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April 01, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-04-01

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________________________________________TlE I MICIGAN 1DAMP

1TIEn DAy , tAIP~1, 1941

Collegiate Flying Clubs Plan
Three Day Air Meet Hecre

Repr esentatives of five student
flying clubs have announced com-
pleted plans for a national inter-
collegiate air meet to be held here
May 30, 31, and June 1.
As the first event of its kind
since the war, the meet will be held
at the Ann Arbor municipal air-.
Mthod ist"Choir
Plans Oratorio
Dubois Work Will Be
"The Seven Last Words of
Christ," an oratorio by Theodore.
Dubois, will be presented by the
Senior Choir of the First Method-
ist Church at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the church sanctuary.
Rose Derderian, soprano, War-
ren Foster, tenor, and Andrew
White, baritone, will perform~ the
solos of the work. Hardin Van
Deursen will conduct the perform-
ance and Mary McCall Stubbins
will accompany at the organ con-
Miss Derderian is a senior voice
student in the music school and
soloist at the First Baptist Church.
Warren Foster is soloist at the
Walnut Hills Christian Church of
Cincinnati and former soloist at
the local church. Andrew B.
White, a member of the voice fac-
ulty of music school, is soloist at
Central Methodist Church, De-

port and wil include flying clbs
frmsm.0 olr; ~l uierities throughout th - ountry.
Club Represent atives
V~ans were set up by icir:tl
tatives of flying clubs fromn Micht-
'gan, Detroit and Wayne ttniver-
;ities, Michigan State College aind
the Aero Club of Michigan who r
met Sunday.
Notre Dame, Motnt l -olyoke(
College, 'University of Chattanooi-
ga, University of Mississippi, Dart,-
mouth, Middlebury Collegean
Valparaiso Unjiversity have alretady~
accepted invitations to participate
in the meet.
Gov. Kim Sigler will spjela, at
banquet to be held at the Legitu,-
May 31. At that time awards .and
trophies will be presented anrA a
dance will be held.
Flying Practices
The meet will include competb-
tion in safe flying practices, spat
landing, bomb dropping and plane
washing. Pal tlcipants" must ]to01(
a private pilot's rating, or better.
The meet will be run according to
rules set uip by the National Avi-
ation Association. The group fly-
ing the longest distance to par-
ticipate in the meet will receive
a special award, according to Rich-
ard Illng, meet chairman and w.
graduate student in the Univer-
Groups attending the gathering
May 30 will go to Detroit by buis
to visit the aviation exhibit at De-
troit city airport as a part of the
state's aviation week activities.
Later they will attend a reception
given by Wayne University and
University of Detroit flying clubs.
Reveal Speech
Contest Rules
Friday afternoon is the deadline
for students to file speech titles
in the University Oratorical Con-
test, according to Prof. Louis M.
Titles for the speeches must be
filed at the speech department of-
fice in Angell Hall. Speeches for
the elimination contest are limited
to three minutes, and must be
memorized. Tlien minute speeches
are required for the finals of the
contest, according to speecd, de-
partment officials.
The elimination contest will be
held 'at 4 p.m. April 15 in Rm.
4203 Angell Hall and the finals
at 8 p.m. April 17 in Kellogg Au-

