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April 24, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-24

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Da iijy


Latest Deadline in the State

u-- ,-

Campus-Wide Referendum
To Be Held on MYDA Ban
Student Legislature Protests By-passing
Of Committee on Studen Affairs in 'U' Acion

The Student Legislature, join-
ing protests against President
Ruthven's ban of MYDA, decided
last night to lay his action before
the student body on a campus-
wide referendum.
Indications were that the spe-
Varied Faculty
Opinion Meets
MYDA Ruling
Law School Dean
Approves Decision
Seven faculty members yester-
day expressed divergent opinions
on the University banning of
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action Tuesday,
Dean E, Blythe Stason, of the
law school, upheld President Ruth-
ven's action with the following
"In view of the connection of
the MYDA with outside organi-
zations whose propaganda pro-
grams it espouses, I do not see
how the University could do
otherwise than withdraw recog-
"The withdrawal is no interfer-
ence with individual freedom of
speech and students are perfectly
free to entertain and express po-
litical beliefs as they will.
"But the University has edu-
cational responsibilities and it
cannot by its recognition of a
student organization permit it
to, use University facilities to
further the interests of an out-
side organization wthose pJngl
range objectives are deemed by
appropriate federal authorities
to be inimical to our govern-
Taking a different stand, Prof.
Theodore M. Newcomb, of the psy-
chology and sociology depart-
ments, issued the following state-
"Students in a ta-supported
university are entitled to the same
constitutional guarantees of civil
liberties, in my judgment, as are
other citizens. The only alleged
evidence on the basis of which the
University can rightfully proceed
against MYDA is kept in the hands
of a single Federal official who
plays both prosecutor and judge
Until open charges are made of
overt acts in the face of 'clear and
present danger,' the members of
MYDA are accused of nothing be-
yond the realm of belief and opin-
"I have reason to believe that
the administrative authorities
of the University if Michigan
share with me the conviction
that the most precious of Uni-
versity traditions is that of free
and open competition of ideas,
and t'hat they are also commit-
ted to the principles of the Bill
of Rights. I can pnly conclude,
therefore, that the recent action
in respect to MYDA has been
reluctantly decided upon in view
of extreme pressure from out-
siders who are either unaware of
or indifferent to the issues of
civil liberties and of competition
In the realm of ideas,
"Those who are concerned over
these issues owe it to the Univer-
sity authorities to give them
See MYDA, Page 6
Forum Is Set
Byi H-lw all
A second requiest for the use of

Hill Auditoriun for a "forum on
academic freedom," to be held at,
4 :30 p.m. tomorrow under the
sponsorship of Student Town
Uall, was accepted yesterday by
the University lousiness office.
Bette Hamilton, Town Hall
c'hairman, announced that the
forim will include four speakers,
representing the Committee for
Academic Freedom, the University
religious community, a group of
law students who have been do-
ing research work on the legal
aspects of academic freedom and
possibly the University admini-
Other students and f a c it l t y
im embers r e pr e sen tin g various

cial committee appointed to draw
up the referendum would ask
campus opinion on the Legisla-
ture's protest resolution, opposing
the withdrawal of recognition on
the grounds that it by-passed the
Committee on Student Affairs, the
"traditionally and logically con-
stituted group maintained to han-
dle such matters,"
Not Unanimous
The resolution, which faild of
a unanimous vote through the
opposition of Legislators Polly
Hanson, Dick Kelly and Walt
Klee, asks for a "public review of
the situation before an open SAC
meeting" and "a clear statement
of the specific charges brought a-
gainst MYDA."
Asserting that the ban is a
"threat to the free activity of
every campus organization," the
Legislature said, "we deeply re-
gret that the pressure brought to
bear upon the administration of
this University should force it
to act in such undemocratic
"No Group Should Be Banned"
"We believe that no student
group should be banned unless
regulations have been clearly stat-
ed in advance governing conduct
of student organizations, specific
charges have been brought against
the group in an official SAC meet-
ing and it is proved to the sat-
isfaction df the SAC that there
are adequate grounds on the ba-
sis of existing regulations."
The Legislature also went on
record as backing the "definitive
statement on academic freedom
set forth by the Committee an
Academic Freedom." The state-
ment appeared in The Daily Ap-
ril 3.
Before the action was taken
against MYDA, the Legislature
had written to Senator Matthew
Callahan, inviting him to a Leg-
islature meeting to outline his
policy for the proposed investi-
gation of subversive activities on
campus and offering to cooperate
in the investigation.
Trigonr, AVC
Protest Ban
Of AYD Group
Residents of Trigon fraternity
and AVC executive committee is-
sued statements yesterday object
ing to the withdrawal of recogni-
tion from the campus chapter of
Michigan Youth for Democratic
The AVC evecutive committee
asked students to attend the
Town Hall forum on academic
freedom tomorrow in Hill Audi-
torium, and registered a "strong
objection" to withdrawal of rec-
ognition "without at least bring-
ing all pertinent facts before the
'entire student body"
In a petition, 62 residents of
Chicago House, West Quad said,
"We believe the banning of the
campus chapter of the MYDA to
be wholly inconsistent with the
principles of a free university at-
mosphere and to violate a basic
tenet of our democracy--freedom
of expression. We urge President
Ruthven either to reconsider his
action or to present in open dis-
cussion the facts of the case, al-
lowing a defense against such ac-

