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April 04, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-04

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Outlawing Communists




ANY ATTEMPT to outlaw the Communist
Party by removing it from the ballot
is poorly conceived and of doubtful value.
It is, first of all, necessary to recognize
that Communism can not be legislated out
of existence. Beliefs will not be suppressed,
nor will ideologies change because of legis-
lation. An outlawed Communist Party will
go underground, change its name, restate its
pohcy, and reappear on the ballot in a new
guise. What advantage is thus gained? Ob-
viously none. The choice then, is simply
between accepting an open and avowed
Communist Party or substituting a clandes-
tine one, masquerading under a new banner.
The ballot, moreover, provides the only
legal machinery for obtaining political con-
trol in this country. Thus, by denying the
ballot to Communists, their only legal means
to power is blocked. Manifestly, they would
be encouraged in the very thing which the
proposal currently being studied in the
House is supposed to prevent-a forceful
attempt, by unconstitutional -methods, to
overthrow the existing American govern-
ment. Keeping the ballot open, however, af-
Tditorials published in The Michigan Daily
arc writlen by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

fords Communists constitutional means of
instituting their own regime. If, then, they,
should acquire sufficient strength to carry
an election (an inconceivable contingency)
surely, there should be no cause to deny
an electoral mandate.
Even assuming that a removal of the
Communist Party from the ballot were an
effective check to its spread, the utility of
such a step is highly doubtful. Minor parties
serve an essential and integral function in
the American party system. Since the Civil
War, minor parties have often caused Re-
publicans and Democrats to adopt policies
later embodied in the great reforms. In
1872, for example, a group terming itself
"Labor Reformers" held its first convention.
Their platform included issues largely ig-
nored by the major parties; an eight hour
day for government employees, civil-service
reform, and abolition of contract labor in
prisons. Later, the Socialist Labor Party
launched a campaign for progressive inheri-
tance and income taxes, universal and equal
suffrage, and free education. Today, it is
the proud boast of the Socialists that virtu-
ally every plank of their platform adopted
at the end of the last century, has become
Minor parties still retain their role in,
maintaining a healthy political atmosphere-
Only under their constant spur can the
party system move toward progress away
from sloth and stagnation.
-Jacob C. Hurwitz

0 Vacation A-Coring


elleri to lh 6Iito

De fenders of Democracy

ANYBODY WHO WANTS to take the title
of "defender of the democratic way of
life" can do so; there is no examination
which need be passed, no license which need
be secured in order to assume the proud
honorific. If you decide you are a defender
of the democratic way of life, then you are
one, especially if you have a good, loud
voice. As a result, there are almost as many
varieties of "defenders of the democratic
way of life" as there are ice cream flavors,
and perhaps at this time of world moral
crisis we need to discriminate among the
various kinds, and to begin to set up some-
thing like a sociology of defenders of the
democratic way of life.
The first rough grouping which comes
to mind is of statesmen who defend the
democratic way of life only at its points
of contact with organized Communism,
but who show a singular casualness
about letting the democratic way of
life defend itself against almost all
other dangers. These are the men (and
Congress is full of them) who last fall
took the position that we were not
called upon to defend the democratic
way of life against inflation; let the
two slug it out, they said; that would
be good for the democratic way of life;
toughen It up.
They fly into a tizzy of parental agitation
when the democratic way of life is men-
aced by one skinny little Communist; but
they show no nerves at all when the demo-
cratic way of life is menaced by, for ex-
ample, widespread labor discontent. Easy,
they say; use a few injunctions, pass some
new laws, bottle the discontent up. One
must almost admire the intrepidity with
which they send the democratic way of life
into unhappiness; it is like the unconcern
they show when they send the democratic

