# loud mud 4 ,
Latest Deadline in the State
_ -
Bonus Blanks
Now Ready
r For Veterans
Initial Demand
Reduces Supply
Bonus application forms for
Michigan veterans are now avail-
able in Ann Arbor, but community
offices, busy all yesterday, asked
veterans to slow down their rush
to get them.
The American Red Cross in
Nickels Arcade has a limited num-
ber of forms available, but may
run out today, according to Har-
old Hoffman, Home Service 'Di-
'Million People'
"There must have been a mil-
lion people in here today," one of
his assistants said. "So far, we've
been able to take care of every-
Hoffman asked veterans who do
come to the office this week to be
sure to bring their original dis-
charge certificates.
The Veterans' Counseling Cen-
ter at the Armory asked veterans
to wait a week or so before apply-
ing for the blanks.
"There were about 500 or 600
people in today, and we have forms
for only about another day," a
staff worker said.
The Veterans' Service Bureau
has not yet received bonus blanks,
Robert Walcrop, VSB director,
said yesterday. He said there was
no reason for the veterans to rush
after the forms.
Y Two Year Limit
"There's a two-year limit be-
fore they have to be filed," he
said. "But more important, it is
of extreme importance to exer-
L cise the utmost care in filling out
ie forms or veterans will have to
ait a long time for their bonuses.
So far, instructions from Lans-
ing have been limited."
Waldrop said the VSB is pre-
pared to help veterans who have
the forms.
The campus AVC reported that
it had no forms.
Reports from Lansing last week
said that the forms would be
available at banks, veterans' or-
ganizations, counseling centers,
and county clerks' offices.
Besides the original discharge
certificate, veterans must have
personal identification with them
when the forms are notarized.
Survey Center
Positions Op en
Education School Votes
Modified A thletic Plan
Two Year Compulsory Sports Course
Will Give Four Credit Hours For Degree
The School of Education yesterday became the first University
college to act on the recent physical education proposal, approving a
modified program.
Education school faculty members voted to require all students
to complete two years of physical education. The physical education
department committee had asked that a three-year program be made
compulsory in all schools of the University.
At yesterday's meeting, faculty members voted to give four hours
academic credits toward the bachelor's degree for the physical educa-
tion course. At the same time, th
Truman Signs
Sugar, Scarce
Materials Acts
Expresses Dislike
For October Deadline
-President Truman today signed
-"with reluctance" a law extending
sugar rationing only until Oct. 31.
He also signed another rush bill'
passed by Congress during the day
preserving federal controls over a
small group of scarce materials
until June 30.
Midnight Race
Both measures were hustled
through Senate and House arid
sent to the White House in a race
against the midnight expiration
of the Second War Powers Act,
basis of the wartime rationing,
priority and allocation power.
The President, evidently more
dissatisfied by the short life given
sugar rationing than by the cur-
tailment of his own broad execu-
tive powers of allocation, issued a
sharp statement on the sugar leg-
Oct 31 "appears to be too early
for the termination of sugar con-
trols," he said. He added that
this had been recognized by many
congressmen "both in committee
and in debate."
Mr. Truman also noted that
Congress assumes that sugar sup-
plies by Oct. 31 "might be materi-
ally larger than those now drlin-
itely in prospect."
20 Pounds Allotted
The Sugar Act also extends
price control on sugar through
October. It otherwise would have
expired June 30.
The bill as signed by Mr. Tru-
man provides that each person
shall have a ration of at least 20
pounds of sugar in the next seven
months. This is equivalent to a
minimum of 35 pounds a year, or
10 pounds more than was allowed
last year.
Gromyko Accepts
Freiwh lProposal
31 - (/P)- Andrei A. Gromyko,
Soviet delegate, accepted part of1
a French compromise but refused
to vote on a final plan for work
for the Committee of the United
Nations Atomic Energy Commis-
The French proposal called for
action by the Commission's work-
ing committee, made up of the
principal delegates, on the points
of disagreement between the
United States and Russia.
hey raised graduation requirements
'from 120 to 124 credit hours.
The Administrative Committee
of the education school has not
yet selected the effective date of
this new plan. Students already
enrolled in the school, however,
will not be affected by the change.
