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April 03, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-03

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Faculty Members Contribute
Technical KnowledgeTo City
(Continued from Page 1) 1 _ _


Angell and Dr. Hutchins discour-
aged such activity, feeling that
it took too much time away from
academic duties.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven, however, has said that "we
expect our faculty to accept their
responsibilities as citizens." If
they can find the time to carry
on both their academic and their
civic duties, Dr. Ruthven says,
both the University and the com-
munity are benefited.
The most important contribu-
tion that faculty members have
made to the city' government has
been their s p e c i a 1 technical
Burns Park, for example, was
laid out by the late Prof. George
P. Burns of the botany depart-
ment, As a member of the Park
Music Recitals
o Be Given
Prof. Elizabeth Spelts of the
nmusic school will present a recital
of songs by Bach, Mozart and Von
Weber at 8:30 p.m. today at Lyd-
. Mendelssohn Theatre.
The program will be open to the
a A Bach Overture and a sonatina
B 8eryl Rubenstein will high-
JigJt a piano recital to be pre-
sented by Helen Jarvis, music
school student, at 8:30 p.m. April
14 at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Selections by B e e t h o v e n,
rahms, Griffes and Rachmanin-
off will also be included in the
programs which will be open to
.the public.
% Nancy Marsh, music school stu-
dent, will present a piano recital
at 8:30 p.m. April 15 at Lydia
;2endelssohn Theatre.
Her program, which will be open
to the public will include selec-
'tions by Bach, Beethoven, De-
bussy, Chopin and Sowerey
Union Delegates
To Attend Meeting
An all college Union conference,
to be attended by members of the
Association of College Unions will
be, held on April 10, 11 and 12 at
.the University of Illinois in
Ci paign.
Representatives of the Michi-
Vn Unin will be Dick Courtright,
nworth, Lou Lapierre, Mike
Ikovsky, George Shaffer and
e aSikoowski.
.The purpose of the three day
conference is to' enable member of
U°gons on campuses all over the
country to compare progress in
various activities and programs
which have been undertaken.
Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25e
Evenings and Sundays, 30c
Last Day Today
with Philip Dorn
Catherine McLeod
with Edw. G. Robinson
Loretta Young-Orson Welles
Friday and Saturday

Commission from 1903 to 1906
he inaugurated Ann Arbor's sys-
tem of parks and boulevards.
Many similar contributions have
been made by members of the
present faculty who have former-
ly been active in municipal gov-
Worked on Planning Commission
Prof. Glenn Alt of the depart-
ment of civil engineering ai d
Prof. Ralph W. Hammet of the
architecture college, councilmen
during the late 1930's, worked on
the City Planning Commission
which revised Ann Arbor's build-
ing codes.
Prof. L. M. Gram of the civil
engineering department served as
a member of the Common Coun-
cil's zoning and building commit-
tees. from. 1923 to 1925.
Prof. William A. Paton and
Prof. Clare Griffin, both of the
business administration school,
served as members of the Com-
mon Council's finance and budget
committees, respectively. Prof.
John E. Tracy and Prof. John B.
Waite, both of the Law School,
were chairmen of the Ordinance
Committee of the council.
City Traffic Survey
In 1937, a city traffic survey
was conducted by a special coun-
cil committee under the chair-
manship of Prof. Roger L. Mor-
rison of the highway engineering
Prof. Emeritus A. H. White of
the engineering college, council-
man from 1922 to 1926, was chair-
man of the Railway Committee
when Ann Arbor's streetcars were
replaced by buses.
For 15 years prior to 1940 Prof.
Ferdinand N. Menefee of the me-
chanical engineering department
served on the Board of Public
Works, which supervises the con-
struction and maintenance of the
city's streets, sidewalks and sew-
age system.
Several of the faculty members
formerly active in municipal gov-
ernment have initiated specia
projects not directly connected
with their academic work.
Voting Machines Urged
As a member of the Common
Council from 1934 to 1938, Wil-
fred B. Shaw, Director of Alumni
Relations, proposed that the city
install voting machines and park-
ing meters, a measure which has
since been adopted.
From 1938 to 1941 Prof. John
S. Worley of the engineering col-
lege was a member of the police
conunission, where he assisted in
the reorganization of the police
department, the establishment of
a police training program and the
inauguration of a system of ex
anminations and rating of police-
These faculty members who
have devoted time and technical
knowledge to their community
have emphasized that they alone
are not responsible for the effec-
tive governmental administration
of Ann Arbor. As one of them put
it, "We're working with a lot of
good men."
North Main Opposite Court House
Today and Friday
Kay Francis-Jack Oakie in
Bob Steele in
"Durango Valley Raiders"
"Mighty Mouse in Krakatoa"

HOLIDAY STARTS FOR COAL MINERS-Soft coal miners at Montour No. lb pit of the Pittsburgh
Coal Co. head for the wash house in Library, Pa., and the beginning of a one-week "no-work" memor-
ial period ordered by AFL-United Mine Workers Chief John L. Lewis. The holiday is in memory of
the 111 miners killed in the Centralia, Ill. mine disaster.

