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April 15, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-15

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Liatea ideadine in the State


r'Walac G ives
To Critiism
VA 01141 Be Accused: c
Only in Wartihue'
By The Associ it ed Press
LONDON, April 14 henry A.
Wallace replied defiantly toni, t
to Congressional critiismn of his
speeches here against President
Truman's foreign piolicy with the
assertion that "Only if a state of
war existed could I be accused of
giving aid to an enemy in express-
ing my point of view."
He said that it was his intention
to "go on speaking out for peace
wherever men will listen to me on-
til the end of my days."
Issues Statement
The former vice president's re-
ply was given in a statement dis-
tributed from his hotel room,
where lie was resting after an 800-
mile speaking tonir through Brit-
Gin's west midlands.
"I learn that there is sentimentt
in the Congress that the place for
me to campaign against proposed.,
military loans to Greece and Tir
key is not in Britain but in my
own country," his statement said.
"My answer to that is straight-
forward. I did campaign in the
United States, and the British peo-
pie, through the medium of the
British press, knew my attitude
L very well before I cane here. I
have mentioned my attitude of op-
position to loans for military pur-
poses only incidentally in Britan.
"It is the American Congress
that decides American policy, not
the British public. I have said that
America, like all countries, can
choose between two policies: one
stands for a strong United Nations
and leads to lasting peace; the
other stands for a divided world
and leads ultimately to war.
Ask Crinijnal
For Wallaee
WASHINGTION, April 14 - (IP)
-A Congressional demand for'
criminal prosecution of Henry A.
Wallace mingled today with fresh
denunciation of his speech-making
abroad but President Truman
maintained silence.
The House Committee on Un-
American activities looked up the
old Logan Act which provides
three years in jail and $5,000 fine
for a citizen having "intercourse"
with a foreign government to de-
feat an American measure and
concluded, in the words of Rep.
Thomas (Rep., N.J.), its chair-
"It covers Henry Wallace just
as you'd cover a person with a
Wallace has been making
speeches abroad assailing Truman
foreign policy, notably the $400,-
000,000 program to bolster Greece
and Turkey against communism.
Thomas declared that "it's as
clear a case as I've ever seen" and
that Attorney General Clark "hs.s
no alternative but to take action."
Roln Empirep
Subjet fTak

Jerome Lectures To
Begin Here Today
Rome and Ann Arbor will join
forces today when Prof. Allan
Chester Johnson of Princeton
University opens the Jerome Lec-
ture Series at 4:15 p.m. at Rack-
ham Amphitheatre on the general
topic of Egypt and the Roman
Empire-- a series which will also
be given at the American Academy
of Rome.
The first Thomas Spencer Jer-
ome lecturer was Prof. John G.
Winter, who spoke in the autumn
of 1930.
Unsettled conditions at home
and abroad made the appoint-
ment of a second lecturer impos-
sible until the present time.
All of the lectures will be giv-
en at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Today's lecture
will be on "Fiduciary Currency
and its Problems."
Prof. Johnson is one of the
leading authorities in the field of
papyri and ancient history.

t " Shwellenbach
Efases ni ems



oi LiTo Arbitrate Telephone Strike;

I FlIFER COt ;NTRJ BUTION--David Bailie (left) hands Seymour
Goldstcin (center) a $10 check from the Canterbury Club to pay
lor one lie iier to be sent to Europe by the campus "Heifers for
Europe" drive. Looking on are Miss Maxine Westphal, Barbara
Hamel, Wyatt Mick, and Rev. John Burt of the Canterbury Club,
'-'Ior JOS I, 'ondactor-elect of the Cincinnati Symphony Or-
('1 t'5, wil direct Ihe University Musical Society Choral Union in
I e May Ttival, replacing -huadin Van Deursen, assistant professor
of VOICe, nd condUctor of the University Musical Society, whose
reWignatiO W S 1aounced Saturday by President Alexander G.
The oia wIuih came suddenly only four weeks before
Pro,. Van elarsenx was to direct the chorus in the May Festival, will

