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April 22, 1947 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-22

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TFD T r Pi TL 194



Poor Weather
Keeps Golfers
Off Fairways
Opener with Spartan
Linksters Postponed
Ohio State's highly-vaunted
golf team looms as the chief
threat to Michigan's defending
Big Nine titlists this year, but
the weatherman may yet deal the
hardest blow of all to the Wolver-
ine linksmen.
Bill Slack, head greenskeeper of
the University Golf Course, re-
ported the condition of the links
yesterday as "quite soggy," thus
preventing Coach Bert Katzen -
meyer from holding the scheduled
36-hole medal tourney to determ-
ine Michigan's varsity, jayvee, and
freshman squads.
No Match Tomorrow
It was also disclosed yesterday
that the scheduled home opener
tomorrow with the Michigan State
golfers has been called off be-
cause of the present soggy con-
dition of the course. Katzen-
meyer has invited the Spartans
to play here either on April 30
or May 1.A
Katzenmeyer, who believes in
giving each of the 80 aspirants an
equal opportunity to represent
Michigan on the links, announced
that the eliminations on the bas-
is of the oft-postponed 36-hole
event will be held as soon as
weather permits.
Jayvee's Play, Rain or Shine
But, regardless of the weath-
er, Michigan's jayvee golfers will
definitely tee off against the
Michigan State Normal linksters
Thursday at the Washtenaw
Country Club, where "the show
must go on." ,
Katzenmeyer, however, has not
named any of the jayvee partici-
pants as yet. "It will be an un-
tested squad, almost selected at
random," he stated.
This Saturday Michigan's var-
sity treks to Columbus to meet the
Ohio State golfers in their first
Conference test. The Buckeyes
disposed of the Michigan State
linksmen by a 22-8 count last
Ed Schalon, freshman on last
year's Wolverine golf team, wound
up with a 302 to tie for third place
in the final standings as the
Maize and Blue took the team ti-

Nation's CoIege Hockey Coaches Meet
To Discuss Future Hockey Association

Softbacl Nines Nine MeetsWestern Michivan Today;
m 1Coach -I Filsh 0Stat Wise On JMhound

Coach Vic Heyliger, Michigan
hockey coach, has announced a
meeting of the nation's college
hockey coaches to be held in New
York city May 2-3-4.
This meeting is the result of a
concerted effort on rHeyliger's part
to have all the hockey coaches
form a National Collegiate Ath-
letic Association for hockey, sim-
ilar to that in basketball and oth-
er inter-collegiate games:
Thirty Coaches Expected
Some twenty eight or thirty
coaches are expected to attend the
meeting, and Heyliger hopes to
have much of the important work
taken care of by the end of the
three day session. First on the
agenda is the election of officers.
Probably of most importance will
be a discussion of existing rules,
their interpretation, and possible
revision. It is. hoped that astand-
ardization of the rules can be
made to apply to all the College
teams in the United States.
Body Checking May Be Altered
The rule covering body-check-
ing in all zones is expected to be
considered for possible change.
Heyliger feels that checking in all
zones, offensive and defensive
would prove to be a greater at-
traction to the spectator.
Also a set rule on the use of the
middle red line in passing the
puck from the defensive zone to
the offensive zone is desired. One
rule change has already been de-
cided on; the face-off will now
see the puck dropped by the ref-

: >;._
yt +


eree instead of being played from
the ice.
Mid-West Well Represented
Of the Mid-west institutions
Michigan, Minnesota and Michi-
gan Tech will be the only schools
sending delegates. From the far-
west Southern California, Uni-
versity of California, Colorado,
and North Dakota will send men
to the meeting. Most of the men
will be from Eastern schools;
Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Dart-

Surprising Chisox Nip Tigers;
Cubs Score Shutout over Reds

DETROIT, April 21- (A)--Chi-
cago's surprising White Sox main-
tained their unbeaten pace today
with a 10-hit attack that beat the
Detroit Tigers' ace, Hal Newhous-
er, 6 to 4, and kept the Sox on
top of the American League stand-
It was the third straight tri-
umph for Chicago, which wasn't
scored on for 22 straight innings
before Detroit chased across three
runs in the fifth.
By that time the Sox already
had five runs - three of them in
the first inning when Newhouser
walked three men and hit Ralph
Hodgin in the head with a pitch
that sent the Chicago left fielder

to Harper Hospital with a con-
cussion and bad bruise.
CHICAGO, April 21-(R)-Hen-
ry Wyse, veteran curveballer,j
throttled Cincinnati's high-geared
offense by setting the Reds down
with only three hits for the Cubs'
first shutout victory of the sea-
son, 3 to 0, before 6,699 chilled
fans here today.
It was the Cubs' third straight
victory to elevate them to .500
rating after opening the season
with three losses in a row.
A slow-rolling infield hit to Stan
Hack by Ray Lamanno in the sec-
ond inning was the only safety
off Wyse's brilliant hurling until
the ninth. Then, however, Bobby
Adams and Lamanno rapped out
singles that eliminated any sec-
ond-guessing about the possibility
of a no-hitter.
- I

