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April 03, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


Authority of
UN To Aid
Greece OK'd
Move Approved
By scate (o,p
-By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 2 -- The
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee was reported to have
' agreed today on the principle of
giving the United Nations author-
ity to halt an American aid pro-
gram to Greece and Turkey but
only provided the UN is willing
to take over the project.
A member who came out of a
closed meeting reporred that such
n agreement had been reached
in principle. He added that the
wording of a proposed amendment
to the pending $400,000,000 aid
bill still was up in the air.
"Harmonious Meeting"
Chairman Vandenberg (Rep.-
Mich) declined to comment when
the committee session ended, oth-
er than to say that progress had
been made "in a very harmonious
The reported agreement would
change an amendment offered by
Vandenberg which provided that
the UN could halt the American
aid program any time a majority
of the General Assembly or seven
of the 11 members of the Security
Council voted to take such action.
Debt Payment Barred
The committee voted earlier to
require Senate confirmation of
the director of the proposed aid
program. It also voted to bar
payment of Greek and Turkish
debts from American funds.
Hurrying to complete its work
on the measure tomorrow, the
committee adopted a preamble
offered by Senators Vandenberg
and C o n n a lly (Dem.-Tex). It
states that United States action
in furnishing financial and lim-
ited military aid "will contribute
to the freedom and independence
of all members of the United Na-
tions in conformity with the prin-
ciples and purposes of the UN
Johnson Amendments
When the committee meets to-
morrow morning, it will have be-
fore it a series of amendments
by. Senator Edwin C. Johnso:
(Dem.-Colo.) to strip the program
of its military assistance provi-
sions and to eliminate Turkey as
a beneficiary.
Johnson has a proposal also
that Greece's king be forced to
leave the throne as a precedent
to any American aid.
King Continues
Anti-Left Molt
ATHENS, April 2-M-King
Paul acted tonight to carry on the
fight against leftist bands which
his dead brother, George, had been
As Paul took up his new respon-
sibilities, his subjects learned that
Soviet Ambassador Constantine
Rodinov had been called to Mos-
cow for consultations. The news
first appeared in a royalist news-
paper this afternoon and later was
confirmed by a Soviet embassy
spokesman who said Rodinov
would leave "shortly."
While most of Greece tonight
mourned the passing of George, a
part of the country organized to
carry on guerrilla mountain fight-

ing against government forces.
King Paul for his part was re-
ported going over last minute de-
tails of an all-out Spring off en-
sive against leftist-led guerrillas,
which George had approved and
Group Upholds
1U' Civil Rights
A letter requesting a change in
tactics was forwarded this morn-
ing to Senator Matthew F. Cal-
laban's committee investigating
Communistic activities in Michi-
gan by the Inter-Racial Associa-
The letter, signed by 91 stu-
dents, charges that the Callahan
committee "is more dangerously
subversive" than any of the "un-
armed" student groups it is inves-
"By threatening to withhold
state funds you are attempting to

SCORCH SINGER - This is Judy Claire, wife of a University
veteran student, who will be featured in "Running Rampant"
April 20 at Hill Auditorium. Judy formerly sang on the Don
Large Chorus and "Bedlam Time" shows over WJR and WWJ.
Proceeds of "Running Rampant" will go to the Hayden Memorial
Library at the University of the Philippines,
)' * * *
Student Talent Show April 20
To Aid Hayden Library Fund

