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March 14, 1947 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-14

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FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1947
'FO rty-Niner.
First Soph Prom Since '42
To Feature Chester's Band

srR.4IVA U.l .I IN 5til JJliIL.I PAGE FIVR


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The class of '49 will present the
'Forty-Niner Ball," the first soph
prom to be held since 1942, from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the
Union Ballroom.
Bob Chester, who played for the
soph prom in 1940, will provide
the music, with Carl Rowlan on
the vocals. Chester, a former tenor
Student Magician
Will Entertain
At Casbah Today
The Campus Casbah will fea-
ture magician, Lyle Albright, as
the special attraction this week-
Albright is a graduate student
in the university. He is a regis-
tered member of the Interna-
tional Brotherhood of Magicians
and well known for his magic.
His special act of the evening
will be to swallow razor blades.
First Albright swallows razor
blades, then a piece of string. He
next pulls the string up with the
razor blades attached.
Another of his acts will be mind
reading. He will call members of
the audience up on the platform to
help him.
Al Townsend will present his
own special jrrangement of
"Darkness on the Delta." The song
will have a full band vocal. He
played it last semester and is re-
peating it in answer to the re-
Tickets for the Casbah are on
sale at the League desk. Dancing
will be from 9 p.m. to midnight
today and tomorrow.
House Committee
Will Meet Today
The Undergraduate House Com-
mittee of the League will meet at
5 p.m. today in the Garden Room
of the League.
Jean Engstrom, chairman of the
committee, stated that it is the
desire of the League that this be
a representative group to get va-
rious student opinion concerning
needed improvements.
All students interested in work-
ing on the committee are urged to
attend the meeting.
This committee operates as an
advisory group on various League
problems. It makes suggested im-
provements about such things as
the long lunch lines at the cafe-
teria and distribution of rooms.

-ax player, organized his owr
ix years ago in Detroit.
1In addition to playing
engagements in large citie
over the country, the band
appeared on radio prog
over every major network.
cording to Billboard Maga
Chester's "... Danceability
tient is 100 per cent."
Decoration for the semi-f
affair will center around an
old rush theme. Gold nu
:xes and cacti will cover the
f the ballroom, and a cc
vagon will provide the ent
,o the dance floor.
Women students will re
programs, and there will
large replica of the prog
over the band stand. The
room will be transformed
a mine shaft for the evening
a wishing well will complet
The "Forty-Niner Ball" is
vival of the soph prom hel
nually before the war. The
is open to members of all c
and tickets will be sold imr
ately preceding the dance a
Union desk.
Women students will1
1:30 a.m. permission 'for
dance. No corsages will
worn except by central com
tee members and their gue
Duke Dosier is general c
man for the boil and central
mittee heads are Polly Ha
finance; Al Sandmann, tic
Bob Bauer, patrons and progr
Bobbie J. Ream and Karl H
bach, decorations; and
Schoonmaker and Jack Pass
publicity. Patrons for thec
will include the parents of
central committee heads.
Michigras Plan
Meetings Today
The programs committei
Michigras will meet at 3 p.m
day in the ABC rooms of
All those who signed up
work with this committee as
as any other students wishir
work on Michigras progr
should come to the meeting
cording to Gwen Sperlich,
Students wishing to help or
booths committee of Michigra
asked to attend a meeting o:
committee at 5 p.m. today in
Rehearsal Room of the Leagu
Jerry Gaffney, booths co-c]