CLOSE HARMONY-Shown above is the University Men s Glee
Club quartet with leader Harry McCain, assistant cond'ictor of
the club. Standing, left to right, are Rowland McLaughlin, Will-
iam Phebus, Jack Jensen and William Jensen. The qvartet will
be featured at }the annual spring concert of the glee clu7, at 8 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Men's Glee Club Will Bcul
Cassical, Trulitional Song S
. . . 11

the Men's

music will mix with
Michigan songs when
Glee Club presents its

Gale Parade
To Tell Story
Of Michigras
Floats to Advertise
Carnival Attractions
In traditional carnival style,
Michigras will sponsor a gala pa-
rade at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Preceding the carnival, which
will be held from 7:30 p.m. to mid-
night tomorrow end Saturday, the
parade will feature floats advertis-
ing Michigras attractions.
The University Marching Band
and the Girls' Drum and Bugle
-Corps of Ypsilanti will participate
in the parade, which will also in-
clude horses from local stables, bi-
cycles and motorbikes.
The paraders will assemble on
East Ann St. at 3:45 p.m. The
route they will follow will be: East
Ann to Fifth, Fifth to Huron,
Huron to Main, Main to Liberty,
Liberty to State, State L'o South
University and South University to
East University.
Prizes will be awarded on the
basis of originality, cleverness, de-
sign, workmanship, and effective-
ness of presentation to entries in
the float and bicycle divisions.
houses participating in the pa-
rade include: Fletcher Hall, Delta
Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Phi
Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta,
Phi Beta Pi. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
with Chi Omega, and Sigma Chi.
The list continues with: Theta
Delta Chi. Theta Xi with Delta
Delta Delta, Kappa Kappa Gan-
ma, Delta Upsilon, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Xi
Delta with Sigma Nu, Delta Tau
Delta, and the Student Book Ex-
Students wishing to enter the
bicycle and motorbike division
may do so by calling Chuck Bailie
at 2-3189 for bicycles and Don
Bowman at East Quad for motor-

annual spring concert at 8 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
In addition to group presenta-
tion, a quartet composed of Row-
land McLaughlin, Willai Phe-
bus, Jack Jensen and William Jen-
sen, accompanied by Assistant
Conductor Harry McCain, will
sing a group of light numbers.
Baritone Eugene Malitz, former
soloist with the Navy Choir, will
present "On the Road to Manda-
lay" as part of the Glee Club con-
Under the direction of Prof.
David Mattern, of the music
school, the 55-member Glee Club
will open the program with the
traditional "Laudes Atque Car-
mina." This will be followed by se-
lections from Mozart, Brahms,
Handel, Gounod and Verdi.
"A Michigan Kaleidoscope," con-
sisting of Michigan songs will be
included in the second portion of
the concert. The audience will
join the Glee Club in the informal
presentation of traditional songs.
Prof. Mattern has headed the
Department of Music Education
in the music school since 1929,
and also has been conducting the
University Extension Orchestra in
Detroit for many years. Before
turning to conducting and teach-
ing, he was a violinist in the
Rochester Philharmonic Orches-
The Glee Club has recently re-
turned from a spring Iour of
Michigan and Ohio during which
it visited Cincinnati, Toledo, High-
land Park, Detroit and Bay City.
Is I re t ;(
I~caee, 1) .li
Ihe "disenfraneljismniciit" of
Negroes in the United States hurts
democracy all over the world and
is inaking peace more difficult.
Dr. W. E. B. Dubois, special re-
search director of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, said yesterday.
Discussed South
Speaking on "'Tlie Amrican
Negro in the World Today," ,D
Dubois cited the voting record of
the South as "disgraceful and
threatening," in that representa-
tives can be elected by a small
oronortion of the people. Because
of the reservoir of chea labor
in the South, he said, investors
and monopolists are being at-
tracted there more than to any
other section of the country, con-
stituting a danger to all of con-
trol by powerful corporations.
It is of the greatest importance
he asserted, that the actual situ
ation regarding the Negro, in co-
onies as well as in this country,
be brought to the United Nations,
whose charter upholds thw basc
humnan right, The UN repudiates
colonization, Dr Dubois said. add
ing that colonization cannot stand
of the UN lasts.
Tru )ltDocr il
The Truman Doctrine,howeer.
is cliculated to "strangle the UN,"
he declared, and American inte-
vention in Greece will only make
understanding of the question
more difficult over a longer period
of time.

