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February 12, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-12

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3r Cent Tax Cut


ONE of the more frequent Republican yelps
concerns taxes. The Republicans are all
)ut for lowering them. A 20 per cent across-
he-board cut is their current baby.
A 20 per cent across-the-board cut in in-
:ome taxes would violate the two main pur-
)oses of a tax revision needed now. With
nflationary costs cutting so deeply into the
>urchasing power of persons in the middle
ind lower income brackets, the tandard of
iving of these people has been forced stead-
ly downward. A 20 per cent cut in their
axes would not be enough to offset the
prices they are forced to pay for even the
Basic necessities of decent living.
Secondly, a 20 per cent across-the-board
ut violates the principle of taxes based on
bility to pay. Although on the surface this
ut appears equitable, actually the concrete
ffects of it would favor the wealthy tax-
layers at the expense of taxpayers in the
ower income brackets.
Under the 20 per cent proposal, a mar-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ried man with a family of two earning $3,-
000 a year would have his tares reduced by
$27.40 a year, or 53 cents a week, which
is not much in the way of a reduction.
And $3,000 a year isn't much in the way
of an income today either. By contrast,
the man who earns $100,000 a year would
find his taxes reduced by $12,460 a year,
or $239 a week. And the man who has a
million dollar income would have a tax
savings of $167,779, or $3,226 a week.
ONE doesn't have to be a mathematician to
see the effects of a 20 per cent across-
the-board cut. The figures show simply
enough that it would be unfair to the middle
and lower income bracket. The cut would
not materially increase the purchasing pow-
er of the 70 per cent of American families
who earn less than $3,000 a year.
A tax revision today must recognize the
inflationary prices of all goods and the cor-
responding difficulty for people not in the
higher income bracket to maintain a decent
living standard. It must be graduated up-
wards, with extremely low rates for low in-
come groups and higher rates as incomes
A 20 per cent across-the-board cut ac-
complishes nothing in this direction.
-Eunice Mintz

Republican Tax Policy

THE SNOW that was falling around Rep.
Harold Enutson as he stood on the Capi-
tol steps didn't seem to dampen his spirits,
for he wore a wide smile as he announced
his "big news" for taxpayers through a news-
reel which showed in local theatres last
week. "The Republicans," he proclaimed,
"will cut personal income taxes 20 per cent."
Taken at face value, his statement seems
to be cause for general rejoicing, but closer
examination brings two questions to mind.
First, will Congress be able to effect such a
cut without jeopardizing national economy,
and second, is a cut in taxes a wise move
at this time?
Knutson is sponsoring this 20 per cent tax
cut in the House and another Republican
leader, Senator Taft, is sponsoring it in the
Senate. Both men propose to cut taxes by
reducing President Truman's proposed $37,-
500,000,000 national budget. Says Senator
raft: "In my opinion, we should be able
to squeeze from three to four billion Qut of
the budget so that total expenditures will
riot exceed $33.5 billion."
According to Thomas L. Stokes and other
editorial observers, this will be difficult to
do because four-fifths, or almost $30 billion,
of the proposed budget are for what the
President calls "fixed items." These include
nterest on the national debt, tax refunds,
national defense, international commitments
and veterans expenditures. Since most of
hese items are not flexible and have to be
paid for, even the most scrutinizing legislator
will have trouble finding places to slash
Eliminating these "fixed items," from
the Truman budget there remains only
$7 billion to cover general government,
social security, public works, heducation
and housing programs, public health etc.
It is this $7% billion which must be trim-
med by the Republicans if their 20 per
cent personal income tax reduction is to
become possible. Of their chances the
Chicago Sun says:
"If the Republicans can make $3 or $4
billion do in these fields what Truman
says $7.5 billion is needed to do, they will
be entitled to a fiscal Oscar. We shall be-
lieve it when we see it."
[S A CUT in personal taxes wise at this
time? President Truman believes not. He
elieves instead that any government surplus
hould be applied toward the national debt.
['his debt is now $259 billion which, accord-
ng to Treasury figures, is a personal debt
if $1,832.24 for each man, woman, and child
a the country.