'C1isler Sees
Revision of
Grid Seats
Student Section
Explaining that the seating
method used this year for foot-
ball games was set up by Student
Council recommendation in 1942,
Athletic Director H. o. Crisler told
the Student Legislature last night
that the dissatisfaction expressed
"was only human," that he was
'convinced some improvements
can be made, and the students
were quite in order asking a
Possible seating changes brought
up by the Legislature proposed a
student section between the goal
lines on the West side, splitting
the section on either side of the
field or moving the entire section
to the East side. Crisler said that
all suggestions were "within the
realms of possibility," but felt
that "whatever improvements we
could make on the East side should
be tried on the West side first."
Preferential Tickets
He explained that by virtue of
a contract clause, priority was giv-
en to bondholders and by Western
Conference regulation, seats were
reserved for visitors. Long stand-
ing policy gives preferential tick-
ets to University faculty and em-
ployes, 'M' Club members, a list
of complimentary ticket holders,
and to alumni over the public.
Asked if there was a chance for
students to obtain seats in pref-
erence over the latter groups, Cris-
ler answered, "I doubt it, but it is
a reasonable suggestion."
No Finance Problems
"There is no financial situation
involved," he said. All stadium
seats sell for one price and Cris-
ler explained that the "regents
stipulate free student admission to
the stadium, Ferry Field and the
Field House."
The present seating plan, adopt-
ed in 1942, starts student seats in
the middle of section 24, approxi-
mately on the 40-yard line, and ex-
tends north until the entire stu-
dent body is seated. The system
was followed this year with excep-
tions allowing students to sit to-
gether and allowing 2,421 tickets
to students' wives or husbands.
The special Legislature commit-
tee studying the ticket distribution
plans to draw up its report imme-
diately after vacation.
Discrimination Letter
The Gripes Committee reported
receipt of a letter from AVC, IRA,
MYDA and the local chapter of
the Lawyer's Guild charging dis-
crimination against Negroes on the
basketball and baseball teams and
will study the problem.
The Legislature also voted to
hold a panel discussion on the
Hare system of proportional rep-
resentation on April 24 and to
check on the basis of the Choral
Union Concert Series ticket dis-
tribution plan.

Hope F
U.S. Re
Russia Resists
U.S. Proposal;
Accepts Defeat
Austin Declares UN
Can Do Alloted Work
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., April 2
-The United Nations Secur-
ity Council approved tonight, after
sharp debate between the United
States and Soviet Russia, an agree-
ment giving the United States sole
trusteeship over the vital strategic
areas of three Pacific island
chains wrested from the Japanese.
Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet dele-
gate, voted with the other ten
members of the council on the
final tally.
Abstains on Vote
He had abstained on a critical
vote on an American amendment
giving the Security Council and
the United States the right to
cAhange or discontinue the amend-
Gromyko, whose government
had announced its support of the
American trusteeship proposal in
February, fought hard to write in
a provision that the Security
Council alone could discontinue
the agreement.
Austin Supports UN
Warren R. Austin, United States
delegate who had waged just as
hard a fight for the agreement,
said afterwards that "this is a
demonstration that the United
Nations does work."
TheCouncil adjourned at 7:45
P.M.C.S.T. until 9:30 A.M.C..S.T.
tomorrow, when it will take up
British charges against Albania
in the Corfu Channel mine-blast
Palestine Issue
Passed To UN
-(/P)-Britain turned the explo-
sive Palestine problem over to the
United Nations today and form-
ally requested that a special ses-
sion of the General Assembly be
called immediately to launch pre-
liminary studies.
Acting Secretary-General Victor
Hoo started the machinery mov-
ing at once. Soon after he had
received the British note, Hoo
sent a telegram to each of the
55 member nations asking wheth-
er they approved the calling of
an extraordinary session.
The British request was con-
tained in a two-paragraph note
which in effect passed on to the
United Nations the full responsi-
bility for finding a remedy for
the 25-year-old headache.


Ban Phone Strike;




Union Leader

State GOP Balks at AY,
Plans Halt of Wayne Aidc




"Running Rampant" the two-
hour student talent show, to be
given for the Hayden Memorial
Library Fund at 7:30 p.m. April
20 in Hill Auditorium, will feature
seven acts.
Leading off with Mack Fergu-
son's jazz octette the show -will
continue with two women vocal-
ists; a Filipino dance group com-
posed of University exchange stu-
dents; Naif Alley, '47 impersona-
tor; an audience participation
event and several numbers by the
Women's Glee Club under the di-
rection of Marguerite Hood.
All proceeds for the show will
SilTrains 1 Asted
For Yaeali'oii