'High Prices'
Boost Rents
In Law Club
G isiore Tels
Iinance Problem
Law Club residents were told last
night that rents must be raised 15
per cent effective July 1 because'
"we're in an era of high prices."
Addressing the residents in the
club's usually staid lounge, Prof.
Grove' C. Orismore, secretary-
treasurer of the Board of Gover-
nors, denied that the Board could
"hold the line" on Law Club prices.
He spoke in response to peti-
tions by irate residents of the club
and to a resolution of the Law
Club Council, passed by a three to
two vote Monday night, which de-
"In view of the national policy
to hold the present price line, the
members of the Law Club Coun-
cil wish to express disapproval of
the announced raise in rentals..: -
Depressed Finances
Facing his audience of approxi-
mately 100 students, Prof. Gris-
more painted a picture of de-
pressed Law Club finances.
He told the residents:
1. That the club had an "operat-
ing surplus" for the current fiscal
year of $11,000 as of March 31, but
that what the surplus will be at
the end of the fiscal year is "in the
lap of the gods." (Prospects for a
$15,000 surplus were revealed
earlier this week.)
2. That "an operating surplus is
not a profit."
3. That the Law Club,"will not
make one cent of profit this year."
4. That the club has a cumula-
tive surplus of approximately $80,-
000 for building maintenance and
another of approximately $40,-
000 for equipment replacement.
5. That the Board of Governors
at its last meeting appropriated
$40,000 with which to make "a
fair start on rehabilitating rooms."
'Era of High Prices'
He told the residents that "we
have to face the fact we're in an
era of high prices."
He pointed out that "we (the
Board of Governors) aren't rais-
ing prices-we're trying to stay in
line (with rent scales for Univer-
sity residence halls)."
Early in his remarks to the resi-
dents, Prof. Grismore said that by
the terms of the agreement be-
Tops. 19,000
For the first time in University
history the final enrollment fig-
ure has topped the 19,000 mark.
When the registration count
was closed, enrollment for the
spring semester stood at 19,137,
Registrar Ira M. Smith announced
yesterday. 11,487 veterans are
now attending the University,
compared to 7,650 non-veterans.
Increases in the majority of the
14 schools and colleges reversed
for the second time in University
history the usual spring semester
Final enrollment for the fall
semester was 18,848.
Early enrollment figures showed
a ratio of 3 to 1 for men and
women. The enrollment figure
for men increased this semester
almost twice as much as the coed

voaulation decreased.
Major increases were reported
by the Graduate School and the
business administration school
while- the largest decreases were
found in the Medical School and
the nursing school.

