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March 30, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-30

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SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1947

University Task Neglected

A MODERN UNIVERSITY has three main
tasks to perform in fulfilling its obli-
gations as an institution. The three tasks
may actually be summarized under one
comprehensive duty: a university must train
its students to play their role in modern
society. But to reach a thorough under-
standing of this larger job, one must have
a clear picture in his mind of the more spe-
A university, first of all, should provide
its students with the intellectual back-,
ground so necessary for an intelligent life
in the complicated civilization of today. The
future citizen's mental capacity, his mental
initiative, must be developed.
In the second place, a university should
direct its students into the particular voca-
tion which best suits their capacities and
desires. Any person should know when he
graduates from college what specific role
in the social organization he intends to
Finally, a university should develop in
its students a healthy and sound emotion-
al stability, which can be gained only by
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

possession of sound physical stamina and
vitality. It is just as. important for a
person to know how to relax and direct4
all his activities intelligently as it is for
him to know how to work and think. This'
is especially true in modern society, with
the great increase in leisure time.
These, then, are the three main tasks of
a modern university. If it fails to perform,
and perform efficiently, any one of them,
it has failed in its obligations as a social in-
The University of Michigan has developed
a program which fulfills the first two of
its three tasks admirably. It has failed in
the past however, to perform the third.
It is to fill this gap in Michigan's educa-
tional curriculum that the special committee
from the physical education department
has presented its proposals for three years
of physical education given for credit to each
student of the university.
As the report stresses, and as committee
members reiterated in yesterday's Daily, the
program is not one which emphasizes the
drudgery of drill and calisthenics. It is
designed to give the students graduating
from this university a realization of their
need for physical and emotional stability,
and to teach them the means by which they
may attain it. A required program in physi-
cal education is just as necessary as a re-
quired program in mental education.

-Jack Martin
No Compulsory Program

E PANSION AND overhauls of the Uni-
versity athletic program is long over-
due, and the thorough report recently made
public appears to offer the needed program.
But if the new physical education classes
are to be at all worth their salt, it is hard
to see why they must be on a compulsory
Under the present set-up all students are
compelled to take two semesters of physical
education courses. Without doubt, lack of
teaching and mechanical facilities under the
existing program are in part responsible for
the apathy with which many students re-
gard them. Largely because there is not
enough room and equipment to go around,
Michigan's current program does not attract
the student beyond the required semesters.
But the new program is to compel parti-
cipation in six semesters of physical edu-
cation on the part of every student.
This means one of two things: Either
the new program will not have enough
merit for students to elect it voluntarily,
or the committee proposing it believes
students are too stupid and irresponsible
to take a good program when it is offered.
By Saul Grossman
Today's column is turned over to Myron
Marks who mailed in this interesting hand
that he played recently.

If Michigan students are as stupid and
irresponsible as all that, (which we emphati-
cally do not believe), it is still not the bus-
iness of any department of the University
to play nursemaid to them.
The present requirement of two semesters
of physical education should be introduction
enough to any program of courses. If the
new offerings can not stand on their own
merits in competition with other University
courses, they should not be forced down the
students' throats.
-Milt Freudenheim
Editor's Note:, See editorial above for another
view on this subject.






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ULTIMATE REALITY-just how shall it
be attained? On Good Friday the
Christians make reply. By the sacrifice of
Jesus is salvation bought. The price is
Jesus' sacrificial substitution of himself for
the sinner. Otherwise, in a just universe
which is God's domain, the sinner himself
must suffer punishment. The latter case
would have made this universe master over
man, but the former makes God a forgiv-
ing Father. So runs the ancient sacrificials
theory of existence.
A. T. Cadoux, a believer in evolution, in
The Gospel That Jesus Preached, draws
the central problem thus: "We have two
rival conceptions of the universe-on the
one hand, as a system dominated by a
good Will, on the other as a physically
determined system." Generally, religion
talks about the first. Science operates on
the second.
He observes that if we make the physical
primary "then the notion that the universe
has meaning or purpose is a fallacy of the
individual mind." He then adds (p.155)
"self-determination is an illusion, for the pos-
sibility of alternatives of choice do not exist.
In this case the one system explodes the
other." That is, matter dethrones mind.
This is morally objectionable. Cadoux says,
"since both thought and action make it im-
possible" to leave these two systems unre-
lated, one therefore must be understood to
include and underlie the other." That is
doubly true, mnny I add, in our technological
age with planes girdling the globe, with two
great peoples, supposedly sane, about to
clash in the Near East as if put to war by
finding, like boys, that neither is master of
the whole playground.
When the secrets of atomic energy waiting
to serve us for peace or war according to
the choice the politicians permit scientists
to make are in the picture-one might ex-
pect even our half statesmen would be able
to get their eyes off the oil and on the atom-
ic energy. But man's relation to one is set in
our habit patterns of yesterday, while the
other has yet to become a pattern. Religion
tips the scale by a good emotion suffusing
the acceptation of moral accountability. Un-
less intelligence can discover enough of the
* purpose of the universe to bring man into
fellowship with the process that produced
him, it must sooner or later defeat that pro-
cess and become the evidence of its own
By presupposing God as the universal
good, both in nature and in man, all the
religions of mankind approach a solution.
But nature and man must be one. "Only
when we enthrone goodness*in its own
right", says Cadoux, "does it discover for
us the plentitude of its sovereignty and
become the mouthpiece of infinity."
A new book for the lay reader The Source
of Human Good (Henry N. Wieman) offers

