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April 20, 1947 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-20

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SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1947



Nlrei er! s /O

Museum Displays Collection
Of Ancient Egyptian Objects

Death and taxes plagued the
ancient Egyptians as much as pre-
sent day Americans, an exhibit
of ancient Egyptian life just com-
pleted in the Museum of Archae-
ology, demonstrates.
The proof is in the tax records
and coins unearthed, and in the
charms and jewels found buried
with the dead which are included
in a large display portraying var-
ious phases of life in an Egyptian
town during the first foui oen-
Little Nations
Awaiting Bi
Five Decisions
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., April 19
-(P-The big powers which have
so jealously guarded their right of
veto in the United Nations today
found the whole policy of special
privileges boomeranging.
Their smaller neighbors, once
ready to fight in a minute for
equality for all the members, have
now started to toss all the knotty
questions to the major powers
with the notation: "you settle 'em
This trend of forcing a prior de-
cision betweeb Russia and the
Western Powers, in effect making
the 11-nation Security Council a
Big-Five Council, has prompted
these developments:
1-The Council's Commission of
Conventional Armaments decided
there was no use attempting to
formulate a program for stripping
down the world's arms unless the
big boys could get together. Thus
the Commission handed the pre-
liminary task of drafting a work
program to a sub-committee of
the United States, Russia, France,
China and Britain. The small
group meets Monday.
2-Realizing any Security Coun-
cil choice for the ticklish job of
Governor of Trieste was subject to
veto, the Council is letting United
States, France, Russia and Britain
hold informal meetings looking
toward agreement on a candidate.
These delegates will convene Mon-
3-Colombia put an informal
Proposal before delegates that the
five big powers get together
among themselves and draft plans
for a Balkan agreement to cover
all the situations which keep crop-
ping up between Greece and her
Professional Pharmacy
Fraternity Re-activated
Phi Delta Chi, national profess-
ional pharmacy fraternity, active
on campus from 1883 to 1930, was
re-activated here yesterday.
Seven pharmacy students initi-
ated into the fraternity were Reg-
inald Lowe. Sherman Myer, Rich-
ard Kolb, John Priestley, Elmer
Benson, William Hale and Charles

turies A. D. "Bureaucrats" of
that day imposed countless taxes
which were paid by small metal
coins such as those on display.
Karanis Excavations
Karanis, 45 miles from Cairo
in upper Egypt, yielded most of
the articles of the exhibit to an
excavation staff from the Uni-
versity between 1924 and 1935.
Their findings are arranged top-
ically in rooms devoted to child-
hood, agriculture, homes, taxes
and trades and religion, each rep-
resented by objects nearly 2,000
years old.
Many items show the influence
of Rome's conquest of Egypt which
was accomplished in 31 A. D.
Heavy taxes payable in grain were
exacted by the Romans, citizen-
ship as specified in birth certi-
ficates took on new prominence
and service in Rome's fighting
forces offered travel and certain
privileges to Egypt's young men.
Children's Toys
Proceding according to numer-
ical room order, children's toys,
not greatly different from today's,
are exhibited. Baby rattles, dolls
and diminutive swords carved
from wood, and wooden animals
mounted on wheels to be pulled
with a string kept the small child-
ren busy. For the older ones,
there were board games and the
inevitable dice. A student's geo-
metry lesson testifies to the age
of that evil.
Farther along, home furnishings
may be seen. With the wooden-
barred window which admitted
light and sunshine, they indicate
the houses were moderately com-
Articles entombed with the bod-
ies indicate the religion of many
gods promised resurrection for the
Egyptians. Christianity, too, ap-
pears to have made its advent.
Worked into tapestries and pot-
tery may be seen the Cross of
Illustrated folders describing
the village and the activities of
Karanis are available at the ex-
Disney Film Will
Be Shown Tonight
"South " of the Border," Walt
Disney color film, will be shown
at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 316 of the
Union, as part of the International
Center Sunday evening program.
A Latin American style supper,
featuring "arroz con pllo" (chick-
en with rice) will be served at 7
p.m. in the International' Center,
under the auspices of l,he Latin
American Society and the Inter-
national Students Committee.
Group singing, led by Ricardo
Cortez, guitarist, will be held in
the International Center lounge
following the film. The film is
open to the public.
To roast nuts combine nutmeat
halves with 2 teaspoons of cooking
oil or melted vegetable or table
fat and 1 teaspoon of salt in the
frying pan. Place over low heat
and stir constantly. Drain on ab-
sorbent paper. Sprinkle with salt.i

