet-
crans Planning Conference.
Antonofsky and DeSummy were
named representatives at the con-
tinuantions commiittee meeting
hold Saturday at Alma College.
'Ensian Busiess
Staff is Appointed
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications yesterday an-
nounced the following appoint-
mcnts to the business staff of the
1n.. ,A.

Campus Referendum on
MYDA BanSet for Today
Students To Vote on Legislature Resolution
Opposing Action Taken by President Ruthven
The student body will register its opinion of President Ruthven's
ban of MYDA today in a campus-wide referendum on a Student Leg-
islature resolution opposing the action.
Ballots asking "Have you read the Student Legislature resolution
concerning the withdrawal of recognition of a student organization?"
and "Do you support the stand which the Legislature took in that
resolution?" will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at campus polling

Copies of the resolution and of
Assign Posts
For Tag Day
Sales Today
Proceeds Will Go
To Fresh Air Candp
Members of campus organiza-
tions will be stationed at strategic
positions tomorrow to enlist stu-
dent support in the annual Tag
Day sales for the benefit of the
University Fresh Air Camp.
Goal Set at $5,500
The goal for the Tag Day sales
to be raised by students has been
set at $5,500. Proceeds will go
toward the purchase of equip-
ment, general improvements and
for operating the camp this year.
Women from Betsy Barbour res-
idence hall will sell tags on the
diagonal; Kappa Delta members
at the Engineering-Arch, Martha
Cook residents at the Romance
Language Building; Alpha Phi on
the Union steps; Delta Gamma
at the north end of Angell Hall
and Alpha Omicron Pi on Angell
Hall steps.
Stations Told
Jordan coeds will be selling tags
at the north side of Waterman;
Mosher at University Hospital;
Chi Omega at the corner of South
and East University; Alpha Chi
Omega in front of the League;
Alpha Delta Pi at the center of
the lawquad; Sorosis at the corner
of State and Liberty; Pi Beta Phi
between University High School
and the architectural school; A1-
pha Epsilon Phi in front of Rack-
ham and Stockwell at the Medi-
cal School.
Alpha Phi Omega and Delta
Delta Delta will be selling tags
to townspeople at the northeast
corner of Main and Liberty and
at the southwest corner of Main
and Washtenaw; Kappa Kappa
Gamma at the southeast corner
of Main and Huron and Zeta Tau
Alpha on the southwest corner of
Main and Washington.
Phyllis Pettit, Assembly Pro-
jects chairman. ' in charge of the
Tag Day drive. Mary Quiatt is
chairman of the publicity commit-
See TAG DAY, Page 4
Lawn Rolling
Hot Business
A brief spurt of hot yellow
flame shooting past the windows
of the Angell Hall Study startled
absorbed students yesterday morn-
Rushing to the window to in-
vestigate, they discovered that one
of the lawn rollers of the Build-
ings and Grounds crew was ablaze
on the front lawn.
According to the Ann Arbor Fire
Departient, the machine had ex-
ploded after the B. and G. crew
had filled the tank with gasoline
and allowed it to leak out and ig-
nite itself on the hot motor. The
Fire Department quickly extin-
guished the fire by use of a high
pressure pump.
No one was injured by the fire,
but one student was overcome in
the excitement. He was cared for
by police 1who arrived on the
scene to investigate.

