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February 27, 1947 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-27

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Limited Sale of Ball Tickets
To ContinueToday in League

There are only a limited num-
ber of ticketsleft for the annual
Assembly Ball which will be pre-
sented Friday, March 7, at the In-
tramural Building, and will fea-
ture the music of Tommy Tucker
and his orchestra.
According to Betty Spillman,
general chairman of the dance,
tickets willbeavailable to inde-
pendent women from 3 to 5 p.m.
today and tomorrow at a booth in
the League, or they may be pur-
chased from house presidents by
coeds living in dormitories. Assem-
bly membership cards, which must
be presented at the time of pur-
chase, may be procured at the As-
sembly Office, Room D, on tht
third floor of the League.
Stubs may be bought along with
tickets, which will entitle the
Coed Receives
Hinsdale Award
The Mary Louisa Hinsdale
Scholarship was awarded recentl-
at a dinner at Mary Markley
House to Gloria Birkenmeier, '47,
of Escanaba.
The scholarship, which has been
established by the Board of Re-
gents of Mary Markley House, was
awarded for the first time and1
will be awarded each semester
henceforth. It is presented on the
h nis of WhrIhip snd coopera-
tion and citizenship in the house
with speciai nempnasis given to ex-
tra-curricular activities.
The presentation was made by
Mrs. John A. Perkins, chairman
of the award committiee. The
scholarship is a semester residence

holder to purchase a boutonniere
for her date from members of Sen-
ior Society, who will be in charge
of the concession.
The affair, which will be semi-
formal, will be entitled "High Tide,"
and decorations will carry out the
underwater theme. Highlighting
the evening's entertainment, will
>e the coronation of "King Nep-
une" who will be chosen during
the intermission from ticket stubs.
Independent women are urged to
>urchase their tickets as soon as
ossible, since the sales will be
open to the entire campus, begin-
iing Monday.
Volunteers to work at Per-
ry Nursery school are needed
by the League Personnel com-
mittee. Those women inter-
ested should sign up in the
League Undergraduate office.
With several spring formals in
the offing, coeds can liven up old
gowns by adding easily-made pep-
lums. That perky look may be
had by lining the peplum material
with crinolin.

Dance Meeting
Will Be Held
WomenTo Volunteer Today
For Assistant Teacher Posts
Coeds wishing to act as assist-
ant teachers for the League Danc-
ing Classes are asked to attend
the mass meeting at 4:30 p.m. to-
day in the League Ballroom.
Plans for the classes will be
made at this time. Miss Ethel
McCormick, League Social Direc-
tor, will speak to the group. John
Guin, former Arthur Murray
teacher, who will instruct the
classes will also address the meet-
ing. Dance captains will be in-
Due to the large demand for
these classes there will be one class
for beginners and two for interme-
diates. The classes will be held at
7 p.m. Tuesday and 7 and 8 p.m.
Wednesday for an eight week se-
Activity credit will be given to
coeds acting as assistant teachers.
Women with perfect and nearly
perfect attendance will be placed
on a permanent honor roll of
dance classes.

Independent Coeds
Moy Buy Tickets
For Mixer Dance
All independent women on cam-
pus may purchase tickets this week
in the League lobby for the mixer'
dance to be held Saturday from 2
to 5 p.m. in the League ballroom.
This is the third in a series of
Saturday afternoon dances spon-
sored by league house women and
formerly limited to only those
coeds living in league houses.
All men on campus are invited
to be the guests of the indepen-
dent women for the afternoon.
These' mixers are comparable to
the "open houses." There will be
cut-in dances to favorite records,
card tables set up and cards sup-
plied for those interested. Refresh-
ments will also be served. Women
are urged to dress informally.'
All sophomores interested in
working on the decorations
committee for the Soph Prom
to be held March 14, are urged
to attend the meeting at 4:30-
p.m. today in Rm. 308 in the
Union. Those unable to at-
tend may contatt Bobby Jo
Ream, at 2-5618, or Karl Heim-
bach, at 2-1290.
Engagement Told
Mrs. Lucille McCoy of. Detroit
has announced the engagement of
her daughter Marjorie fBasselman
to Mr. George C. Wolfe, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George C. Wolfe of Beth-
lehem, Pa. Miss Basselman is a
junior in L.S.&A. and is affiliat-
ed with Alpha Delta Pi sorority.
Mr. Wolfe is a freshman and is
a member of Alpha Sigma Phi fra-


HAVE A BITE-Two-year old John Wayne Eceleston, Edgewater,
N. 3., offers a biscuit to Cinderella, toy poodle, at the annual show
of the Westminster Kennel Club in New York. .Cinderella is own-
ed by Alexis E. Pulaski, of New York.
Residence Rules for Women
Outlined by Judiciary Council

RIFLE CLUB will meet from 3'
to 5 p.m. today at the ROTC
Range. Members are urged to
attend this practice period, and
individual instruction will be pro-
vided as needed.
,t* * *
RCHERY CLUB will meet at
5 p.m. today in the basement
of the WAB.
This will be a practice period
New House Heads
Will Be Installed
Formal installation ceremonies
for newly elected presidents of
league houses and dormitories will
be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the
League Chapel, according to
Jeanne Clare, president of Assem-
bly Association.
Mrs. Mary C. Bromage, Assist-
ant Dean of Women, will address
the group after the oath of office
is administered. Miss Clare will
also give a welcoming address,
mentioning some of the policies
and responsibilities of house presi-
Immediately following the cere-
monies, which are held every se-
mester following election, the
group will have refreshments in
the League Grill.
Now oftI115 West Liberty

for archers. Everyone wishi
'join the club is invited to a
this meeting, and first sen
freshmen are eligible.
* * "
from 1 to 3 p.m. today i
Colesium for carnival pri
Members are asked to bring
over sweaters to this rehear
JG Play Notice
Junior women, eligible fa
tivities, may sign up this wi
the Undergraduate Office i
League to work on committe
.JG Play.
* * *
There will be a meeting
p.rp. today in the League I
coeds who would like to wc
the costume committee fo
Play. Those attending the m
must bring their eligibility
The problem of cleaning b
fur mitters can be easily re
by rubbing oatmeal or cornn
the fur, and then carefully 1
ing the grains from it.
B R A S 5 1 E R E


