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April 20, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-20

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SU NDAYS v, APU.Th2; Irm

A Chanc
D EAN ALICE C LLO r told ie asl
yesterday about a girl who almost, be
came a University student, and who for six
years has been the victim of a really "tough
It all started back in 194] wlhn the Bar-
bour scholars for that year were chei.
In spite of mounting international tension.
the University decided to give the awrdo- to
a Japanese girl, daughter of U .(rsit
graduates, who lived in Tokyo.
After receiving her scholarship, Ann Kat-
suizumi arrived in Ann Arbor in December,
1941, ready to start school in the spring
semester. It was a matter of weeks, though
before she developed a bad cough and ex-
amination showed a well-advanced case
of tuberculosis. So, for the past six years,
with neither friends nor family in this
country and postal conditions allowing at
best one communication a month from her
family, Ann has been shifted from sanitor-
ium to sanitorium in Detroit and Howell, in
the care of Washtenaw County.
Lask week she arrived at University Hos-
pital and underwent two very serious oper-
ations. It is hoped that after about two
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Lo r,'. ii I I i p }'tl 1 #{lillf

. . ,


Fleeced C(

BM hel th hth ami.i While Ann
his be in I iity ospital it has
Hi l)1u(I ItOfl[ te hos itL l itl I I bak
One oF the hspital euathns i that
pativnts mst repce the blood they use
rom th k or pay for i to the tune
oF a a pint 'Fi coity' 4caVe evidlent-
ly doe nt ver suc emergencis. 'flu
'Usnry procedure is to have friends
or relatives give blood to rcplacc what
the patient h usd. inut Ann has no
frien or e la-ive here.
Miss Lloyd rt'port:d1 that 5;he had visited
Ann the night before o7 , of her operations
and had found he worried about replacing
or paying for the blood.
Herein lies the imporance ofU te story
to iltiversity students. Here is a chance
for the campus, which includes 18,000 in-
dividuals, to prove some of the brotherly
love which ii, so loudly expounds. Three-
hundred dollars is a tidy sum of money, and
particularly so for a young girl who has
been hospitalized for six years in a foreign
country without friends or family. It is
to be hoped that Ann will gain six friends
who will give up about an hour apiece to go
out to the Blood Bank at University Hos-
pital and pay the bill by giving a pint of
blood for Ann.
--Gay Larsen
V1 per cent. Some of the following data
taken from this table illustrate graphi-
cally the fleecing which the American
consumer is undergoing: The profits of
nineteen food chains rose from twenty
millions in 1945 to forty-five millions in
1946, a return of 18.6 per cent of their
combined total net worth. The profits of
fifty-three other types of chains climbed
from ninety-seven millions to 197 mil-
lions or twenty-three per cent of total
net worth. Twelve distillers recorded an
increase from sixty-fivc- millions in 1945
to 164 millions in 1946, representing a
total return -of 42.1 per cent on their net
worth. For the iron and steel industry,
fifty-one companies raised their profits
of 183 millions in 1945 to 273 millions in
1946, with by far the largest proportion
coming at the end of that year, and indi-
cations of an even higher level for 1947.
Although the profits of automobile and
truck manufacturers declined from 246
millions in 1945 to 128 millions in 1946,
production has now attained a more fav-
orable level and profits will rise corre-
From the:e few facts, typical of the na-
tional tiend, it becomes obvious that a com-
plete downward revision of prices is neces-
sary to prevent a repetition of the disaster
of 1929.
--Jacob IHurwitz

