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April 23, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-23

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WEDNESDAY. APRIil fliLY23. 1M7"3



Housing Units

ACCORDING to the New York Herald
Tribune, administration economists have
been whispering into Mr. Truman's perhaps
reddening ear the unhappy news that only
750,000 housing units will be started this,
year, as compared with 1,000,000 last year.
This is very strange, because the exit of
Mr. Wilson Wyatt as national housing ad-
ministrator on December 4 was supposed to
be the signal for a new burst of housing
acitvity. Oh, those wonderful days of last
December when so many little conservatives
believed that we had only to throw out our
housing controls, and get rid of priorities,
and set our construction industry free( free,
do you hear, free) to start a tremendous
housing boom. Something must have been
wrong with the theory, because it hasn't
happened. And come to think of it, there
has been a great deal of theoretical wreck-
age scattered over the landscape since late
last fall.
One can remember when Senators
pounded each other on the back in delight
and gratification over Mr. Wyatt's resig-
nation, and assured each other and the
world hotly haw now, with the silly pri-'
orities and allocations gone, houses would
jump from the earth like the crocuses of
Instead there appears to be something like
a construction recession under way. It is a
curious recession, for during it building ma-
terials companies are reported to be making
unprecedented profits, even on volume that
is far below expectations; some lumber com-
pany earnings are reported at 400 per cent
above normal. And Mr. Truman is declared
to be planning a campaign of "moral sua-
sion" to induce all interested parties to give
us some housing at reasonable cost, though
it doesn't say whether he is merely going
to take his hat off and ask pretty, or get
down on his knees and beg.
All this represents a major theoretical
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

debacle; the evil result has followed the
adoption of the wrong theory as neatly and
patly as the tinkle of glass follows the heav-
ing of a brick through a window.
And don't look now, but we are of course
in something of the same condition as re-
gards prices. In this field, too, we had
precisely the same Congressional jubila-
tion at the end of control and the same
hearty promises that if only we allowed
prices to be free (free, do you hear) they
would soon settle down. Instead, prices
are at about the highest point in twenty-
seven years, and the Wall Street Journal
says that Mr. Truman has had only "a
dozen or so" price cutting reports, in re-
sponse to his requests, none of them
It would be hard to find more striking
examples in history of complete theoretical
collapse, and if we were the kind of people
who called our Congressmen to account, the
heat content of the ensuing blushes would
be nearly enough to make up for the world
coal shortage.
Senator Taft now tells us, as if by way of
reassurance, that the cost of living "has
hardly increased at all during the last four
months." To reach this conclusion, the
Senator selects last December as his base
for making comparisons, two months after
the wild initial rise which put food prices
up nearly fifty percent; what he is really
saying is that the cost of living hasn't gone
up since it hit the sky. The Senator need go
only three months further back in making
his comparisons to paint a picture of a
quite different sort.
The story of the year remains the story
of how a certain theory regarding the way
to run our affairs has had a major test, and
has failed. A great deal of profit has been
made out of the ending of controls, but
conservative opinion is paying a definite
price for this, in the erosion of its philoso-
phy, the wreckage of its grand idea that the
way to save a complex economy, in a diffi-
cult time of transition, is to let nature take
its course. It will be hard for conservatism,
in any similar future urgency, to peddle
with conviction the doctrine that the way
out is to throw 140,000,000 people into a rat
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)

