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March 22, 1947 - Image 1

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Idi1f~t'sDea~(dlinie inl the StateC

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VOL. LVIL No. 120



U.S. Wants
Reich State
rE-F lerai tan
BY .rif I '.cir li Pr e",
M( COW, March 21 - Secre-
4 Lary of State Marshall asked the
Council of Foreign Ministers today
to authorize the Geruans to es-
tablish immediately a provisional
government as the first step to-.
ward creating a federalized Ger-
Marshall's request was includ-
ed in a proposed three-point plan
of procedure for setting up a
German government which he
said should be started "at once
so there will be properly consti-
tuted German authorities" to car-
ry out the terms of the peace set-
titment being drafted here.
Revin Proposal Similar
British Foreign Secretary Bevin
earlier imiad submitted a similar
proposal but in much greater de-
tail, and warned Russia that Brit-
ain would not stand for any "one
party" system in Germany.
Although not mentioning Corn-
munism by name. Bevin declared
that the British "do not believe
Germany should merely change
w from tbe Nazi Party to another
party, nor Nazi ideology to sone
other ideology.",
T1'he inflerence was clear, since
th e Russians I l the eastern zone
of Germany insisted on, aud cre-
ated, a one party system called
the Social Unity Party by a forced
merger of the Communists and
Stalin Opposes FederaL System
Bevin's stand took special sig-
nificance in view of French For-
eign Minister Georges Bidault's
disclosure that Prime Minister
Stalin in a recent interview had
criticizcd the French stand for
a federalized and decentralized
Germany and urged a strong cen-
tral administration.
The Britis~h foreign secretary
said that his country felt that the
creation of a one party system
in Germany along with a decen-
tralized government which any
one party could sieze was incom-
patible with British security.
Bevin proposed that the ulti-
mate German central government
should be composed of a president
and two chambers, one represent-
ing the nation as a wholI and thn
other separate states. The chan-
ber representing the nation would
be popularly elected. The cham-
ber representing the states would
be elected on the basis of equal
representation from each state.
Supreme Court Planned
The British plan provides also
for th establishment of a supreme
court to safeguard the constitu-
The Pussians have been talking
about a highly centralized German
D elivri res to
Russtan. Zone
Are topped
BERLIN. March 21--(/)-The
Americans and British suspended
indefinitely today iron and steel
shipments into the Soviet zone of
Germany on the grounds the Rus-
sians had failed to live up to a
$21,000,000 trade agreement with
the merged British - American

In a formal letter to the Ger-
man Economic Executive Commit-
tee for Administration at Minden.
the American and British authori-
ties ordered an embargo on ex-
port of pig iron and steel and
tandard iron and steel products
to the Soviet zone.
The Soviet zone had become
progessively delinquent in its
promised deliveries during Jan-
uary and February, although the
U. S. and British zones had
shipped to the Russian zone 95 per
cent of their agreed commitments
of steel, a joint U. S.-British an-
nouncement said.
Specifically the Russians did not
make good on promised monthly
deliveries of 10,700 tons of wheat
and rye, 2,700 tons of oats, 50,000
tons of brown coal briquettes, 50,-
000 cubic meters of coal mine pit
props, 500 tons of chemical pulp,
500 tons of newsprint, 27 tons of
cording for tires, 200 tons of tech-
nical paper and 30 tons of buna
(synthetic) rubber, the announce-
ment said.

Margaret Webste&r's1 e
To Corieltide Leetuie Sebie



The concludin; speech in thisl
season's Oratorical Association
lecture series will he given at 13:30
p.m. tonight in liP. Auditorium
by Margaret Webster. well-known

rough lt 1111in the i~~ n.Ih
mother is the ioo1Cll
tress Iame May Whittiy, and h
father is hen janmi Wcb>1tVr a
noted ShaIkesp(Iaiin actOr.
Somte or Miss Weter sc'' Jjmus
roles are MaryV M agd' e m11( "iFam~
ily Portrait,"' Mast in The to t
Gull," Andronarice in "iTie 'I
jan Women" and Lvy Maciti.
She appeared in EnglInd in Sir
Phillip Ben Greet>s Sha i
It is, however, as a dirwItr ii ii at
she has consistently won acla im
from critics. SI ha' il di rected
Maurice Evans ini "iamlel"
"Richard tl Second,"to i I.ny the
Fourth" 'nd "Miaclh" ; Helen
Hayes and Maurc >,ains in
"Twelfth NihIit'; Judith Antler
son in "Fanoly Portrail amI Vul
Robeson in "Ot hetto.
Im addition to actigl nod d i
recting, Miss Webster is a uid in
lar lecturer and the author of te1w
best-seller Shakspeare With
out Tears."

