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April 26, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-26

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SATURDAY. APRfLh 26, 04;

FEPC Disc ussed

PRO ...
will deny that there is a moral obli-
gation upon all of us, and particularly upon
our government, to ensure to all our people
the inalienable right of every American to
work, regardless of his race or color or
creed or national origin. This right is basic
*...If this is denied then the right of life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness becomes
meaningless."-Secretary of Labor Lewis B.
That government can legislate away so-
ojal prejudice, is hard to maintain. how-
ever, it can eliminate the violation of "the
Inalienable right of every American to
work." It should be the duty of govern-
ment to strike against this form of eco-
nomic inequality-and it was to do this
job that the Fair Employment Practices
fomnnission was created.
But the FEPC hasn't had much luck. The
federal FEPC succumbed to a South-inspir-
ed death in Congress in 1945. Since that
time, only a few states have enacted similar
legislation, although such laws have been.
eantroduced in almost every state.
The MNichigan law, which was thrown out
because of a legal technicality in its pre-
sentation, carried the following typical pro-
UNFAIR employment practices were de-
fined as discrimination "against any
empole, trainee, apprentice or applicant
for employment in regard to his hire, tenure
or any term, condition or privilege of em-
ployment because of his race, creed, color
or national origin;" discrimination by a la-
bor union against any member or applicant
for membership; publication of any help
wanted or other advertisement or the use of
any application for employment blank,
"containing any specification or limitation
as to race, color ,creed or national origin,
not based upon a bona fide occupational
A three member commission was to be set
up to hear charges of unfair employment
practices and attempt to settle the disputes
by informal methods of persuasion and con-
ciliation. Failure of agreement would lead
to a formal hearing, and then a possible
"cease and desist" order with enforcement
y petition of the circuit court.
Such a bill wouldn't eliminate racial dis-
crimination; it isn't expected to do this. It
probably wouldn't remove all cases of un-
fair employment practices. However, it
would create some agency to which people
could appeal to obtain that basic "right to
The FEPC does not propose to encroach
on the employer's right to select the best
worker for the job. No change in pro-
fessional qualifications would be entailed
in enforcing this anti-discrimination
measure. Only ignorance or deliberate
misinterpretation of the FEPC clauses
cited above, could result in the conclusion
that the employer's right to "run his own
business" would be destroyed.
Determination of employe qualifications
was once difficult, but today personnel tests
are available and are utilized by most
plants, department stores and other con-
cerns employing a large number of workers.
Therefore the difficulties in deciding
"whether a. prospective employe was repect-
ed because of his racial origins" or because
he "would make a poor worker" have been
Ignorance causes prejudice. By requi-
ing employers to hire workers according t-
their ability rather than their social appeal,
people will be forced to face rather than
avoid the problem of prejudice. When it is
found that "adverse" race, religion or creed
does not impair the quality of work, then
the myth of group superiority may be de-
stroyed .
Emploes resistance to a racial "open shop"
arises principally from economic consider-
ations. It is the fear of competition that
has produced employe prejudice. When the
FEPC is in force universally, job defense
prejudice will become unnecessary.
THOSE WHO SAY that "genuine educa-
tion of the masses" is the only remedy

for prejudice and yet would discard the
FEPC as a futile measure, are missing part
of the act's value. Better than the effect
of any general propaganda attack against
prejudice, is the knowledge that can be
obtained by working with members of an-
other race.
When economic motives for discrimin-
ation are lessened, and when members of
different groups face one another as in-
dividuals, then misconceptions built on
ignorance will be replaced by understand-
Discrimination is the kind of thing that
has to be fought wherever one finds it. Eco-
nomic discrimination is only a part of total
racial and religious bias. That it is only
a small part, a symptom perhaps, is not suf-
ficient reason to stop fighting it.
-Joan Katz
-Harriett Friedman
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
THERE IS SOMETHING about the debate
on prices which produces an atmosphere
of walloping unreality. Actually almost no-