Congress and the NAM

Res in Egypt
CAIRO, April 20-Animals in Egypt, and in
most other Middle Eastern countries,
are more valuable commodities than people.
The donkeys, horses and camels are on the
whole better fed, housed and cared for than
the unfortunate fellahin. A few years back,
Americans could afford to react to this in-
formation with an indifference only faintly
tinged with a mild and distant indignation.
It has now become, however, a fact which
closely affects the vital American interest.
For Egypt, like a number of other states in
this area, is a Marxist's dream of a deca-
dent capitalist state rushing headlong down
the Gadarene slope toward social revolution.
The Soviet Union may well now have tem-
porarily shelved any plans for military ex-
pansion in this area in the near future. Yet
enormous opportunities remain for political
expansion, and there are many signs that
the Soviets intend to exploit these oppor-
tunities, and to exploit them far more as-
tutely than in the past.
This exploitation is now only in the pre-
liminary stage. The center of direction for
all Communist activity in the Middle East
is Beirut, and the supreme commander of
this activity is a Soviet official with the
curious name of Daniel S. Solad. Solad
knew nothing about Middle Eastern af-
fairs when he first arrived as a secretary,
in the Soviet Embassy in Cairo some years
ago, but according to those who have met
him, he is a clever man. He has caught on
very quickly.
This intelligence and aptitude are re-
flected in the current Soviet and Communist
line in Egypt and elsewhere in this area.
For Solad and his superiors in Moscow have
clearly recognized that the old-style propa-
ganda, with its anti-religious, materialistic
and rigidly Marxist overtones is not suited
to the social pattern of the Middle East.
Therefore, a new approach has been devised,
with three principal points of emphasis,
each designed for maximum effect.
The first is Mohammedanism. The Sovi-
ets have apparently recognized that their
anti-religious reputation in the intensely re-
ligious Middle East is a hurdle which must
be removed. Therefore, every care is taken
to present the Soviet Union as the great
friend and protector of the Moslem faith.
The Soviet Ambassador in Cairo, Abdul
Rachman Sultanoff, is a somewhat osten-
tatiously devout Moslem, who appears with
becoming and highly visible regularity at
the mosque. A great Soviet Mohammedan
university has been established at Tashkent
in Central Asia, and promising young Mos-
lem intellectuals are given free courses there.
The Soviet radio regularly beams toward the
Middle East readings from the Koran, a
great and difficult art beautifully performed
by the Soviet readers. Soviet radio propa-
gandists have even spoken kindly of the
extreme right-wing Moslem brotherhood.
And so on.
Second, there is nationalism. This re-
duces itself in effect to the cry, "out with
the British," repeated both on the Mos-
cow radio and by members of secret Com-
munist cells, who are instructed to repeat
anti-British and anti-foreign stories in
the bazaars, without giving the source.
Here the Soviets are tapping a rich vein,
for a violent nationalist zenophobia is one
of the chief underlying factors in Middle
Eastern politics.
Finally, the third point of Soviet emphasis
is simply change. Change is the basic So-
viet point, and it is in the long run their
strongest point. For they stand for revolu-
tion in a situation which throughout the
Middle East is essentially revolutionary.
There is no expert in this area-even among
the normally highly conservative British
Colonial Office officials-who is not con-
vinced that a blow-up will come sooner or

later, and probably sooner.
Certainly it is possible to exaggerate the
immediate possibilities of pro-Soviet revo-
lution in the Middle Eastern countries.
Americans especially, newly arrived here, are
apt to suffer from what one old Middle East
hand calls the "What, no Crane plumbing?"
psychology. There's sure to be a revolution
tomorrow. It must be borne in mind that
there never has been Crane plumbing, or
indeed enough to eat, for the mass of the
people in the Middle East, and that the age-
less dumb lethargy of the peasants has keut
the social structure essentially unchanged
since the Middle Ages.
Yet under certain circumstances the un-
derfed fellal is capable of a sudden wolfish
ferocity. During the recent rioting in Cairo
a British military policeman was mobbed
and hanged. When he was cut down, his
body was found to bear the marks of teeth;
in a hysteria of rage the crowds had bitten
right through the heavy stuff of his battle
dress. The hatred of which this is a symbol
is now turned against the British, and to a
lesser extent against the Christian minori-
ties (news of anti-Christian riots in Zigazag
and elsewhere has recently been suppressed
by the Egyptian authorities.) But it is cap-
able of being turned elsewhere, and in the
opinion of many expert observers, sooner or
later it will be.
(Copright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-

Mason Hall.

