zpson Institute Conpfetes
enty Years of Research
yearly average of approxi-
ly 2,000 patients has passed
gh the portals of the Thomas
y Simpson Memorial Insti-
or Medical Research since its
lishment in February, 1927.
active Isotopes, Used
e Institute specializes in re-
h dealing with pernicious
ia and diseases of the white
corpuscles such as leukemia
infectious mononucleosis
dular fever). Mrs. Thomas
y Simpson, whose husband
of pernicious anemia, do-
l and endowed the Institute
der to perfect treatment and
,ps a cure for the disease.
'ts To Sign
r V-6 Today
J.S. Naval Reserve traveling
ting unit will conduct re-
nig of interested veteran.
all branches of the Armec
s, including ex-Waves, froir
i. till 5 p.m. today and to-
w in the Union.
erans will be enrolled in the
Nlaval Reserve V-6 Inactive
Program with the opportun-
become commissioned offi-
according to Lt. (j.g.) J. H,
of the unit. Faber added
nembers of the Inactive Re-
are eligible to apply for tran-
o the Organized Reserve, for
duty pay is received.
rbility for commissioned
requires applicants to be
ers of the Inactive Reserve
ossess two years of college
ed Faber. He also stated that
vists will not be called to
duty without their consent..
, in cases of national emer-
Will Be Visited
Nehru's Sister
Among other investigations, the
Institute has recently begun
:tudies involving the use of radi-
>active isotopes, particularly in the
treatment of leukemia and poly-j
;ythemia. Small quantities of ra-
lioactive material have been avail-'
able for some time and more are
expected, according to Dr. Frank
a. Bethell, assistant director of
the institute.
Dr. Bethell pointed out that the
.tudy of . pernicious anemia has
)een designed to discover more ef-
'icient methods of treatment as'
vell as exploring causes and pos-
ibilities of prevention. The chance
f discovering a cure was classed
is "problematical."
'hange in 'Nature'
The "nature" of experimenta-
ion has changed throughout the
rears, he stated. Dr. Bethell ex-
,lained that the nature of the
lisease is such that continuous
reatment is necessary once initial
lamage to the tissues occurs. For
his reason, permanent cure is un-
The study of glandular fever has
'een carried on in close conjunc-
:ion with the University Health
service since this ailment occurs
'requently in University students,
Dr. Bethell indicated.
"The infection is usually rela-
tively mild," he said, 'and students
,recover completely, but it is a
,ause of considerable disability
ind loss of time."
Doctors at the Institute have
,ontributed in a number of ways
to developments in the field of
blood ailments. Among / other
things, they have helped to bring
about a better understanding of
common anemias in pregnancy
and their relation to deficient
Heart Ailment
Causes Death
Of U' Chemist
(Continued from Page 1)
United States knowing no Eng-
lish and took odd jobs in Chicago,
where he finished high school.
Then he came to the University,
wanting to be a chemist.
In 1891 he got his M.S. in his
chosen field and became a full-
fledged teaching assistant. Four
years later he won his Ph.D. de-
gree, writing a dissertation on the
reactions of caffeine.
In 1897, he went abroad, first to
Munich, where he studied in the
Baeyer Laboratory, and later to
Heidelberg, where he worked un-
der Victor Meyer. In 1904 he be-
came a professor of chemistry at
the University and began his long
residence in Ann Arbor.
When World War I broke out,
Verify Popular
Song Lyrics
Managua, Nicaragua is every bit
the "wonderful spot" and "temp-
erature hot" as described in the
popular song of that name, ac-
cording to Albert and Aldo Knoep-
ffler, students from there.
This "heavenly place," as' the
song goes, is a city of about 100,-
000 persons, Albert said, and they
are all very friendly. "Most of
them have something to do with
the coffee and banana plantations
which are nearby on higher land
where it is cooler," he stated.
"You are either in the upper or
lower class because there ,s no
middle class," Aldo declared. "Stu-
dent groups are very active in poli-
tics but as yet the senoras and
senoritas do not vote, though they
hopefully point toward the United
States' system."
The brothers are now sopho-
mores in the (Igineering school
and' plan to return to Managua
after graduation. Albert expects
to be the chemical engineer in a
sugar plant and Aldo hopes to
build dams for harnassing water
power for electricity which is ex-
pensive in Nicaragua.
The Knoepfflers are now living
at the Vt#st Quadrangle.
U Aide Speaks
On AIrms Design
he was commissioned a major
the Ordnance Department
America, where he succeeded
synthesizing mustard gas.