Orchestra Concert .
Honoring Palmer Christian, late
University organist, the Univer-
sit~y Synmphiony Orchestrai will fea-
ture a conposit ion by Edmund
Haines, dedicaited to Christian. ini
a1 concert to0lbe presen ted at , :i
p im. today in fill Auitoriunm.
(Ctub Breakfast
Breakfast will be served t
memnbers of the Canterbury Club
tomorrow it the Student d inter
following a communion service
at 7:15 a,m. in ~ft Anrw'
Episcopal (Churceh.
Speech IPrpi ai a ..
The spechN'id(epartment w.ill Pre'-
sent five student speakers in a
demonstration program at 4 p.
today in Kelloi;g Auditorium
The speakers, who were chosen
front speech 32 lasses inl an elm-
ination contest, are Jamnes T.S
Curtis, Nafe E. Kattr, James
Lynch, John Momeyer and Sid
Village A VC show
Willow Village's AVC will
honor April Fool's Day and the
forthcoming spring vacation
simultaneously today, when its
regular meeting at 8 p.m. in the
West Lodge will feature a magc
Show as the mai order of busi-
rThe University chapter of the
Lawyers e uild will sponsor an
open forum on the legal status
of minorities at 4 p.m. today in
Rim. 120 in Hutchins Hall.
Lynching, FEPC, restrictive cov-
enants and other minority issues
will first he discussed by .individ-
ual members. Tuhe meeting will
then be th rowi open to0 audience
JI.Xer Dance .
Sponsored by the American
Institute of Architects, a mixer
dlance for all architecture stu-
dents will be held from 4:15 to
5:30 p.m. today in the main lob-
by of the Architecture Building.
Lutheran Class .. .
The Lutheran Student Associ-
ation will hold a class in church
history at 7 :30 p.m. tod~y at the
MYIJA Mee~ting..
Michigan Youth for Demo-
cratic Action will meet at 7:30
p.m. today in the League.
Music fromn the Troubadour
period to late 16th century Italian
instrumental music will be in-
luded in a recital to be presented1
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in tre
Rackham Assembly all for grad-
uate students in the music school.

Pr~w i 1 T41cvers 'Ii rqiaed
't 4 Aid lidicapped Children

f {

- - sehll for th:e "re-habilitation
I? it W~i(' epl, 'f'f cii~ I ic,-l-n ,g'a1l,'' ii tr wi' h 11 icly wvill
me (t(1 hi esl i., enln t ther rglrpublic
S~h~l. \ di te xcep ?tion of the
Another 1C1it I i (( .!t1 ( t li' u-deal chiltldrn, xvho usuazlly stay
~r~I v15 a itanchliirouh Lii unil l uy In*yecompleted th e
1 '' X , i> ! ix ' b ~ o '< L 'aiu* . h1 1 5 . c ligilill.l I '.'
earie~ ul 10(iOpC')I00 it tu 'W ha,~children front all
l~iiittt ohHumn djntme~ N'ps o hmes''Dr. Lord conm-
Aid Ldiea~, i'l~itf 0. ientd. rorn't.shacks to palaces,
antho gh imos>t, of thtin are from
'rh~ s Iwil l~si lVOudis iI(1 1a'nlcsOf th e f 'avrag income
1-,ueation 'School1Ch as 1 its ' tA.,01Varies''
denins ia l~li a il uic mil.S '1:1. stallf of the school includes
IV o de eo~id( :i. Luis a.ci(11p 1" imeand seven full-time
ia ,, (r, ae rogamjn tcers 1,i ,workin_ with both ('01-
(i~iii, ai Jl S~i hi ledin t iee sudetsand children, as well
a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~c naW' gre o ' airc asahyial therapist, and part-
Ol 11 '1 (1r0t!n titth th'time itahers in physical edu-
St:.2 rI i da i n.v hn cation, shop and music' "The
10ii~.i ,onths i beIe"tin ohscr- staff' varies," Dr. Lord explained,
vatn, ratce nd p~cnI oulse"with the xworn to be done."
!o k un 1; th Clicti' ,:,1to 1 1r. Lord'C, who teaches two to