Move To Create Spanish King
Result of Pressure on Franco

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
For five years General Franco
has been expected to call in Don
Juan, Pretender to the Spanish
throne, if ever it appeared the Fal-
angist regime might not be able to
continue going it alone.
Pressure on Franco has been
building up steadily since .the war,
not only among Spanish dissidents
and exiles, but also in the attitudes
of England, France, Russia and
the United States. Spain has been
subjected to a tightening economic
and political quarantine through
withdrawal of ambassadors by
United Nations members.
Compromise Expected
Now Franco appears to be mov-
C ollege Sports
Over- Stressed
Athletics for Fun, Not
Profit, Says Stevenson
MILWAUKEE, April 2 - () -
Terming "the present emphasis
on big time athletics in college
a most unwholesome state of af-
fairs, " Dr. William E. Stevenson,
president of Oberlin College, de-
clared tonight "Wecannot permit
even a few of our best young men
to be demoralized by such a sys-
Dr. Stevenson, in a speech de-
livered at the opening session of
the 33rd annualconvention of the
Mid-West Physical Education As-
sociation, said "School and college
athletics can only be justified as
sport and fun, not as big business"
The four day convention is be-
ing attended by 800 school and
municipal physical education and
recreation workers from West Vir-
ginia, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan,
Illinois and Wisconsin.
"We are certainly losing sight
of our objectives to train adults
and leaders when we permit school
and college athletic contests to de-
generate into Roman holidays,"
asserted the educator, who was a
member of the American 1,600
meter relay team which won the
Olympic title in Paris in 1924.
Dickinson To Discuss
Communist Manifesto
"Backgrounds of the Commu-
nisi Manifesto" will be the sub-
.et of a speech by Prof. Z. Clark
Dickinson of the economics de-
partment at an open meeting of
the Karl Marx Society to be held
at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 1025 An-
gell Hall.
The meeting was incorrectly an-
nounced for yesterday in yester-
day's Daily.
Lithuanian Meeting
The Lithuanian Club will meet
at 7:15 p.m. today in the League,
Anyone on campus of Lithuanian
origin or descent is eligible to at-

ing toward the expected compro-
mise with the Monarchists by an-
nouncing plans for installation of
a king when he is through. For
the first time he admits that his
regime is not permanent, but is
dependent upon his own life or
Through the machinery of his
"bill on succession" Franco not'
only is in a position to control the
terms under which king might be
restored but also, more important-
ly, the terms under which the
monarchy would operate. The bill
prescribes that any successor must
abide by the "fundamental" laws.
These are the bill of rights, the
bill of labor rights, the law. con-
stituting the Cortes (parliament),
the law of national referendum,
and the "bill on succession" it-
Bill on Succession
All of these are measures which
Franco designed for the purposes
of his own operations. If all went
well, from his standpoint, a new
government coming in at any time
would still be subject to the ma-
nipulations open to him under
these laws. As long as he and the
Falangists held the machinery, re-
gardless of titular positions, Spain
would still be operating under a
"Franco regime."

Johnson Will
Give Lectures
Prof. Allan Chester Johnson of
Princeton University will deliverI
the second series of Thomas Spen-
ser Jerome lectures April 15 to 24
on the general subject of Egypt
and the Roman Empire, it was an-
nounced yesterday,
The Thomas Spenser Jerome
lectures were established in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the
will of the late Mr. Jerome, who
way the son of a former governor
of Michigan and graciawa :om
the University in 1884.
Prof. Johnson is one of the lead-
ing authorities in the field of pap-
yri and ancient history. The spe-
cific dates and topics of his lec-
tures are as follows: April 15, Fi-
duciary Currency and its Prob-
lems; April 16, Inflation; April 18,
Systems of Land Tenure; April 21,
Serfdom; April 23, Taxation in the
Byzantine Period; April 24, Byzan-
tine Administration.
All lectures will be held at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
'U' Grad Seeks Office
George F. Montgomery, '29,
teacher in the Detroit Public
Schools, and former Michigan leg-
islator, is a candidate for State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion on the Democratic ticket in
the April 7 election.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 130
Automobile Regulation, Spring
Vacation: The University Auto-
mobile Regulation will be lifted
from 12 noon, Fri., April 4, until
8:00 a.m., Mon., April 14.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts:
Midsemester reports are due not
later than Friday, April 4.
Report cards are being distrib-
uted to all departmental offices.
Green cards are being provided
for freshmen and sophomores and
white cards for reporting juniors
and seniors. Reports -of freshmen
and sophomores should be sent to
108 Mason Hall; those of juniors
and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should
name those students, freshmen
and upperclassmen, whose stand-
ing at midsemester is "D" or "E,"
not merely those who receive "D"
or "E" in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses,
but registered in other schools or
colleges of the University should
be reported to the school or col-
lege in which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell
Seniors and Graduate Students
who have received invitations to
the Honors Convocation on April
25 are' notified that orders for
caps and gowns must be received
by the Moe Sport Shop no later
than April 15.
Seniors: College of L.S.& A.,
and Schools of Education, Music,
and Public Health: Tentative lists
of seniors for June graduation
have been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 4, University Hall.
If your name is misspelled or the
degree expected incorrect, please
notify the Counter Clerk.
Library Hours During Spring Re-
From Friday, April 4 through
Saturday, April 12 the General Li-
brary will be open week-days from
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Study Halls with-
in the building and Angell Hall