FROM VJ DAY until the time that OPA
was finally and completely discarded last
year, business leaders made loud and in-
sistent demands for a general price increase
to insure a reasonable profit. They argued
that controls were killing business, that a
return to market-controlled guidance was
necessary, and that an informed public
would act as a favorable restraint upon run-
away prices.-
There were those, however, who chal-
lenged the validity of these claims, particu-
larly Walter Reuther of the UAW who be-
lieved at the time$that a general wage in-
crease was not only possible, but necessary
to the continuing welfare of laboring peo-
ple. The UAW scored a partial victory, win-
ning for its members a substantial wage
increase through the General Motors strike.
Subsequently, wage increases were granted
in other industries. But when Congress
failed to pass effective OPA legislation, the
victories won by the workers became defeats,
for prices were adjusted upwards to meet
the cost of increased wages.
Some time after the demise of OPA, Rob-
ert Nathan made public his highly contro-
versial report on the ability of business to
grant a further substantial wage increase
without any corresponding rise in prices.
He was widely criticized for being unreal-
istic and for making his report without hav-
ing the true facts at his disposal. It was
pointed out that not all industries could af-
ford to boost wages and that wage increases
would precipitate still higher prices.
And yet without any considerable wage
raises, prices and profits have risen enor-
mously. In the April Edition of its monthly
letter on economic conditions and Govern-
ment Finances, the National City Bank of
New York printed an enlightening table on
page forty-six reporting profits (after taxes)
in 1946.
In twenty leading industries profits
more than doubled over 1945. In several
instances, profits increased from 300 to

IAST FRIDAY Professor Bredvold of the
English Department delivered a lecture
on the eighteenth-century French philoso-
phes. These popularizers of philosophy de-
sired that the men of the world throw over
all the traditions and conventions to which
they had been slaves because these were
artificial and against the laws of physical
nature. We have learned of many rebels
against the status quo who have taught
similar theories since the beginning of his-
tory from the Greeks to the present. "The
wurruld is in a state of chassis" Philip
Wylie, in An Essay on Morals is the latest
thinker to attempt to reform the world -
and he too recommends a return to nature.
That there is nothing new in Wylie's
ideas, and he frankly states that they are
merely the layman's wording of Jung's psy-
chological theories, doctored up with mathe-
matical, physical and chemical additions, is
no reason to condemn them. Those who
read The Generation of Vipers, dissatisfied
with the absence of constructive thought,
and those who read Night Unto Night trying
to read between the mystic symbols of hope
that tempted but did not reveal, will find
that there is a constructive theory of man
behind Wylie's ranting and raving. And
that theory may be enough to satisfy those
who are in desperate needs of some star-
wagon to which they may hitch themselves.
Many others will claim that the solution is
too simple for this complex world, that
lengends and symbols are too easily distort-
ed in the same distortion Wylie so deplores.
To Wylie the only philosophy that man
can accept requires much preliminary con-
ditioning. Man must first throw away all
gods and symbols of gods that he has in-
stinctually built up in his ego since he first
realized that he was a man. He must learn
the humility of the beast, for beast he is,
and only beast. With this humility he must
abandon his vanity, live by his conscience,
and no longer excuse himself as a "patriot"
or a "Baptist" or a "business man." Strip-
ped of this vanity, this egoism, he will see
that he is a tool of evolution, that he is the
embodiment of all development that has
gone before him and all that is to come
after him. He will no longer need to de-
pend on his self-made myth that he was
created in God's image. He will instead be
able to go on to his destined end absorbing
and glorifying the truth that he knows.
The system is pure, Wylie claims, because
it is scientific. The goal is an awareness of
fact that is the end of science and an emo-
tional satisfaction the same as in all re-
ligion. Further, he claims, the health, the
mental sanity of men', depends on the in-
dividual's acceptance of this truth; the
theory is not a formula that can be fed
to the multitude. Therefore, if we will be
bestial, inhuman, scientific, humble, honor-
able, live as Nature itself, by the laws of
the physical universe, according to our in-
stincts (the only representatives of our real
selves), the world will be both our tool and
our delight.
Wylie takes swings at organized religion
for enslaving man's instinct, at science for
pondering its problems in a vacuum, and at
professional militarism for general incom-
petence. But this is to be expected by those
who have read his other serious works.
In the end Wylie's system seems unbeliev-
ably simple, too simple to be real. The mere
fact that the book will be read - that the
readers will say, "This book seems to be
truly constructive, not the usual Mencken
iconoclasm," and then be discarded as all
other thinker's works have been in the tide
of our evolution, points to its essential weak-
ness. This book, this popularization, seems
rather like the high-school student's only
too true theme summary, "If everyone lived
a better. life, surely the world would be a
better place."
-J. M. Culbert
General Library
Book List
Boyle, Kay-Thirty Stories. New York; Si-

