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March 02, 1947 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-02

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Merger Seen as Contrilrtion
To U.S. Economic Stability



Dr. Donald Brand Is Na
Professor of Gegrap iy

Merger of the two most power-
ful labor federations in the coun-
try, the CIO and the AFL, would
be a sizable contribution to Amer-
ican economic stability in the
opinion of Prof. Clark Dickinson
of the economics department.
Proposal for consolidation of the
two groups was made in a letter
from AFL president William
Green at the meeting of the fed-
eration's executive council in Jan-
uary. The amalagamation pros-
pect seems to have been shelved
for the present, however, inas-
much as CIO inaction has been
taken by Green as a rejection
of the proposal. The combined
strength of the two unions would
be about 13 1/2million.
"Jurisdictional disputes between
unions competing for the labor
world have been the cause of
numerous major strikes with one
union attempting to boycott
another," Prof. Dickinson said,
"For this reason the American
public has had to contend not
only with labor-management dis-
putes but also with inter-labor
difficulties. The comparative un-
ity among British and Swedish
unions, however, gives us an ex-
agerated idea of labor harmony
abroad. Attention to splits in
Canada, Mexico, and pre-war Ger-
many, for example, would show
that American division is not so
unusual in world labor experi-
The National Labor Relations
Board has been charged with the
Job of conducting elections within
plants where CIO and AFL inter-
ests have conflicted to decide
which would represent the work-
ers but, according to Prof. Dick-
inson, these decisions have not
always been accepted by both un-
Prof. Dickinson declared that
the merger, if effected, would re-
unite two groups of unions which
have been going their separate
ways in the organized labor field
since 1936. At that time there
was only the American Federation
of Labor dominating the labor
By then, however, a committee
calling itself the Committee for

Industrial Organization had form-
ed within the AFL and adopted
more aggressive tactics in organ-
izing mass-production industries
than the AFL held proper. Fin-
ally the AFL issued an ultimatum
which this committee would not
accept, whereupon the Congress
of Industrial Organizations struck
cut on its own, Prof. Dickinson ex-
plained. .(
One of the major causal fact-
ors for this split was the diverse
manners in which the two factions
wished to be organized. The AFL
has committed itself more gen-
erally to organization by craft
or trade, while the CIO adheres to
industry-wide organization, that
is, all the workers within a given
industry, Prof. Dickinson said.
The two unions, Prof. Dickinson
pointed out, present certain di-
verse patterns of structure, per-
sonalities and ideologies which will
be difficult to reconcile. "Besides
the different bases of organiza-
tion," he declared, "this consoli-
dation presents the obstacle of
who would get the influential pos-
itions in the single union. Such
grand scale reorganization would
be certain to result in some offic-
ials either being reduced in power
or squeezed out of jobs altogeth-
The IO and AFL have also fol-
lowed quite different policies in
regard to politics, Prof. Dickinson
said. The CIO has attracted peo-
ple of leftist tendencies and has
looked more favorably on the la-
bor-party idea, he explained, while
the AFL has been less active inso-
far as affiliating itself with any
particular party is concerned, al-
though it does support its share
of lobbyists in the state and na-
tional governments.
"There are other internal fric-
tion spots such as per-capita tax
amounts to be paid union heads
which are* creating dissension
within union ranks continually
and which no doubt contributed
to the CIO-AFL spit," Prof. Dick-
inson stated.
Nevertheless, despite these many
many obstacles and the current
stalemate, Prof. Dickinson believes
a merger is not impossible and
would have a highly beneficial
effect on the country as a whole.

'BELOW DECKS' STAFF-Students comprise the majority of The Daily composing room staff this
year. Pictured above with Ken Chatters, shop foreman (extreme left) are (left to right) Bernard
Wright, Joe Marble, Sherman Poteet, Walter Leonard and Roy Gross.
Production Side Manned by Students

_ ,.

The statement in the masthead
of The Dailythat the paper is
"edited and managed by students
of the University of Michigan"
contains more truth than usually
meets the eye.
From the day in 1890 when The
Daily began, the editorial, sports,,
women's and business staffs have
been manned 100 per cent by stu-
dents. But this year the produc-
tion side of The Daily-type set-
ting, makeup and ad composition
is also largely student-operated.
Handle Skilled Jobs
These "below decks" student
members of The Daily set-up work
at skilled jobs during odd hours of
day and night and do their study-
ing on the run.
Radio Contact With
Pole Is Maintained
March 1-(IP)-Navy communica-
tions engineered a new achieve-
ment in the polar skies during this
Antarctic expedition, keeping in
almost' constant radio contact
with Washington over the conti-
nents and oceans between the cap-
ital and the bottom of the world.
The modern radio teletype and
the familiar staccato of the Morse
code have been the voice contact
between Washington and Little
America and have managed to
knit together an exploratory fleet
whose ships and planes were some-
times as much as 3,000 to 6,000
miles apart.
In the first 12 weeks the Mt.
Olympus communications depart-
ment handled 16,000 messages, in-
cluding official dispatches, 400
words news stories and private
messages topped by one marriage
proposal to which the .girl said