1?achiu Schol.four hours a semester himself, in!
liizildii~i o i ! (i~Li rat-addition to his duties as head ofj
nate students andthe ne-ti department of special educa-
g<<rdua.ft students now , n: ile in Lion and as director of the school,
thespeialeduatin pogrmJ0 holds a lectureship at the Uni-
t'hihreii ar e('eciv ng therte- versity's education school. Ap-
men-itaryeuato hee'4 of pointed assistant director of the
whom aie boarding students. school in 1939 and director in 1941,
21 from Ann Arbor br. Lord received his Ph.D. from
' ,h,, children, who (:onfl'lI' hon the University in 1936.'
th e surrounding cities xu i 'l - 1E - Shaped cBuilding
lat('5, 21, of t hem from it? IC it~y o01;The twvo-story low red brick
A.n11- Arbor alone, ares inl tii 't- building, desig'ned in the shape of
sing, -'Ow learning , lowvxvitality, an E to permit greatest utiliza-
(Tlippr C. ~led, h r of hearil'glo priimary jtiCnonf t xind~oxvspace, houses all
(Ii. atti l -mtbediatte deaf. groups. the ('lassroonmrs, both for the cot-
Act' oi"-dhig1c) torl, Lord, thle le, and University students and
scEVol's iggest job with the cliit- the, children, as well as a rs-op,
(dren is soc ializing themnarnd, st im.- a swimming 1)001 and a residential
uilating the speech of the hard of wing. Behind it there is a spacious,
hearing and deaf children. Tie tree-shaded playground complete
1are majority of them are at the with merry-go-round, slide and
sand box.
1 * Upon i nter ing tihe building, the
Fra iie~e visitor is; immediately struck with
it: un-ins titutional character,
~perihap~s because the comparatively
u d en.. small size of the school encour-
ages a more intimate and friendly
Qu a lifieid ph a rinacists will find atmosphere. The children, divided
ctr expaingil field in hospital into small groups, appear as wide-
phain'iacy, Don E. Francke, chief 'axake andl alert as children in
pharmacist of the University 11os- any school.
pital, decleared in a radio talk yes- Other Groups Assist
terday. In addition to the Horace H.
With the broad program of hos- Rackham Fund, the school re-
pital exipansion and construction ceiv'es assistance from the Wash-
provided by the recently passed tenaw County chapter of the
Hill-Burton Bill, "hospital ad- Michigan Society for Crippled
ministrators all over, the country Children and Disabled Adults,
are demanding fully trained and which conducts a yearly Easter
experienced men and women for Seal Drive, from, which money is
their pharmacies,' Francke point.- received by the school for trans-
ed out. portation of the day students and
- --- - ----for special equipment such as
R e~iors Awa'd. wheelchairs, a typewriter, a phon-
e..ato) Awa d, oraphanda, speech recorder.
(bdi~I *Contributions to the Easter Seal
,ida toA -to& LI) Oi i Drive are being accepted by Paul
Duncan Noble, a senior in the Jedele, 322 S. Main St., Ann Ar-
business administration school, has bor, from now through June, al-
been awarded a $150 scholarship, though Easter seals will be dis-
which xvas established by the Ann tributed only until April 6. Al-
Arboi' Board of Realtors to be though no special quota has been
awarded to an outstanding stu- set, the drive workers hope to top
dent specializing in the study of the $3,888 collected last year. They
real estate, Dean Russell A. Stev- are already over $2,000 on the xvay
enson has announced. to reaching that goal,

