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March 21, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-21

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Idlesi IDea iie iii lte Stw

*1lq ti


- .- ........... . . ..... .

VOL. LVII, No. 119
FPHA Offlice
Calls Village
Plan Feasible
Iower Ex pera$

A-'N.N ABOMIlIIGAN. FRiYDA, )12tA(I !I. 1917


Threat rfo Condemn laternity

ospital Denied




Fir t reactions from FPIIA's
Area Office in Detroit to Tues-
day's Willow Village meeting of
tenants with the agency's engi-
neers came yesterday from Ben-
jamin Glassberg, area director,
who said that he thought the resi-
dents' recommendation to estab-
lish a system of tenant represen-
tatives who will replace burnt
fiuses and report excessive viola-
tion of the electrical code "very
feasible and extremely worth-
11unan Element
"The human element has been
too often neglected," Glassberg
said ini connection with the (con-
trioversy over electrical d ifficutlties
at the Village. "Tampering with
electrical cicuits constitutes ai
decided fire hazard and lives are
endangered. The creation of re-
sponsible area controls, along the
lines suggested by the tenants
would help greatly to alleviate
this danger," he said.
Answering the suggestion that
electricity users be charged for
power consumption at prevailing
rates, Glassberg said that would
involve the installation of indi-
vidual meters for each unit.
He declared that this procedure.
is not likely as the Village is a
temporary establishment and large
alternations are not desirable.
Life Liveable
"FPHA is trying to make life in
the Village as liveable as possi-
ble," Glassberg said. He asserted
that it is not FPHA's purpose to
curtail tenants' conveniences, but
existing hazards must be taken
into consider'ation in determining
electrical policies. Glassberg dis-
closed that experts in electricity
have been investigating the situa-
tion to determine what changes
can be made commensurate with
considerations of safety. "Until
they determine what can and
should be done, our current rules
of electrical usage must remain in
Glassberg stressed that the
management appreciated the will-
ingness of the Village tenants 'to
cooperate. He said that the groips
and individuals who put forth the
suggestions, including the local
AVC chapter and the Willow Run
Citizens Committee, displayed a
fine attitude and "we certainly
appreciate their efforts.'
Academy Will
(CAtlVele Ile.e
"reseniaton of 250
Papers Syet for foday
The 51st annual meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Scitence,
Arts and Letters will be held to-
day and tomorrow.
At opening section meetings
(luring the morning and early af-
ternoon today nearly 250 papers
will be presented in anthropology,
botany, economics, fine arts, folk-
lore, forestry, geography, geology,
and mineralogy, history and po-
litical science, landscape archi-
tecture, language and literature,
mathenmatics, philosophy, psychol-
ogy, sanitary and medical science,
sociology and zoology.
The first general session of the
entire Academy will be held at
4:15 pn.. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Prof. Alexander J. Kos-
tellow, of the industrial design de-
partnent of the Pratt Institute,
New York, will be speaker for the
session and will discuss "Design."
Tn the second general session at
See ACADEMY, Page 2

Botiis Formts
Not Available
Michigan bonus payment appli-
cation forms are not yet available
in Ann Arbor, although it is re-
port ed that neighboring cities
have sample copies, Karl Karsian,
head of the Veterans Information
and Counseling Service, said es-
Anxious veterans have kept the
phones at the Service ringing al-
most constantly for the past two

