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February 12, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-12

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Social Event


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lentine' s

Day To Be Theme of Annual
Affair in League Ba llroom

ckets for the Mortar Board
-Off Dance, to which women
ents traditionally take J-Hop
s, will be on sale at a booth in
League from 2 to 5 p.m. daily
limited number of tickets is
lable, Mary Alice Dunivan,
t chairman, pointed out, so
the booth will be open only so
as they last.
ir Will Be Coed-Bid
he dance, an informal coed-
event, will take place from 9
to midnight Friday in the
,ue ballroom. A sound system
ub To Instruct
Rifle Shooting
Ze WAA Rifle Club will initiate
second semester program on
rsday and Friday at the ROTC
struction for beginners will be
from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday
Friday, and advanced shooters
practice at 5 p.m. Thursday.
>ne wishing to join the club as
advanced shooter may report
practice on Thursday.
sults of the January match
Drexel Institute of Technology
Carnegie Institute of Technol-
show Drexel in the lead with
points out of 400. Carnegie
emulated 385 points with
7igan trailing with 365 points.
tivities for this semester in-
e a match in March with
er College, George Washing-
University, Pennsylvania State
ge, Ripon College, Massachu-
State College, Cornell, Uni-
ty of Wisconsin, Texas State
ege for Women, Oklahoma
M, and University of Hawaii.

will carry music to the Grand Rap-
ids room, which will Also be open
for dancing.
Al Townsend and his Campus
Casbah orchestra will furnish mu-
sic in a ballroom decorated with
hearts and cupids for the Valen-
tine's Day event. The red and
white motif also will be carried out
in the programs.
Door Prizes To Be Awarded
Highlight of the evening will be
the award of several heart-shaped
boxes of candy as door prizes.
Dance Chairman Eleanor Stewart1
will present the prizes after a
drawing based on ticket numbers.
The annual event is sponsored
by Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary society. Betty Lou Bid-
well, the organization's president,
is assistant chairman this year.
Tickets are priced at $1.25 plus
Coed Aid Needed
At Book Exchange
The Personnel Committee of the
League needs women volunteers to
help in the Student Book Exchange
until February 20th.
The Offices of the Book Ex-
change are located on the second
floor of the League and are open
from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday and from
9 to 12 a.m..Saturdays.
Volunteers can work for an hour
at any time they choose. All coeds
interested should contact Estelle
Klein, Personnel Committee head,
through her box in the League un-
dergraduate office.
A brief survey of the new spring
suits reveals that both jackets and
skirts are being worn much longer
this season.
Your Persono1 Copy of the
"Blue Book" Is. Here
L. G. Blfo ur Co.
1319 S. Tiversity Phone 9533

Rules Changed
Changes instituted by the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee in the
procedure for registering campus
events on the Social Calendar of
the University have been clarified
by Virginia Councell, chairman of
the Student Legislature Social
When an organization decides
on an event and the date, permis-
sion for it is secured by sending a
letter, with a duplicate, to Miss
Councell, 1204 Hill St. The letter
should state the name of the func-
tion, the sponsor, where it is to
be held, the date, time, and ticket
An estimate of the numberof
couples who will attend, the
budget, and any other infor-
mation that might have to do
.with the theme of the event
should also be included.
After receiving a letter, the
Social Committee discusses the
event. When the event is ap-
proved, one letter is given to Dean
Rea who presents it to the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee for final
judgment. The other letter is kept
in the social committee files.
The Student Affairs Commit-
tee sends 'the Social Committee
and the sponsor of the event no-
tification of approval or rejec-
tion. The event is then placed
on the social calendar. If there
is a conflict on a certain date,
the group applying first will re-
ceive the date.
The purpose of the Social Calen-
dar is to avoid conflicts, to keep
social functions spread throughout
the year, and to provide a place
where the semester may be seen at
a glance in order to learn the most
profitable time for planning an
First Ruthven
Tea.Will Honor
New Students
The first Ruthven Tea of the
new semester will be held from 4
to 6 p.m. today at the home of
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Special invitation is extended to
new students on campus for the
first time. The teas are offered as
a social get-together for all stu-
dents. The informal event may
be attended from classes in the
usual campus attire.
Singing and dancing try-
outs for Junior Girls Play will
be held at 7 p.m. today in the
League. The rooms brt which
the auditions are to be held
will be posted on the bulletin
board 'at the League desk.