F the Committee on Academic Free-
dom's statement on academic
freedom, which the resolution sup-
ports, will also be available.
Polls will be open in front of
Angell Hall, the engineering arch
and Alumni Hall. A fourth poll,
previously scheduled on the diag-
onal, will be set up on the corner
of E. and N. University and a spe-
cial booth will be open from 7:30
to 10:30 a.m. at West Lodge, Wil-
low Village.
All voters will be required to pre-
sent identification cards.
Legislature's Resolution
"Approval of the Legislature's
resolution will not constitute a
sanction of MYDA or its pro-
gram," Haskell Coplin, Legislature
president, emphasized yesterday.
"We wish to set up a policy which
would prevent banning of other
campus organizations without spe-
cific charges."
The ballots will be counted at 4
p.m. in the Legislature's offices,
Rm. 308 in the Union.,
The Legislature's resolution fol-
"We, as the elected representa-
tives of the students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, adopt in its
entirety the definitive statement
on academic freedom set forth by
the Committee for Academic Free-
"We therefore oppose the action
taken by President Ruthven in
arbitrarily withdrawing recogni-
tion of a campus organization,
thereby bypassing the Committee
on Student Affairs, which is the
traditionally and logically consti-
tuted group maintained to handle
such matters, in the belief that it
is a threat to the free activity of
every campus organization.
Oppose Bairning...
"We deeply regret that the pres-
sure brought to bear upon the ad-
ministration of this University
should force that administration
to act in such an undemocratic
"We believe that no student
group should be banned unless
regulations have been clearly
stated in advance governing con-
duct of student organizations, spe-
cific charges have been brought
against the group in an official
SAC meeting, and it is proved to
the satisfaction of the SAC that
there are adequate grounds on the
basis of existing regulations for
banning the group.
"We request a public review of
the situation before an open meet-
ing of the SAC', with student and
faculty representatives of the
Committee for Academic Freedom
present, and a clear statement of
the general grounds for banning
and group and the specific charges
brought against Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action in this in-
State Aid for
Wayne Asked
LANSING-()-A bill to per-
mit the City of Detroit to turn
over Wayne University to the State
was introduced in the House of
Representatives tonight by Rep.
Elton R. Eaton, Plymouth Repub-
lican. The move has been repeat-
edly urged by Detroit officials.-
At the same time, Eaton pro-
posed that the state pay each
school district which operates a
university, college or junior col-
lege $250 a year for each World
War II veteran enrolled.

Labor Bill Is
Stiff Enough
Senator Says
Seeks r'I'o Stop
9 Oliile~ li p
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 28--Sen-
ator Ellender Pem., La.), seeking
to halt a drive to toughen up the
Senate union-curbing bill, told his
colleagues today that the measure
as it stands will 'remedy the most
obnoxious evils."
But, as Senate debate resumed,
Senator Wherry (Rep., Neb.) in-
formed reporters a poll of Senate
Republicans indicated strong sup-
port for at least three of four
amendments urged by Senators
Taft (Rep., Ohio) and Ball (Rep.
Minn). These would:
1. Prohibit unions from inter-
fering with workers in their choice
of unions.
2. Forbid national unions to
dictate contract terms to their
3. Outlaw union-administered
health and welfare funds.
Fourth Amendment
Wherry said indications are the
going will be roughest on the
fourth amendment, which would
authorize private employers to pc-
tition for court injunctions to
block jurisdictional strikes and
secondary boycotts.
Like the Hartley bill approved
in the House by a three to one
majority, the Senate measure
would outlaw the closed shop, un-
der which the employer can hire
only union members; authorize
court injunctions to stop or stave
off "national paralysis" strikes;
make unions liable for unfair la-
bor practices; and set up a new
federal mediation agency indepen-
dent of the Labor Department.
House Bill
But the House bill would curb
unions and strikes in several ways
the Senate bill does not.
Ellender said he believes some
Congress members would like to
see tough labor legislation in the
hope President Truman would ve-
to it. Then, he said, the veto
;would be made an issue in the
1948 Presidential campaign.
Will Support Curbs
Referring to the committee-ap-
proved bill, Ellender said he will
support efforts to place curbs on
unions even if it means ,spitting
with President Truman. Ellender
said he believes the Chief Execu-
tive will sign the Senate bill, and
"I hope the President signs it,
but if he does not sign it, I will
vote to override his veto because
I believe it is must legislation."
World News
By The U~ocia ed Press
LANSING, April 28-The Van-
derwerp bill, making it a felony to
"interfere with or manipulate"
public utility services, today was
signed into law by Governor Sig-
The Legislature gave the bill
immediate effect in an announced
attempt to make it applicable to
the telephone strike.
The Suprenme Court upheld the
OPA today in protecting tenants