-Construction of New Clinic Set

S11 uetiire


GROUNDWORK FOR 'MADNESS' - Members of Panhelleric Association in charge of arrange-
ments for Spike Jones' "160 minutes of musical madness" concert to be held at Ithul Auditorium to-
night are, left to right, Pat Pontius, tickets; Louise Patrick, general chairman; Monia Lee Clark,
ushers; and Betty Pritchard, publicity.
' ei'
To Depreciate Student Papas Stck To Book
MusiecToday / WhileAwaitiig Heir's Arrivai
University students will hear By LIDA DAILES the ordinary run-of-the-mill fath
"160 minutes of musical madness". University students are probab- ers---- they all have the fidgets.
when Panhellenic Association pre- ly the only prospective papas whoi e textbooks and the Willo
Bents Spike Jones in a "musical pass y their time awaiting their Villa, transportation problei
set~ heirs by studying inlt0w waitingal, honyew lmntta
Depreciation Review" at 7 and room. are thi oly new elements th
Hill Audito-Oterwise, student v e t e ranthe veteran student introduces 1
9:45 m. today at Hil t- fathers react no differently from the waiting room, according t
rium. Hazel M. Avery, instructor i
Remaining tickets for the show nursing and Supervisor of Ob
will be sold from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. stetrics at University Maternit
today at Hill Auditorium and the BarI IU ,%rU1s Hospital.
League. Students attending the Some of the men study throug
second show are requested not to Stheir vigil, others just make
arrive before 9:20 p.m. in order to ' Jlr('tense. One conscientious la
facilitate clearing the auditorium, fy PERRY LOGAN student brought his books t-th
Louise Patrick, general chairman,.-waiting ruom ate inthe evulin
said. Caring little or nothing for their nthe orning, Miss Avery di
According to Miss Patrick, stu- social reputations, the Willow Vil- covered him still poring over pro
dents who see the show will be ioLittle Theare group has lens if the law.
made elaborate plans to stage "When their wives are admitte
helping to achieve a two-fold pur- "Ten Nights in a Barroom" at 8 at night, we try to persuade th
pose Al p eds ilFl ibeue p.m.' today, tomorrow and Sun- fathers to go home," Miss Aver
to improve .theUniversi Fresh day out in God's country, north- said. "It doesn't take too muc
Air Camp for underprivileged east of Ypsilanti. persuasion especially after we te
boys, and at the same time to pro- "So what if we get kicked out thI um thI at thc'y ('an call as ofte
vide a weekend resort for students. of school?" Producer George Ar- as they want to find out abou
The "Musical Depreciation Re- liss asked in a hurried interview their wives' condition. Then, al
view" will last two hours, and will yesterday. No positive answer ter they get home, they (all punt
include "Hawaiian War Chant," was immediately forthcoming, al- Iually every hour. But they soo
"Chloe," The alughing Song," though the Dean's office has ; find out that the hourly calls ar
"Brownie with the Light Blue promised to wor-k on it.I unpr'odtictiv(e. Besides, it's too ex
Jeans" and other Spike Jones fa- Anxious to meet expenses of pensive, se they quit.'
vorites. The cast for the show this, their third produ'tion, the T'e'usual ard nimost difficu
will include Helen Greco, vocalist, Players have invited everyone (in It'5tsiortthat the prospective pa
and comedians Doodles, Weaver, Washtenaw county who is physi_ a asks is: :What time is the
Dr. Horatio 0. Birdbath, Ding cally able to applaud to come out baby comin?" "Of course, no our
Bell, and Bill King. The vaude- and witness this tragic panorama knows," Miss Avery ruefully ad
ville show will feature tap dancing of the evils of drink. Comfortable mitted. "We have the same prob
by the "Slickeret tes" and acroba- luxurious motor buses,mleaven,; I ln with medical students wh
tics by Bettyjo Huston. N. University and E. University at lto knwwh w
Spike Jones, a little known convenient frequent intervals, See E iERS, Page

Be (o nlete(
Early in 1948
1r oeirles Arc Lifted
Gre ual will be broken next
week for t wnew ma aternity hos-
pual and obtetrics elini, Walter
Roth , PlhniSo: pt-mm itndent, said
P resenti plais eall ot, comple-
tion +,1 h- heospital in il-te spring
li.948 a.nid o -pana-v by -ariy sui -
Construction of the new ma-
ternity hospital has been de-
layed several months because
the government had assignid
no pmriorities on aat'I-ials I m'
The mate-nity ho s pial is part
of t prot -war "Victory'' building
of l e proginan, ordred
by t he State I gislature in Public
Act No. I tid :welpted by the
Board of Regents, prov k-s for
the cont rui1on of five educa-
tional buildings at I ieUniversit y
The East Engineering wing,
the chemistry addition, the
General Service Building, and
the busi nc ss administration
building ar already utndei' con-
A-cordimg to Uii\versity offi-
cial s, construction of the new
hospital will go ahead whether or
not funds for it are voted by the
The Health bill, now being
considered by joint committee
of the house and Senate in Lan-
sing, w ould, if passed, entirely
cut out the appropriation for
the maternity hospital and ob-
stetrics lini(.