way of life into a brawl with inflation, that
killer of order.
Yet there is something curious about
this defense only at the periphery, only at
the outer edges; it is like the defense of
a house, rather than of a living organism.
The emotions involved seem strangely like
those that go with a defense of one's prop-
erty, rather than those deeper feelings which
go with a defense of one's family.
What we need (as we develop our infant
sociology of the defense of the democratic
way of life) is to reserve a special classifica-
tion for those who are willing to go in for
a broader defense, a defense in depth, so
to speak, as compared with those who wish
only to post a few lookouts against Stalin
while the fight goes on, no holds barred,
Sometimes this deeper approach turns
up in unexpected quarters; there is
Senator Taft, for example, with his
new, uncomfortable feeling that this is
an ill-housed country, and his plan for
spending a billion a year to make it
less so. But the quarrel he is conducting
with his fellow Republicans on the mat-
ter is a wistful and a dull one; it does
not have the holy passion in it of the
fight against Russia, and nobody gets
sore. All our sicknesses, and all our
fears of each other and the world are
wrapped up in these varying conceptions
of defense of our way of life; and the
unanswered question of whether we are
something like a family, or merely con-
tenders within a ring.
He who assumed the posture of defender
of the democratic way of life would do well
to think it through first, and to determine
whether he is ready to defend it against
all malice and disease, internal and external,
or whether he is merely posted raffishly as
a guard, to say, "Sh! Do not disturb. There's
a fight going on inside."
(New York Post Syndicate, Copyright 1947)

Contributions to this column are by all mem-
bers of The Daily staff, and are the respon-
sibility of the editorial director. Items from
subscribers are invited; address them to "It
So Happens," The Michigan Daily.
Not Quite 20 20.. ..
THE PERSON who lost his eye glasses on
the Economics building premises has
reason to thank a thoughtful finder. The
notice, "Glasses Found" is written qn the
notice board over there in yellow chalk let-
ters we could see twenty feet away.
We were wearing our own glasses at the
time, however.
ti'aking No Chances. ..
TwO REALLY fore-sighted students are
determined to beat the apartment situ-
ation, by hunting well in advance. They
now have an application in for a Terrace
apartment. They are planning to be
married in June, 1949.
Chintz Curtains? . ..
PERHAPS its proximity to the League and
Barbour gym, accounts for it, but there
is a distinctly effeminate power crane park-
ed at Fuller and North University. The
heavy duty machine is painted the same
shade of chartreuse (that's yellow-green,
men) we've notced on our favorite sweater
Frightening the Engineers.. ..
AT 9:10 the engineering professor had
just finished writing out the last ques-
tion of a bluebook on the board when
someone in the class pointed out that they
had not discussed the material covered i
the test.
The professor hastily consulted his
watch, found, that it wasn't his class
after all, erased the test and left.
He was back two hours later.
Inexcusable Error .. .
THE FOLLOWING communication, print-
ed here in its entirety, recently con-
vulsed one of the half-dozen ex-ensigns we
exchange words with.
"The Bureau of Ordnance regrets that
the roster from which this address was taken
did not give the rank so it was necessary
to use the unofficial, informal salutation of
Mine Disaster
T IS EASY to understand the mixed emo-
tions of grief and rage that possessed
John L. Lewis when the news of the tragic
disaster at Centralia, Ill., reached him. Dur-
ing all of my dealings with Mr. Lewis I never
doubted his real concern that a hazardous
employment be made as safe as possible.
However, his order to the miners to abstain
from work for six days is not likely to
assuage the grief of the widows and children
of those whose lives were sacrificed to greed.
How much better it would have been if Mr.
Lewis had asked his miners to contribute
one day's pay to a fund for the widowed
and fatherless who, somehow, must go on
The emotions of Governor Dwight H.
Green of Illinois were also mixed. However,
he paused long enough in his campaign for
the Republican nomination for Vice-Presi-
dent to order an investigation of all of the.
other mines in Illinois. Unfortunately for
him he knew about conditions at Centralia.

It appears that four of the men who worked
in this mine, on March 3, 1946, wrote a trag-
ically appealing letter to Governor Green
charging the Illinois Department of Mines
and Minerals with failure to enforce the
safety laws. They said to Governor Green:
"This is a plea to you to please save our
lives." How heartfelt this prayer was is evi-
denced by the fact that three of the four
signers of the letter were killed in the dis-
aster that they predicted. So Governor
Green, after the manner of the politician
that he is, tried to cover up his non-feasance
that resulted in the death of 111 miners by
ordering an "investigation." He might array
himself in sack cloth and sprinkle ashes
upon his head.
It would appear that, in Washington as'
well as in Springfield, Ill., politics have the
right of way. All out for the Vice-Presi-
dential race! Dead coal miners do not even
possess the power to vote. Live operators not
only have the vote, they possess influence
and have been known to make contributions
to campaign funds.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)