1i u V> .e 4 di bc
m cmt~i in~t aigt pi nt1ing a
'; het~ir wa zr ttt ehie llva t i i shout
td t;1 i~~ ii t 1GxIei only
F '< i 4iul t s ol ''ii t Mad- l:4;
G< .) rtd o ilra Ic ti omrwd. r.
I bitm (11:llat;:i wl ')f <,tr
sily iil4 ?on ily diaignosis of
lepiy181Y iflls )ted ssaiuflsof the
Mi('lligan tm Acade my of Science,

'G reek Loan



Margaret Webster.

Shakespearean actress, director
and producer.
Miss Webster, who was recently
listed as one of America's Ten
Outstanding Women, was virtually
Charged with
Bartender Gro
Charles Opple, Ann Arbor bar-
tender charged with refusing to
serve a Negro graduate student,
was granted a jury trial by Mu-
nicipal Judge Jay H. Payne yes-
Opple asked for the jury trial
at a hearing on the charge
brought by David Ross, '50, an
Ann Arbor resident present at the
time of the alleged incident. Ross
told newsmen that he accom-
panied Charles S. Conly, Grad.,
Detroit, into a downtown bar on
the night of Jan. 27. Opple, an
employe in the establishment told
Martin Says
TfaxCut Will
Pass in House
-Republicans shoved their $4,-
000,000,000 income tax cut through
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee today, 16 to 9, and Speaker
Martin (Rep., Mass. said the
House "definitely will pass" it next
Martin called upon the Republi-
cans to rally behind the bill, issu-
ing a statement that:
"The Republicans have clearly
recognized for a long time the
dangers of excessive taxation and
the absolute necessity for tax
cuts. We promised the nation
lower taxes-and we shall keep
faith with the American people.
"These tax cuts are entirely
practicable while at the same time
payments are made on the debt.
"People in the lower income
brackets must have relief from
crashing taxation and unbear-
able high prices. Government
economies and more and more
prod;:ction constitute the an-
swer to both >roblems."
Notwithstanding Martin's state-
ment, Rep. Engel (Rep., Mich.),
who has termed the legislation "a
rich man's tax bill," said lie will
carry to the House floor his fight
against it..
The bill would give a 30 per cent
tax cut to persons with taxable
income (gross income minus per-
sonal exceptions and deductions)
of $1,000 or less, and a 20 per cent
cut to persons with taxable income
above $1,395. For those in be-
tween, the cut would range from a
flat $57 to $53 a year.
(Persons with a taxable income
of $1,001 would get the $57 reduc-
tion, those with $1,395 would get
Two-Term Bill
Passed by House


