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April 04, 1947 - Image 1

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Da ii4g


Lalest t IDemlwie in the State


Coeds Should
Share Blame
- Dean Lloyd.
Shuns 'Tattling'
On Illegal Parties

Truman Gives Krug Complete
Approval in Coal Mine Dispute:

Discussing the problem of equal
responsibility for men and womer
found attending unchaperoned,
unapproved parties, Alice C. Lloyd.
Dean of Women, said yesterday
that "there can be true equality
and mutual respect" only when the
coed herself sees "that she shares
with her friends any consequences
of mistakes or infractions of rules
in which both are involved."
Though the "primary responsi-
bility for what goes on within a
fraternity lies with the fraternity,"
Miss Lloyd said in a statement to
The Daily, "undeniably the guests
are accessories and therefore have
their full responsibility too." .
Referring to the recent case in
which Alpha Delta Phi was fined
$100 and seven members $10 each,
she said "it would have been ex-
cellent if the seven guests had
come forward voluntarily and paid
the fine also."
An editorial in yesterday's Daily
attacked the present situation in
which "no active attempt is made
to discover the identity of the
coeds" attending unapproved par-
ties and proposed a method of
applying "pressure from within"
as suitable for identifying them.
Miss Lloyd said she feels that
the question of who is to pay the
penalty for an infraction of rules
is. of secondary importance; she
believes in "preventive medicine"
and "education" rather than pun-
ishment. She pointed out that by
enrolling, students accept the reg-
ulations of the University and that
there are channels through which
th~ey can take steps to change
rules they consider undesirable.
No man will report a coed, "nor
should he be asked to," she said.
The text of Miss Lloyd's state-
ment follows :
"The question of who is going
to pay a penalty seems to me a
secondary matter in the recent
controversy over who takes the
responsibility if there are. infra ;-
tions of the regulations govern-
ing parties in men's houses. I be-
lieve in "preventive medicine"; in
education not punishment. In so
large a community there have to
be some rules. Students by the
act of enrollment at this Univer-
sity accept its regulations. There
are channels by which they can
take steps to change any regula-
tions which they feel are unfair or
unwise. The present regulations
about guests in fraternity houses
had the support of student lead-
ers, both men and women, who
were consulted.
"Obviously the primary respon-
See DEAN, Page 2

DaE - Wake
FOREIGN WIVES OF AMERICAN VETERANS-Mrs. Madeleine Kelly from Switzerland, and Mrs.
Helene Yager from France, discuss their impressions of the United States, while becoming acquaint-
ed with the Chinese game "Mah Jong" at the International Center.
* *

Foreign Wives Impressed
With Sundaes, Skyscrapers

Skyscrapers, ice cream sundaes,
and the American liking for raw
vegetables are among the things
which have impressed three for-
eign wives of American veterans
since they arrived in this country.
Mrs. Helene Yager, from France,
Mrs. Jeanne Nagler, from Holland,
and Mrs. Madeleine Kelly, from
Switzerland agree that they like
Report Caucus
Did.Not Discuss
ZU' State Funds
Wednesday's State Senate Re-
publican caucus, which reportedly,
agreed to withhold Wayne Univer-
sity appropriations until the
American Youth for Democracy
chapter is banned, did not discuss
University of Michigan appropria-
tion in relation to communist
fronts, the Associated Press in-
formed The Daily last night.
The Associated Press dispatch
followed reports in two Detroit pa-
pers yesterday that the three man
committee headed by Sen. Mat-
thew Callahan would begin in-
vestigations here as soon as hear-
ings were concluded at Wayne.
Apparently, however, cutting off
of University of Michigan appro-
priations, now pending in the leg-
islature, was not seriously con-
sideredc by t' ('iCWS. Accordijng
to the Associated Press, Sen. Otto
W. Bishop, Alpena Republican and
Chairman of the Senate Finance
committee, said "We know we