THIS IS MY STORY by Louis F. Bu-
denz. Whittlesley House. $3.00.
MR. BUDENZ, it will be remembered, re-
cently figured prominently in the news
in his testimony before the Un-American
Affairs Committee of the House. He is the
former managing editor of the Daily Work-
er (from June 1940 to October 1945) and
member of the supposedly powerful National
Committee of the Communist Party for six
of his ten years of membership. A year ago
Mr. Budenz left the Party to rejoin the
Catholic Church, one hundred years t the
day that Cardinal Newman announced his
conversion, as Budenz so modestly points
This eagerly awaited book, held up by
a vow of silence for one year, is revela-
only to the uninitiated and extreme-
ly disappointing, both literally and politi-
cally, to those of us who had expected a
major document . . . at least, more than
a birds-eye view of the fabulous ninth
floor eyrie of the Communist Party's New
York headquarters. For Mr. Budenz
spends the major portion of his personal
'diary' in breast-beating and recantation
for his cardinal errors in failing to recog-
nize the incompatibility of Catholicism
and Communism. He even goes so far
as to derogate his own marriage with a
divorced woman (for which he was ex-
Mr. Budenz begins by tracing the rise of
the labor movement in this country for
which, if we are to believe Budenz, the doc-
trines of St. Augustine and the Catholics are
mainly responsible. The author of this pain-
ful book describes his own activities in the
labor movement in which, for a time, Bu-
denz played a socially good role. Ie was
most effective as a pamphleteer and journal-
ist for varied civil-right and labor organiza-
tions and newspapers. During the course
of such activity he met with and was in-
fluenced by Communists ... who prevailed
on him to study Marxism. Continuously,
says Mr. Budenz, was he eager to effect
the conciliation of all liberal groups into
popular fronts. In so doing he thought he
saw the necessity of joining the Communist
Budenz's case against Communism reflects
the international Catholic viewpoint-that
is: condemnation of any system which sys-
tematically destroys the individual and puts
an "intellectual strait-jacket" on his think-
Mr. Budenz does a service in revealing
somewhat the petty opportunistic character
of the leadership of the Party. But what he
has conveniently forgotten is that as editor
during the period of the Molotov-Ribbentrop
pact ("After all," said Molotov, "fascism is
a matter of taste.") and again at the Duclos
revelation that the American comrades were
Browderite opportunists, Budenz was the
chief editorialist excoriator whose para-
mount duty as a writer was to whip the
comrades into line and to silence their
grumbling at these intellectual flip-flops.
And mind you, all during these times
Budenz would have us believe that his
thoughts were on reconciliation of his her-
editary Catholicism with his acquired
Communism and that he was in the form-
ative process, culminating in October
1943, of deciding to return to the Church
"at all costs." This was accomplished
through the help of Monsignor Fulton
Sheen, Budenz's confessor, who is praised
lavishly in THIS IS MY STORY.
All I can say is that the secret appara-
tus of the C.P., which Mr. Budenz describes
in insufficient detail, must be slipping. The
comrades were so flabbergasted by Budenz's
defection that his name was kept on the
Worker masthead for a day or two after-