n band
es all
d has
. Ac-
n 1849
be a
e the
a re-
d an-
t the

Costume Ball
To Be Qiven
By West Quad
The West Quad will present
"Spring Fantasy," a "Beaux Arts"
costume ball, from 9 p.m. to mid-
night, Friday, April 18 in the
Union Ballroom.
Lee Stewart and his orchestra
will provide music for the dance,
the first costume ball to be pre-
sented on campus in a number of
years. Stewart will present ar-
rangements of such popular tunes
as "Stardust" and "Anniversary
Song "
Decorations Planned
Unique decorations have been#
planned by the committee. Hun-
dreds of balloons will float from
the ceiling to add to the Parisian
The dance will give students a
chance to use their ingenuity in
choosing costumes, according to
Fred Klein, publicity chairman.
Prizes will be awarded for the
best costumes.
Ticket Sales To Begin
Tickets for the dance, which is
this year's edition of a spring
semi-formal presented a~nnually
by the West Quad, will go on sale
next week.
Bud Weber, general chairman
for the dance, is assisted by Joe
Miller. Other committee members
are Fred Klein, Dave Thomas and
Jack Dietrick, publicity; Munroe
Taliaferro, tickets; Dick Benner,
finance; Chuck Burt, Josh Barnes
and Roger Roemisch, patrons, pro-
grams, chaperons and refresh-

FOR PLAY - The "fish-wife"
theme is introduced in this
beach coat. Made of Mexican
cotton print, it has a matching
sun-bonnet hood.



The weekend will be a full


with St. Patrick's day parties and
spring dances heading the sched-

Henderson Co-op Sororities
Is Memorial
, , Wi I IRush
To U Alumnae
Registration For I
Mary Bartron Henderson House Rushing Will Begir
stands as a permanent memorial
to the alumnae of the University Women may registe
of Michigan. formal rushing, which
Planned since 1937, the house next week, from 9 a.m.
was bought by the alumnae in the today and from 9 a.m. t
fall of 1945 to be used as a coop- morrow in the Undergr
erative house for qualified stu- fice of the League.
dents. Since then, alumnae groups T
have contributed money and gifts, The names of coeds
and plans are being made to re- not pledge will autom
model and enlarge the house as transferred from the
soon as building conditions per- the informal frushinge
mit. Alumnae groups work closely registering for the first
with the house as financial, so- be charged a $.75 fee.E
cial and general policy advisers. pe rusged must
pective rushee must 1
JENDERSON HOUSE gives to dence of her eligibility tc
sixteen women students who tion.
need financial aid, who have a All invitations will b
2.6 scholastic average, and whe telephone. Each sororit
are personally and physically fit pating in informal ru
an opportunity to learn the mean- hold one two-hour p
ing of cooperative living. Mrs. week. Rushees need no
Mary C. Bromage, Assistant Dean specific number of par
of Women, interviews interested Aligible to pledge. Soror
women and refers qualified appli- ing informally are: A
cants to the Personnel and Se- Omega, Zeta Tau Alph
lection Committee of the house pha Eta.
which makes the final selection. Alpha Eta is a local gr
The cooperative plan used in is colonizing on campu
Henderson House gives the resi- to become a national c
dents financial savings througl their sorority.
lower rates, and at the same
time gives them an opporunityT i
to lean to perform well all of D ance Ti(
the tasks which make up house-p
RkHE HOUSEHOLD work is di- Sales Beg 1
vided into a number of jobs
which are rotated so that each All independent wome
women performs a different task pus may purchase ticke
every day. The work is fitted into today in the League Lob
the schedules of the students so the door of the balLoo
that it never conflicts with classes, day for the League dan
Approximately ten hours a week is will be held from 2to
spent in housework. morrow in the League
Henderson House has a full so- The dance will featur
cial schedule which includes sic of Tom MNall and h
teas, faculty dinners, buffet sup- tra with Jackie Ward a
pers, and informal parties. The Miss Ward has been star,
residents can fix suppers or Casbah and has sung o
snacks for their guests, and they troit radio station.
may have weekend guests. Wom- All men on campus a:
en living in Henderson House to attend the dance as t
also have , an opportunity to of independent women.
meet the alumnae who fre- ments will be served a
quently drop in. supplied for those inte
According to Miss Patricia C. playing bridge. Coeds ar
Piatt, house director, Henderson dress informally.
House is an ideal unit for social This mixer is the fon
gatherings, and the residents have series of mixers spon
a chance to meet all the guests at endent coeds.
house functions. "Working coop-
eratively develops a close feeling
between the women and a strong
attachment for the house which is
more like a family than a dormi- p
tory relationship," Miss Piatt
Henderson House plays a part in The rehearsal schedul
student government organizations, Play will be as follows:
and the house president attend ' Saturday: Prologue, 2 1
the meetings of dormitory house I, scene 2; 3 p.m.; Act I
presidents. Any qualified students 1, 4 p.m.
interested in living in Henderson Sunday: Act II, scen
House are urged to see Mrs. Brom- p.m.; Act II, scene 1, 3:3
age at the Office of the Dean of
Women. Any coed who can play
inet, trombone, trumpet o
The WAA Basketball club will asked to call Doris Miller
hold an official rating meeting as soon as possible, acc
1:30 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour Dolores Massey, publicit
Gym. man for JG Plav.