mouth, and Army of the larter
ones, and Drexel, Hamilton,
Williams, Amherst, Bates and
Bowdoin of the smaller colleges.
Heyliger expressed definite pos-
sibilities for the formulations of
a plan to select a National Col-
legiate Hockey Champion by a
round-robin playoff of schools
from each section of the country.
The winner of the series being
crowned National champion.
He also discussed the probabil-
ity of drawing up schedules that
would pit more of the college
teams against each other, rather
than playing games against ama-
teur teams in the vicinity. Coach
Heyliger feels these games would
be a greater attraction to the
spectator, and would give more
enjoyment also to the men parti-
cipating in the game.
Fifteen Ca gers
Named to IM
All-Star Squad
Officials, Referees
Pick Three Teams
From the several thousand
players who participated in the
Intramural basketball campaign,
three All-Star teams of five me
each were selected by the referees
and officials of the I-M staff to
represent the three major divi-
sions, fraternity, residence halls,
and independent.
Erben Named Captain
In the dormitory ranks Bob
Erben, center for Allen Rumsey,
was awarded a forward berth and
made honorary captain of the
residence halls All-Stars. Erben's
specialty was close shooting from
underneath the basket, and his
height proved to be of great ad-
vantage to Allen-Rumsey on re-
bounds. Holding down the other
forward position is Greene House's
stellar performer, Will Baker.
Short, but a fast breaker, Baker
was spotted for his one-handed
shots while breaking toward the
Guard posts were won by Ray
Lantos of Lloyd House and Jerry
Burns on the champion Greene
House five. Lantos had an effse-
tive set shot from back court, and
both were cagey floor players who
knew how to set up plays. From
Williams House came center Al
Gachow, a steady defensive player
with a pivot position know-how.
In the fraternity division Dolf
Neeme of Chi Psi and Bob Dayo
of ATO were tabbed All-Star for-
wards. Each claimed different
specialties, Neeme's being a dead-
ly shot while Dayo depended on
a fast break for close pumping.
Phi Delt Ed Bahlow had all the
qualifications of a good center,
snappy shooting ancd aggressive.
Gordon, Anderson Also Named
George Gordon of SAM and
Harry Anderson were easily the
outstanding guards of all the fra-
ternities. As a fast ball handler
Gordon ranked among the best,
while Sig Ep Anderson's stock in
trade was as a play maker and
high-scoring guard.
Leading the Independent All-
Stars is center Don MacIntosh of
the West Lodgers who was unani-
mously considered the top player
in action of all the divisions.
Rounding out the squad are three
cogs from the Mis-fits, high-scor-
ing forwards Bob Revis and Glenn
Frye, and rebound-getting guard
Hy Warshawsky. The other guard
spot was awarded to Gene Derri-
cotte of the Goosers, a speedy hus-
tler who kept his team going all

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314 S. State St. Phone 7177

C10"se Games4- Mark
Weekend Contests
The Intramural softball cam-
paign shifted into high gear as
all three divisions saw action
sometime between Saturday and
yesterday on South Ferry Field.
In three fraternity games thatf
were postponed because of incle-
ment weather last week Delta Up-
silon edged past Trigon, 4-3, PhiI
Gamma Delta came from behind1
in their last two innings to defeat
Pi Lambda Phi, 7-6, while Bob1
Derleth slammed a home run with
the bases loaded in the last frame
to give Chi Phi a 9-8, win over
Plenty of Slugfests
All of the Independent league
games were virtual slugfests, not-
ably the Michigan Daily-Falcon
contest which the scribblers won,
17-10. Chuck Prue pitched a mas-
terful four-hitter as his team-
mates put together a dozen safe-
ties as the Newman Club shel-
lacked Robert Owens Co-op, 11-1.
Kilroy AC worked up an eight-
run margin in the first three inn-
ings, but the Dodgers pecked away
at the lead and tied the score in
the last frame. The "Bums"
pushed across the final run after
two overtime innings, winning 9-8.
Lloyd House Swamps Rivals
Behind the one-hit pitching of
Dave McAdams, Lloyd House
blanked the Chicago House aggre-
gation, 16-1. Right fielder Jerry
Ford led oi the first inning with
a single and scored when Jim
Risk singled sharply over second.
In the next frame McAdams put
his own game away with a long
home run with the bases jammed.
Greene House showed its tre-
mendous power at the plate in
the first time up as they sent
nine runs scampering home like
rabbits running for the lettuce
batch. It took three more innings
for them to finish Tyler House,
Burns Hurls No-Hitter
Jerry Burns vent most of the
route and held Tyler without a
hit - their lone tally coming in
the fourth on an error and an ad-
vancement with each out. Top-
ping the big first inning was an
explosive triple by George Jack-
son which scored three runs.
A two-hit game was credited to
Bob Erben as Allen-Rumsey blast-
ed Adams House, 11-1. In the re-
inaining contests, Michigan bested
Wenley House, 8-6, Prescott House
administered a 12-4loss to Fletch-
er, and Victor Vaughan dropped
Winchell House, 10-8.
Major league

