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February 27, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-02-27

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Labor Spokesman

' IS UNFORTUNATE that Victor Reuth-
r's rather eloquent proposal of state so-
,lism last Tuesday night on the Student
wn Hall platform was not adcquatcly at-
ked. Reuther's presentation of labor's
wpoint on the wage-price issue and his
ggestions for a stabilized economy amount-
, in effect, to a plea for state control of
r national economy.
Mr. Reuther has evidently lost faith in the
e enterprise economy which has made
e American standard of living permanent
the world. Now that we have achieved
paralleled national living standards,
uther wants to discard our free system,
rich alone has made those standards pos-
le, in favor of so-called "Labor-Manage-
tnt- Consumer Councils", to dictate wag-
prices, production levels and profits in
ery industry. Reuther defines this pro-
ss using the ambiguous term of "democrat-
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

In rationalizing a defense for his thesis,
Reuther cited the tremendous war-time pro-
duction record of the United States, yet he
conveniently disregarded the fact that our
output was possible only because of the in-
dustrial potential which was built up under
an economy impelled by the profit motive.
During the war we matched idle men with
idle machines, so why can't we do the same
thing in peace-time? Reuther asked. The
answer is obvious. During the war the capi-
tal investment was supplied by the govern-
ment, while in peace that capital must come
from private investors who are seeking pro-
Throughout his speech, Reuther neglected
the importance of the profit motive, which
is the keystone of our free economy. Prof.
Sumner Slichter, of the economics depart-
ment of Harvard University, says that pro-
fits are the lubricant of our economic sys-
Without that lubricant our free enter-
prise economy will rust and break down.
Then the only alternative is some degree
of communism.
--Stu Finlayson
-Clyde Recht

Management Speaker

rt Indifferent

R. ANDREW COURT is a champion
A statistician in the Labor Economics
Section of the General Motors Corporation,
Court, in a debate here Tuesday with Victor
Reuther, educational director of the UAW-
CIO, discussed as little as possible the issue
at hand, Wages and Prices in a Stabilized
Econoiy, and attempted instead to prove
hat the CIO adding machines were brok-
In answer to a query by Reuther as to
why GM had refused to open their books to
he government fact finding committee in
he recent GM-UAW dispute, Court hinted
broadly at secret collaboration between the
J. S. Department of Commerce and the Au-
o Workers Union in preparing the investi,
ration reports,
Court quoted Robert Nathan and Karl
Marx to show that wage raises and di-
vided profits would lead to unemployment,
but when asked by a member of the audi-
ence if he knew any way to prevent de-
pressions in our capitalistic society, he
passed it off lightly saying, "If I did, I'd
be a millionaire."
Court, early in the evening advocated more
production as a solution to our economic
problems. He was asked again in a question
from the audience that if this was so, why
lidn't industry produce to capacity. "Can't
et steel", Court answered shortly.
Reuther pointed out that although short-
ages did contribute to slack production, there
vas no shortage of steel in 1932, and in-
lustry was not producing at capacity.
Consistently wise-cracking his way
around important and leading questions,
Court was caught up sharply when Reuth-
er commented that if we could joke our
way through the problem there would be
nothing to worry about.
It is to be hoped that the indifference to
he pressing wage-price problem apparent
n Court's statements Tuesday, is not the
'eflection of an indifference felt by the in-
lustry which he represents.
-Naomi Stern