from eviction by reason of last
year's price control "holiday."
. The Supreme Court ruled that
landlords who went to court
during that interval and got
eviction orders against their1
tenants cannot enforce those
orders now.-
DETROCT, Aprl 28-Genera
Motors Corp. 1,unight confirmed
the dismissal of 15 cmployes and
the disciplinary layoff of 22 others
for "actively leading a mass walk-
out in six GM plants" during last
Thursday's i rally inl down-
town Detroit.
WASH1NG~''ON April Z2-
henry A. Wallace roared with
laughter today at a suggestion
that President Truman antici-
pates his support in 1948 and
declared "it's too early to say
about that."
Asked wletlher' le peas I
T-iJi wth Seator Pepper (mn
Via - to head a third narty in

Compromise s





.Phone Negotiations Postponec

Adjo uriinent
Results from
Violent Session
Bell Official Reports
Situation at Standstill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 28-The
government tonight recessed the
telephone strike negotiations over-
night after what was officially
called a "stormy session." A Bell
System official told reporters:
"We are just where we were 10
days ago."
United States conciliators Peter
J. Manno and William N. Margo-
lis, after day-long efforts to bring
together disputants in the stra-
tegic long-distance r.hase of the
dispute, issued this statement:
Conference Adjourned
"In view of certain obstacles
which precipitated a stormy ses-
sion today, we adjourned the con-
ference until 11:00 a.m. Tuesday,
April 29, 1947."
The conciliators disclosed that
the major obstacle was the un-
ion's insistence on a dollars-and-
cents wage offer and the com-
pany's stand for arbitration.
"Tool of Management"
A union denunciation of the
Department of Labor as "the tool
of management" tonight prompt-
ed a conference of Secretary of
Labor Schwellenbach with three
top leaders of the striking Feder-
ation of Telephone Workers.
The accusation was made
against the department by Ernest
Weaver, president of the Associ-
ation of Communications Equip-
ment Workers, who are on strike
at Western Electric plants across
the nation. Weaver demanded
that, the Labor Department with-
draw from his negotiations with
the Western Electric company.
Meet with Sehwellenbach
Soon after, Joseph A. Beirne,
psident of the National Feder-
ation of Telephone Workers, John
J. Moran, vice-president, and John
L. Crull, chairman of the Nation-
al Bargaining Committee of the
Federation, met with Schwellen-
bach on the whole issue.
This conference got under way
as federal conciliators suggested
that an early end to the nation-
wide phone strike-now in its
fourth week -might be in the of-
fing, But they advanced no de-
finite evidence to support their
Returns to Washington
Henry Mayer, counsel for sev-
eral of the striking unions, who
had made a swift tour of several
cities, came back to Washington
Asked by a reporter what the
situation appeared to be among
the strikers, he said: "I found an
unsrwerving determination to take
nothing less than the pattern."
He referred to the increase of
$6 a week or approximately 15
cents an hour, which has been
granted to CIO unions in the steel,
auto, electrical and manufactur-
ing industries in the past two
Newciomb Cites
Students' Role
Have Been Forced
Into Politics, He Says
University students should play
a dual role in classes and as citi-
zens, Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb,
of the psychology and sociblogy
departments, said yesterday.

