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March 15, 1947 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-15

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Delay Sought
In Tax Cuts
Foreign Loans
Slow Redluction
By The Associated Press
Noting "dark clouds hanging ove
1 the world," Pep. Doughton (Dem.
N.C.) called today for delay ir
tax cuts "until we, know what our
foreign commitments and expen
ditures will bef"
'But Rep. Jenkins (Rep., Ohio)
declared that "just because of th
scare the President gave us a few
days ago, we are not at war witi
Doughton, who managed tax
legislation as Ways and Means
Committee chairman while the
Democrats controlled Congress
stepped into the leadership of the
opposition as the committee closed
two days of hearings.
Final Witnesses
The final witnesses were twc
under-secretaries of the treasury
in the Roosevelt administration
who joined Republicans calling
for a 20 per cent across the board
income tax cut.
They were Roswell Magill, now
a Columbia University law pro-
fessor, and John W. Hanes, fi-
nance chairman of the Hearst en-
terprises and the U. S. lines. Both
testified before the House Ways
and Means Committee.
Their position clashed head-on
with that of the Truman Admin-
istration. Secretary of the Treas-
ury Snyder yesterday asked the
committee to forget about tax cuts
this year and apply any treasury
surpluses to debt reduction.
EN publican Control
The committee, under complete
control of the Republicans, is
bound to approve a tax cut bill,
probably next week.
Magill and Hanes testified after
a stormy session in which Demo-
crats sought to open the commit-
tee hearings to witnesses from the
general public.
On a strict party-line vote, the
committee rejected 12 to 5 a mo-
tion by Rep. Lynch (Dem., N.Y.)
that anyone who desired to ex-
press an opinion on taxes be al-
lowed to testify. Lynch contended
the two-day tax hearings were be-
ing limited to witnesses "invited"
by Chairman Knutson (Rep.,Min.)
VU Will Ask
Willow Vets
Improvements in the comfort
of Willow Village students and
their families will be recommended
to the Federal Public Housing Au-
thority by the University, Vice-
President Robert P. Briggs said
"We hope to receive the coop-
eration of the Housing officials
in making the improvements that
will be'suggested," he said.
He pointed out that "the Uni-
versity for some time has been
conducting a study with a view to
determining what might be done
to add to the comfort and con-
venience of students and their
families who live at Willow Run."
A series of recommendations, now
being prepared, will be presented
soon to the FPHA.

The University has been con-
sidering methods whereby the elec-
tricity load at Willow Village
could be increased. Electrical ex-
perts have been employed to sur-
vey the Village electric power sit-
The University statement is an
outgrowth of recent controvery
over an FPHA campaign to en-
force more rigidly the rules gov-
erning use of electricity by Vil-
lage residents. Residents have
protested the restrictions on the
grounds of "discomfort" and "in-
Vets' Checks
Are Held Here,
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Main Post Office for
the following veterans:
Brink, John Earl; Holstein,
Norman A.; Levy, Howard S.;

Soviet Calls

Truman Proposal

Threat to Greek, Turk Liberty;
Wide Loan Discretion Planned

FIVE STUDY 'FATEFUL HOUR' PROPOSAL -- Five top officials go into a huddle (March 13) in the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee room at the Capitol to study President Truman's "fateful hour"
proposal for aid to Greece and Turkey. From lef t are: Acting Secretary of State Dean Acheson,
Secretary of War Patterson, Sen. Arthur Vandenb erg (Rep., Mich.), committee chairman; Secretary
of Navy James Forrestal; and Sen. Tom. Connally (Dem., Tex.), committee member.