mon and Schuster, 1946.
Ehrenburg, Il'ia Grigorevich - European
Crossroad: A Soviet Journalist in the
Balkans. New York, Knopf, 1947.
Frank, Phillip - Einstein: His Life and
Times. New York, Knopf, 1947.
Nathan, Robert-Mr. Whittle and the Morn-
ing Star. New York, Knopf, 1947.
Speiser, Ephraim Avigor-The United States
and the Near East. Cambridge, Harvard,
Stauffer, Donald .A.-The Saint and the
Hunchback. New York, Simon and Schus-
ter, 1946.
LET US MAKE our education brave and
preventive. Politics is an after-work, a
poor patching. We are always a little too
late. The evil is done, the law is passed, and
we begin the uphill agitation for repeal of
that of which we ought to have prevented
the enacting. We shall one day learn to
supersede politics by education. What we
call our root-and-branch reforms, of slavery,
war, gambling, intemperance, is only medi-
cating the symtoms. We must begin higher
up, namely in Education.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson.

kks ..

Ite r il 1
e3 '

"Maybe you'd like the' patter of little feet on your skull, mister."

(Continued from Page 3)
April 3. Alumni Memorial Hall,
weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
and 2-5. Wednesday evenings 7-9
and Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
University Radio Program:
9:15 a.m., Station WJR, 760


v . z.y. v. s s,.e. . -. r.., ...,. a

"Hymns of Freedom."

MYDA Musicale: Folk song and
classical records, 2:30 p.m., ABC
Room, League.

Letters to the Editori.

U. of M. Hot Record Society:
p.m., Hussey Room, League.


. . ..


By Saul Grossman


IF THE SUCCESS of a hand depends upon
a finesse, sometimes you can force the op-
ponents to finesse themselves by endplaying
them, as in this instance.
S 9 3 2
H A864
D AJ 7
C KJ 4


K8 4
J1O9 3 2
9 6 2

S J10 7 5
H 5
D 108 5 4
C '108 6 5

T WAS SALVIAN, in the fifth century,
searching for reasons for failures by the
Romans who said, "We Christians are worse
than the rest because we ought to be better."
As we watch present day efforts at post-war
peace such moral relativity must apply. In
industrial strife where good motives prevail,
differences c2n be worked out as a logical
movement from error toward truth. But if
on one side, say La-bor's side, the motive is
to obstruct possible production or to defy
honest industrial experimentation, then the
cause of management is almost certain to
win. Also, if management in addition to its
long experience and its statistical research
is, in its personnel, committed to the Chris-
tian theory of society, the weight of expec-
tation is great and any conduct which plays
fast and loose with the economic situation
becomes morally the more culpable.
In similar fashion we are apt to expect
from nations living above the line of mere
subsistence, who are also free from foreign
debts and remote from war threats or politi-
cal pressures, to behave in an orderly gen-
erous fashion. In war every ally was sub-
ject of lend-lease and with breath-taking
speed we sent supplies. In peace it is nec-
essary to discriminate for we are no longer
totalitarian but free. Whether the United
States behaves as a considerate, fair, and
temperate benefactor now we are free again,
or a crafty dealer with an eye on some main
chance, will determine for the next one
hundred years, our standing among the
nations of the earth and our self respect.
Also there is that nemesis of being a
Christian nation, at least in the intent of
our great leaders. This means that if in
public behavior we fall to the level prac-
ticed by Soviet Russia, a young experiment,
or Fascist Spain, an antequated feudalism,
we will be doubly culpable, just because we
fought powerfully a war for the democratic
four freedoms.
On the other hand, actually, since such is
the spot we reach by good fortune, we as
citizens can afford to be charitable toward
our Congressmen and the Executive who
may, at times, like some crude rustic, fall
into a crude and costly error, when seated at
the internatinna lnble. Tn this regnrd all