acceptance of veteran book and position among the students was
supply orders at the bookstores. too great. the subsistence they now
All faculty members are requestedr i not likely to be raised,
to anticipate material needed Ici n k t.
through the end of the semester and after finding day after dayI
and authorize same on or before letters to the Daily vetoing any
May 3. All back orders for mate- further assistance, I began to ask
rial not in stock at the bookstores myself questions. Aren't there
willbe anceledas o Ma 3~ numerous other student vet f am-
will be cancelled as of May 3. eswohruh
ilies like ourselves who through
no lack of foresight and frugality
Veterans receiving government on their parts, have no bank ac-
benefits are requested to bring count to use to supplement theE
their reports of absence up to date. ninety dollars a month granted?
All reports for the first 8 weeks Aren't there student couples who
of school through the week be- have no relatives able to contri-
ginning March 31 must be filed bute monthly to the family's in-
by 5 p.m. April 14. come, who have babies or small
children making going to work
Veterans Absence reports for the impossible for the wife? Aren't
week beginning March 31 are due there those who because of the
April 7. These reports may be number of hours and difficulty of
turned in on Friday. April 4 or,
Saturday. April 5, at any of Ihe Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
collection locations. son hall.

expenses, and for the necessary
furniture and clothing a baby
needs. I doubt if many couples
could have done so much with so


Veterans: This is to notify all
veterans receiving benefits under
P.L. 346 that, during the period!
between April 2 and April 19, they
will have the opportunity to maket
corrections or changes in the leave
applications filed at the time of
registration. All veterans who are
included in any one of the follow-
ing groups must report to the V.
A. Guidance Center, Rm. 100A
Rackham Building, if they are to
avoid the interruption of subsist-
ence payments.
1. Those who are planning to
re-enroll for the Summer Session:
2. Those who are not planning
to re-enroll for the Summer Ses-
sion, but will desire leave; and
3. Those who desire their June
check (normally mailed on July 1)
sent to a different address.
Robert S. Waldrop, Director
Veterans Service Bureau

The United States Employment
Service, Washington, D. C., an-
nounces openings for Meteorolo-
gists and Meteorological Aids for
forecast centers at air bases serv-
ing military and civil aircraft in
stations outside of the United
States for the U. S. Weather Bu-
reau. Further information and
method of application may be ob-
tained from the Michigan State
Employment Service, 312. E.
Huron, Ann Arbor.
StateEplymen Sevc-


Cor nt uefrom Page 2)
a reservation becomes final only{
when the applicant pays the nee-
essary deposit to the housemother
and sign in triplicate the con-
tract form presented by the house-
mother. As soon as one copy of
this contract is filed in the Office
of the Dean of Women the reserva-
tion is complete.
Deadline for Veteran Book and
Supply Orders May 3, 1947. has
been set as the final date for the

FmlITO?'I NOTE: Because The Daily the courses the husband is trying
prints i :vY letter to the editor to carry find he cannot work those
{titili , i' ed'"'00 words or less
in ienglt, and in good taste) we re- long extra hours and continue to
mind our readers that the views ex- make the grades required?
pressed in ietters are those of the O'ur bank account, saved out of
writers only. letters of more than the pay of an enlisted man, went
3tic words are shortened, printed or
omitted .t the discretion of the edi- long ago, not for trips, shows, par-
torial dirot or. ties and clothes, but for two and
one half years of teacher's col-
Subsistence Ner dlege for me which we thought
would be a valuable asset to our
To the Editor: success. It payed out living ex-
penses when government checks
FTER READING a discourag- were delayed for months and we
ing report in a Detroit news- were forced to live where food and
rent were costly. It payed for our
paper saying that because the op- baby, for the doctor's and hospital

Pitty IItCS

State Employment Service-:
. There is an opening for Admin-
istrative Secretary for the Urban
League of Flint.
The Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
tration in Alaska has announced
an opening for Medical Officer.
For further information and
method of application, see the
Michigan State Employment Serv-
ice, .12 East Huron, Ann Arbor.