1VIbN 11(e -,.UJYOeien .,) $Arts anid Lette's' yesterday.
women, will introduce Miss Web- AbOUt 25( papers were read in
ster. Tickets for the leeture will 17 sectio meetingw in fields of
be on sale from 10 a.m. to I p.m. sinesca cec ieaue
and 2 p.m. until lecture time Ic- c social sciewne, literature
day at the lall Amdituim box I earts. '1n ogeneral ses-
(ierman 1R'cunsduactioii
spa na e' lore the ecoitomies
t Iof Dudley M. Phelps,
iversity sid "Economic
DIlt s M t t1 econs sruct ion in Europe is now
rDisnisized as reconstruction of
IfGermanyN. The demand for se-
inted JUiI ru (rity gis iving way to demand for
-----goods. Apparently this can only
be achieved by inducing a great-
the pair that they would not be or measure of economic rehabili-
served, Ross claimed. tation in Germany."
When he protested siktat t Prof. Phelps emphasized that
Michigan Anti -Discm'iinair in "some means must be found for
a loiin procluctioi within its na-
law rovided Chat s o ere- toai setting, which is Germany,.
fused bhecaus t' e of color ple t witii controls sufficiently bind-
fsd becausw dd noti app oin' and uast ing to prevent the re-
said the law did nvt ss to viv , agrem. It is a dtues-
.tnfwhbars, ac to ing t tooili-(, (it1her ithe nations rep-
decided to prs.utt111! ,es'iN 1(t'd M OS\IOW mave the wis-
when he 5ecJfed an nnowial I to inO e and l e wll
opinion from a law sco! pr inig to ootii-ite \Which will
fessor that the Aniti-disrimi- biing abuut a great measure of
nation law al lid Iti bars -> economis mnity, productivity and
well as restaouran'ts al;nt ' still lrovide for the future secur-
public places. ity of' westcmii rE1lOle.''
At the hearing yeUerday, Al .' y failure
Rapp, attorney for Opole, asked United States failure to observe.
Judge Payne ft r a j.ury hial I terms of the Atlantic Charter, and
the charge. Ordinarily tl iis- Iactoption of a "punish Germany"
crimination charge, clased a poey aced thousands of need-
misdcmeanor, would be hoard by le"s t'"iilt"ies to the war and
the Judge. The attorne1s it ,1e. program of demo-
for a jury trI was gratc, ( t education of the German
fo 'oljri Pi oa i M. M. Knappen of
April 11 sit as the iew tria (xte. i'ii ai 51 t' Coilet charged in
Ross told newsmen 1110 ! ' ! i taotlu. meeting
member of thIe University i"e; ic- i, a fmer deputy chief
f Racial Asociation, iit ( h1- the ediumion section of the
sized that he minmi tn com - 'oer na uifiie (: mnlitary gov-
plaint as a pri a to i1ici. t 5a !m nt ior ermlany, said that
that this is the irat ('rumniWy O ' tihe tin I d Stmi Il repudiated a
tien case invohV]g a bar ov'i promise in twe Atlanti' Charter to
brought to trial i t n r lMi1e lchitimii 'ul lowv "io to1 1itorial changes that
law. do Ino a.etrd xx ith freely express-
- - 0 ;wisi t i le nole concerned''
amud to gi a e alt nations "ae-
.'al < n11115 to tradeand
B~arro m 's Y v 1 t , '1-'-1 sof th(e Vworld.
H I '<i I'U <imai St a
out that an "ideal
Willow Villae's Li t t lorl t (a i al)roached only in
group will present,Itlie a io Se MI GAN, Page 2
three performances o Ten Nihit
i a Barroo a - d e Slimtttn
mnelodrama', iIc LI e WeI ,mIa
8 p.m. tloday I 'Im- 1,I it' e i,
The comedy, wlicTill, I 1'dte' fimm I simon ing of Fritz
tured at the Villae t ro im Sui- Ln,'s "The Last Will of Dr. Ma-
day, stars Pied DeT!rk as ,J 11 h1" gins at 8:30 p.m. today
Switchel. '1e spporting ast i in 1ydia MItcelssohn Theatre. t
eludes Edwa i'd Marlin. 1nim aro needed to usher for
sowt, Ivat, i ,J mali, Iiiil'i.' 1i. it Iilm odiig to the t,eague
Martin Beise, Ii i ' Pi <iil ( . Volunteers
Marian Emers n, MIn Cmi nd mould repo't at ihe Theatre lob-J
Geraldine Meyes. ev. a 8 p.m. teday.
Tickets for the puesema Iomm Tiwkets for the film may be
are on sale at Wair's book puich(asd from 2 to 8:30 p.m. ate
store and the West Lodge P. X. the box office.

