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February 13, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-13

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Latest Deadline in the State

INo. 89











VCNames Committee To Investigate Sigler's'PublicityCai


Report on
y Threats
ek R uthven 's
n. 6 Statement
imittee to investigate Gov.
gler's "current publicity
n" for anything "subver-
the American freedoms
ited in the Bill of Rights"
,pointed, by the campus
of the American Veterans
tee last night.
ommittee, which will work
Committee for Aademic
, will be headed by Lorine
ampus AVC chairman.


Vote on Party System
Tabled by Legislature
Group Approves Single Centralized Polling
Place Under Constant Supervision by APO

Lobbyists Open Battle
Over Sigler Proposal
Administration, School Men in Stiff Fight
To Swing Two Necessary Senate Votes


vent of the com-
oved in a dgeneral
ng with academic
ext of the resolu-

The party system question split
the Student Legislature neatly in
half last night as a motion to
eliminate parties from election
campaigns was tabled because of
lack of agreement among the
The motion was offered as a
substitute for a proposed by-law,
providing for regulation of parties,
Attlee Invokes
War Powers
0 *
In Fuel Cnsts
Special Committee
To Attack Problems
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Feb. 12-Prime Min-
ister Attlee placed Britain on a
virtual war basis tonight, issuing
an order under war-time defense
regulations that decreed fines or
prison sentences for any of the
nation's 49,000,000 people who dis-
regard a new island-wide limita-
tion on household electricity.
Acting after nearly 72 hours of
scheming against threatened dis-
aster to his war-weakened nation
in the coal crisis, Attlee also es-
tablished an emergency commit-
tee of nine-peace-time equivalent
of the war cabinet-to deal with
what he called a "dangerously

)lved. That the' campus
of the AVC endorse the re-
.tement of President Ruth-
that this chapter support
ommittee for Academic
ccomplish this end, a com-
is to be appointed to ac-
>operate with the Commit-
Academic Freedom. This
tee is further instructed to
'ate the implications, both
ic and political, of the cur-
iblicity campaign of the
r. If the campaign is
by the committee to be
.ve of the American free-
niumerated in the Bill of
or to. the welfare of the

which was- presented after the
setting up of an election system
designed "to eliminate dlirty work
from student elections."
One Centralized Polling Place
The Legislature voted for a sin-
gle centralized polling place under
the constant supervision of Legt'-
lators and members of Alpha Phi
Omega, national service fraternity,
but balked at the by-law, which
would have set up an election
commission to approve parties, be-
cause of a provision limiting mem-
bership of any one party to eight
The party issue, which was pre-
sented' to the Legislature during
the last campus election because
Of the charge that the University
Committee and the All-Campus
Slate had aligned themselves on a
fraternity- in(epend'ent basis,
broke out during last night's meet-
ing because of disagreement over
the "inevitability" of coalitions
during student elections.
Senior Class Elections
The Legislature will conduct
senior class elections Mar. 5 and
elections for approximately 27 new
Legislators, as well as student
members of the Board in Control
of Collegiate Athletics, Mar. 18
and 19.
Approving a constitution which
in effect separates the Men's Ju-
diciary Council from the super-
vision of the Legislature, the Leg-
islature officially set up a seven-
man body~to be composed of male
undegraduate students with at
le'a'st 6credit hours. The Council,
which will be appointed by the
Legislature's Cabinet, will assume'
the duty of investigating cases of
student conduct referred to it by
the Office of Student Affairs, as
well as dispute between campus
groups such as dance committees
and election frauds.
Student Vets

The statement of President
uthven endorsed by AVC was is-
Led Feb. 6 and declared that the
niversity had "no evidence of
ibversive or illegal activities on
ie part of University students or
nyone connected with the Uni-
The statement added that if it
ere indicated that the activities
student organizations "are in
ay way .in violation of federal or
ate law or of University regula-
ons, appropriate action will be
,ken and, if necessary, assistance
ill be asked of the proper au-
dew Cut Set
.n Subsistence
Student veterans who carry less
an 12 hours work will have their
ibsistence allowance reduced by
ie Veterans Administration,
obert S. Waldrop, director of the
eterans Service Bureau, said yes-
This ruling also applies to vet-
ans who are forced to drop a
urse, for any reason, and thus
op below 12 credit hours of work,
aldrop said. Subsistence for
ese veterans. will be adjusted on
pro-rated basis.
A recent interpretation of the
A also states that the cost of reg-
arly established refresher, non--
edit, auditor courses will be paid
' the VA. Payment of subsistence
lowances and charges against
gibility time will be made on a
mester hour basis for such
lean Lloyd Will
rive Talk in Ohio
Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd
aves Ann Arbor today for Co-
mbus, 0., where she will deliver
eo keynote address at a voca-
nal conference for women stu-
nts at Ohio State University.
The topic of Dean Lloyd's ad-
ess will be "Personal Integrity
-d Democratic Leadership."
Miss Lloyd, who will be absent
im Ann Arbor four days, will
so go to Washington, D. C.