No Solution Offered
NDREW T. COURT'S testimony on in-
dustrial management's behalf in the
Student Town Hall discussion hardly gave
management's case against organized labor
much support. The General Motors spokes-
man had to satisfy himself with a negative
stand while his more eloquent opponent,
Victor Reuther of the UAW-CIO carried the
issue to him on almost every count.
Court, who must be given due credit as
an exhibitionist, wasn't able to resolve any
concrete argument throughout his lecture;
it wasn't clear exactly what convictions he-
had until forced into a stand by queries from
the audience in the concluding open forum.
If it might, then, be called a conviction, his
main point of contention seemed to be that
since history has shown all depressions pre-
ceded by wide-scale wage increases, there-
fore these same wage increases were unmis-
takably the prime causes for depression.
Yet, for the most part Court was on
the defensive and frequently resorted to
such weak defenses as, belittling and gloss-
ing over Reuther's inescapable charges.
This was particularly true in regard to the
economic figures studding Reuther's testi-
mony which Court passed off as menda-
cious. Whether they were or not is not
known but certainly it's no argument just
to condemn facts without going a step fur--
ther and offering abetter plan than the
one behind the facts in question,
Any such constructive proposals were no-
ticeably lacking from Court's discussions. He
failed to show any concern for future econo-
mic betterment or the necessity of finding a
program that will lead us away from instead
of toward the economic disasters of the past.
Instead he merely sidestepped the real points
and contented himself with citing narrow
cases to dispute Reuther. The only things
he did concede were some of Reuther's very
arguments. Court's statements contained
more praise for Reuther than one would ex-
pect from a management representative. It
couldn't help but appear that either he was
covering for his own feeling of inadequacy
or else was making Reuther out as the excep-
tionally reasonable labor spokesman and
therefore not truly representative.
Perhaps Court was fully justified in ex-
pressing doubt in labor's answer to economic
needs but a defense without some sort of
offense to lend it weight is never effective.
The regrettable thing was that he had no
solution. That in the long run is what is
needed, not just a negative attitude toward
the proposals of others.
--Bruce Schwartz

'Fire Brigade'
W ASHINGTON, FEB. 25-Something very
close to panic is beginning to seep
through the sectors of the Administration
most closely in touch with the foreign situa-
tion. The reason is simple. Progressive
economic and political deterioration, such
as was dramatically described in a report
from Greece in this space two days ago,
is becoming more and more widespread
abroad. The tempo of deterioration has al-
so increased abruptly, as a result of such
unforeseen tragedies as the British coal cri-
sis and the freezing of the French winter
wheat in the ground.
An explosion at a key point like Athens
(which the above-mentioned reporter Indi-
cated might occur in a matter of weeks) is
now quite capable of setting off a series of
explosions at other key points. The process
might take a long time. But in the end,
where the Western nations once presented a
fairly solid front to Soviet expansion, such
a series of exposions would leave little bet-
ter than a political vacuum.
The political deterioration going on abroad
has its origin,in poverty, hunger and devas-
tation. Under Secretary of State Will Clay-
ton gave half his time last week to telling
Congressional leaders about the $350,000,000
post-UNRRA emergency relief appropria-
tion for Greece, Italy and other acute defi-
cit areas. This country is morally commit-
ted to provide the money, and Senator Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg has said as much on
behalf of the Republicans. The proposed ap-
propriation is a mere palliative drop in the
bucket. Yet the Republican economizers
gave Clayton such a hostile hearing that
even the fate of the relief appropriation is
doubtful. Meanwhile, the contagion is al-
so spreading from Capitol Hill to govern-
mental agencies like the Export-Import
Bank. William McChesney Martin Jr., and
the other little men who compose the Bank
Board are suffering from a severe attack
of Republicanitis. They now obstruct most
State Department efforts to use bank funds
in crises on the ground that bank loans
must be "financially sound."
On the one hand, in short, there is
American governmental paralysis. And on
the other, there is a broad panorama of
acute danger which should make it diffi-
cult for any American to sleep well at
AN EARLIER REPORT in this space from
Ankara suggested that the Turkish gov-
ernment might soon be undermined by the
economic strain of keeping 600,000 men un-
der arms to counter Soviet pressure. Greece
is in even more immediate danger, and from
the same pressure. These are the keys to
the Middle East. If either Greece or Tur-
key ever falls within the Soviet orbit, the
British Middle Eastern position will be-
come indefensible. In Britain, meanwhile,
the coal crisis has glaringly revealed the
probable inadequacy of the American loan
to put the British economy on its feet. And
the grinding misery of the people has pro-
voked areat national debate over the wis-
dom of continuing the cruel struggle to act
as a great power.
In France and Italy, where the Commu-
nist parties are gaining strength, the re-
percussions of a great Soviet gain in the
Middle East will also be impossible to cal-
culate. And the same dangers repeat
themselves elsewhere, monotonously, in
almost the same pattern.
AT THE OTHER extremity of the land
mass of Europe and Asia, the process
of deterioration is also working with fright-
ening rapidity in China. The inflation is
progressing at a fantastic rate. Despite
strong pressure from Secretary Marshall,
the Export-Import Bank has managed to tie
up the long-promised $500,000,000 American
credit to China in a hopeless tangle of red
tape. If no American help is forthcoming,
the strongest man in the government, Dr. T.