Coming Events
University Radio Programs:
Mon., 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR,
870 Kc. The Medical Series, "Can-
cer Month - What is It?" Dr.
Hazel Prentice.
Mon., 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR,
870 Kc. Education for Unity -
"Literature and the Arts as Agents
for International Understanding,"
Frank L. Huntley, associate pro-
fessor of English.
Mon., 5:45 p.m., Station WPAG,
1050 Kc. The News and You, Pres-
ton W. Slosson, professor of his-
American Chemical Society, U.
of M. Section, 4:15 p.m., April 21,
Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. L. J.
Venuto, development manager for
the Binney & Smith Co., New
York, will speak on "Colloidal
Carbons." The public is cordially
All senior engineers who have
been invited to the Honor's Con-
vocation, and have paid their class
dues may receive their caps and
gowns April 22 and 23, 2-4 p.m.,
Garden Room, Michigan League.
Phi Beta Kappa, Annual Ini-
tiation Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Tues.,
April 29, Michigan Union. Dean
Christian Gauss of Princeton Uni-
versity and National President
of Phi Beta Kappa will speak on
"From Pioneers to World Citi-
zens." Reservations should be
made at the office of the secre-
tary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory,
by Friday, April 25. Members of
Phi Beta Kappa, whether mem-
bers of this chapter or not, are
cordially invited to attend.
Graduate Student Council: 7:30
p.m., Mon., April 21, East Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Freshman Speech Contest: All
eligible students interested in the
freshman speech contest are asked
to call at the Speech Office, 3211
Angell Hall, before April 25.
Square Dancing Class, sponsor-
ed by the Graduate Outing Club.
7:45 p.m., Tues., April 22, Lounge,
Women's Athletic Bldg. Everyone
welcome. Small fee will be charg-