Now the small bank account is
gone and we have only ninety dol-
ars a month to pay for food, rent,
what little clothing we buy (such
as a coat for me after five years
of a brown cloth coat, such as 1
some shirts for my husband as he
had none when he returned from1
the service) all the baby's expens-
es, medical care, cleaning, coal, ice,
nsurance, transportation, postage,
and all the other unexpected ex-
penses that must be met. Need-
less to say, it is impossible to meet
these with only ninety dollars a
month. Ninety dollars a month is
not adequate to maintain good
heath, either physical or mental!
Constant financial worries har-
rass the student-father, making
studying difficult and dragging
down morale.
We have loving relatives con-
cerned over our welfare who are
unable to contribute to our in-
come. Why should they be asked
to? Married couples should be
independent, but this is impossible
under the existing conditions. We
borrow money, needed at home,
but willingly contributed to a wor-
thy cause-helping a future en-
gineer get the education that will
enable him to get ahead, that will
enable him to contribute that
knowledge and experience to the
solving of the problems of indus-
try of tomorrow.
My baby is too small to be left
while I go out to work. I would
gladly go out to teach were she
older and were there an inexpen-
sive, reliable place to leave her. All
my training has been directed to-
ward the idea that a baby's place
is home, away from crowds of
older children and adults, secure
it a clean, orderly world where
mother takes care of his needs and
shows her own child a life, happy,
contented and comfortable. It is
difficult, but possible to create
this world only with financial aid
from home in addition to the sub-
sistence now allowed.
Our problem is the problem of
thousands of others. We are will-
ing to work hard. We are eco-
nomical. We don't want money
for cars, entertainment, trips, fan-
cy food, furniture, and extras, we
want a decent, clean, simple way
of life free from unnecessary fi-
nancial worries. We must have
more than ninety dollars a month!
-Mrs. Robert P. Clark
Try It for Size
To the Editor:

[o the Editor:
FE ANTICS being performed in
current American politics are
nalogous to those of'a drunken
rew aboard a rudderless ship. The
irunks heatedly argue the cause
nd solution, do a great deal of
ame calling, sweat a, great deal,
nd on the whole look very ridicu-
ous. There is a point of differ-
mce in that the crew can sleep it
>ff and not find the situation any
vorse while Americans must relax
lue to the grave danger which is
present and has the potential of
becoming still worse. Some of the
ed baiters, performing their self
3rdained mission on a full time
basis, have gone so far out on the
imb that they, like the inebriated
rew, look very ridiculous indeed.
The Communists to date have ap-
peared just as foolish in their de-
fense of their legal rights. When
their official spokesman was giv-
en the opportunity to present his
party's views, with the privilege
of a premeditated statement which
had been denied to Eisler, he ap-
peared before the committee of
the House but bolted when they
asked him to state his real name.
He might have had some personal
reasons for not disclosing this in-
formation, which the House knew
anyway, but if he had the earnest
desire to present a bonafide case
then he couldn't have had a better
opportunity as his statements were
getting coverage by the nation's
press. Just as the revolutionist
spills the blood of many innocent
people so the counter revolution-
ist ruthlessly eliminates or dis-
credits many fine causes and or-
ganizations. The petty hate drive
is getting out of hand and will
have grave consequences unless we
as student citizens let our repre-
sentatives know that their infan-
tile play is becoming both obnox-
ious and dangerous to the general
-Al Hamburg
Soda Jerking
To the Editor-
Young's letter in the Daily of
April 2, 1947, the following
thought occurred to me: "What
has become of that breed of young
people who, before the days of
P. L. 346 and 16, worked at a
part-time job while carrying a
full academic schedule to put jam
on their bread and buy needed
medicine for the baby?" True,
most of the students then didn't
have babies or even wives, but the
situation must be somewhat the
I was'one of the lucky persons
who received his degree in 1941
just before going into the Army
in August. But that degree was
earned to a large extenlt by jerking
sodas in the Union taprooms. I
don't feel that it hurt me a bit
to have helped myself through
school. It is true that I didn't
have a small son at the time, but
had I been married, with or with-
out children, it would have been
I who worked to buy the jam and
medicine and not my wife.
I am a veteran of 54 months
service and have no quarrel with
those who advocate increased sub-
sistence, bonuses, etc. I merely
wish to put the above thoughts
before the readers of the Daily.
--C. H. Pinney