Mixer Dance
To Be Held
League Houses Will Give
Informal 'Heart's Delight'
Residents of campus league
houses will present the "Heart's
Delight," a mixer dance to be held
from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday in the
League Ballroom.
The mixer is the second in a ser-
ies of league house dances organ-
ized for the purpose of giving stu-
dents an opportunity of becoming
Women living in league houses
may purcbasc tickets for the
"Heart's Delight" from 10 a.m. to
noon and from 1 to 3 pm. today
through Saturday in the lobby of
the League. Attendance must be
limited to league house residents
since the affair will serve as a sub-
stitute for open houses.
Al men on campus are invited to
be guests of the coeds. Refresh-
ments will be served, and students
will dance to a varied selection of
records. The dance will follow a
St. Valentine's Day theme. Stu-
dents are asked to dress informal-
Blanche Berger is general chair-
man for league house dances.,
Other members of the central
committee are: Libby Myers, in
charge of entertainment; Gladys
Relkin, tickets; 'Ruth Jadrosich,
decorations; and Shirlee Rich,
The Senior Society, honorary so-
rority for independent women, is
sponsoring a skating party at the
Coliseum Wednesday night, Feb-
ruary 19, according to president
Shirley Hansen. The party will
honor League House women.
The Hiawatha Club, a social or-
ganization for students from the
Upper Peninsula, will hold its first
meeting of the semester at 8 p.m.
today in the Union.
Final plans for the mixed bowl-
ing teams and games will be made.
Anyone unable to attend may call,
Bob Shempky, 3949, for further
details about bowling. A social
hour will follow the business meet-
* * * .
All members of Senior Society
are requested to attend an impor-
tant meeting at 5 p.m. at the
League today.
To perk up a dress, gay sequin
bows for the shoes in any color to
go with the outfit may be bought
or made.

Eligible women may register for
formal spring rushing until 5 p.m.
today in the Grand Rapids room
on the second floor of the League.
To be eligible for rushing a coed
must have 15 hours of at least C
average. Prospective rushees are
Ex-Women 's
Ed itor Weds
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schutz- of
River Forest, Ill., announce the
recent marriage of their daughter,
Ann, to Mr. John H. Oxley of May-
wood, Illinois. '
Mrs. Oxley graduated in June '46
and was Women's Editor of The

Eligible Women To Register
Today for Formal Rushing

required to bring their report cards
to registration. If a coed has an
average high enough to get an
eligibility card she may present it
when she registers instead of her
report card.
In cases where a coed has taken
less than the required fifteen hours
at the advice of the Health Serv-
ice or an Administrative Office
she will be allowed to sign up for
rushing by presenting a written
excuse from that office.
Rushees To Meet
A compulsory meeting for all
rushees will be held at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Auditorium.
Members of the Panhellenic Board
will explain the new rushing sys-
tem and the rules of the rushing
period at this meeting.
The beginning open house teas
will be given by each sorority from
7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday and Fri-
day, and from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sat-
urday. The first set of parties will
be presented from 7 to 9 p.m. Mon-
day, February 17, through Thurs-
Parties End March 2
Sorority parties will be held from
2 to 4 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. on
both Saturday and Sunday. The
next set of parties will be pre-
sented Tuesday, February 25, Wed-
nesday and Thursday. Final des-
serts will be presented from 7 to
9 p.m. Saturday, March 1, and
from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday, March 2.
Each sorority will send a bid
list to the Social Director's Office
in the League on Monday and on
Tuesday,.March 4, all bids will be
delivered by 3 pm. Pledging will
be on Wednesday, March 5.
AVC Plans
Dance Today
The first dance of the new se-
mester sponsored by the American
Veteran's Committee will be pre-
sented from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
today in the League Ballroom.
Everyone, especially those stu-
dents who are new on campus, is
invited to attend this affair. The
policy, begun last semester, of
holding dances every Wednesday
afternoon will be continued this
term. Men will be charged a small,
admission fee and all coeds will be
guests at these affairs.
These informal AVC record hops
offer everyone a chance to relax
after or between classes, .and to
become acquainted with other stu-
dents on campus.
"We hope that more people than
ever before come to dance, meet
others, spend an enjoyable after-
noon and take advantage of the
splendid opportunity offered by
these affairs," said Bob Slaff, pub-
lic relations chairman.