ing, 8 p.m. Mon., April 21, Rm. 305,
Michigan Union. Songs and
U. of M. Chapter of Intercol-
legiate Zionist Federation of
America. Speaker: Norman Kiell,
national IZFL field worker. 8 p.m.,
Tues., April 22, at the Hillel Foun-
dation. The booklet, "Zionism Ex-
plained," will be discussed. Non-
members are invited.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Social committee, 4:15 p.m~,Tues.,
April 22,nFoundation. Bring eli-
gibility cards.
First Presbyterian Church:
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship.
Sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Guild. Worship,
discussion, and supper, 5 p.m. A
motion picture "Pastorale" which
has a message of worship will be
given. A new series on "Our Faith
in Action" will be introduced by,
Mr. Van Pernis and will include
in succeeding weeks the fields of
Social Systems, Labor, Marriage,
International Relations and Pop-
ular morals.
First Congregational Church:
9:30 and 10:45 a.m., Church
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship.
Dr. Parr's sermon, "Ambushed in
the Prosaic."
6 p.m., Student Fellowship. Sup-
per and annual election of officers.
Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Supper, 6 p.m., Congregational
Church. Election of next year's
officers will be held.
Memorial Christian Church:
(Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tap-
Morning Worship, 10:50 a.m.
Sermon by Rev. Zendt. Nursery for
children during the service.
University Lutheran Chapel:
Services, 9:45 and 11 a.m. The
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "The Source
of Jesus' Authority."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club meet at Center at 1:45
and leave for tour of Detroit Lu-
theranism's highlights.
Lutheran Student Association:
5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall. Supper, 6 p.m. Speaker, Rev.
Robert A. Boettger, pastor of
Christ Lutheran Chapel, Willow
Run. The group will then attend
the lecture by Dr. Millikan and
the Inter-Guild Reception at the
Methodist Church.
First Unitarian Church:
Edward H. Redman, Minister.
11 a.m., Mr. Redman preaching
on "Tough-Minded Religion."
5:30 p.m., Vesper Service. Mr.
Redman preaching on "Truth and
6:30 p.m., Unitarian Student
Group supper and discussion. Rev.
Tracy Pullman, Church of Our
Father, Detroit, "What Can the
Modern Thinking Liberal Be-
First Church of Christ, Scien-
tist, 409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning service at
10:30. Subject: "Doctrine of
Sunday School at 11:45.
Wednesday evening service at
8 p.m.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-r
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed orl
omitted it the discretion of the edi-
torial director,r
Library Finest
To The Editor:
THE WRITER wishes to com-
mend those im charge of Uni-
versity library policy for their deepl
understanding of the human equa-
tion and also for their empiricalt
attempt to imbue a keen sense of :
punctuality in the student.
I was recently imbued threet
bucks worth for the grave misde-t
meanor of being one (1) day late
in returning books to the General
Library. All readers who, like the
library directors, possess scholarlyI
minds will readily admit that this
indeed is a splendid inducementt
for the student to use the library
as a .constant aid in the educa-
tional process.
Yes, even the libraries, those
hitherto symbols of staunchness,
and stability are now feeling the
inexorable pressure of rising costs.
Remember the good old days whenj
a library fine was 3 cents a day?
As I remorsefully thumb through
my three dollars worth of pink
penalty receipts I find there is
but one question in my now sharp-~
ly punctual mind. Is this fining
policy of the library a penalty or
revenue measure? Alas! In either
event I have just discovered that
the librarian neglected to counter-
sign my pink penalty receipts
which makes them perfectly worth-
less to me now. How hopelessly
wretched this leaves me-in spite
of being saturated with a newly
acquired spirit of punctuality
which I shan't soon forget.
-William C. Lindahl
Seeds of Fascism
To the Editor:
"'WALLACE Breaking Law',
.Thomas says." This news
item appeared in the Ann Arbor
News, April 14.
Some people may not have heard
of Mr Thomas. He heads the
House Un -American Activities
Committee in Congress. His full
time job is "witch-hunting," no
more, no less. One week it's Har-
low Shapley, astronomer of Har-
vard Tjniversity, the next, its Eu-
gene Dennis, General Secretary of
the Communist Party.
What has Mr. Wallace been do-
ing that he breaks laws? He spoke
over the BBC to fifteen million
Britishers. He spoke as an Ameri-
can citizen in criticism of the
American foreign policy on Greece
and Turkey; he made an urgent
plea for world peace on the basis
of a firm understanding with the
Soviet Union. - This is Mr. Wal-
lace's crime. This is thecrime
that has: brought forth the cry
"treasoi" from some of the more
ardent Republicans. This is the
crime for which ninety percent of
the American newspapers have
wilfully neglected to report his re-
cent speeches. (About fifteen days
ago, hi speech before a packed
Madison Square Garden audience
was all but neglected. The Nation-
al office of the Progressive Citi-
zens of America had to pay for an'
advertisement in the New York
Times that his plea might go be-
fore the reading public.)
What is this in America that the
man who served in the Cabinet
and as Vice-President under Pres-
ident Roosevelt for fourteen years
must be accused of treason for
criticizing the actions of elected
representatives of the people? Will
the Associated Press, the United
Press plead that Wallace is no

longer news? And, if they say
that, then will the news services
say that it is no longer news when
a member of the faculty at Har-
vard, and world renown at that,
dares to speak his convictions
fully, especially when this profes-
sor speaks so bluntly as, "Why not
frankly say what you mean, Mr.
President? If you mean oil why
say Greece, why say Turkey, when
you mean gravy? When we mean
commercial gravy for the few, at
the potential expense of the
Dr. Shapley did not stop at
that. -He exposed the Communist
"witch hunt" for what it is. "May
I ask that when you use the word
subversive you always think here-
after of the dangerous reaction-
aries with their short-sighted pol-
icy of protecting their cash, de-
fending their social backwardness,
and their ignorance of world wide
trends in sociology and econom-
This is called "treason" by the
men who occupy the sacred trust
of carrying out the will of the