Please observe the I

VOL. LVII, No. 139


Canada is fortunate in not having a Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers to ride
herd on its Parliament. The result is that
the economy in Canada is much sounder
than it is here in the United States. The
NAM, a year ago, poured out hundreds of
thousands of dollars in propaganda to the
effect that if we would only take off price
controls, production would increase enor-
mously and prices would fall automatically.
Furthermore the opponents of the OPA were
strengthened by the fact that the OPA itself
was not a thing of perfect virtue, but a
mechanism shot through with politics, stu-
pidity, and favoritism from the very begin-
ning for this industry or that consumer
group. The NAM was fortunate enough to
have a Republican Congress, and some Dem-
ocats, too, who believed that it knew its
business. Today we know that we are the
victims of our own credulity. Thanks to
an economically illiterate Congress, OPA
was destroyed instead of strengthened. Now,
instead of prices going down, they are going
The goods and services which still remain
subject to price control are the basic foods,
practically all articles of clothing, boots and
shoes, most textile home furnishings, coal
and wood fuels, automobiles, tires and gaso-
line, rentals, restaurant prices, and a variety
of heavy materials such as steel, copper, rub-
ber, lumber and pulp.
Last week, the Canadian Government
agreed to a 10 percent maximum increase
in. rentals for all housing. But this increase
will be permitted only in cases where the
landlord is prepared to enter into a renewal
lease with the tenant for a minimum term
of two years. Such a lease may be termin-
ated by the tenant at any time on thirty
days' notice, although it is binding on the
landlord for the full two-year term.
In January of this year, Douglas Ab-
bott, Minister of Finance issued a state-

ment reviewing Canada's Price Control
Program. He said in part: "At the begin-
ning of 1946, it was hoped that the year
would see a long step toward the removal
of emergency controls. Material progress
was made in removing and reducing cer-
tain subsidies and in suspending less im-
portant items from the provisions of price
control. Unfortunately, however, external
conditions, particularly in the United
States, increased the pressures on Can-
adian prices and delayed decontrol.
"The menace of soaring prices is begin-
ning to recede in some directions. Never-
theless, prices of many basic foods, clothing,
certain basic materials, and rentals would
increase very substantially if all controls
were now removed . . . The list of items re-
maining under control. . . affords continued
protection to the consumer in the places
where the risk and the effects of rising
prices are greatest."
The wisdom of Mr. Abbott's words, and
of the Canadian policy, is demonstrated by
the fact that while the American cost of
living was rising 23 percent, the Canadian
advanced but seven percent, over the same
When the Congress of the United States
was voting the abandonment of Price
Control, every poll of public opinion
showed unmistakably that the American
people believed in the maintenance of
price control. The Congress ignored the
people's expressed wishes and crooned the
"free competitive economy" lullabies of
the National Association of Manufactur-
The Congress would have been wiser if
it had represented the people and establish-
ed a workable price control. The Congress-
men who have been cuddling close to the
NAM and taking its bad advice may find it
difficult in 1948 to explain to the people why
they put their money on the wrong horse.
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)

s I
Tm l s g .V.SPe.Off.-A1169 .rrl
"I hope WE don't live long enough to start actin' like that."