According to Ken Chatters, shop
superintendent, and veteran 'of
16 years with The Daily, the pre-
sent crew of student-printers is
of journeyman calibre.
"It takes several years of experi-
ence in the trade to become a good
printer or linotype operator; de-
pending on individual ability,"
Chatters said. Most of the stu-
dents on The Daily composing
room staff learned their trade in
high school, and one apprenticed
at The Daily during the summers.
Afternoon Shift
Bernard "Doc" Wright, ad com-
positor and lino operator worked
at The Daily before the war. His
job was interrupted by a 19-month
"holiday" in Belgium, France and
Germany, after which he returned
to thg composing room. Last
semester, Wright had the shift
from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. When asked
how he managed to eat, sleep and
go to school, he said it presented
quite a problem, but with his
classes scheduled in the after-
noons he managed all right, even
getting "a chance to see my wife
now and then." He is a, sopho-
more in the literary college and
now works on the afternoon shift.
Walter Leonard, a teammate of
Doc's on the, afternoon shift, has
been with The Daily for ten years.
He learned his trade on weeklies
in Iowa and Illinois and is a form-
er University enginering student.
Leonard recently purchased The
Chelsea Standard, weekly paper,
where he will take over as editor
and publisher in April.. He says
it has been a "life-long ambition"
to own his own paper.
Pre-Med Student
Roy Gross, news-makeup man
and linotype operator, started last
summer with The Daily. He
learned his trade working sum-
mers at the University Printing
Department. Gross, a pre-med
student, is carrying a heavy sched-
ule and intends to enter Medical

School in the fall. He said that
finding time to eat and sleep is
a big problem. "What makes,
things tough," he said, "is that I
live in Dexter, and they didn't
figure on me when they made out
the bus schedule." Gross has the
late night-early morning shift,
and manages to find transporta-
tion with a friend who works
nights at the Ann Arbor Press.
Joe Marble, junior in the en-
gineering'school, worked at The
Daily before the war. A linotype
and news make-up man, he
learned the trade in Colorado on
his father's newspaper. Marble.
who works on the night shift, hits
the books before going to work at
10 p.m. and sleeps in what free
time he has before his late morn-
ing class. He is a member of Alpha
Sigma Phi fraternity.
Sherman Poteet, another victim
of the graveyard shift, learned the
trade in high school at the age
of 14. Poteet is a sophomore here.
and finds it less difficult than his
colleagues to get along. "I just do
my school work between classes,"
he said.
New Yorkers to Have
8759 New Apartments
NEW YORK, March 1-(AP)-1t.It
won't be long now before 160,000
applicants begin to learn who has
hit the jackpot-a shiny, new
apartment-in Stuyvesant Town,
the nation's largest post-war hous-
ing project.
The first apartments will be
ready next fall and leases will be
signed about four months in ad-
vance. The project will not be'
completed until 1948.

Music Prograpt . .
A program of piano and violin
selections will be presented at 8
p.m. today in the International
Center, following the supper for
foreign students and friends at 7
p.m. in the Center.
The musical program is open to
the public.
* * *
Jewish Music Wek ..
In observance of Jewish Music
Week, a record concert will be
given at 8 p.m. today in the
B'nai B'rith Hil Foundation.
The program will consist of
"Schelomo" by Bloch, "Rhap-
sody in Blue" by Gershwin and
the Bruch "Kol Nidre."
Nursing Lecture .. .
"Trends in Nursing" will be the
subject of a talk to be given by
Emilie Sargent, director of the
Detroit Visiting Nurse Association.
at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the public
health school auditorium.
Open to the public, the lecture
will be followed by. a tea.
MCF Discussion ...
The Mgchigan Christian Fellow-
ship will hold a panel discussion
on the "Significance of the Reur-
section" at 4:30 p.m. today at
Lane Hall.
Filpts on Russia .. .
Two films, "Peoples of the
USSR" and "Soviet School
Child," will be shown at 4:10
p.m. tomorrow in Rc*ham
This is the fourth In a series
of movie programs presented by
the University Extension Ser-
vice Bureau of Vsual Education.
U' Will Enter
Hearst Contest
The University yesterday be-
came an entrant in the fifth an-
nual national oratorical compe-
tition sponsored by the Hearst
A total of 10,775 undergradu-
ates are eligible for the contest
which comprises two divisions-
the "junior" division for fresh-
men and sophomores and the
"senior" division for juniors and
Two students, who will repre-
sent the University in the Detroit
area contest, will be selected by
the speech department. They will
be awarded $50 U.S. Savings
Bonds by the Hearst newspapers
and will have a chance to compete
for other awards in the state, zone
and national competitions.
Subject of the orations, which
will be limited to six minutes, will
be "Patrick Henry, Patriot and
Jerry Pettit, former managing
editor of The Daily and now fea-
ture editor for the Detroit Times,
is in charge of the contest in,
this state.


Dr. Donald D. Brand who will
become professor of geography at
the University at the beginning of
the summer session, was the for-
mer head of the department of
anthropology at the University of
New Mexico.
Born in Peru, Dr. Brand received
his education in California, ob-
taining his bachelor's and doc-
tor's degrees in geography fromI
the University of California. Rrom
1929 to 1931 he was a field as-
sistant and traveling fellow in
peography in Mexico. He then
served as a teaching fellow in

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geography at the U
California, becoming
and lecturer there in
In 1934 Dr. Brand
University of New V
sistant professor o
geography, rising to
department in 1936,
professorship in 1939
took a two year leav
from the University o:
in 1944 to serve as c
rapher for the Smith
tute in Mexico.
Hold Those .


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