Building Halt
Seen Averted
Reach Compromise
On 'U' Construction
LANSING, March 14 -(4)- A
compromise by which construction
of new buildings at the Univer-
sity of Michigan and Michigan
State College may not be halted
reportedly has been reached by
Legislative finance committees.
The agreement was reported
reached at a conference of the
Senate Finance Committees and
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee with officials of Michigan
State College.
Under thecompromise the Leg-
islature would approve a Finance
Committee building.; bill (the
Bishop Bill) which provides no
funds to continue certain pro-
jects at the colleges, but those
projects "halted" would be fin-
anced out of funds in the next
fiscal year, starting July 1.
It was reported that Rep. John
P. Espie, veteran chairman of the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, condemned the Finance Com-
mittee plan for stopping certain
projects and insisted the Legis-
lature live up to a previous com-
mitment to complete the buildings.
President John A. Hannah of
MSC previously had charged that
a curtailment of the building pro-
gram would mean turning hun-
dreds of veterans out of the insti-
Qsud Addition
Ready in Fall
University officials announced
yesterday that it was "pretty cer-
tain" that the East Quad addi-
tion, now under construction, will
be completed in time for the fall
Designed to house 500 students
under ordinary circumstances,
"doubling up" will probably make
room for 700.
No date has been set for the
completion of the new women's
dormitory. Work on it has been
slowed by a shortage of labor and

Economic Groups Must Halt
Irresponsible Powers--Clark

Freedom will survive only if
the nation's conflicting economic
groups cease irresponsible use of
their powers Prof. John Maurice
Clark of the Columbia Univer-
sity's economic departipent de-
clared yesterday in the final 1947
Cook lecture.
The Government can help
achieve harmony by modifying
existing legal powers in the direc-
Review Ticket
Saes Continue
Music Depreciation
Show Set for Friday
There are a limited number of
tickets left for the Spike Jones
"Musical Depreciation Review,"
to be held at 7 and 9:45 p.m. Fri-
day in Hill Auditorium.
The tickets will be sold from 9
to 4 p.m. every day this week in
the Union, League and in Univer-
sity Hall. All seats are reserved,
and the exchange tickets may be
turned in at Hill Auditorium this
week for reserved seat tickets.
The time of the second show has
been changed from 9:30 to 9:45
p.m. to allow enough time to clear
the auditorium before the second
show. Those attending the 9:45
show should not arrive before
S:20, according to Betty Pritch-
ard, publicity chairman,because
the auditorium will have to be
emptied in order to avoid con-
The "160 minutes of musical
madness" is being presented by
Panhellenic Association to raise
funds for the University of Michi-
gan Fresh Air Camp. The pro-
gram will include most of Spike
Jones' favorite recordings.
Helen Greco is song stylist with
the band, and the vaudeville acts
in the review will feature comedy
juggling by Bill King, tap danc-
ing by the "Slickerettes," and acro-
batics by Bettyjo Huston.

tion of more equal bargaining
power, he said. Such modification,
he stated, would not mean de-
struction of union power-merely
curbing it short of supremacy.
Prof. Clark asserted that both
big unions and big business havel
become forms of unofficial gov-
ernment with coercive power and
need to view their actions in the
effect on the whole nation. He
also stressed the necessity for.
protecting individual union mem-
bers' rights within the union.
"Two of the greatest correctives
to economic conflict----the neigh-
borhood community and religion
-are waning in their power to
bring the conflicting groups to-
gether," he said. Man has become
a member of an economic group
first and an American afterward.
We must still learn the working
truth that a community is not
merely a source of benefit, but
one to which one owes obligations.
The lecture concluded Prof.
Clark's series of five entitled "An
Alternative to Serfdom."
Election Polls
Open Tuesday
Ballots To Be Cast
Under Tare PR Plan
Polls will be open from 8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Tuesday and from 8:30
a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday for the
election of 23 members of the Stu-
dent Legislature and one student
member of the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics.
The voting for the legislators
will be conductedraccording to the
Hare plan of proportional repre-
sentation. Under this system each
voter must number his choices in
order of preference, although he
may vote for as many candidates
as he pleases. The quota of bal-
lots necessary to elect a candidate
is approximately the total num-
ber of ballots cast divided by the
number of positions to be filled.
If a candidate receives more
than the necessary quota of bal-
lots, after they are distributed
into piles for each candidate ac-
cording to the first choice of each
voter, the excess ballots are re-
distributed to the candidates in-
dicated next in order of prefer-
ence. Candidates receiving the
fewest ballots are eliminated and
all of their ballots are redistrib-
This process is continued until
the full number of Legislators have
been elected.
Vets File 183
Check Gripes