I this country, particularly Ann Ar-
Hollywood has given Europeans
the impression that all Americans
are rich, Mrs. Yager, a petite bru-
nette, pointed out.
The side of American life re-
flected in cowboy and hillbilly
songs and Negro spirituals is un-
familiar to Europeans, she said.
The variety of articles found inI
American drug stores amazed
blond Mrs. Kelly. Drug stores in
Switzerland sell only drugs, she
Continuing the list of surpris-
ing features of American life, Mrs.
Nagler pointed out the slacks and
long sloppy shirts worn by high
school girls.
Lack of class consciousness and
opportunity for an individual to
rise are not found in Europe as
they are in this country, Mirs.
Yager sari.
Conditions are much easier here,
since one can live on what one
earns, she said. Although rents are
higher here than in Paris, food
and clothing are more expensive
Mrs. Yager pointed to Women's'
hats as the 'thing she likes least
about this country.
Mrs. Nagler and Mrs. Kelly both I
prefer Ann Arbor, New York and
the Eastern United States.
Mr. and Mrs. Nagler were mar-{
ried last June in Holland where
Mrs. Nagler was a social worker.
They c am1e to this country in A=
gust. Caught in the grip of the
housing shortage, they occupy two
rooms on the third floor of the
home of an Ann Arbor family.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly met in Switz-
erland while Kelly was on fur-
leugh from the Fourth Armored
Division of the Third Army and,
they became engaged. After wait-
ing three months for transpora-
lion, Mrs. Kelly arrived here in
August and was married here in
Ann Arbor.
Kelly is inhis last year of chem-
istry. After he finishes school,
there is a possibility that they amy
ret ul'n to LEurope.
Mrs. Yager attended the Uni-
versity of Tlulouse and the Sor-
bonne where she studied English
See WIVES, Page 2
Last Daily Until April 15
With this issue The Daily sus-
pends publication for the springr
vacation period. Publication will1
be resumed Tuesday, April 15. 1

Regents Posts
Face Elect iou
LANSING, April 3 Two
attorneys, an educator and an in-
dustrialist face each other Mon-
day as candidates for th? Regents
of the University of Michigan.
Here are tIhumbuail sketches of
candidates for the B1c.rd of Re-
The Democrats have nominated
for the board a faculty member
at the University and an indus-
Democratic Nominees
The former, John L. Brurmm, of
Ann Arbor, established the Uni-
versity's Department of Journal-
ism and has served in it contin-
uously for 41 years. He retires
this year. A nati re of Flint,
Brumm was educated at the Uni-
versity. He organiz"- the Univer-
sity Press Club in 1918 and the
Michigan Interscholastic Press

Senate Vote
~Stops lletur'n
1'~() Committee
Final Test Iuie ext
Week on Nomination
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 3-David
I1. Lilienthal, President Truman's
choice for chairman of the Atom-
ic Energy Commission, scored a
major victory today when tle
Senate refused, 52 to 38, to s'nd
his nomination back to commit-
tee for an FBI check,
This was widely interpreted as
meaning that the Senate will
confirm Lilienthal when the final
vote comes, perhaps next week.
Senators Vandenberg (Rep.-
Mhl.) and Taft (Rep.-Ohio),
sometimes regarded as the "big
two" among Senate Republi-
cans, split on the issue.
Taft supported the recommital
motion offered by his first term
colleague, Senator Bricker (Rep.-
Vandenberg, hardly an hour
before the vote, appealed for re-
jection of the motion and for
quick confirmation of Lilienthal
as a "reliable" man.
The Senate had agreed in ad-
vance to recess until Monday
if the Bricker motion lost.
The breathing spell will give
LilientVal's opponents an op-
portunity to decide whether to
carry on the fight next week in
the face of apparently insur-
mountable odds.
Both sides said the opposition
probably mustered its greatest
strength in today's test.
The S e n a t e galleries were
Jr-rowded for the crucial vote and

The other Democratic nominee spectators broke into loud ap-
for the Regents' board is George plause when Vandenberg finished
D. Schermerhorn, president of the his vigorous argument for Lilien-
Acme Chair Company of Read- thal.
ing. Educated at Purdue Univer- - - --
sity and Oberlin Collge.Schaer~ C ub
merhorn was a wmbei of the
Board of Tru'1 es o Iillsdal-
College hFeri?3 l:
post commander of !IlWe A mB ae
Legion, secretaiy of the Mackinac
Island State Park Commission, Vote Supports New
and chairman of the Governor's l oIstitUtiOn Changes
Conference at Mackinac fslanrid in
1935. The Karl Marx Study Club got
Republican N iniles underway as a student organiza-
Thc RepbIilie oom voq plretion last night by voting in a new
nominatei Jodh I )er, co1stittition after an hour of bit-
Mani;I ia -i Ia j'i' b ii 'je le-t er debate.
a I twrm i irir of he President Elner J FauWst of the
Board i f egents. A n t ive of bUSiness administration school
Indial~1polis, he wv'as itcaht. in said the new constitution would
the Detroit pblicerilofi e en !invest more authority in the ex-
University of M:('J ig u. 1ie served cutive council and "tie up loop-
25 months w it M le Army in the holes" in the old one, which was
first World War. par, of the time approved by the Committee on

