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March 30, 1947 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-30

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PVi0AY, MARCH 30, 1947




Krupa's Orchestra Chosen
To Play for IFC Ball May 2
Tickets Restricted Decorations will include a 14-
To Affiliated Men tall Greek warrior in each b
bearing the letters of each
Gene Krupa and his orchestra ternity.
Ticket sales for the Ball wi
have ben chosen to pafor telimited to affiliated men. Tii
_rsixteenth annual Interfraternity lillie dtrfibuated throughc
Ball to be held from 9 p.m.t ill be distributed through
1 am. Frida May 2, at the Inra- Indergraduate fraternities
mural Buildyg spring vacation. Plans for an
tire fraternity weekend have
Krupa, who formerly played made, and parties at the indivi
with Benny Goodman's band, has houses will be approved for Sa
played at theatres and ballrooms day, May 3.
all over the country, as well as Women Granted Late Permis
appearing in movies and on radio The dance will be formal,
programs on all the major net- Tl
works. He last played at Michi- women students have been gr
gan for the 1945 Panhellenic- ed 1:30 a.m. permission for
Assembly Ball. evening. No corsages will be w
Theme To Be Grecian except by guests of the cen
"A Night with the Greeks" will committee members.
be the theme of the TFC Ball. Each Each of the fraternities
fraternity will have a booth simi- suggest one chaperone to be
lar to those at the 1947 J-Hop. eluded on the patrons list.

ll be

Annual Dance
Will Feature

__ _..



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Bob Strong and his orchestra
will highlight the annual Slide
Rule Ball to be presented from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April 18, in
Waterman Gymnasium.
Slide Rule Ball is traditionally
sponsored every spring by the
Michigan Technic. Although the
ball has always been formal, this
year it has been publicized as
"formal-optional" because of the
shortage of men's formal attire.
Men owning tuxedos are urged to
wear them.
Tickets are still available to
all students from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
daily at the Engine Arch, in
University Hall and the Union.
Bob Strong and his orchestra
have been featured over the na-
tional radio networks on variety
programs, and have made guest
appearances on the "Bandwagon"
and "Spotlight Bands." Strong has
also played at outstanding night
clubs throughout the country.
After playing the Eastern
ballroom circuit, Strong recent-
ly moved into the Midwestern
college dance circuit and has
been in demand because of his
"smooth, yet distinctive" music.
Featured with the band are Jo
Ann Talley and Don Bailey, vo-
calists, and Johnny Carroll,
An entertainment program will
be presented during intermission
and door prizes will be awarded.
One of the door prizes, of special
interest to the engineers, is a log
log duplex trig slide rule.
Decorations will follow an en-
gineering theme. Ballroom dec-
orations will center around large
replicas of slide rules, blueprints
and revolving gears. Dance pro-
grams will also bear an engi-
neering design.
Women attending the ball will
receive 1:30 a.m. permission from
the Office of the Dean of Women.
Corsages will not be worn except
by the guests of the central dance
s r

TOPPER - Screen actress
Alexis Smith models a mus-
tard gold fleece topper lined
with chocolate brown broad-
Petitions Due
Eligible independent women who
will be juniors or seniors next yearI
may still petition for executive
boardnpositions on Assembly Asso-
elation from 3:30 to 5 p~im. to-j
Petitioners may sign for inter-
views on the schedule pested in
the Undergraduate Office of the
League, and may bring their peti-
tions with them at the time of
the interview. Interviewees will
also be required to bring their
eligibility cards and their Assem-
bly membership cards, as well as
three references, including house-
mother, faculty member, and an
The posts which are available
to coeds who will be seniors nenx
year, include president, vice-presi-
dent in charge of dormitories, and
vice-president in charge of leagpe
Those who will be juniors or
seniors next year may petition for
secretary-treasurer, social chair-
man, project chairman, and per-
sonnel chairman.
WAA Rifle Clubj
To Hold Meeting
The WAA Rifle Club will meet
at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the ROTC
This meeting will include the
match with the University of Ha-
waii which was postponed last
week. There will be .no regular
practice on Thursday.