Hagana Plans
To Overcrowd
riish Camps
Ullderground Spring
Offensive Revealed
JERUSALEM. April 19--
Jewish quarters said today the un-
derground resistance movement
was planning a spring offensive
designed to "flood the Cyprus de-
tention camps" with irregular im-
migrants and embarrass the Brit-
ish while the Palestine case is be-
ing heard before the United Na-
tions Assembly.
Hagana, moderate underground
group which specializes in bring-
ing immigrants into Palestine de-
spite British regulations, was said
by one informant to have a pro-
gram of bringing about 5,000 im-
migrants a month to the shores of
the Holy Land "if the flow of
ships and money can be sustain-
British sources admitted it was
'conceivable that the Cyprus
camps would be filled within six
weeks" if Hagana could put one
intercepted shipload a week onto
Palestine's shores from over the
long and dangerous underground
railway and sea route from' Eur-
Tension continued to blanket
this land and Cyprus following
the Wednesday execution of Dov
Bela Gruner and three other mem-
bers of Irgun Zvai Leumi on ter-
rorist charges.
A communique from Cyprus
said Jews detained in the Canao-
los camp tried to burn down three
main gates of the camp today and
staged other sporadic incidents in
a continued demonstration de-
manding that more of their num-
ber" be transferred to Palestine.
One Jew was killed and six
wounded yesterday in a demon-
stration and hunger strike.
Nazi Ma onates
Face Tribunal
Accused of Merciless,
Treatment of Millions
NUERNBERG, April 19-(/)-
Friederich Flick and five other
executives of Nazi Germany's big-
gest steel trust were accused as
the merciless enslavers of millions
of Europeans at the opening today
of the first trial in history of in-
dustrialists as war criminals.
"They shamelessly dishonored
the image of mankind," Brig. Gen.
Telford Taylor, the chief prosecut-
or, told the American tribunal be-
fore which all six pleaded inno-
"They greedily plundered the re-
sources of neighboring countries
overrun by the Wehrmacht. They
supported, joined in and profited
by the foulest and most murder-
ous policies and programs of the
Third Reich."
The courtroom was crowded
with spectators, among them Gen.
Lucius D. Clay, American military
governor of Germany.


Conference E ... arymusicfraternityil
(lsssdnied under the dire(
A discussion of "Missionary Pre- Prof. Wahne Dunlap, of
paration" will be held at 3 p.m. , sic scool, at 8:30 p.m. t<
today in Lane Hall as part of the at Rackham Lecture Ha
Campus Missionary Conference,.
sponsored by the Michigan Christ-
ian Fellowship.R*m*
Kenneth G. Hood, Latin-Ameri- Dr. George Kiss, of
can missionary, will deliver the graphy department, wil
closing message of the conference "Folk Tales and How Th
at 4:30 p.m. before the Ru.sgian Circle
* tomorrow in the Inte
Carillon Concert. Center.
Percival Price, University car- f)(I . Wcetjile'
illoneur, will open the spring
carillon concert series at 3 p.m. Plans for a county-w
today. to disc us the voting r
The program will include se- Michigan State legislai
lections by Bach, Beethoven be made at a meeting
and Brahms. gressive Citizens of Air
* * * 8 p.m. today in the Uni
Himes To Meet .**
The Michigan Union Opera Vetlito To Speak
group, Mimes, will meet at 7:30 Louis J. Venuto, autl
p.m. Tuesday at the Union. the uses and applicatior
bon black, will speak on
Spring Concert ... al Carbons" at thie
Chemical Society meetin
The annual spring concert of T p.m. tomorrow in Rmln. 15
Phi Mu Alpha, national honor- istr Building.
III , --- -- ---

FIELD KITCHEN FEEDS RESCUE CREWS-Army personnel and equipment, rushed to explosion
swept Texas City, Tex., set up and operate an emergency, kitchen, serving coffee and sandwiches to

relief workers, who continue their search of the ruins for victims.