11 i'11w Asociiid Pries
--A declaration that the proposed
Uniteid Sltates action in Greece and
Turkey conforms with "the prin-
ciples and purposes" of the Unit
cd Nation was introduced in the
Senate i:,day by Senators Van-
denberg irtep Mich.) and C'on-
nally iLeni. 'Te.
The two leaders of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee of-
fered the declaration in. the form
of a preamble to the bill author-
Izii aid] to Greece and Trkey to
hoIlsteriem against Comnmluism.
Thme Senator ' aim is to meet criti-
cism here and abroad ht Presi-
denit' m'iina I's prl« l t5RIwould
sinmil) UN.
Recalls Mission RIteport
'Th premble notes tl at. the UN
Seemcit (ouncil I reay 'hfs re-
ognied the sriousni ss of thim in
se.tled condi ions' on tmhe Greek
frontiers. It recalls that the UN
Food and Agriculture Missioii
,reco>nized the necessity that
Greece receive financial and eco-
nomic assistance and recommend-
ed that Greece request such as-
sistance" from the UN and from
the United States and Britain.
it then declares that the UN
"is not now in a position to fur-
nish to Greece and Turkey the fi-
nancial and economic asistance
which is i "mediately required"
and concludes:
Contribute to Freedom
"The furnishing of such assist-
ance to Greece and Turkey by the
United States will contribute to
the freedom and independence of
all members of the United Nations
in conformity with the principles
and purposes of the charter."
The bill to which the preamble
would be affixed is now in the
House Foreign Affairs Committee.
If the p'eamble is not adopted in
the Hous e,Vandenberg and Con-
nally are confident they have
enough influence to win its accept-
ance in the Senate.
There also were these develop-
,rnents:: -
1. Undersecretary of State Ache-
son agreed to strip the "secret"
label off background documents
given to House Committee mem-
bers on Mediterranean policy.
2. British Government infor-
mants said in London that Britain
is helping the Greek government
plan a spring offensive against
he guerrillas in the north and
will continue limited military and
conomic aid until the United
States steps in.
3. A resolution to put Congress
on record as favoring creation of
a United States of Europe within
the framework of the UN was in-
troduced in the Senate and House.
4. Senator Kem (Rep., Mo.)
suggested that no American prod-
ucts under export controls should
be shipped to Russia and coun-
tries dominated by Mvoscow.
No Secret Plans
Acheson, quizzed for a second
day by the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, said the administra-
tion has "no secret plans up its
sleeve" and that the program for
action in Greece and Turkey is
not designed as "a blow at any-
one except the forces of disinte-
Acheson emphasized that the
administration's goal is safeguard-
ing the right of free people to pre-
serve their independence and free
institutions and to choose their
own government without outside

Never did he say directly just
what those pressures are but his
interference was obvious. "If we
allow Greece to go to pieces," he
said at one point, "we'll have a
commissar in charge in the place
in short order."

Up Fire Hazards
Nat oral Scince Building Has Faulty
Vi iit VWo ti I nsulatlion, Rubbish

Yesterday I saw some of the
conditions in University buildings
that nake fire marshalls turn
Aecomlt4-ying Walter Burns,
fire inspector for the State fire
marshal, Capt. Harold Gauss of
the local Fire Department, and
Andrew Leland, Maintenance In-
spector for the Plant Department
on an inspection of Natural Sci-
ence Building, I saw hazards.
many seemingly trivial, which are
potentini causes of dangerous
Soime idea of the thomronug'h-
tess of the current fire inspec-
tion, ultimately to cover the en-
tire University, can be gained
fom the fact thiat there was
hardly a room on the first and
second floors of the Natural
Science Building that was not
found to contain at least one im-
portant fire hazard.
For the most part the fire haz-
ards consisted of faulty wiring,
overloaded circuits and closely
stored rubbish.
Ceilings of several laboratories
were a maze of electric wiring
oviously installed by amateur
electricians. Apparently judging
the egular lighting insufficient,
laboratory workers in the aqua-
rium had overloaded the circuits
to the point where even the plug
connection was quite warm.
In many cases the insulation
has worn away from the wires to a
considerable extent. In one room
a storage battery had been hooked
up to provide another light circuit.
Unprotected switches and loose
connections everywhere testified to
hasty and dangerous attempts at
rewiring and overloading.
One room inspected yesterday,
obviously serving both as office
and living quarters, had, in ad-
dition to a skylight and regular
lighting facilities. five fluores-
cent lamps and a half dozen
200 watt bulbs.
Many corners and small rooms
seemed to be almost entirely de-
voted to storing rubbish and
equipment no longer in use. The
inspection officials pointed out
that a clean-up in these places
would not only reduce a danger-
ous fire hazard but would provide
more laboratory and classroom
space for the University.
The famous "rat maze" was
found in a basement room that is
little more than a tinderbox. Un-
used for more than a year, this
room houses, in addition to the
maze used in testing the reactins
of rats, an unbelievable amount
of dr'y lumber and rubbish. Al-
though the room has a high ceil-
mg, a false ceiling of old burlap is
stretched under it about seven feet
off the floor. This cloth tends to
disintegrate at the touch of a
Directly under the cloth ceil-
ing is a system of small lamps
inter-connected by a screen of
open wiring. None of the mate-
rial is fire-proof. There is one
low, narrow exit from this room,
The inspection yesterday also
revealed smoking by students in
some of the laboratories. Despite
a University regulation against
Chiang Says U.S. Aid
Will Be Forthcoming
NANKING, March 21-( -
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
was reported reliably to have told
his party leaders today that he
confidently expected financial aid
from the United States and that
it would be spent for national re-
construction and not to fight the