Prof. Gomberg consistently re-'
fused to patent any of the many
processes he invented, and he
never earned a cent on them. Most
notable, of these findings are his
discovery of triphenylmenthyl,
anti-freeze fluid for automobiles,
and solvents for auto lacquers.
The professor emeritus never
married. He lived with his elder
sister Sonia at their Ann Arbor
address, 712 Onondaga St.
After his retirement in 1936,
Prof. Gomberg was showered with
honors, including the Nichols
medal, the presidency of the
American Chemical Society, the
Willard Gibbs medal, the Chan-
dler medal. He contributed to
various chemical journals, and was
a member of the National Acad-
emy of Sciences, the American
Philosophy Society, the Nether-
lands Chemical Society, and the
American Institute of Chemists.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.= Sat-
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President. Room 1021
VOL. LVII, No. 89
Keniston T alks
At SRA Panel
Asks Group To Seek
Service, Not Politics
The Student Religious Associa-
tion should seek to promote toler-
ance, understanding and service
and not be a political organization,
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college told a panel dis-
cussion on "Cooperative Religious
Emphasis and the Educational
Program of the University" at
Lane Hall last night.
The University is interested in
the total life of the student, and'
religion is an important part of
extra-curricular activities, he said.
He feels that students should
maintain previous church affilia-
tions and that religious counsel-
ling is the University's active in-
terest, but a large responsibility
rests with individual groups. Stu-
dents should direct their own ac-
tivities, advised by the faculty, he
The most problematical aspect
of the question, Keniston stated,
is to set up a course in formal re-
ligious instruction in the Univer-
sity without trying to promote any
particular sect.'
Officer- Selections
Selection of cadet officers by
the Army Reserve Officers Train-
ing d~orps has resulted in the tem-
porary appointment of 17 cadets
to officer rank and 46 to non-
commissioned officer status, ac-
cording to a statement issued yes-
terday by Major H. E. Porter,
School of Business Administra-
tion Faculty Meeting: 4 p.m.,
Thurs., Feb. 13, Rm. 110, Tappan
All Veterans:
Reports of absence will be re-
quired weekly of all veterans who
are receiving benefits through the
Veterans Administration. This re-
port is necessary in order that the
University can fulfill its contract
with the Veterans Administration.
Detailed instructions will be found
on the report card.
These reports may be obtained
and filed at the offices designated
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts-hall of University
College of Engineering-Room
225 W. Engineering Building.
Law School-First floor corri-
dor of Hutchins Hall.
Graduate School - Graduate
School office.
College of Architecture and De-
sign-Room 207 Architecture
College of Pharmacy-Room 250
Chemistry Building.
School of Business Administra-
tion-Room 108 Tappan Hall.
School of Dentistry College-
Secretary's office of Dentistry
School of Education-Room 1433
University Elementary School.
School of Forestry-Room 2045
Natural Science Building.
School of Music-Room 101
School of Music Building.
School of Nursing-Room 2036
University Hospital.
School of Public Health-infor-
mation desk of School of Public
Medical School-Room 123 West
Medical Building.
All Veterans:
The attention of all veterans is
called to the fact that in accord-
ance with the directive of the Dep-
uty Administrator for Veterans'
Affairs, Veterans Administration
Branch Office No. 6, Columbus,
Ohio, the local Veterans Adminis-
tration Office is to conduct a sur-
vey of all veterans in training at
the University and schools in this
area who are reporting nonreceipt
of subsistence allowance due them.
All veterans are urged to report
to Rm. 100, RACKHAM BLDG.,
THURS., FEB. 13, for the purpose
of making this report. For those
who cannot report on this date,
the deadline has been extended
until 12 noon, Fri., February 14.
Cooperation of all veterans will
assist the Veterans Administration
Regional Office, Detroit, Michigan,
in reviewing all delinquent sub-
sistence accounts.
Veterans: The attention of all
veterans is called to the recent
interpretation of the Veterans
Administration with regard to tak-
ing courses on a refresher, or any
non-credit basis.
The. Veteran Administration
will make payment for tuition
supplies and subsistence only un-
der the following conditions:
1. The veteran must enroll in
the course on a refresher or credit
basis. Change of election regula-
tions for the school or unit in
which the veteran is enrolled will
govern any change of status from
credit to non-credit.