Congress Set
For Speedy
Committee Arranges
Hearings Next Week
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, M a r c h 14 -
-A plan giving President Truman
wide discretion in using the $400,-
000,000 he seeks for bolstering
Greece and Turkey against com-
munism was studied today as both
branches of Congress arranged
for speedy action.
The House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee'set public hearings for next
The Senate Republican Confer-
ence approved a work schedule
designed to produce a decision on
the question by March 31, al-
though leaders privately expressed
doubts that action could be com-
pleted that soon.
Bill for Monday
Rep. Eaton (Rep., N.J.) chair-
man of the committee, said he ex-
pects to have a bill ready for in-
troduction Monday. Calling for
its consideration on a non-parti-
san basis, he declared he is not
worried about politics "but I am
worried about the United States in
a world that is full of hell."
While waiting for the House to
act first, Senator Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.) began compiling a
list of questions on all phases of
the historic diplomatic move. He
said cabinet members will be asked
to answer them fully when they
appear before the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee which he heads.
Misunderstanding Cited
Ohe-question, raised by Sena-
tors Taft (Rep., Ohio) and Jen-
ner (Rep., Ind.) is whether top
government officials knew of the
impending Mediterranean situa-
tion as long ago as last October.
The State Department later is-
sued a denial of this. Prezs Offi-
cer Lincoln White told reporters:
"There is obviously a misunder-
standing about what the British
told us.
"The British have for many
months indicated that they de-
sired and proposed to withdraw
troops from Greece as soon as
they possibly could. Mr. Bevin and
other British officials have said so
publicly in Comm. 'is, at the Unit-
ed Nations and elsewhere.
'However, the British note of
Feb. 24 was the first notification
received by this Government that
the British Government was
forced to withdraw financial and
economic aid as of March 31 to
the Greek Government.
White noted that the British
statements about withdrawing
troops dated back to 1945, but
he said none referred to an in-
tention to wind up economic as-
sistance by March 31.

Senate Opens
Debate Today
On Portal Pay
Ban on Suits Called
Wagner Act Threat
WASHINGTON, March 14-(iP)
-The Senate opened debate today
on a bill to outlaw present and fu-
ture portal pay suits with two
Democrats protesting it would
"cut the heart" out of the Wage-
Hour Act and Senator Taft (Rep.,
Ohio) declaring "it would do noth-
ing of the kind."
The Democrats, Senators Mc-
Carran (Nev.) and McGrath
(R.I.), offered a substitute which
would wipe out the nearly $6,000,-
000,000 of pending suits but leave
future portal pay claims to labor-
management negotiations.
McGrath said this would "serve
notice on employers of the country
that they should have an under-
standing with their employers as
to what constitutes a day's work."
Senator Lucas (1Il.), Democra-
tic whip, predicted strong support
for the McCarran-McGrath sub-
stitute among members of his
party and said some Republicans
also plan to vote for it.
But Taft, chairman of the GOP
Policy Committee, said Republi-
can leaders will oppose any ma-
jor changes in the bill approved
by the judiciary committee.
It would outlaw all portal suits
except claims based on contract
provisions or industry custom. It
is substantially the same as the
measure already passed by the
The Senate expects to reach the
voting stage on Monday.
Mt. Clemens
Case Appealed
DETROIT, March 14-(/P)- The
Mt. Clemens Pottery Co., case,
pattern for nearly $6,000,000,000
in portal -to-pobrtal pay claims
was appealed to a higher court
again today.
Counsel for the pottery work-
ers asking a hearing in the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals
at Cincinnati, O., first step in any
appeal to the Supreme Court.
Frank A. Picard, U.S. district
judge here, dismissed the Mt.
Clemens suit last month, ruling
that the employes were not en-
titled to portal pay.
It will be the second trip for the
complicated case through the le-
gal mill.