wards. Budenz does throw some light on
the C.I. (Comintern-Communist Interna-
tional) in describing the activities of these
C.I. agents with phony names (Edwards,
Jones etc.). These agents, among whom
Budenz clearly names that poor 'anti-fas-
cist' Gerhart Eisler, would throw their
weight around whenever the leading com-
rades would fail to interpret properly the
latest Pravda hint.
Mr. Budenz leaves us with a final plea
for a strong Church and a reaffirmation
of one's faith. Stylistically, he leaves us
with a sticky feeling.
-Ed Tumin
General Library List
Cahill, Holger-Look south to the polar star.
New York, Harcourt, 1947.
Ciechanowski, Jan-Defeat in victory. New
York, Doubleday, 1947.
Daniels, Jonathan-Frontier on the Potomac.
New York, Macmillan, 1946.
Edmonds, Walter D.-In the hands of the
Senecas. Boston, Atlantic-Little, 1947.
Hatch, Alder-Franklin D. Roosevelt: An in-
formal biography. New York, Holt, 1947.
Leichtentritt, Hugo-Sergi Koussevitsky, the
Boston Symphony orchestra and the
new American music. Cambridge, Har-
vard University press, 1947.

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Letters to the Editor...

(Continued from Page 2)
Spelts, soprano, will present a re-
cit'al at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., April
3, Lydij Mendelssohn Theatre.
Program: compositions by Bach,
Mozart, Brahms, von Weber, and
two groups of French and English
songs. The general public is in-
Lecture-Recital: Panorama of
Secular Music before 1600-Popu-
lar Music of the Middle Ages and
Renaissance, prepared for per-
formance by graduate students in
Theory and Musicology, under the
direction of Louise Cuyler; 8:30
p.m., Wed., April 2, Rackham
Assembly Hall; open to students
on campus.
Student Recital: James Wolfe,
student of piano under John Kol-
len, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music
at 8:30 p.m., Monday, March 31,
in the Rackham Assembly, Hall.
Program: compositions by Mozart,
Beethoven, Hindemith, and Schu-
mann. The general public is in-
The Museum of Art presents
paintings by Ben-Zion through
April 3. Alumni Memorial Hall,
weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
and 2-5. Wednesday evenings 7-9
and Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Conservation of Michigan Wild-
flowers, an exhibit of 46 colored
plates with emphasis on those pro-
tected by law. Rotunda Museum
Building. 8-5 Monday. 2-5 Sun-
day. Current through March.
Willow Run Village Art Show:
University Community C e itge r,
1045 Midway, Willow Run Village.
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents on exhibit at the Uni-
versity Center. Assembly Room,
through March 30. The public is
cordially invited.

Program: Developments in the
Management of Sclerosis of the
Peripheral Vessels, R. E. L. Berry.
Department of Surgery.
Experimental Aerodynamics, W.
C. Nelson, Department of Aero-
nautical Engineering.
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m.,
Mon., March 31, West Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg. Program:
"Elementary Ecucation in An-
tiquity as Illustrated by the
Papyri," by Dr. Elinor Husselman.
Faculty Women's Club, Tuesday
Afternoon Play Reading section:
meet on April 1 at the home of
Mrs. Alexander Ruthven.
Association of U. of M. Scien-
tists Discussion Group on Atomic
Energy: 7:30 p.m., Wed. April 2,
East Council Room, Rackham
A.S.C.E., The Student Chapter
of the American Society of Civil
Engineers: 7:30 p.m., Tues., April
1, Union.
Prof. T. S. Lovering, Geology
Department, will speak on the
Geologic Features of Construction
of the Moffat Tunnel in Colorado.
All interested are invited.
Job Panel: Mr. George D. Bailey
and Mr. John McEachren, nation-
ally known accountants, will talk
and answer questions on job op-
portunities. Meeting in Rms. 316,
318 and 319, Union, at 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., March 31. Sponsored by
Delta Sigma Pi. All students in-
terested in accounting invited.
Flying Club: Special board
meeting, 7:15 p.m., Tues., April 1,
1300 E. Engineering Bldg. A new
name for the club will be selected.
Members may make suggestions
and vote on this issue.
Modern Poetry Club: 7:30'p.m.,
Mon., March 31, Hopwood Room.
Mr. Corman will lead the discus-
Sigma 1 o Tau, ugiieers
speech society: Tues., April 1, Rm
319-25, Michigan Union. Final
will be held in the Impromptt
Contest. The University of De-
troit will meet our debate team or
the St. Lawrence Que ition 1ltei



Events Today
University Radio Program:
1:15 am., Station WJR,
Kc. "Hyns of Freedom."