AMERICANS are a legislating people.
Whenever anything goes wrong-when
the nation meets a reverse on the inter-
national scene or a social maladjustment is
uncovered-inevitably, there are individuals
or groups who immediately demand laws
to prohibit or correct this abuse. In the last
two decades the case of the eighteenth
amendment and the twenty-first amend-
ment has been the classical example of
attempts to alter the basic beliefs of the
majority by statute. And now, with the
current nationwide campaign in favor of
Fair Employment Practice Commissions in
every state we may very well be establish-
ing another eighteenth amendment-in in-
terference with the basic mores of the na-
tion as a whole by mi i t an t minority
pressure groups attempting to force their
opinions on the majority through the in-
strument of pressure-conscious state legis-
latures, and non-representative public opin-
ion polls and petitions.
A case in point is the story that appeared
in The Daily recently concerning the Willow
Village FEPC. In the story it was said that
leaders of this chapter of the FEPC claimed
that they had received a "clear mandate"
from the residents in the Village in favor
of a state FEPC. Immediately, there is of
course, the obvious observation that no
mention was made of any attempt on the
part of these leaders to ascertain true
opinion of the Villagers on this question
through the use of a house-to-house canvass
in which people on both sides of the ques-
tion would take part so as to insure honesty.
Instead the small group within the organi-
zation, and those persons who mailed let-
ters in favor of the proposal to State offic-
ials, presume to speak for the Village as
a whole. Clearly there is not a clear man-
date for any proposal until the methods
by which this conclusion was reached are
openly publicized and proved to be im-
But this is only a superficial example
of the fraud which seems to have been
practiced on the public since the very be-
ginning of the FEPC campaign. The REAL
case against the proposal is to be found
in the proposal itself. Primarily, the
FEPC committees throughout the country
have always claimed for themselves the
title of "liberals" and have stood for
the "freedom" of the colored person in a
white society. And yet, while pursuing
avidly their methods of fighting racial
discrimination--which center on the pass-
age of bills establishing FEPC's in every
state-they seem to have forgotten con-
sciously or unconsciously that these very
same laws prohibiting employers from
discriminating against Negroes are also
destroying the employer's right under our
system of determining how he shall run
his business, in which the hiring of labor
is an integral part.
Under the proposed FEPC bill, employers
would be required to appear at Commission
hearings in all cases where an applicant
for a job claimed that he had been dis-
criminated against by that employer. Yet,
isn't all selection of men for jobs a matter
of discriminating against some individuals
by the employer in favor of other persons
whom he considers more efficient?
THERE IS, however, another side of the
complex question of racial discrimina-
tion, and its correction. Although FEPC
bills place primary responsibility for elim--
inating discrimination on employers, it is
often the case that faithful employes of a
firm refuse to work beside a Negro if he is
hired. This is true despite a prolonged and
concentrated propaganda drive by the CIO
unions and others to prevent this. Should
an employer be punished for the opinions of
the majority of his employes? Should em-

ployes be forced by law to work beside a man
with whom they must associate or lose
their jobs-a man which the employer also
wishes to discharge? Is this democracy to
support one man's rights against the rights
of many? And finally, do the supporters of
the FEPC contemplate prosecuting mass
groups of wofkers for refusing to associ-
ate with a man because of prejudice against
him (something they propose in effect, for
employers at present)? When we look at
the FEPC proposals in this light the whole
idea of regulating inter-personal relation-
ships by statute seems absurd, as indeed it
The opinions expressed above may have
created the impression that this writer
advocates that we, as Americans, should
completely ignore the very real problem of
prejudice and discrimination against min-
orities in this country ,and specifically
the Negroes. That, however, is not the
The purpose of the editorial is rather to
point out the complete futility of the basis
on which present anti-discrimination groups
are operating; that is control of racial pre-
judice by legislation. These groups, instead
of embarking on their hopeless attempt to
change prevailing social standards by law-
which will inevitably go the same way as
prohibition-should direct their efforts to-
nr, ovuina u ,a.tiAno f the mases of

