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February 08, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-08

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J-R.U. jP is siiai


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KY 7 AND 8, 1947




ctures of Gala unior Hp
old to Aid arch of Dimes

18 H Op'
ds Chapter
Vivid Past
stor Reveals
~shes, Success
ht's -Hop adds another
chapter "a turbulent
history that already in
a near .tragedy, brilliant
s and a double dance held
different cities..
at the very first facul

name was changed to "So-
['whennine secret socie-
ndertook all responsibility.
however, two newly formed
ities were denied paricipa-
Ae Regents refused to let
Gan Gym be used unless ,
ne were included. The nine
fities held the J-Hop in To-
The two new ones and the
ndents held the J-Hop in
r that the juniors worked
er-to make each Hop the
ver." Only once was there a
e failure; the decorator did
ow up and the refreshments
ed of "a wafer and a glass of
" This was attributed, how-
o the fact that for some un-
i reason the chairman of
mmittee was a sophomore.
s Better
for chairmen were much
successful. Year after year
pers have danced under in-
ngly beautiful and elaborate
tions. Back at the turn of
mtury, professional decora-
sed untold miles of blue and
bunting and tried to con-
he gym rafters with ropes of
, floral bells and huge balls
burst to shower flovers on
the 1920's, each dance was
sd around a theme, with
esults as in an eskimo vil-
vith. icebergs and igloos for
; springtime Japan, com-
with cherry blossoms and
as, and a Dutch town with
t recent dances have been
-modernistic" with such
schemes as burgundy and
r wine and green.
eful attention has always
aid to lighting effects, from
ays of long strings of light
to the present revolving
hts. It used to be the cus-
turn off most of the lights
ollow couples around the
rith a calcium spotlight. One
a calcium light exploded.
wo men who extinguished
lazing hunting were "ap-
d to the echo.".
equal importance with thet
tions, at early J-Hops, weref
sfreshments. Suppers wereE
until the impossibility oft
g the food hot became tooe
sot. Punch and cakes be-
stand-bys, and one commit-e
iounced proudly that as a7
e attraction, their lemon-s
See 1948, Page 8 i

WHERE THE MONEY GOES-Miss Marion Stafford, Ann Arbor infantile paralysisvictim, regain-
ed control of her hands by weaving in Ann Arbor Hospital. Money from the March of Dimes helps
defray expenses of long months in the hospital.
4' 4' 4'4' * * 4 4

To HelpPolio
Viets ere
Donation Needed
To Extend Work
With prc'eds from the J-Hop
extra, Washtenaw County will at-
tempt to maintain it's four year
record of contributing the most
Imoney per capita in the state for
the campaign against dread in-
fantile paralysis.
Last year Washtenaw County
contributions ran 21 cents per per-
son for the county, Mrs. Hickman
Price, chairman of the Infantile
Paralysis Foundation announced.-
One half of this money, $8,869, was
kept by the county foundation for
treating county polio cases, while
the remaining half went to the
National Infantile Paralysis Foun-
dation for research, epidemic aid
and education.
21 Cases
Twenty - one new poliomyelitis
cases were cared for by the county
during the past year in addition
to cases carried over from the pre-
seeding year.
Eight of these cases were hron
Ann Arbor, seven from Ypsilanti,
three from Milan, and one each
from Northville, Horseshoe Lake,
and Willow Run.
"The cost of treating these new
cases as well as continuing the
treatment of old cases will eat
away most of the surplus from
previous years," according to Miss
Dorothy Ketcham, secretary of the
county chapter.
Reserve Dwhidles
"The Foundation's reserve fund
is nearly depleted so that the need
for contributions is more urgent
than before," Miss Ketcham said.
The National Foundation is al-.
so badly in need since it's $4,000,-
000 epidemtc fund was nearly wip-
ed out last November by the worst
epidemic in the Foundation's his-
Miss Ketcham explained that
Washtenaw County has a forward
looking policy conerning polio
cases. Each person with a polio
disorder, adult or child, has been
offered immediate assistance. Sev-
eral cases have received not only
hospitalization in acute periods,
but have had long periods of con-
valescent care and subsequent re-
peated re-examinations to sustain
After Discharge, Too
The Foundation keeps tabs on
it's patients after they are dis-
charged from the convalescent
hospitals, Miss Ketcham pointed
out, but they are not required to
repay the Foundation for it's ser-
"We do, of course, take dona-
tions from those who wish to give
- them, but there is no compulsion
about it. We will aid anyone
stricken, regardless of race, color,
creed or "financial status.",
One University student has been
treated this year. at the Univer-
sity Hospitat and two sons of stu-
dents living in Willow Rtun. Alice
M. Olson of Pontiac was recently
siseharged from the hospital after
es treatment.
ea Dance Pictures
With latest dane pictures,
the final edition of the Daily
ia a-Hop extra will be on campus
in sale Monday. All proceeds will
e- go to The March of Dimes.

Daily Photo by Wake and Lmania
THE BIG DANCE-Here is a cross section of the 3,000 couples who danced Friday and Saturday
night away at the Class of 1948's J-Hop.
*' 4' 4 * *' *' * * *'
6,000Dce o TWoBands

Three-thousand couples danced
to the music of Jimmie Lunce-
ford and Ziggy Elman Friday and
Saturday nights in the lavish two-
band, two-night Hop of the Class
of 1948.
Bright paste! awnings, a blue
ceiling, street lamps and an Eiffel
Tower enhanced the gay Parisian
setting of the Intramural Build-


As a climax to the "Dance of the Union and League held danc
the Year," breakfasts were served Friday and Saturday nights.
to J-Hoppers at fraternity houses, part of the big dance weekend, ti
the Union and the League. Union sponsored an afternoon to
For the frst time since 1942, J- dance Saturday.
Hop plans included dances, break- The J-Hop commnittee, headi
fasts, and house parties given by by Dennis Youngblood of Sigm
fraternities and independ.ent Chi, spent more than $3,0008o
houses. decorations to return to the pr
To handle the overflow, both war Hop standard.

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