ades for Congressional

go to the Hayden Memorial Li-
brary fund for the purpose of es-
tablishing a library at the Uni-
versity of the Phil'ippines, ac-
cording to Pat McKenna '49,
chairman of the show. The Hay-
den fund drive, to be carried on
April 14 to 26 will also include a
Pledge Subscription drive and a
dance at 'Waterman Gym April
Jackie Ward and Judy Claire,'
vocalist, will be accompanied by a
three moan instrumental group.
Both singers have been featured
at various campus dances.
At the conclusion of the pro-
gram, Gabriel A. Bernardo, chief
librarian at the University of the
Philippines, will give a brief talk
explaining the purpose of the Hay-
den Memorial Library fund-rais-
ing drive. Bernardo is in the
United States supervising the na-
tionwide drive among University
alunni for the library fund.
Clarge Chinese Planes
Bomb UNRRA Vessel
SHANGHAI, April 2 -- (A) -
UNRRA today charged that Chi-
nese government planes bombed
and strafed a relief ship, the LST
Wanshen, as it unloaded supplies
at Shihkiuso, a Chinese Commu-
nist port.
UNRRA's China headquarters
said this was the third time in
less than two months that gov-
ernment planes had bombed relief
ships near Shihkiuso.

LANSING, April 3-(AP)-Sen-
ate Republicans, in secret caucus,
today reached informal agreement
to deny state financial aid to
Wayne University at Detroit until
it "cleans its house" of the Amer-
ican Youth for Democracy chap-
Members of the Senate con-
firmed that agreement, but were
For an, editorial on this sub-
Ject, see "Freedom at Wayne",
Page 4.
reluctant to discuss it in detail.
One senator said the membership
was unanimous on the subject, and
another said it was a "general
agreement" without a vote being
The Senate's Callahan Commit-
tee investigating subversive activi-
ties had demanded previously that
the University ban the AYD chap-
ter as a "communist front" or-
* K * *
(Harriet Ratner, president of
MYDA, said last night the local
chapter would continue to sup-
Explosion Kills
10 in Missouri
CLINTON, Mo., April 2-OP)-
Ten persons were burned to death
and five were injured today in an
explosion and fire that demolished
a one-story frame plant of the
Brown Manufacturing Company,
a fireworks concern.
Cause of the blast was unde-
Chief of Police J. D. Peays said
that all of the 28 workers mak-
ing toy Fourth of July buzz-bombs
in the plant were accounted for.
Thirteen made their way to safety,
the 10 dead were burned almost
beyond recognition and five were
injured, four of them critically.
The bodies of the dead were
brought to a temporary morgue
at the City Hall in this town of
6,000 population, about 100 miles
southeast of Kansas City.
Fred Baker,aplant foreman, who
was outside at the time of the
blast, said he heard no explo-
sion. Nearby residents, however,
said that they had heard the
noise of the blast.
The blaze, fed by the large
amounts of gunpowder in the fac-
tory, gave forth such heat that
firemen at first were unable to
approach within 100 yard of the

port the position of Wayne Uni-
versity President Henry in refus-
ing to ban AYD until it could be
proved subversive.
"There is no basis for the as-
sertion that AYD is a communist
front organization," Miss Ratner
said. "AYD has nothing to with-
hold from any investigating com-
Student Grup
Hits Red Hunt
Are professors and students re-
stricted from the freedom ac-
corded other citizens?
The Committee for Academic
Freedom rejected this idea yester-
day "not for the sake of teachers
or students themselves, but from
the standpoint of the public inter-
"Universal experience has shown
that a censored, suppressed, timid
faculty cannot give inspiring lead-
ership to a student body, a com-
mittee statement declares. "Stu-
dents debarred from full expres-
sion of their opinions and senti-
ments soon cease to concern them-
selves with public problems and
fail to become leaders in their
communities after graduation."
Full text is on today's editorial
The Committee also states that
"Communists on this campus are
a small-even a minute-minor-
ity. Their freedom of speech con-
stitutes no threat to sober, unter-
rified men and women."


liy Dep erees

M eter Santas
Break Law
Would-be good samaritans
are still running afoul of the
law in Ann Arbor by putting
coins in parking meters after
cars have been ticketed by po-
lice for overtime parking.
Despite newspaper publicity
pointing out that this practice
violates a city ordinance, pass-
ersby continue to put coins in
expired :meters, according to
Police Chief Casper Enkemann.
Section 12 of the parking meter
ordinance stipulates that- only
the owner of a car or his agent
may extend the time on park-
ing meters, the chief said.
In the past violators have
been let off with a warning, but
in the future they will be pros-
ecuted under terms of the law,
according to police officials.