Di I lem t
(CAIRO, APRIL 24-Any traveler knows
the feeling, as his journey draws to a
close, that all that is left to him of his
travels is an odd jumble of impressions. Yet
one impression which stands out above all
others is the startling unanimity with which
all the most intelligent and experienced ob-
servers and officials with whom this report-
er has talked point to the same danger con-
fronting Western policy in the Near and
Middle East. That danger is that the Uni-
ted States and England, in opposing Soviet
expansion into this area, should become the
champions of the status quo. It is dangerous
simply because with one or two happy ex-
ceptions the existing regimes here are a bad
bet. They are rotten and cannot last, over
a long period and in the face of Soviet pres-
sure and propaganda.
The long-term Soviet objective in the im-
mense contest now in progress throughout
this area has been repeatedly demonstrat-
ed with the utmost clarity. It is control
of the whole area. The American objective
is also clear. It is to prevent the Soviet Un-
ion from achieving this objective, either by
military expansion or by coup d'etat, simply
because the American policy makers are
unanimously convinced that Soviet success
would mean an overturn in the world power
balance potentially disastrous to the United
The Russians have thus been, at least
temporarily, checked. Yet there is no reason
to believe that the contest is thus ended,
and that Russian ambitions are stilled. There
are two ways in which these Russian ambi-
tions might be furthered. The first is simple
military expansion; the crossing of the Iran-
ian, Turkish or Greek borders with men and
guns. This possibility can never be entirely
ruled out, but most experienced observers
are convinced that it is increasingly unlike-
The second weapon of expansion in the
Soviet armory is the political weapon. If one
or two key states in this region should come
under the control of the Communist party
or its equivalent (like the Tudeh party in
Iran) the effect would be exactly equiva-
lent to Russian military occupation. It is
undoubtedly upon this weapon that the So-
viets in the future intend largely to rely.
There is no use blinking the fact that in
using their political weapon the Soviets have
very real advantages. States which have ab-
solutely no tradition of political democracy,
in which the vast majority is illiterate, and
in which the mass of the people live at an
utterly miserable level of life, are obviously
Communist happy hunting grounds. As long
as the animals in many parts of the Middle
East continue to lead richer and more re-
warding lives than the people, so long will
the Soviets enjoy their great political op-
portunity. For the Soviets stand for change
in an area where change is necessary and
It is this which confronts the Western
powers with their dilemma. One powerful
British official summed it up when he re-
marked: "We can't organize a revolution
against the corrupt ruling class. We don't
operate that way. Yet in the long run only
really determined social refornis will pre-
vent a blow-up. The politicians always
heartily agree that reforms are necessary,
but if specific measures are introduced, they
get all red in the face and look as though
they were going to strangle. And when the
blow-up does come it is pretty sure to be
a pro-Soviet blow-up." That, in a nutshell,
is the Western dilemma.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

11 * Which Way Is 31ichigras? ?1

tConisnu'ed frm Page 3) German-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30
pm.. 2016 AH, F. Reiss; Sat. 11-
Monday and Tuesday, 4:30-5:30 12 a.m., 2016 AH, F. Reiss.

Letters to the Editor...

June Graduates, L.S.& A. Please
send your senier class dues. to
cover the class gift and provide a
basis for the class of 1947 Alumni
Fund, to Barbara Raymer, 407 N.
Ingalls, at once.

i I

Mathematics - (6 through 15)
-Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3010 AH, G.
Costello; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3010 A
H, G. Costello. (52, 53, 54) - Wed.
Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3011 AH, E. Span-
ier; Sat. 11-12 a.m., 3011 AH, E.
Physics (25, 45)-Mon.-Tu.-Th.
5-6 p.m., 202 W. Physics, R. Hart-
man. (26, 46)-Mon.-Tu.-Th., 5-
6 p.m.. 1036 Randall, D. Falkoff

EDITOR'S N OTE: Because The Daily
prints EVEsP letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in leters are those of the
writers only. Leftters o; more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted yet the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
CI Bill
To the Editor:
H AVING read the discussions
concerning student benefits
under the G.L Bill, it seems to me