2. The Veteran must do -all the
work required of the students en-
rolled in the course for credit, ex-
cept for taking the credit exami-
The veteran pursuing educa-
tional training under P.L. 346 who
drops a portion of his course dur-
ing the semester for any reason
will have his subsistence adjus
on a pro-rated basis. The case
those who are in training us
P.L. 16 will be handled on an in
vidual basis by the Veterans Ad
ministration official respos
for their records.
Payment for subsistence all
ance. charges against eligib:
time, or payment for instructio
supplies will not be allowed
the Veterans Administration
courses requiring only attenda
at class without doing the w
Summer Placement: Regis
tion for all those inter'ested
summer positions will be i
Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 4:15 p.m., .
205. Mason Hall. These posit
include camp maanagers, co
selors, waterfront people, and
jobs and positions in the var
summer resorts that exist in
parts of the country.
Pre-Medical Student Regisl
tion for Professional Aptit
Test: Students who did not t
the Professional Aptitude '
during January, but who are p
ning to enter medical schools d
ing 1947, must register for
next administration of the
Students should register in
110, Rackham Building, be
noon on February 14. The test
be given from 9-12 noon and 1
(Continued on Page 4)
Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25
Evenings and Sundays, 3,
----- Last Day Today
Paul Ienried-Eleanor Park
- Friday and Saturday
Joel McCrea - Edward Arno
Military weapons must be de-
signed to supplement human abil-
ities and to avoid dependence on
human frailties, H. Richard Black-
well, technical aide on the Univer-
sity's Vision Committee Research,
declared yesterday.
Speaking at a meeting of Sigma
Xi, research scientists' organiza-
tion, Prof. Donald G. Marquis,
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, and Black-
well emphasized the fact that
many other psychological factors
than personal preference of the
operators affected the design of
militarv Pi e Si mnt_
North Main Opposite Court House
-- Today and Friday -
"WATCH DOG" Cartoon
25c 'til 5 35c after 5
ina Nehru Hutheesing, au-
id younger sister of Indian
list Leader Jahwaharlal
and her husband, Dr. C. F.
sing, secretary of the In-
ational Planning Commis-
e expected to visit the Uni-
campus tomorrow.
lems of Modern India" will
assed by Dr. Hutheesing at
mn. tomorrow in Rackham
heatre, followed by an in-,
reception in the West Con-
Room of the Rackham
North University Ave. cz
FOR RENT-Room or board for a
couple in exchange for help with
housework. Call 4484.
FOR RENT-Single room in girls' lea-
gue house. 433 Maynard St. )18
DRIVING to California about Feb. 15.
Can take two passengers to share ex-
penses. Call 2-1482 between 5:30 and
7:30 p.m. )51
FLY TO BOSTON for spring vacation
in a chartered DC-4. Save money and
time. Those interested send card with
name and address to 'Ray Newhall,
Box 722 West Lodge, Ypsilanti. Limit-
ed number of seats. First come, first
serve. )6
WANTED-Ride to New Orleans this
Friday or Saturday. Will share ex-
penses. Call Ken Franz, 2-4481. )27
RIDERS wanted from Detroit, arriving
Ann Arbor daily for 9 a.m. classes.
Call TR. 3-0677, Detroit. )26
Thursday, Feb. 13th
Good Seats Still Available
Sigmund Franz
Gift to Immortal
Music TIA and Beloved
Lavers Melodies
LOST-Green Shpaffer's fountain pen.
"Charles J. Forner" Inscribed on it.
Reward. Phone 7730. )53
LOST-Loose-leaf, zipper notebook, let-
ter therein~. Reward. Phone 2-1533,
Mark Harris, 305 N. Revena. .50
LOST-Leeds wrist watch. Tan leather
strap. Lost on Jan. 21. Reward. Con-
tact D. Gate. Phone 8751. )15
LOST-Feb, 6 at Washtenaw and South
U. Service watch, pink rimmed face.
Sentimental value. Reward. Call 9694.
LOST-Gray and gold Parker "51" ini-
tialed "JF" January 17. Call J. Fur-
stenberg, 4211. Reward. )10
LOST-Lady's brown Scheaffer pen, gold
top, front of Angell Hall Tuesday.
Sentimental value. Reward. Call
Constance Nester, 2-2547. )19
LOST-Gray puppy (old English sheep'
dog) with four white feet. Last seen
corner Washtenaw and S. University.