It would seem only sensible that some of
this staggering national debt should be paid
off now while the national income is at an
all-time peak. Also, with the income already
high and production still short of consumer
demand, is it. not possible that a reduction
of taxes and the corresponding increase of
money in circulation would have inflationary
" Some advocates of tax reduction say
they will seek economy through reduction
of the national defense appropriation
which at $11 billion is the largest single
item in the proposed budget. A recent
America Speaks poll, however, found
America in favor of going without tax re-
duction rather than cutting national de-
fense. With world conditions far from
settled, any reductions in this appropri-
ation might prove very unwise.
Evidently, then, several points can be
raised which question both the actual pos-
sibility and the wisdom of the proposed 20
per cent cut in personal income taxes. Upon
probing it beneath the surface the "big
news" of Rep. Knutson and the Republi-
cans is not as joyous for the taxpayer as
they would have him believe.
As the snow fell behind him on the steps
of the Capitol, perhaps Rep. Knutson was
shoveling some of it right along to the Amer-
ican people?
-Harold Jackson, Jr.
W ASHINGTON-In the customary gen-
eral statement to an incoming Secretary
of State, the British government gave first
priority to assuring George C. Marshall of
their continued belief in intimate, uninter-
rupted Anglo-American collaboration as the
real fundamental of world security. At the
present juncture-after the left wing Labor-
ite attacks on the "American alliance;"
during the cruel British coal crisis and on
the eve of the Moscow conference-this
renewed assurance of Anglo-American team:-
work has very great significance.
Since the left wing of his own party began
to attack Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin,
not a few American policy makers have been
deeply fearful that the old Byrnes-Bevin
team would not evolve into a new team of
Bevin and Marshall. The exchanges between
London and Moscow over the possible ex-
tension of the Anglo-Soviet treaty of friend-
ship increased this alarm. More recently,
there have been rumors that at Moscow the
British would make important concessions
to the Soviet point of view-perhaps on
centralization of the German government,
which we oppose, or on revision of the new
Eastern frontiers of Germany, which James
F. $yrnes spoke up for at Stuttgart last
It is already apparent that the numerous
conflicts of viewpoint will make the Mos-
cow conference into a sort of political
basket of eels. It is vital that amidst the
unparalleled complexities of the situation,
there should be a few fixed points.
These can only be provided by mainte-
nance of Anglo-American teamwork. Ac-
cordingly, the final version of British strat-
egy for Moscow, now being hammered out at
the Foreign Office, is being awaited here
with genuinely bated breath. No one knows
whether Bevin will seek to appease the left
wing Laborites by taking the line suggested
in the recent rumors, or will decide instead
to act upon the principle contained in his
assurance to Marshall. The latter alterna-
tive still seems to be the better bet. The
chances are that Britain and the United
States will stand together on the big issues,
while differing in detail.
It is, time to take note, however, that
the absolute permanence of Anglo-American
teamwork cannot any longer be taken cas-
ually for granted.