Recreational Swimming. Won-
en Students, at the Union Pool1
will be held from 10-11 a.m. only
for the next three Saturdays-
April 26, May 3 and 10.
Senior Civil Engineers: Mr. R.,
W. Kruser, of the Public Roadsr
Administration, will be at ther
Transportation Library on Mon-
day, April 28, to interview Civil
Engineering students who may be
interested in positions with the
Public Roads Administration.
Bureau of Apointments & Occu-
pational Information:
The United States Rubber Coni-
pany at Mishawaka, Indiana. A
representative will be at our office
on Tuesday, April 29, to interview
chemical, mechanical and indus-
trial engineers for their develop-
ment and control laboratories and
other various engineering depart-I
ments. They have openings for
men with accounting and eco-
nomics background for placement
in General Accounting, Cost Ac-
counting, Office Methods, Time-
keeping and similar functional ca-
pacities. They would also like to
interviev women who desire indus-
trial personnel work. These jobs
will all be in Mishawaka, Ind.
The Carnation Company, Ocono-
mowoc, Wisconsin will have a rep-
resentative at our office on Wed-
nesday, April 30, to interview men
who are interested in a program of
student training for Supervisory
and Plant Management Positions.
Specialized training in science or
engineering is helpful but not a
requirement. In addition, many
other specialized services for all
plants are facilitated by General
Staff departments, such as Pur-
chasing, Sales, Credit, Traffic, and
The Detroit Edison Company
will have a representative at our
office on Wednesday, April 30, to
interview men in the following
schools: Law, Architecture and
Chemical Engineering. Call ext.
371 for appointments with these
University Lecture: Mr. Karl
Shapiro, the American poet, will
give a lecture on Meter and Mean-
ing on Wed., April 30, 4:15 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium, under the
auspices of the Department of
English Language and Literature.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Mr. John I.
H. Baur, Curator of the Painting-
ings and Sculpture at the Brook-
lyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York,
will lecture on the subject, "The
Emergence ofsAmerican Impres-
sionism" (illus.), at 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
May 2, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of Fine
Arts. The public is cordially in-
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
10:30 a.m., Sat., April 26, East Lec-
ture Room, Graduate School. Dr.
E. P. Reineke at the Department of
Physiology & Pharmacology of


't" "[">' "i'4that two obvious faults have been
Carillon Recitals: Percival Price, overlooked. Why not remove the
University Carillonneur, will play $200 mcnthly limit in total income
compositions by Cesar Franck, Jos- of student veterans, and increase
eph Haydn, Jef Van Hoof, Felix allowances for children, say $20
Mendelssohn, and a group of each per month? The former

hymns during his recital at 3 p.m.,
Sun., April 27.
Student Recital: Marian Han-
son Stone, Organist, will be heard
in a program given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music, at
4:15 p.m., Sun., April 27, Hill
Auditorium. A pupil of the late
Palmer Christian, Miss Stone will
play Bach's Trio Sonata No. 3, and
Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor,
Franck's Chorale in B Minor, and
Widor's Symphony No. VI. The
public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Uarda Foster
Saeger, piano pupil of Joseph
-Brinkman, will be heard in a re-
cital, 8:30 p.m. Mon. Apr. 28, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The program,
given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, will include works
by Franck, Mozart, Chopin, Si-
mone Ple, and Roussel, and will be
open to the public.
Student Recital: Shirley Bower,
pianist, and pupil of Joseph Brink-
man, will be heard in a program
of compositions by Mozart, Medt-
ner, Ravel, and Brahms, at 8:30
p.m., Sat., April 26, Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music,
the recital is open to the general
Events Today
University Radio Program:
2:30 p.m., Station WJR, 760 Kc.
"Stump the Professor."
10:15 p.m., Station WJR, 760
Kc. The Medical Series-"Behind
the Scenes in Cancer Research,"
Dr. F. J. Hodges, Professor of
Roentgenology and Chairman of
the Department of Roentgenology.
"Saint Joan," by George Ber-
nard Shaw, will be presented today
for the last two performances by
Play Production of the depart-
ment of speech, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Tickets are avail-
able for the matinee performance
only, curtain at 2:30 p.m. Reser-
vations may be made at the theatre
box office which opens at 10 a.m.
Student Religious Association
Luncheon Discussion: 12:15, Lane
Hall. George Bradley will review
Essay on Morals by Philip Wylie.
Reservations for the lunch should
be made at Lane Hall before 10
a.m. today.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
"Corned Beef Corner," 10:45-12
Coming Events
Anthropology Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., April 28, Museums. Speaker:
Dr. Sherwood Washburn, Physical
Anthropologist from Columbia
University. Use the rear entrance.
The Graduate Outing Club: Bi-
cycle hike, 2:30 p.m., Sun., April
27, Northwest entrance Rack-
ham Bldg. Supper outdoors if the
weather permits. Sign up before
noon on Saturday at the check
desk in the Rackham Building.
Veteran Women: Bowling at
Michigan Recreation on Liberty
Street. Meet between 2:30-3 p.m.,
Scabbard and Blade: Formal in-
itiation of Naval Cadets, 2 p.m..
Sun., April 27, Ballroom, Michigan
Union. All alumni members are
invited. Dress of initiates and ac-
tive members-Service Uniforms.