The physical education proposal
revealed last week was the result
of two years' work on the part of
a nine-man group appointed by
Athletic Director H. O. Crisler in
March 1944.
The importance for teachers to
have some instruction in physical
education was stressed at the edu-
cation school meeting as the basis
for the increase in physical edu-
cation requirements.
Other schools in the University
are expected to act on this pro-
posal in the near future. A Daily
poll revealed varied reactions to
the Crisler proposal. Campus stu-
dent leaders polled were "whole-
heartedly in favor" of the pro-
posal. Individual students dis-
agreed on the "credit side" of the
It has been pointed out that the
physical education program would
allow a wide range of selection in
the field of athletic interests. The
suggested curriculum includes over
50 courses, divided into the five
main phases: the developmental,
competitive, recreational, orienta-
tion, and modified programs.
Six Buieldings
'Destroyed inf
Chelsea Fire
An explosion and resulting fire
caused $300,000 in damage yester-
day morning in nearby Chelsea as
firemen from three cities battled
the raging flames which destroyed
six buildings of the Central Fibre
Products Co.
Firemen were summoned to the
scene at 6 a.m. by a watchman who
felt an explosion rock one of the
company buildings and then saw
scarlet tongues of flame leaping
skyward. They fought through
dense black smoke for two and a
half hours before bringing the
fire under control, although the
fibre-fed blaze continued at scat-
tered points throughout the after-
Fire Chief Howard S. Brooks
said he believed that the explosion
and subsequent fire was the result
of a leak in an artificial gas line
which ran through all the affected
Assisting Chelsea's volunteer fire
department were units from near-
by Cassidy Lake and the statel
emergency pumper from Ann Ar-
Marshall Hits
Soviet Stand
On Germany
No Agreetent U on
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 31-Secretary
of State Marshall blasted at Rus-
sia's uncompromising stand on
German reparations tonight and
warned that the United States op-
poses "policies which will continue
Germany as a congested slum."
In his bluntest speech to the
Council of Foreign Ministers, Mar-
shall said the four powers could
never reach agreements "on the
basis of an ultimatum." He added
that the United States "categori-
cally rejects" the Russian stand
that "acceptance of reparations
from current production is an ab-
solute condition of economic uni-
No Concessions
Russian Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov, whose proposals also were
attacked by British Foreign Sec-
retary Ernest Bevin, made no con-
cessions on reparations, but ex-
pressed hope that differences
among the four powers could be
In referring to the Potsdam
agreement and discussions here
on reparations, Marshall told Mol-
"It looks very much to us as
though the Soviet Union is trying
to sell the same horse twice."
Molotov made other similarly
biting replies to some of Mar-'
shall's points, but his general
tone was described as mild in co-
parison with some of his previous
Restricted Session
After Molotov's statement Mar-
shall suggested that the ministers
meet tomorrow in "restricted ses-
sion" and they agreed. Excluded
from such a session will be the
extra official reporters who brief
the press, and the meeting may
be presented in much less detail to
The American Secretary said
that France, too, had adopted an
immovable attitude and had in-
sisted that her demands for Ger-
man coal be recognized before the
ministers proceeded to other im-
portant German questions.
"While we realize that France
was not a party to the Potsdam
agreement, we cannot accept her
request as a condition to our ne-
gotiations," Marshall said.
dor mRes idents
Must Turn fin
Suoiar Stamps
The action to be taken against
dormitory residents who do not
turn in their sugar ration stamps
has not yet been determined, but
"they shouldn't go unpunished,"
Francis C. Shiel, business manager
of the residence halls, said yester-
Students living in residence
halls which serve meals have been
requested to turn in spare sugar
stamp No. 11 today. Shiel point-
ed out that this is the day when
the next University allotment of
sugar is due.
"We have enough sugar to carry
us through this wee," he said,
but the allotment wil be' eeded
after vacation. if 100 per cent of
the stamps are not turned in to
the OPA, our quota is liable to be
reduced in relation to the number
of stamps lacking."
This will result in less sugar for
everyone, he declared. "If a great
majority of the students turn in
their stamps, they will be made to
suffer for the lack of cooperation
of the minority. Some action
should therefore be taken against
this group."