Study Hall will be open from 10
a.m. to 12 noon, and from 2 to 4
p.m. Graduate Reading Rooms
will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
and from 1 to 5 p.m. There will be
no Sunday service on April 6 and
In general, Divisional Libraries
will be open on short schedules,
i.e. 10-12 and 2-4 daily.
Exceptions are: the East and
West Engineering Libraries, which
will be open from 9-12 and 2-5
daily except Saturday, when they
will be closed in the afternoon;
the Physics Library, open 9-12
daily, closed afternoons; the West
Lodge Study Hall at Willow Run,
which will be closed.
Group Hospitalization and Sur-
gical Service: During the period
from April 5 through April 15, the
University Business Office, (Room
9, University Hall) will accept new
applications as well as requests for
changes in contracts now in ef-
fect. These new applications and
changes become effective June 5,
with the first payroll deduction
on May 31. After April 15, no
new applications or changes can
be accepted until October 1947.
Graduate Students: All courses
dropped after Friday, April 4, will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Deadline for Veteran Book and
Supply Orders May 3, 1947, has
been set as the final date for the
acceptance of veteran book and
supply orders at the bookstores.
All faculty members are requested
to anticipate material needed
through the end of the semester
and authorize same on or before
May 3. All back orders for mate-
rial not in stock at the bookstores
will be cancelled as of May 3.
Students, College of Engineer-

ing: The final day for REMOVAL
urday, April 5. Petitions for ex-
tension of time must be on file in
the Secretary's Office on or be-
fore Thursday, April 3.
Veterans: This is to notify all
veterans receiving benefits under
P.L. 346 that, during the period
between April 2 and April 19, they
will have the opportunity to make
corrections or changes in the leave
applications filed at the time of
registration. All veterans who are
included in any one of the follow-
ing groups must report to the V.
A. Guidance Center, Rm. 100A
Rackham Building, if they are to
avoid the interruption of subsist-
ence payments.
1. Those who are planning to
re-enroll for the Summer Session;
2. Those who are not planning
to re-enroll for the Summer Ses-
sion, but will desire leave; and
3. Those who desire their June
check (normally mailed on July 1)
sent to a different address.
Robert S. Waldrop, Director
Veterans Service Bureau
Veterans receiving government
benefits are requested to bring
their reports of absence up to date.
All reports for the first 8 weeks
(Continued on Page 4)
Now Showing --




For Real
Dancing Enjoyment
The Melody Men


Phil Savage Evenings 25-8084
Ye Dancers,
Party Givers, etc.!
Mack Ferguson C
(Music for your needs)
has some open
'Friday' dates
Call 9059
Menlbers A. F. of M. _


! 1*


LOST-Black and gold Sheaffer Pen;
call 2-5213. Rewvard. )53
PLEASE return my Parker "51" lost in
library Thursday morning. Black and
silver. Reward. Call 4013 Stockwell.)43
LOST-Avalon watch with expansion
bracelet Friday night, March 28, be-
tween Hill Auditorium and Miller's.
Box 15. )7
LOST-White silk scarf with newspaper
design. Keepsake value. Robert
Flagg 2-4591 302 Greene House. )41
LOST-A Keuffel and Esser slide rule.
Owner Alex Herrero needs it urgent-
ly. Phone'2-2386. Reward. )3
LOST-Small black and white mixed
terrier head and spot at base of tail
black. Curly tail. County license 82.
Call 2-7729. Reward.
1F INTERESTED in an investment ap.,
plying as rent which will assure you
a two year apartment lease write Box
31 Michigan Daily. )62
discharges, birth certificates, and pic-
tures. Also photos laminated and
framed. Leave work at Calkins-Flet-
cher, Wikel Drug, Purchase Camera
and Card and Camera Shop. By
Technical Photo Service. )21
PHOTOSTATIC Copying, Enlargements
or Reductions. Leave ydur work at
Wikel Drug, Calkins-Fletcher, Pur-
chase Camera, Card and Camera,
marriage and birth certificates, dis-
charges, records. 24-hour pick-up
service. Technical Photo Service. 917
Sunnyside, Phone 4559, 2-6958. )54