760 1

Jovie Critics
o the Editor:
S MISS BAGROW attempting
to emulate James Agee and
Ianny Farber in their cynical and
ielittling reviews of most motion
ictures? Admittedly, many films
roduced in Hollywood and Europe
re not art, but some are enter-
aining and pleasant to see. Per-
aps the criteria by which Miss
agrow judges films are far above
le standards set by campus movie
Friday and Saturday your critics
ill have the opportunity of seeing
he new French picture, "The
Vell-Digger's Daughter." Thanks
;o the AVC and the Art Cinema
4eague we will be able to see this
first run film at greatly reduced
Those who have enjoyed "The
Baker's Wife" will enjoy "The
Well-Digger's Daughter." B o t h
hare a witty, yet understanding
reatment of human veakneses.
Dnly the French can make so clev-
r a comedy from the theme of an
unwed mother.
Addi Geist
,: : fi
Bathing Suits
To the Editor:
I NOTICED in a last week's issue
of The Michigan Daily an ar-
ticle stating that Michigan coeds
were forbidden to pose in bathing
suits for the photographer of a
national magazine. Does this rul-
ing apply also to me? I'd simply
hate to do -anything wrong.
-Joe Gibblin
Marx Election
To the Editor:
I ATTENDED the meeting of the
Karl Marx Society and was
surprised to find a large crowd at
the meeting. I did not know the
name of any single person there,
nor did I know their motives in at-
tending the meetin.
One thing seemed to me inex-
plicable and silly. One Mr. Cohen
was proposed for several of the of-
fices of the organization but was
defeated every time. Mr. Cohen,
I hear, was instrumental in ob-
taining permission for the society
to function, did all the work nec-
essary to re-activate it, and also
made a deep study of Marx for
several years, has much organiza-
tional experience, and so on. The
people proposed against him and
elected, by their own admissions
were complete strangers to th
whole affair, except that, they
said, they were interested in Marx
But the people who came consist-
ently voted.against Mr. Cohen and
defeated him by a narrow margin
every time. I felt that there was
something rotten somewhere. Two
people at different times appealed
to the audience that it was ridicu
lous that he, to whom after all
those elected have to go for ad.
vice later, could not be elected fo
any of the offices, and that it wa
shameful on the part of the audi
ence. But all in vain. The election
of the four officers was over an
Mr. Cohen was voted out of it
Then there was another appea
by a third man, and this time th
people wereamoved, and his pro
posal that a new office of vice
president be created and Mr
Cohen be elected was carried with
'out dissent.
Of course, everybody has a righ
to attend the meeting and every
body (except the 50 who did no
sign up for membership but voted
has a right to vote. But, was i
-K., Subrahmanyam
.1m'e ,System

To the Editor:
RECENTLY a campus wide elec
tion was held. Twenty-fou
people were elected to our studer
legislature by a total vote of 3,06
people. They were elected unde
the Hare system of balloting. Thi
system is not only unfair to th
people running for office bu
entirely misunderstood by th
student body. There has bee;
no real attempt to edusal
the student body on t h
workings of this system. No or
seems to understand how a perso
with less than 100 votes could b
elected to the Student Legish
ture. There must be somethir
wrong with such a system when
people d'o not realize actually wh
they are voting for-but this cou:
be overlooked if it were not f
the fact'that even people on tr
election commission, who are sun
posed to be overseeing the electic
do not understand the systei
themselves and this actually ha
pens to the case.
-Jack W. Waters