ministers' agenda, but Marshal,
refused unless China could par-
(A Nanking dispatch said the-
Chinese foreign office sent iden-
tical notes to the four powers in
Moscow, objecting to any discus-
sions of China's internal affairs
either officially or outside the
Foreign Ministers' Conference.)
Urges Immediate Action
Molotov urged the ministers to'
take immediate action on estab-
lishing central trade unions and
central political agencies before
taking up economic questions in
He was blocked immediately by
British Foreign Secretary Bevin.
who declared coldly that he had
not come to Moscow to place his
government in a costly position.
He said the British wre ready
to lay figures on the table show-
ing the amount- of reparations
taken from Germany and that
Britain expected the other powers
to do the same.
Evade Direct Answer
Molotov evaded a direct answer
to Bevin's request for reparation
figures. The British consider the
information essential to discus-
sions of questions of a unified
The Western delegations fear
the Russians have taken so much
from the Eastern zone that an
economic merger would bring ad-
ditional financial burdens on the
Western powers.
Student Has
Meter 'Blues'
Even though a parking meter
may look like the perfect spot to
drop extra pennies, a University
student found out yesterday that
an Ann Arbor city ordinance re-
stricts their use to a driver of a
car or his agent.
"Students should realize that
they can't put coins in a parking
meter the way they would in a juke
box," Chief of Police C. M. Enke-
mann said shortly after a student
received a suspended sentence
from Municipal Judge Jay H.
Payne after pleading guilty to il-
legally inserting coins in a meter.
The Chief added that he has had
several cases in which a passer-
by has become so sympathetic
with the driver of a car that has
been ticketed for overparking that
he has filled up the empty meter
This action does not save the
driver from paying his fine; it
only embarrasses him, the Chief
pointed out, since a driver has a
perfect right to be annoyed when
he returns to find his car ticketed
and standing next to a full park-
ing meter.

Marshall Outlines Plan
For German Democracy
U.S. Acknowledges Receipt of Soviet Note
Pressing for Three-Power Talks on China
MOSCOW, March 14 --(P)- Secretary of State Marshall, in an
oblique attack on totalitarian government, laid before the foreign
ministers today a pointed outline of American concepts of democracy
and how they should apply to a democratic Germany.
On the question of China, the United States acknowledges form-
ally receipt of a note from Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov pressing
for informal British-American-Russian talks but gave no answer.
Prospects dimmed for such talks with a representative from
China present. An authorized source said the Chinese were almost
certain to reject an invitation to attend. Molotov had asked origin-
_ally that China be placed on thr