International Week Features
Pageant of Nations, Banquet

International Week, a four-day
series of events beginning Tuesday
and climaxed by International Ball
on Friday, will include a pageant
of all nations, a panel discussion
and a banquet for graduating for-
eign students.
Opening International Week,
foreign students will take part in
a pageant of native dances at 8
p.m. Tuesday in Ann Arbor High
School Auditorium.
Panel Discussion
"U.S.-Soviet Relations and Their
Want a Car?
Delivery Still
DETROIT, April 19-(AP)-The
nation's automobile industry, pro-
ducing around 100,000 cars and
trucks weekly, is closeto its aver-
age pre-war manufacturing level,
but the day when passenger cars
generally will be "bought off the
floor" still is more than a year
Some industry authorities prob-
ably will disagree with that state-
ment; here and there in the mer-
chandising division top executives
are reiterating that the end of the
seller's market is in sight and that
dealers soon may have to fight for
buyer preference.
Retailers Unprepared
Their view,rhowever, is based
largely upon apprehension that the
return of competition will find
many of the car retailers unpre-
Actually many dealers, particu-
larly in the popular lower-priced
field, are discouraging the placing
of orders.
There are exceptions, of course,
but generally the orders on file
exceed the dealers' new car quotas
for many months ahead. In many
instances would-be new car buyers
are being told delivery cannot be
promised this year. In other cases
the indicated delivery date is set at
"from four to six months," which
in all probability will be stretched
out to beyond the year's end.
Wave of Orders
The coming of milder weather
over a large part of the country
brought another wave of new car
orders. The same thing will hap-
pen when 1948 models are an-
This has been the rule in normal
times when the accumulation of
orders was of only nominal pro-
portions. Added to the heaviest
backlog in car building history,
new model enthusiasm undoubted-
ly will carry the industry through
1948 without much sales effort on
the part of the merchandising di-
Further accelerating potential
demand for 1948 models is the fact
many of the approximately two
and one-half million individuals
who have already obtained post-
war vehicles will be in the market
with better trade-in values than
their less fortunate fellow motor-
is. - . and the used car trade
wants all thcse late models it can
g et..

Effect on the United Nations"
will be the subject of a panel
discussion at 8 p.m. Wednesday
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
With Prof. Preston Slosson, of
the history department, as moder-
ator, panel members will include
Jerry Szapiro of the United Na-
tions Public Information Depart-
ment; Prof. Alfred Hotz of the
University of Chicago; Prof. How-
ard Ehrmann, of the history de-
partment; and Neil Staebler, Ann]
Arbor businessman.#
Banquet Planned
Sponsored by the Internation-
al Students Committee and the
Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of
Commerce, International Week
will continue with a banquet for
100 graduating foreign students at
6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union.
Sanarindraneth Sen of the In-
dian Delegation to the United Na-
tions and Dean Ivan C. Crawford
of the engineering college will be
the principal speakers.
Climaxing the week's events,
International Ball will be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in
the Union. An annual affair at
which foreign students are hosts
to the entire campus, the Ball will
feature a floor show of foreign
songs and dances.
Proceeds of International Ball
will go to the Emergency Fund
for Foreign Students. Tickets are
on sale at the League, the Union
and the International Center.
Village A VC To Hold
Labor Legislation Panel
A panel discussion on labor leg-
islation, sponsored by the Willow
Village AVC, will be held at 8
p.m. Tuesday in the North Com-
munity building.
Irving Fink will be moderator
at the discussion, which will
thrash out the controversial is-
sues emanating from pending
Congressional bills curtailing la-
bor practices.

Breders Hit
By Chinchilla
Fur Eating
EAST LANSING, Mich., April
19-( P)-Scientists at Michigan
State College are seeking a cure
for a rather expensive eating hab-
it of chinchillas, the small South
American fur bearers which often
cost as much as $1,600 per breed-
ing pair.
It seems the chinchillas-and
those raised in Michigan are no
exception-consider their own fur
a dainty tidbit-at a rather high
price per bite.
Michigan's 100 or so chinchilla
breeders are not seriously con-
cerned with this fur eating habit
because of its immediate effetes,
for the industry is still in the
stage where the animals are sold
only for breeding purposes. The
only pelts which reach the market
are the results of casualties.
But the growers fear the fur
eating habit may become a rather
expensive one in six or eight years
when the state's chinchilla herds
have become large enough to per-
mit pelting of the animals for the
fur market.
Lloyd B. Sholl, animal pathol-
ogy specialist at MSC who has
been assigned the research prob-
lem, said it may be due to a diet
deficiency. He is working on a
diet aimed at attracting chinchil-
las to less expensive desserts.
With pelts now valued at about
$80 apiece, one grower estimated
the chinchillas eat their own fur
at the approximate price of a dol-
lar per bite.
I Diamonds
Wedig c
' IMC alRngs
717 North Universiy Ave.


Are. you going?