Rced 11-Id tl, I'dtI I1)Stil 'ch iiA\ I#Id' I' jIl~ ~LiI
CeryiBro eliIIopneS W i i.in prlp l tiB ull
Barring rain, snow ,sleet or high his Big Nine opener asig nen1
water, Michigan's baseball team against Illinois Friday, nnd ther
will try once more to play a tall give the rest of his hurling corp.
game here -- this time against a chance to show their wares.
Western Michigan at 3:30. Pitchers A-Plenty Will lHe Used
Unsuccessful in their battle over "I plan to use about ten pitch-
the weekend with the weatherman ers in our next two games so :
when two Wayne games were can at least get some kind of ar
rained out, the Wolverines play idea of what they can do before
host to a mediocre Bronco outfit the Western Conference seasor
that has two wins, three losses opens," said Fisher at practice
and a tie to its credit thus far yesterday.
this season. "I also plan to use the same
Maher May Start Ace line-up that started the Notre
Western coach Charley Maher Dame game except that Ralph
has indicated he will use either Morrison will be in left if Ross
his number one hurlers Ed Rossi, starts.e, If Biddle starts, Pal
or his ace southpaw, Warren White will be in left," he added.
"Red" Biddle, in an effort to a- Team Batting .285
venge the 5-0 and 6-2 losses Mich- This means Michigan will field
igan hung on his club last year. a team that is currently hitting a
Chappuis Holds Key to Title
Hopes of Wolverine Gridders
By BERNIE MEISLIN 1943, landed in Corsica in 194
For an object lesson in courage and was shot down on his 21s
both on and off the athletic field, mission. For three hours Gerina:
there is no better example than patrols searched for him, bu
a quiet, dark-haired ex-air force Italian partisans got there first.
gunner at the University of Mich- Hides in Garret in Italy
igan, Robert R. Chappuis. Passed from one hide-out t
Now recovering from a wrist another, he finally spent thre



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Teams W L Pct.
Chicago 3 0 1.000
Boston 4 1 .800
New York 4 2 .667
Detroit 2 3 .400
Washington 2 3 .400
St. Louis 1 2 .333
Cleveland 1 2 .333
Philadelphia 1 5 .167


operation, Chappuisis recognized
as the key player in Maize and
Blue football hopes.
Star in Toledo
A star at Toledo, Ohio's DeVil-
biss High School, Chappuis came
into his own as a halfback last
fall. Despite the plague of an
injured wrist, Chappuis passed
and plunged his way to a new
Western Conference combined
yardage record of 1,039 yards.
He had come back from the
European theater with a score of
bombing missions and a harrow-
ing escape from the Nazis to make
good as a hard-running halfback.
Understudied Kuzma
Understudy of Tom Kuzma in
1942, Chappuis played less than
half of the time but established
a reputation as a passer by set-
ting up the touchdown that en-
abled the Wolverines to defeat an
All-American studded GreatLakes
eleven that year, 9-0.
He entered the Air Corps in



I ( r
(Continued from Page 2)


leader, English, commercial,


Inter-Rdcial Association presents

Editor and Historian

Tickets 50c
On Sale Mon. & Tues.

4:15 Wed., April 23
Rackham Lecture Hall

and 8th grades, and languages.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall.
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Tues., April 22, 8 p.m., Garden
Meeting, sponsored by Wives'
Wed., April 23, 8 p.m., "Among
the New Books," Dr. Leonard A.
Parr, Ann Arbor First - Congre-
gational Church.
Thurs., April 24, 8 p.m., Art
Craft Work Shop.
Fri., April 25, 8 p.m., Dupli-
cate Bridge.
University Lecture: Dr. Loren
C. Eiseley, professor of anthropol-
ogy, Oberlin College, will lecture
(Continued on Page 4)

New York
St. Louis

W L Pct. GB
5 1 .833 -
4 2 .667 1
2 2 .500 2
3 3 .500 2
2 3 .400 2%
2 3 .400 2 /
3 5 .375 3
2 4 .333 3




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