PresidentInvestigating Seizure Authority;
Federal Communications Act Being Studied
WASHINGTON, April 3 --(i)- President Truman tonight con-
sidered intervening to prevent a nation-wide telephone strike which
union leaders described as seemingly "inevitable."
Mr. Truman told a news conference he is investigating to de-
termine whether he has authority to seize the industry.
Mr. Truman's seizure powers under the Smith-Connally Labor
Disputes Act expired last Dec. 31. However, some officials are study-
ing the Federal Communications Act, in the belief that it may permit
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach said he may ask Attorney
' General Clark for a ruling on the
T w o government's powers.
1IK illedHe informed newsmen, however.
- he probably will wait until Sat-
urday before making such a re-
3 Injured! quest, because experience has
Qsurfel shown "they never start talking
seriously until the last 24 hours."
In Rail Crash Will Observe Law
John J. Moran, chairman of
the National Federation of Tele-
phone Workers, told reporters'
that if the government finds <4
legal basis for seizure, and acts
CHICAGO, April 3-(AP)- on it, the 287,000 NFTW members
At least two persons were reported will stay on their jobs.
killed and at least 33 injured to- Moran made this comment as
night when the Burlington Rail- he emerged from a government-
road's speeding Twin City Zephyr sponsored negotiating session with
was derailed in suburban Down- the American Telephone and Tel-
er's Grove by a tractor that fell egraph Companys long distance
from a passing freight. service section.
All cars of the eight-car stain- Stalemated Negotiations
less steel, streamlined Zephyr, All concerned conceded that the
bound from the Twin Cities to negotiations are in a stalemate.
Chicago and due here at 11 p.m. And J. A. Bierne, NFTW pesi-
(CST), left the track as the train, dent, today messaged top tele-
which usually sped through Down- phone company officials that "the
er's Grove at a 75-mile an hour apparent lack of collective bar-
clip, plowed into the tractor. gaining" indicates "that a strike
The diesel locomotive smashed is inevitable."
100 feet ahead of the rest of the "If they (the government)
train, flat on its side. Two passen- seized the telephone industry, and
ger cars turned over. Two others there's a law against striking,
jack-knifed into the brick railroad we'll obey the law," Moran said.
station in downtown Downer's "But I doi't know of any law
Grove, scattering masonry. which gives them the power."
James Jenschke, an eyewitness, Moran, president of the Aner-
told a reporter "There -was a tre- ican Union of Telephone Work-
mendous crash as the cars turned ers, NFI'W's affiliate represent-
over. A sheet of flame ran along ing 20,000 long distance workers,
the track from the locomotive, ap- said the "haste" with which the
parently from diesel oil. House Labor Committee consid-
A reporter said the strong steel- ered the Hartley Bill indicated
bodied cars did not appear badly official belief that seizure powers
smashed. are lacking.
Nearby Hinsdale Sanitarium * *
said that "between 30 and 40 in-S
jured persons" had been brought e W ilN
there. Copley hospital at Aurora
reported one injured passenger
had been taken there.$$
Du Page County sheriff's police NEW YORK, April 3-(P)-Of-
made the first' estimate on the ficials of the American Telephone
number of injured and said all & Telegraph Co., today said they
available ambulances, doctors and were confident permanently set
police had been rushed to the up teletype circuits would continue
scene to function in the event a strike
The Chicago Red Cross said it of telephone workers, scheduled
was mobilizing all its facilities. for Monday, materializes.
Downer's Grove is located 21 They expressed the belief that
miles southwest of Chicago's loop,. leased wires serving the press,
nine miles from Naperville, also radio, stock exchange tickers and
in Dupage County, where 45 per- business concerns would contine
sons died last April 25 in the col- to operate without interruption
lision of two o t h e r Burlington where circuits are set p for con
trains, tinuous operation.
-__._ New York Telephone Co. offi~
rulnan Hails Election cials also said that the mechanics
Triuan H ilsElecion of the automatic dial svtem were
WASHINGTON, April 3-(P)- sturdy and would go on function-
The Democratic victory in the ing for a long time with a mini-
Chicago mayoral race was hailed mum amount 'of maintenance.
by President Truman as the be- These systems function without
ginning of a Democratic tide. the assistance of operators.
Ann Arbor Churches To Hold
good Frida Services Today