Honors Convocation. The 24th
Annual Honors Convocation, 11
a.m., Fri., April 25, Hill Auditor-
ium, will be addressed by Dr. Mar-
jorie Hope Nicolson, professor of
English at Columbia University.
Academic costume will be worn.
There will be no academic pro-
cession. Faculty members will
utilize the dressing rooms in the
rear of the Auditorium for robing
and proceed thence to their seats
on the stage. Reserved seats on
the main floor will be provided
for students receiving honors for
academic achievement, and for
their parents. To permit attend-
ance at the Convocation, classes
with the exception of clinics, will
be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors
of the Auditorium will be open
at 10:30 a.m. The public is in-
School of Education Faculty,
Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon., April 28,1
University Elementary School Lib-
Women Students registered for
the School of Education testing
program have 11 p.m. permission
on April 22 and 24.
Senior Engineers. Today is the
last day that senior engineers,
who have paid their class dues,
may get their caps and gowns for
Honors Convocation at the Gar-
den Room, Michigan League, 2
to 4 p.m.
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical
History Prize:
Awarded annually to a junior or
senior premedical student in the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts for writing the best essay
on some topic concerning the his-
tory of medicine.
The following topics are accept-
1. History of a Military Medical
2. Medical-Aid Man.
3. Medicine 'in Industry.
4. Tropical Medicine.
5. Another topic , accepted by
the Committee in charge.
A first prize of $75 and a second
prize of $50 is being offered. Man-
uscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000
words in length, and should be
typed, double spaced, on one side
of the paper' only. Contestants
musthsubmit two copies of their
manuscripts. All manuscripts
should be handed in at Rm. 1220,
Angell Hall by May 1.
The Naval Operating Base
School at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
has a number of teaching posi-
tions for women in the early ele-
mentary grades, Spanish, library
science, general science, mathe-
matics, home economics, manual
training, physical education, art
and music. Salaries are good, in-
cluding maintenance and trans-
portation from and to Miami, Fla.
Full information is available at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201

new schedule in visiting the office
-Resident students on Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday.
The Juneau Public Schools, Ju-
neau, Alaska, has vacancies in the
following fields for the year 1947-
1948: Superintendent, elementary,
music and art supervisor, history
and civics, secretary to the super-
intendent, athletic coach, band
leader, English, commercial, 7th
and 8th grades, and languages.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall.
Attention Underclassmen:
Kellogg Company of Battle
Creek plans to select several men
for summer employment of a
general factory nature with pros-
pects for permanent jobs. Mechan-
ical, electrical, civil, chemical en-
gineers, business administration
and chemistry majors and others
in similar courses preparing for
industrial careers will beconsid-
U.S. Civil Service announces an
examination for probational ap-
pointment to the position of En-
gineer (Grades P-2 to P-4) with
the Bureau of Reclamation in the
western states.
State of Michigan Civil Service
announces examinations for Lib-
rary Executive (III) and for High-
way Designing Engineer (III).
Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces examinations for the
following; Junior and Senior
Operating Engineer; Communi-
cable Disease, General Staff, and
Public Health Nurses; Junior and
Senior Medical Technologist; So-
cial Case Worker and Student So-
cial Worker.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Wed., April 23, 8 p.m., "Among
the New Books," Dr. Leonard A.
Parr, Ann Arbor First Congre-
gational Church.
Thurs., April 24, 8 p.m., Art
Craft Work Shop.
Fri., April 25, 8 p.m., Dupli-
cate Bridge.
University Lecture: Dr. Loren
C. Eiseley, professor of anthropol-
ogy, Oberlin College, will lecture
on "Human Origins in the Light
of Recent Discoveries," at 4:10
p.m., Auditorium, Kellogg Bldg.,
Thurs., April 24; auspices of the
Department of Anthropology. Ev-
eryone cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Ernest
C. Hassold, Department of Eng-
lish, University of Louisville, will
lecture on the subject, "The Ba-
roque and the Search for Basic
Concepts" (illus.), at 8 p.m.,
Thurs,. April 24, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Fine Arts. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lee-
tures. Professor Allan Johnson, of
Princeton University will lecture
on "Egypt and the Roman Em-
pire." These lectures are given in
a series: fifth lecture, "Taxation
in the Byzantine Period," Wed.,