Quarterdeck: 7:30 p.m., Mon..
April 28, Michigan Union. Profes-
sor Vincent will speak on "Diesel
Engine Propulsion."
Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Mon., April 28, Union. Prof. T. M
Newcomb, of the Psychology ance
Sociology Departments will speak
(Continued on Page 5)

would effect few, but if anyone
were clever enough to earn more,
why shouldn't he be allowed to do1
so? As to why the Veterans ad-
ministration apparently thinks1
that a half dozen can live as
cheaply as two, I haven't been1
able to figure out. These rather
mild reforms should satisfy the1
group who think that any increase
would result in economic cata-1
clysm and would help a great,
number who need 3t.
Have the people who proposed,
all the arguments against any in-
crease in allowances on the bases
of inflation, special interests, origi-
nal intention of bill, etc. etc., con-
sidered how trivial the effects of
an increase would be on economicsr
of the country, compared to pro-
posed income tax cuts, or aid to
check spread of Communism in
the world?
-N. M. McCuing
H*are System
To the Editor:
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Taylor's letter
which appeared in this space Friday
was intended to follow this one.
LET'S SUPPOSE 3000 students
vote in an election for 24 new
legislators. Suppose 1000 of these
students vote roughly as a group:
call them Group A. Let's say 24
candidates run from this group,
and 48 run from all other groups.
Question: From this much in-
formation, can we predict how
much representation Group A will
get? Since Group A represents
one third of the voters, you
would expect them to elect 8 rep-
resentatives; that's what they de-
serve. Later on I shall show that
under the Hare plan this group is
virtually certain to elect at least
7 and not more than 9. But let's
see how far off we might be if
we made this prediction under a
"score" system.
All of the "score" systems which
have been proposed to supplant
the Hare plan operate as follows:
Each voter is allowed a definite
number of points, which we'll call
S. He may be required to allocate
his S. points among his chosen
candidates according to a certain
pattern as in the Carneiro plan
(10, 9, 8, etc.), or he may be free
to distribute them in any way he
chooses. In any case, the scores
received by each candidate are
added upand the 24 highest are
selected. Everything I shall say
applies no matter what particular
scoring method is allowed.
By the "quota" I mean the score
received by the 24th ranking can-
didate. Each of the winners will
receive at least the quota. Twenty
four times the quota will be the
number of points which barely
elect the winners. But there were
3000 S points to start with. The
remainder of these will be scores
for losers and excess scores for
winners. There is bound to be
such a remainder; and since we
have only 3000S points to pass
around, the quota will have to be
considerably less than 125 S. Act-
ually the quota can't be predicted
with any accuracy; it may range
from 35 S up to 100 S.
The 1000S points going to Group
A have to be passed around among
our twenty-four candidates, who
will therefore average about 42 S.
If the scores are distributed un-
evenly, our best candidates are
bound to get in; but the farther
they exceed the quota, the more
points they take away from their
teammates. Suppose our 6 lead-
ing camdidates score 165 S, 150 S,
140 S, 125 S, 110 S, 95 S, (which
is not at all unlikely if they're def-
initely favored). Then only 215
s points will be left for our eight-
een other candidates. In this sit-
uation we will certainly elect 6 but
we have little chance of electing

On the other hand, if our votes
are distributed very evenly, our
Sixteen best may be clustered close
together between 30 S and 75 S.
Since the quota can vary through
;his whole range and more, we
aang precariously in the balance;
,he exact position of the quota
,ill determines whether we elect
sxteen, none at all, or any figure
in between.