In Telephone Strike

Truman -May Intervene

r'es idet Say
See retar s


But he shouted new demands
for the ouster of "this baby-
faced Krug," declaring he should
have acted sooner and roasting
him as a "scheming, designing
politician faithless to his trust."
Mr. Truman would not com-
ment directly on Lewis' criticism
of KrugI. le said that Krug
would answer these charges
John D. Battle, executive secre-
tary of the National Coal Asso-
ciation, called Lewis' outcry "a
sickenin exhibition of mock hero-
ics.' Mie declared that Lewis "has
lawlicd a campaign of hysteria
and ein a Viona 1sensationalism
which now appears to have spread
to those officials of the govern--
ment in whose hands the bitu-
minous coal mines now rest."
Krug shut down' the mines,
sprawled over at least 19 states,
just as Lewis began a stormy day
of testimony before a house Ia-
1or sub>committee. Lewis de-
mandetit more rigid safety laws
and not, supoort from several
lie also won support for a pro-
posal that Congress return the
$700,000 fine paid by the United
Mine Workers for contempt of
court ie suggested that the
money be used to aid the widows
and orphans of the Centralia dis-
aster victims and of those killed in
a mine blast at Straight Creek,
Ky, two years ago,

'AlI ie1Servant'
asues IfNlial of Any
PIlaIi; .r Dismissal
By 'ho Associated Press
WASHINQTON, April- 3-Sec-
retary of Interior J. A. Krug today
won the unqualified support o:
President Truman in his contro-
versy with John L. Lewis over coa
mine operations.
Mr. Truman told his news con
ference fla tly that Krug is an able
public officialand that he has no
intention (of're~caoving him.
The United Mine Workers chie.
called for Krug's ouster today in a
long discourse before a House la.
bor subcommittee on the Certralia
mine disaster.
Kr ug's order closing 518 soft
coal mines for safety reasons,
issued at the start of Lewis's
testimony, was denounced by the
mine warkers' leader as a
"deathbed confession."
Lewis imdicated his miners wil
go back to work in the others Mon-
day morning at the end of their
"mourning" layoff for the 111
victims of the Centralia, Ill., ex-

w U' Glee Club
To Make Tour
The University Men's Glee Club,
under the direction of Prof. David
'Mattern, of the music school, will
make their first annual concert
tour since the beginning of the
war April 8 through 12.
Appearing in Cincinnati and To-
ledo, Ohio, and Highland Park
and Bay City, Mich., the club
will present a varied program in-
cluding their traditional Laudes
atque Carmine by Stanley, and se-
lections by Mozart, Brahms,
Gounod and Handel.
Soloists on the tour will be Eu-
gene Malitz and Paul Converso,
with a quartet composed of Row-
land McLaughlin, William Phebus,
Jack Jensen and William Jensen.
Accuracy Needed
In Bonus Forms
LANSING, April 3-(VP)-"Take
your time and do it right" was
the warning of the State Adjutant
General's Office today to veterans
making out applications for their
World War II state bonus,
Reporting one out of every two
bonus applications received to
date was found incorrect, the of-
fice said, "time spent in filling
out the application forms correctly
will save time later. We are so
rushed now that we will be a long
time sending back applications
which are wrong. '
Vacation Specials

couldn't do anything
The Detroit Free
earlier quoted an
legislator as saying
the budget, at the
Wayne on account of

about their
Press had
expense of
AYD is one

thing but tampering with the ap-
propriations for the University of
Michigan is something else en-
Meanwhil- , leaders of two cans-
pus organizations yesterday came
out in opposition to actions of the
Callahan committee and the cau-
cus proposal regarding Wayne.
Tom Walsh, chairman of a spe-
cial student committee formed to
deal with the investigation by the
National Student Organization,
sent a letter to Senator Callahan
requesting "representation in all
phases of your campus investiga-