(Continued from Page 4)
West QuadRadio Club-W8ZSQ:
Meeting, 7 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 27,
Court Floor Study Hall, Adams
House. Election of officers for this
League House Dance Hostess
Gommittee: Obligatory meeting,
5 p.m., AB rooms, League. All girls
interested in working on the com-
mittee should attend.

Tea To Be Given

A faculty - students t e a, spon- Lithuanian Club: 7:30 p.m..
sored by Assembly and Panhellenic Garden Room, Michigan League.
Associations, will be given from Election of officershand program
3:30 to 5 p.m. today in the Rus- for year will be outlined. All Lithu-
sian Tea Room of the League. anians and Americans of Lithu-
The tea this week is in honor of anian origin are invited.
the English department. All fac-
ulty members and students are in- Art Cinema League and Inter-
vited to attend. Co-op Council present THE BAK-
Co-sponsored by Knights of Pythias and
International Brotherhood of Magicians
U Fri., Feb. 28 Adults . . . $1.20 .
Masonic Temple Children . . . 72c
8:00 o'clock P.M. Inc. Tax
o <*=">tc} > <-:ti t> <}- o>o<-t0< -< r'

ER'S WIFE, starring Raimu. Eng-
lish titles; French dialogue. Also
comedy short "Dirty Work" with
Laurel &Hardy. Thurs., Fri., Sat.'
8:30 p.m. Box office opens 2 p.m.
daily. Reservations phone 6300,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Coming Events
Geological Journal Club: 12
acoon, Fri., Feb. 28, Natural Science
Auditorium. E. S. Moore will speak
on the subject, ":The Origin of the
Pre-Cambrian Banded Iron For-
The Graduate Outing Club meet
for Winter Sports at 2:30 p.m.,
Sun., March 2, Northeast entrance,
.Vackham Bldg. Sign up before
noon on Saturday at the check
lesk in the Rackham Building.
ISC Tea Dance: 4:30 p.m., Fri-
day, International Center. Foreign.
Students and interested persons
are cordially invited to attend.
The Sunday Evening Suppers,
7 p.m. International Center. Res-
ervations are available at the Cen-
ter. Musical program.
Dancing Classes will hold regis-
tration at the League Ballroom at
7 p.m. Tues., March 4, for Begin-
ners, and at 7 p.m. Wed., March 5,
for Intermediates. A fee will be
charged for the eight lessons. Stu-
dents are advised to be prompt as
the classes are limited in size, and
admission will be by order of ap-
plication only. Coeds desiring to
serve as assistant teachers may
call 2-3639, or sign up at the time
of registration.

One necessity for each new
woman on campus, as well as for
all other coeds, is a thorough
knowledge of residence rules for
These rules are available to each
student in the form of a pamphlet
published by the Women's Ju-
diciary Couicil, and every coed is
responsible for knowing and ad-
hering to the campus regulations.
In addition to stating the clos-
ing hours which must be main-
tained by every organized coed
residence, the pamphlet contains
information concerning signout
rules, special permissions, late-
ness, and penalties for violations
of the various rules.
Late permissions for week nights
are obtained from the Office of
the Dean of Women, and must be
received before 4:30 p.m. of the
day for which the permission is
desired. House directors are au-
thorized to grant late permissions
on week-end nights, but they may
grant week-night late permission
only in case of emergencies arising
after the closing of the Dean's
Any lateness must be made up
at the rate of five-make-up min-
utes per minute of lateness, on
the Friday or Saturday night
following the lateness. For ex-
ample, a coed who is two minutes
late is required tO sign in at, or
before, 12:20 p.m..on the Friday
or Saturday following the late-
A lateness of less than 15 min-
utes beyond any late permission
whether an individual permission
or a late permission granted for
all those attending a certain cam-
pus event, must be made up at
the rate of 15 make-up minutes
per minute lateness.

All latenesses of 30 minutes or
more, or of 15 or more minutes
after a later permission, is con-
sidered a violation of house
rules and the *ffender will be
brought before the Judiciary
Council for a consideration of
her case. This group has the
power to inflict social probation,
for a stated number of days, de-
pending on the extent and cir-
Ā¢umstances of the violation.
When a coed is late, when she
makes up time, or when she is on
social probation, she must circle
the time of signing in on the sign-
All house rules apply not only to
undergraduate women., but also to
graduate coeds living in under-
graduate houses. Copies of the
house rule booklet may be ob-
tained in the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League.
International Ball
Date Set for April


Hornburgers . .Milk ... Soft Drinks
Phone 2-6(Q6 .. 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Except Sat.





The International Students
Committee has set April 25 as the
date for this year's International
Following the policy of the past
few years, proceeds of the Ball
will go to the Emergency Fund for
Foreign Students.
, The Fund supplies aid to foreign
students who for some reason need
tempgrary financial aid.
A colorful event, the Ball is at-
tended by many foreign students
in their native costumes and fea-
tures a floorshow with foreign en-

Open 10 A.M. to I AM.


.25 $



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