Addressing Americans for Demo-
cratic Action on "The Student's
1?ol in Politics," Prof. Newcomb
rte d that students will follow
the two traditionally reserved
groups of artists and nuclear
physicists who have found in re-
cent years that they can no longer
stay removed from the crowd but
have1been forced to become more
andi more involved in politics.
The student's education as a
preparation for life is limited to
the extent that he particpates in

Crowded Maternity Hospital By Secretary
Handicaps Students, Nurses On Conferen



Even the pacing fathers are
crowded in the University's mater-
nity hospital.
Squeezed in between the Rapid
Treatment Center and the Wood
Utilization Laboratory, the small,
dark brick building, boasting one
uninviting entrance, has been de-
scribed by medical students and
student nurses as "entirely inade-
quate" for the practice of obste-
"The world's best obstetri-
cians practice in the world's
worst hospital," one medical stu-
dent told The Daily.
Gov. Kim Sigler said yesterday
that the University's new mater-
nity hospital is "still very much
in the state building picture, even
though work probably cannot be
Students .Will
Indicate Plants
For Enrollment
9 ues ionia'ire Results
Will Aid 'U' Officials
Literary college students will be
asked this week to fill out ques-
tionnaires listing their plans for
enrollment at the University for
the summer and fall of 1947 and
transfers to other schools on
Blanks for this enrollment sur-
vey are available in the Regis-
trar's Office. Rm. 4, University
Hall. The questionnaires should
be completed and left in the of-
To Aid Officials
The results of the question-
naire will be used to aid literary
college officials in planning course
offerings, classroom space and en-
rollment quotas, according to
Dean Hayward Keniston.
Dean Keniston has emphasized
that information regarding a stu-
dent who is not planning to re-
turn is as important as that con-
cerning a student who does plan
to return and who wishes to have
a place in the University reserved
for him. The blank is planned so
that the student has merely to
check the appropriate spaces, and,
according to Dean Keniston,
should also fill out the question-
naire for the information of the
schools concerned.
Dean Keniston has requested
all literary college students to
complete questionnaires this week.
Count Delayed
In Village Vote
Final returns in Sunday's Willow
Village Council election will not
be completed until later this week,
William Stright, chairman of the
election committee, said yesterday.
Stright revealed that approxi-
mately 1,000 residents voted in the
first council election ever held in
the Village. The legislative body
will consist of 22 councilman, two
from each of the Village's 11 newly
apportioned districts.
The Council will give propor-
tional representation to the Uni-
versity's 3,000 students and wives
living at Willow Run. Its an-
nounced aims are to "meet the
many problems of village life in
a concerted manner."

started ... before late in 1947, at
the earliest."
The combined finance commit-
tees of the State Legislature re-
cently asked the University to halt
construction of the new hospitali
because sufficient funds for its;
completion would not be available1
this year.
No one has asked the fathers
yet what they think of the pres-
ent hospital facilities, but one
student nurse believes it is "a
poor place to show off a new
One feature of the hospi-
tal unpopular with medical stu-
dents and nurses alike is the am-
phitheatre. Pointing out that the
seats are uncomfortably small and
that only about four people can
view the proceedings at one time
they say "it's no fun to be jerked
out of bed in the middle of the
night to watch a delivery if you
can't see anything anyway."
Despite the single narrow
staircase leading to the second
floor, the students aren't worry-
ing much about fire hazards.
They say, however, that they
"have no intention of using" the
large enclosed tubes which serve
as fire-escapes from the upper
Medical students, deploring the
training facilities, object to th
lack of opportunities for movies or
slide demonstrations and inade-
quate classroom space.
"The staff must spend a great
deal of time overcoming handicap
which could be better spent in the
practice of obstetrics," a medical
student said.
He believes that, with a new
hospital, the obstetrics and gynec-
ology departments would be able t
See HOSPITAL, Page 4
Disney Moivie
Is Picketed by/
Local Group
A picket line varying in strength
between eight and 15 students and
townspeople paced before a local
theatre currently showing Walt
Disn~ey's "Song of the Sout" from
6:30 p.m. until the ticket office
closed Sunday and yesterday
One picket, Dorothy riffel,
member of the Ann Arbor Coun-
cil of the National Negro Con-
gress, said the picture "distort
the history of the Negro people
perpetuating the myth that the
were docile in slavery."
Oppose Showing
Although the Anni Arbor Coun
oil of the National Negro Congrsl
is opposing the picture's showing
it is not backing the picket line
according to Miss Giffel.
She said that the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People is opposing the pic-
ture nationally.
Theatre manager Larry E Mull
said that tis was the first com-
plaint he has heard about the pic-
ture thu'oughout the country.
"We never intentionally show tit
picture- which is offensive to an
group but as far as I am concern-
ed, there's nothing wrong with
Song of the South," he said,
On the signs carrid by the
pickets were slogans such as "New
republic Condemns Song of th
South," "Refuse To See a Slander-.
er's Myth" and "Go Se Hedy La