Acting on widespread dissatis-
faction with conditions at the
West Lodge cafeteria, the Univer-
sity has decided to take over the
operation of the eating place ef-
fective June 30.
The announcement f o11 o w s
closely the report submitted by the
Willow Village AVC which indi-
cated that an overwhelming ma-
jority of residents polled in a
recent survey cited a need for
drastic improvement in the cafe-
teria. The complaints were reg-
istered in terms of cleanliness,
food quality, food preparation,,
and cost.
Shiel Notified
Walt Hoffman, chairman of the
Village AVC, was notified of the
action by Francis C. Shiel, busi'
ness manager of residence halls.
Vice-president Robert P. Briggs,
in a statement to The Daily yes-
terday, disclosed that a University
representative originally had vis-
ited the cafeteria at periodic in-
tervals, surveying the general sit-
uation there. For a number of
weeks, however, a representative
has visited the cafeteria daily. He
added that the Present policy of
daily visits will be continued, and
that "every effort will be made to
supply quality food at reasonable
cost under sanitary conditions."
Standards of Cleanliness
Hoffman disclosed that the Uni-
versity, when it takes over this
summer, will operate the cafeteria
according to the standards of
cleanliness, quality and cost cur-
rently in effect in its dormitories.
Several dormitory chefs will be
delegated to supervise the food
"The 'Village AVC, and prob-
ably the bulk of the students liv-
ing in the Village, are well satis-
fied with the action," Hofman
said. "Our investigation of stu-
dents' inmpressios of the cafeter-1
ia, and the University's daily
checks combined to give officials
a clear mandate for action, as
has now been taken.
Daily Inspections
"The disclosure that between
now and the effective date of the
Will Be Held
Nearly 1,000 University students
will receive recognition for schol-
astic achievement at the 24th an-
nual Honors Convocation at 11
a.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Classes will be dismissed at
10:45 a.m.
Marjorie Hope Nicolson, pro-
fessor of English in the Colum-
bia University graduate school,
will deliver the main address,
'"Merchants of Light." Prof. Nic-
Olson is a University graduate
holding A. B., A. M. and honorary
degrees here.
Seats will be reserved on the
main floor of the auditorium for
the students being honored and
their parents,
Undergraduate h o n o r s are
awarded to those students who
have attained an average equiva-
lent to at least half 'A' and half
'B'. Graduate students are se-
lected for outstanding achivement
in special fields. Fellowship and
scholarship holders and the rea
cipients of special awards are like-
wise honored for outstanding
achievement in particular fields.
Academic costume will be worn,
but there will be no academic
procession. Faculty members may
utilize the dressing rooms in Hill
Auditorium for robing.

'U' To Assume Operation
Of West Lodge Cafeteria
Village AVC Investigation Report Revealing
Unsatisfactory Conditions Leads to Action

action, the University's policy of
daily visits will be continued is
a decided relief to those who
feared that the concessionaires
in their last weeks of operation
would make no attempt to im-
prove conditions."
The survey conducted last week
by an eleven-man AVC committee
headed by William A. Klein, re-
vealed that 416 of the 460 who
completed the forms felt that the
food served at the West Lodge
cafeteria should be improved, A
great majority felt too that con-
ditions had not changed since last
December when a similar survey
elicited similar results and a re-
quest from the University that
the situation be corrected.

Senate Group
Votes New
Housing Plan
15 Million Homes
In Decade Is Aim
iy 'The Associated Press
WAHINGTON, April 23-By a
one vote margin, the Senate
Banking Committee today approv-
ed legislation aimed at construc-
tion of 15,000,000 homes during
hte next 10 years at a estimated
cost to the government of $7,500,-
The stated long-range goal: A
decent home and suitable living
environment for every American
The measure, known as the
Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill, won
committee endorsement, 7 to 6,
when Senator Maybank (Dem.,
S.C.) cast the deciding vote by
telephone from Annapolis, Md.
His ballot broke a 6 to 6 dead-
The close committee vote ap-
parently foreshadows a drive to
kill the bill when it comes up for
debate in the Senate.
The bill provides for:
1. A national housing commis-
sion under an administrator.
2. A program of home owner-
ship and rental housing for
lower income families. This
would authorize down payments
of only five percent on homes
costing up to $5,000. The bal-
ance would be covered by insur-
ed 30-year loans at four per cent
3. A public housing program,
with a 45-year financing period,
calling for construction of 500,000
dwelling units during the' first
four years after enactment of the
bill. To help with construction
costs and to keep rents low, the
federal government would subsi-
dize local housing agencies.
Clearance of slum and
bhghted areas. Federal sub-
sidies for this purpose would
amount to $4,000,000 annually
for five years, then jump to
$20,000,009 during each of the
next 40 years.
e 5. A farm hosing program un-
der direction of the agriculture
department. This authorizes 33-
t year loans at interest up to four
per cent,
6. A research program by the
e national housing agency. The
A purpose: to provide technical ad-
i vice and guidance to commUni-
s ties for local housing studies, sur-
e veys and planning.
SVeteran Bonus..,
STurned Down
By U Y )Student
A University graduate student,
e Lenwood Paddock, 32, is the first
f Michigan veteran to refuse the
p recently passed state bonus, it was
revealed yesterday.
y Ac'cording to the state Adjutant
- General's office in Lansing, Pad-
dock has relinquished all claims to
the bonus. In a letter to that of-
fice, Paddock said "enough is
enough," He said he had already
received- terminal leave pay, an2d

is completing hiss graduate work
under ,the G. . Bill of Rights.
Paddock, whose home is in Ish-
I peming, has an excellent 'army
record, according to the Adjutant
General's office. He spent 44
d months in the army, 34 of them
d overseas where he was awarded
i two battle stars. Paddock lives
Mat West Lodge in Willow Village.