alties to industrialists who do not
comply with a blackout order shut-
ting all but essential plants in 38
of the 64 counties in England and
Earlier, the Government ordered
the five-hour cut off of electricity
to householders extended to the
entire island-all of Britain ex-
cept Northern Ireland-and di-
rected nation-wide street lighting
reductions amounting almost to a
war-time blackout.
The emergency committee or-
dered cancellation of all railway
passenger services in every in-
stance where it would clear tracks
or free locomotives for coal trains.
These steps were taken as the
Board of Trade announced that
5,000,000 to 6,000,000 men were out
of work Because of industrial shut-
downs, and that the crisis threat-
ened to be felt in every phase of
the economy.
Library Opens
Check Room
The General Library has rein-
stituted the pre-war service of
providing students with a conven-
ient check room for wraps, S. W.
McAllister, Associate Director, an-
nounced yesterday.
The check room is located on
the first floor directly to the left
of the main entrance and there is
no charge made to students wish-
ing to check their wraps while in
the library. It is open during the
regular library hours Monday
through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 10
p.m.; it will not be available, how-
ever, during the Sunday hours.
McAllister stated that he hoped
that this action will alleviate the
crowded conditions experienced in
the reading room caused by stu-
dents throwing their wraps over

* * *
Heart Ailment
Causes Death
Of U' Chemist
Gomberg Renowned
For Research Work
Prof. Moses Gomberg, chairman
of the Department of Chemistry
from 1927 to 1936 and world-fa-
mous chemical pathfinder, died
at 12:36 a.m. yesterday at Univer-
sity Hospital.-,
Death was brought on by a
heart condition which had forced
Prof. Gomberg to enter the hospi-
tal Jan. 22. '
His discovery of trivalent car-
bon and the propounding of the
theory of free radicals, among
many other findings, brought him
fame in the field of organic cheri
Prof. Gomberg first became a
member of the University faculty
in 1893, and in 1904 he became a
professor of organic chemistry,
rising to the chairmanship of the
department in 1927. He retired on
his 70th birthday, Feb. 8, 1936, and
devoted his life to research with
the elements he loved so well, con-
tinuing to use his office and lab-
oratory in the chemistry building.
He was born in 1866 in Elizabet-
grad, Russia, and began his edu-
cation there. When he was 18, he
was forced to flee for his life
from his native Russia because
his father had been accused of po-
litical conspiracy. He came to the
(Continued on Page 2)
MYDA Holds
First Meeting
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action, local affiliate of American
Youth for Democracy, will hold its
first meeting of the semester at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Bob Cummins and Irma Hen-
derson of the state AYD council
will discuss the recent events at
Michigan State College, where
Governor Sigler began his probe
of "subversive" activities in Michi-
gan colleges. Cummins, a Spanish
Civil War and World War II vet-
eran and former editor on The
Daily, is now executive secretary
of the Michigan AYD.
Plans for the semester will also
be made at the meeting, and nomi-
nations will be accepted for presi-
dent of the chapter.
MYDA was organized early in
1944, and became affiliated with
AYD at the end of 1945. Its pres-
ent membership, according to Har-
riet Ratner, membership chair-

Hostile To VA
Absence Plan
Man-on-the-street reaction
among veterans yesterday to the
new weekly absence report order
by the Veterans Administration
was in general sharply critical.
Ernest Collins, '47L, thinks that
the order is "an unnecessary waste
of administrative effort on a pro-
ject that isn't important." Bob
Leopold, '48E, said that "this is
the first time. I've felt like doing
something violent since I got out
of the Navy."
Army veterans Irving Kalin,
'48L, and John Trezise, '49L, think
that the VA should be more con-
cerned with grades than with
"The order is unnecessary be-
cause you have to maintain your
average so you can stay in school
-if the University js satisfied, why
shouldn't the VA be satisfied?"
said Trezise.
The only dissenting note to the
other opinions came from Navy
veteran. Ben Zwerling: "I think
.maybe the VA has the right idea
behind the order. There are too
many going along for the ride.
But I don't like the methods
they've used. Once a semester
should be often enough for us to