Any disciplinary or punitive ac-
tion taken against students who
do not turn in stamps would have
to come through the Board of Gov-
ernors of the Residence Halls and
would be enforced through the
residence halls office. Previously
students who did not have their
ration books were asked to leave
the residence halls,
Students who have lost their ra-
tion book or did not apply for
one upon leaving the armed forces
must make application for a new
book through the OPA.
Officer Elected
DOUBLE-FUNCTION SCHOOL - Pictured above is the entrance to the Raclkham School of Spe-
cial Education, the only institution in the world which combines a teaching laboratory with an ele-
mentary school for handicapped children. Direc tor of the school is Dr. Francis E. Lord, a Univer-
sity graduate.
World News
By The Associated Press
LANSING, March 31 - The
Michigan House of Representa-
tives raced tonight to be the first'
state to ratify an amendment to
the Federal Constitution limiting
the presidency to two terms-not
knowing they had already lost by
a nose to the state of Maine.
The House ratified the amend-
ment by a 69-1 vote and sent it to
the Senate. Even as the Michigan
legislators were acting, word came
that both houses of Maine Legis-
lature had approved the amend-
.JERUSALEM, March 31- A
government representative as-
serted tonight that Palestine
Jews will be made to pay for the
destruction at the Haifa oil
docks, where flames still crac-
kled 18 hours after an explo-
sion that set off the worst fire
in the port city's history,
* * *4
WASHINGTON, March 31 --
Federal officials said tonight that
about'20 per cent of the nation's
soft coal miners stayed home from
work during the day in advance of
a six-day "memorial" stoppage
called by John L. Lewis.
The United Mine Workers chief
set the six day period to begin at
midnight tonight, the hour he
once fixed but later withdrew, for
a new coal strike.
NEW YORK, :Marel 31 --
Henry A. Wallace told a Madi-
son Square Garden raA!y to-
night "sooner or later Truman's
program of unconditional aid
to anti-Soviet governments
will unite the world against
America and divide America
against itself."
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower said
tonight that the end of the draft
gives the American people "the
task of writing the insurance
against the chaos of another war."
"From now on," said the Army
Chief of Staff in a statement, "we
are engaged in a great test, to see
whether a system traditionally
American in peacetime-the vol-
unteer system-can give us the
stable, well-trained regular army
our current international com-
mitnents require"
ETROIT, March 31-A strike
of 18,000 Michigan Bell Tele-
phone workers was set today for
6 a~m.. Monday by leaders of
Michigan affilates of the Na-
tional Federation of Telephone
WASHINGTON, March~ 31-41he
Supreme Court, in a rare 4-4 dei
sion, upheld today the sale of the
Pullman Company's sleeping car
business to a group of 43 railroads.
It rejected a government con-
tention that the deal would set
up a "more powerful monopoly"
than the Pullman Company had
Special School Does Double
Duty in Helping Handicapped
Daily Special Writer
Out Ypsilanti way there is a school which looks like any typically
up-to-date small educational institution, but actually it is the only one
of its kind in the world.
The unique character of the Horace H. Rackham School of Speciaal
Education lies in the fact that nowhere else in the world is there a
combined training and laboratory school for all types of handicapped
children on a college campus.
Performs Double Function
Under the directorship of Dr. Francis E. Lord, the school performs
a double function in training students on both the undergraduate and
graduate level for work with han-
dicapped children with first-hand . T
experience in a regular laboratory G1 Ve U"1I11 VoIce
set-up. while at the same time
providing an education for handi-
capped children at the elementary A ie
school level.
Following the passage of a --Vandenberty
sate law in 1923 requiring special
training for work with handi-
capped, children, Michigan State Russla ' Veto Power
Normal College at Ypsilanti was Would Be Ruled Out
designated by the state legislature
as the training unit and the Rack- WASHINGTON, March 31-(/P)
ham School was established as -Senator Vandenberg (dep.,
part of its spccial education de- Mich.) today proposcd three
partment. checks on President Truman's
Fund Provides Aid $400,000,000 aid program for
The Horace H. Rackham fund, Greece and Turkey, including au-
which was established in 1938, thority for the United Nations to
granted $250,000 to the school, halt it.
with a later supplementary grant But Russia would have no power
of $30,000 for a new building. to block the American move by
Although part of the Michigan exercising its veto.