Reward. Contact John Buczynski 2-
4591, 114 Tyler House. )22
LOST-Blue, gold-capped Eversharp
pen. Lost last Friday, probably at
Union. Contact Don Wines, 201 Mich-
igan House. 2-4401. Reward. )34
LOST-Small black overnight bag left
in student's car Tuesday, Feb. 4. Re-
turn to Rm. 1., University Hall. )28
ROOM WANTED -- Veteran urgently
needs room. Now sleeping in bureau
drawer. Single, quiet, neat. Call
7669. )54
GIRLS-Wholesome homecooked meals
at Co-op house. $3.75 with 3 1-2
hours of work per week. 5974 between
5:30 and 6.30. )32
WANTED-Grand piano, regular size,
wanted by piano student. 3659 Stone
School Road. Phone 5175. )25
JOB WANTED - Odd household jobs
done by vet student tired of sponging
off government and folks. Call 6578.
WANTED TO BUY-One grey gabardine
military top coat. Size 37-38. Mrs.
Eugene, 220 Packard, phone 2-5580. )7
SPACE AVAILABLE for meals at league
house. Excellent food. 604 E. Madi-
son. )11
WANTED-To rent garage for car. Vic-
inity University and Church. Phone
John Altman, 7037. )9
GIRL-Must be crazy, about jitterbug-
ging and bonge woogie, that is. Ob-
ject--jitterbug instruction. Dull stu-
dent. Slaves wages. Write, Robert
M. Brown, West Lodge, Ypsilanti 9262
between 8 and 10 p.m. )56
GRIDLEY AIRPORT offers the best in
flight instruction and equipment. Lo-
cated on Milan Road (US 23) between
the express way and Michigan Ave-
nue. Phone Ypsilanti 9272 )31
USE YOUR BRAIN to make spare-time
money; no investment needed. Try
this plan half hour daily; see for
yourself! Dime and 3c stamp brings
details; that's all you spend. Books,
Box 412, Ann Arbor. )20
DRESSMAKING - Alterations, remold-
ing, tailoring on new and old mater-
ial for raen and women. All work
guaranteed. 821 Packard or phone 2-
1919. )30
DRESSMAKING and alterations, also
teacher of sewing. Miss Livingston,
315 S. Division, second floor front.
FOR SALE-Typewriter, L. C. Smith,
standard, Call 2-2701, evenings. )52
FOR SALE-I941 Pontiac "8", radio and
heater, call 4295 between 5 and 7
p.m. and ask for Bill Pratt. )55
FOR SALE-Leice F:2, case, filters. etc.
Call before Saturday. John P. Keen-
er, 1579 Tully Court, Willow Run. )1
FOR SALE--Tux. Double-breasted, size
37. Glo-grain finish lapels-$20. Good
condition. Hale, 1466 Lenox, Willow
Run. )8
FOR SALE-Bocklet "Why Not?" by
George W. Whitehead, Sr., exposes of-
fensive practices of daily press for
150 years. Postpaid, 15c in coin, Fact-
Finding Guild, 1001 No. Lorel, Chi-
cago 51. )2
FOR SALE-Attention medical students.
2 volume Clinical Laboratory Methods
Gradwohl Third Edition and Bergey
Manual Determinative Bacteriology
latest edition. Call 6735 evenings, ask
for Van. )21
FOR SALE--Set of Dietzgen "Gem Un-
ion" drawing instruments. In excell-
lent condition. $35. Call 7995. )24
FOR SALE - New fluorescent desk
lamp. New record players and auto-
matic changers-will attach to your
radio. For bargain prices call 2-1371.
CARRIERS WANTED-To deliver the
Daily. Good pay! If interested, call
2-3241 or ask at Student Publications
YOU CAN ACQUIRE a skill and experi-
ence that can be profitable to you all
through life. Decide now to enter
telephone work. It's thefypc of job
that gives you a feeling of satisfac-
tion. Apply at Michigan Bell Tele-
phone Company, 323 E. Washington
St. ) 35
WANTED-Salesman with small car to
distribute medical supplies on estab-
lished territories in the state of
Michigan. Steady employment and
good wages. Write the Geo. H. Rundle
Co. at Piqua, Ohio.
'. , l
Prices- $1.20,
$1.90, $2.40, $3.00, inc. tax
to join that activity you as a
freshman have been waiting for!
Continuous from 1 P.M.
The Business Staff of
loan 41v 4v
Meet ZIGSY BRENAN ... you know her well
She's the girl who lives by the, fiery code
f the Flaming Forties... It's the Adela Rogers
Sit. Johns story aimed straight yourheart ....
Offers Michigan Students
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