By The Associated Press
LANSING,'Feb. 12. -
Amnstration and school lobbyists open-
ed a bitter hotel room battle over
Senate votes tonight with Gover-
nor Sigler's proposal for repeal of
the sales tax diversion the stake.
The administration won the
first round to put the repeal on the
April 7 ballot by pushing the re-
pealer through the House of Rep-
resentatives this morning by a
71 to 24 vote.
Test Lacked Two Votes
. In the Senate, however, Sigler's
cohorts found on a test vote that
they lacked two votes of the nec-
essary two-thirds vote to adopt
the House resolution and stalled a
final vote until later.
The "Front Office Hot Ankle
Club"-legislator's slang for xec-
utive office aides-went into ac-
tion tonight to swing those two
additional votes, but they were
meeting stiff competition from a
horde of school men who moved
into the capitol to beat back the
repeal proposal.
Fight Planned in Detroit
In Detroit, the Common Council
planned a fight against Sigler's
repeal move if it passes the Senate.
Council President George Ed-
wards said of the sales tax amend-
ment, "The only logical and de-
cent thing to do is to try it out
first, then report on how it works.
The state has enough money to do
U, Canad
Set Continent
Security Plans
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12-(P)-
The United States and Canada
announced today they will con-
tinue in peacetime their close war-
time collaboration for the military
security of North America.
Without entering into a formal
treaty or binding agreements, the
two governments proclaimed a
five-point program for unifying
training, standardizing arms, and
using each other's military, naval
and air facilities.
Anything to do with the atomic
bomb was excluded from the gen-
eral understanding, it was made
clear, since both governments have
separate channels for development
and administration of atomic en-
Both stressed too, in formal an-
nouncements made simultaneously
in Ottawa and Washington, that
the' charter of the United Nations
"remains the cornerstone of the
foreign policy of each."
The two governments said that
their collaboration for "peace time
joint security purposes" would be
limited to the extent authorized by
law of each.
World News
McDONOUGH, Ga., Feb. 12-A
superior (circuit) court upheld
Herman Talmadge today in his
claim to the governorship of Geor-
gia, but final decision rested with
the state supreme court which al-
ready has one diametrically-op-
posite decision of another judge
awaiting review.
* * *
NEW YORK, Feb. 12-Harld
E. Stassen, avowed candidate for
the 1948 Repubican presidential
nomination, tonight called on
his party to abandon "al rem-
nants of a policy of economic
isolation" and assume "leader-
ship of America in a new policy
of world-wide economic partici-

CHARLESTON, W. Va., Feb. 12
-Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) dif-
fering with some of his GOP col-
. 8

all the things it can do within the
next year."
Mayon Edward J. Jeffries told
the council the Michigan Educa-
tion Association had notified all
school boards in the state to get
into the anti-repeal fight.
No House Debate
There was, surprisingly, no de-
bate as the House passed the re-
peal amendment resolution, and
in the Senate members also were
silent as it came to the floor. The
Republican caucus had battled
over the measure for two one-and-
a-half hour sessions Tuesday and
Wednesday without reaching a
common agreement.
The test vote-on a motion to
suspend the rules and put the
repealer to an immediate vote,
showed 21 Senators in favor and
three-all Detroiters-against it,
and seven not voting.
Teacher Pay
Hinges on Tax
Until the current sales tax
amendment controversy is settled,
no decision on raising the level of
teachers' salaries can be made,
Walter Springer,.,chairman of the
Ann Arbor Board of Education an-
nounced at an open meeting of the
board last night.
scaled demands of the American
Federation of Teachers, Springer
said that the budget for Ann Ar-
bor .schools cannot be established
until the board knows whether any
funds will be received through the
The salary rate scale proposed
by Elma Jeffries, president of the
Ann Arbor chapter of the Ameri-
can Federation of Teachers, calls
for a $2,500 minimum, and a $4,-
500 maximum, salary for teachers.
Other proposals of the Federa-
tion were for a cost-of-living ad-
justment of $50 a month, equali-
zation of salary rates for men and
women teachers, a yearly imple-
ment of $20Q and strict adherence
to a new salary schedule.
IRA Protests
Sigler Probe
The Inter-Racial Association
yesterday passed a resolution p-
posing the "threat" to freedom
posed by Governor Sigler's inves-
tigation of "subversive" activities.
The statement reads: "Resolved,
that the Inter-Racial Association
of the University of Michigan
strongly opposes the threat to aca-
demic and political freedom as
recently manifested by the attack
on the American Youth for De-
mocracy organization at Michigan
State College under the guise of
alleged and unsubstantiated claims
of communist activities.
"We go on record as favoring
employing every means necessary
to combat the current propensity
of certain groups to discredit the
so-called liberal movements by at-
taching un-American labels to
their programs."