Veterans' Tutorial Program: Tuniors in Naval Architecture
Chemistry (3)-Mon., 7-8 p.m., and Marine Engineering who are
122 Chem, S. Lewin; Wed.-Fri., interested in securing summer em-
5-6 p.m., 122 Chem, S. Lewin; (4) ployment, call at the Bureau of
-Mon. 7-8 p.m., 151 Chem, R. Appointments, Rm. 201, Mason
Keller; Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 151 Hall
Chem, R. Keller. (21)-Wed., 4-5
p.m., 122 Chem, R. Hahn. Chemistry 55, second half of
English (1)---Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6 the accelerated course. Desks will
p.m., 2203 A H, D. Martin. (2)-~ be assigned in Rm. 400 on April 14
Tu.-Th.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3209 A H, for the M, F section, and on April
D. Stocking. 15 for the Tu, Th section.
French-(1)- Mon. Thurs. 4-5
p.m., 106 R L, A. Favreau. (2)-~ Algebra Seminar to be held
Tu.-Thurs., 4-6 p.m., 205 R LF. today at 4:15 p.m., in Rm.
Gravit. (31) Mon.-Thurs., 4-5' 320 nelHl.Prfso ed
p.m. 203 P L, J. O'Neill. (32)- 31 Angell Hall. Professor Reade
p~m, 23 RL, . ONeil. 32)---will continue his report on Nor med
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 108 R L, A. {in irm
Favreau. Rings.
Spanish- (1) -Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 PrimnyPh.Eantins
p.m., 203 R L, E. W. Thomas. (2)- Preliminary PhD. Examinations
Mon.-Wed., 4-5 p.m., 207 L , H. in Economics will be held during
Hootkins. (2) -Tu.-Thurs., H. the week beginning Mon., May 5.
p.m., 207 R L, H. Hootkins. (3)- Each student planning to take
Tu.-Thurs., 4-5 p.m., 210 s L, C. these examinations should leave
Staubach. with the secretary of the depart-
German-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:30 ment, not later than Mon., April
p.m., 2016 A H, F. Reiss; Sat., 1i 21, his name, the three fields in
12 a.m., 2016 A I, F. Reiss. I vhich he desires to be examined,
Mathematics - (6 through 15) and his field of specialization.
-Wed.-Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3010 A H, G.
Costello; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3010 A Concerts
H, G. Costello. (52, 53, 54)-Wed.-
Fri., 5-6 p.m., 3011 A H ,E. Span- Student Recital: Mary Kanno,I
ier; Sat., 11-12 a.m., 3011 A H, E. violinist, will be heard at 8:30
Spanier. Wednesday, April 16, in Lydia
Physics (25,45)-Mon.-Tu.-Th. Mendelssohn Theatre, in a pro-
5-6 p.m., 202 W. Physics, R. Hart- gram presented in partial fulfill-
man. (26, 46)-Mon.-Tu.-Th., 5- ment of the requirements for the
6 p.m.-1036 Randall, D. Falkoff. degree of Bachelor of Music. Miss

AFTER READING both of Law-
yer White's letters, I must ad-
mit that, grammatically, they
seem to be O.K. In thoughttcon-
tent, however, I find them to be
studies in stupidity. Reasons: this
country has been in debt for 111
years during which time the debt
aftauuy dilr Laacur4UIIIrliiie LU

Past A merican Associates

p"RESIDENT TRUMAN's decision to stop
Soviet expansion is going to be judged
not only on its success in stopping the Red
Army but in stopping the red idea.
Joseph Stalin-as Louis Fischer recently
put it-is a combination of conqueror and
social philosopher, Peter the Great and Karl
Marx. His force can be stopped by counter
force. His idea-totalitarian communism-
can be stopped only by a better idea.
The world has recently become aware of
American power. What foreigners doubt
is the sincerity of the American idea-at
least, outside the United States.
Within our borders, our society, despite
its manifest imperfections, is a permanent
magnet. Hundreds of millions in all coun-
tries ask nothing better than to be allowed
to participate in it.
Outside, our reputation is not so good.
Liberal and democratic foreigners suspect
us of "dollar imperialism."
They know that before the war, Ameri-
can business contributed to the strength of
Selective Service
SELECTIVE SERVICE, as a conscripting
agency, died Monday night. Good. The
long standing tradition of no peace-time
conscription is maihtained.
However, the Selective Service System
may yet serve a useful purpose. Last week
Congress, as requested by President Truman,
passed a bill creating an Office of Selective
A- A" I-..4 -. ,-I om....A - I