State Normal College, the school Vandenberg specified that any
maintains constant contact with UN objections must be based upon
the University through several (1) "a procedural vote in the Se-
channels. About 50 students en- curity Council" or (2) by "a ma-
roll yearly in the master's degree
program, the University granting jority vote in the General Asse-
the degree after students have bly of the United Nations."
taken their specialized work in Seven of the 11 members are
Ypsilanti and their general woik needed for a decision in a Security
in Ann Arbor. Council "procedural vote" and
A cooperative arrangement has the big power veto right does not
been worked out with the Uni- apply. Twenty-eight out of 55 arc
versity Hospital whereby Rack- required for a General Assembly
ham School students are accepted majority.
at the Hospital as clinical patients Vandenberg told newsmen he
in occupational therapy, lectures offered his amendment "to mak(
in which are also provided by it plain that we propose to operat
members of the Hospital staff, clearly within the spirit of the
Blind Teacher Course United Nations."
Franco Law
Might Create
Spanish King
Council To Serve
As Interim Ruler
By 'The ssciated Press
MADRID, March 31-(P)-Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco told
the Spanish people tonight he had
sent a "law of succession" to the
Cortes (parliament) which might
place another king on the vacant
throne of Spain.
On the eve of the eighth an-
niversary of the capitulation of
the Spanish Republican govern-
ment, Franco declared in a na-
tion-wide radio broadcast that the
law would be effective in the event
of his death or incapacition.
The law of succession was the
first admission ever made by
Franco that his government was
a temporary one and that it
might be replaced by another
form of rule over Spain's 26,-
000,000 persons.
It provides in one section that
Franco, as chief of state, will have
the power to suggest a successor
to the Cortes, but in another sec-
tion sets up a "council of the
kingdom" which would serve as
interim ruler and would have the
power to select a king or another
chief of state.
In his "Victory Day" speech,
Franco, who assumed leadership
of the Spanish revolution in
1936 and has headed the gov-
ernment since the fall of the
Republican government, defend-
ed his regime and capitalistic
enterprise. The world has been
wrong, he declared, in assuming
his government was rightist be-
cause Spanish rightists sided.
with his nationalistic cause
rather than with the republi-!
Spain, he said, must increase her
wealth and must achieve just dis-
tribution of the wealth.
Asserting that the world once
failed to comprehend his anti-
communistic stand, he said that
such sentiment now is changing,
"Our inquietude, not under-
stood yesterday, has been convert-
!d into the general inquietude of
the responsible men of today," he
Vet Conference
Asks Revision
Of VA Ruling
The Michigan Veterans' Plan-
ring Conference went on record
in a meeting at Michigan State
Cohlege Saturday as favoring a re-
vision in the VA absentee ruling,
according to Bill Haydon, Confer-
ence chairman,
"The delegates felt that a lot
less time should be spent filling
mut absence reports," he said. "At
chools which have high scholas-
tic standards, satisfactory work
aught to be enough for the VA if
it's enough for the school."
Haydon said that the Confer-
once will ask the VA to modify
'lie absence ruling.
Voting in favor of maintaining
'he present rent ceilings, the Con-
ference planned the distribution
of petitions calling for rent con-
trol Haydon said.
Continued support of the Rog-
:rs Bill was also approved at the
The Conference will hold its
Spanish Play
ToOpen Today
Deals with Escapades
Of Two Adventurers
"Los Intereses Creados," a Span-
ishi play by Nobel prize winner
Jacinto Benavente, will be present-
d by La Sociedad Hispanica at
3:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in
Uhe Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
As "Bonds of Interest" the Eng-
iish version, the play received wide
acclaim in both the United States
-and England. Though set in a
,eventeenth century background,
.ts theme is modern, dealing with
Lhe escapades of two adventurers
who succeed in uniting the bonds
between rich and poor through
Will Fill Vacancies,
Applications for assistantships
and interneships for the Univer-
sity's Survey Research Center in
1947-48 are now being accepted,
Prof. Rensis Likert, director, an-
nounced yesterday.