smoking in buildings, one in-
structor present admitted ,that
smoking was permitted in some of
the laboratories.
Not all fire hazards are the re-
sult of carelessness and forget-
fulness. A quick inspection of Hill
Auditorium preceding last night's
concert revealed that padlocks had
been placed upon two "panic
doors" in direct violation of a
State fire law. Further investi-
gation showed that the automatic
outside locks on the doors were
broken. Padlocks had been sub-
stituted for repairs.
The current inspection will re-
quire from weeks to months to
complete, according to Burns.
When it is finished, an exhaustive
roP t, including specific orders
and recommendations, will be
drawn up by the fire marshal's
office and forwarded to the Board
of Regents of the University.
SAC Repeats
Banon inm*g,
Q ueeni Election
Student Affairs Committee yes-
terday reaffirmed their decision to
refuse permission for the election
of a king and queen for the 1947
Acting at the request of the
Michigras central committee, SAC
reviewed the petition but agreed
that selection of a queen and king
would give rise to publicity det-
rimental to a university of high
academic standing.
The petition was presented by
Jack Harlan, Michigras public-
ity chairman, who asked that
election of "royalty" be reserved
for this and future Michigras. "We
don't mean for the privilege to
be granted for a lot of social
events," he said.
Although they considered se-
lection of a king and queen unde-
sirable even for Michigras, com-
mittee members declared it would
be unfair to extend the privilege
to one group and later deny other
similar requests.
Michigras, scheduled for April
25 and 26 at Yost Field House, is
revived this year for the first
time since 1939.
* * *
Federal World
Aim of New
Student Group
A University of Michigan chap-
ter of the Student Federalists, wh
recently merged with five other
world government groups to form
the United World Federalists, wa
approved yesterday by the Student
Affairs Committee.
"We welcome all Michigan stu-
dents to the cause of world gov-
ernment in our time," said George
Shepherd, interim president of
the group. "But we urge all indi-
viduals to join for the purpose of
serving this great goal, and not
as representatives of any partic-
ular creed or ideology. Our cause
is above the current squabbling
between "left"' and "right" and
seeks to unite the two on the high-
er level of world law and world
peace." He said the time and
place of the first meeting will be
announced soon.
At a recent conference in Ashe-
ville, N.C., Student Federalists
voted to merge with five other
groups working for world govern-
ment. They support the United
Nations Organization as the pri-
mary existing group aiming to-
ward a world state, but they be-
lieve that the UN is not strong
enough because it does not em-

body the principles of federalism.
Some of the outstanding sup-
porters of the organization and
the movement are Harold Stassen,
Mrs. Raymond Clapper, Raymond
Swing and Clifton Fadiman. For-
mer Justice of the U. S. Supreme
Court Owen J. Roberts has called
Student Federalists "one of the
most important developers of pub-
lic opinion in our time."
* * *
World State 'Only
Way Einstein Says