V. Soong, has already privately declared that
he would abandon his thankless task in a
few months. In this event, China will sim-
ply explode, just as Greece now threatens to
What needs to be done is fairly obvious,
The World Bank must be revived from its
present catalepsy. The board of the Ex-
port-Import Bank must be taught a sharp
lesson that its business is to serve American
policy. Somewhere in the Administration,
authority to cope with all the related crisis
and near-crisis overseas must be concentrat-
ed in a sort of politico-economic fire brigade.
Congress must be asked to provide this fire
brigade with a very large sum of money, ei-
ther as an addition to the Export-Import
Bank's diminished resources or in some oth-
er form. And with these funds we must first
buy a lkttle 'time and then join the World
Bank in the complex, long-range task of
fundamental economic reconstruction.
In the higher levels of the Administra-
tion, a debate is now in progress whether
to admit the existence of the" emergency,
offer some such program to Congress, and
fight the issue out on that basis. The de-
featism generated by such experiences as
Under Secretary Clayton's with the Repub-
lican economizers operates against any
bold decision. It is just possible that the
dangers described above may not in the
end materialize.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Tribune, Inc.)

t S
"Sorry, we're full. Have you tried the flophouse next ,door?"

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVER't letter to the editor
(which is sign~ed, 3004words or less
in length, and illgood taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
3100 words ,ac shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* e *
Defeds Minn. Daily... ,

To the Editor:
A FEW DAYS ago, reference was
made rather sarcastically to
the University of Minnesota's
Daily in regard to their achieving
the award of "best collegiate daily
newspaper." Further mention in-
cluded the fact that little national
news coverage was given. For my
part that's what I read The Daily
for--campus news and not world
news. Moat of the students can
get all the world news they desire
by reading the Detroit Free Press.
It's a paper, supposedly, for the
campus, so why not give the cam-
pus adequate coverage rather than
attempting to be reporter of world
news. As soon as The Daily be-
comes a collegiate newspaper, I'll
join with your opinion that The
Michigan Daily ranks in equal
merit with the Minnesota Daily
newspaper. Until then, I'll con-'
tinue to question The Daily's role
on campus.
Moremver, I believe I am justi-
fied i rsayingthat the bulk of
your readers live in fraternity
and sorority houses and in the
dormitories. Why not increajse
your coverage of the various ac-
tivities of these groups? I'm sure
you Would find a larger body of
students interested in the activi-
ties in these groups than in what
AYD, MYDA and ICC are doing in
their own left-handed sort of way.
What percentage of the student
body is interested in or holds
membership in one of the groups?
My opinion is that it is a very
minute minority, and that the
publicity they receive is all out
of proportion to their value on
campus or to the interested stu-
dents who wish to read of their
constant crusading. The Daily can
be improved !
-Kenneth S. Armstrong, Jr.
Editor's Note: Totaling the inches
of news copy in the three papers
we first laid our hands on, we
found: Saturday, Feb. 22 - Local
news, 267 inches; Associated Press
news, 38 inches. Tuesday,aFeb. 25-.
local, 191 inches; AP, 62 inches.
Wednesday, Feb. 26 - local, 282
inches; Al', 38 inches.
Poor Lost Soul ...