IzveStia Hits
Move as Short
Circuit to UN
Charges U.S. Hides
Imperialistic Plans
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 14-Izvestia
the most authoritative govern-
ment newspaper in the Soviet Un
ion, charged today that President
Truman's proposals for aid to
Greece and Turkey were a "fresh
intrusion" threatening the inde-
pendence of those two nations and
short circuiting the United Na-
The two-column editorial,
which was the first extended So-
viet reaction to the President's
message to Congress asking fo
$400,000,000 to fight any totali-
tarian subjugation of Greece and
Turkey, created excited interest
Samong visiting delegations to the
Foreign Ministers Council in Mos-
Didn't Await Report
In his desire "to act over the
head of the U.N.", Izvestiader
dlared, Mr. Truman "did not even
consider it necessary" to await the
report of the special United Na-
tions inquiry commission sent to
Greece to investigate her troubles
on her northern borders.
He also did not take into ac-
count the sovereignty and inde-
pendence of Greece and Turkey,
the paper said.
Greek Sovereignty
"In fact, what will remain of
Greek sovereignty after American
military and civilian personnel
have sat on the heads of the
Greek leaders and when that per-
sonnel begins administering in
Greece with the aid of 250,000,-
000 American dollars brought into
that country?"
"American 'assistance' to Tur-
key is obviously aimed at putting
this country also under United
States control,, after which one
would not be able to speak of the
independence of the Turkish home
and foreign policy, since this pol-
icy would be directly controlled
by American imperialism," Izves-
tia went on.
Smokescreen Charged
Charging that talk of "Ameri-
can responsibility" in saving Tur-
key and Greece from "expansion
on the part of the so-called 'total-
itarian states'" was but a smoke-
screen to hide plans for expan-
sion, Izvestia said such talk was
not new.
"Hitler also referred to the Bol-
sheviks when he wanted to open
the road. to conquests for him-
self," Izvestia said.
Poland Hit By
Food Shortage
Four Million Slashed
From Ration Lists
WARSAW, March 14-(R)- The
Polish Government today ordered
the slashing of at least 4,000,000
persons off its rationing lists in
a desperate attempt to conserve
supplies in a food crisis that
UNRRA officials said would soon
see the average Pole getting less
to eat than the Germans.
Persons on the list have been
obtaining essential foodstuffs at
a government fixed price far be-
low the free market.
The officials said that the pri-
mary hope for the Poles, whose
food needs will become increasing-
ly critical until harvest time, rests
in the United States.
The crisis threatened to reduce
the daily average consumption

level to 1,100 calories. (The ration
in the U.S. zone in Germany is
1,550 calories daily. It is higher
for workers in heavy industry.)
Passport Rule Set
For 'U' Students
Any University student wishing
to secure a passport in order to

New Semi-Literate Machine
Designed To Read Patterns'
WASHINGTON, March 14--OP) As the drum rotates past photo-
-Now the scientistshave come up electric cells, the black paper pat-
with a device which "reads out terns, mounted on a white back-
loud." ground, :interrupt the light pat-
They say it may be possible terns of the cells.
to have the instrument read to a This breaks the light beam into
blind or handicapped person or to a series of signals, regulated by the
people "just too plain lazy to read." shape of the pattern. These sig-
This robot-reader was develop- nals operate a "voice box," called
ed in the Bell Telephone Labora- "Voder."
tories.hAppropriately for anrin- The patterns represent the var-
fant, the choice for its first reci- iu onso peh uha
tation tonight was: "Mary had a ios sounds of speech, such as
little lamb, its fleece was white as syllables and words.
,, "1Buzzing 'Sound

World News
By -The Associated Press
-The House Labor committee to-
day unanimously ordered an in-
vestigation to determine whether
some witnesses- lied to it during
hearings on general labor legis-
-* * *
WASHINGTON, March 14-The
CIO Executive Board named a
three-man committee today to in-
vestgiate charges of pro-Commu-
nist leadership in the mine, mill
and smelter workers union.
ASUNCION, Paraguay, Marc
14-CTheGovernment of Para-
guay, faced with an Army revolt
in the northern part of the na-
tion, declared tonight that
troops from the bloody Chaco
region had remained loyal, al-
though rebel forces in Concep-
cion said in a radio broadcast
the Chaco forces had joined the,
The government said its
trops a drawn n. n , nnn-itp

Student Invents Time-Saver,
Sells Electronic Baby Sitters

D. Roger MacNaughton, '47E,
has built the answer to the prob-
lem of keeping Junior watched-
the electronic baby sitter.
The apparatus consists of a mi-
crophone which is placed beside

Vand do nothing," he said. "With
the electronic baby sitter, if the
baby is going to be quiet all eve-
ninganyway, no one's time is
MacNaughton said there is
nothing "radically new" about his
_nn',- ;+Y 111, + e_ ;"+ i

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