is currently presenting an exhibition of
"Forty Modern Prints," loaned by the De-
troit Institute of Art. This display is hung
in the west gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Artists from several countries are represent-
ed by some excellent prints that have not
been often seen. There is a wide range of
philosophical artistic concept, a number of
mediums, and ap almost complete cross sec-
tion of their technical possibilities.
The American section is regrettably weak,
and by no means does justice to our native
school of printmakers. One need only think
of such omissions as Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Adolf
Dehn, Emil Ganso and Max Weber to be
convinced of this. The lithograph by the
American Kuniyoshi loaned by the Ann Ar-
bor Art Association, and displayed in the
corridor case, should be conclusive evidence.
In the writer's opinion a work of art
should be an emotional union of philoso-
phical concept, medium, and technique. In
this instance, therefore, the print should
reflect in degree a realization of the above.
The etching "Composition" by Georges
Braque, French 1881, represents a highly
developed form of doodling. The handling
is about what one should expect of any one
acquainted with the medium. There is cer-
tainly a place for this kind of performance;
however it cannot be considered very seri-
ously. In the same category, notice the wood
engraving, "Under a Glass Bell," by Jean
Hugo, French 1894. This is an example of
an intellectualized attempt to cieate an
emotional situation. Its success is due almost
entirely to its excellent technical skill. It
falls short of being a first class print be-
cause of the unsympathetic coldness of the
By way of comparison, I should like to
refer to two prints in the exhibition which
I believe exemplify a high degree of artistic
merit. The semi-abstract etching,"The Com-
bat" by Pablo Picasso, Spanish 1881, is a
powerful print. The understructure of the
design is simple and direct while the es-
sential foreground is complex to the point of
causing a pulsating after-image. This psy-
chological after-image forms a spatial dis-
turbance which creates a type of life organ-
ization which the theme demands. The
artist makes an intelligent observation ex-
pressed in terms of such emotional force
that one is aware of only the theme.
The lithograph "Christ on the Cross" by
Georges Rouault, French 1871, has all the
qualities of a masterpiece. There is shown
a complete command of all the technical
potentialities of lithography. The inter-
play of liquid tusche, stick crayon, and rub-
bing tusche along with the engraved tex-
tures, gives warmth and a moving space
quality to the composition, while the sus-
tained emotional charge is given free rein
by the guiding intellectual concept. The
result is a totally remarkable print.
-Emil Weddige
War Powters
PRESIDENT TRUMAN has asked for a
one-year extension of the Second War
Powers Act, under which he could control al-
locations of foodstuffs and industrial mater-
ials. This request should not be granted.
Rather, all emergency war powers should be
terminated without further loss of time. To
be sure, President Truman has made a vol-
untary token surrender of certain war pow-
ers but he did not go far enough.
War powers are inconsistent with such
delegated powers as are required for our
governance in times of peace. Various rea-
sons are advanced in support of a contin-

uance of war powers. The Army allows it to
be known that if they should be abolished,
"The Army would be reduced to chaos." The
Navy, which is even more allergic than is
the Army to democratic procedures, also
wants these powers retained. Then, there
are those who would like to keep-them in
order to destroy, or at least, to possess a
crippling check upon organized labor. These
want the President to retain the powers,
under the pretext of a non-existent war, to
take over any industry that may be having
labor troubles.
Of course, we ought to have permanent
legislation that would make it possible for
both the Army and the Navy to function as
they should in keeping with our greater re-
sponsibilities in international affairs. The
Congress can provide us with such laws as
we may need in times of peace with respect
to both industry and labor. Surely we can
trust the Congress to enact §uch legislation
as may be necessary for our progress and
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Portal-to-portal pay undoubtedly increases
the complexity of labor-management rela-
tions. But when the smoke of the struggle
has cleared away, labor and management
may find that the enlarged area for bar-
gaining makes all other disputes easier to
-The Nation

(Continued from Page 3)
Thurs., Feb. 13, 8 p.m., Art-Craft
Fri., Feb. 14. 8:30 p.m., Bridge
and Open House. Music for danc-
Freshman Health Lectures For
It is a University require-
ment that all entering freshmen
take, without credit, a series of lec-
tures on Personal & Community
Health and to pass an examina-
tion on the content of those lec-
tures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also re-
quired to take the course unless
they have had a similar course
elsewhere. Upper classmen who
were here as freshmen and who
did not fulfill the requirements are
requested to do so this semester.
These lectures are not required
of veterans.
The lectures will be given in
Room 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m.
and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per
the following schedule.
Lecture No. 1, Mon., Feb. 10
Lecture No. 2, Tues., Feb. 11
Lecture No. 3, Wed., Feb. 12
Lecture No. 4, Thurs., Feb. 13
Lecture No. 5, Mon., Feb. 17
Lecture No. 6, Tues., Feb. 18
Lecture No. 7 (examination),
Wed., Feb. 19.
Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Required Hygiene Lectures For
All first and second semester
freshman women are required to
attend a series of health lectures
which are to be given the second
semester. Upper-class students
who were in the University as
freshmen and who did not fulfill
the requirements are requested to
do so this term. Late enrollees
must turn in a Class Card to Mrs.
Looman at the Health Service.
Satisfactory completion of this
course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective,
3 hours credit) is a graduation re-
Lecture Schedule
Section I-First Lecture, Mon.,
Feb. 17, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Subsequent Lectures Successive
Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Examination, Mon., Mar. 31,
4:15-5:15, N.E. Aud.
Section II-First Lecture, Tues.,
Feb. 18, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Subsequent Lectures, Successive
Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
Examination, Tues., April 1,
4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud.
University Lecture: Mr. Charles
Sterling, Research Fellow in the
Department of Painting of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York and Visiting Professor
at Columbia University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "French
Portraiture from Fouquet to
Cezanne," (illus.), at 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham Amphi-
theater; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. The public is
cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Forestry 194 will not meet on
Wednesday, Feb. 12, or Fri., Feb.
14. If you are enrolled and did not
attend the opening session Mon-
day, Feb. 10, at 8 a.m., please call
for assignment at Rm. 2052 N.S.
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man for the doctorate will be held
on Friday, Feb. 14, from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building. Dictionaries may
be used.
Algebra Seminar: 3201 Angell
Hall, 4:15 p.m. Friday. Organiza-
tion meeting. Prof. Thrall will