soldier was left free to formulat(
his ideals for a better world.
The soldier endured his fev
privations in silent cheerfulness
knowing his sacrifices would cer
tainly result in eliminating profi
teers. of all kinds, from the futur
world, which was just and easily
True, the citizen-soldiers' time
was going down the cQsmic drain
pipe. But his life was picayune
compared with the final pot o
gold which awaited him at the en
of the military rainbow--a tlete
world, at peace.
True, his health would be im
paired: his eyes blinded by ex
plosions. his stomach pierced b
lead, neck nicked by shrapnel. Bu
his health was expendable in orde
to attain a better world which wa
just around the corner.
With Herbert Hoover and Mi
Mayerson, we condemn a mer
cash bonus which would seem al
most obscene for putting a pric
tag on the priceless idealism c
every veteran.
Only Cold Cash Cynics wh
maintain "there was never a goo
war nor a bad peace" will suppo
Mr. Emmet Donnelly's demand fo
a Federal Bonus for Veterans.
Warmblooded lovers of a bet
ter world, which is just aroun
the corner, will say with M
!Ma yerson,
"We will live on our memorie
even without money."
-Pierce Coryell
Re: Sharpe Letter
To The Editor:

Letters to the I



(Continued from Page 3)
ust, 1946. The purpose of the Con-
ference was to gather outstanding
scientists and scientific groups to-
gether for the opportunity of dis-
cussing the natural resources and
scientific assets of the British Em-
Colonel Melvin Purvis, FBI
agent and author of "American
Agent" and "Under Secret Orders"
will be presented tonight at 8:30
in Hill Auditorium as the seventh
number on the Oratorical Associa-
tion Lecture Course. An authority
on crime and juvenile delinquency,
Col. Purvis will speak on the sub-
ject "Can We Lessen Crime in the
United States?" Tickets may be
purchased today from 10-1, 2-8:30
at the Auditorium box office.
French Lecture: Prof. Edward
Ham, of the Romance Language
Department, will lecture on the
subject: "Renart et les Croisades,"
at 4:10 p.m., Thurs., March 6, Rm.
D, Alumni Memorial Hall; aupices
of Le Cercle Francais.
Mr. Laurence Sickman, curator
of Oriental Art of the William
Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art in
Kansas City, will give an illustrat-
ed lecture at 4:15 p.m., on Fri.,
March 7, Rackham Amphitheatre.
His subject will be, "Archaeologi-
cal Research and Discoveries in
China During the War Years!'
The public is cordially invited;
auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts.
Academic Notices
Botany I Make-up examination
for students with excused absenc-
es will be given Thurs., Feb. 27, 7-
9:30 p.m., 2033 N.S.
History Final Examination
Make-up: Fri., Feb. 28, 4 p.m.,
Rm. G, Haven Hall. Students must
come with written permission of
History Language Examination
for the M.A. Degree: Fri., Feb. 28,
3 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary, and must register at
the History Department Office be-
fore taking the examination
Make-up Final Examination,
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 at
3:15 p.m., Thurs., March 6, Rm.
207 Economics.
Mathematics: Short Course in
Mathematics will be given this
year by Professor Steenrod. The
subject will be Fiber Bundles.
A meeting to arrange the hours
will be held at 5:30 p.m., Fri., Feb.
28, 3011 Angell Hall.
Algebra Seminar: 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
Feb. 28, 3201 Angell Hall. Miss
Davidson speaks on Frobenian
Mathematics: The Relativity
Seminar, 3 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 27,
3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Parks will
discuss "General relativity theory
without tensor analysis." Note
change in time.
Mathematics Seminar on Com-
plex Variables: 10 a.m., Sat.,
March 1, 3011 A. H. Mr. Gale will
speak on the Riemann mapping


Faculty Recital: Helen Titus,
Assistant Professor of Piano in the
School of Music, will be heard in a
program at 8:30 Sunday evening,
March 2, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Program: Beethoven's
Sonata, Op. 27, No. 1, Griffes' Ro-
man Sketches, Op. 7 Scenes from
Childhood, Op. 15 by Schumann,
and Sonata No. 3 in E by Finney.
The public is cordially invited.