For Real
Dancing Enjoyment
The Melody Mon
Phil Savage Evenings 25-8084


North Main Opposite Cocurt Ilouse
-- Ends Tonight -
" MR. HEX" and
-Starting Wednesday -
"Durango Valley Raiders"
and Cartoon


Light Lunches
8:00 A.M.-10:30 P.M.
8:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
Clarks Tea Room
217 Observatory

Weekdays until 5 P.M., 25c
Evenings and Sundays, 30c
--Now Playing -
with Philip Dorn, Catherine
McLeod --- in Technicolor
-- - and ---t
with Edw. G. Robinson,
Loretta Young, Orson Welles
- Coming Easter Sunday



I)U G is for Granada, come right
Kis for restaurant, the best in
A s jrac, o come right
^ Nis forne foods, we find .,
every day
n - ~A is for age, of'"which we serve~
w 1, "rany
i DI is for delicacies of which we
Ii have many
A is for alone, but never eatV
this way.
C is for a couple of friends to .
add a happy ray
ti. aaava~mu~ian A is for appetite, you have
every day
a' F is for food, we have all kinds
care E is for eating, you'll always

RIDE to N.Y.U"., April 4. Share expenses
and driving. Cell Mack, 201 Prescott,
2-4591. )18
RIDE WANTED to California, April 3rd
or 4th. Drive and share expenses. Call
Hugh Kennedy, 7571 after 6:00. )39
SOMEONE to share driving to San
Francisco, leaving April 2. For par-
ticulars, call 2-4365.
DESIRE RIDE to St. Louis or vicinity
Eastertime. Will share expenses. Call
Charles Lamnb, 2-3236. )62
WANTED-Ride to Cincinnati, 0., or
Lexington, Ky., for Spring vacation.
Call 2-1489 aftei' 7:00 p.m. Lukhe
Ware. ) C2
STrUDENT WANTS ride to St. Louis
leaving April 4, will share driving
and expenses. Call evenings 2-1562.
AM DRIVING to New *York City andi
rettiu during Easter vacation. CallI
2?-291 9 after six for round trip reser-
vations. Ask for Grady, )
PASSENG IERS WANTED-4-94'7 leaving
for Cincinnati Friday afternoon, April
4, through Columbus, Dayton and
Springfield. Call 2-11011, between 5:301-
6:00 pxu. )
with comfortable car have room for,
students to New York. i ,a nug Fri-
day afternoon. Phone I,o lrundidge
or Jo Iilil-8891. )53
WILL the party who took wrong coverit
topcoat at Tiny's. Friday evening ;call11
319 Hinsdiale.)4
PLEASE return mny Parker "151" lost in
library 'rhursday morning. Black and
silver. Reward. Call 4013 Stockwell.)-13
ILOST----Filte.r pipe between Betsy Ross
Shop and Economics Building. Re-
ward. Please call 4952;,"
LOST--Woman's gold Giruen wi-
watchi, Very narrow, brown braidedi
lealther band. MUilenrt DlaitzPhn
LOST--Avalon watch with expansion
bracelet Friday night, 'March 28, be- !!

discharges, birth certificates, and pic-
tures. Also photos laminated aind
framed. Leave work at Calkins-Fiet-
cher, Wikel Drug, Purchase Camera
and Cardl and Camera Shop. By
Technical Photo Service. )21
PHOTOSTATrIC Copying, Enlargements
or Reductions, Leave your work at
Wikel Drug, Calkins-Fletcher, Pur-
chase Camera, Card and Camera,
marriage and birth certificates, dis-
charges, records. 24-hour pick-up
seri ce Technical Photo Service, 917
Sunnyside, Phone 4.559, 2-8958. )54
TYPING : Theses,- term papers, etc.
Duplicating: notices, form letters
programs. A2 Typing Service, 232
Nickel . Arcade, phone 9811. )55
YOUR SU ('1 or c-oats restyled to ibhe lati-
est i jn. Prompt Service. (Gins-
buirg's, 07 E. Liberty. )
ANNOUN('ING an atddlion in person-
nel. We feel free to offer prompt ser-
vice, Let us help you plan your spring
and summier wardrobe.1Hildegarde
Shop. 116 11. Huron, 2-4669. )19
College, ex-Army Lieutenant Colonel
need: ;apartment or house in June
for extended period t0 complete grad-
itate studyinterr-upteci by-wat'. Ref-
erences furnished. Call 9777. }l2
W4ANTED-One ticket to "May Festival~
on maini floor, 2-2135. Mrs. John A.
Perkins. )

from the conceited one,
Fred Astaire )5
(TOLD Wool Suit, size 14, practically
new. Call 2-2521, ext. 104, Jean Ray,
after 5:30. )42
'TICKETS to Slide Rule Ball--just re-
ceived bids to Blackfoot Ball. Call
lBroadbeam or Booze, 2-4514. )28
A BETTER PRICE paid for Men's, used
clothing, Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. )14
FOR SALE--21-Foot National House
Trailer with awning. Excellent condi-
tion. Pikes Trailer Park, 46537 Ecorse
Rd. )3a
FOR SALE-Set of engagement and
wedding rings. Ten best grade dia-
mnonds set, in platinum in yellow gold
rinl s. Never worn. Really beautiful
et, Phone 2-5553, Room 330. )76'
19-16 HousE'rRAILER. 21 ft., 2 rooms,
1,, riaint double bied, electric brakes,
plenty oft storage space, pleasant
homae for couple. 935 Heath Ct.,
Willow Village. )12
you select your golfing needs. Com-
plete lines of all top-grade clubs,
bags, )ailts. Phone 2-2058. Johnny
Malloy, Golf Professional. )13
YOUNG LADY to work at Soda foun-!
tain. No Sundays or evenings. Swifts
Drug Store, 340 S. State. Ph. 3534. )60
girls who are on the lookout for per-
manent positions with a future. For
further information call 9985, between
8 am, and 5 p.m. Michigan Bell
Trelephone Co. )33

at the

"rTOOJ " sign


Spec ia!' Student Breakfasts
7:00-- 11 :00 A. M.
T A ' IP*II ^ * K AS AE rf j" 11U






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