talk on Lattice Theory.
Biological Chemistry III: Break-
age refunds for the Laboratory
Course may be obtained on Tues-
days and Wednesdays from 1:30
to 4:30 from Mr. Kaercher, 320
West Medical Bldg.
Business Administration 31,
Typewriting 1: A second section
has been opened and will meet
Monday through Friday at 10 a.m.
Enroll through Miss Swift, Re-
corder, School of Business Admin-
istration, Tappan Hall.
Seminar in Engineering Mechan-
ics: The Engineering Mechanics
Department is sponsoring a ser-
ies of discussions on the plasticity
of EngineeringMaterials, at 7:30
p.m., Wed., Feb. 12, Rm. 402, W.,
Engineering Bldg.
Greek 168. Basic Greek Ideas will
meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday
at 11:00 a.m., 1007 Angell Hall.
Latin 32. Roman Law will meet

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fri-
day at 11:00 a.m., 407 Library.
Changes of Hours and Room for
Psychology Courses:
For information concer ning
Psychology 31 go to Room 4128
Natural Science Bldg.
For information concerning
Psychology 41 go to Room 4125
Natural Science Bldg.
For information concerning
Psychology 94 go to Room 2128
Natural Science Bldg.
Psychology 63 will meet in 1025
A.H. instead of 307 W. Medical
Psychology 108. Beginning
Thurs., Feb. 13. meet in Room 35
A. H., instead of 1053 N. S.;
Psychology 114. Beginning
Thursday, Feb. 13, meet in
Room B Haven Hall.
Psychology 158 will meet in
Room 2054 N. S., instead of 1121
N. S.
Psychology 212 will meet in
Room 2054 N. S., instead of Room
4140 N. S.
Psychology 210 (34) will not
meet Thursday evening at 7:30 at
Dr. Marquis' residence.
Seminar in Relativity: Thurs-
day, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Spanish: Beginning. Continua-
tion la. New grammar will be
used which will be taken up from
the beginning. Professor Del Toro,
106 Romance Language Bldg.,
Tues., Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m.
The Detroit Symphony Orches-
tra, Karl Krueger, Conductor, will
give the eighth concert in the
Choral Union Series on Monday,
Feb. 17, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Overture "Prometheus," Op. 43,
(Beethoven); Symphony No. 4 in
B-flat major (Beethoven); and the
Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 6 in
B minor.
Faculty Recital: A program of
compositions for wind instruments
will be presented at 8:30 p.m,
Tues., Feb. 18, Rackham Assembly
Hall, by Russell Howland, Haskell
Sexton and William Stubbins.
They will be assisted by Grace
Sexton and Mary McCall Stubbins,
The generalt public is invited.
Piano Recital: Joseph Brink-
man, head of the Piano Depart-
ment in the School of Music, will
be heard at 8:30 p.m., Sun., Feb.
16, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Program. compositions by Beeth-
over, Bach, Mozart, Brahms,
Chopin. The general public is in-
Student Recital: Ruth Ann
Yanow, pianist, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the'
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, February 12, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pu-
pil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss
Yanow has planned a program of
compositions by Mendelssohn,
Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Wladi-
geroff, and Liapounow. The gen-
eal public is invited.
Organ Recital: Marilyn Mason,
teaching fellow in organ in the
School of Music, will be heard in
the first of a series of five organ
recitals, at 4:15 p.m., Sun., Feb.
16, Hill Auditorium. A pupil of
Palmer Christian, Miss Mason has
arranged a program to include
works by Bach, Ducasse, Malein-
greau, and Haines. It will be open
to the general public. Other pro-
grams will follow on February 23,
March 2, 6, and 9.