not be(on ie effective until the en
Libra ry % "I
Drive Begnms
lreeG in pis Events
I.lnined lit Ca paign
The campus fund -raising drive
to hull, stablish The Joseph R.
Iayden Memorial Library at the
University of the Philippines gets
officially underway today.
P't of a nationwide campaign
oug faculty and alumni to
rai:se 0.tJ for the Philippine
library mooinrg th late Univer-
,sty political scientist, the campus
drive will include three fund-rais-
ing events.
All this week speakers will call
on campus residences and organi-
zations explaining the purpose of
the drive. Pledge subscription
blanks will be distributed and stu-
dents asked to make a contribu-
tien. The names of all students
who contribute to the fund will be
clnbossed in a record book which
u ill be placed on display in the
completed hilippine library.
All proceeds from the all-cam-
pus student talent show, "Running
iRampant" to be given at 7:30 p.m.
April 20 in Hill Auditorium, will
go toward swelling tIhe fund.
Manila Square," a dance to be
triven Apiril 19 at Waterman Gym,
is als;o for the benefit of the Hay-
dent ltnd. Tim Doolittle's band
will ilay for the dance.
In Qiwu i e t ills
'wo (11o"etn huts on East Uni-
versi ty have been opened for the
c(on'Venielce of students who bring
wir lunch on campus, Francis C.
Slel, business manager of the
residence halls, announced yes-
The huts, to be open from 9
s.m1. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays and
from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Sat-
urdays, are available during the
day for study purposes and as a
waiting room for Willow Village
buses, he said.
One but has a lunch counter
which will serve hot coffee and
milk from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
Mondays through Fridays, while
the other but has lunch tables
and is provided with lighting fa-
cilities for study.

d of the semester, but Prof. Van
Deursen has been granted immed-
iate leave of absence, President,
Ruthven said.
Conductor Since 1942
Prof. Van Deursen, who could
not be reached for comment on
the action, has been a member
of the University faculty since
1937 and acting conductor of the
University Musical Society since
In addition to his work with the
University, he has appeared as
baritone soloist in Ann Arbor and

See pictures, Page 2

By The As Ociated Il'oes
WASHINGTON. April 14 Wav-
ing away objections of Senator
Taft (Rep, Ohim, its chairman,
the Senate Labor Conimttee to-
day softened somewhat the provi-
sions of its omnibus labor bill.
In the House, however, a strike-
curbing, union-regulating bill with
more penalties in it comes up for
debate tomorrow and Speaker
Martin (Rep., Mass.) predicted its
passage by more than enough mar-
gin to override any veto by Pesi-
dent Truman.
The Senate group voted dow.
$ to 5. a provision o1 its origi-
nal draft which would have im-
posed specific penalties on *juris-
dictional strikes and secondary
boycotts, as the Hous bill dloes.
Instead it decided to make these
"unfair labor practices"-The
NationalLa bo Relat ions Board
cotuld tell a union to stp then,
and go to court for an injunction
if the union disobeyed.
The commit tee today also elimli-
nated a ban on the involuntary
check-off system of collecting
union dues --provisions in some
union contracts which compel an
employer to (leduet union 1dues
from the workers' pay checks and
turn thtem over to the uion
It approved provisions:
Authorizing Federal court
suits against unions for breach
of contract.
Requiring unions to register'
and file yearly financial re-
ports with the Labor Depart-
Providing for a Senate-House
study of the entire field of labor-
management relations.
Authorizing cou rt injunctions
against "ii a t i on al p a r alysis
Setting ull1 a new mediation
agency outside the Cabor lDepart-
'r)" Seeke rs
'Thwarted By
Spring Flood
Word that the Nichols Arbore-
tum suffered considerable dam-
age from Michigan's devastating
flood has dealt a bitter blow to
the spring plans of several thous-
and vacation-weary student "na -
ture lovers."
The flood waters washed out
several roads and caused a land-
slide which blocked another so
thoroughly that a bulldozer will
be needed to clear it, according to
C. L. Moody, superintendent of
the Arboretum. Ile was not sure
how long it would take to repair
the damage.
Elsewhere in Washtenaw Coun-
ty the flood ruined many farms,
and did an estimated $200,000
damage to roads and bridges. Of-
ficials said that the flood was the
worst ever recorded in Washtenew
VU Student Is
Flood Vietim
Delbert Ternasky, 22, University
student, was drowned in raging
flood waters April 6 when he was
thrown from a canoe at Flint.
Ternasky, a junior in the Engi-
neering college, was accompanied
by a companion, Robert Colemen,
20, when the tragedy occurred.
Colemen clung to a tree after being
thrown into the flood waters, and
was rescued by police in a passing