HENRY STREET, six rooms, fireplace,
American frame, oak floors, deep lot,
garage. Call 6415. )2
Bernice E. Ferris, Realtor
ATTENTION GI's: Part time work
available for several students with.
previous auto repair experience. See
Mr. Burd at Cushing Motor Sales. )26
girls who are on the lookout for per-
manent positions with a future. For
further information call 9985, between
8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Michigan Bell
Telephone Co. )33
ished apartment available in Detroit
after June 1 in exchange for apart-
ment or flat in Ann Arbor. Write
9538 Pinehurst, Detroit 4, or call
Hogarth 3849 )13
YOUR SUIT or coats restyled to the lat-
est trend. Prompt Service. Gins-
burg's, 607 E. Liberty. )4
ANNOUNCING an addition in person-
nel. we feel free to offer prompt ser-
vice. Let us help you plan your spring
and summer wardrobe. Hildegarde
Shop. 116 E. Huron, 2-4669. )19
WANTED-One ticket to "May Festival"
on main floor, 2-2135. Mrs. John A.
Perkins. )8
BLUE-EYED BLONDE 5'6, too short for
F,,ank, wants date for Slide Rule Ball,
April 18. Call Mary Ellen, 416 Mosher.
College, ex-Army Lieutenant Colonel
needs apartment or house in June
for extended period to complete grad-
uate study interrupted by war. Ref-
erences furnished. Call 9777. )12

TRANSPORTATION-Driving to Miami,
Florida, Thur., April 3. Room for two.
Phone M. Gilbert, 8470, noontime. )60
STUDENT desires to share driving and
expenses to Miami, Fla., around April
4th. Phone 2-2085. )6
WANTED-Ride to Cincinnati, 0., or
Lexington, Ky., for Spring vacation.
Cali 2-1489 after 7:00 p.m. Luke
Ware. )62
COUPLE WANTS RIDE to Chicago after
1:00 p.m., 4 April. Share expenses.
Phone 9222 ask for Pattison. )28
April 3, 1947. Call 2-1314. )9
GOLD Wool Suit, size 14, practically
new. Call 2-2521, ext. 104. Jean Ray,
after 5:30. )42
A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
For immediate delivery-APARTMENT
TORS. Moran Winchester Company,
211 E. Liberty, 2-5544. )23
for sale, size 40 long, in excellent con-
dition. Apt. 23, 520 E. Jefferson St.
FOR SALE-21-Foot National House
Trailer with awning. Excellent condi-
tion. Pikes Trailer Park, 46537 Ecorse
Rd. ) 30
FOR SALE-Set of engagement and
wedding rings. Ten best grade dia-
monds set in platinum in yellow gold
rings. Never worn. Really beautiful
set. Phone 2-5553, Room 330. )76
1946 HOUSETRAILER. 21 ft., 2 rooms,
permanent double bed, electric brakes,
plenty of storage space, pleasant
home for couple. 935 Heath Ct.,
Willow Village. )12
TYPING: Theses, term papers, etc.
Duplicating: notices, form fetters
programs. A2 Typing Service, 232
Nickels Arcade, phone 9811. )55

Also --

S ring vacation has come, and so, SALLY'S
ing that week. BUT, we will re-o peo on
S&tiday night, April 13. The food and serv-
ic wili be as satisfying as in the past!
-all o ;he

What Is It?

It's chocolate bunnies

And sweet springtime sonnets
It's ladies parading
In beautiful bonnets . .
It's new chicks and ducklings
And children at play,
Laughing and hunting
The eggs bright and gay
Its lilies and tulips
Ani bluebirds a-wing,
the happiest day of ,Spring'.

Open 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. including Sundays.
5400 Plymouth Road (on the way to Detroit) Phone 9387
Lunches 11:30-1:30 - only 65c
Dinners (family style)-5:00-8:00 P.M.-$1.45 to $1.65
418 E. Washington (one-half block off State) Phone 9717
Waffles our specialty . .. Better Coffee
307 South Main Street



at the

"rEQQJk Sign

Special Student Breakfasts'
7:00 - 1 1 :00A.M.

For that
Delieious Midnight Snack

Specializing in Home Cooked Food.. . Steaks and Chops
Open weekdays 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M., 5:00 - 8:00 P.M.
Sundays 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.,-5:00 - 9:00 P.M.








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