The Mpseum. of Art presents
Forty Modern Prints from the De-
troit Institute of Arts, February
10 through March 2. Weekdays,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Wednesday evenings, 7-9; Sundays
2-5. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 pm., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. "Vocational Opportunities,"
Thomas Diamond, Professor of
Vocational Education.
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. School of Music, Margaret
Kay, violinist.
3:30 p.m., Sttion WPAG, 1050
Kc. Campus News.
Sigma Xi: A symposium on
"Some Applications of Psychology
to the Design of Military Equip-
ment" will. be held in 'Rackham
Amphitheatre at 8 p.m. Speakers:
D. G. Marquis, E. L. Kelly and H.
R. Blackwell.
Debate: All students who desire

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dty
Iprints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in liters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted attthe discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
Governor's Action
To the Editor:
upon student activities at East
Lansing and Ann Arbor, as re-
ported in yesterday's Ann Arbor
News, might well be called absurd-
ities right from the start. His re-
liance upon terms like "subver-
sive" and Communistic" is char-
acteristic of the backward public
officials and their attempts to dis-
rupt movements in favor of anti-
lynch laws, fair - labor - practices
legislation, and anti-Franco reso-
lutions. Since he lacks other proof
of "un-American" actions on the
students' part (up until now it's
all hearsay), these forward-look-
ing principles could be the only
basis for the Governor's accusa-
tions. Moreover, a student poll
would most (prtainly find an over-
whelming majority of the U. of
M. campus behind the above-
mentioned AYD platform planks.
If it is true that universities
are, among other things, centers
for the study and discussion of
economic, political, and social at-
to participate in debate and dis-
cussion activities for the second
semester are requestedtogmeet at
7:30 p.m., Rm. 4203 Angell Hall.
Tryouts for the French Play: 3-
5:15 p.m. today and Friday, Rm.
408, Romance Language Bldg. Any
student with' some knowledge of
the French language may try out.
University of Michigan Flying
Club: E. Engineering Bldg. Offi-
cers will be elected.
Sphinx, junior men's honorary
society: 7:30 p.m., Michigan Un-
ion. Discussion of initiation plans.
Quarterdeck Society Open Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 348 W. Engi-
neering Bldg. "The Art of Ship-
building" will be shown,
Phi Delta Kappa, professional
society in Education: 4:15 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Delta Sigma Pi: Actives and
pledges meet at 7 p.m., Rms. 323-
325, Union.
Record Hop: 2-5:50 p.m., Wed.,
Michigan League. Everyone is in-
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is
presenting, in observance of Negro
History Week, Mrs. Horace White,
former executive secretary of the
Cleveland Branch of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, who will speak
on the subject, "The Negro Wom-
an Looks Ahead," at 7:30 p.m.,
Coming Events
Association of University of
Michigan Scientists Discussion
Group on Atomic Energy: 7:15
p.m., Thurs., Feb. 13, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon.,
Feb. 17, Rackham Amphitheatre.
"Factors in Causation and Con-
trol of Strikes," by Prof. Z. C.
Dickinson. Business Administra-
tion, Economics staff, and gradu-
ate students are invited.
U. of M. Chapter of the National

Lawyers Guild: Organization busi-
ness meeting at 3 pm., Thurs.,
Feb. 13, Michigan Union. Prof. B.
Shartel of the Michigan Law
School will speak on the subject,
"Legal Aspects of Sterilization," at
4 p.m.
Modern Poetry Club: 7:45 p.m.,
Thurs., Feb: 13, League. See bul-
letin board for room. Discussion
of Hart Crane's poetry.
Alpha Phi Alpha, Epsilon Chap-
ter: 7 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 13, Union.
Radio Club: 7:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Feb. 13, 220 W. Engineering Bldg.
Please bring your FCC license
Underwriters: Thursday-Lunch-
eon meeting, 12 Noon, Tea Room,
League, for planning activities..
To All Fraternity Presidents:
Rushing Meeting 7:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Feb. 13, Rm. 306, Union.
All Men. Students interested in
"Rushing" this semester must have