Hitler, Mussolini and the Japs. Business
and Roman Catholic circles insisted on non-
intervention in Spain.
During the war, our Administration tipped
its hat to Franco, tolerated Argentine fas-
cists, supported (for a time) Petain, em-
braced Giraud and Badoglio, backed Church-
ill's royalist whims, gave'verbal support to
that old-fashioned Confucian, Chiang Kai-
shek. It was not notably embarrassed by
the friendship of oil-tyrant Ibn Saud and
the phoney escape of the Nazi Mufti of
Our army leaders abroad seemed irresis-
tibly drawn to anti-democratic, well-to-do
persons many of whom turned out to have
been collaborators.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
i NEW MILESTONE in American business
is being set by General Mills in its ef-
forts to bring to its owners, comprising some
12,000 stockholders, a more intimate view
of the operations of this corporation.
Students of business administration at this
University were invited to participate re-
cently in a stockholders' meeting of the
type being conducted in various regions
of the country. To those training to take
their place in the business world, it pro-
vided the opportunity to meet one of the
country's leading industrial figures, and to
gain first hand knowledge of principles they
had encountered thus far only in the class-


The United States Civil Servicer
Commission announces examina-N
tion for probational appointment
to the position of Aeronautical Re-
search Scientist with a national
advisory committee for aeronau-
tics, for research minded scientists
with training in Engineering,1
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathe-
The U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
probational appointment to the
positions of Photostat Operator
and Microphotographer; also Food}
and Drug Inspector, and Medical
The City of Detroit Civil Serv-
ince Commission announces ex-
amination for Medical Superin-
tendent, Maybury Sanatorium;
Building Inspector; Calculating
and Posting Machine Operator;
Typist"- and Stenographer; Tech-
nical Aid (General, Business Ad-
ministration and Medical Sci-
ence); and Art Curator.
For information on above Civil
Service examination, call at the

Kanno is a pupil of Gilbert Ross.
The recital, open to the public,
will include compositions by Vitali,
Bach, Mozart, Viextemps, Gran-
ados, and Wieniawski.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc., Tales from Poe-"Dr. Tarr
and Prof. Father."
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870,
Kc. The Botany Series-"How to
Look at Trees"-C D. LaRue, Pro-
fessor of Botany.
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Ke. Dorothy Ornest, soprano.
Good Friday Service at Zion
Lutheran Church from 1:30 to
3:00 p.m. Church is located at East
Washington at South Fifth Ave.
Holy Communion Service at 7:30
Good Friday Service at Trinity
Lutheran Church, East William
Street at South Fifth Ave, Service
begins at 12:00 continues until
3:00 p.m.

steaai yincreased, leading me to
believe that heretofore, no gener-
ation paid any of its predecssor's
debts; looking ahead 100 or more
years may be quite futile inas-
much as A-bombs could conceiv-
ably, in the not too distant fu- f I
ture, finish off not only this na-
tion, but the whole world as well.
Therefore, why try to liquidate a
debt, by money payments, that s' {
need never be liquidated in this ;
Since I am attending school un-
der P. L. 346, and am considered
by many to be a kept man, I'd
rather be kept under circumstanc-
es other than that of abject pov-
erty. For these, and other selfish F fty-Seventh Year
reasons, I'm in favor of an in-
crease in the subsistence (how Edited and managed by students of
true the word) allowance. the University of Michigan under the
As for Lawyer White's inane authority of the Board in Control of
love of words multi-syllabic, he Student Publications.
can try this one for size: Editorial Staff
epistemologicometaphysicothe- Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
ologicocosmogony." Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
-George Georgiou Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Diretor
Ann Kutz ...........Associate Editor
Bridge Course Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor
To the Editor: Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk........... Women's Editor
IS IT TRUE that a thorough Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
r knowledge of bridge-playing will Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
be required of all new students Business Staff
next semester? Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
I'm only asking. Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
--Irwin Zucker Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager


The tinkle of coins, laddie ... How


Yes. Gold. Leaf Tobacco

I C ~; .;,

What would the boy's parents

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