Militant Deintocracy
To the Editor:
RE MR. LANGE'S letter (The
Daily, March 26) with his tears
for our Red friends. I would make
three points:
We owe our freedom to a small
band of "radicals" who led the
American Revolution; Yes! Those
were the days when democracy
was militant. Those radicals,
which Mr. Lange compares to the
Communist brothers of the Polit-
buro, were working for an ideal-
not for power for themselves-as
are our contemporary Russian
Our democracy is no longer mil-
itant as it was in the days of '76.
The boys of the Politburo - the
organizers of the Red revolution
are still pretty much alive - and
pretty militant. And until Mr.
Byrnes' Stuttgart speech we wee
exhibiting some of the charity
that Mr. L. cries about - the role
known as the Chamberlain Act.
Communists are advocates of to-
talitarianism and party dictator-
ship of the state -. for a few - no
matter what they say. They un-
derstand only the language of
power politics and that is what we
are now playing in our efforts to
consolidate our sphere of influ-
ence - a role forced on us who do
not desire war by Mr. Lange's
Communist friends. Let your Red
buddies show some charity, Mr.
If Mr. Lange isn't sure, I am
certain that our government is
not out to wage war on anyone. I
am therefore also certain that the
first blow in the next war will be
against us. It then follows that I
cannot accept Mr. Lange's thesis
that Messrs. DuPont, et al, are
fomenting war (the old squeal
about the international bankers)
because they know as well as I do
that they'll be the first ones hit-
and they won't be safe personally
either. What do they gain?
I think some people would like
to have us believe that the "peace-
loving" Russians are the best bed
fellows in the world-with a little
understanding! They want the
atomic bomb because they fear us,
don't they, Mr. Lange? Not be-
cause they'd like to hold it over
the heads of the Turks or the
Greeks - or over ours - 'eh, Mr.
-Dustin P. Ordway
French Movie
To the Editor:
I SEE they're bringing a French
picture called "The Well-Dig-
ger's Daughter" to Ann Arbor this
weekend. I saw that picture in
New York, and I thought it was
pretty good. But I am a married
nan with children and I've had
lots of experience in this world.
Not to beat around the bush:
the picture deals with seduction,
Now, it's a good picture and all
- that, but maybe it's a little too
bold for college students, some of
' them innocent young coeds. After
r all, we don't allow French post-
s cards in this country. Why
- French movies?
I'r# new in Ann Arbor, but I've
d been reading the Daily and I see
that the Daily does a lot of honest
1 crusading. I'd like to respectfully
e suggest the following. Would the
- Daily use its good offices to see
-that pictures of this type, in the
. future, are only shown to students
- over 21 years of age? Or maybe
there could b separate showings,
t one for males and married wom-
- en, the other for coeds over 21?
t -Edward Hertfeld



Mr. Marks comments: "We had 80 part
score, which I didn't realize. North assum-
ed I did realize it, interpreted my four spade
bid as,, showing amazing strength, and
wasn't satisfied until bidding a highly
loubtful slam. In fact, the bidding was all
:uite amateurish. When the dummy went
down I grew panicky. West led the Ace of
Diamonds and hopefully continued the King.
I ruffed, of course, and promptly noticed
that all the elements for a . squeeze were
present, assuming that the doubler had
clubs and hearts stopped, four and three
times respectively.
"I drew four rounds of trumps, on which
West discarded two Diamonds, leaving this

The V. M. Hot Record Society:
8 p.m., Hussey Room, League.
Coming Events
University Radio Program:
Mon., 2:30 p.m., Station WKAR,
870 K. The Medical Seies-"La'
Back Pain," Dr. A. S. Isaacson,
Instructor in Surgery.
Mon., 2:45 p.m., Station WKAR,
870 Kc. Education for Unity,
"International Exchange of Stu-
dents and Teachers," Dean Hay-
ward Keniston, Dean of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts and Dr. R. C. Angell, Profes-
sor of Sociology and Chairman of
the Department of Sociology.
Mon., 3:30 p.m., Station WPAG,
1050 Kc. "The News and You,"
PrestonW. Slosson,Professor of
Ushers for Spanish Play: Meet
at Lydia Mendelssohn at 7:45 p.m.
on night assigned. Wear dresses
and heels.
Science Research Club: 7:30
p.m., Tues., April 1, Rackham Am-

Gilbert & Sullivaln
Club: 7 p.m., Mon., Rm.
ion. Open meeting.
Conversation Group,
Hispanica: Mon., March

308, Un-
31, 3:30-

the meet ing.

5 p.m., International Center.
Dr. arry . Jasselson, Profes-
sor~ of Linguistics at Wayne Uni-
versity will speak on the subject,
"Russian Folklore," at a meeting
of Russian Circle, 8 p.m., Mon.,
International Center. All members
and friends are invited.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship Service, 10:45
a.m. Dr. Lemon's Palm Sunday
sermon, "The Economy of Pain."
Westminster Guild, 5 p.m., Rus-
sel Parlor. Supper follows.
First Congregational Church:
9:30 and 10:45 a.m., Church
School Departments.
10:45 a.m., Dr. Parr's subject
will be "What Has Christianity
(Continued on Page 7)


AK 5 4

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by' students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ........... City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editoriai Director
Mary Brush .......... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Joan De Carvajal...Research Assistant
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press


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