All interneships and most of the
assistantships will be granted to
graduate students, PIrof. Likert
explained, although a few ad-
vanced undergraduates may be ap-
pointed to assistantships. Ap-
pointments may be made on eith-
er a part-time or full-time basis.
with stipends for half-time posi-
tions for graduate students begin-
ning at $1,000 per year and for
full-time post-doctoral interne-
ships beginning at $3,000 per year.
Openings f o r undergraduate
students seeking employment on
an hourly basis will also be avail-
able. Students employed by the
Center will have an opportunity to
"learn by doing" such processes
as interviewing, coding, preparing
questionnaires, analyzing and in-
terpreting interview results.
Applications for appointments
as assistant or interne are to be
made to prof. Likert. Only stu-
Vents with undergraduate training
n the social sciences, including
) business' administration, indus-
trial management or mathematcal
statistics, are eligible.
Rep. Warner
Favors FEPC
Rep. Joseph E Warner of Ypsi-
lanlti told a delegation from Wil-
low Run's AVC Sunday that he
was "very much in favor of the
principle of FEPC," though he felt
that the duties entailed should be
referred to the Labor Department,
instead of creating a new commis-
Prof. Angell Says Citizens,
Not Nations, Must Organmze
A special course for home teach-
ers of the blindl is offered every
summer under the joint sponsor-
ship of the University Institute
of Social Work, Michigan State
Normal College and the American
Foundation for the Blind, Thirty
to 32 studc(F nts participate in this
program Ieach year; the majority
of whom have some visual limi-
tation themselves.
The summer course attracts
people from all over the country
as well as from four or five foreign
countries, Last year Canada, Bra-
zil, Uruguay, Hawaii and Puerto
See PRACTICE, Page 2
Haber To Sea k°
Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion will sponsor a talk by Prof.
William Haber of the economics
department on "Labor Legisla-
Lion" the week after spring vaca-
in response to a question, he said
it is not 'designed as a wedge in anr
effort to eliminate the Security
Council veto in other matters.
Vandenberg said he has beer
"disturbed" by criticism that the
Greek-Turkey aid proposal by-
passes the UN,
"I don't think it does," lie said
"I think the worst thing that coulc
happen to the UN would be to cal.
upon it to assume a responsibilit3
it was neither intended nor or-
ganized to carry out."
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) told
reporters he approves Vanden-
berg's amendment, and Senato
George (Dem., Ga.) called it "
step in the right direction,"
Vandenberg told the Senate
that if his amendment is/adopted
"there can be no further remote
suggestion of any violation of the
autonomy"-or self-government-
of Greece and Turkey, on the onc
hand, or of the authority of thc
UN on the other.-
If we are to have a strong
world government, its representa-
tives must be elected by the people,
Prof. Robert C. Angell, chairman
of the sociology department, said
yesterday, adding that one of the
faults of the United Nations is
that it is an organization of na-
tions and not world citizens,
Formation of such a world gov-
ernment, based upon the princi-
pIes of federalism, may take from
25 to 50 years, depending largely
upon the attitude of Russia, Prof.
Angell said.
Federalists To !Meet
"If Russia and the United States
show no more accommodation for
each other than they do at pres-
ent, they cannot exist together in
a world government, and such a
mtion like that seal her borders,
allow nxone of her citizens to come
in contact with other cultures, al-
low no foreign technologists and
scientists to give her the benefits
of their discoveries, and still keep
up with the technological proces-
sion of the world?" Prof. Angell
asked. "She will discover she needs
the inter-stimulation of other cul-
tures," he concluded,
'Human Rights'
TWalking of the formh whaich he
thinks a world government will
take, Prof. Angell said it would be
a federation of nations, in which
thie various political and economic
structures of individual countries
will be able to participate, but that
there should be "a universal core
of human rights" on which all
nations could agree and on the
basis of which cooperation and
Teacher Shortage Persists in Canal Zone
The teacher shortage persists
not only in the United States, but
in its territories, too, according to
Ben M. Williams, superintendent
for service outside the country,
Williams disclosed. He added that
the buying power is equal to or
better than that in the United
The curriculum of the Canal
Zone schools is similar to that of
American schools, Williams said,
The students are chiefly interested