Ternasky had resided at 822
Oakland, Ann Arbor while attend-
ing the University. He is sur-
vived by his parents living at 1817
Wyoming Ave., Flint.

other midwestern cities, and is
director of the choir at the First
Methodist Church in Ann Arbor.
Before coming to the Univer-,
sity, Prof. Van Deursen was con-
ductor and music instructor at
Huron College, S. D., the Univer-
sity of Wyoming and Albion Col-
lege. He received his bachelor's
degree from Northwestern Uni-
versity, and did graduate work
at the University of Southern Cal-
ifornia before receiving his mas-
ter's degree here in 1938.
Johnson to Commute
Thor Johnson, who was chosen
by Charles A. Sink, president of
the University Musical Society, to
replace Prof. Van Deursen as con-
ductor in the May Festival, will
See JOHNSON, Page 2
Campus Area
Traffic Lights
Acting on recommend-1-ns of
the traffic committee, nn Arbor
Common Council last week au-
thorized the installation of four
traffic lights on congested cam-
pus streets.
The city clerk was authorized to
advertise for bids on the purchase
of traffic signals to be placed at
the intersections of South Univer-
sity and East University streets;
South University and State
streets; South State and Liberty
streets; and South State and Wil-
liams streets.
A recent traffic survey made by
the Michigan Auto Club rec-
ommended that additional traffic
control lights be placed in the
campus area to combat traffic
hazards created by the increased
University enrollment.
It will be some time before the
new traffic signals can be installed
according to city officials who said
that delivery now takes from 60
days to six months because of ma-
terial shortages at the factory.

U-1i1oii Settles
For 15 Cent
Hourly Boost
Agreement Seen As
Pttern for Industry
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, April 14 - General
Motors Corp. and officers of the
United Electrical, Radio and Ma-
chine Workers of America (CIO)
announced a wage agreement to-
day that may set the pattern for
the nation's entire automotive in-
dustry with its more than 500,000
hourly-rated workers.
The agreement affecting
about 30,000 employes of four
(.M accessories divisions pro-
vides for a 15 cents an hour
wage increase. Of this 111/
cents an hour would be paid in
the form iof direct wage ad-
vances and the remainder would
go to cover the cost of six paid
holidays and other economic
As this agreement was an-
nounced General Motors awaited
action by the United Automobile
Workers (CIO) on an offer of 10
cents an hour increase for ap-
proximately 265,000 hourly-rated
workers in the corporation's other
plants throughout the country.
The latter proposal, if accept-
ed would be an "interim" in-
crease, effective until next Au-
gust when, the corporation said,
it would again discuss wage
rates for its production workers.
Informal reaction by union of-
ficials, including UAW Presi-
dent Walter P. Reuther, was
that the 10 cents an hour offer
was inadequate. The offer, how-
ever, will be submitted to the
UAW-CIO International execu-
tive board meeting in New York
The UAW-CIO has demanded
increases of 2312 cents an hour
for all production workers em-
ployed by General Motors, Chrys-
ler and Ford. Currently GM hour-
ly rated workers receive an aver-
age of $1.31; Chrysler $1.33 and
Ford $1.39.
GM Cant, Pay
More -- Reuther
NEW YORK, April 14 - (P) -
President Walter P. Reuther of
the CIO United Automobile Work-
ers contended today that General
Motors Corporation's 15-cent-an-
hour wage increase offer to the
United Electrical, Radio and Ma-
chine Workers of America (CIO)
was "proof" of the company's
ability to grant a "still larger in-
The union leader described the
corporation's profit status as "ex-
tremely favorable," and said the
new wage scale "confirmed my
statement of Saturday that the
10-cent offer was a feeler ad-
vanced for bargaining purposes."
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 14 -
Prodded by six American notes,
Russia has finally agreed to begin
discussions aimed at settling its
$11,297,883,000 Lend Lease account
with the Unite States, the State