Letters to the Edit<

titudes, and for the deve
of people capable of meetii
solved problems of the past
sovdpolm flt as those to come in the
then the Michigan taxpa
not being "short-change,
is averred. This last point
to make a hit with the sQf
zens who oppose tlWe fair
practices idea.
The grandiose manner,
timing, and blatant ton
Edgar Hoover et al) of
Sigler's spectacular "er
are entirely in keeping wil
reputation for.makng c
"grandstand plays." ha
do true sincerity, and, o.
other hand, showmanship,
in the present goings-on?
-Burton S. G
Negro Contribution
To the Editor:
'HISWEEK is set aside
vite the attention of the
to the contributions of the
to civilization.
Dr. Carter G. Woodson f
in 1915 the Association f
Study of Negro Life and tl
yeam' the Association publi
scientific quarterly which
a current publication. W
Dean of the College of Liber
at West Virginia State Colb
organized and became pr
of the Associated Publishe
This organization was "to
possible the publication am
culation of valuable books,
Negro not acceptable tomo
lishers." ,The Negro in Ou.
ory is Dr.''Woodson's m
portant work.
He returned in 1922 to
himself entirely to re
"Woodson was convinced I
a race has no recorded hIt
achievements will be forgott
finally claimed by other I
The race thus 'becomes al
ible factor in the thought
world and stands in danger
ing exterminated." Direct]
indirectly the contributions
Negro race were, he found
looked, ignored and even su
sed by writers of history tex
and the teachers who use
Race prejudice, Woodson
grows naturally from the
that the Negro race is n
This is merely the logical
of tradition, the inevitible
come of thorough instruct
the effect that the Negrohat
contributed to the progr
mankind. But, in fact, "the
evements of the Negro P
set forth will crown him asi
or in early human progres
maker of civilization."
Every student should ac
himself with Negro histo:
you are interested in such a
speak to the head of the I
Department or write to me
Sudbury, Willow Run, Midl
-Rev. David A. Blake
signed up by 5 p.m., Fri., F
Rm. 306, Union.
The Regular Thursday E
Record Concert sponsored1
Graduate School will i
Haydn's Symphony in C,e
Cello Concerto, and Beet
Waldstein Sonata for piano
Tau Beta Pi graduate ar
dergraduate members meet
p.m., Thurs., Feb. 13, Union
The Art Cinema Leagu
sents Maxwell Anderson's
TERSET, starring Burgess
dith, Margo. Also short sub
civil liberties with Paul
Thurs., Fri., St., 8:30 p.m. E
fice opens 2 daily. Reser
.phone 6300. Lydia Mende



Al~ij~ Bt


At the Micligan ...
The Time, the place, and the Girl (War-
ners), Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson, Janis
THIS IS the usual musical presented in the
usual Morgan-Carson manner with. "Cud-
.dles" Sakall, Janis Paige, Carmen Cavalerro,
and others doing their usual routines
throughout. It all adds up to good enter-
tainment. The numbers are nicely staged
and the correct percentage of tunes are of
the catchy type. The plot situations do little
to slow down the general action, being stag-
ed in the manner of toned-down, dressed-up
vaudeville skits. The entire cast seems hap-
py about the whole thing and there's no
reason why you shouldn't enjoy it, too.
* * * *
At the State .. .
The Show-off (MGM), Red ,Skelton,
Marilyn Maxwell, Marjorie Main.
tED SKELTON in superabundance is gen-
erally hard to take, and what with the
obnoxious character he plays in this vehicle,


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed. by stud
the University of Michigan un
authority of the Board in Con
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha . ..........Managin'g
Clayton Dickey...........City
Milton Freudenheim .EditorialI
Mary Brush..........Associate
Ann Kutz ........ Associate
Clyde Recht.........Associate
Jack Martin...........Sports
Archie Parsons Associate Sports
Joan Wilk...........women's
Lynne Ford Associate Women's
Business Staff
Robert E., Potter .... General X
Janet Cork.......Business X
Nancy Helmick .. Advertising N
Member of The Associated


How monstrous of those beavers to

r- ^.,

Us Leprechauns is willing to run


Too bad, m'boy. I'd like to tgck you in. But


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