. - - plays leading role
Shaw Play,
'St. Joan',
Opents Today
"Saint Joan," Qeorge Bernard
Shaw's dramatization of the lif
of the famous French Saint, will be
presented by the speech depart-
ment's play production classes at
8:30 p.m. today through Saturday
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Judy Greengard will star in th
prodution as St. Joan, with
James Holmes, Dick Stewart, Sara
Rich, John Babington, Charles
Benjamin, Rober Cleary, Joyce
Katz and Donald Clapp in other
leading roles.
The play deals with the inci
dents in Joan's career from the
time she miraculously leads the
French forces to victor y
through her subsequent betraya
to her enemies and death at the
stake, to her canonization by th
Church years after her death.
Prof. William Halstead, of th
speech department, is director o
the play with Robert Mellancaml
in charge of scenery.
Tickets for all performances ma,
be obtained at the Lydia Mendels
sohn Theatre box office.
Walter Lauds
Student Vets
Cities Cooperatoll it
Filing Late Reports
Student veterans were praise
yesterday by Erich A. Walter, Di
rector of the Office of Studen
Affairs, for their cooperation i
filing delinquent absence report
A week ago today Walter sent
out letters to delinquent veteran
asking them to bring their ab
sence reports up to date by Fri
In a statement to The Dail
Walter said, "May I thank ou
veterans for their cooperation ii
acting immediately upon my re
quest that they compliete thei
absence reports. :Because of thei
fine cooperation, the Veteran'
Service Bureau is now able to clea
its records so that our veteran
record with the Veterans Admiao
istration will be correct,"
New dApproval
Deadlie Set
The deadline for securing at)

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, April 23, -The CIO United Auto Workers, asking
General Motors' to arbitrate the 3%/2-cent difference stalemating their
wage negotiations, invited GM President C. E. Wilson tonight to
attend the pay parleys.
Described by UAW President Walter P. Reuther as now "hopelessly
deadlocked," the negotiations have bogged down in the conflict over
a flat 15-cent hourly wage increase or GM's offer to include paid
holidays within that sujn.
MOSCOW, April 23 - The Foreign Mi'dstes Council eared
the break-up of its longest andl perlhaps most hectic conference
tonight with major issues unsolved, The miisters agreed to try
to wind up their Moscow meeting tomorrow.
In a session which was delayed two hours in startingT U. S.
Secretary of State Marshall charged the Soviet Union with block-
ing action on the treaty for Austria and declared the United
States favored referring the whole problem to the United Nations
Assembly if a treaty is iot completed by the time the Assembly
meets in September.
* * * *

Japanese Barbour Scholar
Given Help By .PU' Students

i ~

Vets' Checks
Are Held Here
The Ann Arbor Main Post Of-
fice is holding government checks
f or the following veterans:
Buben, Peter, Chamberlin, Mar
garet B.; Clark, Robert E.;, Coats,
Lowell S.; Freeman, Tracy S.;
Ford, William A.
Gannon, John S.; Keene, Ethel
Mary; Kudla, Walter W.; Lan-
ham, Frank Wesley; Lapp, John
C.; McGargar, Joseph Reeder -2.
McCullough, Gene N.; McLean,
Alexander B.; Nadell, Melvin L.;
Ohara, Bernard E.; Parkin, Earl
J.; Peer, Dale T.
Peterson, William W.-2; Pot-
ter, William Charles; Quekemey-

University students "came
through" in a, big way to help Ann
Katsuizumi, Japanese Barbour
scholar who owed University Hos-
vital a debt of six pints of blood.
Nine students donated blood to
the Blood Bank at the hospital to
replace that which Ann had re-
Cuired during the first of three
major operations for pulmonary

which appealed to the campus to
come forward, that she "could
hardly believe it" when she was
The donors were Eleanor B.
Bond, Charles G. Hibbard, Allison
Hale, Enna R. Hedeman, Richard
C. Ford, Marjorie M. Tompkins,
Kameo Sugino, Donald Wood and
Wilma Kemlin.
An ha: heAn inder the are of

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