April 23; sixth lecture, "Byzan-
tine Administration," Thurs., Ap-
ril 24. Both lectures will be given
at 4:15 p.m.. Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Univer-
sity of Michigan and the Archae-
ological Institute of America.
Mr. Bayard Lyon, Institute of
Chinese Language and Literature,
Yale University, will speak on the
subject, .Frequency counts of
char'acters appearing in Chinese
Texts," 8 p.m., Thurs., April 24.
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Auspices Department of Ori-
ental Languages and Literatures.
All interested are welcome.
The annual lectures in Petro-
leum Geology will be given this
year by Mr. Ira Cram of the Pure
Oil Company, a past-president of
the American Association of Petro-
leum Geologists. Pertinent data
regarding these lectures follows:
May 1, 4 p.m., Geologic Tools;
8 p.m., Geology is Useful (Univer-
sity Lecture).
May 2. 12:30 p.m., The Geolo-
gist's Opportunities in the Petro-
leum Industry.
All lectures will be given in Rm.
2054, Natural Science Bldg.
Academic Notices
Chemistry 3: There will be no
required lecture on either Wed.,
April 23, or Fri., April 25. How-
ever, at 4 p.m., Wed., April 23,
Rm. 165, Chemistry Bldg.. Mr.
Lewin will lecture on "Radioac-
tivity and Chemistry." Students
in both lecture sections are invit-
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics. 3 p.m., Wed., April 23, 317 W.
Engineering Bldg. Dr. Wilfred
Kincaid will speak on the Hodo-
graph method in subsonic com-
pressible flows.
Seminar in the Mathematics of
Relativity. 3 p.m., Thurs., April 24,
Rm. 3011, Angell Hall. Mr. Fal-
koff will continue his discussion of
Relativistic Field Theories.
Special Functions Seminar. 1
p.m., Wed., April 23, Rm. 3003,
Angell Hall. Mr. Sangrem will
talk on Rice's generalized hyper-
geometric polynomials.
Veterans' Tutorial Program:
Chemistry (3)-Mon., 7-8 p.m.,
122 Chem, S. Lewin; Wed.-Fri.,
5-6 p.m., 122 Chem, S. Lewin; (4)
-Mon. 7-8 p.m., 151 Chem, R.
Keller; Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 151
Chem, R. Keller. (21)-Wed., 4-5
p.m., 122 Chem, R. Hahn.
English (1)-Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6
p.m., 2203 AH, D. Martin. (2)-
Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3209 AH,
D. Stocking.
French-(1)-Mon.-Thurs 4-5
p.m., 106 RL, A. Favreau. (2)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-6 p.m., 205 RL, F.
Gravit. (31) -Mon,-Thurs., 4-5,
p.m., 203 RL, J. O'Neill. (32)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 108 RL, A.
Spanish-(1)-Tu. - Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 203 RL, E. W. Thomas. (2)-
Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.m., 207 RIL, H.
Hootkins. (2) - Tu.-Thurs., 4-5
p.m., 207 RL, H. Hootkins. (31)-
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 210 RL, C.
German-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30
pm., 2016 AH, F. Reiss; Sat., 11-
12 a.m., 2016 AH, F. Reiss.
Mathematics - (6 through 15)
-Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3010 AH, G.
Costello; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3010 A
H, G. Costello. (52, 53, 54) - Wed.
Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3011 AH, E. Span-
ier; Sat. 11-12 a.m., 3011 AH, E.
Physics (25, 45)-Mon.-Tu.-Th
5-6 p.m., 202 W. Physics, R. Hart-
man. (26, 46)-Mon.-Tu.-Th., 5-
6 p.m., 1036 Randall, D. Falkoff

Organ Recital: Hugh Porter,
guest organist, will be heard at
4:15 p.m., Wed., April 23, Hill
Auditorium. Program: composi-
tions by Handel, Couperin, Bach,
Messiaen, Thomson, Reger, Bing-
ham, Whitlock, and Widor. Mr.
Porter is director of the School of
Sacred Music, Union Theological
Seminary, and organist and choir-
master of Collegiate Church of St.
Nicholas in New York. The pub-
lic is invited.
Men's Glee Club Concert: The
University of Michigan's Men's
Glee Club, David Mattern, con-
ductor, will present its annual
spring concert at 8 p.m., Thurs.,
April 24, Hill Auditorium. First
half of the program will include
songs by the Glee Club, with Eu-
gene Malitzand Paul Converso as
soloists, and a group by the quar-
tet consisting of Rowland Mc-
Laughlin, William Pbebus, Jack
Jensen, and William Jensen. Fol-
lowing intermission, a variety of
entertainment, programmed as "A
Michigan Kaleidoscope." The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University carillonneur, will play
popular melodies of England,
(Continued on Page 6)