'T- m in, s ztred oi
Aeliesoti Sees
No War Thfreat
WASHII NG'TON, March 20-I')
Undersecretary of State l)ean
Acleson, weig l ing his words on
the proposal t oboiste' Greece
and 'I'mukey against Commnismf,
gave the considered opinion today
that "I don't think it could lead
to war."
But faiire to act swiftly, he
cautioned Congress, may produce
a "chain reaction" unfavorable to
the United States among other
nations struggling against, Com-
munist domination.
Question Barrage
Under a barrage of questions,
he told the House Foreign Affairs
Committee that this country
could not risk waiting for action
by the United Nations - that
Greece, wearily battling a Com-
munist-leci insurrection, has funds
enough for only 14 days more of
vital imuport .
His testimony marked the pre-
liiinary round of a searching
congressional examination. of
President Tr'ulian's request for
$400,000,000 in money and mate-
rial and "limited" military mis-
sions to the two Mediterranean
coi ntiries.
Sccret 1)ocuments
Before Acheson began his tes-
timony, State Department at-
taches h anded committee mem-
beis a bulky manuscript contain-
'ing documents_-- most of whichl
were marked "sec'ret"--- for back-
ground in their deliberations.
A few hours later, Rep. Chiper-
field (Rep., Ill.) returned his copy
to the committee, saying that lie
was 'unwilling to base my deci-
sion on secret information which
V would not be available to my col-
leagues outside the Foreign Af-
fairs Committee as well as to the
Press and the general public."
He told reporters that both he
and Rep. Jonkman (Rep., Mich.)
were opposed to keeping the ma-
terial secret. He said that he had
not read the documents after dis-
covering that most of them bore
the "secret" label.

A li-ee'Packing'of Karl
Marx Society Meeting
MTabersof b liasiess administration fraternities were charged
with "packing" the organizational meeting of the Karl Marx society
Wedneslay night.
'lhe cbarge was levelled by Betty Goodman, 47, who was elected
Stri ! arfy -tre:-vsrer
Elner Faust, 48 BAd, was elected president of the group.
"A Dis-repamey"
''hee xa: a dwisepancy between the number who voted and
thie immirber t Ito desire membership," Miss Goodman said.

s- ... .
b 1,ports from the capital mdi-
cati', however, mhat a compromise
d measme is being worked out, with
e the House Ways and Means Com-
'y mittee pressing for passage of a
h bill granting the University the
ll full $6,360.000 appropriation need-
n ed on the basis of the present esti-
it mated cost of comnpeting the
f- building prdogra n.
C- The original estimated cost of
n the five buildings was $8,000,000
re of which the Legislature last year
x-appropriated $4,800,000. Present
estimated cost of the program is
It $11,160,000. The Health bill would
grant the University only the
I $3,200,000 to bring the total ap-
< propriation to the original $8,000,-
- 000 figure.
Th e Health bill also specifies
the amount of the appropriation
to be used for each building.
Debate on "institutional outlay"
will be held Tuesday in the State
Legislature, when it is expected
that a compromise bill will be re-
ported. out of c'ommittee.
The nimportance of the matern-
ity hospital was stressed by Uni-
versity officials who pointed out
P that there are 4.500 married cou-
rt ples on campus, comprising 37(2
of the veterans and 15% of the
- non-veteran students. It has been
'e estimated that 50 babies are born
t each month.