It would be naive, indeed, for
the student to shrug his shoulders
at this censorship of the news. One
need hardly go so far as Madison
Square Garden to find censorship.
We have our local censorers who
are certain to attempt a thorough
intimidation of the thought proc-
esses of the individual student.
Only last week, Mr. Callahan, with
the able assistance of the FBI,
gained his objective at Wayne
University, when Dr. Henry, presi-
dent, was forced to back down
from a previous stand and insist
upon suicide of the AYD chapter.
That such action means more than
destroying the democratic process
requires little argument. When
st udents cannot assemble to speak
th'eir convictions, according to
their constitutional rights, the
whole of the educative process is
destroyed; the kernel of all future
growth in every sphere of life is
being crushed.
There is no running away from
this problem. It represents the
seeds of fascism. Nor is it some-
thing which was transplanted
from a foreign soil. Men who hold
American citizenship are its pur-
It takes little logic to see that
unless the student body speaks
forth, en masse, to expose the Cal-
lahan Committee and its adher-
ents for what they are, the word,
"University," will have lost its
meaning. If students are to be
told what to think, they can no
longer consider themselves seekers
of truth. They become no more
than sheep being led to the in-
evitable slaughter.
-E. E. Ellis
Isms Opposed V(Vently
To The Editor:
I AM a native-born American citi-
zen, and have therefore been
violently opposed since my birth
to all concepts whose names end in
"ism," and in favor of all con-
cepts whose names end in "ocracy."
Specifically, I am opposed to the
following: Communism, Fascism,
Solecism, Criticism, Eroticism,
Truism, and Prism; and I favor
the following: Democracy, Pornoc-
racy,'Aristocracy, Slavocracy, The-
ocracy, and Ptochocracy. I say
this by way of introduction so that
there can be no doubt as to my
Patriotism-I mean loyalty-when
I reveal (as I hereby do) that I
attended the April 3rd meeting of
the Karl Marx Study Club.
I attended this meeting, disguis-
ed in a red necktie, as a self-ap-
pointed secret agent for the Uni-
ted States of America. Here is my
report. The president of the Karl
Marx Study Club is obviously a
Communist, and an agent for the
Soviet Government. I know him
as such, not by his membership
card, nor yet by the fact (which
has not been definitely estab-
lished) that he is attending school
under provisions of the Russian
G.I. Bill, but by his actions at that
meeting. He could not have known,
without instructions from Moscow,
how to manipulate parliamentary
procedure and control voting as
he did, to establish a totalitarian
regime by apparently democratic
means. Only by studying the
methods developed by Russia in
the countries which she occupies
(Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,
France, England, etc.) could he
have become so skilled at suppres-
sing a political minority. True
Americans like myself and Senator
Bilbo just don't have opportunities
to learn this kind of thing.
David F. Ross







C AQ7 2
East-West Vulnerable, East Dealer. The
Pass 1C Pass 1 H
Pass 3 NT Pass 6 NT
Pass Pass Pass
Sitting South on this hand was Ed Span-
ier, consistent winner at the local duplicate
The opening Jack of Hearts lead was won
with the Queen. Spanier could count eleven
cold tricks with a twelfth if the Hearts split
or the Spade finesse worked. Not desiring
to risk the contract on the 50-50 chance
that the finesse would work, he proceeded to
run 4 Club tricks, on which West discarded
a Diamond and a Spade.
Now the three Diamonds were led out
and West was forced to let go a Heart. The
King of Hearts was played, on which East
showed out, and a low Heart was led to the
A nti r'..

Women Veterans:
Mon., 7:30 p.m., League.


Modern Poetry Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., April 21, Hopwood Room.
Mr. Morris will lead a discussion
of Allen Tate's criticism and
Le Cercle Francais: Social meet-

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim. .Editorial Director'
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht...........Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's- Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication


Ever since you mentioned that 1
.r . . i . ..

Well, at three dollars a share

John! H~ow can you,!alk

Yo herdabuti fomBonay

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