make her heart whirl
on Valentine's day!
t \


v at 115 West Liberty

rr ww+wrwrrrrrni .r r. r irr ir

a "' -

J (
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Daily and a member of Mortar-
board, Senior Society, Scroll, and
Phi Beta Kappa honor societies.
Mr. Oxley, '46, was graduated from
the College of Engineering.
The ceremony took place Janu-
ary 25.
WAA Basketba I I
Games Listed
The games in the WAA basket-
ball tournament to be played this
week arenas follows:
Today: Starring House vs Zeta
Tau Alpha 2, Tri-Delt 1 vs Alpha
Phi 1 at 5:15 p.m., Jordan 6 vs
Alpha Omicron Pi, Chi Omega vs
Britt House at 7:30 p.m., and Kap-
pa Delta 2 vs Jordan 1 at 8:10 p.m.
Tomorrow: Abbey House vs Pi
Beta Phi 3, Kappa Kappa Gamma
2 vs Alpha Chi Omega at 5:10 p.m.,
Zone 10-A vs Zone 1 at 7:30 p.m.,
and Couzens 5 vs Willow Run Vet-
erans at 8:10 p.m.
All houses should report to Jer-
ry Gaffney at 2-2543 if there is
any change in their plans and they
will be unable to play.
Campus Casbah
To Open Saturday
The Campus Casbah will reopen
from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday
in the League Ballroom with a sa-
lute to St. Valentine.
Al Townsend will again provide
the music, ana will feature a new
arrangement of "Oh, But I Do,"
with Lois Roberts on the vocal. A
floorshow featuring campus talent
is being planned. Tickets for the
night club will be on sale at the
League desk this week.

This is the perfume every woman .wants-
a heady, daring, intoxicating scent. A
perfume for gayety, for love, for
laughter. In a brigat poker-chip case
...it's a gift to take her breath
away! From $5 plus tax


The Day to Remember Her with
A Compact by

February Safe?
2O-25% discount on all pieces-no luxury tax.
Benefit from our low overhead. Excellent 9x12,
8.6x1 1.6 Living and Dining Room Rugs. Daswin,
Heriz, Kirman, Chinese, Bakhara.
Choice Scatter Rugs . . . All sizes.
334 South Fourth Avenue Phone 6878

. / /1r
( ",
; .

It's thtihoufghtful husband who gives his wifca Valcntinc's Day
gift. (Bachelors always seem to rcmcmIlcr their swcethcarts!) And every
woman loves the flattery of an Elgin American compact. Because
they're exquisitely designed and finished, precision crafted-and
so useful! Shown are just two of our Elgin American collection-
every one the perfect Valentine's Day gift.
P.S. - Remember, fashion demands variety. Even though she has a
compact, she'll treasure this addition to her jewelry accessories.

S1 y
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O e
Cleverly tailored city-bred sling with perky
vtenderAd sole and hinh clenrer heI.- tear-rIron

+x7. !

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Sport Shop

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t. 5

ROTHLEY tailoring
in tub-oibming rayon

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custom-detailed tailored shirt in a crepe that
becomes more. beautiful with each washing
. . in colors sprightly as Spring itself
white, blue, red, brown or black.

short-sleeve style . . . 3.95

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