Department disclosed today.
* * *
YOKOTA Army Airdrome, Ja-
pan, April 15-The Record-seek-
ing around-the-world airplane of
manufacturer Milton Reynolds
took off at 9:24 a.m. today (6:24
p.m. Monday, C.S.T.) for Anchor-
age, Alaska.
Gerhart Eisler, reputed "brain"
of Amercian communism, was
indicted today on a charge of
making "fraudulent and ficti-
tious" statements when he sought
a State Department permit to
leave the country in 1945.
* * ,



FIRST 'r lCKT-PI'esident Alexander G. Ruthven (center) por-
chases the first ticket to go on sale for international Ball from
Soli Cardmaster (left) and Charaimdas Shah (right), Internation-
al Students Committee ticket salesmen.
Internaftonal Ball To Mark
Highlight of Week's Activities

International Ball, a campus
event notable for its colorful na-
tional costumes and foreign enter-
tainment, climax the events of In-
ternational Week April 22 through
Sponsored by the International
Students Committee and the Ann
Arbor Junior Chamber of Coin-
merce, the Week's activities will
include an International Pageant,
a Forum on Current Political Af-
fairs, and a Banquet honoring
graduating foreign students.
An annual affair at which for-
eign students are hosts to the rest
of the campus, International Ball
will be held from 9 p.m. to ] a.m.
in the Union Ballroom.
Following the custom of previ-
ous years, proceeds of the Ball will
go to the Emergency Fund for
Foreign Students which provides
temporary financial aid to stu-
dents from other countries.
Music for the Ball will be fur-
nished by Frank Tinker's orches-
tra. Dress will be semi-formal or
national costume. 'T'ickets for the
Ball are now on sale in the League
GOP Wins in1
Regent Contest
Incumbent J. Joseph Herbert,
Manistique, and Kenneth Stevens,
Detroit, were elected Regents of
the University in last week's state-
wide general electio nm.
Both men won over oppo-
nents by a wide margin in an
election marked by light ballot-
ing, with returns held up because
of the phone strike. Prof. John
Brumm of the University Journal-
ism department, who was also in
the regent race, lost out in the
state-wide balloting.
In the County, incumbent Cir-
cuit Judge James R. Breakey led
his opp-onent, Municipal Judge
Jay 1-1. Payne, by a two-to-one
margin in the race for the circuit
All candidates for offices in the
city government were unopposed.



and the Union.
Opening event of the Week, the
pageant will be held at 8 p.m. April
22 in Ann Arbor High School Au-
ditorium and will feature foreign
students attending the University.
An American Square Dance Team
from Detroit will also participate.
A nationally-known speaker
will lead the Forum on Current
Political Affairs at 8 p.m. April.
23 in Rackham Auditorium.
Graduating foreign students will
be honored at' a dinner to be given
by the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce at 6:30 p.m. April 24 in the
Union Ballroom,
Two Indicted
On. Willow .Run,
Racket Charge
Washtenaw County's one man
grand juror, Judges James R.
Breakey, last week renewed his at-
tack on Willow Village rackets, is-
suing a conspiracy indictment,
against two men now serving 60-
day contempt sentences in the
county jail.
The indictment names Walter
West, 38, Willow Village, and
James Clark, 31, Detroit, charg-
ing them with conspiracy to evade
gambling laws. The two men
were sentenced for contempt of
court February 24 when they re-
fused to answer questions in court,
after being apprehended while al-
legedly selling policy tickets at
Willow Village.
Circuit Judge Breakey issued
the indictment, designed to quash
the Village numbers racket, last
week just before leaving on a two
week vacation. The numbers
racket at Willow Village has been
in operation for over a year, ac-
cording to Judge Breakey.
Judge Breakey will not be able
to arraign or hear the conspiracy
case under provision of a recent
law enacted by the state legislature
concerning one man grand juries.