The "Incas," an exhibition of 32
photographs by Life photographer,
Frank Scherschel, Ground floor
corridor, College of Architecture
and Design, current, through Feb-
ruary 28.'
Paintings by Charles Farr and
Gerome Kamrowski of the faculty
of the College of Architecture and
Design. Rackham Galleries, Feb.
24-March 14. Gallery will be open
from 10-12 a.m., 2-5.p.m. and 7 to
10 p.m.
The Museum of Art presents two
exhibitions:. Forty Modern Prints,
through March 2; and Painting
by George Grosz, through March
14. Alumni Memorial Hall, week-
days, except Mondays, 10-12 and
2-4; Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.

Events Today


Campus Mores: First Query.
Pleased To Introduce
OST INTERESTING to us of the scores
of questions submitted at Student Town
fall the other night was one asking,
"Who is that girl on the platform?"
"That girl" was Bette-Hamilton, chairman
f the meeting. Let this be her introduc-
fo, No, No!
N ENTHUSIASTIC English professor was
attempting the other day to make his
lass actually feel the spirit of the English
eople in the later part of the 18th century.
"What would you think," he asked, "if
ou were to go out here on the diagonal and
ee a woman, with a rope around her neck,
tripped almost naked, hitched to a cart and
eing beaten by two big huskies with clubs
nd lashes?"
A very small voicetin the back of the room
nswered, "She wrote for the Gargoyle".


University Radio Program:
1:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc., The Great Lakes Series,
"Backwoods Physiologist."
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc., World Masterpieces.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert sponsored by the
Graduate School will include
Beethoven's Piano Concerta in G
major, Prokofieff's Symphony No.
5, and Moussorgsky's Pictures At
An Exhibition. The concert is for
graduate students only and silence
during the program is requested.
Men's fencing classes: 4:30-5:30
p.m., Combat room, I. M. Bldg.
Foils and masks will be furnished.
La P'tite Causetts: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Russian Conversation Group:
Thurs., Fri., 2 to 3 p.m., Michigan
League Coke Bar. All interested
are invited.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12:15
P.m., Rm., 2054, Natural Science.
Mr. M. V. Denny of the
Mineralogy Department, will give
a slide talk on "Geologic Features
of Western United States," All in-
terested persons are invited.
Alpha Phi Alpha: Epsilon Chap-
ter, 7 p.m., Union.
The Modern Poetry Club: 7:45
p.m., League. See bulletin board
for room. Mr. Baker will discuss
"Difficulty in Modern Poetry."
Smoker: 8 p.m., Union; spon-
sored by Alpha Phi Omega. All
men formerly affiliated with the
Boy Scouts of America are invited.
This campus service fraternity is
open to affiliated as well as inde-
pendent men.
(Continued on Page 5)

To the Editor:
T SEEMS that I am duty bound
to warn a most unfortunate in-
dividual. He is one of those poor
lost souls who will need the help
of his fellowman throughout his
entire life.
I am referring to that misguid-
ed creature who stole my two
books from the downstairs coat-
rack in the law library. He ob-
tained the enormous sum of three
dollars and no sense. Thanks to
Wahr's my books were returned to
me when I identified them. The
loss was three dollars on their
part, time on mine, and worry for
the fellow who stole them, for per-
haps the person he sold them to
remembers him.
My sympathy goes out full fold
to this poor individual who needed
three "lousy" dollars so much that
he would put his whole college ca-
reer at stake for its sake. Surely a
higher education brings out man's
full possibilities and perhaps
some impossibilities.
.-Robert E. Albright
For a Better World ..
To The Editor:
Allen Mayerson, that all talk
about a Federal Bonus is misdi-
rected. The important thing about
the war is, Not the Cash which the
soldiers at Iwo Jima and Italy
failed to make, nor their time
irretreivably elapsed, nor their
chances lost.
. The important thing about the
war is the memories' which the
veterans salvaged from the war, to
be theirs forever. Let the profi-
teers toll their profits and loll on
Miami Beach. We veterans, both
in AVC and outside it, despise the
cold world of mere money. We live
in the warm glow of ideals for a
better world.
Our ideals were nourished by a
democratic citizens army, in which
no officer ever publicly proclaimed
himself to be better than any
The American Army tolerated
no discrimination between officers
and nurses. It gave absolute mili-
tary justice to all deserters appre-
hended. It never practiced mili-
tarism of the Prussian type.
With this Army trampling to-
ward a better world, the private