Aboutl Europe's Fate
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 28-Pre
mier Stalin told Secretary Mar-
shall that compromises are possi-
ble on the great issues splitting
the wartime allies, Marshall re-
vealed tonight.
But the American Secretary of
State, just back from the Moscow
conference which bogged down in
disagreement on all main points,
warned in a radio report to the
nation that the fate of Europe can-
-not wait on "compromise through
'Disintegrating Force'
"Disintegrating forces are be-
'oming evident," he said. "The pa-
tient is sinking while the doctors
Without becoming specific, he
said: "Whatever action is possible
to meet these pressing problems
rust be taken without delay."
Marshall, in a lengthy speech,
reviewed tie bitter disagreements
betweenRussia and the other allies
.t the Moscow Conference, which
was called to draft a peace treaty
for Austria and to make a start on
writing a blueprint for German's-
peacetime future.
Russian Proposals
The American Secretary de-
lared Russia's proposals for a
centralized German government
ind heavy reparations would have
resulted "in a deteriorating eco-
~omi lie in Germany and Eu-
ope and the inevitable emergence
f dictatorship and strife."
He also accused the Soviets of
propaganda appeals to passion
and prejudice." He said charges
°ere made "which varied c't
pletely from the facts as under-
tood or as factually known by the
American delegation."
First Major Address
Marshall advised in his detailed
report-his first major address
since he became Secretary of State
in January--that "we must not
ompromise on great principles in
;rder to achieve agreement for
agreement's sake."
But also, he said, "we must sin-
:erely try to understand the point
f view of those with whom we dif-
First Skirmishes'
Marshall reported that Stalin
said the conference represented
only the "first skirmishes and
'rushes of reconnaissance forces"
n the European peace settlement,
Marshall paraphrased the Soviet
leader's remarks to him thus:
"Differences had occurred in the
past on other questions, and as a
rule, after people had exhausted
themselves in dispute, they then
recognized the necessity of com-
"It was possible that no great
success would be achieved at this
session, that he (Stalin) thought
that compromises were possible on
all the main questions, including
demilitarization, political siruc-
ture of Germany, reparations and
economic unity. It was necessary
to have patience and not become
Stiff iordF ight
DEAT, T Anvl U (8 PT'L

Baisin Gang' Completes Job;
Bridait' Returns to Pittsbuirghi

P'olice Perplexed by Problem
Of Putirlo-ined Parkin-g Meter

The superstructure of the new
University General Service Build-
ing was completed yesterday
morning when the "raisin' gang"
successfully fitted into place the
last piece of heavy structural
steel-a marque in the northwest
rripl ofth odia,.

tcrews, under

the direction of

"Smoky" Burke, were continuing
with the riveting job, which will
be completed within the next'i
three weeks, according to D. F.
Darr, timekeeper for the bridge-
In the last weekly statement of
progress, made out last Saturday,,

i ti ft i, forI - ,- n
C0 )fited Auto Workers caugh
in at wae pattern not of their ow
making, today sought to stiffe
their campaign against the Fm
Motor Co, last unsigned membe
of the automotive big three.
Negotiators expe(ted to beg]
icl ferences with the company I
a few days, were directed to pre
for 01(1 age pensions as well as
23 cent an hour wage boost.
Both demands were abandon



Police were baffled yesterday by off wit
a newmystery-"Who stole the overtim
arking ealso bel
parking nieter?"

g motorist may have made
,h the meter after frequent
ae parking tickets. Police
lieve that number 648, vil-

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