4 pa.n. Today
Is Deadline on
Proposal Okay
For Two More Days
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 15-Sec-
retary of Labor Schwellenibach
last night offered a plan to arbi-
trate a settlement of the nation-
wide telephone strike.
He made his proposal at a con-
ference held with management
and union representatives shortly
before midnight.
Both the American Telephone
and Telegraph Company and
the National Federation of Tele-
phone Workers, independent,
were given until 4 p.m., C.S.T.,
today to decide whether to ac-
cept the proposal.
If both sides accepted, a 48-hour
period would follow for resump-
tion of active negotiations on cer-
tain issues before the 340,000 strik-
ing telephone workers would be or-
dered to halt their 8-day old strike.
Schwellenbach proposed that
wages, reclassification of towns,
the length of time required to
progress from minimum to maxi-
mum pay rates, vacations, leaves
of absence for union officials,
retroactivity of wage increases,
and any remaining issues all
should be submitted to an arbitra-
tion board of five persons selected
by the parties.
Such issues as union security,
pensions, job definitions and the
host of local issues would be ne-
gotiated in the 48-hour period
beginning at 4 p.m. today.
The basic issue in the strike ha
been the union's demand for a $12
a week wage increase.
Under Schwellenbach's plan,
the proposed arbitration board of
five public members would be
chosen within five days after the
end of the strike.
He suggested that the board re-
port within 90 days and asked for
an agreement from the union that
it would not "call or prosecute a
strike or work stoppage over the
issues submitted to the board of
Local Pickets
"Wery Orderly'
Police Report
400 Phone Workers
Participating in Strike
A score of pickets paraded in
front of the Ann Arbor branch of
the Michigan Bell Telephone
Company yesterday as the na-
tional phone strike entered its
eighth day.
Local picketing has been termed
"very ordely" by police officials
who report no violence in front of
the E. Washington street office of
the phone company.
An estimated 400 phone workers
are out on strike in Ann Arbor ac-
cording to Earl C. Quackenbush,
chairman of local 301's strike com-
mittee. Maintenance men, opera-
tors and members of the commer-
cial department have not reported
for work, Quackenbush said. Com-
mercial division employes are not
officially on strike, but have re-
fused to cross striker's picket
Local strikers are following the
national union in asking for a $12
general increase. In addition

Michigan phone workers are ask-
ing that the $16 wage differential
between different sized communi-
ties be narrowed down. Quack-
enbush said that the union would
also ask that Michigan Bell insti-
tute some kind of on-the-job
training program under the G.I.
Bill of Rights for veterans.
University phone service has
not been hampered by the strike,
authorities report.



Sophomores To Take Aptitude,
Achievement Exams Today'

Nee(I for Larger U Auditorium Seen
- - ___

Second semester sophomores in
the lit school are going to be
pretty weary when this day is
Approximately 1,000 of them
are to participate in a testing pro-
gram from 7:50 a.m. to noon and
from 1 to 5 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium. The tests, which will
measure both aptitude and

read intelligently, and his think-
ing ability in the social studies
and the natural sciences.
The tests measuring present in-
formation will cover the fields of
current social problems, history of
social studies, literature, sciences,
the fine arts and mathematics.
According to the commercial
testing company which puts out
the tests, the examination of ef-

Increased enrollment in the
University and quickened interest
in musical events have created a
need for a new auditorium large
C' ('ii I- in- 1 ono w. 19- (o

5,500 students were attending the
University at that time, whereas
there are more than 18,000 during
the present semester, Dr. Sink

dated according to present-day
The University also needs a sep-
arate building that would house
not only out-of-town visitors for

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