As Scheduled
NFTW Head Sets
Monday as Deadline
By The Associated Press
Congress abandoned hopes today
of enacting anti-strike legislation
n time to head off a nationwide
elephone walkout next Monday
and the union chief said 'the way
Things look now" the strike will
Joseph A. Beirne, president ot
!he National Federation of Tele-
phone Workers, said the stoppage
ill take place at 6 a.m., Monday
according to the various time
?ones, unless the trend of negota-
dions changes for the better.
"There is no change in the
picture whatsoever," Beirne told
reporters after talking to top la-
bor department officials. "The
companies have offered noth-
ing whatsoever."
Beirne's remarks came shortly
after the House Labor Committee
approved 16 to 3 a bill directing
,he President to seek injunctions
against key communications or
'ransport strikes.
However, Chairman Hartley
(Rep., N.J.) conceded there is no
chance for House passage before
next Monday's phone strike dead-
Beirne's NFTW represents
287,000 operators and other tel-
ephone workers in 39 unions a,
f filiated with the NFTUb re
coast to coast. They are 4115
manding a $12 weekly pay raise-.
plus nine gother changes.
Beirpe wrote today to congres-.
sional leaders asking an investi-
gation of what he termed "th
monopolistic labor policy of the
Bell System"
He declared that A. T. & T., par-
ent firm of the Bell System, is in-
sisting that the unions bargain
locally with its subsidiary coy-
panies but is itself acting nation-
"We believe," Beirne said, "that
a congressional investigation of
the labor relations policy of the
Bell System will show that
A.T.& T. is clinging to a fiction
that each of the Bell System com-
panies is an entity free to make its
own decision.
Robert Frost
Will Discuss
Poetry Today
Noted American Poet
To Read Own Work
Robert Frost will return to Ann
Arbor today for the first time since
1926 to deliver a lecture at 8 ppin.
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Frost will read and comment o'
some of his best known poems and
on some of his unpublished work.
He is now finishing a work similar
to "A Masque of Reason," a dra-
matic poem which appeared ti
1545 on the occasion of his
eventieth birthday.
Frost held the position of Crea-
ive Arts Fellow at the Univer-
ity in 1923, 1924 and 1926, teach-
ng small groups of students In,
terested in writing poetry. It was,
-n his own words, "an idle profes-
rship" and he called himself "a
-rt of poetic radiator." He now
1olds a position at Dartmouth
imilar to the one he held here.
Known as the chief intepreter of
Mew England, Frost is the author
of "Mending Wall," "Birches,"
"'The'Death of the Hired Man"
and "An Old Man's Winter Night'
Although distinguished for the
'urely American character of his

poetry, Frost wrote the two books
which made him famous in Eng-
land--'A Boy's Will" (1913) and
"North of Boston" (1914). "North
of Boston" contains much of the
"finest poetry of our time," ac-
crd ) to a recent biography.

Train and bus officials have an-
nounced special schedules for to-
morrow to carry students hound
for their first, spring vacation since
Extra buses will be operated on
all runs out of Ann Arbor tomor-
row afternoon and evening. John
Hagen, terminal manager for the
Greyhound Liies said that there
had been no specific demands
from students for the operation of
any special bus service, although
such service could have been pro-
vided if there had been any ad-
vance request.
The New York Central System
will operate two special trains to-
morrow and will add coaches on
some trains today for students who
may be able to depart early, Ticket
Agent J. F. Dyer reported.
There is no word that any spe-
cial planes will leave Willow Run
for students although the Boers-
ma Travel Service reported it is
probable that extra sections of
regular flights would be operated.
Additional coaches will be pro-
vided by the New York Central
today on Train 44, leaving Ann
Arbor at 3:31 p.m., and the Wol-
verine, at 6:51 p.m. Both trains
go to New York City. The Twi-
light Limited, leaving at 5:26 p.m.
for Chicago will also have special
A special train, carrying eight
coaches, will leave at 1:15 p.m.
tomorrow for Chicago, Dyer said,
and will be ready for loading at
the station at 12:45 p.m. This train
will make stops at Jackson, Battle
Creek, Kalamazoo, Niles and 63rd
Street in Chicago. Arrival time in
Chicago will be 4:45 p.m. CST.
A 12-coach special for New
York City will leave at 3:25 p.m.,
tomorrow, Dyer reported. This



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'U' Professors Assist Ann Arbor Government


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