field, ments; Lay Berry, Dick Hirn, John Kappa Sigma is planning an in-
dance Harlan, Frank Zagelmeyer and formal bridge party from 8 p.m. to
the Dick Clark, decorations. midnight today, and Victor C.
Vaughan house will hold a record
dance with special invitations to
Jb'U'U the nurses at Couzen's Hall.
E.FfDA.NILYW The parties for tomorrow are
f OF ICIA A~rmany and varied.
e of BULLETIN and Sigma Chi are planning
r1 to- informal record dances honoring
the St. Patrick, from 8:30 p.m. to
(Continued from Page 4)midnight. Zeta Beta Tau will give
for --~-~--the "Shamrock Shuffle" from 8
p.m. to midnight.I
well Delta Epsilon Pi, Musicale. 8:30 Kappa Delta sorority is holdingI
g to p.m., at the home of Father S. M. a record dance from 9 p.m. to mid-
rams, Sophocles, 1616 Brooklyn Avenue. nigfht to honor their pledges.
c- Steven's Cooperative house is
co- Class in Religion: 7:30 p.m., planning a house warming from 81
Russel Parlor. Dr. Lemon will p.m. to midnight, with students
n the speak on "The World's Question." from other cooperative houses in-
s are vited. Beta Theta Pi will hold a
s are Lutheran Student Association. bridge tournament from 2 to 4:30
' the Roller skating party, Lutheran p.m., and then an informal record
ithe Student Association Center, 1304 dance from 8pm.tlming.
e by Hill St. Those who do not wish dA PHImPSm.Oi givig
hair- to go skating may remain at the IGMA PHI EPSILON is givingt
Center where refreshments will be a 'Shipwreck' costume party
served after the group returns from 9 p.m. to midnight. An in-
from skating, formal record dance with a gam-
bling den theme will be held at
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Theta Chi house from 8:30 till
Tryouts for 4ll those interested in ternit. Theta Delta Chi fra-
participating in a dramatic skit featuring a local orchestra from 2
will be held at 4 p.m. All those in- peatinlar srr.
terested but unable to attend, p.m. till 7 p.m.
please contact Charlotte Kauf- Acacia, Adams house, Alpha
man, Assistant Dir'ector at 2-6585.Delta Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Mar-
tha Cook, Sigma Phi, Theta Xi,
and Delta Kappa Epsilon are
tomilg ventS planning informal record dances.
Research Club: 8 pAlpha Epsilon Phi will have an
Meearch Club: 8Ap.m.. Wed., open house from 3 p.m. till 5 p.m.
March 19, Rackham Amphiheati'e. Sunday, to honor their pledges.
Pagers by hv Prof.' W.P R.y Tgv uin