Bill Ending
Portal Suits
Is Approved
Senae Overrides
Stromg Protests
By The Associated Press
-Legislation wiping out nearly
all pending and future portal pay
suits was approved by the Senate
The action, taken over strong
Democratic protests, knocks the
legal props from under nearly
$6,000,000,000 of existing suits.
The bill now goes back to the
House for concurrence in Senate
changes. If the House rejects the
Senate version, it will go to a
Senate-House conference commit-
The Senate bill:
1. Outlaws all pending portal
suits, except those covered by
wage contracts or industry cus-
2. Bars all future portal pay
suits for activities before and af-
ter the regular workday. It leaves
claims for activities during the
work-day-defined as the period
of the workers' "principal activi-
ty"-to court settlement or col-
lective bargaining.
3. Sets up a two-year time lim-.
it, after the work was done, for
filing any qualified suits.
President's Veto Predicted
Senator Lucas (Dem.-Ill.) pre-
dicted to the Senate just before
the vote that President Truman
will veto the measure.
"I make the prophecy," Lucas
said, "that the President, when he
gets hold of this bill with all its
loopholes, will send it back with
a veto."
Before the final vote, the Senate
rejected 53 to 35 a proposal by
Democrats to substitute a milder
bill for the Republican-sponsored
"Good Faith" Clause
In the event the Supreme Court
should declare it unconstitutional
to void back wage claims retro-
actively, a4 section of the bill de-
signed to take the profit out of
those suits would become oper-
ative. It provides there shall be
no recovery'of damages on top
of actual backl pay, nor payment
"f workers' attorney fees, and
places the burden of proof on
r orkers. Compromise settlements
would be permitted.
No union may bring a portal
it. However, suits could be
"ought by an employe or group
- employes on behalf of other
- irkers.
Emloyern who relied on an in-
'rpretation or ruling of the wage-
our administrator could claim
"ood faith" as a defense against
iy qualified pending or future
sit. "Good faith" means in this
case compliance with the law as
the employer had it explained to
'im by the administrator.
Officer Denies
Aim To Injure
Marx Society
"Business administration stu-
lents have no intention of break-
ing up the Karl Marx Society,"
Thomas W. Brewer, '47BAd pub-
licity director of the group, said

Admitting that a group of busi-
ness administration students had
"packed" the organizational meet-
ing of the Karl Marx Society Wed-
nesday night, Brewer asserted "we
intend to see that the group ad-
heres to its charter."
New Office Created
After the balloting Wednesday
night electing Elmer Faust, '48
BAd, president; Clair Metline, '48
BAd, director of publicity and pro-
grams; and Betty Goodman, '47,
secretary-treasurer, Brewer said he
asked for the creation of an ad-
ditional office - vice-chairman-
and for the unanimous election
of Leonard Cohen, '48, to that
Cohen, the originator and or-
ganizer of the Society, told Brew-
er at the close of the meeting
"you boys did pretty well tonight.
This should be a great lesson to
Claiming the sincerity of the
business administration students,
Brewer said, "We want to learn

CI() Tits G fw Iaise; U.S.-Philippine Pact Signed

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Maich 21 '-Tme CO-"United Auto Workers
today made formal deuiana ont G n1:ai Motors fr a second postwar
wage increase.
The request for a boost of 23 enits an hour was delivered by
proxy to GM olicials in Detr'it, s00n mfter rival factions of the union
failed in a secondt efort to palti tp tmeir dilierences in a "harmony
meeting" here.
MANIL A, aa-hi 'U - A five-year military assistnee agree-
ment integrating the 'hiOWu in Amueni( defense splans for

DETROIT, March 21 - Threats of a strike in the Detroit school
system faded today when the city council approved annual pay in-
creases ranging from $845 to $1,056 for the 7,500 public school teachers.
* * *
LAKE SUCCESS, March 21 - Contributions of one day's pay
from every working man and woman in the world will be sought
by the United Nations to keep an estimated 20 million children
from slow starvation.
The voluntary contributions will be collected on a special "save

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