ATC To Hold
Annual Formal
Black foot Ball
Dance Will Be Presented
Friday, April 18, in League;
Rivalry To Be Celebrated'
Blackfoot Ball, which trad.tion-
ally celebrates the rivalry between
Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Nu
, fraternities, will be presented by
ATO from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday,
April 18, in the League.
The dance was inaugurated at
VMT, and since then has been
given annually at every college
that has an ATO chapter.
nvitatinal Formal
The formal will be invitational,
and the members of the Michigan
chapter of ATO, the national
officers and members from every
chapter in the state will attend.
Guests will include members from
Michigan State College. Albion
College. Hillsdale College. and
Adrian College. as well as presi-
jdents of all soroities, fraternities
and dormitories on campus, and
editors of all cam pus publications.
A surprise program of inter-
I 1issiont enterta inment is being
planned, and Allan Townsend and
his orchestra will play for the
dance. The en ire second floor of
the Leatgue will be used, and the
decorations will follow a VooDoo
Banquet To Re iield
A banquet will be held before the
dance, to which 200 guests have
been invited. Over 1 .000 couples
are expected at the ball. There
will be a costume party Saturday
at the Alpha Tau Omega chapter
house, to complete the Blackfoot
James Goldammer has been
chosen general chairman for the
WAA To Hold
Softball Meeting
A meeting for coeds wishing to
officiate in the WAA softball
tournament will be held at 5:15
p.m. Tuesday in Barbour Gym.
Women who want to be offi-
cials but cannot attend ,the meet-
ing at that time are to call Lucille
Sheetz at 2-3225 by Tuesday.
These coeds will serve as offi-
cials in the WAA interhouse soft-
ball competition, which is to be
held following spring vacation.
Any house which has not been
contacted but wishes to enter a
team should call Miss Sheetz by
Tuesday in- order to be included
in the tournament schedule.
Church groups may enter teams
in this year's tournament, and
representatives of these organiza-
tions are to contact Miss Sheetz
for information. Although such
groups have not been represented
in previous tournaments, the WAA
Board has opened the competition
to them so that more coeds, es-
pecially those living in private
homes and small league houses
which do not have enough mem-
bers to form a team, will have the
opportunity to participate in the
WAA tournament program.
The WAA Archery Club will not
meet this week.
Club To Cook Out
The WAA Camp Counselors Club
will sponsor a cookout at 5 p.m.
Wednesday leaving from the WAB.
All those wishing to attend may
call Virginia How at 2-4471 for
reservations before Tuesday noon.

x;71) AGf

The doors of the Office of the
Dean of Women will open at 7:30
a.m. Tuesday for women students
who wish to apply for rooms in
dormitories, league houses or co-
operative houses for the fall term,
Application may be made by
each student for only one type of
housing, and students should know
what kind of housing they want
before they apply. No line will be
formed outside Barbour Gym, and
the application procedure will take
only a few minutes.
All dormitory spaces for non-
freshmen have been set aside for
women now on campus. These
students will have priority on
referrals to supplementary hous-
ing until April 15, when new
students will also be referred.
Dormitory applications will be
accepted only from those women

Coeds May Apply for Dormitory,
Supplementary Housing for 1947

whom the Office of the Dean of
Women expects to be able to ac-
commodate in dormitories. Appli-
cation blanks for dormitory hous-
ing will be distributed as long as
the supply lasts, and new appti -
cations will be taken only for
those women whose academic rec-
ords are now clear.
Students who fill out the pre-
liminary dormitory application
form will be informed by mail
concerning the credentials need-
ed to complete the application.
While a preference may be stat-
ed for a particular dormitory
and every effort will be made to
respect such preferences, the
Office reserves the right to as-
sign a student to any dormitory
where a space is available.
Dormitory room contracts will
be mailed out during July and

August. If a student finds that
she will be unable to return to
school for the fall semester, she
should notify the Office of the
Dean of Women at once.
Women who wish to remain
in the same League house where
they are now living may do
so by signing contracts directly
with their present housemothers
and need not apply at the
Office. Those who wish to move
into other League houses must
apply promptly and sign con-
tracts as soon as they are re-
ferred to the house where they
wish to live.
League house contracts must be
signed in triplicate and a deposit
paid at the time of signing. Wo-
men are considered financially re-
sponsible for the space for which
they have contracted.


0 **

This Spring, look to contrast in
color in fabric for the smartest and
newest notes in fashion. Add this
rayon jersey frock to spring's latest
Lastex pucker top, capsleeves, un-
pressed side-pleated skirt and con-
trasting belt. Turquoise, copper,
tangerine, and beige. Sizes 0 0
to 20.

., . i
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? From colleges coast to coast busi-
ness-minded young women come to
Katharine Gibbs for secretarial
training. Career opportunities listed
in booklet, GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK,
show why Gibbs is "tops" with
college women. Write College
Course Dean.
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