In the next letter I shall explain
the principles of strategy for this
type of election.
-Bob Taylor
To the Editor:...............
i am only a maker of blue books.
accordingly, i know nothing, but
i try to be happy and love every-
one. it is pretty tough sometimes.
it is not so bad when the class
average is also low.
i try so hard, so hard. name,
date, and course, and then-blank,
it is indeed trying to try so hard
and get so little.
i make no charges, given no
names, say no blame, there is no
need to. but to be thwarted by
when i was young, i lived in a
house. i never thought much about
rent, property income, me equals
mr, or how the doorbell worked.
now, thanks to e.e. 210, i know
how the doorbell works, but i still
know nothing about rent, proper-
ty income, or me equals mr.
it is not my work to question
things. indeed, how could one of
so few answers dare to question?
i am only a maker of bluebooks
and i am tired.
ralph e. walker
Veterans Tableu
To the Editor:
TIME: May 8, 1948
PLACE: Courtroom of the Com-
mission on Veterans' Absence Re-
CHARACTERS: Judge; Twelve
jurymen, Eight accused Veterans
(in shackles.) prosecuting and de-
fense attorneys.
Judge: Gentlemen of the Jury,
have you reached a verdict?
Foreman: We have, Your Honor.
Judge: Will the prisoners please
rise. (Rattling of chains.) What
is your verdict, Mr. Foreman?
Foreman: We find the accused
veterans guilty, and recommend
no mercy.
Judge: (Pronouncing sentence.)
I sentence you eight convicted vet-
erans to solitary confinement on
bread and water for thirty days
with full ration every third day.
(Groans and rattling of chains.)
-Lewis W. Towler
To the Editor:
time that Logan was rushing
his bill through Congress, putting
brass knuckles on the hand due
to be bitten by the loud-mouth it
would be feeding in 1947, Words-
worth was composing a few perti-
nent lines in rhyme for the
month's maternal guardian, Miss
Mintz. They were,
". ..Shall I call thee cuckoo
or but a windering voice?"
-B. W. Otto
Those who have the best knowl-
edge of our nuclear technology,
and the best appreciation of Rus-
sian science and engineering, give
from 3 to 15 years as the time the
Societ Union will need to acquire
its own atomic bombs. Even the
longest suggested term is much
too short to give us any comfort.
Those who preach that we have
only to tighten the secrecy around
our atomic laboratories and plants
to make us safe are the worst de-
ceivers of the American people and
traitors to American Security.
-Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists

mt-r~-gau al-1







Thanks Lot, ut .. .
THE FAIR STATE OF OHIO seems to have
it in for us, possibly in retaliation for
last autumn's decisive defeat of O.S.U. Last
week, for instance, we learned that a Cin-
cinnati burlesque house was advertising
"Ann Arbor."
Latest rebuff is an announcement of a
mock UN meeting sponsored by the Univer-
sity of Toledo. It reads:
"The University of Michigan has been in-
vited to represent the U.S.S.R., Byelourussia
S.S.R. and Ukraine S.S.R. delegation . .
No, No Professor
A KINDRED SPIRIT informs us via post-
card that one of his professors asked his
class recently what a guillotine was There
was a moment of silence; then the professor-
"Well you probably cannot spell it, so, I'll
write it on the board." According to our
informant he firmly wrote the following
letters: "Gilotene."
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
hers of The Daily staff, and are the responsi-
bility of the editorial director. Items from
subscribers are invited; address them to "It
So Happens", The Michigan Daily.

Michigan State College
on "The Formation of
in Iodinated Proteins."
ested are invited.
Seminar on Complex
Wed., April 30, 3 p.m.,
Angell Hall. Mr. Wend
on Fuchsian groups.

will speak
All inter-
Rl. 3011,
will speak

Veterans' Tutorial Program:
Chemistry (3)--Mon., 7-8 p.m..
122 Chem, S. Lewin; Wed.-Fri.,
5-6 p.m., 122 Chem, S. Lewin; (4)
-Mon. 7-8 p.m., 151 Chem, R.
Keller; Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 151
Chem, R. Keller. (21)-Wed., 4-5
p.m., 122 Chem, R. Hahn.
English (1)-Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6
p.m., 2203 AH, D. Martin. (2)-
Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3209 AH,
D. Stocking.
French-(1)-Mon.-Thurs. 4-5
p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau. (2)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-6 p.m., 205 RL, F.
Gravit. (31) -Mon.-Thurs., 4-5,
p.m., 203 RL, J. O'Neill. (32)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 108 RL, A.
Spanish--)-Tu. - Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 203 RL, E. W. Thomas. (2)-
Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.m., 207 RL, H.
Hootkins. (2) - Tu.-Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 207 RL, H. Hootkins. (31)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 210 RL, C.

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha.........Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey........... City Editor
Milton PreudenheIm..Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht........... Associate Editor
Jack Martin ........... Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager


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