UN Approves
Will Cover All Arms
Except Atom Bomb
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 12.
---{)-The United Nations Secur-
ity Council voted by 9 to 0 tonight
to create an 11-nation commission
to study the reduction of all arm-
aments except those already being
examined by the UN atomic
Energy Commission.
Russia and Poland abstained
from voting.
The Council's action was a
sweeping- victory for the United
States, which had insisted that
a:. m .,"eoHis ion Qeated17b
the United Nations must be limited
to the field not covered by the
atomic commission.
Soviet delegate Andrei A. Gro-
myko fought the U.S. proposals
until the end, but when the show-
down came he declined to invoke
the big power veto with which he
could have killed the plan at this
TU' Suspends
Two Students
Two University students have
been indefinitely suspended> for
violation of the University's rules
of conduct, Erich A. Walter, Direc-
tor of the Office of Student Af-
fairs, announced yesterday.
The two students were Patricia
Brighton, of Dearborn, and Glenn
Whittle, of Chicago.
The two were suspended by or-
der of the University's discipline
committee under the terms of Sec-
tion 11 of the University Regula-
tions Concerning Student Affairs,
Conduct and Discipline.
The regulation reads: "Enroll-
ment in the University carries
with it obligations in regard to
conduct, not only inside but also
outside the classroom, and stu-
dents are expected to conduct
themselves in such manner as to be
a credit to themselves and to the
"Whenever a student . . . con-
ducts himself.. . in such a man-
ner as to make it apparent that
he .. . is not a desirable member
or part of the University, he ...
shall be liable to disciplinary ac-
tion by the proper University au-

Grid Mentoi
Turns Dow
Berkeley Bi<
Confirms Repot
From West Coa
Coach Herbert o. "Fritz" C
ler is not going to California.
At 1:20 a.m. this morning
confirmed an Associated F
bulletin from Berkeley saying
the Michigan football coach
athletic director had wthdr
his name from consideration
the position of head gridiron c
of the University of Californi
The news was released in
fornia by Norrie West, head of
News Bureau of the Associ
Students. According to the
dispatch, West said, "Mr.Cr
called Brutus Hamilton, gradi
manager of California, this
ning and requested his name
withdrawn from further con
eration for the coaching job.
Crisler is out,"
When informed of the bull
the Wolverine coach said,
statement is correct."
Crisler will formally anno
this decision in a press confer
to be held at 10:15 a.m. toda3
The sudden climax came on
heels of a series of rapid-fire
velopments which occurred f
terday. They were:
1. A meeting between Pres(
Alexander G. Ruthven and Cr;
yesterday morning;
2. Two hurried meetings yes
rector with the full Mich
coaching staff and the Boar
Control of Intercollegiate 4
3. An indirect admission I
University of California offici
a telephone conversation with
Daily last night that the sc:
had made Crisler an offer, a i
ter of mere conjecture up i
Last night The Daily c
Dean Brutus Hamilton, ac
manager of athletics at the 1
versity of California, and inqu
if he had "received a reply fi
Mr. Crisler concerning accepti
of your offer."
He replied, "No, we have
We are expecting to hear #
When asked what Cris4
position was when he left C
fornia, Hamilton said, "He,
somewhat interested. We
also waiting to hear from him
connection with several ot
Crisler talked with Presi4
Ruthven yesterday morning,
neither the Athletic Director
the President would discuss
talk. Dr. Ruthven could noi
reached for further comment
night, after the call to Califoi
Following a meeting of the
coaching staff early in the a
noon, Crisler met with mem
of the Board in Control of Ir
collegiate Athletics at 4:30
yesterday. Again he would
say what had taken place.
The Wolverine football co
of the past nine years called
Board together in order to el
ify the events of the past I
weeks and discuss his pres
position. He explained his r
sons for making his recent I
to California, exactly what t4
place while he was there, a

the matters which he has ui
consideration at present.
Before this meeting, mem
of the Board appeared uneez
as to what to expect. Profe
Ralph W. Aigler, Michigan's W
ern Conference representative
a member of the Board, see:
hopeful that Crisler could stil
persuaded to remain at Michi
Following this conference
Athletic Publicity Office n
the announcement about Cris
press conference to be held
CtinodaQTiqrin.m ill

man, is 36,

Coed Surveys Italian Colleges, Soeiety

White Shirt Shortage Acute;'
Local Stores See Little Relief

Students who have difficulty
meeting tuition expenses here
should try the University of Rome
where it costs only 25 American
cents to enroll. Elinor Moxness, a
TTniversity student who recently

since I had to use an interpreter,"
Miss Moxness pointed out.
The university buildings are big
and modern, she indicated, and
were probably built by Mussolini.
The campus "seemed bigger to me
than Michigan. but that might

rants and hotels it has become
customary to tip with cigarettes.
Even children attempt to buy or
barter theit on the street.
Even though two and one-half
years have elapsed since Italy's
surrender, bomb craters can still

If you're looking for white shirts
men, forget it.
A Daily survey of Ann Arbor's
men's clothing stores revealed an
acute shortage of men's white
shirts, with no immediate or near-
future prospects for a better sit-
Numerous store owners said

Ringing a different tone, one
store owner said that he had a,
few white shirts in all sizes. An-
other one said he had white shirts
in "most of the usual sizes."
By and large, however, the
owners indicated that they had
fpwrr if n ,r ,r,1, c h i . ..a .,..,

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