the honor system with only those
students professing a desire to be-
come members taking part, sne
declared, adding that "something
is rotten."
"It's pretty obvious that so
many people aren't interested in
Marxism all at once," she said.
Against Factionalism
Miss Goodman said that "we
('nnt do anything about this--we
don't want to create factional-
ism." She declared, however, that
"we have some people interested
and honest--they will be powerful
enough. We will try to see that
the teachings of Karl Marx are
spread on campus-in conformity,
of course, with University regula-
Elmer Faust, the newly elected
president of the society, said last
night that "as far as I know, the
meeting was open to the student
body, and as students in the bus-
iness administration school, we
are a part of the student body and
eligible to attend."
Interest in Marx
Faust asserted that "we (busi-
n e s s administration students)
went because of our interest in
Marx's theories." He declared
that he had no idea if the bus-
iness administration students out-
numbered the others present.
Faust said he had nothing to
do with originating the society
but "it was an open meeting with
an open election."
Other officers elected at the
meeting were Leonard Cohen, '48,
one of the society's originators,
vice-chairman; Thomas Brewer,
'48BAd, director of publicity; and
Clair Metline, '48BAd, director of
programs and literature.
Tax Cut Gets
GOP Approval
Engel Says Proposal
Is 'Rich Man's Bill'
WASHINGTON, March 20-(P)
-A 30 per cent tax cut for some
20,000,000 "little fellows" and a
20 per cent slash for virtually all
other income taxpayers was ap-
proved today by the House Repub-
lican high command.
The reduction would be retro-
active to last January-if House
and Senate approve. But Senator
Taft (Rep., Ohio) and others pro-
pose making any tax cuts effect-
ive July 1.
The House Republican Steering
Committee and GOP members of
the tax-framing Ways and Means
Committee, meeting in the office of
Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.), re-
I vised the Knutson bill for a 20 per
cent cut across the board in an
effort to hush the cries of some
critics that it was "a rich man's
The full Ways and Means Com-
mittee-15 Republicans and 10
Democrats-will consider the bill
tomorrow. It will be taken up for
debate in the Ilouse next Wednes-
day, with a vote due Thursday.
Rep. Engel (Rep., Mich.) who
had termed Knutson's 20 per cent
slash a "rich man's bill," said he
still plans to take his fight to the
house floor.

Burns Asserts
Detroit Story
'Stretched It'
But Electric Wiring,
New Stairs Needed
The University's 43 year old
maternity hospital 'is not actu-
ally a 'fire-trap'," Walter Burns,
fire inspector for the State fire
marshal, told The Daily last night.
Burns ,said that he had not
threatened to condemn the build-
A front page article in the
Detroit News yesterday report-
ed that Burns had warned that
the maternity hospital build-
ing is a fire-trap "incapable of
serving its present purpose
without inviting catastrophe."
According to the News article,
Burns said that "conditions in
the present building must be cor-
rected immediately."
In a statement to The Daily
Burns said, however, that he ap
preciated the "need of the Uni-
versity for more funds." For that
reason, he said, he would not
stress "immediate corrections"'as
a condition to the continued use
of the building as a maternity
hospital, if the University could
not make other provisions.
Burns asserted that the News
writer was "stretching it" when
he reported that Burns had
agreed "not to condemn the
building provided safety meas-
ures are instituted and it is
converted as soon as possible to
other uses involving only am-
bulatory patients, research or
The fire inspector stressed, how-
ever, that if the maternity hospital
is to be used as such, new stair-
wells must be constructed at each
end of the building and new elec-
trical circuits installed.
Burns has been inspecting cam-
pus buildings since Wednesday.
He will continue his inspection
today with Andrew Leland, Main-
tenance Inspector with the Plant
Department. Up to now, Burns
said, he has inspected 11 build-
ings. It was at Leland's request,
he said, that the maternity hos-
pital was inspected first.
University officials previously
ad acknowledged the existence
-) thme fire hazard, one report
"tating that the building "should
'-tot be used a day longer than nec-
-'ccary." The danger is greater
now because the 70 women ard 35
babies under care represent a 100
per cent capacity overload.
Explaining that the building
"is not actually a 'fire-trap',"
Burns said that the main dan-
ger in case of fire would be
panic and smoke. The build-
ing is well-constructed, he said,
and there is no danger of col-
lapsing floors.
Burns declared that the emer-
ency escape chutes in the build-
ing should be replaced. With the
present arrangement of connect-
ing chutes, he said, there is dan-
ger of serious injury to patients
eesulting from collisions in the
chutes. He said that the chute
has been tried out only once. An
instructor, testing it out shortly
after it was installed, suffered a
broken arm.
Burns said that the building
is in good enough shape to be
used for other purposes, includ-
ing other types of hospitaliza-
He emphasized, however, that
ire hazards in the maternity hos-

pital were no worse than those in
:ther campus buildings. He said
that the planned pew maternity
hospital would be "just as bad"
with respect to fire hazards as
the old one. Burns would not dis-
See BUILDING, Page 2
Korean Policy
WASHINGTON, March 20-(R)

drummer before lie organized his
band, rose to fame after his rec-
ord of "Der Fuehrer's Face" was
released. Since then lie has ap-
peared in movies, on the air and
has presented his review al. other
In addition to their regular in-
struments. the band will play a I
washboard, cowbells, bottles, flit
guns, a complete set of tuned
doorbells, auto horns and a poon-
tang-a-phone. Spike Jones has
promised the Michigan audience
a "corncert" to end all concerts.'