overseas. Herbert has been state
commuander of the Ar'ieuicoan re-
gion, PresideMl of It ieLUqper I'en-
SuM WAA fistric 0 till' Umiversi .y
wpq C:40"r ,F lip itmilorul
tlumui, A t-; ' t I u ii iFt IlM)-ine;t2
h'Tirn-y is 'tho seeoin Leuuibleaui
Tie was b'or in Nrbrak and ci
ucated ill D-i-oil CeIra High
School, Colgate Uiive-rity, the
University of M i e h ni a Law
School and i he University of Par-
is. He served overscas in the first
World War and has been promi-
nent in Wayne County American
Legion activities. iv was chair-
man of the MackinacI1sland State
Park Commission and member of
the State Board of Aviation.

jStudent Affairs.
j A majority of the 250 students
at the meeting quashed a motion
j-o disband the society until next
s edster in the face of charges
that the majority present have no
intention of "attending meetings
I riously."
Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of the
economics department, speaking
before the meeting on "Back-
grounds of the Communist Man-
ifesto," said that colleges should
provide opportunity for study of
Marxism and the manifesto be-
cause they have made a "great
mark on the cultural, economic
and political history of our time."
Communism has gathered in-
creased momentum recently, he
explained, because of thestrength-
ening of the worldwide Commun-
ist Party during the war and
the growth of Soviet power.
Sfabsstence Checks field
Absence cports Due
TIe Ann Arbor Main Post Of
fice is holding subsistence checks
for the following veterans:
Bogue, Donald J.; Bodeen, Mar-
vin L., Burch, Harold K.; Bezan-
ker, Abraham; Calcutt, Larry;
Carbary, Warren E.
Carroll, John L.; Drompp, Ben-
jamiie Wayne; Ewing, Joseph E.;
Frame, Daniel P.; Ganyard, Floyd
P.; Gregg,- Richard Thurmand.
Herrst, Frances E.; Harvey, Ed-
win D.; Heidtke, Raymond F;


Students. Poet Both Pleased Widi Talks

Ap proves Plan
To Ai Greece
WAISUINGTON, April 3--(P)-
'he Senate Foreign Relations
Committee stamped 13 to a ap-
o n Preident Truman's
Greek amid Turk!I-ish aid program
today after tacking onan amend-
ment giving the UN restricted
ptwe' t } halt the program.
afirst big test of the,
praol to bolster the two Med-
t'~ ~ -cntries against Com-
n TIn 1a by granting them $400,-
0,000 worth of financial and
l iihry aid,
1 c = enate vote may come next
w.Meantime, an Associated
Pres -sureyshowed a majority
of th i-oIueol-eign Affairs Com-
txEitt as a vors passage.
The S ae Department sent to
t , na committee today a
document saying that the aid
is not directed against
ai-: 1 ? te im interfi'b'tgofithe

The students who were able to
talk to Robert Frost yesterday
were no less pleased than he was.
"It's the nicest kind of a thing,
to be able to talk with the young
people here," he said in an inter-
view yesterday.

with students, Frost s a y s he
doesn't like to be called a teacher.
"I don't give marks or any-
thing," he said, "I have a room in
the library at Dartmouth, and I
have just a few students come and
see me. I'm not so much interested
in their writing as I am in their
He said he sometimes sends stu-
dents rummaging through sec-

The chief than aski'd of poetry
is truth---not science not litera-I
ture and not scholarship, RobertI
Frost said he found in his "wan- I
Speaking in [lhe Piaekham hinI ec-
ture Hall last night, Frost iead
some of his best-known poems and
then sode of his ecent ones;
"'The Individutdist" "I'm a rmag-

Christ an
cross, wil
Ann Arbo
usual, bu
to be exc
The A

Friday Services, com-°strong, Maryjane Albright, How-
ing the Passion of Jesus ard Farrar, Jacqueline Ivanoff.
d His three hours on the Erwin Scherdt, Rose Derderian,
' be held today in several George Connor and Laurence Mcr
or churches. Kenna.I
sity classes will meet as An hour of meditation on the
t students may make ar- events of Holy Week will be con-
its with their instructors ducted by the Ann Arbor Christian
used to attend the serv- Youth Council from 1 to 2 parnm
inn Arbor Council of Irene Applin Boice will play the

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