would be elected on the second
distribution. It would have been
pure chance for Smoe or Joe, de-
pending on whether Ballot A or
B was distributed to Moe. You
can't claim insufficient prefer-
ence either, Mr. Taylor.
Under the system proposed
whereby ballots would be weighed
in with their order of preference
(plural preferential or some such
fancy name), the election would
end in a tie regardless of whether
only the first two choices (as two
are elected) or all three are count-
ed. Shall we have a new election,
Mr. Carneiro?
I'd like to know what is wrong
with the very simple method used
by most municipal governments,
when several candidates are to be
elected to the same office, where-
by as many marks (X) are checked
as there are offices. Each are then
weighed equally without fancy re-
distribution or mathematical
weighings. If one uses such a sys-
tem on the ballots above the result
will be: Smoe-7; Joe-7; Moe-6:
So I say, let's have Smoe and Joe
and not Moe.
--Bob Luttermuser
koveign tStutdents
To the Editor:
Many of the students on cam-
pus are under the impression that
the International Center is pure-
ly for the convenience and use
of the foreign students studying
here. The prevalence of this idea
is helping to defeat the purpose
of the International Center. The
Center was designed originally
with the idea that it would be :t
meeting place for the American
and foreign students; a place
where they could get to know each
other, their customs and their
outlook. The name International
Center was meant to include the
United States under the term "In-
This week from April 22 through
April 25 the International Center
and the Ann Arbor Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce are cooperating
in putting on an International
Week. On Tuesday evening an
International Pageant will be giv-
en in Ann Arbor High School Aud-
itorium, on Wednesday there will
be the panel discussion on 'U.S.,
Soviet relations to be held; in
Rackham Auditorium. On Thurs-
day evening the J.C.C. is giving
a banquet for 100 foreign students
who are finishing their studies
here this semester and on Friday
night the International Ball will
be held in the Union Ballroom.
We would like -to take this op-
portunity to invite all the Ameri-
can students on campus not only
to attend any or all of the week's
programs, but to come to the
Center at any time. Schedules for
the regular activities of the Center
may be found from time to time
in The Daily and any of the Amer-
ican students may be sure of 'a
-Mark Crapsey

Smnoc, Moe, Joe
To the Editor:
FOR weeks, since and preceding
the election of the Student
Legislature, I have been reading
letters concerning the merits or
demerits, of some fancy system of
representation. To those who have
presented those systems, let me
offer the following ten ballots.



Who is to


be elected, two out of


Snioe Sinoe
Moe Joe
Joe Moe
Under the





.Joe Moe
Smnoe Smoe
Moe Moe
Smoe Moe
Joe Joe
Moe , moe





Peace With Russia

Secretary of State George Marshall and
his opponent, Henry Wallace, are two Amer-
icans with a common goal-peace.
The following is a wholly imaginary con-
versation between them which might have
occurred (but certainly did not):
Marshall: Henry, you ought to be ashamed
of yourself, attacking the President's for-
eign policy just when I am wrestling with
the Russians.
Wallace: Ashamed? Indeed I am not. Sq
long as we're not actually at war, George,
I intend to use my constitutional right to

Wallace: He needed a faithful servvant
to carry out the imperialistic job he has
been pushed into doing by greedy business
Marshall. You must have read that bed-
time story in PM or the Daily Worker.
Wallace: They're for peace.
Marshall: Sure they are-peace by sub-
mission-a communist peace.
Wallace: I want a democratic peace.
Marshall: American boys didn't die so
that the Soviets should grab an empire.
Wallace: What about our grabbing those
Pacific Islands? What about our support to
every spotted fascist in the international

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Uiars;ha ......... Managlg Edittor
Clayton Dickey ........... City Editrr
Milton Freudenheim. Editorial Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor
Clyde Becht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin............Sports Editor
Archie Pa'rsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Edlitor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Buse s taf


Robert B. Potter .... General Manager
Janet cork..........Business Manager



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