have been provided to esco-t play-
goers to the West Iodge Audito-
Handsomely received both imnes
it has been presented since it was
written in 1850, this temperance
drama once inspired drana critic'
Wolcott Gibbs to write, "I was
looking for the Automalt " lP
colleague Burns Mantle wiote of
the same production, -Feh."
No beer will be served the audi-
ence. Programs will be printed on
left-over Technics, and will sell
for one cent. There will be no
charge for ice water.

Wuyi i e AYI
" I
C a m1 1 I Ree v
(Ato ado Ban Repor
LANSING, March 20
Wayne Unmiv-esity officials hav
reported a mi1 r'e than 50 per cen

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHIINxTON, March 20 - John L. Lewis said today the choice
of Janes Boyd to head the Bureau of Mines was "a political deal" and
the government should have consulted "the men who are going to
die in the mines" before naming Boyd to be in charge of their safety.
"We want wss ailing and keening in the coal camps," he said.
SALONIKA, Greece, March? 20 - Three slugs from an assas-
sin's gun cut clown John Zegvos, 40, former Communist Minister
of Agriculture, as he stood on a busy corner in Salonika today.
and police said a man who claimed to be a member of the C'otm-
munist Party's "execution squad" had confessed the slaying.

increas;e in menmbership in the -
schools Aimerican Youth for De- *
mucr-acy chapter since the state- -11 S S 1 o
wide imivestigat ion was launched.
Meanwhile, a copy of the Umi-
versity of Colorado committee re-
port and the statement of policy
in connection with the banning Frelch, Briih I fer
of that university's AYD chapter
was on its w:ay to State Senatoroe sT P 81
Matthew F. CallauIan, Detroit Re- MOSCOW, March 20 - mA-.--
Callahan, who has demanded France and Great Britain split to-
the ilvestigation of AYD on Mich- night on the future disposition of;
tie ncastpgsesnwirAYd PreientGermany's coal resources in the
ign acampuses. xi-ed President first ser iOmIs di sa greieient among.
Robert L. Stearns, Colorado presi-
dent Wednesday asking for k t h-il of Foerngn Ministers.C
reasons for Colorado's action i oeign Minister s B
against the organization. Foreun Minister Georges Bi-
Callahan has characterized the Fiai-no cofld t" conti to th
group as "a Coimnunist front or- France could not c os nt eco
ganiiation " n ec
Dr. David D. Henry, Wayne pres- unless the ther powers agreed to
ident, declared that charges of her-(emais for- guarantees of
subversive activities in the local German coal.
group had not been sustained by British Wreis ecuelE anay Ernest
any of the several agen-cies invited Bevin replied-nwy 'tat he could
rotato icpestgate.notcce a propo! l w:mereone-
to uix'et iat C -power blocked all r2 o ,otiations unr-

Ons os'10oo
Chistering students a v e
bemi heaiding its arrival for
sever-al days, but the season
did not officially begin until
6:13 a.m. today.
Thoroughly trained in labor-
atory jargon, scientists cold-
bloodedly refe-r to this day as
the vernal equinox, when night
equals day.
According to Prof. Hazel M.
Losh, of the astronomy depart-
ment, it has been just 365.24219
days since the first day of
spring r 1946,

SStudent Wages Losing Legal
Battle with U.S. Postmaster


4 4

LONDON, March 20 - Motor launches bucked thme swirling flood
waters of the Don river tonight, carrying food to the Ypm-kshire min-
ing towns of Bentley and Arksey where 2,000 persons were trapped
in the second floors of their cottages.
The plight of these villagers added new tasks to 1,000 troops and

L ike Jorhn I, Lewiis. Wende'mlln

In reciting his tale, FPillips
1 said:

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