JN REPLY to Richard Sharpe's
"dull" analysis of AYD and
MYDA, I would merely like to
point out how inflamed his mind
seems to be with anti-Communist
slogans. It is time to take stock
of where the human race is going,
Mr. Sharpe, and certainly swallow-
ing the distortions of the Hearst
and McCormick press will lead us
tray-into a devastating war.
What is Communism? Rather
than fall prey to the usual con-
ceptions of this philosophy, e.g.,
that it is striving to overthrow our
so-called democracy and its insti-
tutions and replace it with a ruth-
less dictatorship, return to the or-
iginal works of Marx and Engels
and study what dialectical ma-
terialisin actually is. May I quote
a few sentences from Max Ler-
ner's "The Dozing American Tra-
"The great American tradition
was developed as part of a revolu-
tionary quest for the good life. It
now serves mainly the function of
consolation against the fearful re-
alities of life, a sedative against
the fretful and sleepless night of
the modern world."
What constitutes the revolu-
tionist is not absolute-it varies in
accordance with the problems and
conflicts of a society. Are you con-
tent to rest on the laurels of our
forefathers, to regress into our
pre-war state of smugness, to al-
low free speech and discussion, the
very life blood of democratic pro-
cedure, to be destroyed at the
hands of hysterical politicians? To
you, as to many others on campus,
I say, reexamine your "realities"
and help revive and redefine the
American revolutionary traditions,
lest you see your illusions shat-~
tered by more human destruction.
-Betty Goodman, '47
Former Secretary Morgenthau
has been charged with carrying
off some documents when he left
office. Carping critics say that
a departing official should take
nothing with hime but his hat,
coat, and fond memories.
-The New Yorker
+14L ,

In an extremely pleasing program'of lie-
der, Lotte Lehmann presented the ninth
concert of the current Choral Union series
last night at Hill Auditorium.
Miss Lehmann devoted her program to the
music of Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms,
Wolf and Richard Strauss. Singing with
almost perfect modulation and delicate care
and restraint, she chose a program of sweep
and beauty.
Always in control, Miss Lehmann produc4
ed particularly happy results in the Schu-
bert selections. Ranging from the wistful
sad beauty of Fruhlingstraum to the dra-
matic harshness of Die Krahe, she sang
throughout with feeling and sincerity.
In a happier vein, Beethovel's Der Kuss,
Schubert's Ungeduld and Wolf's Auf einem
grunen Balcon were gracefully delivered.
-Harry Levine
BEFORE THE NAZI WAR, there were a
hundred thousand Jews living in Amster-
dam. Today, there are five thousand. The
Gestapo merely cut the bridges of the canals
leading to the Jewish neighborhoods they

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students o
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
PaultHarsha.........Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ......,....City Editor
Milton Freudenhei ,Editorial Director
Mary Brush ...........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ............Associate Editor
Clyde Recit......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin ............ Sports Editor
Archie Parsons Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor
Lynne Ford Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork........ Business Manager
Nancy Helmick . Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press
Trhe Associted Press isexclusively

e Note

ELINQUENT students in the
school, we hear, don't flunk
chool. They flat out.
* * * *

out of


fLeave me get this sright, p.j

U s--e--l
SUnless, of course, you're wiling

it was a noble experiment. But t didn'f woik,

Vat, in the Text

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