AVC Will Qive 'Spring Thaw'
In Union Ballroom March 21

n on cam-
s from 10
to 5 p.m.
by and at
m Satur-
ce, which
5 p.m. to-
the mu-
is orches-
s vocalist.
red at the
ver a De-
re invited
the guests
and cards
rested in
e urged to
urth in a
sored by
all inde-
e for JG
p.m.; Act
III, scene
e 2, 2:30
0 p.m.
the clar-
or tuba is
at 2-2547
ording to
y chair-

niformnal The University chapter of the
n Today American Veteran's Committee
will present its first semi-formal
r for in- dance of the year, "Spring Thaw,,'
will begin from 9 p.m. to midnight, March
to 5 p.m. 21st in the Union Ballroom.
o noon to-
aduate Of- Tickets are now available to all
members and may be obtained by
contacting Wally Heilbranner, Gil
who regis-Dancy or Leo Sacarny. Ticket sales
g and did will be opened to all students on
formaly be campus, from 9 to 11 a.m. and
f ormal tsfrom 2 to 4 p.m. Monday through
ist. Coeds Friday, on the Diagonal, in the
time will League and te University Hall.
Each pros-a
bring evi- Frank Tinker's orchestra will
o registra- provide %music for dancing in a
winter to spring background.
e made by One half of the ballroom will
ty partici- feature a snow motif, fading at
shing will
arty each
t attend a
ties to be
ities rush-
Alpha Chi
i and Al-
oup which
s in order
hapter of

Sthefar end into one of full
A twenty minute intermission
program has been planned star-
ring Sonny Drews, star of numer-
ous war-time service shows. Door
prizes will be awarded, and wom-
en guests will be given souvenir
"Spring Thaw" has been
planned by the AVC social cam-
mittee as the first of an annual
series of spring dances. Bob
Wagner, AVC social chairman,
said, "We feel such activities
are a basic phase of AVC cam-
pus policy."
Women buy twice as many gifts
as men.



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- '- " ' . vv . . n. .LIay ,. o-
logical Survey of the Bikini Atom
Bomb Expedition"; and by Prof.
0. M. Pearl, "A Nilometric Papy-
rus." Admission limited to mem-
bers and guests.
Pi Lambda Theta. Spring initi-
ation, 4:45 p.m., Sat., March 15,
Union. Banquet at 6:30. Mrs.
Mary C. Bromage, assistant dean
of women, will be the speaker.
Economics Club: 8 p.m., March
17, 1ackhamnii Amphitheatre, Prof.
I. J. Wyngarden, Chairman, De-
partment of Economics, Michi-
gan State College, "Social Science
Courses in the Basic College in
Relation to Economics" Econom-
ics and Business Alministration
staff, graduate students, and oth-
ers are cordially invited.
A.S.C.E. open meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., March 18, Union. Mr. 0. L
Stokstad, Chief Soils Engineer for
Michigan State Highway Dept.
will present an illustrated report
on his investigations of Germany's
super highways and airports.
All women veterans interested
in bowling Sunday afternoon, call
Betty Pecsenye, 2-4471.
All women veterans are invited
to University Women Veterans
meeting, Mon., March 17, 7:30'
p.m., Michigan League.
Graduate Outing Club, Hike, 2:301
p.m., Sun., March 16, NorthwestE
entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up
before noon on Saturday at the
check desk in the Rackhan Bldg.
T'l l odern Poetry Club: Meet
ini League Monidayv evening.i Marcl )


thie 'oung erosiu eaters to
'cause it's a mere handful
of lastex, rayon and cotton that
keeps your figure trimn.. .
keeps you cool and comfy! Never-
roll waist ban, self-adjusting
crotch and garter guards that
stop stocking strain . . . are
extra specials! Small, medium
and large sizes.

l ,

$Z Q.95

Tweecld ld un and Tweedleec were models
for this trim little JUDY 'N JILL suit
designed for Easter parading and Spring-
time wear. Waist-leangth fitted jacket
with white pique collar and bow.
Junior sizes.


See how deverly Colleen points up a pretty hiplineI

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