Jazz Septet Judy CI
Jackie Ward Nafe A]
Dr. Barinardo
Women's Glee Club
Toin MeNall's Orchestra
Jon Bob Stephen soI


April 20



( -i _._._. _ --- -
r.-.ns mw+ r


STUDENT COUPLE desir 2,31, 4 or 5
room apt. Furnished or unfurnishled
starting June, July or Aug. Box 16.
STUDENT AND WIFE desire to rent or
sub-lease apartment for duration of
summer session only. Phone Henry
Lane at 2-1465 after 8 p.m. )35
EMPLOYED WIDOW desires apotent
for occupancy any title lwo July.
Excellent references. Reply Box 8,
Michigan Daily or phou 2-173. )38
STUDENT COUPLE ((Sires Jp('irintlnwnt,
furnished apartnieni t'",ituiif1g J n
or will sub-lease (or sunnwr s(nes
ter. Call Nilssier. 2-4551 b'tween 6
and 8. Good references. )9
WANTED TO RENT---A house or large
apartment for sunmner months of
June, July. August, also September, if
possible. Will pay full rent in ad-
vance. Box 25, Mich. Daily. )17
VETERAN and wife wish to sublet
apartment for summer session only.
Can furnish excellent references.
Write H. G. Strunce. Director Instru-
mental Music, Handley High School,
Winchester, Virginia.. )22
HAVE 3-ROOM iAtpailrtm i li miide ii id-
town ManLia (taxi a pa xreni Will con-
sider trade fixi'nishcd or fnii isted
for Ann Arbori apartm nit o-' sno ll
modern house tfor period op It (wo
years, beginning .J( '11. Wri1 Box 1V.
Michigan Daily. )l2
FOR SALE -Portable 'Letii Radio.
Phone 25-9396. )40
BICYCLE--Used. Good condition. Phone
2-4554, daytime. )41
FOR SALE-Gold ring. blackonyx stone.
Fraternity crest, $14.00. Phone 2-2205.
Howard. )42
OIL space heater practicall new, cur-
tain, hot plate, eletric .oven, etc.
Mrs. Cranet, 2-44386, 'ti!iSTO p.m. )4
A ni. rVP. PT.Tt..+: i li r~rA/on' -


LOST--Gold ring set with three din-
inonds. Call 2-4561, Room 517. )2
FOUND-Eversharp pen before vacation
in snow near Engine Arch. Call 4879
between 7-9 p.m. )27
LOST--Black Shaeffer pen with name
on band. If found, please call Betty
Bloxom, phone 2-2543. )6
LOST-3rown leather, zipper purse Sat-
ii'rday, Willow bus stop. Need con-
tents desperately. Phone 2-3209. Susan
TWO RINGS and a bracelet in ladies
room of Michigan theatre. Senti-
mental value. Reward. Box 1, MichI-
gan Daily. )20
GIRL for care of children some light
housework afternoons through dinner
hour. Faculty family 2-3428. )44
SALESMAN to represent York Refrig-
eration and Air Conditioning Distrib-
utor in Washtenaw County. Salary
and commission. Write box 20. )16
Prefer men under 30 years of age who
are thoroughly trained in the funda-
mental principles of physics and en-
gineering and who possess an ability
to apply these principles to experi-
niental work on processing of rubber
and textiles. Must be college graduate.
Reply giving full details of back-
ground, education, etc. to
U. S. Rubber Company
6600 E. Jefferson
Detroit 32, Michigan s
c/o Mr. R. C. Chope )33
WANTED: 3 or 5 tickets to matinee,
May 10. May Festival. Call Ann Ar-
bor, 2-6844. )34
The University Hospital wishes to in-
crease its registry of available pro-

DRESbMAKING, Repairs and Alter -
tions. Mrs. Livingston, 315 So. Divi-
sion, 2nd floor. )21
SALES - John Jadwin - SERVICE
855 Tappan Ave. Phone 2-7412 )10
information leading to the renting of
suitable apartment in Ann Arbor.
Write Box 2, Michigan Daily. )19
rz'ni I. 1 a I 1(15 rldS 'r por' ta iles. Of f ice
Equipmnen t Service Co,, 111 S. Fourt
Avenue. }3E>
"The Play's the Thing," hut if the
thing don't play, give us a ring, and
we'll fix it 1oday. Phone 9241 or
bring your rai tothe Tavern Cafe-
teria for expert radio repair service.)I19
W. E. B. Dubois, editor, historian,
speak on "American Negro in World
Today" 4:15 Wed., Rackham Lecture
Hall. TPickets 50c - Booths. Union,
League, University Hall - Open Mon-
day, Tuesday. ) 37
Readi (111/$ U 1e
Ihaily (1assi/i(I J/Ads

l l

1 01 " m c e n tc n t
onlyBOK I L olyi
We Jhave CCatiCnula'd Ca large quantity of old books from
private libraries Novels - Non-fictions - Texts and

SI-Li\T NA I )E .. JDoria serenely poisedl
018 tOftfe ers ee its
seroll bra* trininizng - ull fowing sash
an dw d weeping slir will gracefully
enhance your leisure hours. White
S ..1p . I





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